Hoax Hitler's Diaries, Lincoln's Assassins, and Other Famous Frauds
By Edward Steers and Joe Nickell An investigation into the conspiracies that shape our history, and the disturbing reason why we believe them. Hoax examines the legitimacy of the Shroud of Turin and the discovery of fossils confirming humanity's "missing link," the Piltdown Man. It exmaines the forged Hitler diaries and the "Oath of a Freeman," as well as conspiracy theories alleging that Franklin D. Roosevelt had prior knowledge of the attack on Pearl Harbor and that the details of Lincoln's assassination are recorded in missing pages from John Wilkes Booth's journal. UNIV E R S I T Y P RES S OF KEN T U CK Y Paperback • 9780813181264 • April 2021 • £15.00 248 pages • 62 b/w illus.
Desert Drivers By Andrew Goudie (University of Oxford, UK) The exhilarating stories of civilian and military drivers who crossed the Sahara Desert in the early 20th century. The exploration of the Sahara – a huge swathe of terrain the size of India – by motor car is one of the great untold chapters in the story of early 20th century exploration. The new volume in the popular Short North African Histories series, this book brings together the best stories of intrepid desert drivers in the early 20th century, crossing the vast and sometimes dangerous expanses of the Sahara. S O CIE T Y FOR L I BYAN S TU D IES Paperback • 9781900971973 • December 2020 • £10.00 96 pages
National Development in Romania and Southeastern Europe Edited by Paul E. Michelson, Kurt W. Treptow, Ernest H. Latham, Dennis Deletant and Radu R. Florescu A collection of studies reflecting the range of Cornelia Bodea’s work on Romanian national development, cultural legacy, and diplomatic history. Cornelia Bodea’s work on Romanian history and culture is vast. It ranges from an effort to elucidate the image of Napoleon, as seen by Polish participants in Napoleon's failed Russia invasion to an illuminating study on British cultural policy in Romania, post-World War II Romanian-American relations. Known for combining discovery and elaboration of apparently small, but significant details along with important documentary and other resource material, this book is an ode to her exceptional work. CE NTE R FOR ROM AN I A N ST U D IES Paperback • 9781592110988 • July 2021 • £24.99 176 pages