Dear Friends Members of Friendship Baptist Church, We greet you and welcome you to our 151 Anniversary Celebration Service. We are honored to be the co-chairs of this historic moment in the new life of our church. Our theme for this occasion is Moving Forward in the Spirit of Christian Unity. Over the past weeks, we have had witnessed our theme in action, as we have worked together with our interim pastor and fellow members. We thank you all for the role that you played in helping to make this, our first year of the second half century a success. We are especially grateful to the chairs and co-chairs who provided the leadership for this month of activities. All of our pre-anniversary programs have been informative, enlightening and inspiring. Thank you for your support and your participation. As this church continues to be our foundation, strong in faith and spirituality, we can't help reflecting on our great legacy–our great history and our great heritage. Our traditions are incomparable. Our place among churches of diverse denominations is secure. For over 150 years we have been a beacon of light in religion, education and community activism. Friendship has a charge to keep and a God to glorify. We ask and pray for His continuing blessings on each of us and on His church, as we join hands Moving Forward in the Spirit of Christian Unity . Sinerely,
Reverend Dr. Emmanuel McCall Interim Pastor, Friendship Baptist Church
Dr. James Abbington, Co-Chair of the Naming of the Organ Program
Brass Quartet
Family members of Sammuel Woodrow Williams
Occasion by, Mrs. Billye Aaron She introduces family members of Sammuel Woodrow Williams below
Family members of Sammuel Woodrow Williams
Reverend Dr. William V. Guy Pastor Emeritus
Mr. Nathaniel Gumbs Guest Organist
The Friendship Baptist Church Combined Chiors
The Family of
James Edward Williams, nephew Michael Williams, nephew Conservella James, neice Alice Horton, James Aurtur Horton, nephew Damon Horton, Mack Roach, Debbie Roach, Hattie Diop, N
muel Woodrow Williams
Nathaniel Gumbs, Billye Aaron, former wife Dara Williams, granddaughter Victor Haydel, Emily Haydel, granddaughter Victor Haydel, grandson Ceci Haydel, daughter & Samuel “Butch� Williams, son
Mrs. Conservella James, Mrs. Billye Aaron & Mrs. Alice Horton
Mr. A. Nathanial Gumbs, Mrs. Billye S. Aaron, Dr. James Abbington & Mrs. Hennrietta Antoinin
Mrs. Linda Gulley
Rev. Guy, Mrs. Murttle Davis & Mr. Charlie Morton
Mr. & Mrs. Aaron host the reception honoring the Reverand Dr. Charles Adams, speaker for the One Hundred and Fifty First Anniversary
Mr. Donnald Bermudez is greeted by Mrs. Billye Aaron
Dr. Sheryl & Dr. Robert Francklyn are greeted by Mr. & Mrs. Aaron
Mrs. Florence Harris
Mr. Lloyd “Chip” Hawk, Ms. Kelli Layton, Mr. Abbington, Dr. William & Mrs. Pickard
Mrs. Ruby Lucas, Dr. Sheryl Franklin, Mrs. Jan Meadows, Mrs. Hennrietta Antonin, Mrs. Brenda Kennedy & Mrs. Dorthy Land
Dr. Franklin, Mr. Aaron, Mr. Bonhuer Broadnax & Mr. Bill Telfair
Mr. Aaron & Mr. George Hughes
Rev. McCall & Dr. Franklin
Mrs. Ruby Thomas, Mrs. Angela Sutton, Mrs. McCall & Mrs. Brenda Broadnax
Mr. Sunny Walker & Mrs. Aaron
Mr. & Mrs. Telfair
Mr. Abbington and His Mother Mrs. Daisy Ann Abbington
Mr. M.C. Moore & Mrs. Cair Gillis
Reverand & Mrs. McCall
Dr. & Mrs. Sam Cook with Mr. Aaron
Mrs. Tina Sutton, Mr. & Mrs. Broadnax
The Chef His Food was Delicious!
Mrs. Ann Pope & Mr. Broadnax
Mrs. Henrietta Antonin Co-Chair of the 151 st Anniversary
Mrs. Clair Gillis Lean the Lithany
Dr. Washington Associate Pastor
Reverend Dr. Emmanuel McCall Interim Pastor, Friendship Baptist Church
Mrs. Johnson Gives a Presentation
Judith Arrington Reverend Dr. William V. Guy is asked to stand
Brass Band playing God of Our Father
The Friendship Bell Chior
Mr. William Sunny Walker Doing the Appeal
Mrs. Billye Aaron, Co-Chair of 151 st Anniversary Introduces the Guest Speaker
Guest Speaker, Dr. Charles Adams
Special acknowledged guests greeted by Reverend Dr. Charles Adams
Mr. Aaron Greets Mr. Lamont Carr
Casey McDaniel is a filmmaker, producer, and director from Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania. Creativity in Film and Art is the key to Casey’s success. Owner and Creator of Caselove Productions, founded in 2003, Casey invokes her passion for telling her client’s life stories through her works. The name has become a trademark that represents the care she puts into every project. Casey currently resides in Atlanta, Ga where her works include documentary films, screenplays and photo journalism. Casey McDaniel, otherwise known as “Caselove” uses her talents as a photographer, videographer, graphic designer, writer, and editor to inspire others. A world renown photographer, Casey has traveled to Barbados, Spain, England, Germany, Denmark, and more. Casey holds her Masters in Fine Arts Degree in Film Production from Howard University.
Book composed and compiled by Casey McDaniel, Copyright © 2013 by the photographer Casey Elaine McDaniel and Caselove, LLC. Photography by, Quintin Jackson & Casey McDaniel Program Designs used in this book by, Studio Named Bermudez The book author retains sole copyright to her contributions in this book. Copies of this book can be obtained by contacting the number or web address below.
Photography & Book composed and compiled by Casey E. McDaniel & Quintin Jackson Copyright Š 2013 Caselove, LLC all rights reserved