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TH E DEV ELOPMEN T I kind of skipped the draw ing stage and w ent straight to the com puter. I skecthed the letter A and gave up... but m y typeface progressed quite a lot on the com puter. I changed and played w ith serifs, w idths and design techniques.


W ILL POW ER I H ATE kerning!!!

I H ATE kerning!!!

I H ATE kerning!!!

I H ATE kerning!!!

I H ATE kerning!!! il1 Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg H h Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn O o Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv W w X x Yy Zz !@#$%^&*()-+={}[]|\:;�’,.?/ 1234567890

8PT SIZE I bet som e of you are feeling like this! Just rem em ber the first part is over tom orrow. Make sure you are all on tim e to class. If you arrive late, please be respectful of people presenting and do not enter the room until they have finished. Also m ake sure you have your assignm ent on a USB so you can transfer all your assignm ents onto the m ain com puter. W e are very excited to see your typefaces tom orrow. Good luck to all those pulling all nighters.

10PT SIZE I bet som e of you are feeling like this! Just rem em ber the first part is over tom orrow. Make sure you are all on tim e to class. If you arrive late, please be respectful of people presenting and do not enter the room until they have finished. Also m ake sure you have your assignm ent on a USB so you can transfer all your assignm ents onto the m ain com puter. W e are very excited to see your typefaces tom orrow. Good luck to all those pulling all nighters.

12PT SIZE I bet som e of you are feeling like this! Just rem em ber the first part is over tom orrow. Make sure you are all on tim e to class. If you arrive late, please be respectful of people presenting and do not enter the room until they have finished. Also m ake sure you have your assignm ent on a USB so you can transfer all your assignm ents onto the m ain com puter. W e are very excited to see your typefaces tom orrow. Good luck to all those pulling all nighters.

14PT SIZE I bet som e of you are feeling like this! Just rem em ber the first part is over tom orrow. Make sure you are all on tim e to class. If you arrive late, please be respectful of people presenting and do not enter the room until they have finished. Also m ake sure you have your assignm ent on a USB so you can transfer all your assignm ents onto the m ain com puter. W e are very excited to see your typefaces tom orrow. Good luck to all those pulling all nighters.

Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz


Kerning is hell. If I never have to do it again it w ill be a day to soon. This w as the w orst part of the asignm ent. I ran into so m an problem s, it also m ade m e realise how m any problem s I had m ade w ith m y m odifications. IT TO OK FA R TO LO N G. I died a little on the inside, but in the end i am happy w ith the result.

PRO BLEMS... H A H A H A H A H A H A H A H A w hat w asn’t a problem . m y m ain problem s included everything, how ever i w ould say the largest problem w as the assignm ent itself, but kerning m ight have been the bigger problem , that and a lack of tim e and sleep... My biggest problem w as kerning, it took so long. also i used the m etrics version of kerning after i finished m y upper case and i had to redo m y com plete uppercase set how ever apart from that I had no real problem s.

TH E EVOLUTIO N O F TYPO GRA PH Y The plan for m y book is to show the evolution of typography and w here the m ost fam ous fonts com e from and w ho designed them . I w ant m y book broken up into sections based on the era starting w ith the printing press, (yes i know typography started before then) until today. Each section/chapter w ill have inform ation about the era and the m ost popular typface from it. the typeface w ill have a typespecim en sheet and inform ation about the designer. For the Book design I w ant to keep a traditional and elegant feel to it but w ith a m odern elem ents.

sorry no m ockups yet...

U N TIL N EX T TIME... A presentation by a very very tired and hyped up on coffee Casey Milsom ...

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