Bestway has increased the n u m b e r o f c u s t o m e r s i t s e r v e s t h r o u g h i t s Va n s Direct division from 20,000 to 21,000 in the past year.
Bestway Vans Direct comprises two business units: B e s t w a y S n a c k s , w h i c h operates for key suppliers i n t h e c r i s p s , s n a c k s a n d b i s c u i t s c a t e g o r i e s , a n d Bestway Sweets, which has a similar function in the confectionery category
S u g r o U K h a s r e c r u i t e d Nasco, increasing its combined buying power to £1 8 billion.
London-based Nasco has b e e n t r a d i n g f o r o v e r 2 0 y e a r s , a n d i t h a s b e e n awarded the Queen’s Award for Enterprise five times, the latest in 2022
The company supplies a r a n g e o f g r o c e r y, c o n f e ctionery, soft drinks, and toiletry products to a wide customer base within wholesale and retail across the UK It a l s o h a s o w n - b r a n d s –Lo n d o n B i s c u i t s , C a s a D e C a m p o a n d G r e a t G r e y –which include biscuits, beverages, convenient groceries such as tinned foods, coffee, and cooking oils.
Ashish Vidani, director of N a s c o , s a i d : “ N a s c o h a s been trading FMCG goods for over two decades Our customer base spans across the UK and to over 60 count r i e s , a n d w e h a v e g r e a t distribution experience with m a n y t o p B r i t i s h a n d European brands.
o u r b u s i n e s s a n d b e t t e r serve our customers.”
In other news, Sugro UK has appointed Sue Hubber a s b u s i n e s s d e v e l o p m e n t manager for the south.
Through in- store relationships, merchandising, category advice, and iPad technology, Bestway Vans Direct brings to life supplier plans in independent retailers and places over 25,000 pieces of PoS equipment each year
The current turnover of Bestway Vans Direct is £80 million, and the wholesaler is expecting to exceed this figure in the coming year
According to director Dan Lewis, the division’s ethos is to help its customers sell more, make more and save more. He said: “Our ethos is w o r k i n g We a r e s e l l i n g more, and helping our retaile r s m a k e m o r e t h r o u g h offering them an agile service to keep the right products on shelves and turn orders around quickly
“ The business is in great shape and I’m really proud of what the team has achieved ”
The Bestway Snacks and Sweets vans take stock from 3 4 B e s t w a y a n d B a t l e y s depots every week day
W i t h i t s o w n v e h i c l e s , Nasco delivers to customers throughout the M25 region, and it also deliver nationwide via third-party hauliers
“Joining Sugro UK is an exciting development for us and we look forward to levera g i n g t h e i r e x p e r t i s e a n d r esour ces to fur ther gr ow
Hubber joins the group f r o m Fi r s t Q u a l i t y Fo o d s , where she was commercial m a n a g e r. B e f o r e t h a t s h e w o r k e d f o r Te a T i m e s Trading and FreeDrinks, and she spent 22 years at Britvic in national account and business development roles
United Wholesale Scotland (UWS) has appointed Naeem Khaliq as its new head of symbol
K h a l i q ( p i c t u r e d ) h a s worked at UWS for 35 years, initially in the buying department and most recently as head of marketing
In his new role, Khaliq will be responsible for the wholesaler ’s symbol retail estate from a leadership, promotional strategy, sales, compliance and growth perspective
H i s r e s p o n s i b i l i t i e s w i l l include strategic consumer promotions, operational business support, customer services and communications
He will also lead on all major projects involving new symbol initiatives under the w h o l e s a l e r ’ s ‘ S e l l M o r e ,
Save More’ campaign, devising processes and training solutions to enable development managers to deliver ‘world- class retail advice’ to UWS retailers.
Commenting on Khaliq’s a p p o i n t m e n t , m a n a g i n g
director Chris Gallacher said: “Naeem will play an integral role within the senior team as we continue to look for
ways to improve sales, margin, choice and service to our symbol customers ”
In other news, UWS has a n n o u n c e d t h a t i t s D a yToday Trade Show 2023 will take place on 15 August at The Crowne Plaza, Glasgow
Open to the group’s curr e n t s y m b o l r e t a i l e r s a n d p r o s p e c t i v e m e m b e r s , t h e e v e n t w i l l f e a t u r e 8 0 - 1 0 0 supplier stalls
There will be presentations on best practice and opportunities for retailers to participate in category workshops, as well as network w i t h o t h e r i n d e p e n d e n t retailers and suppliers
O v e r 4 0 0 r e t a i l e r s a r e expected to attend the show, where special deals and promotions will be available
H o p w e l l s , a f r o z e n f o o d wholesaler with six distribution centres across England, h a s a c q u i r e d W i n d s o r Foodservice
T h e t w o f a m i l y f i r m s , which have worked closely o v e r m a n y y e a r s , h a v e finalised the deal as part of Hopwells’ strategic plan to expand its offering and geographical reach
H o p w e l l s , w h o s e h e a d o f f i c e i s i n B i l b o r o u g h , Nottingham, began trading i n 1 9 7 5 , w h i l e B a r n s l e ybased Windsor Foodservice was established in 1989
T h e a c q u i s i t i o n h a s added a wide range of ambient goods, chilled products a n d p r e m i u m , f r e s h m e a t a n d p o u l t r y t o H o p w e l l s ’ portfolio In addition, it will n o w o f f e r a n e x p a n d e d frozen range
Windsor Foodservice has a w e l l - e s t a b l i s h e d a r t i s a n patisserie – Pete’s Patisserie
o f f e r i n g d e s s e r t s a n d cakes, which is also part of the deal Similarly, Windsor Fresh Meats is a subsidiary business that is also included in the acquisition
H o p w e l l s ’ m a n a g i n g d i r e c t o r Tr i s t a n H o p w e l l said: “Hopwells and Windsor Foodservice have both grown o u r b u s i n e s s e s f r o m t h e
ground up, and we’re excited to bring together our joint experiences to form a leading position in wholesale ”
strengthen the existing services and products we can offer to our developing customer portfolio.”
Pete Whitehead, current CEO of Windsor Foodservice, who will be retiring, said:
“O u r b u s i n e s s i s i n g r e a t shape, and I am proud of the achievements made over the last 34 years. I started this business in my garage at home with just four chest freezers and have thoroughly enjoyed the journey.
“For me, it ’s the people who make Windsor – my family and the staff who have worked alongside me – and I know that they are now in the safe and secure hands within the Hopwells family
He added: “ We currently have no plans to change the branding of either business B o t h c o m p a n i e s a r e w e l l respected. We believe that by developing best practice across the brands, we will p r o d u c t s , w h i c h i n c l u d e mains, sides, meals for one and desserts, are available at t h e c o m p e t i t i v e p r i c e o f t h r e e f o r £ 1 2 . H e n d e r s o n Group has also made the packaging easier to recycle than the previous own-brand packaging.
“Even though Tristan and I have been competitors, we are firm friends, and that ’s why I know that my labour of love for Windsor will be honoured and nurtured into its next chapter ”
Nisa and MPK Garages have signed a deal that will see 11 forecourt sites join Nisa over the next few weeks.
H e n d e r s o n G r o u p h a s invested £300,000 in its new brand ‘ The Kitchen, Cooked Lo c a l l y ’ a n d h a s a m a l g am a t e d S PA R N o r t h e r n Ireland’s existing range of o w n - b r a n d t e a t i m e m e a l solutions into the range.
The development comes after the own-brand meals
g e n e r a t e d £ 1 0 m i l l i o n i n s a l e s t h r o u g h S PA R , EUROSPAR and ViVO stores in Northern Ireland in 2022.
The Kitchen range comprises more than 100 products created by Henderson’s team of chefs alongside 11 local suppliers from across the island of Ireland The
T h e r a n g e n o w a l s o includes a luxury line which i n v i t e s s h o p p e r s t o e n j o y restaurant quality food from the comfort of their home Two luxury meals for £12 include luxury beef lasagne and a ‘ fakeaway ’ curry.
In addition, The Kitchen range will bring new flavours to the table this year with the launch of two sauce brands, Honed in Strabane and Spice
O’Life from County Cork
The 11 former Morrisons stores vary in size from 1,000 sq ft to 3,000 sq ft and are located across England All of the sites will sport a dual branded fascia.
T h e r e v a m p e d r e t a i l range will focus on food-togo and chilled offerings, and each store will also stock a wide Co - op own-brand offer across all categories
U n i t a s W h o l e s a l e h a s appointed Alex Trotman as licensed trading controller
Trotman (pictured) joins t h e g r o u p f r o m D i a g e o where he spent four years, m o s t r e c e n t l y a s n a t i o n a l account executive, looking after Booker Wholesale.
Before that he worked for SHS Drinks as a customer development executive
To r ecogni se thi s m i l estone, NBC has invited 100 guests from both its membership and supplier partners to an event on 8 June at the Whittlebury Hotel near Silverstone.
from our group agreements with our supplier partners ”
In other news, Bradfordb a s e d w h o l e s a l e r C a n d y Hero has joined NBC
T h e a p p o i n t m e n t o f Trotman follows that of Andy Stubley as licensed strategy manager in November
In less than four years since i t s f o r m a t i o n , N a t i o n a l B u y i n g C o n s o r t i u m ( N B C ) has hit a significant milestone – £100 million in reve n u e s g e n e r a t e d b y t h e group on behalf of its 55+ member shareholders
Managing director David Lunt (above) said: “We always knew that we wanted to take a d i f f e r e n t p a t h t o o t h e r groups, and whilst we know we have one or two unique differences to how we work and how we generate benefits, we could never imagine that this would be one of the outcomes ”
School-approved soft drinks brand SUSO has partnered w i t h t h e B r a ke s c h a r i t y Meals & More in a three -year partnership to support the charity ’s fight to end school holiday hunger
Meals & More currently provides funding to 38 delivery partners and over 250 holiday clubs across the UK Exacerbated by the cost- ofliving crisis, demand for the c h a r i t y ’ s s e r v i c e s h a v e increased
I n a d d i t i o n , N B C h a s announced that in the first t h r e e m o n t h s o f 2 0 2 3 , invoiced sales have grown by over 50% The group’s main trading is through NDN, its centralised warehousing and logistics service which provides an essential service to members and a route -tomarket solution for suppliers
“ This is a performance that, when adjusted for any measure of inflation, is considerably greater than the p r e v i o u s y e a r, ” s a i d Lu n t . “Our members continue to get access to great brands at n e t p r i c i n g a n d t h i s i s reflected in their own individual results We continue to generate incremental terms
E s t a b l i s h e d i n 2 0 0 8 b y two brothers with a mission to sell imported caffeinated m i n t s a n d c h e w i n g g u m ,
Candy Hero is now a wholesale food & drink distributor with warehouses in the UK , Netherlands and USA
Through the agreement, SUSO will give funding to Meals & More so that it can continue to support holiday c l u b s a c r o s s t h e U K t h a t offer healthy food and social activities for vulnerable children. SUSO will also provide a d o n a t i o n o f d r i n k s t o school holiday clubs
Pe t e r M c G r a t h , o p e r at i o n s d i r e c t o r a t M e a l s & More, said: “ We are thrilled that SUSO has joined us as corporate supporter for three years It is a very challenging time for many families in the UK The school holidays can b e a p a r t i c u l a r l y d i f f i c u l t time By supporting holiday clubs in local communities, w e e n s u r e t h a t c h i l d r e n across the UK receive good food and get the opportunity to play with other children ”
It offers more than 20,000 p r o d u c t s , a n d t h e r a n g e encompasses confectionery, snacks, biscuits, soft drinks, hot beverages, biscuits, and home baking and breakfast foods
The company also has a retail webshop, where products are sold by the case
A total of 480 guests – 100 m o r e t h a n l a s t y e a r –attended the event at The City Pavilion, Romford, last month.
This year ’s fundraiser –the fifth Celebrate Wholesale event – included food and d r i n k , e n t e r t a i n m e n t , a u ctions and a raffle
T h e ‘ C e l e b r a t e W h o l e s a l e ’ dinner organised by Time Wholesale has beaten last y
’ s o w n e r S o n y Bihal
Martin Williams, advisor to the charity board and one of the organisers of the dinner, commented: “It was an amazing evening that everyo n e e n j o y e d T h e m o n e y raised smashed our expectations and the trustees will ensure it is invested carefully and wisely to provide safe cl ea n w a ter to those tha t desperately need it around the world ”
Booker achieved like -for-like sales growth of 12% to £8 68 billion in the 52 weeks ended 25 February 2023. Excluding tobacco, total Booker sales g r o w t h w a s 1 8 4 % Pr o f i t figures were not given for the wholesaler
“ B o o k e r d e l i v e r e d i t s strongest year ever, helped by an outstanding catering performance as even more customers benefited from its unbeatable choice, price and service,” said Ken Murphy, c h i e f e x e c u t i v e o f B o o k e r owner Tesco
Sales to caterers surged by 26.7% to £3.63 billion, while sales to retailers rose b y 3 2 % t o £ 4 7 9 b i l l i o n To t a l B o o k e r s a l e s a l s o i n c l u d e d s m a l l b u s i n e s s sales of £259 million
Catering sales increased by 35 5% in the first half as B o o k e r “ l a p p e d s u b d u e d demand due to pandemicr e l a t e d r e s t r i c t i o n s i n t h e prior year ” , Murphy reported In the second half, catering s a l e s g r e w b y 1 8 9 % a s
Booker worked with hospitality customers to help them to offer “outstanding value while m a i n t a i n i n g s t r o n g m e n u choice” This included a price freeze on 450 key catering lines over the festive period.
“ B o o k e r ’ s s p e c i a l i s t teams are doing a brilliant job of working with caterers t o h e l p t h e m a d a p t t h e i r menus to offer great value to their customers while ensuring that they ’re able to cope with the inflationary pressures they are facing,” said
M u r p h y “ T h i s h a s c o nt r i b u t e d t o s t r o n g g r o w t h even against the backdrop of a declining market ”
In addition, the number of c u s t o m e r s s i g n i n g u p t o Booker ’s ‘Food Clubs’ – such as its Fast Food Club – has risen, with 44,000 members now able to access exclusive deals and discounts.
The catering results comprised 29% growth to £1 52 b i l l i o n b y B e s t Fo o d Logistics, whose managing director is Paul Whyte, and
25 2% growth to £2 11 bill i o n b y B o o k e r C a t e r i n g, which is headed up by managing director Stuart Hyslop.
Booker ’s retail business saw sales increase by 9 9% excluding tobacco, “driven by strong customer retention, further expansion of the n u m b e r o f r e t a i l p a r t n e r s , and general market inflation”.
The wholesaler is serving 451 net new retail partners (made up of Premier, Londis, B u d g e n s a n d Fa m i l y Shopper fascias) As part of t h i s g r o w t h , B o o k e r c e l ebrated its 4,000th Premier opening in September 2022.
“Our Jack ’s product range is proving popular with our B o o k e r r e t a i l p a r t n e r s , enabling them to offer their customers a great value ownbrand alternative on over 500 lines,” added Murphy
In the last financial year, retail tobacco sales declined by 5 6%, reflecting the market trend and customers returning to overseas travel and a rise in duty-free imports
T h e S c o t t i s h W h o l e s a l e Association (SWA) has welcomed the improvements to the deposit return scheme (DRS) announced by Lorna Slater, the minister responsible for the scheme
O r i g i n a l l y d u e t o t a k e effect on 16 August 2023, the scheme has been delayed until 1 March 2024, and the revised measures include:
a Low sales volumes products will be excluded from DRS – this applies to any product with sales of less than 5,000 units per year No deposit will be required, but it seems as though firms will s t i l l h a v e t o r e g i s t e r w i t h
SEPA This measure takes only about 0.5% of articles f r o m t h e s c h e m e b u t removes about 44% of businesses It could help a larger producer with a niche product or limited edition as well a s a s m a l l p r o d u c e r o r importer selling only low volume products. More details on this are to follow
a All containers under 100ml will be excluded from the scheme. This represents 0.2% of articles from the scheme This includes spirits miniatures and all material types
a A l l h o s p i t a l i t y p r e m i s e s that sell the majority of products to be consumed on site
(but not exclusively) will be exempt from acting as return p o i n t s Fu r t h e r d e t a i l s o n thresholds have still to be confirmed a S i m p l i f i c a t i o n o f t h e
C i r c u l a r i t y S c o t l a n d o n l i n e process for retailers to be exempt from being a return point operator (RPO)
a Simplification of the Producer Agreement. Circularity Scotland will create a short form to remove complexity and size of the current document for smaller producers.
S WA c h i e f e x e c u t i v e C o l i n S m i t h c o m m e n t e d : “ T h e r e a r e a n u m b e r o f matters which must still be addressed around invoicing, l a b e l l i n g, P M Ps , b o n d e d w a r e h o u s e s a n d c r u c i a l l y about fair imposition of the UK EAN surcharge based on the real fraud threat posed to b u s i n e s s e s w h i c h c h o o s e not to change labels – but the announcements have been welcome steps ”
Wo r l d o f S w e e t s h a s extended its Candy Realms children’s range with value
b a g s ( r s p £1). Suitable
f o r v e g a n s ,
t h e v a r i e t i e s
nclude Peach
R i n g s , Fi z z y
C h e r r y C o l a
Bottles, Fizzy Cola Bottles, Sour Bears, Jelly Blue Babies and Sour Dummies
Also new are Ice Lolly Pops, Flutterby Pops and Bee Mine Pops, which have rsps of £1 or £1 25
I n o t h e r n e w s , D a r r e n B a i l e y, s t o r e m a n a g e r o f Hancocks in Portsmouth, is celebrating 30 years of service with the confectionery wholesaler
Following the success of last y e a r ’ s i n a u g u r a l S PA R Scotland Awards, the event will take place again this year – at the annual SPAR
S c o t l a n d t r a d s h o w o n 2 8
S e p t e m b e r i n Aviemore
A new cate g o r y –Supplier of the Year – has been added to this yea list. This award is open to all of CJ Lang’s suppliers and will be judged by the w h o l e s a l e r ’ s t r a d i n g t e a m and executive team members
The five award categories are: Independent Commun i t y R e t a i l e r o f t h e Ye a r, Company- Owned Communi t y S t o r e o f t h e Ye a r, Independent Retailer of the
The SPAR stores entering t h e a w a r d s w i l l b e dged on agreed criteria including
i n t e r n a l a n d external store
a p p e a r a n c e , activity in the
c o m m u n i t y , staff engagement, store theatre and store standards, across the months of May, June and July
A shortlist of stores will be drawn up for the spons o r s , S PA R S c o t l a n d C E O Colin McLean and associated directors to visit in August, b e f o r e t h e w i n n e r s a r e announced during the celebration evening of the trade show event
Brakes is holding prices on 1,850 own-brand frozen and ambient lines until October.
Paul Nieduszynski, chief commercial officer of Sysco in GB, said: “From tuna to tinned tomatoes and cookies to chips, we’re holding prices across popular products
I t ’ s b e e n d i f f i c u l t f o r operators to plan with inflation and input costs reaching record highs over the past year, so we’ve taken the decision to hold prices and prov i d e s o m e c e r t a i n t y a n d peace of mind over the coming months ”
Country R ange Group has introduced five new pre -portioned desserts, all of which showcase twists on some international classics
T h e y a r e H u m m i n g b i r d C a k e , N e a p o l i t a n La y e r Gateau, White Chocolate & R a s p b e r r y Ta r t , Le m o n & Blueberry Brûlée Tart, and Affogato Dessert (vegan and gluten-free).
Head of marketing Emma Holden said: “Our innovative l a u n c h e s c o m e f r o z e n f o r ease of use and are on point with the latest global dessert trends They ’re elegant, eyecatching and, most importantly, guaranteed to delight consumers from a taste point of view We see them being h u g e c r o w d - p l e a s e r s o v e r the spring and summer.”
JJ Foodservice has launched a new Festival Food Guide, f e a t u r i n g s c a n n a b l e Q R codes that take caterers to food and drink essentials to support their festival menu
T h e d i g i t a l p u b l i c a t i o n covers a variety of cuisines and a range of biodegradable packaging, disposables and cleaning products
“ We are helping caterers to bring chef- quality food to their mobile stands – making their menu a hit with festival goers,” said head of marketing Omar El-Haj
“ Wi t h ou r n ew Fest i va l Food Guide, caterers can discover our full festivals range all in one place and can even order online for a speedy delivery directly to the festival site.”
The Festival Food Guide also includes interviews with
some of the UK’s leading festival caterers, including former restaurateur and consultant John Dickens, who runs Funky Wraps, Pimped Up Chips, Big John’s Mac & Cheese, and Mother Tuckers
Commenting on using JJ Foodservice, he said: “It is great to have a supplier that offers a good range of produ c t s , w i t h q u a l i t y t h a t matches Ordering online is f a n t a s t i c a l l y e f f i c i e n t a n d amazingly easy Being able to have my orders delivered directly to the festival site is a real bonus ”
What approach do you take in business (and in life)?
My approach in business and adopted in my personal life is centred on empathy and emotional intelligence, being able to listen and empower others, train them, guide them and encourage selfdevelopment. I ensure that our corporate values (RESPECT) are driven top down and bottom up through the entire organisation
What have been your biggest achievements in work and outside work?
Building up the business to have a group turnover of £80 million and 270 employees was by no means easy, and I had to learn to deal with every challenge and a d v e r s i t y h e a d o n w h i l s t r e m a i n i n g strong, courageous and motivated I learned many lessons on this journey, and can comfortably say that hard work, a burning desire to achieve, and sheer passion and determination undoubtfully pay off. Never give up on your dreams and aim to have less regrets as you live through each day I adopted the same fundamental principles in my professional and personal life.
Who has been the biggest inspiration to you?
My father. He owned a small doorstep milk distribution business as well as a corner shop At a very early age, school and summer holidays would be spent delivering doorstep milk and working in the shop – from customer service to stacking the shelves, I did it all Thinking back, training was being given at the ground level backed with high values, an ethical approach, integrity and an in- depth understanding of the value of
money, Appreciating everything in life was part of the training, as well as having empathy and giving back in the form of philanthropy What ’s more, for my father, the employee was always at the heart of the business and was a member of the family As I look to expand, I will always take these core values with me
What were your ambitions when you were growing up?
I recently came across my CV when cleaning the garage; it was completed in 1997 just before my GCSE exams Apparently I wanted to become a software engineer! However, an entrepreneurial spirit was always in my DNA – starting my own business was the right choice
What are your interests outside work and how do you maintain a work-life balance?
I believe that you should not have to choose between the two things that you love (family and business) and instead h a v e a h a r m o n i s e d a p p r o a c h B o t h come with a great deal of responsibility which needs to be fulfilled I religiously take time out every day to read, study and learn; equally time is taken out for personal training
What has been the biggest challenge you have faced (in work or outside work) and how did you overcome it? Losing my father when I was 26 years of age was by far the biggest challenge of my life, with so many family responsibilities suddenly left to me Remaining strong and focused whilst grieving is never easy, but I think it is the only way to deal with such losses in life
What is your favourite book?
By far the best book I have read is Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill –a must read for everyone
What would people be surprised to know about you?
If anything scares me, it ’s a dog! CCM
A f t e r h e l p i n g h i s f a t h e r i n t h e family ’s corner shop from a young age, Ash Khan, along with his twin b r o t h e r A r f a t ( p i c t u r e d ) , s t a r t e d wholesaling food and drink from a 200 sq ft garden shed that they constructed In 2007, they began operating Pentagon Food Group from a 5,000 sq ft warehouse in Stoke - onTrent, and in 2017 the business was relocated to a 80,000 sq ft multitemp central distribution centre in Stoke - on-Trent, which also services four other depots – Derby, Coventry, Newcastle upon Tyne and a second depot in Stoke-on-Trent Ash is CEO and managing director of the Sugro member, and Arfat is buying director
Formbar was founded in 2005 following the break-up of a much larger business. Formbar retained the supply and distribution agreement contracts with selected convenience store symbol groups.
We continue to work closely with Marsanz, one of the largest trolley manufacturers in Europe Marsanz is a family- owned business which has been trading for over fifty years across Europe with a worldwide network of distributors
In 2019 Hannah Lewis took the opportunity to purchase the business after working for the company for over 10 years. Since this change of ownership, Formbar has demonstrated substantial growth in the first three years by attracting a comprehensive range of new customers whilst introducing a range of innovative hybrid trolleys.
Our head office is located in South Oxfordshire, with our 30,000 square foot warehouse located between Bicester and Aylesbury. We maintain high stock levels which enables us to deliver items promptly to stores across the UK without the long delivery lead times associated with deliveries from the Far East
Our warehouse team fit trolley handles, wheel brakes, travelator castors, £1 coin locks, corporate branding labels before packing and dispatching our orders This ensures we can offer industry-leading delivery times
Formbar sources the highest quality materials from selected companies in the UK and Spain This enables us to maintain continuity of design and security of supply
Mr Crisp has been at the c e n t r e o f t h e G r a n v i l l e f a m i l y ’ s l i f e f o r t h r e e decades Founded in 1993 by the parents of the current director James Granville, the Worthing-based wholesaler has evolved over the years but has remained family run throughout
James has been involved with Mr Crisp for most of his life – from van sales helper to director, he’s seen it all “ When I was eight years old, I used to go out on van sales with my dad in the school holidays, so I’ve always been in the trade and the business,” he says “I went to school and college but ended up covering for one of our sales reps for a couple of weeks, and 20- odd years later I’m still here, and running it!
“My mum is a director, I’m a director, and my sister Clare heads up the telesales team. We are still a family business.”
Being a family business is part of the very fabric of Mr Crisp Granville explains why it is so important: “I think the benefit of remaining family run is what you can offer your customers: we still trade with some original customers from when the business was started nearly 30 years ago, so we must be doing something right!
“I have always believed that you get out of it what you put in to it; sometimes 4am starts and 9pm finishes aren’t what you want to be doing, but it is rewarding in the long run and I don’t think you get that level of reward working for somebody else
“ There will come a time as the business grows further when we will have to assess the company structure going forward, but that is just natural progression ”
Mr Crisp has diversified since it first started in the ’90s. Granville explains: “In the beginning it was purely crisps and snacks that we were supplying to convenience stores, pubs and clubs, and then slowly but surely more and more customers were asking for soft drink lines, confectionery lines, and it has completely switched now: the business is 90% soft drinks, alcohol and confectionery, and 10% crisps ”
Updating the product range is something that Mr Crisp has continually done in response to customer requirements: “ We always listen to our customers about what sort of products they ’re after,” says Granville “For example, we’ve seen the trend towards disposable vapes, so we took that category on in November last year. It ’s really going well for us – it ’s a huge market We’re trying to build that at the moment, getting a good supply of stock and a good range of what the shopkeepers are after.
“Disposable vape is not a category we would have necessarily looked at, but if the requests are coming in, and the demand is there, then it pays off to go into new areas ”
Further range expansion remains a priority for Mr Crisp: “ We’re certainly looking to build the alcohol side of things; we do a lot of take -home alcohol anyway – products like cans of beers and ciders and premixed cans for convenience – but we do get asked a lot for wines especially, so we’re looking to have a good range of wines ”
Fast facts
Turnover: £2 million (2022)
Location: Worthing
Size of depot: 6,000 sq ft
Number of lines: 1,400
Number of customers: 200
Number of employees: nine
Size of delivery fleet: four HGVs
Since it was established, Mr Crisp has expanded not only its range but also its premises – with the decision to relocate being one of the business’s biggest milestones to date Granville says: “Obviously we’ve moved several times over the years, but four years ago we moved into the warehouse that we’re in now [6,000 sq ft] As an independent wholesaler, it was quite a big decision to commit to that with all the costs involved ”
Mr Crisp has a diverse customer base Although it mainly supplies convenience stores and newsagents, it also d e a l s w i t h p u b s , c l u b s , t a k e a w a y s , sandwich shops and hospitals Granville says that the wholesaler doesn’t currently supply restaurants but duly adds: ”We’ll supply anyone really – if we’ve got the products people are asking for, we’ll supply them.”
Granville admits that one aspect that Mr Crisp has yet to fully embrace is the use of technology “ We’re probably a bit behind with updating the website; we’re looking to do it in the next couple of months,” he says
“However, we’ve just put in new inventory software, and off the back of that we’re looking to get an app up and running in the near future because that ’s the way forward, certainly on the convenience store side.
“I think that customers are busy –they don’t have the time to be out of their shops – so they do want a delivered service and to order on an app, iPad or website,” he adds
The cost- of-living crisis has been challenging for a lot of people – customers and businesses alike – and Mr Crisp has tried to keep trade lively in several ways The wholesaler stocks a
lot of plain packs and duplicate products that are price -marked for shops that might have a Tesco or similar competitor nearby “ We’ve got to be competitive so we stock both price -marked and plain packs,” he explains.
The business also highlights new products in its monthly promotional brochure and provides advice on range to support its customers further.
When asked what Mr Crisp’s USP is, Granville was quick to highlight the
service the company provides: “If you ask any of our customers, we go above and beyond to get stock to customers when they need it We never like to let anyone down
“Unlike the bigger cash & carries we have no delivery charge, and we have a minimum spend of just £150 ”
Mr Crisp’s focus on service has paid off, with sales increasing by 15% in the first quarter compared to last year, when total annual turnover hit £2 million
Looking ahead, the wholesaler has exciting plans. Granville reveals that he is actively looking for bigger premises “ We’ve been here for four years and we run at capacity all the time – it ’s hard work! So we’re looking for either an additional warehouse or a bigger warehouse in the same area to expand into over the next 12 months ”
With the need for larger premises, along with higher sales already being achieved, Mr Crisp’s future certainly looks bright And as Granville points out, “If you offer a good, reliable service then people keep using you”, and it is this service that underpins the family firm’s success What ’s more, with its seasonal trade not yet in full swing, it seems that the best is yet to come this year for Mr Crisp CCM
James Granville, director of Mr Crisp, is vice chairman of National Buying Consortium (NBC), which he says has brought its members numerous benefits since its formation in 2019 Mr Crisp was one of the founding members of the organisation, which differs from other buying groups in that all members are shareholders
“ We receive lots of promotions from suppliers, to help us, the independents, compete against the bigger wholesalers and cash & carries And we receive all the payments in full from the suppliers, which we weren’t receiving in our previous group, so that ’s obviously a big help,” Granville points out.
Another key benefit, he adds, is the group’s central warehousing and l o g i s t i c s s e r v i c e , N D N ( N a t i o n a l Distribution Network). “ Through working closely with suppliers, NDN is able
to provide smaller order quantities with volume discounts through a combination of central purchases or an order to cash service,“ Granville explains
“ We’re able to buy smaller quantities of supplier brands and, in turn, we can keep a bigger range for our customers, so that’s a massive advantage ”
Mr Crisp is aiming to build the alcohol side of the business.‘NBC ’s central warehousing service enables us to keep a bigger range’James Granville (right) with NBC ’s MD David Lunt (centre) and fellow NBC member shareholders (left to right): Jason Langmead of VWT Guernsey, David Longfellow of JL Brooks (also NBC chairman), and Stuart Lane of Lansdell Soft Drinks.
orders to be picked by category – such as fresh meat, frozen, chilled and ambient – but to then be consolidated at a click, by customer, for efficient delivery
Ainger comments: “ The STL solution is very intuitive to use and has made everything so much easier, especially account administration ”
Over the last decade, First C h o i c e Fo o d s e r v i c e h a s grown to serve 1,000 cateri n g a n d r e s t a u r a n t c u stomers It has a range of 4,000 product lines, a 30- strong fleet and annual revenues of £15 million
The company is proud of its easy, 24/7 multi- channel ordering process and fast, accurate deliveries. However, it had been running its operation on an ageing Linux-based system, which managing director Steve Ainger recognised needed to be updated.
accounting software, the SwiftCloud ordering app, and the Sales -i sales enablement tool.
Considering the volume of data on the legacy and third-party systems, the roll- out went very smoothly “ We were impressed with how hard STL’s team worked to help us prepare effectively by, for example, prioritising our operational requirements and tidying up our source data,” says Ainger.
Because of the seamless data sharing from Evo to Sage, split picks or separate orders are automatically consolidated to generate a single delivery invoice in Sage, and suppliers can be more simply and accurately paid via BACS
M o s t s i g n i f i c a n t l y, w h e r e a s Fi r s t Choice used to have to print, scan, consolidate and email statements to customers, it now simply clicks a button – shrinking the whole process from three days to two hours
First Choice’s executives are also benefiting from MMS Evo’s real-time Key Performance Management reports
A i n g e r e x p l a i n s : “ E v o s h o w s u s exactly where we are – with orders, stock, sales or gross profit margin We’re only just tapping into its reporting potenti a l but i t ’s cl ea r l y hel pi ng us respond more quickly to current conditions while more effectively planning for the future ”
He says: “ To maintain our reputation while pursuing our growth strategy, we needed to grasp the bull by the horns and change to a more modern, intelligent business solution from a proactive provider who would meet our needs now and into the future ”
Ainger explained that the wholesaler chose STL – in part for the wholesalespecific functionality and agility of its next-generation flagship platform Evo –b u t a l s o b e c a u s e o f t h e r e a s s u r i n g c o n s i s t e n c y o f S T L’ s m a n a g e m e n t team, vision and continuous investment in products, skills and services
E v o ’ s o p e n M i c r o s o f t p l a t f o r m makes it is easy to install, customise, and scale up or down to match current needs It also seamlessly integrates with a wide range of modules and third-party solutions First Choice took advantage of this to integrate Evo with Sage 200
“ Then, through the migration, they jumped to quickly resolve any issues that arose This expertise and can- do attitude saw the migration completed in just four weeks ”
Ainger adds: “It was definitely worth the effort We lost nothing but gained a lot of new functionality and time - saving efficiency ”
For example, First Choice’s telesales team members now have customer history, pricing and promotions at their fingertips, and this makes the sales process faster and more productive
In addition, with 40% of customers ordering through the SwiftCloud app, its seamless integration with Evo is saving re -keying time and the potential for errors Meanwhile, the integrated Point of Sale system caters for customers who prefer to order in person
The key benefits, he says, include i n c r e a s e d t e l e s a l e s p r o d u c t i v i t y, a quicker and slicker ordering process, efficient split picking, consolidated customer invoices and supplier payment, and better planning.
First Choice Foodservice’s managing director Steve Ainger (right) recognised that the wholesaler ’s IT solution needed to be updated and chose STL’s flagship Evo platform.
‘ The idea of moving our operation to a new IT platform was daunting, but with STL’s expertise, we completed in just four weeks’
Steve Ainger, managing director, First Choice FoodserviceA partnership that has delivered success.
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Bakery products offers consumers an inexpensive way to treat themselves or upgrade their meals, and premium quality lines in particular are driving category growth.
The bakery category is up 11% on last year (Nielsen) and it is brands that are driving the growth, according to St Pierre Groupe. The growth in the brioche category specifically (34% year on year) is testament to the move towards more premium products
“Our multipack sweet treats are ideal for breakfast, but the format is also popular with wholesalers catering particularly to convenience retailers.”
All St Pierre products
b e n e f i t f r o m e x t e n d e d shelf life, without comp r o m i s i n g o n q u a l i t y. “ This is vital for cash & carry shoppers who are catering to smaller retailers and foodservice operators who need to order in line with difficult-toforecast sales patterns,” says Wells.
Sales of St Pierre’s products are up by 115% in the last 12 weeks (Nielsen) “ The St Pierre brand prioritises quality and that ’s what shoppers are looking for – which means wholesalers need to offer the same range of choice,” maintains Rachel Wells, UK sales director at St Pierre Groupe
R e d u c i n g w a s t e i s important to manufacturers, wholesalers and their customers, and consumers Delifrance continues to promote its ‘No Waste All Taste’ recipes to help operators make use of unsold product
According to the Delifrance report, The Sustainable Future of Baked Goods, around seven in 10 consumers want to know more about the sustainability of baked goods, and the top sustainability credentials consumers are looking for are linked to packaging, animal welfare and food waste
A quarter of consumers are willing to pay a premium for sustainable bakery products.
La Lorraine Bakery Group has introduced a range of Panesco pastries with the aim of giving caterers the opportunity to add value to their impulse menu offerings
“Before, consumers were upgrading meals at home because they were unable to leave; now, with a cost- of-living crisis impacting budgets, it ’s more economical to eat in than go out, but shoppers don’t want to compromise on quality. That ’s one of the reasons that premium baked goods are in growth,” she points out
“In higher value sectors, consumers might not so easily justify increased spend, but with bakery being a lower value category the money is easier to part with An extra 50p or £1 can take an at-home meal to restaurant quality by upgrading to a trusted brand, known for quality ”
According to Wells, the success of ‘sweet treats’ in the breakfast market is not simply due to the return of on-the -go occasions “Goods such as croissants, pains au chocolat and brioche, generally, are on the up because they offer an ‘upgrade’ to the usual breakfast fare – and premiumisation is a particularly prevalent trend in the breakfast category,” she reports
Danish Swirls, which are made from a brioche -like yeast dough, are available in three flavours – chocolate, cinnamon and forest fruit Diamond Delights, which ‘ blur the lines between viennoiserie and patisserie’, come in four flavours –apple cinnamon, strawberry rhubarb, custard raspberry and orange chocolate
They can be prepared from frozen by putting them into the oven for three to four minutes to achieve a golden-brown coloured crown.
‘It ’s more economical to eat in than go out, but shoppers don’t want to compromise on quality. That ’s one of the reasons that premium baked goods are in growth’
Rachel Wells, UK sales director, St Pierre
Suppliers are responding to consumer demand for convenience and value for money by offering instant- eat and quick-to -prepare meal solutions at attractive prices.
The chilled convenience category is worth £11 3 billion and is seeing 2 8% year- on-year growth (Kantar). Already holding a major presence in the chillers of convenience stores across the UK , chilled ready meals represent one -third of chilled convenience sales and are growing ahead of the category (Kantar), meeting demand for hot, tasty and easy meal solutions.
With two packs of Rustlers sold every second, stockists of the £106 9 million brand (Nielsen) from Kepak can cater to demand for convenient solutions for food to go, top -up and meal for tonight missions.
“At a time of low confidence in spending, the price sensitivity shown by shopp e r s i s s e t t o c o n t i n u e through 2023 and retailers will continue to benefit from offering value in the chiller,” m a i n t a i n s R o s s D a v i s o n , h e a d o f c o n v e n i e n c e a t
The PMP range from Rustlers already includes the brand’s bestselling products
Quarter Pounder, BBQ Rib, All Day Breakfast Sausage Muffin, Southern Fried Chicken Sub and Twin Cheeseburger – with products being added to meet consumer and retailer demand
Rustlers is aiming to appeal to the growing number of cost- conscious consumers seeking convenient lunchtime options with the recent launch of Marinara Meatball Sub Sandwich
“ The Meatball Sub (rsp £2.30, case size four packs) provides a hot new addition to the fixture that can easily replicate the high street menu favourites shoppers are craving, as they continue to curb spend,” says Davison
Rustlers’ Marinara Meatball Sub Sandwich joins the brand’s existing hot eat sandwich range, including Southern Fried Chicken Sub,
w o r t h £ 1 6 m i l l i o n and in 39% year- onyear growth in the convenience channel (Nielsen)
“ T h e t o p f o o d s w e c o n s u m e f o r
lunch remain sandwiches, soup and toast-based meals,” reports Elaine Rothballer, head of marketing consumer brands at Kepak. “However, more filling and flavour packed lunches such as Italian food (+13%, Kantar) are seeing the fastest growth This highlights the opportunity for a hot lunch option beyond the mediocre that delivers against convenience, enjoyment and value for money.”
Another supplier that recognises the importance of offering value for money is Premier Foods, which last autumn
launched 89p price -marked packs across its Batchelors Super Noodle and Pasta pots ranges. Courtney Lewis, customer director for independent, convenience & wholesale, comments: “ With the cost- of-living crisis forcing consumers to be even more savvy when shopping, offering value and delivering a strong, engaging message that provides shoppers with ‘ value confidence’ is more important than ever
“ We see these price -marked packs providing significant added value throughout the convenience supply chain By stimulating increased purchase volume from consumers, we expect that retailers will sell through more volume, resulting in increased sales for them, and in turn, for wholesalers ”
Meanwhile, when it comes to breakfast occasions, shoppers are looking for products that are convenient and quick to consume, according to Ben Knop, food to go innovation marketing manager at Premier Foods
In February 2023 it was reported that 40% of workers in Great Britain had worked from home in the last seven days, with 71% saying that they had travelled to work (Statista) “ This hybrid lifestyle means that there is a s i g n i f i c a n t n e e d f o r b r e a k f a s t options that can be consumed on the go or at home,” says Knop
For convenient breakfast choices
Ambrosia’s ready-to - eat porridge po offer a solution “ Whilst most products in this category require preparation, this product can be enjoyed ambient or hot, with no need to add hot water, making it ideal for shoppers seeking a convenient breakfast option,” he points out It is available in Original, Raspberry, and Golden Syrup flavours at an rsp of £1 29 per 210g pot
Florette UK has announced a £1 million marketing campaign that will reach 8.6 million shoppers this summer. Spearheaded by sponsorship of Food Network, the initiative will also include a new TV advertising campaign throughout June to August
Nick White, head of marketing, says: “As we step into summer, lighter eating with a fresh accompaniment becomes a staple for consumers yet research highlights that most households stick to a very limited repertoire of the same recipes week in week out. Our new campaign will show consumers that Florette can transform their routine, turning the mundane into something tastier and more vibrant ” CCM
As the result of a collaboration between Essity and Reckitt, a new range of cobranded disinfection products is available in the UK and Ireland professional hygiene market
Tork Dettol Antibacterial Multipurp o s e C l e a n e r S p r a y, D e t t o l To r k
Antimicrobial Foam Soap and Dettol Tork Hand Sanitiser Gel are all suitable to meet hygiene demands in hospitality venues and offices.
“ These highly effective solutions can help to prevent the spread of bacteria and have been proven to kill 99 9% of enveloped viruses including COVID -19 virus,” says Nathan Titheridge, commercial director of Essity Professional Hygiene UK & Ireland
K P S n a c k s h a s a n n o u n c e d a n e w £250,000 radio campaign for Pom-Bear, with adverts and competitions aimed at driving awareness of the family snacking brand
The radio campaign is running until September in partnership with Magic Radio and features Pom-Bear ’s core range: Original, Cheese & Onion and Salt & Vinegar
The company is offering the chance to win a glamping adventure for four this summer, with listeners playing a game to enter the prize draw
There is also a chance to win a £25 cash prize every week by tuning into t h e p r o g r a
with Dan Morrissey
Fr i e s l a n d C a m p i n a h a s l a u n c h e d a three -month promotional campaign for Chocomel, the UK’s fastest growing premium milk drink (IRI)
The activity includes a TV advert designed to raise brand awareness and increase penetration under the banner, ‘Chocomel, Sharing Not Required’
The £10 million campaign is the biggest TV investment in the category in years and is expected to reach 80% of UK adults eight times It is being supported by a digital campaign on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and YouTube
Trade support comprises promotional shippers and PoS material, in depot takeovers, and additional digital and programmatic advertising on- site
To mark the launch of Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts in cinemas on 9 June 2023, Tayto has teamed up with the release for an on-pack promotion across its Golden Wonder Transform-ASnack brand
With part of the film being set in New York, Tayto is offering consumers the chance to win a family trip to New York as well as unique Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts merchandise.
The promotion is currently running on five million packs and is being supported by a heavyweight social and digital campaign.
Transform-A- Snack ’s sales are up by 25 8% year on year (Circana/IRI)
Cadbury Twirl Mint (rsp 75p)
Brand manager Frederike Grohmann says: “ With Twirl, we’re passionate about bringing value to the singles market through continued innovation Over the past few years, we’ve brought orange, caramel and now mint flavours to the bar – driving the category into fresh and exciting places for retailers and shoppers alike.”
The new flavour is being supported with PR, digital and social media activity to drive visibility and encourage trial among shoppers.
The mint chocolate category is worth £66 million at retail sales value (Nielsen)
Available for a limited time only, the enhanced variant provides a range of premium features but for the same cost (rsp of £11.60 per pack of 20).
It features reduced smoke smell paper and a new shaped filter to provide adults with an enhanced smoking experience.
In addition, the pack has a resealable foil feature in order to fully protect and secure the freshness of the cigarettes, and the trade outer has a modern d
president of commercial development. “Cross - category displays and merchandising solutions in store can help increase basket spend, prompting shoppers to add a soft drink to their evening meal purchase ”
CCEP has also given attention to the opportunities in the flavoured carbonates category, highlighting the continuing consumer desire for low and no - sugar variants of big brands With Fanta, Sprite and Dr Pepper all driving growth in the flavoured carbonates segment, recent activity includes a new look and reformulation for Sprite Zero and Dr Pepper Zero
Refresco has invested £1 million in a new campaign, which features a partnership with KISS FM to launch the ‘Flavourverse’ to the UK public this summer.
Current living standards mean that retail continues to be a challenging sector, but the convenience channel is adapting to changing consumer habits, as are suppliers
In soft drinks – a category worth more than £2 9 billion in the convenience channel (Nielsen) – Coca- Cola Europacific Partners has identified a number of opportunities to drive further growth Its ‘Refresh Tomorrow ’ soft drinks category vision assists retailers and wholesalers with the third most valuable category to independent retailers.
“Getting the right balance between sharing packs for those socialising at home and single packs to enjoy on the go is key,” says Amy Burgess, senior trade communications manager. “ The return of on-the -go retail occasions has provided a big boost to soft drinks retail sales, but we expect larger packs to remain in high demand too, as people continue to make the most of the opportunity to socialise at home and enjoy occasions with friends and family ”
At-home socialising is the mission behind the recent Coca- Cola campaign featuring American model and ‘ foodie’ Gigi Hadid ‘A Recipe For Magic’ is a new global campaign and platform celebrating human interactions and shared experiences through shared meals.
“At Coca- Cola, we’ve long recognised the inherent power of meals as a connecting force for positive shared experiences When we looked at the data on this and saw people’s attitudes towards meal occasions, it was interesting to note that, despite living in a hyper- connected world, people are longing for greater connection,” explains Elif Kaypak, global brand marketing lead
“Cola is the most popular sparkling soft drink consumed at mealtimes in Britain, but many shoppers are still looking for meal-planning inspiration,” adds Martin Attock, vice
Old Jamaica will be glitching the ‘Flavourverse’ into unexpected places online and in real life People who spot these glitches will have the opportunity to win prizes and rewards
Joe Major, head of marketing, says: “ This campaign is the first in a new strategic direction for the brand Not only is it the first for the ‘Flavourverse’, but it ’s also the first campaign that sees us target younger drinkers with a lust for adventure and flavour ”
Barr Soft Drinks’ Rubicon brand is ready for ummer sales, with the introduction of Rubicon parkling Rose Lemonade in 330ml and 500ml PMPs, exclusively for the convenience channel
“Last summer saw flavoured carbonates achieve the biggest subcategory uplift in soft drinks, growing 55% in retail,” says Adrian Troy, marketing director “ Taste remains the top consideration in soft drinks purchases, and flavour innovations are becoming more complex as consumers look for new and interesting tastes.
“ W i t h n e a r l y t w i c e a s m a n y s h o p p e r s searching for ‘exotic’ drinks during the summer months (Nielsen), Rose Lemonade is perfectly placed to win sales this summer.”
Barr Soft Drinks has also launched limitededition IRN-BRU XTRA Ice Cream and
Now is the time for wholesalers to give their customers the right range and advice to ramp up their summer profits. Chillers should be stocked with bestsellers and on-trend NPD, while promises of heatwaves mean big take -home sales. Siobhan Kielty reports.
Tropical variants “Our limited- edition flavours always build excitement with shoppers,” says Troy “Last year, flavour innovation brought in £32 million to the total category and around a third of this was throughout the summer months ”
The launch is supported by PoS and a campaign targeting younger consumers, with outdoor posters, influencer activity and social media content. The new SKUs are 330ml PMP cans and eight-pack plain can multipacks
Tr o p i c a l f r u i t r e m a i n s a p o p u l a r f l a v o u r c h o i c e i n flavoured carbonates, and Rio, from Boost Drinks, continues to experience increased growth.
“Demand is on the rise for drinks that incorporate natural ingredients, provenance and nutritional benefits (Mintel), as consumers continue to look for added health benefits from the products they choose. This is exemplified by the fact that Rio, with its blend of five fruit flavours and sources of vitamin C, is the fastest-growing carbonate brand, +29% year on year (IRI),” says Adrian Hipkiss, marketing director “ This shift in consumer appetite is set to grow, so it ’s vital for retailers to take this into account with a range that meets consumer demands,” he continues “ With p r o d u c t s s u c h a s R i o Tr o p i c a l , w h i c h c o m e s i n p r i c em a r k e d c a n a n d 500ml bottle formats, a n d R i o Tr o p i c a l Light, there’s a selection on offer to suit varying consumer needs – including those looking to make more health- conscious choices regarding the sugar content of the products they consume without compromising on flavour.”
Britvic echoes the need to prioritise flavour and health for maximum appeal “Flavour innovation is crucial in keeping shoppers excited by soft drinks, and at a time when the cost of living is rising, it ’s important to offer new products from well-known brands to help maintain basket spend,” says Ben Parker, GB retail commercial director “ The accelerated health trend has also created opportunities for wellness brands; it ’s no longer just about removing sugar or calories from diets. Shoppers are on the lookout for added vitamins or ingredients that can support both physical and mental health ”
With energy drinks continuing to be strong performers in the convenience channel, the fixture demands a good selection of flavours, brands and formats to keep up with loyal but demanding consumers
“ The energy drinks segment is worth more than £900 million in convenience and the growth it has shown over the past year shows no sign of slowing,” says CCEP’s senior trade communications manager Amy Burgess. “Flavour innovation is at the heart of this growth, offering more options and increasing the category ’s appeal to a wider range of consumers
“Making space in the chiller for the latest innovations that are going to capture consumers’ attention – like Monster Aussie Lemonade and Monster Ultra Rosa, the newest additions to the Monster Range – is key to making the most of the growing energy opportunity ”
CCEP ’s latest product in its Relentless Zero Sugar range is a Watermelon variant, available in plain and price -marked 500ml cans The new flavour is designed to fuel additional growth of the Relentless brand, which is worth nearly £52 million and up 12 9% in value and 43 7% in volume over the past year (Nielsen) It builds on the successful launch of the Relentless Zero Sugar Raspberry and Peach flavours last summer, which have already added over £5 3 million to the energy drinks category Suntory Beverage & Food GB&I has announced a partnership with Xbox and Bethesda Softworks to celebrate the gaming launch of Starfield After the success of last year ’s Halo promotion, which drew more than 580,000 entries, the on-pack consumer activity is expected to boost sales
“Our partnership with Xbox was huge last year, and we’re confident that this year ’s on-pack promotion with Starfield will be even bigger for both retailers an shoppers,” says Zoe Trimble, head of Lucozade Energy
As well as having the chance to win prizes such as an Xbox Series S and Starfield merchandise bundles, consumers can enter an extended reality experience to unlock Starfield in-game content and take part in challenges to win extra prizes by scanning special- edition packs Lucozade Energy Orange, Lucozade
E n e r g y O r i g i n a l a n d Lu c o z a d e Z e r o P i n k Lemonade variants all feature the promotion, which is supported by in- store PoS materials and social and out- of-home advertising
Carabao has unveiled a new range of Sport drinks Available in Orange and Mixed Berry variants, the low - calorie drink comes in a 500ml bottle with a sports cap.
“Carabao Sport includes the carbohydrates and electrolytes required to support prolonged exercise that you would expect to find in a sports drink, but it is our unique combination of aspartame-free, added B vitamins, 100% natural colours and flavours that makes our drink special,” maintains John Luck, chief marketing officer
Boost Drinks is another supplier bringing NPD o chillers this summer Last month saw the aunch of limited- edition Raspberry & Mango Sport, responding to recent flavour trends It comes in 79p price -marked bottles
“ Taking into account the current success of the sports drink category, as well as the growing popularity of the two flavours we’ve chosen, now is the perfect opportunity to bring a sports drink to the market that ticks the boxes of taste and value – the two main drivers of choice for consumers,” points out marketing director Adrian Hipkiss.
Other NPD from the supplier comes in the form of a Lemon & Lime variant of Boost Energy It comes in 250ml cans, price -marked at 75p, and is designed to tap into the surge in popularity of citrus flavours, which are growing by 16% in the beverages market (Dohler, Mintel)
“ The drink adds another flavour variant to our existing range, and provides a point of difference to the usual single -flavour SKUs available on the market,” says Hipkiss
Red Bull also highlights the need for a broad range of flavours and formats, as well as low - sugar options, in sports and energy drinks to appeal to the widest demographic
“ With additional bank holidays planned and the expectation of more warm weather, having Red Bull Editions on shelf this summer will be vital for driving sales,” says a company spokesperson “ With the new Apricot Edition now a permanent line in the Red Bull portfolio and a limited Summer Edition for 2023 (Juneberry) hoping to drive excitement in the category, make sure you have plenty of availability
“Every shopper need is different, so it is crucial that their favourite soft drink is available in a range of formats to help satisfy their immediate requirement. Two in three Red Bull shoppers go into store knowing what can size they want to buy, therefore Red Bull Energy Drink is available in three different can sizes – 250ml 355ml and 473ml – with each playing a key role.”
Red Bull is outperformi n g t o t a l f l a v o u r e d sports & energy drinks and is worth £576 million (Nielsen) “Red B u l l E n e r g y D r i n k 2 5 0 m l s e l l s m o r e packs than any other single - serve soft drink and drives the highest demand in the Red Bull portfolio, so is an absolute must- stock for wholesalers and convenience retailers,” says the company spokesperson
Refresco’s Emerge is another energy brand focusing on flavour, this time pairing the strategy with a competitive price point to attract consumers
“ The 250ml functional energy market has grown 22% in volume in the last 12 months, despite the cost- of-living crisis hitting retailers and consumers hard,” says Nelly Edwards, Emerge commercial manager “ With value more important than ever, we want to support independent store owners during this challenging trading period. Internal research shows that retailers prefer to use PMPs, so we’ve worked hard with our NPD team to create two new flavours within the range, Cosmic and Supernova, both at an attractive 70p price mark.”
Emerge Cosmic is a cherry variant, while Supernova has a strawberry & watermelon flavour. The launch is supported by consumer activity, trade media advertising and PoS materials
Emerge is also entering a two -year brand partnership with Tough Mudder, providing Emerge 500ml Isotonic Drinks to around 120,000 participants at the Tough Mudder events An accompanying campaign and on-pack promotion will increase brand awareness and offer consumers the chance to win prizes including Fitbits, high street gift cards and Tough Mudder event tickets.
“ While consumers in the energy drink market do tend to be brand loyal, it ’s important that retailers offer choice and cater for ever- changing tastes and consumer lifestyles Healthier lifestyle choices are also driving market trends, with added benefits such as vitamins growing in popularity,” adds Edwards
With this in mind, retailers should be made aware that Red Bull Energy Drink 250ml is ideal for on-the -go consumption, with 50% of 250ml shoppers drinking the can immediately after purchase The 355ml can is linked to gaming, studying and socialising, while the Red Bull Energy Drink 473ml is the preferred choice to include in meal deals and meal occasion promotions
Although beer price increases have resulted in declining sales, according to Heineken, no and low options are rising in popularity. In addition, the off-trade has reaped the benefits of cost- conscious shoppers swapping nights out for quality nights in, as well as moving to beer from wine and spirits
Heineken’s Birra Moretti is now available in a 4 x 440ml multipack, ready for the anticipated increase in summer social drinking occasions “Beer continues to be a high-penetration category and a key footfall driver for retailers,
with weekends and events contributing to strong category uplifts,” says Alexander Wilson, category & commercial strategy director, off-trade. “ We’re seeing smaller multipacks growing their share of spend and expect this trend to continue as many shop with a more restricted budget ”
BrewDog also highlights the importance of o f f e r i n g a r a n g e o f formats to cater to a v a r i e t y o f c o n s u m e r demands “ To succeed d u r i n g t h i s t i m e , t h e focus needs to be on format. At BrewDog, we have a full range of pack sizes from four-packs through to 12-packs, enabling us to meet all shopper needs and fit all budgets,” says Miriam Thompson, off-trade category development manager.
The manufacturer has updated its packaging to increase on- shelf impact and help shoppers navigate the world of craft beer “ We want to make it as simple as possible for our customers to select the beer that suits them at the point of purchase By introducing colour to our multipacks, they can be instantly identified, and by providing taste descriptors we hope this will encourage shoppers to trial new styles, while also helping retailers to make recommendations to their customers,” says Hannah Corker, customer marketing manager
The design update is replicated on outer casing and shippers, for easy in- depot and in- store display
Nirvana, a dedicated n o / l o w - a l c o h o l b r e w e r has expanded its produc range with two canne beers.
H e a v e n l y i s a n orange & thyme sour, while Hell-ish is a classic lager brewed with r o a s t e d j a l a p e n o s
The 0 5% abv, vegan NPD was suggested by Nirvana’s social media followers and is available in 330ml cans
Interesting flavours are also on the agenda for Somerset ’s Brothers Drinks Co, with its Brothers Cider brand “Flavour innovation is what we do best at Brothers We bring all-new flavours to the cider category
we know our range of curious flavours has broad appeal across a wide nge of consumers,” says head of marketing cola Randall
N P D f r o m t h e m a n u f a c t u r e r t h i s y e a r i s rothers Raspberry Ripple, a combination of raspberry flavour with a delicate swirl of vanilla, best served chilled over ice The product is available in 500ml and 330ml glass bottles, and in 6 x 330ml and 10 x 330ml multipack can formats “ The new flavour will hold s t r o n g a p p e a l f o r i m p u l s e s h o p p e r s a n d comes hot on the heels of our already popular Cherry Bakewell variant, launched in 2022,”
Randall adds Brothers is performing strongly in the
Customers are increasingly searching for drinks that are hard to find or not seen in supermarkets
Budget- conscious consumers look to be trading down on their soft drinks choices and will continue to reduce the number of times they go out At the same time, increased in-home consumption has seen growth of 14.7% in premium soft drinks in the last year. Premium soft drinks have risen in popularity for consumers as a treat
Consumers are drinking over half of mixers without alcohol. Retailers would benefit from offering adult soft drinks with a promotional meal deal or as part of a bundle
Consumers are also more focused on their health and cleaner living, with a trend towards no/low alcohol brands with added health benefits One in seven people (14%) are buying more healthier drinks than they were a year ago
According to an IWSR drinks market analysis, the UK’s no/low alcohol market is expected to see volume growth (compound annual growth rate) of 7% between 2022 and 2026
Shoppers are looking for brands to cater for healthier lifestyles Brand owners are creating new spirits from different sources that give a different flavour but with added antioxidant properties
In addition, consumers consider climate change and the environment when it comes to packaging
What are the star performers in the soft drinks category? Is there any exciting NPD from suppliers this year?
Coca- Cola has been the largestselling soft drinks in the convenience channel in the UK , followed b y Pe p s i I n t e r m s o f N P D, a t Bestway we stock the new Red Bull Energy Drink Summer Edition and Monster Aussie Lemonade.
How important is price in the drinks category at present?
With the cost- of-living standards, consumers are now looking for alternatives when it comes to their drinks purchases PMPs have been a popular a choice for convenience stores, where the pricing gives confidence and trust to consumers on their purchases and also reduces the time to choose an item and stay in the store
fruit cider category, with growth of 3 3% in value and 9 6% in volume over the last year This latest launch is supported with a disruptive marketing campaign comprising influencer partnerships, social media activations and PoS materials for in- depot and in- store displays
Other activity in the cider category comes from Aston Manor Cider, which has unveiled Frosty Jack ’s first- ever TV advert The tongue -in- cheek advert, which encourages customers to ‘Crack Open the Unexpected’, forms part of a wider multi- channel marketing campaign and is currently being aired on digital channels The campaign is also running on YouTube, social media platforms, and in out- of-home locations across the UK
regionality and diversification in products should be a priority,” says James Johnson, marketing manager
“It is also vital to ensure a diverse range of products,” he continues “Consumers enjoy a broad range of drinking occasions, and their choice of beer will reflect this Retailers should make sure their products reflect seasonal trends or risk stocking beer that does not cater to the appropriate occasion, damaging the likelihood of returning customers ”
Molson Coors’ Carling has become the official lager brand of the Wales national football team in a three -year sponsorship deal. The national team logo and images of stars
f r o m t h e m e n’ s a n d
w o m e n’ s t e a m s w i l l a p p e a r o n p a c k a g i n g, and there will be supporting PoS and marketing materials Brand awareness will also be boosted t h r o u g h b r a n d i n g d i sp l a y e d o n p i t c h - s i d e a d v e r t i s i n g b o a r d s a t Cardiff City Stadium.
Injecting both fun and personality into the cider category, the campaign features the world’s ‘most famous’ Z-list former celebrity hands model – Hans Handerson It tracks him reliving his glory days and showing off some of his iconic moves while promoting Frosty Jack ’s
Grace Anthony, brand marketing manager at Aston Manor Cider, says: “ The world is overrun with endless amounts of eye -watering costly celebrity endorsements. We therefore wanted to poke some fun by fabricating the world’s most extravagant, famous non- celebrity, and what better way than through a mysterious hands model – enter Hans Handerson to crack open the unexpected!”
Anthony adds: “ The vision behind this campaign is that the money saved by disrupting the status quo and avoiding working with a household name allows Frosty Jack ’s to save and pass those savings onto the person who matters most, our loyal customer
“ We are delighted to be able to raise awareness of our much-loved and reasonably priced cider, which is proven to be ever more important during the current financial challenges that we are all facing ”
Black Sheep Brewery is aiming to increase brand awareness of its Milk Stout this year, which is partnered with the Human Milk Foundation to support donations for sick and premature children
T h e b r e w e r y ’ s f l a gship Black Sheep Ale is outperforming the mainstream ale market, and
s a l e s a r e p a r t i c u l a r l y strong in Yorkshire and the North East. “For cash & carries looking to maximise sales and profits,
Molson Coors has also expanded its reach into the spirits category, where vodka is forecast to grow by 5% r year over the next four years (Statista) An offade distribution partnership has been agreed with West Dorset vodka brand Black Cow. The spirit is distilled using milk from the farm’s dairy herd and is available as Black Cow Vo d k a a n d B l a c k C o w Vo d k a & E n g l i s h Strawberries.
Laura Lee, strategy & change director at Molson Coors, says: “Black Cow is a fantastic example of an innovative British alcohol brand that brings something truly unique to the spirits market Its zero -waste ethos and commitment to quality is perfectly aligned with our own values, making this a natural partnership ”
Kingsland Drinks recommends that wholesalers cover a variety of subcategories, price brackets and formats to ensure that retailers can meet various shopper requirements in the alcohol category.
“ The key is for cash & carries t o r e a l l y u n d e r s t a n d h o w different drinkers are approachi n g d r i n k i n g o c c a s i o n s , a n d ensure they are offering their c u s t o m e r s t h a t b r e a d t h a n d
depth of choice to put in front of consumers,” says Jo Taylorson, head of marketing and product management
Puerto de Indias is market leader in Spain’s s t r a w b e r r y g i n s e g m e n t , a n d a p i o n e e r i n creating the
In fact, Puerto de Indias is how the Pink Gin category was born, bringing with it a flavour revolution and a new way of drinking gin
The story of Puerto de Indias is one of a beautiful accident The intention of the founders had been to macerate fresh strawberries in alcohol and sell the product to local patisseries. When spring came, however, the heat in Seville presented a unique opportunity: the pressed strawberries had diluted themselves into the alcohol, colouring it pink From there, guided by intuition and passion, came a spirit that no - one had seen before – the original strawberry gin The idea has been copied more than 120 times
Puerto de Indias is produced in Carmona (Seville), in one of the oldest and most traditional distilleries in Andalusia Its name is related to the discovery of erica, when Seville became one of main ports for exchange of goods ween Spain and the New World rd of mouth amongst fans, ombined with the recognisable pink branding in photos that consumers share to social media, helped the brand’s success to where it is today.
The combination of know -how and innovation, in addition to dedication, traditional production and care in its meticulous distillation process, have allowed the creation of a product with its own personality The first globally successful Spanish gin, Puerto de Indias is now present in over 50 countries and has won prestigious international awards in the San Francisco World Spirit Competition, the London Spirit Competition and the Bartender Spirits Awards, to name but a few
Strawberry has been named the favourite gin flavour in the UK This is especially true amongst the younger demographic, with over half of 18-24-year- olds rating it as their favourite flavour* Consumers are encouraged to experience the #SpanishSpirit
Research shows that fond memories and bronzed bodies aren’t the only thing that consumers return from their holidays with – it ’ s the taste for the Spanish spirit too. A resounding 74% of Brits look for gin brands they ’ ve tried on holiday when they return home, and when asked which Spanish gin brands they ’ ve tried abroad that they would recommend to friends and family, Puerto de Indias came out top with 37%*.
The Puerto de Indias main varieties of gin are: Strawberry, the pioneer in the spirit sector with an intense strawberry flavour, and Blackberry, with blackberries, cinnamon, violet and bilberry
For more information, visit https://ginpuertodeindias.com or if you would like to sample Puerto de Indias, please contact sales@indiebrands.co.uk
*Puerto de Indias and 3Gem UK Consumer Research
“Some consumer groups will be looking for a premium wine to trade up to something special for a dinner or summer gathering, while others will be shopping for beers, pale ales and ciders to experiment with new brands and flavours
“Shoppers will also be looking for innovations such as fun ready-to - drink cocktails and canned wines, which offer contemporary flavours and tastes that have been missing from shelves until recently,” she adds
Accolade Wines has given a new look to its perry brand, Lambrini, to boost awareness and encourage trial for those swapping big nights out for big nights in Alongside this, a digital campaign features Baby, star of RuPaul’s Drag Race
“Bigger nights out are becoming less regular but having fun at home is on the rise,” says Charlotte Jefferies, marketi n g m a n a g e r “O u r r e d e s i g n , m a r k e t i n g c a m p a i g n a n d upweighted shopper support will strengthen our position within the category ”
Another manufacturer focusing on at-home celebrations and socialising, Duppy Share Rum premium rum brand has partnered with celebrity chef
A i n s l e y H a r r i o t t f o r i t s ‘Pairing is Sharing’ campaign.
The specially created
C a r i b b e a n r e c i p e s h a v e been paired with Duppy Share Rum cocktails for the perfect tropical night
i n o v e r t h e s u m m e r months Ainsley ‘Pairing is Sharing’ kits are available
from the Duppy Share website and include taster bottles of the featured rums along with recipe cards, and £1 from every sale goes to the Alpha Boys Music School in Jamaica
The first globally successful Spanish gin, Puerto de Indias is now present in over 50 countries and has won prestigious international awards in the San Francisco World Spirit C o m p e t i t i o n , t h e Lo n d o n S p i r i t C o m p e t i t i o n a n d t h e Bartender Spirits Awards, to name but a few.
Strawberry has been named the favourite gin flavour in the UK This is especially true amongst the younger demographic, with over half of 18-24-year- olds rating it as their favourite flavour (Puerto de Indias and 3Gem).
The Puerto de Indias main varieties of gin are Strawberry, which boasts an intense strawberry flavour, and Blackberry, with blackberries, cinnamon, violet and bilberry.
While many drinks manufacturers are tapping into the potential of the big night in, Pernod Ricard UK is also shaking up the big night out through its Jameson Irish key brand.
Jameson Connects is a new immersive digital platform that unlocks a range of content and experiences from early access to latest releases, gigs, competitions, cocktail ecipes and snack inspiration Consumers regter through a QR code on the bottle neck to oin the community, and the content and expeences change monthly
“Jameson has a rich heritage of bringing eople together for shared moments of conection, and Jameson Connects is the next step the evolution of the brand’s community,” xplains Leanne Banks, marketing director
Elsewhere, Amber Beverage UK has fused Kentucky bourbon and Japanese whisky styles for its latest limited- edition release Kentucky Owl Takumi Edition is available to the on and off-trade and is the result of a collaboration between Kentucky Owl’s master blender and Nagahama Distillery ’s master blender.
Pre -mixed cocktails and spirits are gaining traction in the convenience channel, and Diageo has introduced a Captain Morgan Strawberry Daiquiri pre -mix can in time for summer socialising Providing a handy, cost- effective and single - serve format, the pre -mixed segment is on the rise
“ The ready-to - drink category provides a fantastic opportunity for iconic brands, such as Captain Morgan, to replicate serves that are popular in the on-trade, and package them into convenient formats so the drinks can be enjoyed during a range of occasions,” says marketing manager Lizzie True.
“ This latest innovation leans into shoppers’ desire for convenience, as well as the booming popularity of cocktails, with two in five consumers in the on-trade now choosing to drink cocktails at least once a week,” she adds
Also new on the shelves is a collaboration of two huge brands Jack Daniel’s and Coca- Cola RTD cans are available through CCEP in both original and Coca- Cola Zero Sugar variants, with bold packaging clearly featuring the two recognisable brands
“ The UK is the biggest ARTD (alcoholic ready-to - drink) market in Europe and expected to grow significantly by 2030, driven largely by pre -mixed cocktails. Within this, whisky-based variants are in growth,” reports Elaine Maher, associate director CCM
doesn’t just happen by magic: development chefs and supply partners work hard to bring exceptional products of excellent quality and great value to market – products that are driven by customer need and provide innovation in many
Craft Guild of Chefs – the leading chefs’ association in the UK – who conduct the judging in blind tastings.
Entries are open for products in all categories at a cost of £125 plus VAT per product, with one free for ever y 10 products entered.
e closing date for entries is Monday 3 July 2023. e products must be delivered on the date and to the deliver y address that will be confirmed on receipt of your entr y. Judging will take place in August and the winners will be announced at a prestigious awards lunch on ursday 2 November.
For further information, contact Martin Lovell on 01342 712100.