Client first impressions can generate positive feelings
typically just after daybreak or just prior to dusk.
about the Sotheby’s International Realty brand.
Before shooting interior photos, public and work
Your office page on sothebysrealty.com provides an
spaces should be straightened up and cleaned, desks
opportunity to welcome clients to your company
organized, trash cans hidden from view and stickers
virtually, just as you would if they actually walked
and photos removed from windows and walls. When
through your front door. The page features 1 photo
composing interior photos, do not include people or
of your office as well as a brief description under the
animals and avoid distracting elements such as rest
headline, About This Office.
room doors or signs, cable bundles, worn carpeting, break rooms, wall defects and directional signs.
Office Photo File Specifications: •
2,000 x 1,200 pixels
First and foremost, the About This Office copy
Landscape only
should establish your company’s professionalism by describing the activities inside including the resources you have assembled, your organizational structure and how staff members work together to fulfill client objectives. Secondarily, you may wish to highlight
the physical aspects of your office that may enhance
Use the Home History Book, available through
your image. Examples would be its architectural or
Xpressdocs, to obtain information from
historic interest, design elements and location. You
the homeowner about the home. With the
also can use this section to briefly describe how you
homeowner’s permission, use this in
fulfill your commitment to your community, whether
the Owner’s Quote field.
through volunteerism or direct support of charitable organizations.
OFFICE PHOTOS Your office photos should reinforce the copy points and help illustrate your company’s personality. Exterior photos should be sharply focused, wellilluminated and include signage, whenever possible (as long as signage complies with brand standards). Before photographing your office, remove distracting elements including trash cans and vehicles. When composing exterior photos, do not include people or animals and avoid distracting elements including utility cables, electrical vaults, exhaust fans and satellite dishes. Select a time of day to photograph your office when illumination is even and warm,