Thomas White Redesigning the northern British landscape
By Deborah Turnbull and Louise Wickham (Yorkshire Gardens Trust) Aims to restore the reputation of Thomas White and his role in the evolution of English designed landscapes in the 18th century. This volume aims to restore the reputation of Thomas White, who in his time was as well respected as his fellow landscape designers Lancelot 'Capability' Brown and Humphry Repton. It focuses on White's known commissions in England and sheds further light on the work of other designers such as Brown and Repton, who worked on many of the same sites. This book makes available for the first time over 90% of the known plans and surveys by White for England. Also included are plans by White's contemporaries, together with later maps, estate surveys and contemporary illustrations to understand which parts of improvement plans were implemented. W INDGAT H ER P RES S Paperback • 9781914427008 • £39.99 • December 2021 288 pages • 185 x 246 mm • b/w & colour illus. | eBook available: 9781914427015
EAA 173: Prehistoric Burial Mounds in Orton Meadows, Peterborough By Donald F. Mackreth A detailed presentation of the discoveries of two complex burial and ritual sites in the Nene Valley, Peterborough. During the construction of the Peterborough Eastern Bypass, two extraordinary burial sites spanning the Neolithic to the Middle Bronze Age were discovered. This volume presents the findings from the excavations of the burial mound and subsequent discovery of a complex burial and ritual site in the Nene Valley. Fascinating discoveries range from Iron Age weaponry and currency bars to evidence of religious practice from Early Saxon times. E A S T A N G L I AN A RC H AEOLOGY MON OG RAPH | EAST AN GL IAN ARCHAEOLOGY Paperback • 9780952810537 • £20.00 • January 2021 174 pages • 210 x 297 mm • 93 illus.
Timeline. The Archaeology of the South Wales Gas Pipeline Excavations between Milford Haven, Pembrokeshire and Tirley, Gloucestershire
By Timothy Darvill (Bournemouth University), Andrew David, Seren Griffiths (Manchester Metropolitan University), Jonathan Hart (Cotswold Archaeology), Heather James and James Rackham Synthesises results of various excavations undertaken during construction. The construction of a natural gas pipeline across southern Wales and into Herefordshire and Gloucestershire between 2005 and 2007 resulted in numerous archaeological discoveries, including sites of national significance. The project not only produced a wealth of new archaeological sites, it also generated important radiocarbon and environmental datasets for the region. COTSWOL D ARC H AEOLOGY MON OG RAPH | COTSWOLD A RCHAEOLOGY Hardback • 9780993454578 • £20.00 • April 2021 214 pages • 189 x 246 mm • 125 colour illus.