Book Covers

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Introduction to Typography 1609QCA

Casey Milsom s2945044

Original books

First Attempt

The door closed with a sickening thud of finality, shutting my friends out and leaving me alone with my enemy, a fallen angel, and the monstrous bird creature his ancient lust had created. Then i did something I’d only done twice before in my entire life. I fainted. It’s all happening, though Zoey Redbird wishes is wasn’t. She has her friends back, which is great. But a dark angel has taken over the House of Night, supported by Neferet. Not so great. This leaves Zoey hiding out with the (supposedly friendly) red fledglings in Tulsa’s prohibition era tunnels. the not greatness continues. Naturally, Zoey has also has boy issues to stress her out, with a chance to make up with super-hot-ex Eric. But thoughts of the archer that died, semi-permanently, in her arms keep distracting her. Then he shows up as Neferet’s newest minion. Well, hell. Zoey and friends will need a plann to put things right, and soon, if she can just keep her head and her hear intact,

All any of us could talk about was Chris’s disappearance and how bizarre it was that he has last been seen so close to the House of Night. I diddn’t want to believe it. But everytng inside me said that the kid would be found, but he would be dead… Things seem to be going pretty well for Zoey Redbird. She’s settled in at the House of Night finishing school and is coming to terms with her incredible new powers. It all seems too good to be true. And guess what? Someone has begun murduring human teenagers, and all evidence points to the vampyres at Zoey’s school. Which means her first assignment as leader of the Dark Daughters is finding out which one of her classmates or –gulp- teachers is a killer. Sigh. And she thought her boyfriends (yes plural) were going to be her biggest problem this year…

This blood smelled too dark. Too thick. There was too much of somthing in it that wasn’t human. But it was still blood, and it drew her, even though she knew the wrongness of it deep in her soul. Dangerous secrets come between Zoey and Stevie Rae, putting the House of Night at great risk. Stevie Rae, with her super red vamp powers, thought she could handle keeping stuff from her BFF, but her latest secret is a big one. Zoey’s left with trust issues while she needs her friends-and boyfriends- like never before. Zoey banished malevolent Kalona from Tulsa, but the battle is far from over. He now seeks power at the highest levels, and the Vampyre High Council is falling under his thrall. Without Zoey’s help, the world could still burn in the fiery hell of aphrodite’s vision. And will Zoey’s connection with A-ya, a cherokee maiden who tempted Kaolona in ages past, help or hinder her resistance to the dangerously suductive immortal? Two girls walk a tightrope between good and evil. and their choices will see everything they love saved-or destroyed .

Design Rationale: The books I have chosen to re-design come from a series of books by P.C and Kirstin Cast, the series has nine books in it, so far. Out of these books I have chosen to re-design, Tempted, Hunted and Betrayed. I chose to theses books for this assignment because I have read them quite a few times and I wanted to brink elements from the story into the covers.

Tone/Style: These Books are aimed at teenage girls, I felt it important that my design reflect the target audience, I have created the books to suit the audience, and this has been done through the tone and style of the books. Each of my books reflect romance and elegance, this has been done through the colours used, the style of the typography and the layout.

Typography: For each cover I have re-designed in this series I have used a different technique for the typography. For Tempted I created single letter stamps, and inked them onto white cardboard and then moved them into Photoshop and inverted the colours there. I then used glitter to create the effect the typography has. I have used this technique of inverting the colours on each cover. For the other two covers I used calligraphy for one and for the other I hand drew the letter.

Colour: For the covers I have designed I felt it was important to keep consistency a key element in the design, I have achieved this

through the use of colour. The colours I have used in my design are quite simple; they include purple, black and white. The colours I have chosen for my design relate to events and important objects within the book. I have chosen the colour purple for my covers because in the book it is the colour for spirit and that is the element in the book that the main character is closest to. I have also used black to reflect night and how the character now lives within it.

Materials: For my covers I have used various materials to design them. For tempted I used foam, glue, ink and paper, the foam wasn’t giving the effect I had hoped for so to create a clean stamp I applied a layer of glue to the foam, which achieved the desired effect. For the second cover, Betrayed, I simply used pencil and drew up the letter B until I was happy and inked over it, while for the third cover I used a 4.0 nib calligraphy pen. After I had created each design I used Photoshop and illustrator to create the final outcome for my designs. I feel that through the use of these elements of design I have effectively created covers that reflect the story within the book and express the intended audience through the style of the covers.


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