Welcome readers, to the third issue of The Warrior for 2023!
As summer gives way to fall, why not beat the heat under the shade with a good book. Dive into military history from ancient past to modern times.

See how ‘man’s best friend’ fought alongside both Allied and Axis nations in Military Dogs of World War II (p.4), learn how the armies of the distant past developed their weapons and armor in Bronze Age Military Equipment (p.9), or discover the “how” behind Napoleon’s military achievements with Napoleon’s Infantry Handbook (p.19).
Be it settling into a page-turner, detailing a diorama, or gaming your own victory, no matter what period of military history spurs your interest, The Warrior has something for you.
Happy reading,
-The Warrior Team
The Viking Battalion
Norwegian American Ski Troopers in World War II

Hidden in the crevasses of WWII history is the story of the 99th Infantry Battalion (Separate). A small unit that rarely gets any attention, it is part of a fascinating story. Alongside battalions of Austrian, Greek, Filipino and Japanese Americans, the Army created an all NorwegianAmerican battalion, originally trained at Camp Hale, Colorado, along with the 10th Mountain Division, with the original mission of liberating Norway. Their exploits during training brought them enough notoriety that members of the 99th were recruited to start the First Special Service Force and a branch of the OSS. They would fight in Normandy, across France and Belgium, helped entrap the Germans at Aachen, protected the city of Malmedy during the Battle of the Bulge, helped liberate Buchenwald, guarded the Nazi treasures found in Merkers mine and finally served as the Honor Guard for King Haakon VII on his triumphant return to Norway. This book tells their story through an anthology of rarely, if ever, previously seen memoirs, journals, letters and newspaper articles written by or about the Viking soldiers.
243238, $39.95, $25.99, Hardback, 384 pages
Retreat through the Rhone Valley
Defensive battles of the Nineteenth Army, August–September 1944
Linden Lyons
Matthias Strohn
The Dragoon offensive in August 1944 was preceded by bombings and sabotage that hit hard the German forces located in Southern France—damaging communications, railroads and bridges. The landings were overwhelmingly successful, despite localized German resistance. The following morning a German force was able to launch a counterattack, but by the end of the day von Schwerin ordered a retreat under cover of night. What ensued was a race to retreat to the Burgundian Gate, or Belfort Gap, before they were cut off by the advancing Allied troops. The Allies had all the means for a successful pursuit, while most of the German troops, with the notable exception of the 11th Panzer Division, were incapable of undertaking an orderly retreat. Some units, including the LXII Corps headquarters, were captured. This account, by Jörg Staiger, recounts the German retreat and explains how the 19th Army sacrificed divisions to enable its retreat through the Rhone Valley.
242309, $32.95, $21.50, Hardback, 168 pages
ByThe Black Scorpions Serving with the 64th Fighter Squadron in World War II

On December 6, 1941, despite his objections, James Lynch was discharged from the Army for being over age in grade. However, after the terrible events at Pearl Harbor, he was swiftly recalled to duty. Within a month he was part of the Air Corps, involved in a secret project to send air support to help General Montgomery and the Eighth Army, and joined the nucleus of officers in charge of the 64th Fighter Squadron “Black Scorpions”, 57th Fighter Group. For the next 33 months they fought across the top of Africa, up through Italy, arriving in Egypt just in time for the battle at El Alamein. They chased the Afrika Corps across the top of Africa, culminating in the Palm Sunday massacre where the Squadron helped shoot down 74 planes in a single engagement. Through all the battles, including a battle with an erupting Mount Vesuvius, James Lynch kept an unauthorized diar and collected daily intelligence reports, newspaper stories, souvenirs, pictures, and letters from home. After the war he reminisced with fellow soldiers about their experiences, and eventually felt it was time to write the story of the Black Scorpions—this book is the result.
243061, $39.95, $25.99, Hardback, 384 pages
Before Augustus The Collapse of the Roman Republic

Natale Barca
The political process that culminated in the transition from Republic to Empire in ancient Rome began with the military reform of Caius Marius in the last decades of the 2nd century BC. Following the Civil War and Sulla’s dictatorship, it developed further with the First Triumvirate of Caesar, Pompey, and Crassus, and two further civil wars. These wars, which saw Caesar pitted against Pompey, and Octavian fighting Anthony, ended in 27 BC with the rise to power of Octavian, the adoptive son of Caesar. Before Augustus outlines a summary of the last years of the Roman Republic, weaving together the military, political, and social aspects. Scholar Natale Barca sets the protagonists within the complex societal and political system that they operated, analyzing their actions, and the epic battles that ensued.
242323, $39.95, $25.99, Hardback, 384 pages
First Fights in Fallujah

Marines During Operation Vigilant Resolve, in Iraq, April 2004
Lt Col David E Kelly USMC (Ret)
In March 2004, the unprovoked ambush killing and desecration of the bodies of American civilian security contractors in Fallujah, Iraq, caused the National Command Authorities in Washington, DC. to demand that the newly arrived Marine Expeditionary Force there take action. Planned Stability and Support Operations were cast aside as insurgent fighters dared the Marines to enter Fallujah. Marine infantrymen, tankers, helicopter crews, and amphibious vehicle drivers all pitched into high-intensity battles and firefights during the first fights of Fallujah in April 2004. Marines fought in the streets, conducted house-to-house searches, cleared buildings of enemy, and used tank main guns in direct support of urban environment operations. Helicopter crews supported operations on the ground with rockets and machine-gun fire, and Amtrac Marines transported forces to face enemy RPG and machine-gun fire. Marines from infantry squad members to a battalion commander were interviewed by Marine Corps field historians within days or weeks of the events at nearby combat outposts and camps. This book combines these interview notes and the words of the men themselves to create a unique narrative of Marines in this combat.
243184, $37.95, $24.99, Hardback, 344 pages
Undercurrent Tank Commander Cadet in the Yom Kippur War
Amir Bega
Tank commander cadet Amir Bega is about to leave training for the Jewish High Holiday of Yom Kippur when a surprise attack on Israel by Egyptian and Syrian forces upends this peaceful reprieve, throwing the teenager into an unexpected war. A war in which the confidence and complacency of the Israeli army led to disaster. Believing himself well-trained, and the Israeli army unstoppable, Bega struggles to accept the horrifying events surrounding him as his battalion was annihilated in one of the first combats by new anti-tank weaponry. He survived and joined a reserve unit with which he fought to stop the Egyptian army from advancing beyond the first line of defense, all through the war’s end. As the war progresses, he deals with the horrific losses of both those around him and his own innocence. Tank after tank that he joins is destroyed or damaged, and he is seen as a bad omen by those still alive. Gnawed by survivor guilt, the young soldier agrees to go on a sole perilous mission to rescue an army technical unit surrounded by Egyptian commandos. This captivating first-hand account, as viewed through the eyes of the young soldier, conveys the heavy toll of the Yom Kippur War and its impact on the people of Israel.

243412, $34.95, $22.99, Hardback, 208 pages
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Military Dogs of World War II

BulandaAnimals, especially dogs, have served in all the wars of men since time immemorial. During World War II, most combatant nations employed dogs on the battlefield in a number of ways including searching for injured men or downed airmen; detecting mines; carrying messages between units or dragging communications wires, particularly in difficult terrain; transporting supplies; and sentry duty. This illustrated book is an overview of how dogs were trained and used in WWII by different countries, including the stories of some of the individual animals that served. It also summarizes the various programs established to take care of the animals and send them home after the war. 243252, $28.95, $18.99, Paperback, 128 pages
The Winter War 1939–40

When the Soviet Union invaded Finland in late 1939, what transpired was a true “David and Goliath” conflict. When Finland refused a number of Soviet demands, including the ceding of substantial border territories ostensibly to enable the Soviets to protect Leningrad, the Soviets responded by launching an invasion. The invasion involved a large Soviet army, with several thousand tanks, and a large air force. But to the world’s surprise the Finnish Army—many of them reservists without proper uniforms and limited ammunition—and Air Force battled overwhelming odds, and managed to resist Russian attacks for over two months, inflicting serious losses. Geography played its part as much of the Finnish-Soviet border was impassable, meaning that Soviet numerical superiority was of less import. Operating in the winter, with temperatures ranging as low as -43F, the Finns’ determined resistance won them international reputation. Although hostilities finally ended in a peace treaty that saw Finland cede 9% of its territory, Soviet losses had been heavy, and Finland retained its sovereignty. This fully illustrated text will cover the forces involved and all stages of the Winter War.
242385, $28.95, $18.99, Paperback, 128 pages
Such a Clash of Arms The Maryland Campaign, September 1862
Kevin R. PawlakBy the late summer of 1862, it appeared as though the United States would be permanently split in two, and by the beginning of September, General Robert E. Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia was on the doorstep of Washington, D.C. Panicked and defeated Federal soldiers huddled behind the capital’s defenses. Rather than attacking the city, Lee turned his attention north into Maryland, seeking a decisive battlefield victory to influence public opinion at home and diplomatic opinion overseas. Major General George B. McClellan led the reorganized Army of the Potomac into the state to meet Lee. Over a span of 18 days, the two armies fought four significant battles, including the climactic engagement along Antietam Creek outside Sharpsburg on September 17, 1862. The battle there still holds the distinction as the bloodiest single day in American military history. Forced from Maryland, Lee withdrew into Virginia, leaving President Abraham Lincoln free to follow up this strategic victory with the preliminary Emancipation Proclamation, a measure that changed the nature of the American Civil War. Copious illustrations and maps paired with a detailed text, this account of the Maryland campaign will have wide appeal.
242668, $24.95, $16.50, Paperback, 128 pages


The True Story of the Youngest Soldier to Die in the American Civil War
Brendan J. LyonsIn early April 1861, the streets of West Chester, PA, echoed with the sound of a rattling snare drum. The orders it marked out could be heard for blocks around – about face, advance, retreat, company rest – but there were no troops in the city to hear it. The Civil War, though it loomed heavy on the minds of everyone in the nation, had not yet begun. Fort Sumter would remain in Union hands for another two weeks and the secession crisis in the south was yet still only a war of words. But on the one hundred block of Barnard Street, the children were already marching, and Charley King, a boy of only 11, was leading them. In a matter of days the war would start in earnest and in a few months, Charley would march with the 49th Pennsylvania Infantry into the heat of battle. Charley marched with Company F, tapping out the cadence and relaying orders as they fought in the ill-fated Peninsula Campaign, traveled in the long slog through Maryland during Robert E. Lee’s first invasion of the North, and faced down enemy artillery at Antietam Creek. That battle remains the bloodiest day in American history, with twenty-two thousand Americans were killed or wounded, Charley among them. Charley’s final resting place is unknown, but he is memorialized in West Chester at Greenmount Cemetery where his mother and father are buried. Using a range of sources, this history reconstructs Charley’s short life and the tragedy of his death.
041065, $22.95, $14.99, Paperback, 160 pages
Next War

Reimagining How We Fight
Col. John F Antal (Ret).
Senator Mike Rounds
The nature of war is constant change. We live in an era of exponential technological acceleration which is transforming how wars are waged. Today, the battlespace is transparent; multi-domain sensors can see anything, and long-range precision fire can target everything that is observed. Autonomous weapons can be unleashed into the battlespace and attack any target from above, hitting the weakest point of tanks and armored vehicles. The velocity of war is hyper-fast. Battle shock is the operational, informational, and organizational paralysis induced by the rapid convergence of key disrupters in the battlespace. It occurs when the tempo of operations is so fast, and the means so overwhelming, that the enemy cannot think, decide, or act in time. Hit with too many attacks in multiple domains, all occurring simultaneously, the enemy is paralyzed. Can we adapt to the ever-accelerating tempo of war? Will our forces be able to mask from enemy sensors? How will leaders execute command and control in a degraded communications environment? Will our command posts survive? Will our commanders see and understand what is happening in order to plan, decide, and act in real time? This book addresses these tough questions and more.
243351, $24.95, $16.50, Paperback, 196 pages
The Blackhorse in Vietnam
The 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment in Vietnam and Cambodia, 1966–1972

Donald Snedeker
When the 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment came ashore at Vung Tau, South Vietnam, in September 1966, it faced a number of challenges. The enemy—Viet Cong and North Vietnamese Army—was, of course, the most critical challenge. But the terrain and weather were also factors that could adversely affect the employment of both armored vehicles and helicopters. This is a history of the Blackhorse Regiment in the Vietnam War, and the stories of some of the 20,000 young Americans who served in its ranks during the war.
244006, $24.95, $16.50, Paperback, 312 pages
Storm Clouds Over the Pacific, 1931–1941
Peter Harmsen
War in the Far East is a trilogy comprising a general history of the war against Japan. Storm Clouds Over the Pacific begins the story long before Pearl Harbor, showing how the war can only be understood if ancient hatreds and long-standing geopolitics are taken into account. Peter Harmsen demonstrates how Japan and China’s ancient enmity grew in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries leading to increased tensions in the 1930s which exploded into conflict in 1937, followed by he battles of Shanghai, Nanjing, and Taierzhuang in 1938. A war of attrition continued up to 1941, the year when Japan made the momentous decision for all-out war: the infamous attack on Pearl Harbor.

243016, $24.95, $16.50, Paperback, 234 pages
Headhunter 5-73 CAV and Their Fight for Iraq’s Diyala River Valley
Lt. General William B. Caldwell (Ret)
Peter C Svoboda
Headhunter is a unique account of the War on Terror. It’s a soldier’s story, told by those very paratroopers who gallantly fought to tame Diyala. Based on dozens of interviews conducted by the author, the narrative describes the danger of combat, the loss of comrades and the struggles of returning from a deployment. The voice of the families left behind is also included, describing the challenges they faced, including the ultimate challenge—grappling with the death of a loved one. This book explores the human dimensions of loss and struggle and illustrates the sacrifices our service members and their loved ones make.
243214, $24.95, $16.50, Paperback, 228 pages

Alexander the Great Avenger The Campaign that Felled Achaemenid Persia

Manousos E Kambouris
Since 500 BC the mainland Greeks had been threatened by the Achaemenid Persian Empire. They had suffered major invasions but subsequent attempts to take the offensive had been thwarted. With Alexander the Great’s invasion the rules changed. In Macedonia a new model army had been developed, taking the traditional hoplite heavy infantry in a new evolutionary direction and similarly transforming the heavy cavalry. Manousos Kambouris’ detailed analysis explains that it was Alexander’s intelligent use of these forces, that allowed him to dictate the course of the campaign. The author does not neglect to assess the Persian capabilities and decision making, concluding that Darius III was not as inept as often thought.
07392A, $42.95, $27.99, Hardback, 272 pages
The Trojan War as Military History

Manousos E Kambouris
In The Trojan War as Military History, the author’s starting point is the fact that the Iliad, notwithstanding the fantastical/ mythological elements (the involvement of gods and demigods), is the earliest detailed description of warfare we have. Stripping away the myths, Manousos Kambouris analyses the epic and combines it with other textual and archaeological evidence to produce a coherent narrative of the conflict and of Bronze Age warfare in the Aegean. Seeking to integrate the supernatural/divine element of the Iliad within the power structure and struggle of the day, the author lashes the Trojan War to the chariot of rationality and drags it from the mists of mythology and into the realm of History.
094467, $42.95, $27.99, Hardback, 272 pages
Sparta Rise of a Warrior Nation

Philip Matyszak
Ancient Sparta was a city of contrasts. We might admire their physical toughness and heroism in adversity but Spartans also systematically abused their children. They gave rights to citizen women that were unmatched in Europe until the modern era, meanwhile subjecting their conquered subject peoples to a murderous reign of terror. Though idealized by the Athenian contemporaries of Socrates, Sparta was almost devoid of intellectual achievement. Philip Matyszak’s focus is on the Spartan hoplite, the archetypal Greek warrior who was respected and feared throughout Greece in his own day, and who has since become a legend.
014564, $26.95, $17.99, Paperback, 208 pages
Expedition to Disaster

The Athenian Mission to Sicily 415 BC
Philip Matyszak
The Athenian expedition to conquer Sicily (415 BC) was a pivotal event in the classical period. Athens sought to gain resources and defeat Sparta, their long-time rival. Recent archaeological findings shed new light on the detailed reconstruction of the ensuing siege. The cast features flamboyant Alcibiades, reluctant commander Nicias, and Spartan general Gylippus, who thwarted the Athenians and turned the tide. Battles, sieges, and tales of sacrifice, villainy, and heroism abound. Philip Matyszak’s research and narrative expertise bring justice to this epic story.
024846, $26.95, $17.99, Paperback, 192 pages
Great Battles of the Classical Greek World

Owen Rees
Explore a collection of 18 land battles and sieges spanning the Classical Greek era, from the Persian invasions to the rise of the Macedonians. Owen Rees provides a comprehensive account, covering not only the hoplite phalanx but also mercenary armies and light infantry. Each battle is presented with context, opposing forces, and a detailed narrative of the fighting, challenging commonly held beliefs. With accessible writing and numerous tactical diagrams, this book offers a fresh perspective on ancient warfare.
07708A, $26.95, $17.99, Paperback, 304 pages
Greece and Rome at War

Peter Connolly
This is a detailed account of the arms and armies of Greece and Rome. Making use of fresh archaeological evidence and new material on the manufacture and use of the weapons of the period, the author presents an attractive and impressive volume that is both scholarly and beautifully presented with illustrations that are, quite rightly, recognized as being the best and most accurate representation of how the soldiers from these formidable military empires appeared. This excellent work brings the armies of Greece, Macedon, and Rome vividly to life.
329416, $32.95, $21.50, Paperback, 320 pages
AD69 Emperors, Armies and Anarchy

Nic Fields
With the death of Nero by his own shaky hand, the ill-sorted, ill-starred Iulio-Claudian dynasty came to an ignominious end, and Rome was up for the taking. This was 9 June, AD 68. The following year, commonly known as the Year of the Four Emperors, was probably one of Rome’s worst. Nero’s death threw up a critical question for the Empire. How could a new man occupy the vacant throne in Rome and establish a new dynasty? It was to take a tumultuous year of civil war and the death of three imperial candidates before a fourth candidate could come out on top, remain there, and establish for himself a new dynasty. Nic Fields narrates the twists and turns and the military events of this short but bloody period of Roman history.
023405, $26.95, $17.99, Paperback, 272 pages
The History of Roman Legion VI Victrix

The Original Watchers on the Wall
Tony Sullivan
This is the first in depth study on the history of Legio VI Victrix in Britain. Brought over from Germany in 122 to assist in the building of Hadrian’s Wall the Sixth Legion remained in Britain until the end of Roman rule. The book will investigate the changing military organization, weapons and warfare as well as the many auxiliary units posted in the north of Britain. We will meet members of the Sixth Legion known from inscriptions and literary sources. From legionaries helping to build Hadrian’s or the Antonine Wall to Pertinax, tribune of the Sixth, and destined to become Emperor. Case studies will include a praefectus castrorum, Lucius Artorius Castus, along with the bases at York and Corbridge.
08857A, $34.95, $22.99, Hardback, 224 pages
The Roman Gladius and the Ancient Fighting Techniques Volume I - Monarchy and Consular Age

CaspriniMarco Saliola
The backbone of the Roman army was the infantry, armed with a javelin, or pilum, and sword, or gladius. This study investigates not just the weapon itself, and its design and manufacture, but how the sword was originally conceived and how it was employed on the battlefield as an expression of the Roman state. The Roman Gladius and the Ancient Fighting Techniques is the most comprehensive study of this hugely important weapon, which also provides the reader with a complete overview of Roman society, which in this first volume is treated until the end of the Consular period. The book is richly illustrated throughout with drawings and photographs of original weapons and equipment.
778338, $62.95, $40.99, Hardback, 408 pages
Julius Caesar’s Civil War Tactics, Strategies and Logistics
Julian Romane
Examining Julius Caesar’s campaigns during the civil wars, from his famous Rubicon crossing to the decisive battle of Munda. The analysis focuses on Caesar’s generalship, particularly the logistical and financial challenges of mobilizing and sustaining his legions. This unique account stands out by emphasizing this crucial but often overlooked aspect. The author delves into the organization, tactics, and equipment of late Republican Roman armies, underscoring the significance of generalship. Caesar’s epic struggle against Pompey unfolds through strategic maneuvers, battles at Dyrrhachium and Pharsalus. Detailed coverage is given to the campaigns in Spain and Africa, providing a comprehensive view of these history-shaping events.

08942A, $49.95, $32.50, Hardback, 328 pages
Julius Caesar in Egypt Cleopatra and the War in Alexandria

Philip Matyszak
In 48 BC the armies of Julius Caesar and Pompey the Great fought a decisive battle at Pharsalus in Greece. Pompey was comprehensively defeated and fled to the last power in the Mediterranean world that was independent of Rome, Ptolemaic Egypt. Caesar pursued Pompey and was presented with his severed head, which the Egyptians hoped would make Caesar leave them in peace. Julius Caesar in Egypt is a true story of doublecross, assassination and intrigue accompanied by lively battles, daring escapes, disastrous fires (the Great Library of Alexandria was largely destroyed in one fracas) and, if not a love story, at least a tale of sex and power as Caesar and Cleopatra’s relationship shaped these world-changing events.
09736A, $34.95, $22.99, Hardback, 192 pages
Invasion! Rome Against the Cimbri, 113-101 BC

Philip Matyszak
Poor commanders and misplaced faith in their legions led to a series of disastrous battles against the Cimbri. The culmination was the Battle of Arausio in 105 BC, where two Roman armies were completely annihilated. Recognizing the existential threat, Rome underwent painful political and military changes. Caius Marius, despite his flaws, emerged as a commander capable of facing the Cimbri. The reshaped Roman army learned to withstand the initial barbarian onslaught, relying on the disciplined legions to wear down the enemy. Marius strategically chose favorable situations, gradually instilling a culture of victory. If the Cimbri had triumphed, European history would have taken a different course.
09731A, $34.95, $22.99, Hardback, 208 pages
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Catiline, Rebel of the Roman Republic

The Life and Conspiracy of Lucius Sergius Catilina
James T Carney
Lucius Sergius Catilina (‘Catiline’), was a Roman aristocrat from a poor but noble family. He was controversial figure both in his own times and in subsequent historical scholarship. Catiline was cast first as the Roman equivalent of Richard III and later as a leftwing revolutionary, depending on the times and historians’ leanings. Although Catiline’s calls for debt relief and other measures in his second consular campaign earned him support from the poor, the author finds that Catiline was motivated by pride and ambition rather than by an interest in widespread social and economic reforms. Embittered by his failure to attain the consulship which he thought was his due given his heritage.
06789A, $34.95, $22.99, Hardback, 224 pages
Gaius Marius
The Rise and Fall of Rome’s Saviour
Marc Hyden
Gaius Marius was one of the most remarkable and significant figures of the late Roman Republic. At a time when power tended to be restricted to a clique of influential families, he rose from relatively humble origins to attain the top office of consul. His political career flourished but was primarily built on military success. Marius reformed and retrained the Republic’s forces and decisively defeated the invaders that had easily overpowered his predecessors. Marius’ subsequent career was primarily that of an elder statesman, but it was dominated by his rivalry with his erstwhile subordinate, Sulla, which ultimately led to the latter’s bloody coup.
024792, $26.95, $17.99, Paperback, 344 pages
Sulla A Dictator Reconsidered

Lynda Telford
Lucius Cornelius Sulla is one of the central figures of the late Roman Republic. Indeed, he is often considered a major catalyst in the death of the republican system. the ambitious general whose feud with a rival (Marius) led to his marching on Rome with an army at his back, leading to civil war and the terrible internecine bloodletting of the proscriptions. In these things, and in his appropriation of the title of dictator with absolute power, he set a dangerous precedent to be followed by Julius Caesar a generation later. Lynda Telford gives a long overdue reappraisal of this significant personality. The portrait that emerges is a subtle and nuanced one; her Sulla is very much a human, not a monster.
077170, $26.95, $17.99, Paperback, 304 pages
Emperor Septimius Severus
Roman Hannibal
Ilkka Syvänne
Severus, hailed as the most warlike figure of his time, marked the rise of military dominance in Roman affairs. His advice to his sons encapsulated the essence: “Be harmonious, enrich the soldiers, and scorn all other men!” This comprehensive biography explores how Severus, hailing from Africa, attained power, won wars, and secured his family’s position. The author delves into his state and military reforms, showcasing their impact on conquests and establishing his imperial worth. This biography provides a detailed overview of Severus’ policies, events, and military campaigns, drawing from the available sources. It also examines his influence on the third-century military crisis and discusses his legacy for his son, Caracalla.

066655, $52.95, $34.50, Hardback, 336 pages
Diocletian and the Military Restoration of Rome

Lee Fratantuono
Amidst unprecedented crises, Diocletian emerged as a pivotal figure in the third century AD Roman Empire. From humble origins, he became a powerful leader who restored stability to a turbulent realm. This book explores his reign, including the ill-fated Great Persecution of Christians, which paved the way for Constantine the Great. Providing a balanced portrait, it offers an introduction to Diocletian’s life and times, showcasing his talent and his eventual retirement. A captivating read for those interested in this era of trial and tumult.
771834, $42.95, $27.99, Hardback, 272 pages
A Wargamer’s Guide to the Early Roman Empire

Daniel Mersey
Covering the period from 27BC to AD284, Daniel Mersey gives a wargamer’s perspective of the many conflicts and offers advice on how to recreate these on the gaming table. Advice is given on factors to consider when choosing an appropriate set of commercially available rules, or devising your own, to best suit the scale and style of battle you want and capture the flavor of the period. The relevant ranges of figures and terrain pieces and buildings are also reviewed. Whether this is a new period for you, or you are looking to refresh your existing interest in the period, this handy guide is sure to hold much interest.
849556, $16.95, $11.50, Paperback, 136 pages
The Anglo Saxon Conquest of England

Jim Storr
How did Roman Britain become Anglo-Saxon England? We do not, however, really know the answer. There are very few historical sources from the period. The archaeology of the period is scant, confusing, and at times contradictory. The Anglo-Saxon Conquest of England describes one of the biggest archaeological finds of our times; yet there is nothing new to see. There are secrets hidden in plain sight. Therefore this book brings an entirely new approach to the subject. The answers are out there, in the countryside, waiting to be found. Months of field work and map study allow us to understand how the AngloSaxons conquered England, county by county and decade by decade.
512982, $37.50, $24.50, Paperback, 312 pages
Warfare in the Age of Crusades

The Latin East
John Cairns
Brian Todd Carey
Warfare in the Age of Crusades: The Latin East explores in fascinating detail the key campaigns, battles and sieges that shaped the crusading period of the Middle Ages, giving special attention to military technologies, tactics and strategies. Key personalities and political factors are addressed, including the role of papal monarchy in initiating the crusading expeditions, the relationship between Catholic Europe and the Byzantine Empire, the role of the religious military orders, and Islamic and Mongol military capabilities. This original and perceptive study of a key stage in medieval military history features regional, strategic and multi-phase tactical maps that illuminate the narrative and provide a valuable resource.
730213, $34.95, $22.99, Hardback, 344 pages
Bronze Age Military Equipment
Dan Howard
This book is a fascinating discussion of the development of the military equipment of the earliest organized armies.

Dan Howard describes the development of weapons, armor and chariots, how they were made and their tactical use in battle. Spanning from the introduction of massed infantry by the Sumerians through to the collapse of the chariot civilizations. The author draws on the latest research and archaeology, as well as his own experiences of using and making replica weapons and armor, to challenge established views and bring fresh insights to this fascinating period of military history.
023375, $29.95, $19.50, Paperback, 184 pages
The Knights Templar at War, 1120–1312

Paul Hill
Paul Hill’s timely and highly illustrated study delves into the often overlooked military context of the Knights Templar. Founded to protect Holy Land pilgrims, the order actively participated in numerous battles and sieges, playing a vital role in crusading warfare. This absorbing examination highlights their significance in medieval warfare on Christendom’s frontiers for nearly two centuries. Hill explores their funding, supply chains, organization, and strategies on campaign and the battlefield. The study also sheds light on Templar leadership, command structures, notable battles, campaigns, and their role in fortifications and castles.
030885, $28.95, $18.99, Paperback, 264 pages
Fighting Emperors of Byzantium
John Carr
John Carr’s book focuses on the military prowess of Byzantine emperors who fought for the survival of the Eastern Roman Empire. From Constantine I to Constantine XI, these capable leaders, including Julian, Theodosius, Justinian, and Basil II, played a crucial role in preserving Rome’s cultural legacy and defending Christendom against Islamic expansion. Carr highlights their personal and military histories, showcasing the empire’s high-order military organization that endured for nearly a millennium after the fall of Rome. A compelling exploration of Byzantine emperors and their military legacy.

02483A, $32.95, $21.50, Paperback, 288 pages
Roman Emperors
A Guide to the Men Who Ruled the Empire
Mario Bartolini
Roman Emperors is a concise chronological guide to the emperors who ruled the Roman Empire. It covers the period from the establishment of the Empire by Augustus in 27 BCE to the abdication of Romulus Augustus in 476 CE, an event that marks the official end of the existence of the Roman Empire as a political entity in Western Europe. After a useful introduction to the late Republic and its transformation into the Empire, each of the eighty-five emperors customarily recognized as legitimate are presented in the order in which they reigned. This includes both Eastern and Western emperors for those periods where the empire was divided, and each one is illustrated. A useful glossary of technical terms is also provided.

063661, $34.95, $22.99, Hardback, 200 pages
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The Early Anglo-Saxon Kings

Tony Sullivan
This book reexamines archaeological and literary evidence, focusing on postRoman Britain’s fragmented structures and cultural changes amid increased Germanic immigration. It covers migration stories of Hengest, Horsa, Cerdic, Cynric, and Ælle, ending with Penda’s death, the last pagan king. The emergence of a ‘warband’ culture replaces Roman authority, transforming mead halls into social centers filled with bardic poems, tales of warriors, and battles like Mons Badonicus and Catraeth. A chapter on Dark Age warfare highlights weapons, armor, and contemporary battles from Saxon mercenaries to Winwaed in 655. 08417A, $36.95, $24.50, Hardback, 240 pages
The Straits from Troy to Constantinople

The Ancient History of the Dardanelles, Sea of Marmara and Bosporos
John D Grainger
The Turkish Straits, encompassing the Dardanelles, Sea of Marmara, and Bosporus, served as both a divide and a bridge between Europe and Asia in ancient times. Guarded by legendary cities Troy and Byzantion, these narrow waterways were crucial invasion routes and vital for travel and commerce, especially grain supply to Greek cities. The region witnessed conflicts among empires like Persians, Macedonians, and Romans, intertwined with names like Odysseus, Xerxes, Alexander, and Constantine the Great. John D Grainger traces the captivating history from the Trojan War to the rise of Constantinople as the Roman Empire’s new capital, dominating the straits for a millennium.
01324A, $42.95, $27.99, Hardback, 264 pages
Armies of the Vikings, AD 793–1066
History, Organization and Equipment
Gabriele Esposito
Viking warriors were feared by their contemporaries and their ferocious reputation has survived down to the present day. This book covers the military history of the Vikings from their early raiding to the final failure of their expansionist ambitions directed against England. In that period Viking warbands and increasingly large armies had left their Scandinavian homelands to range across vast regions, including the whole of Northern Europe and beyond. Gabriele Esposito outlines the history of their campaigns and battles and examines in detail their strategy, tactics, weapons, armor and clothing. The subject is brought to life by dozens of color photographs of replica equipment in use.

008396, $34.95, $22.99, Hardback, 176 pages
The Samurai Castle Master Warlord Todo Takatora

Chris Glenn
When the samurai warlord and respected castle architect Todo Takatora died in 1630, the funeral attendants responsible for preparing his body were shocked to note that there was not a single part of his body not scarred or disfigured by sword, spear, glaive or matchlock gun wound. Born to a small landholding samurai family, the maverick youth worked his way to the top, becoming one of the most successful of daimyo warlords. He was also the finest, most innovative of castle architects. In this fascinating biography, Chris Glenn explores Todo Takatora’s remarkable, and influential, life, the battles he fought in, the political intrigues he was part of, as well as detailing the magnificent castles he built.
09658A, $36.95, $24.50, Hardback, 272 pages
Bowmen of England

Donald Featherstone
From the 12th to 15th centuries the longbow was the weapon that changed European history more than any other. In the skilled hands of English and Welsh archers it revolutionized all the medieval concepts and traditions of war. No other weapon dominated the battlefield as it did, and it was the winning factor in every major battle from Morlaix in 1342 to Patay in 1429. Donald Featherstone’s study of the English longbow is an inspiring and authentic reconstruction in human terms in an age of courage, vitality and endurance. He provides an enthralling footnote to the history of the longbow by recording the engagement in which it was last used - in France in 1940.
845831, $24.99, $16.50, Paperback, 164 pages
Women and Weapons in the Viking World Amazons of the North

Leszek Garde?a
The Viking Age (c. AD 750–1050) is conventionally portrayed as a tumultuous time when hordes of fierce warriors from Scandinavia wreaked havoc across the European continent and when Norse merchants traveled to distant corners of the world. Until fairly recently, Norse society during this pivotal period in world history has been characterized as male-dominated, with women’s roles dismissed or substantially downplayed. Lavishly illustrated, this pioneering book explores the stories of the female warrior and women’s links with the martial sphere of life in the Viking Age.
240688, $39.95, $25.99, Hardback, 216 pages
Old Testament Warriors

The Clash of Cultures in the Ancient Near East
Simon ElliottThe period covered by the Old Testament – beginning in approximately 3000 BC – was one of great technological development and innovation in warfare, as competing cultures clashed in the ancient Middle East. The Sumerians were the first to introduce the use of bronze into warfare, and were centuries ahead of the Egyptians in the use of the wheel. The Assyrians developed chariot warfare and set the standard for a new equine-based military culture. The Babylonians had an army whose people were granted land in return for army service. This authoritative history gives an overview of warfare and fighting in the age of the Old Testament.
009544, $29.95, $19.50, Hardback, 160 pages
On Ancient Warfare Perspectives on Aspects of War in Antiquity 4000 BC to AD
Richard A Gabriel
This book does not aim to be a comprehensive overview nor a coherent narrative of ancient military history but adds up to an illuminating, fascinating and wide-ranging discussion of various topics. With topics ranging from the origins of war, through logistics, military medicine and psychiatry or the origins of jihad, to specifics such as the generalship of Alexander the Great (Gabriel’s not a fan), Scipio and Hannibal, there is plenty here for the either the general reader or academic scholar.
718457, $42.95, $27.99, Hardback, 336 pages
The Armies of Ancient Persia
The Sassanians

Kaveh Farrokh
Throughout most of the classical period, Persia was one of the great superpowers, placing a limit on the expansion of Western powers. It was the most formidable rival to the Roman empire for centuries, until Persia, by then under the Sassanians, was overwhelmed by the Islamic conquests in the seventh century AD. Yet, the armies of ancient Persia have received relatively little detailed attention, certainly in comparison to those of Rome. This work is the first of three volumes that will form the most comprehensive study of ancient Persian armies available. 848450, $44.95, $29.50, Hardback, 504 pages
The Art of Longsword Fighting Teaching the Foundations of Sigmund Ringeck’s Style

Benjamin J Smith
In The Art of Longsword Fighting, Benjamin J. Smith offers the information necessary for teachers of historical swordsmanship to deliver courses based on original, authentic techniques. This includes the various cutting methods, the role of competition in learning these arts, the mechanics of the interpretive process, and insights into how to use a wide range of activities to enhance students’ experience. All of this is achieved through a panoply of photographs showing each move along with explanatory diagrams as well as detailing how and when to introduce each next step in a manner that is faithful to Ringeck’s style.
768988, $34.95, $22.99, Hardback, 216 pages
Warfare in the Ancient World

Warfare in the Ancient World explores how civilizations and cultures made war on the battlefields of the Near East and Europe over a period of 2000 years. Through the use of dozens of tactical maps, this fascinating one-volume introduction to the art of war during western civilization’s ancient, and classical periods offers a fresh perspective on the sophisticated nature of pre-modern warfare.
59263P, $19.95, $12.99, Paperback, 192 pages
Gaiseric The Vandal Who Destroyed Rome

Ian Hughes
While Gaiseric has not become a household name like other ‘barbarian’ leaders such as Attila or Genghis Khan, his sack of Rome in AD455 has made his tribe, the Vandals, synonymous with mindless destruction. Gaiseric, however, was no moronic thug, proving himself a highly skilful political and military leader and was one of the dominant forces in Western Mediterranean region for almost half a century. Ian Hughes’ analysis of the Gaiseric as king and general reveals him as the barbarian who did more than anyone else to bring down the Western Roman Empire, but also as a great leader in his own right and one of the most significant men of his age.
590188, $39.95, $25.99, Hardback, 304 pages
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Wars and Soldiers in the Early Reign of Louis XIV
Volume 1 - The Army of the United Provinces of the Netherlands, 16601687
Bruno Mugnai
Prolific Italian artist and author, Bruno Mugnai introduces the Dutch Army of the third quarter of the 17th century in the first of a new 8 volume series that covers the armies of early years of Louis XIV reign. France and the United Provinces represented opposite models of state government during the 17th century. The contrary nature of their political structure led to conflict on several occasions during this period. Military Historians have focused research onto the final phase of the conflicts such as the Wars of the Grand Alliance and the Spanish Succession, which coincides with the beginning of the long decline for both countries.
628590, $45.00, $29.50, Paperback, 216 pages
‘A Rabble of Gentility’
The Royalist Northern Horse, 1644-45
John Barratt
Gen George Monck once described the Royalist horse as “a rabble of gentility.” Modern research has largely dispelled this image of the King’s cavalry. However the description seems at first appropriate to the body of cavalry known as the “Northern Horse.” This book looks at the origins and composition of the Northern Horse, the characteristics of its officers and men, their motivation and behavior, and their impact on those they encountered. It examines their chequered fighting record, a subject of debate even among contemporaries. It deals with their victories, notably their epic relief of Pontefract in March 1645, and there controversial role at such encounters as Naseby and Rowton Heath.
512981, $39.95, $25.99, Paperback, 120 pages
Civil War London
A Military History of London under Charles I and Oliver Cromwell

David Flintham
London was the critical location throughout the English Civil Wars - a fact that has been emphasized by countless historians, with some going as far to say that by fleeing his capital in January 1642, King Charles I lost the war several months before the fighting actually started. Most studies focus on London as the political and economic powerhouse - overlooking the fact that militarily, London was just as important; it is ‘London: the militarized city’ which is the focus of this new history.
512622, $39.95, $25.99, Paperback, 128 pages
Wars and Soldiers in the Early Reign of Louis XIV

Volume 4 - The Armies of Spain and Portugal, 1660-1687
Bruno Mugnai
It has been a commonly held historical belief that in the second half of the 17th century, the Spanish army suffered such catastrophic defeats that it effectively brought about the collapse of the state as a major player on the European stage. The wars, fought out in Catalonia, Franche Comté, Flanders, and Italy, resulted in a series of substantial defeats for Spain. The story, organization, uniforms, and equipment of the Spanish and Portuguese armies of this age are dealt for the first time in a single book, after archive’s sources and unpublished iconography.
336431, $69.95, $45.50, Paperback, 396 pages
In the Emperor’s Service
Wallenstein’s Army, 1625-1634
Laurence Spring
Albrecht von Wallenstein! His very name is synonymous with the Thirty Years War. From a poor nobleman he rose to become the Duke of Friedland and Mecklenburg. Despite Wallenstein’s Army being infamous, very little has been written about it, especially in English. However, by using archives from record offices from Germany, Czechoslovakia, Sweden and Britain, as well as the latest archaeological evidence from mass graves of the Thirty Years War period, this book looks to rectify this by giving a vivid account of what life was like for a soldier in Wallenstein’s Army.
628569, $45.00, $29.50, Paperback, 216 pages
By Force of Arms

The Austrian Army and the Seven Years War
Volume 2
Christopher Duffy
To avenge defeats in a former war, Austria assembled a massive superiority in forces thanks to powerful alliances, and an army reformed and far more effective than ever before. But Prussia hung on, to force a long war and a bloody draw. The brilliance of
Frederick the Great and the Prussian army have been given credit for this outcome, but Austria had more than its fair share of good soldiers and skilled generals. This is a superb account of the war in central Europe, with its emphasis and focus on the operations of the Austrian army, based firmly on primary sources, the majority never before fully explored.
628798, $79.95, $51.99, Hardback, 524 pages
The Shogun’s Soldiers Volume 2 - The Daily Life of Samurai and Soldiers in Edo Period Japan, 1603–1721

Tokugawa Ieyasu’s decisive victory at Sekigahara in 1600 concluded the civil wars, confirmed his position of military supremacy as shôgun of Japan, and inaugurated the Edo period (1600–1868), so named because Ieyasu after the battle established his capital in Edo (modern-day Tokyo). Volume Two continues the examination of the Edo period and the evolution of the Samurai class into a verity of new roles. No longer required to fight, many Samurai firstly discarded their distinctive armor and then their training. As a result, a transformation from warrior to townsman took place. The book finally seeks to understand the decline of Japanese martial prowess and that of the Samurai as a class with their integration into civilian society.
512500, $60.00, $39.50, Paperback, 180 pages
The Real Guy Fawkes

Nick Holland
Guy Fawkes, born in York in 1570, is one of the key figures in British history, taking a central role in a plot that would have destroyed the ruling class and changed the nation forever. Today protesters wear his mask, families burn his effigy, and he is an instantly recognizable name and face. But just who was the real Guy Fawkes? In this new book, we take an exciting look at the flesh and blood person behind the myth. We find out what radicalized the man who was born a Protestant, and yet planned mass murder for the Catholic cause. The book takes a fresh look at Guy’s early life in York and beyond, and examines how that led to him becoming a Catholic mercenary and a key member of the 1605 Gunpowder treason.
030908, $29.95, $19.50, Paperback, 248 pages
Teutonic Knights

William Urban
The Teutonic Knights were powerful and ferocious advocates of holy war. Their history is suffused with crusading, campaigning and struggle. Feared by their enemies but respected by medieval Christendom, the knights and their Order maintained a firm hold over the Baltic and northern Germany and established a formidable regime which flourished across Central Europe for 300 years. William Urban’s narrative charts the rise and fall of the Order and, in an accessible and engaging style, throws light on a band of knights whose deeds and motives have long been misunderstood.
326200, $29.95, $19.50, Paperback, 294 pages
French Dragoons Volume 1 - 1669-1749
Ludovic Letrun
The Dragoon corp. got its origins under the reign of Henry II, with the mounted arquebusiers, created in 1554. Those were mostly small units of infantrymen, traveling on horses and firing when dismounted. The nickname dragoon actually appeared later, under the reign of Henri III, and designates as well mounted arquebusiers, carabiniers and musketeers. In this book, you will discover the magnificent uniforms of those cavalrymen, from the first XVIIth century wars, to the battles led by Louis XV’s generals. 66 plates illustrated 200 horsemen and 60 flags.

503545, $29.99, $19.50, Paperback, 80 pages
Lord Mountcashel: Irish General

Justin MacCarthy in the service of James II and Louis XIV, 1673–1694
D P Graham
Justin MacCarthy (later Lord Mountcashel) was born into a notable family of Irish Jacobites and grew up in France. Their Irish land was regained after the Restoration of Charles II but Justin, as the youngest surviving son, sought a career in the French army. In 1673 he joined an Irish regiment in French service. When James II was deposed in the ‘Glorious Revolution’ of 1688 and fled via France to Ireland, Justin was one of the most experienced commanders resisting William’s invasion. Unfortunately MacCarthy was defeated, wounded and captured. He escaped and again went into exile in France, where he was the first commander of the famous Irish Brigade until his death in 1694.
723000, $39.95, $25.99, Hardback, 248 pages
Crown, Covenant and Cromwell
The Civil Wars in Scotland 1639-1651

Stuart Reid
Crown, Covenant and Cromwell is a groundbreaking military history of the Great Civil War or rather the last AngloScottish War as it was fought in Scotland and by Scottish armies in England between 1639 and 1651. While the politics of the time are necessarily touched upon, it is above all the story of those armies and the men who marched in them. Historians sometimes seem to regard battles as rather too exciting to be a respectable field of study, but determining just how that battle was won or lost is often just as important as unraveling the underlying reasons why it came to be fought in the first place.
326873, $34.95, $22.99, Hardback, 256 pages
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Prussia’s Glory Rossbach and Leuthen 1757
Christopher Duffy
Rossbach and Leuthen marked Frederick as one of the Great Captains, solidifying Prussian military reputation. Despite facing larger armies, the FrancoGerman army was crushed at Rossbach and the Austrian army routed at Leuthen. Prussians were believed to be naturally suited for war, and Frederick’s legendary snow march to Leuthen church further enhanced his status. However, Christopher Duffy’s expert analysis reveals the true factors behind these victories, dispelling myths and emphasizing strategic decisions. Reliable accounts showcase intense fighting and the impact on soldiers and civilians caught in the conflict.
628910, $49.95, $32.50, Hardback, 216 pages
Gunner at Large The Diary of James

Wood R. A. 1746–1765
Rex Whitworth
Military histories have lately turned their attention to the British Army in the mid 18th century, when a professional standing army might never have developed in a country devoid of home frontiers. In 1716 the Royal Regiment of Artillery was founded. James Wood was one of the first cadets trained at Woolwich and served successfully as Volunteer, Mattross, Cadet, Cadet Gunner, and Fireworker. His plainly written factual diary described in a professional manner the day to day routine for a junior rank in the field train of the army. In editing James Wood’s diary, Rex Whitworth, has been able to place Wood’s basic story in the contemporary military scene and so fill out the record of the professional British field gunner.
016056, $29.95, $19.50, Paperback, 196 pages
The Battle of Quiberon Bay, 1759
Britain’s Other Trafalgar
Nicholas TracyRevered naval theorist, Alfred Thayer Mahan, thought the Battle of Quiberon Bay (20 Nov 1759) was as significant as Nelson’s victory in 1805, calling it “the Trafalgar of this war [the Seven Years War].”

Arguably it was even more vital. The battle itself was fought in terrible weather, the French attempting to exploit their local knowledge by heading for Quiberon Bay, assuming the British would not follow them among its treacherous shoals in such conditions. Admiral Hawke, however, pursued them under full sail and the French ships were destroyed, captured, run aground, or scattered for the loss of only two British ships which ran aground. The invasion was thwarted.
014496, $29.95, $19.50, Paperback, 256 pages
Marlborough’s War Machine, 1702–1711

James Falkner
Blenheim, Ramilles, Oudenarde, Malplaquet much has been written about the brilliant victories of the Duke of Marlborough’s Anglo-Dutch army over the armies of Louis XIV of France during the War of the Spanish Succession. Less attention has been focused on the men and the military organization that made these achievements possiblethe soldiers, the commanders, the army structure and administration, the logistics, engineering, weapons and finance. That is why James Falkners penetrating account of the composition and operation of Marlborough’s army is of such value. His clear analysis gives a fascinating insight into Marlborough’s war machine and into the conduct of war in Europe 300 years ago.
07731B, $29.95, $19.50, Paperback, 248 pages
The War of the Spanish Succession 1701–1714
James Falkner
The War of the Spanish Succession, fought between 1701 and 1714 to decide who should inherit the Spanish throne, was a conflict on an unprecedented scale, stretching across most of western Europe, the high seas and the Americas. Yet this major subject is not well known and is little understood. That is why the publication of James Falkner’s absorbing new study is so timely and important. In a clear and perceptive narrative he describes and analyses the complex political maneuvers and a series of military campaigns which also involved the threat posed by Ottoman Turks in the east and Sweden and Russia in the north.

01348A, $26.95, $17.99, Paperback, 288 pages
Frederick the Great A Military History

Dennis Showalter
Frederick the Great is one of history’s most controversial leaders. Famed for his military successes and domestic reforms, his campaigns were a watershed in the history of Europe, securing Prussia’s place as a continental power and inaugurating a new pattern of total war that was to endure until 1916. However, much myth surrounds this enigmatic man, his personality and his role as politician, warrior and king. Showalter’s cleverly written book provides a multi-dimensional depiction of Frederick the Great and an objective, detailed reappraisal of his military, political and social achievements.
774927, $26.95, $17.99, Paperback, 384 pages
Britain’s Last Invasion The Battle of Fishguard, 1797

Phil Carradice
With Britain’s Last Invasion dive in to the Battle of Fishguard, a military invasion of Great Britain by Revolutionary France. The little-known ‘invasion’ consisted mainly of drunken Frenchmen rampaging around the area, burning churches and terrorizing the locals. The role and courage of the women of Fishguard is revealed: when the men fled, the women stayed fast. The attempted invasion lasted just three days, but had ramifications that we are still dealing with today. Following the attempt, the government recognized the need to strengthen the British fleet, a policy that lasted for over a hundred years and almost certainly helped prevent Napoleon’s later planned invasion.
743268, $39.95, $25.99, Hardback, 232 pages
Culloden 1746

Battlefield Guide: Third Edition
Stuart Reid
Culloden Moor is one of the most famous battles in British history and, for the Scots, the battle is pre-eminent, surpassing even Bannockburn. In this decisive and bloody encounter in 1746 the Duke of Cumberland’s government army defeated the Jacobite rebels led by Prince Charles Edward Stuart. Yet, despite the attention paid to this critical event – in particular to Bonnie Prince Charlie and the Jacobite legend – few writers have concentrated on the battle itself and on the Highland battlefield on which it was fought. Stuart Reid tells the story of the campaign and sets out in a graphic and easily understood way the movements and deployments of the opposing forces.
739735, $25.95, $16.99, Paperback, 160 pages
The Russian Revolution World War to Civil War 1917-1921

Nik Cornish
Nik Cornish’s photographic history captures the momentous events that shaped Russia’s transformation from the Romanov empire to the Soviet dictatorship. It provides equal coverage of the Russian-German war, the October Revolution, and the complex civil war between the Reds and the Whites. The photographs showcase key figures like Tsar Nicholas II, Kerensky, Lenin, and Trotsky, as well as the ordinary people caught in the turmoil. From city streets to village scenes, and from multiple fronts across Russia, these images offer a poignant glimpse into the remarkable scale and intensity of the conflict, providing a captivating introduction to this transformative period in Russian history.
843752, $24.99, $16.50, Paperback, 128 pages
The Battle of Fontenoy 1745
Saxe against Cumberland in the War of the Austrian
James Falkner
The Battle of Fontenoy marked a turning point in the War of the Austrian Succession, yet it has rarely been analyzed in depth and the Europe-wide conflict in which it played a part is little understood. James Falkner, in this perceptive and original account, puts the record straight by describing the fighting in graphic detail and setting it in the context of the sequence of wars that determined the shape of Europe during the eighteenth century. James Falkner’s narrative gives a fascinating insight into the Battle of Fontenoy itself and more widely into the nature of warfare in Europe 250 years ago.

718419, $34.95, $22.99, Hardback, 224 pages
Lieutenant General Sir Samuel Auchmuty
The Military Life of an American
Loyalist and Imperial General
John D Grainger
Samuel Auchmuty was born in New York in 1756. During the American Revolution his remained loyal to King George and he joined the British 45th Foot in 1777. After the war he remained in British service, campaigned in many parts of the world and rose through the ranks. Despite a varied and distinguished career he has not received the attention he warrants, neither as a Loyalist from New York, nor as a successful British soldier. John Grainger examines his part in events which shaped world history.

730923, $34.95, $22.99, Hardback, 304 pages
Bound for the East Indies Halsewell—A Shipwreck that Gripped the Nation

Andre Norman
It was late December 1785. For the past six weeks the Honorable Company Ship (HCS) Halsewell, employed in the service of the Honorable East India Company, had been berthed at Gravesend in Kent as she prepared to embark on her third voyage to the East Indies. When she set sail, on 1 January 1786, no one could have guessed that her dramatic demise would touch the very heart of the nation: an event of such pathos as to inspire the greatest writer of the age, Charles Dickens, to put pen to paper, the greatest painter of the age J. M. W. Turner to apply brush to canvas, and the King and Queen to pay homage at the very place where the catastrophe occurred.
557532, $24.00, $15.99, Paperback, 160 pages
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North Carolina’s Confederate Hospitals, 1861-1863
Volume I
Wade Sokolosky
This book is an organizational examination of North Carolina’s Confederate hospitals and why they existed. The first two chapters provide the reader with a general understanding of the Confederate Medical Department and the military and civilians that were essential in the day-to-day operations of a hospital. The remaining chapters are arranged chronologically and discuss the key military operations and events that occurred in the state or in Virginia that drove hospital requirements.

602238, $32.95, $21.50, Hardback, 255 pages
A Civil War Road Trip of a Lifetime Antietam, Gettysburg, and Beyond
John Banks
Over more than a year, John Banks crisscrossed the country, exploring battlefields, historic houses, forts, and more. He rode on the back of an ATV with his “psychotic connection” in Mississippi, went under the spell of an amateur hypnotist at a U.S. Army fort in Tennessee, admired a sunset from the grounds of the notorious Andersonville prison camp in Georgia, prayed during a tense boat ride in Charleston Harbor in South Carolina, and briefly interviewed Louie the wild boar in Virginia’s Shenandoah Valley. Join him on a road trip like no other.
627671, $28.95, $18.99, Paperback, 320 pages

The Civil War The 3D
Ingo Bauernfeind
Experience the Civil War on a breathtaking threedimensional journey! By viewing spectacular historical photos with 3D glasses, you will get the impression of being there?on the battlefield at Gettysburg, at a field hospital, aboard the famed ironclad USS Monitor, and in ruins of once proud cities. You will be able to go back in time?in 3D! Along with a preface by National Park Service chief historian Dr. Robert Sutton, and an informative timeline, the reader will be able to track the war‘s significant battles, events, and even come face to face with President Lincoln.
598407, $19.95, $12.99, Paperback, 104 pages
Unhonored Service
The Life of Lee’s Senior Cavalry Commander, Colonel Thomas Taylor Munford, CSA

Sheridan R. Barringer
Eric Wittenberg
Thomas Taylor Munford was the most senior, and likely the most important, cavalry colonel in Robert E. Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia. As a graduate of the Virginia Military Institute, Munford was well placed, but not a member of the West Point military elite. This likely contributed to his being overlooked repeatedly for promotion to brigadier general, despite having commanded Fitzhugh Lee’s brigade in some of the war’s most important battles and commanding a division at the end of the war. Bitterness over these snubs and other issues led to Munford’s famous feud with Major General Thomas L. Rosser. This is a biography worthy of shelf space in the library of every serious student of the American Civil War.
602214, $39.95, $25.99, Hardback, 428 pages
Muskets & Springfields

Wargaming the American Civil War

Nigel Emsen
Muskets & Springfields offers a model-scale independent game for American Civil War battles. Players command army corps with infantry, cavalry, and artillery. Units are measured using grids, representing 300 yards. Morale and attrition are managed at the corps and unit levels. The rules incorporate sharpshooters and skirmishers and use a bag-pull system for turns.
512913, $37.50, $24.50, Paperback, 80 pages
From the Civil War’s Boy General to the Battle of the Little Bighorn

Ted Behncke
Gary Bloomfield
This is the first Custer biography to focus on these lesser-known parts of his life in great detail. The approach uses all of Custer’s known writings: letters; magazine articles; his book, My Life on the Plains; and his unfinished memoirs of the Civil War; along with materials and books by his wife, Elizabeth Custer; and reflections of others who knew him well.
008899, $34.95, $22.99, Hardback, 264 pages
Year of Desperate Struggle
Jeb Stuart and His Cavalry, from Gettysburg to Yellow Tavern, 1863-1864

Monte Akers
This work picks up where Year of Glory left off, with a minute examination of Stuart’s cavalry during the controversial Gettysburg campaign, followed by the nine months of sparring during which the Army of Potomac declined to undertake further major thrusts against Virginia. In this work Akers provides a fascinating, close-in view of the Confederacy’s cavalry arm during this crucial period of the war. After Stuart’s death the Army of Northern Virginia would eventually be cornered, but while he was alive it was often the Northerners who most needed to look to their security. 002828, $32.95, $21.50, Hardback, 312 pages
Texans at Gettysburg Blood and Glory with Hood’s Texas Brigade

Randy S. Drais
Joseph L. Owen
The Texans from Hood’s Texas Brigade and other regiments who fought at Gettysburg on 1-3 July 1863 described their experiences of the battle in personal diaries, interviews, newspaper articles, letters and speeches. Their reminiscences provide a fascinating and harrowing account of the battle as they fought the Army of the Potomac. These accounts describe their actions at Devil’s Den, Little Round Top and other areas during the battle. For the first time ever, their experiences are compiled in Texans at Gettysburg: Blood and Glory with Hood’s Texas Brigade.
450609, $28.95, $18.99, Paperback, 240 pages
Storming the Wheatfield

John Caldwell’s Union Division in the Gettysburg Campaign
James M. Smith II
Chris Bagley
This gripping narrative is an in-depth study of the valiant men of General John Caldwell’s Union Division during the Gettysburg Campaign. Caldwell’s Division made a desperate stand against a tough and determined Confederate force in farmer George Rose’s nearly 20-acre Wheatfield. The infamous Wheatfield would change hands nearly six times in the span of two hours of fighting on July 2, becoming a trampled, bloody, no-man’s land for thousands of wounded soldiers. Smith examines the lives of the Union soldiers, from Colonel Edward Cross’s black bandana, to the famed Irish Brigade’s charge on Stoney Hill, James Smith’s Storming the Wheatfield goes deep into the lives the soldiers.
304938, $23.95, $15.99, Paperback, 208 pages
Texans at Antietam

A Terrible Clash of Arms, September 16-17, 1862
Joe Owen
Philip McBride
The Texans from Hood’s Texas Brigade and other regiments who fought at Antietam on 16–17 September 1862 described their experiences of the battle in personal diaries, interviews, newspaper articles, letters, and speeches. Their reminiscences provide a fascinating and harrowing account of the battle as they fought the Army of the Potomac. This book collates their writings alongside speeches that were given in the decades after the battle, during the annual reunions of Hood’s Brigade Association and the dedication of the Hood’s Brigade Monument at the state capital in Austin, Texas.
450227, $28.95, $18.99, Paperback, 272 pages
Gettysburg’s Unknown Soldier
The Life, Death, and Celebrity of Amos
Mark H. Dunkelman
Errol Morris
Lying dead in Gettysburg in 1863, a solitary Union soldier lacked any standard means of identification. Only a single clue was clutched in his fingers: an ambrotype of his three young children. This paperback reprint edition is updated with a new introduction by the author, as well as a foreword by Academy award-winning film director Errol Morris.

627602, $24.95, $16.50, Paperback, 304 pages
Widow’s Weeds and Weeping Veils
Rituals in 19th Century America
Bernadette Loeffel-Atkins
The Victorian era both in Europe and America saw the rituals of mourning rise above the practical use of providing closure for those left behind.
Widow’s Weeds and Weeping Veils explores how Victorians viewed death and dying, describing the cultural and social changes that occurred as a result of the historical events of their time. This concise, informative work is ideal for students of the nineteenthcentury, American Civil War enthusiasts and anyone interested in Victorian culture.

863113, $11.50, $7.50, Paperback, 56 pages
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To Conquer And to Keep - Suchet and the War for Eastern Spain, 1809-1814
Volume 1 - 1809-1811
Yuhan Kim
Napoleon once famously remarked ‘If I had had two Marshals like Suchet I should not only have conquered Spain, but have kept it’. Louis-Gabriel Suchet was one of the few French commanders to leave the Peninsular War with his reputation enhanced, and the only one to win his marshal’s baton in that war. This first volume addresses the opening battles between Suchet and the Spanish commander Joaquin Blake, showing how Suchet recovered from an initial defeat to decisively crush his opponent, before considering the string of successful sieges that ended with the fall of Tarragona and a Marshal’s baton. 070470, $59.95, $38.99, Paperback, 242 pages
Napoleon’s Polish Gamble

Eylau and Friedland
Christopher Summerville
Napoleon’s 1807 campaign against the Russians came close to being his first defeat. At Eylau the Emperor was outnumbered by the army of the Russian commander Bennigsen, yet he accepted battle. His reputation was saved by the flamboyant
Murat, who led one of the greatest cavalry charges in history. Summerville’s gripping account of this bitterly fought clash and of Napoleon’s subsequent triumph at Friedland is the first extensive study of the campaign to be published for a century. The story is told in the concise, clear Campaign Chronicles format which records the action in vivid detail, day by day, hour by hour. Included are full orders of battle showing the chain of command and the fighting capabilities of the opposing armies.
152605, $39.95, $25.99, Hardback, 192 pages
British and Spanish Relations During the Peninsular War
The British Gracchi
Joaquin García Contreras
Malcolm Marsh
The Spanish Peninsular War was a unique conflict between traditionally allied countries, France and Spain, without a formal declaration of war. Histories and memoirs on the war have shown bias, making it difficult to find reliable information. After two centuries, a more objective analysis is now possible. The Wellesley brothers played a crucial role in maintaining the alliance between Britain and Spain, with Richard changing the course of the war and Henry coordinating official relations. Arthur Wellesley, later Duke of Wellington, led a five-year campaign that defeated the French and liberated Portugal and Spain. This book uses original sources to explore the Anglo-Hispanic relations during this significant period of Spanish history.

044837, $42.95, $27.99, Hardback, 232 pages
To Conquer And to Keep - Suchet and the War for Eastern Spain, 1809-1814

Volume 2 -
Yuhan Kim
Napoleon once famously remarked ‘If I had had two Marshals like Suchet I should not only have conquered Spain, but have kept it’. This second volume takes a detailed look at the pivotal, but hitherto misunderstood, Battle of Sagunto and the campaign leading up to it, which is analyzed to incorporate new Spanish research that reconstructs the historical narrative of Suchet’s climactic battle against Joaquin Blake. Victory at Sagunto was followed by the fall of Valencia, and then a lengthy struggle, lasting to the end of the war, to hold on to what had been conquered in the face of resurgent Spanish armies and a British expeditionary force.
513965, $59.95, $38.99, Paperback, 312 pages
Albuera Eyewitness Contemporary Accounts of the Battle of Albuera, 16 May 1811

Guy Dempsey
On 16 May 1811, the small town of Albuera was the setting for one of the Peninsular War’s most bloody and desperate battles. The stories from those who fought in the battle on both sides make for both chilling and inspiring reading. These contemporaneous accounts include letters, diaries, official correspondence, army records, maps, newspaper reports and memoirs totaling over 100 contemporary accounts of the battle. They range from the comprehensive after-action reports of the British, Portuguese, Spanish and French commanders to casualty and prisoner lists and to recollections of individual soldiers from all the combatant armies.
06640A, $49.95, $32.50, Hardback, 312 pages
The Coalitions Against Napoleon

How British Money, Manufacturing and
Military Power Forged the Alliances that Achieved Victory
William Nester
Britain alone could not hope to defeat the might of Napoleonic France which, through enforced conscription, had become a nation in arms. But British leaders had a history of forging alliances to counter their rivals and when revolution ravaged France in 1793 and a levée en masse raised a huge patriotic army, it was through a coalition of monarchies that French ambitions were restrained – made possible by British gold and British industry. Britain’s leading role in Europe did not end with Waterloo. Immediately following the Sixth Coalition, Britain constructed a security system of cooperation and consultation called the ‘Concert of Europe’ that prevented a war among them for two generations.
043021, $49.95, $32.50, Hardback, 272 pages
Napoleon’s Infantry Handbook
Terry Crowdy
Napoleon’s Infantry Handbook is a comprehensive reference guide that delves into the training, tactics, equipment, and daily life of his soldiers.

Drawing from contemporary manuals and regulations, Terry Crowdy provides intricate details on routines, administration, and practices that shaped the formidable imperial army until Waterloo. This invaluable resource covers weapon maintenance, uniform regulations, pay, diet, hygiene, medical care, and more. Going beyond traditional accounts, the book unveils the “how” behind Napoleon’s military achievements, making it a unique and illuminating glimpse into the everyday experiences of his infantry soldiers.
023580, $29.95, $19.50, Paperback, 304 pages
Blood, Bilge and Iron Balls

A Tabletop Game of Naval Battles in the Age of Sail
Alan Abbey Blood, Bilge and Iron Balls is a naval wargame for age of sail battles. Recreate Nelson’s triumphs or face pirates in the Spanish Main. The rules are simple and easy to learn, suitable for commanding a single ship or a large fleet. Optional rules enhance historical realism. A card-driven turn sequence adds unpredictability. Scenarios for historical battles and campaign rules are included. Use model ships or ship counters provided. Grab dice, tape measure, and pencil to start playing this fast and fun game.
077309, $24.95, $16.50, Paperback, 144 pages
Chasseurs a Cheval of Napoleon’s Guard

Miguel Ángel Martín Mas
The Chasseurs à Cheval de la Garde Impériale was the Emperor Napoleon’s habitual escort and a valuable cavalry reserve in battle. It was a unit formed of light cavalrymen of proven courage but also of outstanding moral fiber who had to serve as an example to the rest of the army. This book recounts the history of this legendary unit, a unit whose antecedents can be traced back to the first battles won by Napoleon in Italy and to the burning sands of the Egyptian desert.
527973, $45.95, $29.99, Paperback, 72 pages
The Russian Campaign of 1812

Memoirs of a Russian Artilleryman
Alexander Mikaberidze
Peter G A Phillips
The first of three volumes, this book represents the first English translation of the memoirs that rank among the best in the vast Napoleonic memoir literature. The author, Ilya Timofeyevich Radozhitskii, served with distinction during the wars against Napoleon. Radozhitskii offers fresh insight into the life and daily experiences of Russian officers during the Napoleonic Wars. Starting in the summer of 1812 and following the travails of his unit over the next six months, Radozhitskii’s narrative contains striking descriptions of the wartime experiences of soldiers and officers, vivid accounts of the battles, and heartrending stories from the French retreat.
06794A, $34.95, $22.99, Hardback, 224 pages
The Redcoats of Wellington’s Light Division in the Peninsular War Unpublished and Rare Memoirs of the 52nd Regiment of Foot

Gareth Glover
The Light Division is rightly regarded as the most famous force within Wellington’s army in the Peninsular War. The 95th Rifles has literally a dozen or more memorialists have been published and republished countless times. But the 52nd Foot – the first of the regiments of the Light Division to be trained as light infantry – has, until now, been largely unrepresented. After decades of research, Gareth Glover has unearthed a collection of short memoirs from soldiers of the 52nd (Oxfordshire) Regiment which have never been published before and one previously published, but now virtually unobtainable. This collection will undoubtedly add an essential element to our understanding of the role of the Light Division both in battle and on campaign.
084963, $49.95, $32.50, Hardback, 280 pages
The Long Shadow of Waterloo Myths, Memories, and Debates

Timothy Fitzpatrick
The Battle of Waterloo ended a century of war between France and Great Britain and became a key part of their national identity, serving their political needs as the battle was refought throughout the 19th century in politics, books and art to create the myth of Waterloo. For Great Britain, Waterloo became a symbol of British hegemony while the multinational contribution to the battle was downplayed and for France it was remembered as a military disaster. Through looking at the history of the battle over the battle’s significance in history, an insight is gained into how cultural myths and legends about a battle are made.
00761A, $44.95, $29.50, Hardback, 240 pages
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Hungary 1849 The Summer Campaign

PringleWilhelm Ramming
The Hungarian War of Independence was one of the largest European conflicts of the 19th century, lasting a year, encompassing a dozen major battles and many smaller actions and sieges, with half a million men under arms by its end. Yet it remains strangely obscure and overlooked by the Anglophone world, perhaps because of the inaccessibility of Hungarian-language sources for most English readers, combined with the limited number of German-language sources due to Austria’s embarrassment about the whole episode. This book is the second of two volumes which together provide a complete history of this neglected war.
113801, $69.95, $45.50, Paperback, 556 pages
Moltke and his Generals A Study in Leadership

BarryWhen Helmuth von Moltke took over as Chief of the Prussian General Staff, the Prussian army had not fought for more than forty years. Yet within a decade and a half he had brought it to the point where it was the strongest in Europe. His success was not only due to far sighted strategic planning, the comprehensive reorganization of the General Staff and his grasp of new technologies; it was also due to his leadership of a talented, if disparate, group of subordinates, even if some of them sometimes failed to grasp his overall intentions. This book examines these key relationships.
174768, $49.95, $32.50, Paperback, 256 pages
Armies of the Crimean War

Gabriele Esposito
The Crimean War of 18541856 was one of the largest military conflicts of the 19th century and saw Russia fighting against an international coalition that comprised Great Britain and France in addition to the Ottoman Empire. Under many points of view it was the first “modern” war of Europe, since it saw the introduction of many military innovations that changed warfare forever. In this book, all the military contingents taking part to the conflict will be taken into consideration: the Russian Army, British Army, French Army, and Ottoman Army. Also the Piedmontese Army that joined the allies later in the war will be analyzed.
549944, $30.00, $19.50, Paperback, 180 pages
Victorian Crusaders

British and Irish Volunteers in the Papal Army 186070
Nicholas Schofield
The struggle for Italian Unification brings to mind images of patriotic heroes such as Garibaldi and Mazzini. However, there is another side to the story: thousands of Catholics from across Europe (and beyond) volunteered to defend the pope from those who threatened his authority and his kingdom. These nineteenth century ‘crusaders’ included around 1,600 from England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland. This book focuses on the turbulent period between 1860 and 1870, which saw a Piedmontese invasion of the Papal States (1860), an attempted capture of Rome by Garibaldi (1867) and finally the newly formed Italian Army’s attack of 1870, which left Rome as the kingdom’s capital.
070531, $49.95, $32.50, Paperback, 222 pages
Armies of the Italian Risorgimento

Gabriele Esposito
The Italian Risorgimento, a pivotal period in European history, saw the unification of the Italian peninsula into a single kingdom after three brutal wars. This book explores the military contributions of various Italian states, including Piedmont, Two Sicilies, Papal States, Tuscany, Modena, and Parma, during the campaigns of 1848-1870. It delves into the regular troops, Revolutionary States’ armies, and international volunteer corps that fought for Italy. Richly illustrated with color plates, it showcases iconic units like the Piedmontese Bersaglieri and Papal Zouaves, bringing to life the uniforms of this transformative era
549951, $30.00, $19.50, Paperback, 180 pages
A Crimean Winter of Discontent
The Crimean War Letters of William John
Ian Fletcher
In his unpublished letters, William John Rous vividly depicts the harsh realities of life in the Crimean War. Through Ian Fletcher’s editing, Rous’s accounts of the treacherous trenches and brutal winter are brought to light. These letters expose the army’s shortcomings during a period marked by high casualties from cold, disease, and exhaustion. Rous’s firsthand experience provides new insight into the renowned yet tragic campaign fought by the British army.
062138, $39.95, $25.99, Hardback, 136 pages

The Great Redan at Sebastopol

The Most Victoria Crosses Awarded for a Single Action
James W BancroftOn 18 June 1855, British assault troops moved out of their trenches before Sebastopol in the Crimea, and attacked the formidable Russian bastion known as the Great Redan. They came under such a murderous fire from the Russian defenders that the attack faltered, and the British were eventually forced to fall back. As they did so, they left over 1,000 comrades dead and dying out in the open and at the mercy of enemy snipers. The Siege of Sebastopol saw the development of trench warfare for the first time. Using eyewitness accounts and unpublished letters, the author tells the story of how the men coped with the terrible conditions as they prepared for the assault – as well as the events during and after the fighting.
060523, $49.95, $32.50, Hardback, 224 pages
Beyond the Reach of Empire Wolseley’s Failed Campaign to Save Gordon and Khartoum

Lieutenant Colonel Mike Snook
In the 1880s, Muhammad Ahmed led a successful jihadist uprising in Sudan against Egyptian colonial rule. Major General Charles Gordon was sent to evacuate Khartoum and grant self-rule, but the mission backfired. Mike Snook’s meticulously researched narrative uncovers the mismanagement of the Khartoum affair and Sir Garnet Wolseley’s flawed Gordon Relief Expedition. With attention to detail and an intimate understanding of the era, Snook exposes the myths surrounding this Victorian high-adventure and questions Wolseley’s generalship. An enthralling tale that exonerates the scapegoat and highlights the failures of the British Empire.

01355A, $34.95, $22.99, Paperback, 608 pages
Retreat and Retribution in Afghanistan, 1842
Two Journals of the First Afghan War

Dr. Margaret Kekewich
The blow to British pride and confidence caused by the crushing defeat of their army in Afghanistan during the winter of 1841/2 compares in its impact to the disaster in New York on 11 September 2001. The British had replaced a popular and effective monarch with a weak one in the mistaken belief that he would keep the Russians at bay. Two years later, nearly all the British and Indian soldiers in the region were killed in a popular uprising. Margaret Kekewich’s perceptive new study of the conflict describes the British defeat, their re-occupation of Afghanistan in the spring of 1842, then their final withdrawal at the end of the year.
019903, $29.95, $19.50, Paperback, 208 pages
Sharpshooter in the Crimea
The Letters of the Captain
Gerald Goodlake VC 1854-56
Michael Springman
The letters home to his family by Gerald Goodlake, a young officer in the Coldstream Guards, make remarkable reading. They vividly describe the ill-preparedness of the British Army and the dire conditions experienced by all ranks in the Crimea. Goodlakes views on senior officers were frank to say the least! Most important, Goodlakes initiative and courage in organizing and leading what were Special Forces were rewarded by the award of one of the first Victoria Crosses. Goodlake served in the Crimea from early 1854 to the end two years later.
074483, $29.95, $19.50, Paperback, 240 pages
Robert Baden-Powell A Biography

Lorraine Gibson
Robert Baden-Powell was Britain’s first celebrity. A conflicted character - militarist and pacifist, macho man and drag artist, elitist and socialisthe was one of the 20th century’s most influential and, latterly, controversial Englishmen, finding fame not once, but twice – and for two very different reasons. This book examines BadenPowell’s dual personality, or his ‘two lives’ as he called them, including his difficult childhood with a domineering and unaffectionate mother whom he loved even after she forced him into the army at 19, dashing his dreams of becoming an artist. It looks at his military career and his love of drama and at why protesters wanted to topple his statue on Poole Quay in the pandemic summer of 2020.
00930A, $42.95, $27.99, Hardback, 256 pages
The Rorke’s Drift Commanders Gonville Bromhead and John Chard

James W Bancroft
Lieutenants Gonville Bromhead and John Chard were thrust into fame during the AngloZulu War at Rorke’s Drift. Despite their reluctance, they became celebrated heroes and were awarded the Victoria Cross. The defense of Rorke’s Drift, a previously unknown
homestead, gained public attention through the film “Zulu!” in 1964. Bromhead and Chard embodied the Victorian officer’s way of life and played pivotal roles in a battle that remains intriguing, debatable, and unforgettable.
009966, $39.95, $25.99, Hardback, 232 pages
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The Railway that Helped win the Crimean War

The Story of the Grand Crimean Central Railway
Anthony Dawson
Week after week, the guns of the British expeditionary force battered away at the defenses of Sevastopol. As autumn turned to winter, rain and frost turned the track from Balaklava into a muddy quagmire and soon it became virtually impassable. When news of the terrible plight of the troops reached the UK, a leading railway contractor and his partners undertook to build a railway at cost from Balaklava to the front line. In this comprehensive and detailed account of the construction and use of what became known as the Grand Crimean Central Railway the author describes the astonishing achievement in building the first railway ever employed in warfare, and the first to be used for casualty evacuation, thousands of miles from the UK.
77555A, $49.95, $32.50, Hardback, 272
France at Bay 18701871

The Struggle for Paris
Douglas Fermer
The Franco-Prussian War did not end with the catastrophic French defeat at Sedan on 1 September 1870 when an entire French army surrendered, the Emperor Napoleon III was captured, and his regime collapsed. The war went on for another five agonizing months, and resolved itself into a contest for Paris - for while Paris held out, France was undefeated. The story of this dramatic final phase of the war is the subject of Douglas Fermer’s masterly account, the sequel to his Sedan 1870. He weaves this story of military victory and defeat into a gripping narrative and it sets the extraordinary events of nearly 150 years ago in the wider context of European history.
08284A, $29.95, $19.50, Paperback, 296 pages
Hill of Squandered Valour

The Battle for Spion
Ron Lock
The Battle of Spion Kop was fought during the campaign to relieve Ladysmith, South Africa, after the Boers of the Transvaal and Orange Free State had gotten a jump on the British Empire and besieged a British army in the town. It was the single bloodiest episode in the campaign, as well as a harbinger of the bitter and desperate fighting still to come in the Second Boer War. Ron Lock brings to life this previously overlooked campaign in vivid detail, with supporting sources including then-journalist Winston Churchill’s battle report, as well as many previously unpublished illustrations and 6 newly commissioned maps.
000077, $32.95, $21.50, Hardback, 288 pages
Impossible Victories Ten Unlikely Battlefield Successes

Bryan Perrett
Victory on the battlefield is sometimes achieved against the odds victory snatched from the jaws of apparently inevitable defeat. A daring counter attack, an unexpected maneuver, a stubborn refusal to be beaten and the impossible victory is won. In the ten dramatic episodes in this book, military historian Bryan Perrett revisits battles from the Peninsula War of 1811 to Vietnam in 1967, via colonial action in two world wars.
07475A, $29.95, $19.50, Paperback, 224 pages
History of the Third Seminole War
Joe Knetsch
John Missall
History of the Third Seminole War is a detailed narrative of the war and its causes, containing numerous firsthand accounts from participants in the war, derived from virtually all the available primary sources, collected over many years.

Exodus from the Alamo

The Anatomy of the Last Stand Myth
Phillip Thomas Tucker
Contrary to movie and legend, we now know that the defenders of the Alamo in the war for Texan independence did not die under brilliant sunlight, defending their positions against hordes of Mexican infantry. Instead the Mexicans launched a predawn attack, surmounting the walls in darkness, forcing a wild melee inside the fort before many of its defenders had even awoken. This book, after deep research into recently discovered Mexican accounts and the forensic evidence, informs us that the traditional myth of the Alamo is even more off-base: most of the Alamo’s defenders died in breakouts from the fort, cut down by Santa Anna’s cavalry that had been pre-positioned to intercept the escapees.
000763, $24.95, $16.50, Paperback, 432 pages
Birdie – More Than ’Soul of Anzac’ Field Marshal Lord Birdwood of Anzac and Totnes,

Richard Farrimond
A number of leading British and Australian historians have cited that a comprehensive study of Field Marshal Lord Birdwood is long overdue. He was a very significant general at Gallipoli, commanding the Anzacs, and leading the successful final evacuations. Throughout his life he displayed great diplomatic acumen and his later years were both militarily and politically significant.
512364, $49.95, $32.50, Hardback, 232 pages
Ronny Bar
German Fighters of the Great War Vol 1

Ronny Barr
When Anthony Fokker introduced the Eindecker with its synchronized machine gun, the era of true fighter aircraft began. German fighter pilots in World War I showcased courage, clever tactics, and technically impressive planes against a larger enemy force. Renowned profile artist Ronny Bar presents over 350 detailed profiles in Ronny Bar Profiles - German Fighters of the Great War Volume I. This volume covers the early to mid-war period, featuring aircraft such as the Fokker Eindecker (1915) to the Albatros D-V (1917). Experience the flamboyant and colorful world of these German fighters, known as the “rock stars” of the Great War.
704089, $45, $29.50, Hardback, 242 pages
Belleau Wood and Vaux 1 to 26 June & July 1918

Maarten Otte
The Battle of Belleau Wood was a significant engagement for the US Marine Corps in June 1918. It marked their first major battle in Europe during World War
I. The marines joined the fight as the German offensive was waning. The book explores the battlefield and provides tours, accompanied by photographs, maps, and firsthand accounts. It sheds light on the littleknown actions of the American Expeditionary Forces.
796219, $22.95, $14.99, Paperback, 240 pages
A Taste of Success
The First Battle of the Scarpe. The Opening Phase of the Battle of Arras 9-14 April 1917

Jim Smithson
Wedged between the Battles of the Somme and Passchendaele, the Battle of Arras has often been termed ‘The Forgotten Battle’ with little in the way of supporting literature. A Taste of Success is aimed at filling that void - giving the reader an insight into a battle that clearly showed the development of the British and Commonwealth Armies over the early years of the First World War, and how far they still had to go to achieve victory. A great deal of the work is based upon primary material, with both British and German sources being used to deepen the analysis of events and also to challenge myths and previous descriptions of the battle.
510438, $59.95, $38.99, Paperback, 328 pages
Pioneers of Aerial Combat

Air Battles of the First World War
Michael Foley
When the Wright Brothers made their first flight in the early years of the twentieth century it sparked the imagination of those who wanted to fly. In Britain, the spark wasn’t strong enough to light a fire until the First World War. This publication consolidates a range of stories, insights, and facts that, when combined, offer a vivid impression of events as they unfolded. The chaos and the scramble to develop aircraft in response to the threat to homeland security is eloquently relayed, as are the battles. The reality of conflict gave aviation engineers and designers the opportunity to test their craft in the harshest of environments, pushing the benchmark ever higher in terms of what could be achieved.
07495A, $26.95, $17.99, Paperback, 192 pages
British Armoured Car Operations in World War One

Bryan Perrett
Readers have come to expect a level of detail and critical rigor from the established military historian and author Bryan Perrett. They will not be disappointed at all here by this new publication. Focussing predominantly on the British armored car units of World War One, it untangles many fascinating strands forming the history of modern warfare. Full of detail, it acquaints the reader with the complete history of the armored car, from invention onwards, setting the history of its Great War service career firmly in context. Well written in an accessible style, this publication serves as an impressive tribute to the armored car, one of the most effective weapons utilized by the allies during the course of the Great War.
796806, $29.95, $19.50, Paperback, 184 pages
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Deserters of the First World War The Home Front

Andrea Hetherington
The story of First World War deserters who were shot at dawn, then pardoned nearly a century later has often been told, but these 306 soldiers represent a tiny proportion of deserters. More than 80,000 cases of desertion and absence were tried at courts martial on the home front but these soldiers have been ignored. Andrea Hetherington, in this thought-provoking and meticulously researched account, sets the record straight by describing the deserters who disappeared from camps and barracks within Great Britain at an alarming rate. Her timely book gives us a vivid insight into a hitherto overlooked aspect of the First World War.
798909, $29.95, $19.50, Paperback, 224 pages
The Petrol Navy
British, American and Other Naval Motor Boats at War 1914 –
DunnOn the outbreak of war in 1914, the Royal Navy found it required more small craft than it possessed to carry out minesweeping, anti-submarine patrols and coastal defense. This led to the formation of an auxiliary force of civilian vessels, including motor pleasure boats and yachts, relatively new types of craft powered by the internal combustion engine. The Petrol Navy tells the stirring story of these motor-driven boats at war, of their development and operations and of the many colorful characters who were their captains and crew. It will acquaint historians and enthusiasts with an important and previously untold aspect of the naval war, and will engross those with a more general interest in the First World War.

062855, $49.95, $32.50, Hardback, 320 pages
French Generals of the Great War Leading the Way

Krause PhilpottWho were the senior generals who took France through the First World War, and why do we know so little about them? They commanded the largest force on the Western Front through both humiliating defeats and forgotten victories; they won international respect and adoration, but also led their army to infamous mutiny. Nevertheless, the French and their allies, under a French General in Chief, would eventually achieve final victory over Imperial Germany.. It is this gap in the literature and in the understanding of the conflict that this thoughtprovoking and original volume is designed to address. It takes a collective biographical approach to the leading French soldiers who ran the war on the Western Front.
592526, $49.95,$32.50, Hardback, 320
Fighting for the French Foreign Legion Americans who joined the First World War in 1914

Nils Elmark
On August 25th 1914, a group of young Americans joined the Foreign Legion and “with a cowboy swing” marched through Paris, wildly cheered by the crowd. They were the first Americans in the Great War, and this is the intimate story of three of those young men. The three young Americans, rooted in the nation, each has an amazing story to tell. But when their adventures are brought together we get a three-dimensional perspective on how America broke its isolation from the world and started to unite as a nation during the 20th century. Most of all, this book is a fantastic saga full of brave men, great adventures and terrific sacrifices that bring hope and a new direction in a time of human division.
06915A, $42.95, $27.99, Hardback, 224 pages
Field Marshal the Earl of Cavan Soldier and Fox Hunter

Michael Senior
Field Marshal Lord Cavan (18651946) was a distinguished British army commander, but opinions about him varied among his contemporaries. Some senior soldiers criticized him, while his subordinates admired his calm and self-confidence. In Michael Senior’s comprehensive biography, Cavan’s qualities and achievements as a leader, corps commander, and administrator are examined. He served in the Boer War and World War I, and oversaw the post-war downsizing of the British army. The book also delves into Cavan’s personal life, exploring how his aristocratic background, wealth, and love of fox hunting influenced his actions in war and peace.
758187, $49.95, $32.50, Hardback, 272 pages
The Ironclads of Cambrai

Bryan Cooper
The first mass attack using tanks on November 20, 1917, marked a remarkable success and set the future course of mechanized warfare. Breaking through the German defense system of the Hindenburg Line, tanks were supported by low flying fighter aircraft. The victory at Cambrai initially brought celebration and hopes of defeating Germany. However, the British High Command failed to capitalize on the success, lacking faith in this new weapon. Tragically, they miscalculated the necessary steps, allowing the Germans to counter-attack and regain lost ground. The final victory was delayed for another year.
019880, $29.95, $19.50, Paperback, 248 pages
German Prisoners of the Great War Life in a Yorkshire Camp
Anne BuckleyIn Munich in 1920, just after the end of the First World War, German officers who had been prisoners of war in England published a book they had written and smuggled back to Germany. Through vivid text and illustrations they describe in detail their experience of life in captivity in a camp at Skipton in Yorkshire. Their work, now translated into English for the first time, gives us a unique insight into their feelings about the war, their captors and their longing to go home. German Prisoners of the Great War offers us a direct inside of view a hitherto neglected aspect of the wartime experience a century ago.

798688, $32.95, $21.50, Paperback, 352 pages
Colonel Strutt’s Daring Royal Mission

The Secret British Rescue of the Habsburg Family, 1919
Diana TrittonIn January 1919, Lt. Colonel Edward Lisle Strutt, laden with medals and decorations, was on his way home from the Eastern Front when he was waylaid and ordered to Austria. He was irate when he learned the nature of his mission and tried to refuse. How could they ask him to give aid to the enemy he had just spend four miserable years fighting? To his great surprise he was to change his mind when he met and became enthralled by Zita Empress of Austria-Hungary. Thereafter, he was hers to command despite the danger to his life and career. Fortunately for us he kept a diary of the next three months which was lodged in the Royal archive at Windsor where it lay forgotten for the next 70 years.
060424, $42.95, $27.99, Hardback, 272 pages
Military Air Power in Europe Preparing for War
A Study of European Nations’ Air Forces Leading up to 1939

Norman Ridley
The First World War brought about the mechanization of warfare, with devastating consequences. After the war, leaders sought ways to prevent future static battle fronts. Military aviation emerged as a promising innovation that could revolutionize warfare by enhancing ground forces and enabling strategic strikes on enemy targets. The book explores the development of air arms in Germany, Britain, France, Soviet Union, Poland, and Italy, as they sought independence from army control and competed for prominence. It covers the period from the advent of aviation to the onset of the Second World War.
066853, $42.95, $27.99, Hardback, 256 pages
Flight Lieutenant Thomas ‘Tommy’ Rose DFC WWI Fighter Ace, Record Breaker, Chief Test Pilot - His Remarkable Life in the Air

Sarah Chambers
Flight Lieutenant Thomas ‘Tommy’ Rose, a First World War fighter ace and pioneer of private flying, achieved incredible feats of aviation. He managed the UK’s first fuel pump for private aviation and served as Sales Manager for Phillips and Powis Aircraft Ltd. A skilled pilot and Chief Test Pilot for Miles Aircraft, he amazed onlookers with his fast, accurate stunts and low-level flying. Mentioned in Despatches and awarded the DFC, Tommy survived multiple attacks on his aircraft. He set world records, won air races, and flew various RAF fighters. Despite being widely known in his time, his remarkable life is often forgotten today. This book reveals the adventures of one of history’s most accomplished aviators.
783820, $49.95, $32.50, Hardback, 328 pages
Tank Battles of World War I

Bryan Cooper
Bryan Cooper describes the early tank actions in vivid detail, with many eyewitness accounts. He tells of the courage and endurance of the crews not just in battle but in the appalling conditions in which they had to drive and fight their primitive vehicles. Scalded, scorched and poisoned with exhaust fumes, constantly threatened with being burned to death, these crews eventually laid the foundation for the Allied Victory in World War I. The book is well illustrated with many original photographs which give the present day reader a glimpse of the infancy of a dominant weapon of modern war.
019866, $29.95, $19.50, Paperback, 144 pages
British Fighter Aircraft in WWI Design, Construction and Innovation

Mark C Wilkins
World War I witnessed unprecedented growth and innovation in aircraft design, construction, and as the war progressed—mass production. Each country generated its own innovations sometimes in surprising ways. Each manufacturer and design team vied for the upper hand and deftly and quickly appropriated good ideas from other companies—be they friend or foe. Developments in tactics and deployment also influenced design—from the early reconnaissance planes, to turn fighters, finally planes that relied upon formation tactics, speed, and firepower. Advances were so great that the postwar industry seemed bland by comparison.
008813, $39.95, $25.99, Hardback, 192 pages
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The Old Front Line The Centenary of the Western Front in Pictures

Stephen Bull
“The Old Front Line” is a phrase first coined by the poet John Masefield when he looked back on the battle of the Somme from a distance of just one year and speculated how the Western Front might look in the future. Stephen Bull’s copiously illustrated work answers his speculations. The main source material is new and contemporary photographs, as well as some from the intervening century. Taken together these provide a series of exciting vistas and informative details that tell the story of the battles and landscapes. Aerial photography, old and new ground shots—and in a few cases even images taken underground—provide an authoritative summary of the war on the Western Front.
002309, $29.95, $19.50, Hardback, 192 pages
The Dawn of the Drone From the Back-Room Boys of World War One

In the dark days of World War I, when flying machines, radio, and electronics were infant technologies, the first remotely controlled experimental aircraft took to the skies and unmanned radio controlled 40-foot highspeed Motor Torpedo Boats ploughed the seas in Britain. Developed by the British Army’s Royal Flying Corps and the Royal Navy these prototype weapons stemmed from an early form of television demonstrated before the war by Prof. A. M. Low. The remote control systems for these aircraft and boats were invented at RFC Secret Experimental Works commanded by Prof. Low, which was part of the organization of ‘back-room boys’ in the Munitions Inventions Department.
00789A, $34.95, $22.99, Hardback, 336 pages
Sharks of the Air
The Story of Willy Messerschmitt and the Development of History’s First Operational Jet Fighter
James Neal Harvey
Sharks of the Air tells the story of Willy Messerschmitt’s life, and shows how this aeronautical genius built many revolutionary airplanes—not excluding the Luftwaffe’s mainstay, the Me109—and culminating in the Me-262. It describes how his various warplanes fought in Spain, Poland, France, Britain, the U.S.S.R., and over Germany, and it provides thrilling accounts of air battles drawn from combat reports and interviews with veterans. This book also shows how Messerschmitt— like other geniuses such as Porsche, von Braun, and Speer— was affected by cutthroat Nazi politics, and describes his intense rivalries with other aircraft designers.

149460, $49.95, $32.50, Hardback, 352 pages
The Lafayette Escadrille A Photo History of the First American Fighter Squadron

A. RuffinThe Lafayette Escadrille was an all-volunteer squadron of Americans who flew for France during World War I. One hundred years later, it is still arguably the best-known fighter squadron ever to take to the skies. In this work the entire history of these gallant volunteers—who named themselves after the Marquis Lafayette, who came to America’s aid during its Revolution— is laid out in both text and pictorial form. This work not only tells the fascinating story of the Lafayette Escadrille, it shows it. The result is undoubtedly the finest photographic collection of the Lafayette Escadrille to appear in print. It is a never-before-seen visual history that anyone will appreciate. 008523, $24.95, $16.50, Paperback, 288 pages
Artillery Scout
The Story of a Forward Observer with the U.S. Field Artillery in World War I

James G. Bilder
The American Doughboys of World War I are often referred to as the “Lost Generation”; however, in this book we are able to gain an intimate look at their experiences after being thrust into the center of Europe’s “Great War” and enduring some of the most grueling battles in U.S. history. This action-filled work brings the reader straight to the center of America’s costly battles in World War I, reminding us once again how great-power status often has to be earned with blood on battlefields.
002712, $34.95, $22.99, Hardback, 208 pages
Joseph Goebbels

Curt Riess
Curt Riess’ biography was first published in 1949, and benefitted greatly from the discovery of Goebbels’ diaries in 1946. It explores the many fascinating and pertinent aspects of Goebbels’ character: the insecurities brought on by his diminutive stature; his rejection by his family; his consuming jealousy of his rivals; and his obsession with sex. It remains one of the most authoritative biographies of the man whose manipulative genius steered the German nation to ruin. 553237, $29.95, $19.50, Paperback, 448 pages
Fokker Fodder The Royal Aircraft Factory B.E.2c

In the 1912 Military Aeroplane Competition, the B.E.2 outperformed all its competitors; it was put into production and quickly became the most numerous single type in the Royal Flying Corps.
B.E.2c, a later variant nicknamed the ‘Quirk’ by its pilots, was designed for stability and intended mainly for reconnaissance. Matched against the German Fokker Eindecker fighter in the First World War, it was hopelessly outclassed. The Eindecker, piloted by top scoring German aces such as Max Immelmann and Oswald Boelcke, made short work of the B.E.2c in the aerial bloodbath known as the ‘Fokker Scourge’.
550656, $29.95, $19.50, Hardback, 160 pages
War Amongst the Clouds
My Flying Experiences in World War I and the Follow-On Years 19201983

AVM Hugh Granville White
Gp Capt Chris Granville White
This is a story written by a young man who trained as a pilot, and then flew with the Royal Flying Corps in France during the First World War, eventually to become an ace. It is one of survival against the odds at a time when the conduct of air operations depended so much on individual skills, innovation, courage – and luck. Told by Hugh in his own words, he gives a unique insight into war in the air. With the breakup of his squadron and being reduced to a substantive rank, simply because of his young age, Hugh’s writing ends in 1919. From this point, the story is continued by his younger son Christopher.
621430, $34.95, $22.99, Hardback, 224 pages
No Parachute A Classic Account of War in the Air in WWI

From the young airmen who took their frail machines high above the trenches of World War I and fought their foes in single combat there emerged a renowned company of brilliant aces – among them Ball, Bishop, McCudden, Collishaw and Mannock – whose legendary feats have echoed down half a century. Here is the story of one of these unknown flyers – a story based on letters written on the day, hot on the event, which tells of a young pilot’s progress from fledgling to seasoned fighter
621058, $17.95, $11.99, Paperback, 256 pages
Oswald Boelcke Germany’s First Fighter Ace and Father of Air Combat
RG Head
Oswald Boelcke was Germany’s first ace in World War One with a total of forty victories. His character, inspirational leadership, organizational genius, development of air-to-air tactics and impact on aerial doctrine are all reasons why Boelcke remains an important figure in the history of air warfare. In this definitive biography RG Head explores why Oswald Boelcke deserves consideration as the most important fighter pilot of the 20th century and beyond; but also for setting the standard in military aviation flying. This book will appeal to enthusiasts of the German air force, military aviation in general and World War One in particular.

621423, $24.95, $16.50, Paperback, 240 pages
Black September 1918
WWI’s Darkest Month in the Air
Norman Franks
Russell Guest
The follow-up to Bloody April 1917 continues fifteen months later into World War I. Much had happened over this period. More battles had been fought, won and lost on both sides, but now the American strength was feeding in to France with both men and material. With the mighty push on the French/American Front at St Mihiel on 12 September and then along the Meuse-Argonne Front from the 26th, once more masses of men and aircraft were put into the air. They were opposed by no less a formidable German fighter force than had the squadrons in April 1917 although the numbers were not in their favor. Nevertheless, the German fighter pilots were able to inflict an even larger toll on British, French and American aircraft.
621119, $29.95, $19.50, Paperback, 192 pages
The First Tank Crews The Lives of the Tankmen who Fought at the Battle of Flers Courcelette 15 September 1916

PopeThis remarkable new book reveals the hitherto unknown story of the soldiers who took the first tanks into action on the Somme battlefield in September 1916. Drawing on official records, contemporary newspaper reports and family memories, Stephen Pope provides a fascinating insight into the lives of the First Tank Crewmen, covering their recruitment, scant training, rapid deployment and their premature use in battle. He then traces their inter-connected lives over the next two years as tanks played a key role in the defeat of the Germany Army in 1918. He reveals the story of their return to civilian life and their often difficult struggle to build a family life.
059520, $55.00, $35.99, Paperback, 448 pages
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With Valour and Distinction
The Actions of the 2nd Battalion Leicestershire Regiment
Spencer Jones
Nigel Atter
This is the first book to uniquely focus on the actions of the 2nd Battalion Leicestershire Regiment during the First World War. This new history spans the 2nd Leicesters’ military operations undertaken on the Western Front 1914-1915, in Mesopotamia 1916-1917 and Palestine in 1918. The author has undertaken extensive archival research and made use of previously unpublished primary sources from public archives, artifacts kept by direct descendants and collectors of 2nd Leicesters memorabilia. This work is considerably enriched by the author’s access to previously unpublished photographic archives. 866243, $42.95, $27.99, Paperback, 262 pages

Zeppelin Onslaught The Forgotten Blitz

Ian Castle
From the first raid in December 1914, aerial attacks gradually increased through 1915, culminating in highly damaging assaults on London in September and October. London, however, was not the only recipient of German bombs, with counties from Northumberland to Kent also experiencing the indiscriminate death and destruction found in this new theater of war – the Home Front.This German air campaign against the United Kingdom was the first sustained strategic aerial bombing campaign in history. Yet it has become the forgotten Blitz.
324336, $50.00, $32.50, Hardback, 384 pages
Against All Odds
Walter Tull the Black Lieutenant

Stephen Wynn
Walter Tull would have been a remarkable individual no matter when he had been born.
Walter’s sporting prowess saw him play for top local amateur side, Clapton Football club, signing for them in 1908.
In October 1911 Walter was transferred to Northampton Town Football Club. He was put forward for a commission and passed out as a 2nd Lieutenant on 29 May 1917. He went on to become the first black officer in the British Army, to lead white troops in to battle.
Walter was killed in action whilst leading his men in a counter attack against German defensive positions on Monday 25 March 1918\. He died a hero. He was well liked and respected by all who knew him.
704047, $32.95, $21.50, Hardback, 144 pages
Silent Landscape at Gallipoli

The Battlefields of the Dardanelles, One Hundred Years On
Simon Doughty
James Kerr
Gallipoli lies at the gates to the East and just a few miles north of the ancient City of Troy. For just a short time in early 1915, it seemed that this place held the key to an imagined world beyond; it did not, and the only true victors were the Turks. For the British, it was a dreadful defeat with no consolation, while for the Australians and New Zealanders, it was a defining moment in their journey to national identity. Today, the battlefield is almost untouched by time - a lonely and haunted place... remote under an idyllic Aegean sky.
512738, $59.95, $38.99, Hardback, 212 pages
The Somme 1916 Touring the French Sector
David O’Mara
David O’Mara’s book provides an outline narrative describing the arrival of the war on the Somme and some of the notable and quite fierce actions that took place that autumn and, indeed, into December of 1914. The book covers the Somme front from Gommecourt, north of the Somme, to Chaulnes, at the southern end of the battle zone of 1916. The reader is taken around key points in various tours. For many British visitors the battlefields south of the Somme will be a revelation. It has always been something of a disgrace that there is so little available, even in French, to educate the public in an accessible written form about the substantial effort made by France’s army on the Somme.

897700, $26.95, $17.99, Paperback, 256 pages
Photographing the Fallen A War Graves

on the Western Front 1915–1919
Jeremy Gordon-Smith
Ivan Bawtree has left behind a vast array of archives that tell the story of his work as a photographer with the Graves Registration Units on the Western Front from 1915 to 1919. He traveled to numerous parts of Northern France and Flanders most notably the Ypres Salient to photograph and record graves of fallen soldiers on behalf of grieving relatives. He was one of only three professional photographers assigned to this task, hired by the newly formed Graves Registration Commission in 1915.
893658, $50.00, $32.50, Hardback, 304 pages
SturmgeschützAbt.226 On The Battlefield

This book presents the reader with a collection of photographs of SturmgeschützAbteilung 226 from its early training at the Old Camp at the Jüterbog Truppenübungsplatz in the spring of 1941 through to combat operations during the winter of early 1943. The hardcover, landscape formatted book’s brief introduction is followed by more than 130 mainly unpublished photographs, published in the highest possible quality. Both the introduction and the captions are bilingual (English / Hungarian).
583971, $41.95, $27.50, Hardback, 140 pages
Air War on the Eastern Front

Mike Guardia
The Red Air Force versus the Luftwaffe in the skies over Eastern Europe. June 1941: Having conquered most of Western Europe, Adolf Hitler turned his attention to the vast Soviet Union. Disregarding his Non-Aggression Pact with Joseph Stalin, Hitler launched Operation Barbarossa, a full-scale invasion of the Soviet homeland...aimed squarely at Moscow. In the skies over Russia, the battle-hardened airmen of the Luftwaffe made short work of the Red Air Force during opening days of Barbarossa. To make matters worse, Stalin had executed many of his best pilots during the perennial “purges” of the 1930s.
009087, $24.95, $16.50, Paperback, 128 pages
The Final Days of Germany’s Greatest Battleship
Michael Tamelander
Niklas Zetterling
The book starts with a thorough account of maritime developments from 1871 up to the era of the giant battleship, and ends with a vivid account, hour by hour, of the dramatic and fateful hunt for the mighty Bismarck, Nazi-Germany’s last hope to pose a powerful surface threat to Allied convoys.

149040, $45.00, $29.50, Hardback, 320 pages
WW2 Vehicles Through the Lens Vol.1
Tom Cockle
WW2 Vehicles
Through the Lens is a new series of photographic albums presenting military and civilian vehicles used by the military during World War Two. Each book will have six-eight parts, each dealing with a different subject featuring mostly previously unpublished photographs.

583926, $41.95, $27.50, Hardback, 124 pages
The 3rd SS Panzer Regiment

3rd SS Panzer Division Totenkopf
Pierre Tiquet
The 3rd SS Panzer Division “Totenkopf” was one of 38 divisions of the Waffen-SS. Notorious for its brutailty, most notably a mass execution of British prisoners in the battle of France, it had a fearsome reputation. Involvement in the battle of France including the Le Paradis massacre was followed by the division joining Army Group North in the invasion of Russia in 1941, where heavy losses were suffered. SS-Panzer Regiment Totenkopf takes up the story from early 1943, when the division had been reformed and refitted to return to the Eastern Front. Told by the veterans and survivors, this is a unique collection of material.
00731A, $24.95, $16.50, Paperback, 128 pages
Korsun Pocket
The Encirclement and Breakout of a German Army in the East, 1944
Anders Frankson
Niklas Zetterling
In The Korsun Pocket, Niklas Zetterling, a researcher at the Swedish Defense College since 1995 and Anders Frankson, have provided a highly detailed and often breathtaking account of one of the most dramatic battles of World War II. From grand strategy to soldiers’ voices on the ground, including expert statistical analysis, the action, and the stakes, of the battle at Korsun are made vividly clear.
033885, $40.00, $26.50, Hardback, 320 pages

The Story of a Boy Defending Hitler’s Third Reich

Wilhelm R. Gehlen
Don A. Gregory
Will Gehlen’s father, a trolley driver, was drafted into the Wehrmacht to man a Sturmgeschutz assault gun in Russia. His older brother, Len, was enlisted in the Hitlerjugend. The author, only 10 years old when the war began, became a helper at the local Luftwaffe flak battery, fetching ammunition. It was exciting work for Will (a member of the “Jungvolk”) and by the end of the war he had become expert at judging attacks. As fighter raids increased in frequency he noted that the pilots became less skilled. In this book Gehlen, provides a glimpse of the chaos, horror and black humor of life just behind the front lines. 033878, $40.00, $26.50, Hardback, 320 pages
Ham & Jam
6th Airborne Division in NormandyGenerating Combat Effectiveness:
November 1942 –
September 1944
Andrew Wheale
The highly effective leadership of Major-General Richard Gale overcame the haphazard nature of airborne operations 1939-1945, and enabled the unproven British 6th Airborne Division to achieve its objectives during the Normandy Campaign. Despite its scattered parachute landings 6th Airborne achieved its D-Day goals, and held the line for three months. This study examines the factors that made this possible and analyses Gale’s impact on the Division’s organizational development, preparation and training which lay behind this success. It was Gale and his leadership culture which underpinned the development of the capability of the airborne soldier and the cohesion of the fighting for as a whole.

No Moon as Witness Missions of the SOE and OSS in World War II

James Stejskal
Winston Churchill famously instructed the head of the Special Operations Executive to “Set Europe ablaze!” Agents of both the British Special Operations Executive and the American Office of Strategic Services underwent rigorous training before making their way, undetected, into Occupied Europe. Working alone or in small cells, often cooperating with local resistance groups, agents undertook missions behind enemy lines involving sabotage, subversion, organizing resistance groups and intelligence gathering. All of their missions were incredibly dangerous and many agents were captured, tortured, and ultimately killed . 009520, $29.95, $19.50, Hardback, 208 pages
Infantrymen of the Air An Operational History of the Royal Italian Airborne Forces in the Second World War, 1936-1943

Jeffrey W.S. Leser Infantrymen of the Air is a comprehensive account of the Regio Esercito (Royal Italian Army) during World War II, focusing on the often overlooked paratroopers. It explores their involvement in major battles in North Africa, including the renowned divisione paracadutisti “Folgore.” The book also covers the airborne units of the Regia Aeronautica (Royal Air Force) and Regina Marina (Royal Navy) and provides insights into their contributions and planned operations. With detailed maps and a combination of Italian and Allied sources, Infantrymen of the Air offers valuable insights into the Italian paratroopers of World War II.
113702, $69.95, $45.50, Paperback, 542 pages
Air Battles in the Baltic 1941

070852, $59.95, $38.99, Hardback, 270 pages
The Air War on 22 June
‘To Force the Enemy off the Sea’
1941 - The Battle
for Stalin’s Baltic Region
Mikhail Timin
Kevin Bridge
This unique work is the first in a series of publications dedicated to the condition of the air forces of the Red Army prior to the Nazi invasion of 22 June 1941. The author describes in detail the composition and the capabilities of the Soviet aviation alignment in the Baltic Special Military District, as well as the training of flight crews and technical personnel; the number and quality of the materiel; the condition of the logistics structures, as well as the operational and tactical plans of both Soviet and German Command; and their reconnaissance operations. The photographs, as well as biographies, are presented of all the commanders of the division and the command headquarters of the Baltic Special Military District.
512449, $79.95, $51.99, Paperback, 448 pages
The Story of the RAF’s North Coates Strike Wing

David Boyd
John Vimpany
This book tells the story of the RAF Strike Wing at North Coates in Lincolnshire during World War II. The Wing’s Beaufighters targeted heavily defended German convoys transporting raw materials to Rotterdam, successfully forcing the enemy’s ships off the sea. The RAF faced strategic challenges in the North Sea and gradually developed an effective offensive capability. The book examines the costly response in the early years, changes in strategy and tactics, major operations launched from April 1943 onwards, and the overall performance and impact of the anti-shipping campaign. The authors also argue that Britain missed a strategic opportunity in 1942 by not deploying Strike Wings earlier.
510858, $39.95, $25.99, Paperback, 142 pages
Bombers North Allied bomber operations from Northern Australia 19421945

In early March 1942 Allied forces in the Netherlands East Indies surrendered and the lightning Japanese conquest of South East Asia was complete. Amid fears of a Japanese invasion of Australia, two understrength RAAF squadrons of Lockheed Hudsons began a brave fight back against the enemy from the Darwin area. These modest initial efforts were the beginnings of an unwavering campaign by Allied bombers waged from Northern Australia until the end of the war in August 1945. Drawing on a wealth of new sources, Bombers North presents for the first time the full story of a little-known bomber offensive waged from remote northern Australia.
246995, $46.95, $30.99, Paperback, 156 pages
German Night Fighters Versus Bomber Command 1943-1945

Martin W Bowman
This new volume from Martin Bowman examines the closing years of the Second World War, as the tide turned against the German and Axis forces. It includes riveting first-hand accounts from German fighter pilots caught up in some of the most dramatic night time conflicts of the latter war years. Viewing Bomber Command’s operations through the eyes of the enemy, the reader is offered a fresh and intriguing perspective. Set in context by Bowman’s historical narrative, these snippets of pilot testimony work to offer an authentic sense of the times at hand.
019552, $26.95, $17.99, Paperback, 256 pages
Operation Tonga: 6th Airborne DivisionJune 1944

Jon Cooksey
The seizure of Pegasus Bridge by six glider borne under Major John Howard is one of the better-known stories of D-Day. Landing just yards from vital bridges over the River Orne and the Caen Canal, Howard’s men took and held the bridges with minimal casualties. But it was only one act in a much grander production put on by 6th Airborne Division that night. Key bridges over the Dives had to be blown to foil possible German counter attacks and to north east a battery of guns which the allied planners thought could wreak havoc on the beaches and ships at sea, had to be eliminated. The task fell to the men of the 9th Parachute Battalion, whose actions in assaulting the Merville Battery became another D-Day epic - but for very different reasons.
152032, $28.95, $18.99, Paperback, 112 pages
With the Courage of Desperation
Germany’s Defence of the Southern Sector of the Eastern Front 1944-45

Rolf Hinze
Hinze’s historical series provides a comprehensive account of the German Eastern Front during the years of retreat. This volume focuses on events in the southern portion from July 1944 to the Soviet victory. It covers the actions of 4th Panzer-Armee, Heeresgruppe Nordukraine, and operations in Lemberg and along the Vistula River. The Soviet drive through Rumania, German attempts to defend Budapest, and the final withdrawal and defeat of Axis forces are described. Hinze’s detailed maps and thorough narrative make his works essential for understanding the decline of the Eastern Front. With the Courage of Desperation completes the trilogy, offering a crucial perspective on the Soviet-German War.
390410, $49.95, $32.50, Paperback, 448 pages
The Three Battles of El Alamein

Rare Photographs from Wartime Archives
Jon Diamond
Four months earlier after the loss of Tobruk , Rommel’s forces were in the ascendancy. After the successful defense of Alam El Halfa Ridge in late August and early September ended Rommel’s inexorable advance, Bernard Montgomery set in train plans for the set piece offensive campaign at El Alamein which took place between 23 October and 4 November 1942. The stakes could not have been higher. Had Rommel broken through the Allied defenses in Summer 1942 or Montgomery’s forces not overwhelmed the German and Italian armies at El Alamein, Egypt and the Suez Canal would have fallen to the Nazis. Instead, the victory at El Alamein proved to be the turning point of the War against Hitler and led to the victory in North Africa.
07205A, $34.95, $22.99, Paperback, 232 pages
The Gathering Storm Prelude to the Spitfire Summer of 1940

Dilip Sarkar
Dilip Sarkar has studied the Battle of Britain period for a lifetime and is renowned for his research and evidencebased approach, setting events within the broadest possible context. In doing so, he has helped enrich our appreciation of the past. In this, the first of a new seven volume series on the Battle of Britain, we have the background to the aerial conflict of the summer of 1940 revealed in great detail and told comprehensively as never before. No stone has been left unturned, no angle unexplored. This meticulous approach the research, combined with the human stories and events, many revealed for the first time, tells what Dilip calls ‘the Big Story’.
056366, $49.95, $32.50, Hardback, 320 pages
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Cheating Hitler Allied Airmen Who Evaded Capture in WW2

Martin W Bowman
Renowned aviation historian
Martin W. Bowman shares fascinating stories of Allied airmen who evaded capture during World War II. These tales illustrate their bravery and resourcefulness in facing the constant danger of recapture. Testimonies from British, American, Canadian, and other Allied individuals provide an authentic sense of the times. The accounts highlight the role of the French Resistance and other patriots in helping evaders, risking their lives to assist them. Despite the threat of retaliation, it is estimated that up to 100,000 people supported evaders before the war’s end. This gripping portrayal unveils the enduring fear experienced by evaders and rescuers during this tumultuous time.
07325A, $49.95, $32.50, Hardback, 224 pages
The Territorial Air Force
The RAF’s Voluntary Squadrons,

Frances Louise Wilkinson
This book fills a gap in the literature by exploring the Territorial Air Force (TAF) as a voluntary military organization. It covers the Auxiliary Air Force, Special Reserve, and Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, which have received limited attention. The popular image of a gentlemen’s flying club associated with certain squadrons is contrasted with the more egalitarian nature of the RAFVR. The history of the TAF from the 1920s to 1957 is examined, including recruitment practices and the impact of class and social status. The evolution of the TAF in response to changing pressures is also discussed, highlighting the shift towards a more meritocratic culture.
797995, $34.95, $22.99, Paperback, 344 pages
Storming Hitler’s British Fortress
The Commando Raids on the Channel Islands in World War II

John Grehan
Simon Hamon
In 1940, the Channel Islands were occupied by the Germans after British forces withdrew. Despite heavy fortifications, the islands remained vulnerable to commando-style raids. Nine daring operations were conducted between 1940 and 1943, targeting Guernsey, Jersey, Sark, Herm, Burhou, and the Casquets lighthouse. While some missions failed, valuable lessons were learned. The final attack, Hardtack 22, resulted in casualties. Based on official reports and firsthand accounts, this book delves into each raid’s intrigue, drama, and the fear of reprisals against islanders. The authors explore the raid sites, sharing photographs and details. These untold stories, recounted by participants and those most affected, provide insight.
893771, $49.95, $32.50, Hardback, 240 pages
The RAF’s Road to D-Day The Struggle to Exploit Air Superiority, 19431944

Greg Baughen
By the summer of 1943, the Third Reich’s fate seemed sealed. The combined might of Britain and the Commonwealth nations, the United States and the Soviet Union had made a Germany victory impossible. All that remained to decide was how the Allies should complete their victory. Would strategic bombing decide the outcome or would ground and air forces working together play the more significant role? Greg Baughen follows the air and land battles in Italy, France and Germany between 1943 and early 1944, as well as the equally bitter battles behind the scenes as army and air commanders debated and argued over how the war should be won.
05180A, $49.95, $32.50, Hardback, 336 pages
A Fighter Command Station at War A Photographic Record of RAF Westhampnett from the Battle of Britain to D-Day and Beyond

Mark Hillier
Situated close to the South Coast, on flat land to the north of Chichester in West Sussex, lies Goodwood Aerodrome. This pleasant rural airfield was once home to squadrons of Hurricanes, Spitfires and later Typhoons. RAF Westhampnett was at the forefront of the Battle of Britain as a satellite to the Sector (or controlling) Station of RAF Tangmere, part of 11 Group, which bore the brunt of the struggle for Britain’s survival in 1940. Packed with the largest collection of photographs of this airfield ever compiled, this illustrated publication provides a detailed history of the fighting as seen through the eyes of many of the pilots and ground crew.
023627, $32.95, $21.50, Paperback, 224 pages
Heydrich The Face of Evil

Mario R Dederichs
Adolph Hitler praised Heydrich as ‘the man with the iron heart’. He admired Heydrich so much that, despite rumors about Jewish ancestry, he considered him a potential successor.
In this critically-acclaimed biography, which includes interviews with some of his surviving family, Mario Dederichs creates a complete and compelling portrait of Heydrich’s life. Dederichs details his short-lived naval career, to his work under the SS chief Himmler, his appointment as Stellvertretender Reichsprotektor of Bohemia and Moravia, and his assassination by Czech agents and the terrible reprisals exacted on the town of Lidice.
388935, $26.95, $17.99, Paperback, 240 pages
Return via Rangoon

Philip Stibbe
Philip Stibbe’s moving account of training and fighting beyond the Chindwin in the Burmese jungle behind Japanese lines in 1943 has the strongest claim to be a classic. He describes the first Chindit expedition, led by Orde Wingate, Bernard Fergusson and Mike Calvert, then his capture; every Chindit agreed to be left behind if wounded. He was beaten up and water-tortured, yet Stibbe only gave his brutal captors false information. After being moved around Burma he was jailed in Rangoon. Reported “Missing Presumed Dead”, miraculously he returned in 1945 to the same room at Merton College, Oxford that he had left after Dunkirk. Philip died in 1997 from Parkinson’s disease resulting from his prison diet.
024921, $29.95, $19.50, Paperback, 248 pages
Survival and Separation on the River Kwai

The Ordeal of a Japanese Prisoner of War and His
Ian RobertsFamily
Eric Roberts was conscripted in 1939 into the 1/5 Sherwood Foresters. After service in France and evacuation from Brest in 1940, the Battalion were sent to the Far East arriving in Singapore three weeks before the surrender. Eric became a prisoner of the Japanese and was sent to the Burma-Thai Railway. Eric wrote a graphic memoir of his captivity in the post-war years and his fiancee Eunice’s correspondence has been preserved. The two combined make for an unusual and moving record of a young couple’s testing yet very different experiences.
049559, $39.95, $25.99, Hardback, 184 pages
Villers-Bocage Operation ‘Perch’: The Complete Account
TaylorVillers-Bocage remains lodged in the imagination of many readers as a costly and controversial defeat for the British Army in Normandy. This point of view is entirely reliant on just ten minutes of fighting plucked from a two-day battle. This account sets out to rectify that view. In this book, Daniel Taylor provides a minutely detailed examination of the course of the fighting, exploring both sides of the debate, allowing the reader to evaluate the strength of the argument. Dozens of first-hand accounts are brought together and placed into a comprehensible and accurate time-line. Accompanying the written history is extensive mapping and an unprecedented quantity of photographs which add definition and visual verification.

048736, $62.95, $40.99, Hardback, 160 pages
Battle of the Cities Urban Warfare on the Eastern Front Anthony Tucker-Jones

This concise history by Anthony Tucker-Jones examines the brutal urban conflicts of the Stalingrad battle, Leningrad siege, and other significant city battles on the Eastern Front during World War II. These strategic points witnessed intense fighting between German and Soviet forces. Tucker-Jones sheds light on the local circumstances, opposing forces, strategic importance, and tactics employed in each city. The narrative explores the destruction, cruelty, heroism, and the plight of civilians caught in the front line. From Moscow to Berlin, this book provides a vivid account of these pivotal urban campaigns.
07200A, $42.95, $27.99, Hardback, 264 pages
The Wigwam Murder A Forensic Investigation in WW2 Britain

M J Trow
In 1942, the tranquil Surrey countryside near Godalming was shocked by the discovery of a corpse. The victim was Joan Pearl Wolfe, a young girl with a troubled past. With the help of Superintendent Ted Greeno from Scotland Yard, the identity of the body was revealed. Joan had been involved with multiple men, including August Sangret, a Canadian. Charged with her murder, Sangret’s extensive police statement and the presentation of a human skull as evidence led to his conviction and execution. However, doubts lingered, as the absence of blood on Sangret raised questions about his guilt. This case remains open to interpretation despite the efforts of forensic science and diligent police work.
042451, $39.95, $25.99, Hardback, 200 pages
Battle of Britain The Movie

The Men and Machines of one of the Greatest War Films Ever Made
Dilip Sarkar
Robert J Rudhall
The iconic 1969 film Battle of Britain remains one of the greatest war movies ever made. Featuring renowned British actors like Laurence Olivier and Michael Caine, the film captured the events of the summer of 1940 with impressive accuracy. It boasted spectacular flying sequences on an unprecedented scale, showcasing vintage aircraft and airfields. The film was supported by actual Battle of Britain veterans who served as consultants. This book provides a detailed account of the film’s production, accompanied by captivating pictures of the aircraft, actors, and behind-the-scenes moments. Interviews with the film’s crew members further enhance the immersive narrative.
014755, $49.95, $32.50, Hardback, 232 pages
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From The Battle of Britain to Bombing Hitler’s Berchtesgaden
Wing Commander James ‘Jim’ Bazin, DSO, DFC
Michael Bazin
Fenella Bazin
It was Tuesday, 17 October 1939. Britain had been at war with Germany for more than a month and for only the second time the Luftwaffe had dared to enter British airspace – and at last James ‘Jim’ Bazin’s chance had come. After joining the RAF in 1935, Jim was an experienced pilot when war broke out and he was eager to test his skills against the enemy. This first combat saw Wing Commander Bazin, as he was to become, being posted to France with 607 (County of Durham) Squadron. In the course of the campaign, Bazin had battled his way to becoming an ace. He was also shot down behind enemy lines, but successfully evaded capture to return to his squadron and resume the fight.

066907, $49.95, $32.50, Hardback, 248 pages
The Reichstag Fire The Case Against the Nazi Conspiracy

Roger Moorhouse
Sven Felix Kellerhoff
When the German Reichstag went up in flames on the evening of 27 February 1933, Hitler used the incident to seize power, claiming it was the work of Communists planning a violent uprising. Were the Nazis to blame, or was it the work of lone arsonist Marinus van der Lubbe? This debate has been raging for more than eighty years. Through a thorough and unbiased analysis of original source material, award-winning journalist Sven Felix Kellerhoff charts the outbreak of the fire, the Reich Cabinet’s response to the event, Marinus van der Lubbe’s repeated confession to the crime, and the farreaching consequences of the fire.
389031, $24.95, $16.50, Paperback, 192 pages
Mustang the Inspiration
The Plane That Turned the Tide in World War
Two Philip Kaplan
The Spitfire and Mustang remain extra special to the majority of pilots who have been privileged to fly them. One common thread exists among those who have experienced both of these fine machines; an opinion that seems to hold up even after a lifetime of flying the best the aviation design community has created. While the Spitfire may have a slight edge in light-touch handling, if I have to go to war in one type, Ill take the Mustang every time.This account of the Mustang aircraft charts the operational history of the craft and also relays a the personal stories and experiences of the men who flew the ‘Cadillac of the skies’ as it has been described.
023801, $29.95, $19.50, Paperback, 192 pages
The Greatest Escape A Bomber Command Navigator’s Story of Survival in Nazi Germany

BarrattThis is a gripping wartime tale of a bomber crew and a remarkable detective story spanning two decades. It showcases one man’s fight for survival against overwhelming odds and highlights the courage and resilience of Bomber Command’s aircrew during World War II. Focusing on the Battle of the Ruhr in 1943, the book delves into the crew of Halifax JB869 and their tragic loss. Through extensive research and interviews, the author pieces together the crew’s story, providing closure to their relatives after decades of uncertainty.

075275, $49.95, $32.50, Hardback, 288 pages
Guy Gibson Dambuster

Geoff Simpson
The raid on the Mhne, Edersee and Sorpe dams by 617 Squadron was the most famous RAF sortie of the Second World War. Its leader, 24-yearsold Wing Commander Guy Gibson, was one of the Second World Wars more enigmatic and controversial characters. Together, the facts behind both the Dambusters raid and Gibson’s dramatic career make for the most compelling story of human strengths and weaknesses, of great skill and ingenuity and unrivaled courage. This latest book on Gibson draws together all the available evidence in examining Gibson’s remarkable life and, probably avoidable, death. In this latter respect, much new information has only come to light in recent times allowing a more complete assessment of the facts to be made.
07735A, $29.95, $19.50, Paperback, 208 pages
The Air War at Sea in the Second World War

Martin Bowman, a seasoned military historian with over forty years of experience, has extensively interviewed and communicated with individuals and their families, gathering a wealth of material on naval warfare spanning World War One to the Falklands and the wars on terror. In this book, he masterfully weaves together these narratives, offering a captivating and emotionally charged account of life and death in action. Focusing on World War Two, the stories of Fleet Air Arm and US Navy fighter pilots provide a compelling and thought-provoking narrative, from the frigid Atlantic to the vast Pacific waters.
746351, $62.95, $40.99, Hardback, 296 pages
The Sussex Plan Secret War in Occupied France 1943-1945

Dominique Soulier
The Sussex Plan was a French-American-British tripartite mission desired by the staff of General Eisenhower in anticipation of the Normandy landings. Among them, 120 French men and women were recruited to carry out a bold plan to parachute in early February 1944, teams of two plainclothes officers (an observer and a radio) behind enemy lines to complete the liberation of France. Their mission: infiltrate and collect information around the clock about the state of affairs of the German order of battle.
503125, $24.95, $16.50, Paperback, 134 pages
Tiger I on the Eastern Front
Jean Restayn
The Tiger tank endures today as the greatest legend of the German armored forces of World War II. Jean Restayn’s text is backed up by 250 photographs, most of them never published before, and 50 color plates showing markings, insignia and camouflage schemes. Also included is a complete operational history and order of battle for all Eastern Front units, both Wehrmacht and Waffen-SS, who were equipped with the Tiger.

500308, $44.95, $29.50, Hardback, 144 pages
The SS-Panzer-Korps on the Attack, July 1943
Massimiliano Afiero
Seventy years after the battle of Kursk, which was probably the greatest tank battle of the Second World War and perhaps of all military history, comes this new publication. Characterized by hundreds of period photos, allowing the reader to relive those tragic and terrible events. The photos of men, weapons, and vehicles taken on the battlefield before, during, and after the engagements during the rare moments of rest are a true testament to military history. An exceptional photographic documentation, which will be useful to historians, military history students and modelling enthusiasts.

242705, $36.95, $24.50, Paperback, 96 pages
When Art Keep ‘Em Flying
A Celebration of American Aviation Artists and their Contribution in World War Two

Georges Grod
American WWII Aviation seen through advertising. In 1944 George Grod, a strip cartoon, modeling and aviation enthusiast, discovered with amazement some American magazines which an MP billeted near his village lent him. What he liked best were the gleaming advertisements scattered throughout the pages.He started an unbridled search for original magazines dating back to between 1942 and 1945. For many long years, he tried to find out more about these obscure illustrators. All this now came together once again all so naturally in this search in which we see the return of all his great themes - aviation, kits, cartoon strips, the love of art and even the cinema.
501336, $44.95, $29.50, Hardback, 176 pages
III. PZ. Korps at Kursk 1943

Didier Lodieu
This book is the first in a series on German armored formations in WWII, featuring color images and unpublished material. It explores the battle of Kursk and the involvement of German Panzer Units through firsthand records, photos, memoirs, and AFV profiles. Didier Lodieu, a renowned specialist on the German Army, presents his extensive research spanning over thirty years. A must-have reference for modelers, AFV enthusiasts, and those interested in WWII technical history. 239843, $44.95, $29.50, Hardback, 128 pages
Pathfinders The Definitive Story

Sean Feast
Pathfinders is a new history of Bomber Command’s corps d’elite and the men who led the greatest striking force ever known. The story explores the genesis of Pathfinder Force (PFF), from its initial inception and less-than-spectacular start to its development as a precision instrument that gave the razor edge to the RAF bomber offensive. The book explores how crews became Pathfinders, some with bounding enthusiasm, others more reluctantly or by chance, and how the quality and availability of crews varied throughout the war. Drawing on more than 20 years of research and interviews with the heroes of PFF, it examines their successes and failures and Pathfinder Force’s vital contribution to victory in Europe.
822113, $39.95, $25.99, Hardback, 288 pages
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RAF Salute D-Day 70th Anniversary
Paul HamblinWritten and edited by expert contributors, the official Royal Air Force Salute D-Day 70th Anniversary souvenir edition commemorates the pivotal role played by the RAF on D-Day and in the wider Operation Overlord.

862016, $19.50, $12.99, Paperback, 100 pages
Hitler’s Stormtroopers

The SA, The Nazis’ Brownshirts, 1922 - 1945
Jean-Denis Lepage
The Sturm Abteilung der NSDAP (SA) created in August 1920 were squads of strong arms intended to protect the Nazis meetings, to provoke disturbance, to break up other parties meetings, and to attack and assault political opponents as part of a deliberate campaign of intimidation. This book answers several questions concerning the SA. How did the SA become a national movement? What role did the SA play in providing Hitler with the keys to power? After the seizure of power by the Nazis on January 30, 1933, what was the function of the Brownshirts? Why did the brutal and scandalous Ernst Rhm stand in Hitlers way? What became of the SA after the bloody purge of June 1934, the notorious Night of the Long Knives?
07721A, $34.95, $22.99, Paperback, 320 pages
Dornier Do 17 in the Battle of Britain

The ‘Flying Pencil’ in the Spitfire Summer
Chris Goss
During Britain’s struggle in 1940, the Dornier Do 17 played a significant role in neutralizing the RAF and the British people’s will to fight. Despite being designed to outrun fighters, it became vulnerable to Hurricane and Spitfire attacks. On key dates like August 18 and September 15, numerous Do 17s were shot down. This pictorial record showcases the bomber’s role in the Battle of Britain with a collection of British and German photographs, accompanied by firsthand accounts. It vividly brings back the desperate days and nights of that time. 781208, $42.95, $27.99, Hardback, 232 pages
RAF Aircraft and the Battle of Britain

Lee Chapman
The Battle of Britain, considered Britain’s finest hour, saw brave individuals fighting to save the nation. While their firsthand accounts may fade with time, a remarkable number of restored and preserved aircraft now grace our museums and skies. With formations of Spitfires and Hurricanes at air shows, these surviving warbirds serve as poignant reminders of the sacrifices and bravery of those who defended Britain in 1940. This book provides a concise history of RAF fighter aircraft and explores training and support planes, featuring over 160 captivating photographs of these aircraft in action, on the ground, and in unique formations.
29582A, $29.95, $19.50, Paperback, 128 pages
March Past
The Memoir of a Commando Leader, From Lofoten to Dieppe and D-Day

Simon Fraser
At the outbreak of war in 1940, Simon Frazer, the 15th Lord Lovat, was mobilized from the reserve list to join the Lovat Scouts, the British Army’s first sniper unit that had been formed by his father during the Boer War. The following year he volunteered for one of the new Commando units then being created. Lovat was personally involved in the training of the Commando troops on the West coast of Scotland. Promoted to brigadier, Lovat formed the 1st Special Service Brigade which stormed ashore on D-Day to secure the eastern flank of the attacking forces. These are the memoirs of one of the most remarkable fighting figures of the Second World War, who was involved in some its more exciting and dangerous operations.
068581, $49.95, $32.50, Hardback, 320 pages
Sea Wolves
Savage Submarine Commanders of WW2
Tony Matthews
From the heart-rending account of the sinking of the German liner Wilhelm Gustloff in 1945 — the worst maritime disaster in world history — through to a variety of other brutal actions carried out by numerous submarine commanders, including the sinking of the
hospital ship Centaur in 1943, this book comes from the deep shadows of a tragic past to reveal the terrible truth of a secretive war that was responsible for the deaths of unimaginable numbers of innocent people. Sea Wolves: Savage Submarine Commander of WW2 features true stories of deeply murderous intent that lurked menacingly beneath the waves.
064613, $42.95, $27.99, Hardback, 272 pages

Mines, Bombs, Bullets and Bridges
A Sapper’s Second World War Diary
Michael Moss
Mines, Bombs, Bullets and Bridges is an exceptional account of Second World War active service. Brian Moss, a bomb disposal specialist, faced extraordinary hazards from the London blitz to the frontlines in North Africa, Sicily, and D-Day. Despite numerous close calls, a butterfly bomb in Nijmegen ended his war. What sets this memoir apart is Moss’s remarkable artistic skill, evident in his vivid sketches, paintings, and accurate maps created under combat conditions. His words and images offer a privileged glimpse into the bravery and talent of a remarkable individual.

068031, $49.95, $32.50, Hardback, 248 pages
Women in the Second World War

Collette Drifte
Women in WWII shares the stories of ordinary British women who served in the armed forces or complementary services. Through interviews and personal accounts, these women recount their unique experiences during active service. From famous battles to acts of kindness, their narratives capture the breadth of their contributions, spanning tilling the soil, servicing aircraft, and more. Their stories demonstrate the significance of seemingly small acts and showcase the wide range of roles women played in the war effort.
019477, $29.95, $19.50, Paperback, 224 pages
Forgotten Heroes of the Battle of Britain

Dilip Sarkar
The Battle of Britain in 1940 lasted 16 weeks, with the Luftwaffe failing to achieve the decisive victory Hitler desired. While technical details are important, it’s crucial to recognize and share the human experience and contribution in this historic event. Over 3,000 Fighter Command aircrew, known as ‘The Few,’ fought in the battle, with 544 losing their lives that summer. The names of aces like Douglas Bader are well-known, but many other heroes remain forgotten. This book aims to shed light on their lives and brave deeds, acknowledging their often-overlooked contributions. While the list is not exhaustive, these ‘Forgotten Heroes’ have their stories told.
07572A, $49.95, $32.50, Hardback, 344 pages
While Berlin Burns

The Memoirs of HansGeorg von Studnitz
Hans-Georg Von Studnitz
From 1943 to 1945, from his vantage point in the German Foreign Office Press and Information Section, HansGeorg von Studnitz recorded the day-to-day events in Berlin. He was in the perfect position to write such an account: he was entrusted with the drafting of Nazi political directives and was in constant touch with the foreign diplomats stationed in Berlin. This is a fascinating and comprehensive insight into life in Berlin: the bombings and its effects, social life, key personalities and events. Studnitz writes with the trained skill of a journalist and a political commentator. His account has few equals in the literature of memoirs.
07740B, $29.95, $19.50, Paperback, 304 pages
Armoured Warfare in the British Army 19391945

Richard Taylor
The second volume in Dick Taylor’s three-volume illustrated history of the evolution of armored maneuver warfare in the British army covers the period of the Second World War, in which the tank came of age and developed into the principal land weapon of decision. He describes how, during the first half of the war, the British army came close to disaster from the armored warfare perspective and how the bitter lessons of failure were learned in time to deliver success in 1944 and 1945. As well as providing a fascinating overview of the tactical use of armor during the main campaigns, he considers such muchneglected aspects as the role of training and organization, officer selection and recruitment, and the mechanization of other arms.
08103A, $49.95, $32.50, Hardback, 368 pages
In Furious Skies Flying with Hitler’s Luftwaffe in the Second World War

Tim Heath
When a proud Adolf Hitler revealed his new Luftwaffe to the world in March 1935, it was the largest, most modern military air arm the world had seen. Equipped with the latest monoplane fighter and bomber aircraft manned by well-trained and motivated crews, it soon became evident that the Luftwaffe also possessed a high degree of technical superiority over Germany’s future enemies. Told through the eyes of the fighter and bomber crews themselves, this book explores previously unpublished first-hand accounts of the rise and fall of one of the most formidable air forces in twentieth-century military history. It paints a haunting picture of the excitement, fear, romance intertwined with the brutality, futility and wastefulness that is war.
785237, $42.95, $27.99, Hardback, 280 pages
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Churchill’s Arctic Convoys Strength Triumphs Over Adversity

William Smith
The threat of Operation
Barbarossa, Hitler’s surprise invasion of Russia in June 1941, succeeding prompted Churchill to decide to send vital military supplies to Britain’s new ally. The early sailings to Northern Russia via the Arctic Ocean between August 1941 and February 1942 were largely unopposed. But this changed dramatically during the course of 1942 when German naval and air operations inflicted heavy losses on both merchantmen and their escorts. This thoroughly researched and comprehensive account examines both the political, maritime and logistic aspects of the Arctic convoy campaign. Controversially it reveals that the losses of merchant vessels were greater than hitherto understood.
07229A, $42.95, $27.99, Hardback, 272 pages
The War of the Gun Boats

Bryan Cooper
The ‘little ships’ of the Second World War - the fast and highly maneuverable motor torpedo boats and gunboats which fought in coastal waters all over the world - developed a special kind of naval warfare. With their daring nightly raids against an enemy’s coastal shipping - and sometimes much larger warships - they acquired the buccaneering spirit of an earlier age. And never more so than in the close hand-tohand battles which raged between opposing craft when they met in open waters. Bryan Cooper’s book traces the history and development of these craft from their first limited use in the First World War and the fast motor boats designed in the 1930s for wealthy private clients and water speed record attempts.
019897, $29.95, $19.50, Paperback, 224 pages
Hitler’s Armed SS
The Waffen-SS at War, 1939–1945

Anthony Tucker-Jones
The Waffen-SS was one of the most formidable German military formations of the Second World War – feared for its tenacity and ruthlessness in battle, notorious for the atrocities it committed. Through accounts of the Waffen-SS’s major battles on the Eastern Front, in Normandy and finally in defense of Germany, a detailed picture emerges of the contribution it made to the German war effort, especially when Hitler’s armies were in retreat. The parts played by the most famous Waffen-SS formations – Das Reich, Totenkopf, Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler among them – and their commanders – men like Dietrich and Hausser – can be seen in the wider context of the war and Germany’s defeat.
006910, $34.95, $22.99, Hardback, 240 pages
Hitler’s Traitors Dissent, Espionage and the Hunt for Resisters

Edward Harrison
This collection of vivid essays examines some of the most fascinating aspects of the German resistance to Hitler. It includes the first translations into English of pioneering studies on the role of a leading Nazi in the July Plot, the flight of Rudolf Hess to Britain and the vigorous controversy over Hugh Trevor-Roper’s investigation of Hitler’s death. The book also explores vociferous Catholic dissent in Franconia and the conspiracies against the Third Reich of the revolutionary New Beginning movement. Through the study of important personalities and dramatic events this book explores the possibilities and challenges faced by Germans in attempts to frustrate and defy Hitler’s tyranny.
007320, $34.95, $22.99, Hardback, 248 pages
Spitfire Down Fighter Boys Who Failed to Return

Dilip Sarkar
Dilip Sarkar, deeply moved by wartime stories, delves into the lives of thirteen fallen pilots in Spitfire Down. From the youngest RAF pilot killed in action to tragic collisions and personal losses, Sarkar reconstructs their lives using personal papers and interviews with family members. The book highlights international contributions and showcases the author’s passion for preserving the hidden history of these brave individuals through a richly illustrated record of their sacrifices.
089470, $49.95, $32.50, Hardback, 272 pages
The History of 30 Assault Unit

Ian Fleming’s Red Indians
Craig Cabell
The Second World War saw the rise of renowned special forces units like the SAS and Commandos. However, 30 Assault Unit, founded by Ian Fleming, remains shrouded in secrecy and exclusivity. Tasked with gathering crucial intelligence behind enemy lines, this elite team included remarkable individuals such as Patrick Dalzel-Job, believed to be the inspiration for James Bond. Despite their small size, the unit achieved remarkable results. Through archival research and interviews with veterans, the author unveils the history and achievements of this elusive special forces unit.
07747A, $29.95, $19.50, Paperback, 186 pages
8th SS Cavalry Division Florian Geyer

Rare Photographs from Wartime Archives
Ian Baxter
Formed in 1942 8th SS Cavalry Division Florian Geyer was soon deployed to the Eastern Front where Hitler’s ambition to conquer Russia was stalling badly. In common with other SS units the Division was responsible for razing towns and villages, poisoning wells and genocide often against unarmed civilians. After moving South, the Division took part in the retreat from the Dnieper River before operating in Hungary and Croatia. By the end of the siege only 800 of the 30,000 men in the SS Corps reached German lines. Using many startling contemporary images, this latest book in the Author’s Images of War series vividly illustrates the horror of warfare on the Eastern Front.
062817, $26.95, $17.99, Paperback, 128 pages
From Spitfires To Vampires and Beyond

A Kiwi Ace’s RAF
Journey Owen HardyAir Marshal G.A ‘Black’ Robertson
World War Two Spitfire pilot Owen Hardy was probably the last New Zealand ace to tell his story. He left home at 18 bent on joining the RAF and by 1942, aged only 20, he was at Biggin Hill with 72 Squadron under Brian Kingcome. D-Day found him flying over the Normandy beaches with 485 (New Zealand) Squadron. That he survived the war unharmed owed as much to luck as it did to his ability as a fighter pilot. Unable to settle in civilian life afterwards in New Zealand, he returned to the RAF for the second phase of a remarkable career. Then a fateful decision, to turn down command of a Javelin squadron and follow his mentor, led finally to disillusionment. Hardy pulls no punches in this forthright and refreshingly honest autobiography.
667490, $39.95, $25.99, Hardback, 256
The Second World War Illustrated
The Fifth Year
Jack Holroyd
This title offers a visual tour of key battlefields and events from September 1943 to late summer 1944. It captures the pivotal year when the Axis powers faced significant challenges on all fronts. The book begins with the Allied invasion of Italy, including Monte Cassino and the liberation of Rome. It then delves into the planning and execution of the Normandy landings, showcasing the scale of the task and the fierce fighting that ensued. Operation Valkyrie, the plot to assassinate Hitler, is explored, along with the V2 rocket and the air offensive against Germany. The Eastern Front and the war in the Pacific are also covered. With over 1,000 original photographs, this accessible work is a must-have for World War II enthusiasts.

063043, $34.95, $22.99, Paperback, 320 pages
The Italian Campaign, 1943–1945 Rare Photographs from Wartime Archives
Philip Jowett
The Italian campaign of World War II, often overlooked, is brought to life in this book through over 300 photographs. With over a million Allied and half a million German and Italian troops, the Italian peninsula was a major theater of war. Soldiers from various nations fought in grueling battles across rugged terrain. The photographs cover the entire campaign, from the Sicilian landings to the final Allied advance and German surrender, capturing the devastation and landscapes of Italy.

073110, $34.95, $22.99, Paperback, 240 pages
The Germans and the Dieppe Raid

How Hitler’s
Wehrmacht Crushed Operation
James Shelley
The German part in the 19 August 1942 Dieppe raid has largely been ignored. Launched by Winston Churchill to appease his Soviet counterparts, Operation JUBILEE was one of the Allies’ greatest debacles of the war. The majority of the 6,100 soldiers and marines dispatched by Lord Louis Mountbatten were captured or killed. Just 2,211 of the 4,963 Canadians involved returned to England. Drawing on extensive German source materials, the Wehrmacht’s role in defeating Operation JUBILEE is comprehensively examined in fascinating detail, adding a new dimension to the history of this poorly-planned and underresourced adventure.
030601, $42.95, $27.99, Hardback, 248 pages
The Wrongly Executed Airman

The RAF’s Darkest Hour
Alan Strachan
Utilizing forensic evidence that was ignored by the police, and documents that have never before been released to the public, Alan Strachan has produced the horrific account of a man who was wrongfully executed for rape and murder -even though it is quite possible
that there was neither a rape nor a murder. As soon as the trial ended, records were sealed, and anyone interested in documenting the proceedings was told that the transcript would not become available until 2042. But Strachan pursued the matter in 2015 and became the first in more than fifty years to be given full access to that transcript. The only truly innocent person in this saga is the one who was executed.
041034, $49.95, $32.50, Hardback, 232 pages
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Spitfire Faces The Men and Women Behind the Iconic Fighter

Dilip Sarkar
The Supermarine Spitfire, an iconic fighter aircraft, is celebrated in this book not only for its technical history but for the human stories behind it. It pays tribute to the pilots, as well as the men and women involved in maintaining and building the Spitfire. From its role as an interceptor to dive-bomber and reconnaissance mount, the Spitfire’s versatility is explored. The author’s personal connections with survivors provide a unique collection of photographs, capturing the human side of the Spitfire’s design, development, and wartime operations.
065313, $49.95, $32.50, Hardback, 208 pages
Victory in Italy
15th Army Group’s Final Campaign 1945
Richard Doherty
In early 1945, the 5th (US) and 8th (British) Armies achieved remarkable results in Northern Italy under General Mark Clark’s 15 Army Group. Despite challenges, their superb leadership, planning, and coordination led to a swift and brilliant offensive that surprised the Germans. The campaign culminated in the German surrender on 2 May. This book offers a masterly analysis of this victorious operation.

020220, $28.95, $18.99, Paperback, 272 pages
RSHA Reich Security Main Office Organisation, Activities, Personnel

Stephen Tyas
Under the Nazi regime, all police forces in Germany were centralized under Heinrich Himmler’s command. The Gestapo, Kripo, and SD were brought together under the RSHA in 1939, led by Reinhard Heydrich. Heydrich’s control extended throughout Nazi-occupied Europe from the RSHA headquarters in Berlin. British and American intelligence agencies sought to understand the RSHA, relying on captured personnel and intercepted documents. The Counter Intelligence War Room (CIWR) provided accurate information to Allied officers, including a list of officials to arrest and interrogate from the Gestapo, Kripo, SD, and Abwehr. CIWR reports shed light on the RSHA’s departments and how Nazi rivalries inadvertently aided the Allied war effort.
558676, $65.00, $42.50, Hardback, 704 pages
Churchill’s Atlantic Convoys Tenacity & Sacrifice

William Smith
Within hours of the outbreak of the Second World War, Winston Churchill took up office as First Lord of the Admiralty. The same day the liner Athenia was torpedoed in the Atlantic in the first U-boat attack of the war. Churchill quickly recognized Britain’s survival depended on countering the U-boat threat and the strategic importance of protecting Allied merchant shipping with measures such as the convoy system. As this superbly researched book reveals, the Nazi U-boat fleet was relatively small and unprepared for war in 1939. Churchill’s Atlantic Convoys describes the political, strategic and tactical ebb and flow of events, particularly between 1942 and 1943.
050975, $49.95, $32.50, Hardback, 280 pages
King George V-Class Battleships

Daniel Knowles
Following the First World War the major naval powers entered into an agreement restricting the construction of capital ships and limiting the numbers that signatories were allowed to maintain. By the late 1920s the Royal Navy’s battle force comprised of ships all designed before the First World War. In 1935, realizing its battle fleet was becoming dated as other nations laid down new classes of battleships, the Royal Navy recommenced planning capital ships within treaty limitations. The result was the King George V-class battleships. This book charts the story of the King George V-class from its conception and design through to the operational history of the ships in the class.
558393, $60.00, $39.50, Hardback, 400 pages
Vickers Wellington
Philip Birtles
This book covers the design, development, production and operational service of the Vickers Wellington from before the Second World War through to the 1950s. The aircraft and crews served with great distinction from the start to the end of the Second World War despite heavy losses. The aircraft was operated by Bomber Command until replaced by the bigger four engine heavy bombers, and played a major part in the Mediterranean Theatre. Its versatility was shown with maritime operations against the U-boat threat. It was also used for transport and the hazards of aircrew training. It’s geodetic construction made it rugged and capable of absorbing battle damage bringing its crews home safely from combat over hostile territory.
558683, $45.00, $29.50, Hardback, 240 pages

Skalski Against All Odds
Franciszek GrabowskiSkalski—against all odds provides a gripping and detailed account on the career of General Stanislaw Skalski, VM & bar, KW & 3bars, DSO, DFC & 2bars, the leading Polish fighter ace. Skalski gallantly served from the first day of the Second World War, and continued his service through the Battle of Britain, Channel offensive, Tunisian & Italian campaigns, and Normandy landings. Returning to communist Poland, he was duly arrested on charges of spying on behalf of Great Britain, and sentenced to death. He was not executed, and after spending eight years in prison, he rejoined service, to fly MiG-15 jet fighters. The story is based on a number of documents, many of them published here for the first time and in most cases previously unavailable.

558522, $34.95, $22.99, Paperback, 224 pages
Rodolfo Graziani
Story of an Italian general
Alessandro Cova
James Cetrullo
Rodolfo Graziani, a controversial figure in Italy, is revered by some as a patriot and vilified by others as a murderer. His reputation abroad is infamous, associated with hanging Omar al-Mukhtar in Libya and conducting poison gas bombings in Ethiopia. This biography unveils the true story of Graziani, drawing on private letters and secret communications. The research reveals a man of contradictions - a loving family man and a violent soldier. A key figure in 1930s Italy, Graziani enjoyed popularity during Mussolini’s dictatorship. Forgotten after his death, in 2012 the mausoleum erected in his honor reignited controversy.

558515, $45.00, $29.50, Hardback, 256 pages
The Complete Knight’s Cross
Volume 2 - The Years of Stalemate 1942-1943
BrazierThe Complete Knight’s Cross volumes recount the history of all 7,364 recipients of the prestigious award. Originating from the ‘Pour le Merite’ (Blue Max) dating back to 1740, these volumes include photos of medal holders and their graves. Volume One covers 1939-41 (numbers 1-1267) and the Years of Victory, Volume Two covers 1942-43 (numbers 1268-3685) and the Years of Stalemate, while Volume Three covers 1944-45 (numbers 3686-7364) and the Years of Defeat. Recipients are listed chronologically, accompanied by details of their actions and additional interesting facts. Burial locations and higher awards are also featured.
557822, $60.00, $39.50, Hardback, 626 pages
RAF Bomber Command Strike Hard, Strike Sure 1936-1945

Ron Mackay
The concept of strategic assault of a Nation’s industrial and military base by air was heralded by Britain as far back as the immediate period before the start of WWI. However, stringent post-War economy ensured that the creation of Bomber Command in 1936 witnessed a daunting disparity between the aim of striking at an adversary’s ability to sustain itself on the Field of Battle and the means to do so. The initial three years of WWII left the Command very weak in both human and material terms. The navigational means with which to accurately guide the bombers to targets was almost completely lacking during this period, while the enemy defensive network inflicted serious casualty rates.
558362, $60.00, $39.50, Hardback, 556 pages
The Complete Knight’s Cross The Years of Victory
Kevin Brazier
The Knight’s Cross of the Iron Cross, to give it its full name, owes its origins to the Pour le Mérite (Blue Max), an imperial award dating back to 1740. The Complete Knight’s Cross volumes tell the story of all 7,364 men who were granted the award (including all the disputed awards). This First Volume deals with 1939-41 and is subtitled The Years of Victory. Each entry starts with the recipient’s rank and name, followed by details of the action or actions for which they were granted the award. Other facts and stories are included for many of the awards. Burial locations, where known, are also given. Any higher awards (Oak Leaves, Swords, Diamonds and the ultimate Golden award) are also covered.
557815, $54.00, $35.50, Hardback, 256 pages
The Complete Knight’s Cross
Volume Three: The Years of Defeat 1944-1945
Kevin Brazier
The Complete Knight’s Cross volumes recount the history of all 7,364 recipients of the prestigious award. Originating from the ‘Pour le Merite’ (Blue Max) dating back to 1740, these volumes include photos of medal holders and their graves. Volume One covers 1939-41 (numbers 1-1267) and the Years of Victory, Volume Two covers 194243 (numbers 1268-3685) and the Years of Stalemate, while Volume Three covers 1944-45 (numbers 3686-7364) and the Years of Defeat. Recipients are listed chronologically, accompanied by details of their actions and additional interesting facts. Burial locations and higher awards are also featured.

557839, $70.00, $45.50, Hardback, 864 pages
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50 Aérodromes pour une Victoire Juin-Septembre 1944
J. Clementine François RobinardText in French: Beginning on June 6, the Allies were able to establish their first airfields in Normandy. Here we will discover the fifty airfields that played an essential role in the Allied victory in Normandy. The authors offer detailed descriptions, maps, and archival photos for each of the airfields. In addition to the technical plans for the runways, the squadrons assigned to the airfields along with more than one hundred color profiles of the aircraft are included.
483274, $131.00, $85.50, Hardback, 336 pages
Mémorial de la bataille de France
Volume 4 - du 17 au 25
juin 1940
Jean-Yves Mary
Text in French: On June 17, 1940, the French army retreated southwest with the pursuing Germans ordered to destroy them. Marshal Petain announced the cessation of fighting, prompting German efforts to encourage French surrender. However, courageous French soldiers known as “The Fighters of June 18th” persisted in battle along the Loire, Marne-Rhine Canal, and Maginot Line. They also fought in the Alps to reclaim territories lost in the Armistice. This book depicts the tragic final eight days of the campaign.
484899, $111.00, $72.50, Hardback, 400 pages
Volume 2 - Mai
1942-Avril 1943
Charles Trang
Text in French: We will publish three volumes of the “Wiking” division by Charles Trang. Volume 1 will cover the period from December 1940 to April 1942 and published in December 2013, Volume 2 will be available in December 2014 and will cover the period from May 1942 to May 1943, Volume 3 will be released in December 2015 and will cover the period from June 1943 to May 1945, one volume per year.

483472, $122.00, $79.50, Hardback, 450 pages
Le Carrousel des Panzers Volume 1

Jean-Yves Mary
Text in French: After the success of Corridor des Panzers and Zur Küste, both recognized for their superior quality and precise detailing of operations and battlefields in addition to their stunning comparative photographs, this new volume takes us directly into the Dunkerque arena, and concludes the suite of works on this dramatic period of history.

482901, $129.00, $83.99, Hardback, 420 pages
Un Destin Tourmente - Histoire de L’Aerodrome De Caen-Carpiquet de 1937 a nos jours avant le quartier Koenig et l’aeroport d’aujourd’hui
Thierry Quittard
François Robinard
Text in French: This book provides remarkable documentation about the history of Carpiquet, from its initial purpose as an airfield for bomber instruction to its transformation into a significant German military base during the Battle of Britain and the Dieppe Raid. It endured heavy bombing and played a crucial role in the Battle of Caen. The site witnessed fierce resistance by the Hitlerjugend against Canadian forces. Post-war, it served as a training ground for pilots during the Algerian conflict before becoming an army base and eventually returning to civilian use in 2010. Discover the captivating story of this historic military base.

483861, $78.00, $50.99, Hardback, 160 pages
Histoire Secrète de la 101st Airborne Division

“Avenging Eagles”
Mark Bando
Text in French: These are stories that are not openly discussed by combat veterans and are usually only whispered between individuals at military reunions. The tales range from sad to hilarious, from surprising to horrible, but they are real. These are not the creations of a screenwriter or some novelist’s pipe dreams, they are actual events, that had a lifelong impact on the soldiers who experienced them. Such a collection could only have resulted from 35 years of researcher on the 101st Airborne Division, which entailed interviews with almost 1000 veterans who wore the “screaming eagle” patch in WW2. This book is widely illustrated with photos of the time, but also places, objects, and equipment of the paratroopers of the 101st. 483496, $88.00, $57.50, Hardback, 160 pages
L’ordre noir Allgemeine-SS 19251945

Ulric of England
Text in French: This bestselling work provides a detailed analysis of the Allgemeine-SS, an often overlooked branch of the SS that included military and civilian members. It delves into their goal of creating a “total society” and explores various aspects such as Himmler’s proposed religion, SS marriage organization, the Ahnenerbe think-tank, and even Allach porcelain. Richly illustrated and packed with unpublished documents, this comprehensive encyclopedia is valuable for both general readers and historians, covering uniforms, decorations, furniture, and more.
483595, $167.00, $108.99, Hardback, 428 pages
Karstjager (1943-1945)
Guerilla and anti guerrilla in Ozah
Corbatti NaraText in French: This is the illustrated history of the Waffen-SS 24. Waffen SSGebirgs (Karstjäger) division, covering their engagements against partisans in Slovenia and Northern Italy. Detailing the guerilla warfare between the Germans and the partisans, the Karstjäger mountain division was composed mainly of Austrian, Italian and Spanish soldiers. This book contains 380 photos from veterans, along with eyewitness accounts, organization charts, and profiles, making this an essential addition to any enthusiast’s collection.
482567, $122.00, $79.50, Hardback, 300 pages
Paras De La Waffen-SS
Volume 1 - SS-
FallschirmjägerBataillon 500/600
Rüdiger Franz
Text in French: A battalion of Waffen-SS paratroopers was set up in the fall of 1943 to carry out special missions. The author, a paratroop captain in the Luftwaffe(FRG), earning his German, French and US wings in the sixties, now a historian, gives here a detailed history in three volumes of about 400 pages each. The first volume is devoted to the operation against Tito’s troops in Yugoslavia, the second to the fighting in the Baltic States and the third to operations in Hungary, in the Ardennes and in the Oder bridgehead. The three volumes devoted to the SS-Fallschirmjäger-Bataillon 500/600 include documents and more than 1 000 photographs.
484066, $73.00, $47.50, Hardback, 260 pages

Les Tiger de la Totenkopf
Wolfgang Schneider
Text in French: Following on the success of the two preceding volumes dedicated to the German heavy tanks, here is a new work on the Tiger panzers of the SS-Panzer-Abteilung 103/503. Illustrated with over 450 photographs, maps, and original documents, as well as 20 color profiles, this work is a must-have for both the enthusiast and historian.
482987, $109.00, $70.99, Hardback, 336 pages
Chronik der SS-PZAA10
Formation, Buczacz, Normandie, Arnhem, Pomeranie, Halbe
Stephan Cazenave
Text in French: This comprehensive volume provides a detailed account of the 10th SS Panzerdivision “Frundsberg” through the contributions of veterans. It includes unpublished photographs of armored vehicles and covers their training, battles from Ukraine to Normandy, and notable officers and awards. Special attention is given to Erich Rech’s units. With lists of losses and honors, the book spans 300 pages, featuring 200 previously unseen photographs.

482291, $109.00, $70.99, Hardback, 300 pages
Paras De La Waffen-SS
Volume 2 - SSFallschirmjägerBataillon 500/601
Rüdiger Franz
Text in French: A battalion of Waffen-SS paratroopers was set up in the fall of 1943 to carry out special missions. The author, a paratroop captain in the Luftwaffe(FRG), earning his German, French and US wings in the sixties, now a historian, gives here a detailed history in three volumes. The first volume is devoted to the operation against Tito’s troops in Yugoslavia, the second to the fighting in the Baltic States and the third to operations in Hungary, in the Ardennes and in the Oder bridgehead. The three volumes devoted to the SS-Fallschirmjäger-Bataillon 500/600 include documents and more than 1, 000 photographs.

484073, $73.00, $47.50, Hardback, 260 pages

Les paras allemands
1 - Uniformes

Karl Veltzé
Text in French: This work describes in depth the ‘green Devils’ operations, the attack on Norway in the last days of the Third Reich, passing by the assault on the Belgian fortress of Eben Emael. Campaigns in Holland, Crete, North Africa, Russia, Italy, Normandy and the Ardennes are included in this trilogy. With the help of collectors and museums around the world, the author and the German Publisher have undertaken an unprecedented collaboration. The three volumes total more than 1,000 pages in color, with thousands of photos of objects from collections of the Fallschirmjäger including pieces never revealed and investigated.
484486, $143.00, $92.99, Hardback, 368 pages
Les paras allemands
Les paras allemands
Volume 2 - Casques, équipements et armes 1936-1945

Karl Veltzé
Text in French: This work describes in depth the ‘green Devils’ operations, the attack on Norway in the last days of the Third Reich, passing by the assault on the Belgian fortress of Eben Emael. Campaigns in Holland, Crete, North Africa, Russia, Italy, Normandy and the Ardennes are included in this trilogy. With the help of collectors and museums around the world, the author and the German Publisher have undertaken an unprecedented collaboration. The three volumes total more than 1,000 pages in color, with thousands of photos of objects from collections of the Fallschirmjäger including pieces never revealed and investigated.
48449A, $143.00, $92.99, Hardback, 376 pages
3 - Batailles, combats, documents et insignes
Karl Veltzé
Text in French: This work describes in depth the ‘green Devils’ operations, the attack on Norway in the last days of the Third Reich, passing by the assault on the Belgian fortress of Eben Emael. Campaigns in Holland, Crete, North Africa, Russia, Italy, Normandy and the Ardennes are included in this trilogy. With the help of collectors and museums around the world, the author and the German Publisher have undertaken an unprecedented collaboration. The three volumes total more than 1,000 pages in color, with thousands of photos of objects from collections of the Fallschirmjäger including pieces never revealed and investigated.
48450A, $143.00, $92.99, Hardback, 376 pages
Les marines dans l’enfer du Pacifique

Charles Trang
Text in French: Charles Trang has written an encyclopedic study of the Marines in the Pacific 1941-1945. Each campaign is treated in detail individually accompanied by firsthand accounts and photos, many previously unpublished. Corregidor, Wake, Midway, Guadalcanal, Makin, Bougainville, Rabaul, Tarawa, Marshall Islands, Cape Gloucester, Saipan, Tinian, Guam, Iwo Jima and Okinawa, bloody, pitiless battles where the Marines forged their reputation for tenacity, implacability and professionalism rarely equaled during the Second World War. This book looks at all the various units of the USMC, orders of battle, command structures and profiles of all the recipients of the Medal of Honor.
484905, $111.00, $72.50, Hardback, 480 pages
2. Panzerdivision En Normandie Volume 1 - Formation et Combats, Juin-Juillet 1944

Frédéric Deprun
Text in French: The author Frédéric Deprun, has devoted more than ten years to studying meticulously this armored unit’s engagements in the Norman bocage. The first part deals with the unit re-forming in the Arras area while waiting for D-Day then guides the reader through the murderous fighting at Caumont-l’Evanté, Cahagnes, Cheux,then May-sur-Orne in June and July 1944. In the second volume, an account is given of the Panzer unit’s inability to contain the Allied offensive to the south of SaintLô at the end of July 1944, then the attack at Mortain up until the moment when the men in the unit with the Trident were encircled in the Chambois-Argentancauldron.
484363, $84, $54.99, Hardback, 320 pages
HitlerjugendNormandie 44 Témoignages

Pierre Tiquet
Text in French: This new illustrated book of almost 200 pages presents ten testimonies of veterans of the 12. SS-PanzerDivision “Hitlerjugend” who fought in Normandy. These testimonies, communicated to the author, are presented chronologically, illustrated with almost 300 photos, most of which are previously unpublished, and with documents that belonged to these fighters. A new book which tells a captivating report of the hell of the Battle of Normandy.
484653, $58.00, $37.99, Hardback, 200 pages
From the Imjin to the Hook A National Service Gunner in the Korean War

James Jacobs
The British Army’s contribution to The Korean War was largely composed of ‘conscripts’plucked from civilian life on a ‘lottery’ basis and given a short basic training. Some like Jim Jacobs volunteered for overseas duty and suddenly found themselves in the thick of a war. As a member of 170 Independent Mortar Battery RA Jim was in the frontline at the famous Battle of the Imjin River. He returned to the UK only to volunteer again for a second tour with 120 Light Battery. In this gripping memoir, Jim calmly recounts his experiences and emotions from joining the Army through training, the journeys by troopship and on active service in the atrocious and terrifying war.
593431, $39.95, $25.99, Hardback, 224 pages
Hal Moore A Soldier Once…and Always

Mike Guardia
Finalist 2013 Army Historical Society Distinguished Writing Award. Hal Moore, one of the most admired American combat leaders of the last 50 years, has until now been best known to the public for being portrayed by Mel Gibson in the movie “We Were Soldiers.” In this first-ever, fully illustrated biography, we finally learn the full story of one of America’s true military heroes. At this writing, Hal Moore is 90 years old and living quietly in Auburn, Alabama. He graciously allowed the author interviews and granted full access to his files and collection of letters, documents, and never-before-published photographs.
002071, $32.95, $21.50, Hardback, 232 pages
Alpha One Sixteen A Combat Infantryman’s Year in Vietnam

Peter Clark
Peter Clark’s year in Vietnam began in July 1966, when he was shipped out with hundreds of other young recruits. Clark was assigned to the Alpha Company. Clark gives a visceral, vivid and immediate account of life in the platoon, as he progresses from green recruit to seasoned soldier over the course of a year in the complexities of the Vietnamese conflict.As he continues his journey, he chronicles those less fortunate; the heavy toll being taken all around him is powerfully described at the end of each chapter.
240565, $22.95, $14.99, Paperback, 224 pages
No Mercy, No Leniency Communist Mistreatment of British Prisoners of War in Korea

Cyril Cunningham
This is the most authoritative and comprehensive British account ever published of the brutal North Korean and Chinese mistreatment of British POWs during the Korean War. The author, a psychologist, was a scientific advisor to the POW Intelligence Organisation during the Korean War. He explains in detail how many prisoners were bribed, starved, flogged and tortured into informing on their compatriots and infiltrated into every prisoner group to sniff out potential progressives and reactionaries.
766786, $24.95, $16.50, Paperback, 224 pages
SOG Medic Stories from Vietnam and Over the Fence

Robert Dumont
Joe Parnar
Elite units carried out many dangerous operations during the Vietnam War, the most secret and hazardous of which were conducted by the Studies and Observations Group, formed in 1964.In the years since the Vietnam War, the elite unit known as SOG has spawned many myths, legends and war stories. Parnar recounts his time with the recon men of this highly classified unit, as his job involved a unique combination of soldiering and lifesaving. His stories capture the extraordinary commitment made by all the men of SOG and reveal the special dedication of the medics, who put their own lives at risk to save the lives of their teammates.
243207, $24.95, $16.50, Paperback, 288 pages
Eyes of the Fleet Over Vietnam

RF-8 Crusader Combat
Photo-Reconnaissance Missions
Kenneth V Jack
Veteran and historian Kenneth Jack pieces together the chronological history of photo recon in the Vietnam War between 1964 and 1972, describing all types of missions undertaken, including several Crusader vs. MiG dogfights and multiple RF-8 shootdowns with their associated, dramatic rescues. The narrative focuses on Navy Photo Squadron VFP-63, but also dedicates chapters to VFP-62 and Marine VMCJ-1. Clandestine missions conducted over Laos began 1964, becoming a congressionally authorized war after the Tonkin Gulf incident in August 1964. VFP-63 played a role in that incident and thereafter sent detachments to Navy carriers for the remainder of the war.
240749, $39.95, $25.99, Hardback, 272 pages
Blackhorse Tales Stories of 11th Armored Cavalry Troopers at War

Don Snedeker
When the U.S. Army went to war in South Vietnam in 1965, the general consensus was that counterinsurgency was an infantryman’s war; if there were any role at all for armored forces, it would be strictly to support the infantry. However, from the time the 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment arrived in country in September 1966, troopers of the Blackhorse Regiment demonstrated the fallacy of this assumption. By the time of Tet ‘68, the Army’s leadership began to understand that the Regiment’s mobility, firepower, flexibility, and leadership made a difference on the battlefield well beyond its numbers.
240428, $34.95, $22.99, Hardback, 304 pages
Courage Under Fire
The 101st Airborne’s Hidden Battle at Tam Ky
LTC Ed Sherwood US Army (Ret)
Courage Under Fire is the first book published about Operation Lamar Plain. After 50 years, the story of the renowned 101st Airborne’s major offensive near Tam Ky, South Vietnam remains largely unknown. Fighting at Tam Ky by the 1st Brigade began 15 May 1969 while the 101st’s 3rd Brigade battled on Hamburger Hill. The political consequences of Hamburger Hill’s high casualties caused Lamar Plain and its high casualties to remain classified and undisclosed. Decades later, the fighting at Tam Ky is mostly forgotten except by those who fought there.

009643, $34.95, $22.99, Hardback, 360 pages
Triumphant Warrior The Legend of the Navy’s Most Daring Helicopter Pilot

Peter D. Shay
Allen Weseleskey was awarded the Bronze Star, the Distinguished Flying Cross and the Navy Cross during his service. This is his story, from early assignments, clashes with superior officers, missions and rescues during the Tet Offensive, to homecoming. It is the story of a quintessential flyer.
00763A, $32.95, $21.50, Hardback, 240 pages
Break in the ChainIntelligence Ignored Military Intelligence in Vietnam and Why the Easter Offensive Should Have Turned out Differently

For the first two weeks of the Easter Offensive of 1972, the 571st Military Intelligence Detachment provided the only pertinent collateral intelligence available to American forces. In the weeks before the offensive, vital agent reports and verbal warnings by the 571st MI Detachment had been ignored by all the major commands; they were only heeded, and then only very reluctantly, once the Offensive began. This refusal to listen to the intelligence explains why no Army or USMC organizations were on-call to recover prisoners discovered or U.S. personnel downed behind enemy lines. 009919, $34.95, $22.99, Hardback, 264 pages
A Shau Valor American Combat Operations in the Valley of Death, 1963–1971
Col. Thomas R Yarborough
A Shau Valor is a thoroughly documented study of nine years of American combat operations encompassing the crucial frontier valley and a 15-mile radius around it—the most deadly killing ground of the entire Vietnam War. The various campaigns included Operation Pirous in 1967, 1968’s Operations Delaware and Somerset Plain, 1969’s Operations Dewey Canyon, Massachusetts Striker, and Apache Snow— which included the infamous battle for Hamburger Hill— culminating with Operation Texas Star and the vicious fight for and humiliating evacuation of Fire Support Base Ripcord in the summer of 1970, the last major U.S. battle of the war.

008912, $22.95, $14.99, Paperback, 312 pages
Fire in the Streets The Battle for Hue, Tet 1968
Eric Hammel
In Fire in the Streets, the dramatic narrative of the Tet Offensive unfolds on an hour-by-hour, day-by-day basis. The focus is on the U.S. and South Vietnamese soldiers and Marines–from the top commanders down to the frontline infantrymen–and on the men and women who supported them.
005898, $18.95, $12.50, Paperback, 276 pages

Khe Sanh Siege in the Clouds

Eric Hammel
In late 1967 U.S. commanders hoped to lure the NVA into exposing large numbers of soldiers to their overwhelming air power. But in January 1968, a U.S. Marine Corps force found themselves surrounded by the enemy in their hilltop base at Khe Sanh. Eric Hammel’s classic account is a vivid oral history, using the words of American fighting men caught up in the grueling seventy-seven-day ordeal.
005904, $18.95, $12.50, Paperback, 376 pages
Nam Sense
Surviving Vietnam with the 101st Airborne Division
Arthur Wiknik Jr.
An honest tour of the Vietnam War from the soldier’s eye view, Nam Sense is the brilliantly written story of a combat squad leader in the 101st Airborne Division. Arthur Wiknik was a 19-year-old kid from New England when he was drafted into the U.S. Army in 1968. Wiknik’s account of life and death in Vietnam includes everything from heavy combat, to faking insanity to get some R & R. Nam Sense offers a perfect blend of candor, sarcasm, and humor - and it spares nothing and no one in its attempt to accurately convey what really transpired during the Vietnam War. Wiknik has produced a gripping and complete record of life and death in Vietnam.

149095, $24.95, $16.50, Paperback, 288 pages
LBJ’s Hired Gun A Marine Corps Helicopter Gunner and the War in Vietnam

John J. Gebhart
LBJ’s Hired Gun launches with Gebhart’s grim recollection of the intense old-school brutality that was Marine Corps training on Parris Island before transitioning to his difficult journey for Southeast Asia aboard a troop transport with 2,000 other nameless grunts. His candid account of life and death in Vietnam is written with a lively, infectious flair. But be forewarned: no attempt has been made to sanitize this memoir with politicallycorrect language. Gebhart tells his story exactly as he and his comrades spoke in the 1960s. The result is a gripping, no-holds-barred memoir of his “misadventures in-country.”
033656, $32.95, $21.50, Hardback, 384 pages
Assault from the Sky U.S Marine Corps Helicopter Operations in Vietnam

Dick Camp
This work describes U.S. Marine Corps helicopter operations, including their actions and evolution, throughout the Vietnam War. The book is divided into parts spanning the three stages of the Corps’ combat deployment: “Buildup (1962–1966),” “Heavy Combat (1967–1969),” and “The Bitter End (1975).” Each part includes chapters devoted to “telling the story” of Marine helicopters from the individual to the strategic level. The author, a Vietnam veteran, uses his experiences as a company commander to bring the story to life by weaving personal accounts, after-action reports and official documents into a remarkably readable narrative.
001289, $32.95, $21.50, Hardback, 264 pages
Days of Valor
An Inside Account of the Bloodiest Six Months of the Vietnam War

Robert L Tonsetic
The 199th Light Infantry Brigade was created from three U.S. infantry battalions of long lineage as a fast reaction force to place in Vietnam. Days of Valor covers the height of the Vietnam War, from the nervous period just before Tet, through the defeat of that offensive, to the highly underwritten yet equally bloody NVA counteroffensive launched in May 1968. It ends with a brief note about the 199th LIB being deactivated in spring 1970, furling its colors after suffering 753 dead and some 5,000 wounded. The brigade had only been a temporary creation, intended for one purpose, and though its heroism is now a matter of history, it should remain a source of pride for all Americans.
149385, $22.95, $14.99, Paperback, 320 pages
Hawk Recon Head Hunters of the A Shau Valley

William “Doc” Osgood
It took courage and a certain sense of wild adventure to be a combat medic during the Vietnam War, and William ‘Doc’ Osgood exemplified their daring attitude. Doc would see combat throughout South Vietnam, spending much of his time deep in the bush far from the relative safety of base camps. Doc embarked on an eventful and at times harrowing combat tour that pitted the famed 101st Airborne Division against some of the North Vietnamese Army’s finest troops on the battlefields of the Ho Chi Minh Trail, Hamburger Hill, and the deadly A Shau Valley.
782939, $32.95, $21.50, Hardback, 328 pages
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Elite Bastards The Combat Missions of Company F, LRP Teams in Vietnam

This is the quintessential first-person combat memoir of a special forces soldier at war. Edward Dvorak joined the 173rd Airborne Brigade in Vietnam in the summer of 1967. He then joined Company F, 51st Infantry, Long Range Patrol, Airborne. For Dvorak and his buddies of Company F, LRP, their real training started with the MACV (Military Assistant Command Vietnam) Recondo School at the 5th Special Forces Compound in Nha Trang, South Vietnam. That training culminated with an actual Combat LRP mission. If you lived through the patrol, you graduated. Dvorak would remain with Company F for 19 months going on dozens of combat patrols deep behind enemy lines.
789655, $37.95, $24.99, Hardback, 320 pages
Cold War Berlin: An Island City

United States Marine Corps in Vietnam

Michael Green
With the American-supported South Vietnamese government verging on collapse in early 1965, American President Lyndon Johnson decided to commit American conventional ground forces in the form of a United States Marine Corps (USMC) brigade of approximately 3,000 men on March 8, 1965. So began a massive and costly 10year commitment.
751232, $22.95, $14.99, Paperback, 160 pages
El Salvador Volume 2: Conflagration, 1984–1992

David Francois
3: US
Forces in Berlin - Keeping the Peace, 1945-1994
Andrew Long
After World War II, Germany was divided by the victorious Allies, and Berlin itself was split into four sectors. As tensions rose during the Cold War, Berlin became a crucial battleground. The American garrison, initially a peacekeeping force, evolved into a self-sustaining military community. This captivating book delves into the units, organization, and remarkable transformation of West Berlin. It is the first installment of a two-part series that chronicles the presence of US forces in Berlin during the Cold War, accompanied by a wealth of illustrations that bring the era to life.
510292, $29.95, $19.50, Paperback, 96 pages
A Royal Navy Cold War Buccaneer Pilot Flying the Famous Maritime Strike Aircraft
Steve Kershaw
This powerful story recounts life on board a World War II-era aircraft carrier, serving beyond its time in the Cold War. Steve Kershaw, a Royal Navy pilot, shares his experiences flying the legendary Blackburn Buccaneer. Joining 800 Naval Air Squadron on HMS Eagle’s final cruise, the journey to the Far East was filled with challenges, including a crash and an onboard explosion. Steve later flew Wessex helicopters on HMS Hermes, supporting Royal Marines in Norway. Returning to HMS Ark Royal, he participated in exercises and a Mediterranean cruise before a fateful lowlevel sortie ended in a sea crash. Revealed through letters and recollections, Steve’s son, Simon, shares his father’s remarkable story in this book.

040129, $42.95, $27.99, Hardback, 216 pages
A severe social and political crisis in El Salvador during the 1970s resulted in widespread disturbance of daily life, political violence, repression and the outbreak of an insurgency. El Salvador Volume 2: Conflagration 1984–1992 is the first inclusive and incisive military history of this incredibly vicious, merciless war: one of two major conflicts fought in Central America in the 1980s within the context of the Cold War. Based on official documentation and carefully crossreferenced secondary sources, it is lavishly illustrated with authentic photography and custom-drawn color profiles, and as such is an indispensable single-point source of reference.
512180, $29.95, $19.50, Paperback, 92 pages
Flying the Buccaneer Britain’s Cold War Warrior

CaygillOriginally conceived as a carrierborn maritime attack aircraft, the Blackburn design included many original features such as Boundary Layer Control. The rotating bomb bay was also new and enabled easier maintenance, accessibility and reduced drag. The first model, the S Mk 1, entered operational service with the Fleet Air Arm in 1961. During the financial upheavals of the mid 1960s, the government decided to retire the RN carrier fleet. Simultaneously, the TSR2 development program was abandoned and left the RAF without a new attack aircraft. Enter the S Mk2B, a land-based Buccaneer, with increased range and payloadand by the early 1970s the ex-Fleet Air Arm aircraft were also carrying RAF markings.
07736A, $29.95, $19.50, Paperback, 160 pages
Groundcrew Boys True Engineering Stories from the Cold War Front Line

David Gledhill
Discover the untold stories of life on the flight line in this captivating edition of the Boys series. Written by those who served, these accounts offer insights into the behindthe-scenes action in hangars and on airfields. With humor and thought-provoking narratives, twenty engineers and enthusiasts recount incidents involving iconic aircraft. The book pays tribute to the remarkable men and women of the British armed forces, showcasing their unwavering dedication and professionalism. Collated by aviation author David Gledhill, the stories are accompanied by captivating photographs. An essential read for fans of the Boys series.
667025, $32.95, $21.50, Hardback, 192 pages
Winged Warriors
Memoirs of a Canberra and Tornado Pilot

Paul McDonald is a former RAF fast-jet pilot whose flying career spanned 34 years. He is not a typical senior RAF officer having been brought up on a council estate in a bleak northern industrial town. He became a pilot by accident and struggled to gain his wings. He spent 14 years on operational tours overseas including 2 tours at the height of the Cold War on a Tornado tactical nuclear squadron in Germany, only 15 minutes from responding to an anticipated Soviet onslaught. Earlier he served on a lowlevel photo reconnaissance squadron on NATO’s vulnerable southern flank. He was decorated for gallantry in 1980 and later served in Kuwait as the Senior RAF Adviser, including Operation Desert Fox, the air war against Iraq in 1998.
847484, $50.00, $32.50, Hardback, 304 pages
The Cold War Wilderness of Mirrors

Counterintelligence and the U.S. and Soviet Military Liaison Missions
Aden Magee
This book details the Soviet Military Liaison Mission (SMLM) in West Germany and the U.S. Military Liaison Mission (USMLM) in East Germany as microcosms of the Cold War strategic intelligence and counterintelligence landscape. Thirty years since the fall of the Berlin Wall, the Soviet and U.S. Military Liaison Missions are all but forgotten. Their operation was established by a post-WWII Allied occupation forces’ agreement, and missions had relative freedom to travel and collect intelligence throughout East and West Germany from 1947 until 1990.
009933, $34.95, $22.99, Hardback, 336 pages
Hawker’s Secret Cold War Airfield

Home of the Hunter and Harrier
Christopher Budgen
In 1948, Hawker Aircraft, faced with new jet projects that could not use their existing airfield at Langley, began the process of searching for alternative accommodation for their flighttesting requirements. It would, however, take three hard years before Dunsfold Aerodrome would be made available by a reluctant Air Ministry and the company was able to launch its first jet aircraft design – the Sea Hawk – into series production for the Royal Navy, closely followed by the superlative Hunter. Hawker Aircraft would go on to produce nearly 2,000 Hunters before other projects came to the fore.
771759, $49.95, $32.50, Hardback, 336 pages
Spies on the Mekong CIA Clandestine Operations in Laos

Ken Conboy
During the Cold War, the Central Intelligence Agency’s biggest and longest paramilitary operation was in the tiny kingdom of Laos. Because of its geographic location as a buffer state, as well as its trifurcated political structure, Laos was a unique Cold War melting pot. The Soviet Union had an extremely active embassy in the capital, while the People’s Republic of China—though in the throes of the Cultural Revolution—had multiple diplomatic outposts across the kingdom. So, too, did both North and South Vietnam. All of this made Laos fertile ground for clandestine operations.
240190, $34.95, $22.99, Hardback, 256 pages
RAF and East German Fast-Jet Pilots in the Cold War

Thinking the Unthinkable
Group Captain Nigel Walpole, OBE, BA, RAF (Ret’d)
RAF and East German Fast-Jet Pilots in the Cold War is the result of ten years of research, involving many visits to the former German Democratic Republic by a small Anglo/ German team of military specialists. Their purpose was to explore the lives of RAF and East German fighter and ?ghter-bomber pilots, in the air and on the ground, at work and play, during the Cold War in North Germany. The book is based largely on personal testimony from these pilots, coupled with facts drawn from official archives and comment from other historical sources. Where possible, political considerations have been avoided and no outright criticism has been intended.
758385, $34.95, $22.99, Hardback, 352 pages
Sharing the Secret The History of the Intelligence Corps, 1940–2010

Nicholas van der Bijl
This ground breaking book examines the colorful history of the Intelligence Corps from its formation in 1940 up to the present day. Even accepting that there are aspects of the Corps activities that cannot be revealed, there is a great wealth of fascinating material here for those interested in intelligence gathering. During the Cold War, Intelligence Sections were a vital part of all HQs above Brigade level and worked regularly with the SAS, SBS, RM Commandos, GCHQ and M15. This officially supported history reveals much fascinating material about the activities of this highly specialist and often topsecret Corps. It will be mandatory reading for intelligence experts and enthusiasts.

774958, $38.95, $25.50, Paperback, 432 pages
Phantom Boys

True Tales From UK Operators Of The
McDonnell Douglas F-4
PikeOriginally developed for the US Navy, this twin-engined supersonic long-range fighterbomber first flew in the spring of 1958. It then entered service for the US Navy in 1961, and in 1969 with the Fleet Air Arm and RAF in the UK. Regarded as one of the most versatile fighters ever built, the Phantom F-4 was the US Navy’s fastest and highest-flying aircraft. It was flown by both US military demonstration teams (Navy Blue Angels and the Air Force Thunderbirds) from 1969 to 1973. It ended its service in 1991 with the RAF. But it continued to serve a variety of air forces across the world, with some still in service fifty years after its first flight.
621881, $22.95, $14.99, Paperback, 184 pages
Prague Spring

Warsaw Pact Invasion, 1968
Phil Carradice
It is the end of the Prague Spring, the reformation of Czechoslovakia having ended in ruins. But despite the brutal crushing of Czech hopes and dreams, the events of 1968 lay the foundations for future change. It will take another two decades but it is, ultimately, where the unraveling of the Communist bloc begins.
757005, $22.95, $14.99, Paperback, 136 pages
Cold War
Stephen Twigge
Cold War tells the story of half a century of superpower confrontation from the end of the Second World War to the collapse of the Soviet Union. The book describes in chilling detail the military and ideological struggle between the United States and the Soviet Union that dominated the postwar landscape. The book highlights the role played by Britain during the Cold War and its involvement in Cold War flash points including the Berlin Blockade, the Cuban Missile Crisis and the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. The book describes the devastating consequences of nuclear war, the growth and influence of the peace movement and the exploits of the Cold War spy networks built up by both sides.
739902, $26.95, $17.99, Paperback, 160 pages
Cold War Interceptor The RAF’s F.155T/O.R. 329 Fighter Projects

Dan Sharp
The West was stunned when the Soviet Union dropped its first atomic bomb in August 1949 and a year later the Korean War showcased Russia’s incredible technological progress in the form of the MiG-15 – a fighter capable of besting anything the RAF had to offer at that time. In the wake of the Second World War, funding for the RAF’s Fighter Command had fallen away dramatically but now there was an urgent need for new jet fighters to meet the threat of Russian bombers head-on. The result was some of the largest, heaviest and most powerful fighter designs the world had ever seen – and a heated debate about whether the behemoths should be built at all as guided weapons became ever more advanced.
658030, $39.99, $25.99, Hardback, 218 pages
Secret Service in the Cold War

An SIS Officer from Philby to the Cuban Missile Crisis and the Balkans
John B Sanderson
Myles Sanderson
The Second World War had been won, but relationships between the Western allies and the Soviet Union were becoming increasingly strained, as the nuclear arms race made world peace precarious. It was vital that Britain knew the Soviets’ intentions and military capabilities, both offensive and defensive. As a Military Attaché in Sofia, and Commandant of an Intelligence Centre in the Balkans, it was SIS officer Lieutenant Colonel John Sanderson’s job to find out. Sanderson handled agents who operated secretly behind the Iron Curtain at the height of the Cold War and organized hidden arms depots for staybehind agents in case of a Red Army invasion.
740908, $49.95, $32.50, Hardback, 288 pages
RAF Tanker Navigator Twenty Years of Air to Air Refuelling
W. Bodle FRAeSTony Golds
This book gives a rare insight into the life inside the tanker squadrons of the Royal Air Force, viewed through the eyes of Tony Golds, one of the RAF tanker fleets longest serving Navigator/Plotters. During his service career which spanned four decades, he flew in dozens of airplanes, for literally thousands of hours and covered something in excess of two million miles. Initially the prime role of the first tankers (Valiants) was to service the legendary English Electric Lightning interceptor fighters patrolling the North Sea. During his career, Tony served in every continent of the world, including a healthy series of tours at Ascension just after the Falklands War.

07497A, $29.95, $19.50, Paperback, 192 pages
When the Tempest Gathers
From Mogadishu to the Fight Against ISIS, a Marine Special Operations Commander at War
MilburnThis exceptional war memoir follows the journey of a Marine from Second Lieutenant to Colonel and Task Force Commander. From Mogadishu to Mosul, the author shares his combat experiences leading Marines and multinational special operations forces in the fight against a formidable enemy. The centerpiece is the battle against ISIS, where the author’s lessons learned lead to the Caliphate’s eventual downfall. With a unique background, this memoir offers a discerning perspective on war, showcasing the author’s keen eye and deep understanding. Milburn’s honest account also delves into personal struggles with command, trauma, and family tragedy, providing a captivating and narrative of leading America’s warriors.

019231, $24.95, $16.50, Paperback, 336 pages
The Argentine Flying Fortress The Story of the FMA IA-58 Pucará

Santiago Rivas
In the 1960s, guerrillas emerged across Latin America, Africa, and Asia, creating a demand for specialized weapons. The Argentine Air Force commissioned the IA-58 Pucará, a robust twin turboprop aircraft designed for counterinsurgency operations. It entered service in 1975 and gained international recognition after its involvement in the 1982 South Atlantic war. Other countries like Uruguay, Colombia, and Sri Lanka also acquired the aircraft. Now, the Argentine Air Force plans to upgrade the retired Pucarás into the Pucará Fénix version for new missions. This book unveils the untold story of the aircraft, including proposed versions and its operational record.
09792A, $49.95, $32.50, Hardback, 280 pages
The Pashtun Tribes in Afghanistan Wolves Among Men

Ben Acheson
The abrupt withdrawal of US and NATO forces in 2021 ushered in a new era for Afghanistan. The subsequent Taliban takeover facilitated a reversion to some of the worst hallmarks of Afghanistan’s past, including bans on women’s education and other rights-related roll-backs. Navigating this new reality necessitates that more constructive relationships are built between Westerners and Afghans, particularly with the majority ethnicity – the Pashtun tribes. The Pashtun Tribes in Afghanistan: Wolves Among Men is the toolkit for doing so. Framed by first-hand experience and balancing in-depth analysis with engaging anecdotes, it sheds light on the Pashtun way of life still enshrined in the ancient “Pashtunwali” honor code.
06920A, $42.95, $27.99, Hardback, 328 pages
Experimental Test Pilot Military Aircraft Research Flying
Chris Taylor
Chris Taylor has had a very successful career as a Royal Navy officer, helicopter pilot, test pilot, instructor and as an internationally acclaimed civil certification test pilot. His first book, Test Pilot, concentrates on anecdotes and incidents from the most recent phase of his career. This book is the prequel and is his account of his ten years’ service as an experimental test pilot, from 1994 until 2004, at MoD Boscombe Down, the UK’s tri-Service home of military aircraft testing and evaluation. Chris explains what led to his passion to be a test pilot and how, with tenacity, he plays the cards he was dealt as well as he could.

048859, $60.00, $39.50, Hardback, 288 pages
Plastic Surgery in Wars, Disasters and Civilian Life

The Memoirs of
Professor Anthony Roberts OBE
Anthony Roberts
The specialty of plastic surgery was developed and named by Sir Harold Gillies following his work between the two world wars reconstructing severely damaged servicemen from the First World War. Sir Harold went on to inspire and train other surgeons from around the world. Among them was his cousin Sir Archibald McIndoe, who in the Second World War set up the unit at East Grinstead Hospital which looked after severely burned airmen and some other servicemen. There have been enormous changes in the specialty over the past fifty years and a detailed view of these is given in an absorbing account of this life-enhancing surgery by one who served on the frontline in difficult and dangerous situations around the world.
068482, $54.95, $35.99, Hardback, 224 pages
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Tribute to a Hero The Life and Loss of Major Paul Harding MiD at Basra

HardingThis powerful and inspirational story follows the aftermath of a senior army officer’s death in combat. Major Paul Harding’s tragic loss shocks his comrades and reverberates through the nation. The narrative focuses on the young family left behind, as they grapple with grief and attempt to fill the void left by a father and warrior. The heart-wrenching account details the aftermath and the family’s journey to cope with their new reality. Written by Major Harding’s widow and a junior subordinate, this intimate firsthand narrative sheds light on the challenges faced by military families. It is a story of resilience and the journey toward finding peace after the devastating loss.
08970A, $49.95, $32.50, Hardback, 256 pages
The RAF’s Air War In Libya

New Conflicts in the Era of Austerity
Dave Sloggett
The uprising in Libya in the spring of 2011 took the world by surprise. The Gaddafi regimes brutal attempts at suppressing the uprising, however, soon prompted the community to respond. NATO agreed to impose a no-fly zone across Libya which was led by Britain, France and the USA. In this, the first book to analyze the Libyan campaign, David Sloggett details the causes of the uprising, and examines each stage of the war through to its termination with the death of Colonel Gaddafi. In conclusion, Dr Sloggett considers the future prospects for a post-Gaddafi Libya and, more significantly, how NATO in general, and Britain in particular, will respond to similar events in the future.
074933, $29.95, $19.50, Paperback, 216 pages
Paras in Action Ready for Anything

– The Parachute
Regiment Through the Eyes of Those who Served
Jason Woods
This book by former paratrooper Jason Woods gives the reader an unprecedented snapshot of the role that paratroopers have played throughout their history, demonstrating not only the courage, strength and fitness of the men who make up this mighty regiment, but also their intelligence, compassion, and wicked sense of humor. The Normandy landings of 1944 were just one of the many famous operations in the stunning history of the Paras. This book covers challenging operations in Northern Ireland, the Falklands, Kosovo, and Sierra Leone. It includes an exciting overview of Operation Telic in Iraq, the epic battles in Afghanistan, and withdrawal of all British citizens and troops from Kabul in 2021, on Operation Pitting. 040174, $42.95, $27.99, Hardback, 248 pages
Chinook Crew ‘Chick’ Highs and Lows of Forces Life from the Longest Serving Female RAF Chinook Force Crewmember

Liz McConaghy
Liz McConaghy, from a small town in County Down, spent a total of seventeen years flying with the RAF’s Chinook Fleet. Aged just 21, she was the youngest aircrew member to deploy to Iraq and was also the only female ‘crewman’ on the Chinook wing for four years. In her astounding career Liz McConaghy completed two deployments to Iraq followed by ten deployments to Helmand province in Afghanistan in support of the enduring Operation Herrick campaign. Liz’s inspiringly honest story reveals the highs and lows that she witnessed at war, and the cost that came with that both, physically and mentally for those involved.
072922, $39.95, $25.99, Hardback, 184 pages
The Workhorse of Helmand

A Chinook Crewman’s Account of Operations in Afghanistan and Iraq
Michael Fry
Mick Fry, a RAF Chinook crewman, experienced over a decade in Afghanistan, witnessing pivotal moments like 9/11 and serving in Helmand Province. The Chinook played a crucial role, and Mick and his RAF Odiham crew faced constant danger as they supported ground troops. From intense air assaults to risky casualty extractions, Mick encountered the best and worst of humanity daily. This gripping and confronting story takes readers through combat operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, balancing harrowing scenes with humor, camaraderie, and the thrill of surviving enemy fire.
07551A, $42.95, $27.99, Hardback, 216 pages
Falklands Hero
McKay - The last VC of the 20th Century

Jon Cooksey
During the battle for Mount Longdon during the Falklands War, 3rd Battalion, Parachute Regiments assault has stalled in the face of determined resistance. With his platoon held up by an Argentine machine gun, it falls to Sgt. Ian McKay to act. The machine gun has to be silenced to break the deadlock. Gathering a small group together, Ian McKay leads them in a headlong dash into the teeth of a withering fire. One by one they fall until only McKay is left, charging on alone towards the Argentine gun and a place in history. His was the final act of a man who lived, breathed and was shaped by the Parachute Regiment: an act which earned him a posthumous Victoria Cross. This is the story of Ian McKay: the last British hero of the 20th Century.
022637, $29.95, $19.50, Paperback, 272 pages
Trotsky, The Passionate Revolutionary
Allan Todd
Although Trotsky was dramatically assassinated just over eighty years ago, he remains a controversial figure. He has had many biographers over the decades - ranging from the overly-sympathetic, to the extremely-hostile. This biography deals with those aspects for which Trotsky is noted: organizing the Bolshevik Revolution of November 1917; masterminding the creation of the Red Army and ensuring its victory during the Civil War; becoming the most determined opponent of Stalin’s creation of a monolithic party and state; being a Marxist theoretician of socialist revolution and combatting fascism; and, of course, being the originator of the very specific brand of revolutionary socialism that, as early as 1906, became known as Trotskyism.

010764, $42.95, $27.99, Hardback, 248 pages
Sunderland Over FarEastern Seas
An RAF Flying Boat Navigator’s Story Group Captain Derek K. Empson
MBE, RAF (Rtd)
This is the first book to give a detailed, first-hand account of post-World War II RAF Short Sunderland operations in the Far East. The author was a navigator with 88 Squadron and later 205 Squadron, flying operations during the Korean War, the Malayan Emergency and many other operations. The Sunderland flying boat was a unique aircraft in that each crew was allotted an aircraft which became their floating and airborne home. The crew relied upon all-round cooperation to keep the airplane in top condition, plus the addition of personalized luxuries. This is a worthy record of some of the legendary Short Sunderland’s final roles in the RAF.

08510A, $29.95, $19.50, Paperback, 288 pages
Call-Sign KLUSO An American Fighter Pilot in Mr. Reagan’s Air Force

Rick Tollini
Eagle pilot Rick “Kluso” Tollini’s life has embodied childhood dreams and the reality of what the American experience could produce. In his memoir, Call Sign KLUSO, Rick puts the fraught minutes above the Iraqi desert that made him an ace into the context of a full life; exploring how he came to be flying a F-15C in Desert Storm, and how that day became a pivotal moment in his life. Rick’s first combat deployment was Desert Storm. He recounts the planning, the preparation, and the missions, and the reality of combat. Rick’s aerial victory was one of 16 accumulated by the Gorillas, the most by any squadron during Desert Storm.
009810, $34.95, $22.99, Hardback, 192 pages
Scimitar into Stanley One Soldier’s Falklands War Roger Field

In 1982, Captain Roger Field joined the mission to liberate the Falkland Islands. Attached to HQ 5th Infantry Brigade, he documented his experiences in a diary. From witnessing the Argentinean attack on landing ships to joining the Commanding Officer of 2 Para for the Battle of Wireless Ridge, Roger’s journey was eventful. Taking command of an armored car during the battle, he fought from the turret and later led the charge into Port Stanley. This candid account offers a unique perspective as a staff officer, infanteer, and armored vehicle commander. A gripping read.
07234A, $39.95, $25.99, Hardback, 208 pages
Hawker’s Early Jets Toward of the Hunter

Christopher Budgen
Hawker Aircraft Ltd took flight with their first jet design, the P.1040, in 1947. Despite initial rejection by the RAF, subsequent developments led to its adoption by the Royal Navy. As national insolvency loomed, Hawker continued to advance their research, resulting in the powerful P.1067 Hunter—a transonic fighter that revolutionized the UK’s air capabilities during the Cold War. Although initial challenges persisted, the Hunter became a preferred day fighter for numerous air forces worldwide, serving for decades.
792174, $49.95, $32.50, Hardback, 312 pages
Breaching the Summit Leadership Lessons from the U.S. Military’s Best

Kenneth O Preston
P BarrettBreaching the Summit brings together the stories of six former senior enlisted advisors to the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Each tells in their own words how they got their start, how mentors encouraged them along the way, and how they eventually became the highest-ranking enlisted member in their respective service. With invaluable lessons this is a book for junior service members, senior enlisted leaders, officers, and leaders in civilian life.
008714, $34.95, $22.99, Hardback, 288 pages
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Crusader General Donn Starry and the Army of His Times

Mike Guardia General Martin Dempsey (USA, Ret.)
Donn Starry became one of the most influential commanders of the Vietnam War, and after Vietnam was one of the “intellectual giants” who reshaped the US Army and its doctrines. In this new biography, armor officer Mike Guardia examines the life and work of this pioneering officer using interviews with veterans and family.
005447, $32.95, $21.50, Hardback, 224 pages
Gunship Ace
The Wars of Neall Ellis, Helicopter Pilot and Mercenary

A former South African Air Force pilot who saw action throughout the region from the 1970s on, Neall Ellis is the best-known mercenary combat aviator alive. Apart from flying Alouette helicopter gunships in Angola, he has fought in the Balkan War (for Islamic forces), tried to resuscitate Mobutu’s ailing air force during his final days ruling the Congo, flew Mi-8s for Executive Outcomes, and thereafter an Mi-8 fondly dubbed ‘Bokkie’ for Colonel Tim Spicer in Sierra Leone. Finally, with a pair of aging Mi-24 Hinds, Ellis ran the Air Wing out of Aberdeen Barracks in the war against Sankoh’s vicious RUF rebels.
000701, $32.95, $21.50, Hardback, 336 pages
The Arab-Israeli War of Attrition, 1967-1973

Volume 1: Six-Day War Aftermath, Renewed Combat, Air Forces
E.R. Hooton Bill NortonThe Arab-Israeli conflict persisted through two wars and ongoing border tensions. However, the Six-Day War of June 1967 was a cataclysm. Israel emerged victorious in a war with neighboring Arab states and in possession of occupied territory. The Arabs were furious at this outcome and determined to regain their lands and dignity by again making war with Israel. Added to the mix was a resurgent Palestinian liberation movement. Renewed fighting began within weeks. Volume 1 of this series covers the immediate aftermath of the Six-Day War as forces were reconstituted, strategies formulated and combat began anew on the new borders. The air forces and associated weapons that would play a significant role in the coming years are detailed.
512258, $29.95, $19.50, Paperback, 104 pages
Marine Corps Tank Battles in the Middle East

Oscar E. Gilbert
In the aftermath of Vietnam a new generation of Marines was determined to wage a smarter kind of war. The tank, the very symbol of power and violence, would play a key role in a new concept of mobile warfare, not seen since the dashes of World War II. The emphasis would be not on brutal battles of attrition, but on paralyzing the enemy by rapid maneuver and overwhelming but judicious use of firepower. This book fully describes how our Marine Corps tankers have risen to the occasion.
002675, $34.95, $22.99, Hardback, 312 pages
US Naval Aviation, 1945–2003

Rare Photographs from Naval Archives
Leo Marriott
In this the highly illustrated second volume of his history of US naval aviation, Leo Marriott takes the reader through the extraordinary developments in design and capability that transformed American aircraft and aircraft carriers after the Second World War, and he describes the succession of conflicts in which they were deployed. Increasingly, advanced jets replaced propellerdriven aircraft and nuclearpowered carriers allowed the US Navy to project American military power across the world. As the many remarkable photographs in this book show, wherever naval aviation was involved, it played a crucial role, especially in the wars in Korea and Vietnam.
06257A, $28.95, $18.99, Paperback, 184 pages
Fangs of the Lone Wolf Chechen
Tactics in the Russian-Chechen Wars
Dodge Billingsley
Books on guerrilla war are seldom written from the tactical perspective and even more from the guerrilla’s perspective. Fangs of the Lone Wolf: Chechen Tactics in the Russian-Chechen Wars 1994–2009 is an exception. These are the stories of low-level guerrilla combat as told by the survivors. They cover fighting from the cities of Grozny and Argun to the villages of Bamut and Serzhen-yurt, and finally the hills, river valleys and mountains that make up so much of Chechnya. The author embedded with Chechen guerrilla forces and knows the conflict, country and culture. This revised edition reproduces Fangs of the Lone Wolf in Helion’s @War format, with added color photographs of the conflict, along with specially commissioned color artworks.
512524, $29.95, $19.50, Paperback, 106 pages

Nemoto’s Travels
The Illustrated Saga of a Japanese Floatplane Pilot in the First Year of the Pacific War

Michael Claringbould
This is the illustrated diary of Imperial Japanese Navy floatplane pilot Warrant Officer Nemoto Kumesako, dating from the early months of the Pacific War. His recollections offer an intimate perspective into his life, along with insights into Japanese thinking of the times. Unusually, these memoirs are presented here in a style consistent with the format of Japanese manga (illustrated comic / graphic novel). Michael Claringbould is a globally renowned Pacific War author. This is his first attempt at getting away from conventional formats, instead producing an entertaining hybrid tale, garishly illustrated yet historically accurate.
926252, $19.95, $12.99, Paperback, 116 pages
Pacific Adversaries: Japanese Army Air Force vs The Allies

Volume 1 - New Guinea
Michael John Claringbould
This volume conveys detailed stories of aerial warfare in the South Pacific, chosen because both Japanese and Allied records can be matched for an accurate accounting. Often the actual outcomes are very different to the exaggerated claims made by both sides upon which many traditional histories have relied to date. Further, for each of the chosen stories photographic or other evidence enables an accurate depiction of the aircraft involved.
803142, $42.95, $27.99, Paperback, 112 pages
Pacific Adversaries: Imperial Japanese Navy vs. The Allies
Volume 2 - New Guinea & the Solomons 19421944
Michael Claringbould
This Volume Two of Pacific Adversaries conveys detailed stories of aerial warfare in the South Pacific, chosen because both Japanese and Allied records can be matched for an accurate accounting. Often the actual outcomes are very different to the exaggerated claims made by both sides. Further, for each of the chosen stories photographic or other evidence enables an accurate depiction of the aircraft involved. Through these chosen snapshots, Pacific Adversaries will portray the South Pacific conflict as accurately as possible. This second volume focuses exclusively on confrontations with the Japanese Navy Air Force (JNAF) in New Guinea and the Solomons.
665908, $29.95, $19.50, Paperback, 108 pages
Pacific Profiles Volume 10
Allied Fighters: P-47D Thunderbolt series

Southwest Pacific 19431945
Michael Claringbould
Pacific Profiles presents accurate WWII aircraft profiles from the South Pacific. Volume 10 focuses on the P-47D Thunderbolt, flown in combat missions in the New Guinea theater. It served with eleven Fifth Air Force USAAF combat squadrons, Fifth Fighter Command, and the Combat Replacement Training Center. The book showcases previously unseen profiles, explaining markings, squadron heraldry, and identifiers. It corrects misidentifications caused by swapping cowls and provides extensive primary references. With colorful accuracy and detail, this volume is a valuable resource on Pacific P-47s.
700404, $42.95, $27.99, Paperback, 108 pages
Pacific Adversaries: Imperial Japanese Navy vs The Allies
Volume 4 - The Solomons 1943-1944
Michael Claringbould
This fourth volume of Pacific Adversaries conveys detailed stories of aerial warfare in the Solomons theater, chosen because both Japanese and Allied records can be matched for an accurate accounting. Often the actual outcomes are very different to the exaggerated claims made by both sides as outlined in most traditional histories. In some cases, this factual approach enables long-standing mysteries to be solved. Further, for each chosen story photographic or other evidence enables accurate depictions of the aircraft involved. Never before have detailed accounts matched up adversaries so closely, and in doing so, shine light on key events in Pacific skies so many years ago.

926221, $29.95, $19.50, Paperback, 112 pages
Pacific Adversaries: Imperial Japanese Navy vs The Allies
Volume 3 - New Guinea & the Solomons 19421944
Michael Claringbould
Volume Three of Pacific Adversaries conveys detailed stories of aerial warfare in the South Pacific, chosen because both Japanese and Allied records can be matched for an accurate accounting. Often the actual outcomes are very different to the exaggerated claims made by both sides upon which many traditional histories have relied to date. Further, for each of the chosen stories photographic or other evidence enables an accurate depiction of the aircraft involved. Never before have detailed accounts matched up adversaries so closely and in doing so shine light on key events in Pacific skies so many years ago.
665953, $29.95, $19.50, Paperback, 102 pages
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How to Build a Model Railway

AshwoodMoving from a train set out of a box to making your own model railway can seem a daunting proposition. Whether you go your own way, wish to follow a prototype tightly or have an inherited stock that you want to make the best of, this book covers the act of deciding on a design that will keep the interest alive. Here learning from those who have had both successes and the occasional false start will assist you in execution of your project and maintaining its interest. The book aims to explain jargon and includes such subjects as project design and planning, alternative baseboard construction methods, track laying, basic electrics accompanied by a rich and varied imagery.
094849, $42.95, $27.99, Hardback, 112 pages
P-47 Razorback of 8th AF Colours

Artur Juszczak
This book contains 40 color profiles of the P-47 Razorback versions. It also contains specially commissioned profiles with a high level detail.
227117, $23.00, $14.99, Paperback, 42 pages
Richard J Caruana
The Fighting Colours of Richard J. Caruana.

50th Anniversary Collection.
3: EE/BAC Lightning
The retired English Electric (BAC) Lightning is a cult subject among aviation enthusiasts. Its powerful presence and rapid ascent captivated onlookers. The Lightning brought a significant technological leap to Royal Air Force squadrons, transitioning from subsonic aircraft to the Mach 2 interceptor armed with missiles. It defended Britain’s airspace and served as the frontline interceptor in RAF Germany, Cyprus, and Singapore. Despite facing challenges during its development, the Lightning proved its worth and garnered love from those who worked on it. Richard J. Caruana pays tribute to this remarkable aircraft in his distinctive style, celebrating the end of an era for single-seat interceptors in the RAF.
549906, $36.00, $23.50, Paperback, 66 pages
Scale Modelling Step by Step 3rd Edition
Stu Fone
Airfix Model World’s stepby-step guide for beginners is packed with hints and tips for modelers of all ages, whether they are new to the hobby or returning after an absence. Originally published in 2012, updated in 2017 and now again for 2021, this is the essential handbook for any fan of scale modeling. Now updated with content from the magazine’s Back to Basics series this indispensable guide is even more informative and value for money. Demonstrating the latest techniques, kits and improvements, Scale Modelling Step by Step is an invaluable resource for all modelers.

870720, $18.99, $12.50, Paperback, 100 pages
North American Aviation O-47

Dan Hagedorn
Ted Williams
The North American O-47 is an American observation fixedwing aircraft monoplane used by the United States Army Air Corps. Book describes in the great detail the development history and service history of this overlooked aircraft. Many unpublished photos, color profiles and scale plans complete the story.
958907, $52.00, $33.99, Paperback, 240 pages
British Naval Trawlers and Drifters in Two World Wars From The John Lambert Collection

DunnJohn Lambert was a renowned naval draftsman, whose plans were highly valued for their accuracy and detail by model makers and enthusiasts. By the time of his death in 2016, he had produced over 850 sheets of drawings, many of which have never been published. This title is the fourth of a planned series of albums on selected themes, reproducing complete sheets at a large page size. The book takes some 30 large sheets of drawings which John Lambert completed of these vessels. These wonderfully detailed drawings, which are backed by a selection of photographs and a detailed complementary text also tells a fascinating story of the extraordinary contribution the vessels and their crews made to the defeat of Germany in two world wars.
794864, $70.00, $45.50, Hardback, 208 pages
F-4 E/F/EJ/QF-4E
Phantom II Aircraft in Detail

Robert Pied
Nicolas Deboeck
A close-up of one of the most famous jets ever made: the Phantom II, with photos of Phantoms of the USAF, Greece, Germany, Turkey, Spain, Japan, Israel, S. Korea, Iran and Target drones.
083055, $41.00, $26.99, Paperback, 196 pages
Warsaw Pact
Volume 1
Marcin Górecki
The book contains color profiles of the MiG-15, MiG-17, MiG-19 and MiG-21 aircraft belonging to the Warsaw Pact country. The first volume includes machines from the USSR and Poland.

673434, $27.95, $18.50, Paperback, 40 pages
Tawoczkin Ta-5
Volume 1
Dariusz Paduch
This monograph describes the La-5 - Soviet single-engine singleseat fighter. The Lavochkin was a development version and successor of the LaGG-3, a wooden low wing with an inline engine. It was one of the best fighter planes in Soviet aviation and the first to compete on an equal footing with the Messerschmitt Bf 109.

673465, $33.95, $22.50, Paperback, 96 pages
Junkers Ju 188/388

Oleg Pomoshnikov
Junkers Ju 188 - German bomber during World War II, successor of the Ju 88, was flown in January 1943. In February 1943, production lines launched three Ju 188E-0 planes powered by BMW 801ML engines.
Panavia Tornado Aircraft in Detail
Robert Pied
Nicolas Deboeck
A close-up of the Panavia Tornado. Like the other books in the series, it is packed with over 330 color photos of every aspect of the jet. It shows the Tornado GR4 , GR4a, IDS, ECR. A separate chapter shows the Tornado F3. Includes cockpit, maintenance, weapons, landing gear, avionics, and more.

248845, $31.00, $20.50, Paperback, 116 pages
Focke-Wulf Fw 190 A

Arkadiusz Wróbel
The Focke-Wulf Fw 190 was a single-seat, single-engine German fighter from World War II. It was produced in over 20,000 units, including about 6,000 in the fighter-bomber version.
Boeing (Mcdonnell Douglas) F/A-18 A/B/C/D Hornets
The First Generation Of A True Multirole Jet Vol. I
Salvador Mafé Huertas
The F/A-18 Hornet is a singleand two-seat, twin engine, multimission fighter/attack aircraft that can operate from either aircraft carriers or land bases. It replaced the F-4 Phantom II fighter and A-7 Corsair II light attack jet, and also replaced the A-6 Intruder as these aircraft were retired during the 1990s.

673519, $35.95, $23.50, Paperback, 150 pages
The Messerschmitt Me 163 Komet

Marek Ry?
Although the German Me 163 Komet was created as a remedy for the mass air raids of the Allied air force, its origins date back to 1938. In 1939, the project was handed over to the Messerschmitt factory and there it developed into the Me 163A. Two prototypes – V4 and V5 – were completed in 1941 and flown as gliders.
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Sherman Tank Canadian, New Zealand and South African Armies Italy, 1943–1945
Dennis Oliver
The Sherman tank’s role in the Normandy landings and drive into Germany is wellknown, but its contribution to the Italian campaign by British Commonwealth units is often overlooked. In this TankCraft volume, Dennis Oliver explores the Sherman tanks of Canadian, New Zealand, and South African armies through photos, detailed text, and color illustrations. Despite being out-gunned, the Sherman’s terrain handling and reliability made it crucial in every battle. The book covers the 75mm version, the powerful Firefly tank killer, and field modifications. It also showcases model kits and beautifully constructed models, providing everything for accurate recreations of these historic vehicles.

06508A, $29.95, $19.50, Paperback, 64 pages
Panzer I & II Blueprint for Blitzkrieg 1933–1941
Robert Jackson
The Panzer I and II played a significant part in the blitzkrieg campaigns that brought Germany such extraordinary success in the early years of the Second World War. As well as tracing the history of the Panzer I and II, Robert Jackson’s book is an excellent source of reference for the modeler, providing details of available kits, together with artworks showing the color schemes applied to these tanks. Each section of the book is supported by a wealth of wartime photographs as well as diagrams showing the technical changes that were made to these tanks in the course of their careers.

711243, $22.95, $14.99, Paperback, 64 pages
T-34 Russia’s Armoured Spearhead
Robert Jackson
Von Kleist, one of Hitler’s best panzer leaders, described the T-34 as ‘The finest tank in the world’. The T-34 was one of the best tanks of all time. This book is an excellent reference work for the modeler, providing details of available kits, together with artworks showing the color schemes applied to the T-34 by its operators throughout the world. Photographs, many in color, illustrate the T-34 in action and there is a section dealing with the range of armored vehicles that were built using the T-34 chassis. Robert Jackson’s introduction to the T-34 is necessary reading for tank enthusiasts and tank modelers alike.

711328, $22.95, $14.99, Paperback, 64 pages
Puma Sdkfz 234/1 and Sdkfz 234/2 Heavy Armoured Cars
German Army and Waffen-SS, Western and Eastern Fronts, 19441945
Dennis Oliver
The lightning advances of the German armored units during the Polish and French campaigns were spearheaded by fastmoving, armed reconnaissance vehicles. But these early designs suffered heavily due to their light weaponry and thin armor and a program was soon underway, led by the firm of Büssing-NAG, which culminated in the development of the Sdkfz 234 series of heavy eight-wheeled armored cars, the first of which entered service in late 1943. These vehicles proved to be rugged and reliable and were gradually up-armed to serve in the infantry support role and eventually as tank killers. This volume of the LandCraft series concludes the story of the Sdkfz 234 series, examining the versions that took part in the last battles of the war.
050296, $29.95, $19.50, Paperback, 224 pages
Land Rover Military Versions of the British 4x4
Ben Skipper
This latest LandCraft title looks at the design and development of the Land Rover as well as the military specific variants. The title will also look at those key conversions that took place on standard Land Rovers throughout the duration of its life span.
789730, $28.95, $18.99, Paperback, 64
Bren Gun Carrier Britain’s Universal War Machine
Robert Jackson
One of the most versatile fighting vehicles in the British army and many other forces for a quarter of a century, the Universal Carrier, more popularly known by its original title Bren Gun Carrier, was developed as a fast and agile infantry-support vehicle. In this volume in Pen & Sword’s LandCraft series, Robert Jackson traces its design and manufacturing history and describes its operational role throughout its long career. The Bren Carrier served in every theater of the Second World War, from northwest Europe, North Africa and the Soviet Union to the Far East. Then, with the war over, it was operated by many belligerents in a string of other conflicts around the world, including Israel’s struggle for independence and the war in Korea.

746436, $28.95, $18.99, Paperback, 64 pages

Boeing B-29 Superfortress

SkipperThe B-29 Superfortress was a powerful piston-powered aircraft designed for the expanding needs of the Pacific air force. It showcased lessons learned from the European air war and had an impressive range of 3,250 miles. Operating in the Pacific Theater, it devastated Imperial Japan and played a role in dropping atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. With its size, endurance, and adaptable landing capabilities, the B-29 was a formidable machine. Its complexity presented challenges for pilots, but it remained a key strategic bomber even after the war, serving in Korea and supporting the Royal Air Force. The B-29 left an indelible mark on aviation history, bridging the gap between old and new paradigms of military aviation.
040648, $34.95, $22.99, Paperback, 96 pages
German Destroyers
Robert Brown
This volume covers the large and powerful German destroyers of the Second World War era. Always popular as modeling subjects, interest in them has been further increased recently by the release of a number of very fine large scale kits. With its unparalleled level of visual information – paint schemes, models, line drawings and photographs – this book is simply the best reference for any model maker setting out to build one of these unusual ships.
724922, $24.95, $16.50, Paperback, 64 pages
Stalingrad Death of an Army
Ben SkipperThe name Stalingrad evokes military folly and political failure. The capture of Stalingrad by the Wehrmacht was a devastating defeat for the Red Army. The 6th Army, a powerful force, aimed to secure the city and the vital oilfields of Baku. However, its commander lacked experience, and Stalingrad’s unique battlefield pushed both attacker and defender to their limits. The book explores the T-34 tanks, Stug III assault guns, and aerial battles involving the V, Ju87 Stuka, and Yak 9s. It includes historical photos, showcase builds, and details of model kits to inspire modelers and bring military history to life.
007740, $28.95, $18.99, Paperback, 64 pages
Messerschmitt Bf109
JacksonThe famous Messerschmitt Bf 109 single-seat fighter was one of the most important warplanes of the Second World War. Originally designed during the 1930s, and a contemporary of the equally-legendary Supermarine Spitfire, it was vitally important to Germany’s Luftwaffe and was flown in combat by the highest-scoring fighter pilots in history. It was in service throughout the Second World War and was built in a number of significant versions that proved to be worthy adversaries of the very best of the Allied warplanes that it flew against. Bf 109s operated in all the major areas of conflict where German forces were engaged in combat and the type even had a post-war career in several countries that extended well into the 1950s.

710536, $28.95, $18.99, Paperback, 80 pages

Japanese Battleships
Fuso & Ise Classes

Robert Brown
This volume covers the two related classes of Japanese 14ingunned battleships, originally built during the First World War but subsequently totally reconstructed to emerge as a unique hybrid of battleship and aircraft carrier in a desperate attempt to compensate for fleet carriers sunk earlier in the war.

Porsche 911
Lance Cole
Experienced automotive writer, industrial designer and Porsche enthusiast Lance Cole pays tribute to the car in a detailed yet engaging commentary. New photography, the design story, and full coverage of the modeling options in synthetic materials and die cast metals, create a narrative of vital interest.
756800, $28.95, $18.99, Paperback, 64 pages

Cross-Country Lorries German Manufacturers

Alan Ranger
During the first program for motorizing the Reichswehr from 1926, development of three-axled cross-country lorries with a payload of 3 tons was demanded besides others. Three companies were involved in the development: Büssing, Henschel and Krupp. The first Henschel model - the Henschel type 33 B 1 - was delivered in 1928. This profusely illustrated photo album includes over 150 previously unseen pictures, many from private sources in Germany.
958099, $25.00, $16.50, Paperback, 88 pages
15 cm s.FH 18 German heavy Howitzer

Alan Ranger
The 15 cm schwere Feldhaubitze 18 or s.FH 18 (heavy field howitzer, model 18) was the basic German division-level heavy howitzer during the Second World War. The gun was officially introduced into service on 23 May 1935 and by the outbreak of war the Wehrmacht had about 1,353 of these guns in service. Production continued throughout the war, reaching a peak of 2,295 guns in 1944. This profusely illustrated photo album includes over 120 previously unseen pictures, many from private sources in Germany.
958082, $25.00, $16.50, Paperback, 80 pages
Hotchkiss H35 & H39 Through German Lens

Alan Ranger
The Hotchkiss H35 or Char léger modèle 1935 H was a French cavalry tank developed prior to World War II. From 1938 an improved version was produced with a stronger engine, the Char léger modèle 1935 H modifié 39, which from 1940 was also fitted with more powerful 37 mm gun.
281845, $25.00, $16.50, Paperback, 64 pages
Kfz. 1, 2, 3 & 4. Light Off-road Passenger Cars

Alan Ranger
The leichter geländegängiger Personenkraftwagen, or l. gl. Einheits-Pkw were manufactured by Stoewer, Hanomag and BMW. Early versions had both 4-wheel drive and steering which later was dropped to just 4 wheel drive and front wheel steering.
281876, $25.00, $16.50, Paperback, 80 pages
Sd.Kfz. 10/4 & 10/5 Selbstfahrlafette

Alan Ranger
This new photo album in the MMP/Stratus “Camera On” series contains 100+ photos of the Sd.Kfz. 10/4 & 10/5 Selbstfahrlafette. The Selbstfahrlafette (Sd. Kfz. 10/4) für 2cm Flak 30 and the Selbstfahrlafette (Sd. Kfz. 10/5) für 2cm Flak 38 were self-propelled Flak halftracks based on the Sd.Kfz 10 One ton vehicle. In the firing mode the vehicle had hinged side walls that opened up to enlarge the firing platform at the back and to both sides. Except for armored shield often fitted to the AA gun these vehicles were unarmored. These profusely illustrated photo albums include many previously unseen pictures, many from private sources in Germany.
281852, $25.00, $16.50, Paperback, 76 pages
Sd.Kfz. 10 Leichter Zugkraftwagen 1t
Alan Ranger
This new photo album, one of first in the MMP/Stratus “Camera On” series, contains 140+ photos of the Sd.Kfz. 10 Leichter Zugkraftwagen 1.t.The Sd.Kfz. 10 was developed as a towing vehicle for light loads like the 37mm Pak 36/37, the 2cm Flak 30/38, and the Heavy Infantry howitzer Sigg 33 plus a myriad of trailers types such as the Sd. Anh. 32. As the war progressed and the German army had less and less equipment to utilize, the Sd.Kfz 10 was often to be seen towing loads way beyond its designed weight class for the lack of other suitable vehicles. These profusely illustrated photo albums include many previously unseen pictures, many from private sources in Germany.
281746, $25.00, $16.50, Paperback, 80 pages

Real Weathering
Dick Taylor
This is a book about weathering and designed for military modelers. There are many books concerned with weathering military models available, but they all concentrate on weathering techniques. This book is different, it is a reference book showing a range of military vehicles and their components in military environments.

549371, $55.00, $35.99, Paperback, 180 pages
Reggiane Re 2000, Re 2002, Re 2003
Przemyslaw Skulski
Andrzej M. Olejniczak
The development of the famous Italian WWII fighters of the Reggiane factory is described and illustrated. It served with the Regia Aeronautica and other forces, including the Hungarian and Swedish air arms. This book describes the design, development, and operations of this elegant and effective fighter.

549814, $35.00, $22.99, Paperback, 160 pages
Swedish Bomber Colours 1924-1958

Mikael Forslund
Karolina Holda
This latest book in the Rainbow Series covers Swedish bomber aircraft deployed during World War Two and in early 50s. Camouflage and markings on the bombers obtained from different countries are described in unparalleled detail by the wellknown Finnish author Mikael Forslund.
958372, $62.00, $40.50, Hardback, 240 pages
US Combat Aircraft Colours Over Vietnam 1964-1975
Volume 1 - US Air Force
Jaros?aw Dobrzy?ski
Janusz ?wiatlo?
US Combat Aircraft Colours over Vietnam 1964 – 1975 covers all fixed-wing combat aircraft operated by US military during the Vietnam War 1964 –1975. Volume 1 covers aircraft operated by US Air Force. The book is illustrated with numerous color and monochromatic photographs.

958433, $62.00, $40.50, Hardback, 240 pages
Warpaint - Colours and Markings of British Army Vehicles 19032003

Volume 2
Dick Taylor
This book, Volume 2 in a series of four, describes and illustrates the colors and markings used by the British army on its vehicles during the 20th century. An invaluable reference source for military historians and enthusiasts, and scale modelers.
450920, $41.00, $26.99, Paperback, 176 pages
Saab 37 Viggen
Mikael Forslund
Andrzej M. Olejniczak
The Saab 37 Viggen is a Swedish single-seat, single-engine, short-medium range combat aircraft. This book is the most comprehensive on the Viggen yet in English, with numerous photographs of the aircraft in service, walkaround photographs of the aircraft, illustrations from contemporary manuals, and original color artwork.

549722, $50.00, $32.50, Paperback, 200 pages
Finnish Trainer Colours 1930 - 1945
Kari Stenman
Andrzej M. Olejniczak
This book covers Finnish trainer aircraft used during WWII. Camouflage and markings of the fighters obtained from France, USA, Germany, UK and the USSR are described in unparalleled detail by the well-known Finnish author Kari Stenman. Contains many unpublished photos and color profiles.

227094, $65.00, $42.50, Hardback, 260 pages
Polish Fighter Colours 1939-1947
Volume 2
Bart?omiej Belcarz
Robert Gretzyngier
This book describes the camouflage and markings of the day fighters used by the Polish Air Force from 1939-1947. Aircraft of Polish, French, British, American, Soviet, and German origin are shown. This illustrated book includes many historical photographs and color profiles showing the colors and markings of the aircraft.
281784, $62.00, $40.50, Hardback, 264 pages

Coming in September