C&C Management Feb 14

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Kerrymaid K er yma err ymaid aid d Buttery Bu Butter ut er y Financial results demonstrate mixed fortunes for wholesalers

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Marcus Singh on Hyperama’s expansion in foodservice Glasgow 2014: opportunities connected to the Games

Irish Dairy Craft

SWA highlights illicit trade at parliamentary reception

The business magazine for cash & carry/delivered wholesalers

GOT A THIRST FOR MORE? STOCK UP NOW • New three month multi-million pound JUST ADD zero campaign including TV, out-of-home and digital media advertising on air now • Striking new packaging to stand out on shelf • Coke Zero is worth over £82m and growing five times faster than the total soft drinks category*

*Source: Nielsen MAT w/e 28 September 2014. ‘Coca-Cola’, ‘Cola-Cola Zero’ and the design of the contour bottle are registered trademarks of The Coca-Cola Company. © 2014 The Coca-Cola Company.

contents Casting a weather eye Like the floods, if you want an overview of the situation affecting the C&C/wholesale and independent sectors, it all depends where you look. While Booker continues to capitalise on its plus points, it also seems to be countering any negative aspects of the trade and absorbing the formerly troubled Makro chain without too much difficulty. Specialist confectionery operator Hancocks is also making good progress with its 20 branches, increasing both profit and sales, attracting new C&C customers and making more deliveries to those who prefer to be serviced this way. Two other big names, however, have found the going a bit tougher. Bestway Group admits that traders in the catchment areas of its 62 branches have been having a hard time. The operator, by making its prices even more attractive to help these shopkeepers overcome the obstacles, has encountered a small drop in profit as well as static sales. Blakemore too has suffered from the economic downturn, with sales barely changing and profits dipping. Globally, former Makro UK owner Metro Cash & Carry has also been badly affected by trading conditions. It’s some comfort to learn that the problems are not being heaped on our sector alone. The once invincible Tesco has been feeling the pinch too, with declining profit and modest sales growth. Battling against torrential rain and impassable roads won’t make life any easier. When the better weather finally comes, it will put a smile on everyone’s faces.

JJ Food Service has achieved a substantial rise in gross profit margin ... see p.4





in focus


swa in parliament

13 MSPs hear about the escalating financial and community costs of the illicit trade in counterfeit goods.


14 with Julie Dunn, operations director of Dunns Food & Drinks.

commonwealth games

16–17 The Commonwealth Games will be the biggest event ever held in Scotland.

products & promotions


category management


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4,565 July 2012–June 2013 Mervyn Gilbert news editor


ISSN 1352-254X

Cash & Carry Management is available on subscription at £52 per year (single copies £5). Overseas subscription: £80.

Cash & Carry Management

• February 2014 • 3


P&H stays quiet on terms

Another Costco Construction work has started on Costco’s 26th branch in the UK – in Hounslow, west London. The company has also submitted planning applications for two more units: in Sunbury-onThames and Wembley. In the latter part of last year Costco opened its 25th outlet in Farnborough, Hants.

Group quits PR Landmark Wholesale and its public relations agency, Wilson Cooke, of Bury, Lancs, have parted company. The two concerns have worked together since the mid’80s. However, the PR firm will continue to handle publicity for one of the leading Landmark C&C/ wholesalers, Parfetts Cash & Carry.

£50k prize pot Bestway Group’s 2014 retail development scheme to find the most improved UK shopkeepers carries a total prize fund of £50,000 and a top award of £10,000. The initiative begins with three two-day seminars and culminates in a prize presentation in London in October. The three events are being staged at the Leeds Marriott Hotel (19 and 20 March), Procter & Gamble hq, Weybridge (7 and 8 May) and Edinburgh Dalmahoy Hotel (11 and 12 June).


Palmer & Harvey has declined to confirm or deny that it has doubled its minimum drop to customers. The news also comes as P&H foregoes responsibility – from next month – for 330 convenience stores carrying the McColl name, with Nisa taking over (Cash & Carry Management: July 2013). P&H keeps control of the rest of the McColl business – around 340 other c-stores and over 600 newsagents

and variety stores. Responding to reports that terms now require retailers to take at least 50 outers instead of 25, and that if they fail to do so they will incur a delivery charge, a spokesman for the delivered wholesaler told Cash & Carry Management: “All commercial terms remain of a confidential nature between P&H and its customers. “We have always had a minimum order quantity in

place, and this is subject to frequent review to ensure that we continue to provide the best overall deal for our customers. “We believe our minimum order quantity to be significantly lower than our main competitors.” A year ago, the wholesaler linked up with Costcutter to form a £5bn buying group called The Buyco. Under the terms of the deal, Costcutter took over the management of around 800 symbol stores carrying the Mace, Supershop and Your Store names, with P&H largely concentrating on deliveries to thousands of unaffiliated independents as well as to leading retail multiples. Tel: Palmer & Harvey (01273) 222100.

Improved margin for JJ... JJ Food Service increased its gross profit margin by 6.85% in the last quarter of 2013. There was an even better rise in January alone – 18.1%. Commenting on the quarterly move, CEO Mustafa (Mus) Kiamil said: “The rise has come by negotiating more favourable contracts with our suppliers but, in return, settling well within our trading terms. “My procurement team have also sourced many new products from around the world at very competitive prices, resulting in a wider choice in range and excellent value for our customers.” For January, he referred to particularly keen prices on fish (including prawns) and fresh poultry.

• Cash & Carry Management • February 2014

Kiamil said a lot of effort was given to ensuring stock availability, plus reduced stock loss and damages. “Many high volume lines are ‘just in time’ (presold and not stored), whereby stock holding is kept to a minimum but with optimum freshness. “As the majority of our customers either pay securely online or with cash our debtors remain very low. “Investment in our IT

Mus Kiamil

systems is now bearing fruit, resulting in a reduction in costs and time.” Tel: JJ Food Service (08719) 730 999.

...and more overseas Following its first Middle East showing at the ADNEC (Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre) last year, JJ Food Service will have a stand at the Gulfood Exhibition taking place at the Dubai World Trade Centre from 23 to 27 of this month. Last year the wholesaler’s exports increased by 64% over 2012. Tel: JJ Food Service (08719) 730 999.



Tough year for Blakemore The Midlands-based SPAR wholesaler AF Blakemore & Son, which also has 12 cash & carries in membership of Landmark Wholesale, sustained a small drop in turnover in the year to 30 April 2013 from £1.15bn to £1.14bn.

More significantly, there was a 23% fall in pre-tax profit (figures not disclosed), with the company investing more money in its symbol customers. Despite experiencing a year beset by poor weather, cautious spending and

tighter margins, chairman Gwendoline Blakemore said that turnover in the 20 weeks to 14 September rose by 2.9% to £468.6m. Blakemore, which owns fellow wholesaler Walesbased Capper & Co, in June paid £2m for north-east wholesaler Lowries. There was no indication of how the company’s trading results were split between delivered wholesale, cash & carry and other aspects of its business. Tel: AF Blakemore & Son (01902) 366066.

Sales post Wolverhampton – one of 12 cash & carry sites.

Names combined This month sees the introduction of a new logo for 3663, incorporating the name of Bidvest. The delivered wholesaler’s title is a trading name of BFS Ltd, which has been a wholly-owned subsidiary of Bidvest Group in Johannesburg since 1999. A 3663 spokesman said:

“The addition of the word Bidvest is simply to reflect our role as an important part of the Bidvest family.” Tel: 3663 (0370) 3663 000.

Oakland Distribution, of Beoley, near Redditch, Worcs, has appointed Ian Stratton as wholesale sales manager for Scotland and the north of England. The company, which handles chilled and ambient foods, and formerly had links with Landmark Wholesale, has a dedicated UK-wide sales presence. Stratton has worked in foodservice and distribution for much of his life. Tel: Oakland Distribution UK (01527) 583170.

Drop in Bestway profit Reducing margins in support of retail customers who are facing increased competition in the high street had its downside in Bestway Group’s wholesale results for the year to 30 June 2013. Pre-tax profit fell from £58.3m to £54.3m (6.9%) on turnover barely changed at £2.34bn (£2.33bn). Group chief executive Zameer Choudrey spoke of

the ‘evolving dynamics’ of the industry. This had resulted in the identification of three key focus areas: foodservice, digital and symbol & club retailing. In an upbeat mood, he added that the newlylaunched Bestway Batleys Foodservice had secured lucrative contracts, particularly in Scotland (see Delivered p.10).


Bestway has more than 3,500 symbol & club members and a further 530 pet retail club members. Total turnover of these clubs is over £500m. As part of a £10 million investment in the BestPets division, the company has developed a new site in Glasgow. Tel: Bestway Group 0208453 1234.

FWD role for Williams

Landmark Wholesale managing director Martin Williams (above) will, in April, replace Booker md Guy Farrant as chairman of the Federation of Wholesale Distributors. Farrant, who remains on the council, has held the position for two years – the normal term of office – during which time, said Williams, the FWD’s profile has risen significantly. The organisation, he added, was now in an excellent position to push forward with its work. The year ahead will see an expansion of its events programme, creating further opportunities to bring together wholesalers and suppliers. Tel: FWD (01323) 724952.

‘Strongest results’ Rowan, of Basildon, Essex, which describes itself as ‘the discount channel’s No.1 supplier to wholesalers and independent retailers’, saw its turnover rise by 15.5% to £66.8m in 2013. CEO Alan Saywell said that “this represents our strongest results to date”. He added: “Some 77% of discount shoppers are from ABC1 social economic groups and 85% of shoppers say they intend to continue using them.” Tel: Rowan (01268) 592000.

Cash & Carry Management

• February 2014 • 5


Henderson freshens up...

Bestway Wholesale managing director Younus Sheikh (left) and group CEO Zameer Choudrey with Dyslexia Action’s Kevin Geeson.

£100,000 for charity The Bestway Foundation has donated £100,000 to Dyslexia Action, which helps children and adults with literacy and memory processing difficulties. The charity was the main beneficiary of Bestway Group’s annual Royal Ascot Charity Race Day held in June last year. At a presentation lunch at the company’s north-west London headquarters last month, group chief executive Zameer Choudrey said he was hopeful more can be done to help sufferers, adding: “We are delighted to support such a worthwhile charity.” The cheque was handed to Dyslexia Action’s chief executive Kevin Geeson. Tel: Bestway Group 0208453 1234.

Two years Following an investigation by HM Revenue & Customs, Peter John Drewett, of Grimsby, received a twoyear jail sentence for the unlicensed sale of cigarettes and tobacco to the value of £281,000 to outlets across the Humberside area. Tel: HMRC (0300) 200 3700.


House Irish shortbread Henderson Group, (24%), supplied by based in Mallusk, saw Irwin’s Bakery. record fresh food Fresh food now sales in customers’ accounts for over onestores over the third of the total Christmas period – up annual sales for just over 8% on the Henderson Group same period last year. retail brands, and a A major factor was 50% share is on the the introduction of an Paddy Doody: ‘We are getting it right.’ horizon. extended range of Paddy Doody, group quality produce from sales & marketing director, local suppliers. from Cookstown, turkeys said: “The results from the Overall turnover in the from both Monaghan and festive period show that we final two weeks grew by Ballymena, and sprouts are getting it right in 4.5% for Northern Ireland grown in Comber. responding to shopper outlets carrying the SPAR, Products that experidemands and are well on our EUROSPAR, ViVO, ViVOenced significant year-onway to achieving our fresh XTRA and ViVO Essentials year growth were Cooksfood participation targets.” names. town gammon joint (up Tel: Henderson Group The seasonal range 13%), Dale Farm double (02890) 342733. included bacon and sausages cream (6%) and Howell

...so does Appleby Westward SPAR wholesaler Appleby Westward produced a 1.6% rise in turnover in the three weeks to 4 January. And, like Henderson, the south-west concern saw a major shift in demand for produce – up 30%. Another big mover was fresh meat and poultry (29% higher), while core chilled foods gained 5%. The SPAR brand range is showing 14% year-on-year growth. Rural and community stores are said to have performed better than those in the high street during the stormy/Christmas period when customer travel was curtailed. Appleby Westward, whose annual turnover is £135m, recruited 13 new retail customers over the year, bringing the total around 280. Its Saltash headquarters site looks after the ambient distribution network, while

• Cash & Carry Management • February 2014

its Cullompton depot handles chilled & frozen distribution. The wholesaler has set aside £2m for retailers,

mainly for store extensions and refits. Tel: Appleby Westward (01752) 854000.

Catering relaunch Bestway Group has relaunched its Essentially Catering range. It includes more than 50 everyday products, each of which has a contemporary new label, serving information and improved product quality. Special price promotions are available, in addition to the group’s Price Hold guarantee that fixes catering

prices for three months. Catering controller Paul Rabone commented: “This is not just a label change; this is a major own-brand investment by Bestway and Batleys. Relaunching the range demonstrates our commitment to our catering business.” Tel: Bestway Group 0208453 1234.



Under 1% growth ‘satisfying’ Metro Cash & Carry, whose global representation no longer includes the UK or Egypt, where the two units were closed last year, managed a 0.9% like-for-like sales increase in the first quarter of its financial year. Total income for the period, however, declined marginally from 8.6bn euros to 8.5bn euros. Despite the skinny likefor-like rise, the directors described the result as a ‘satisfying’ improvement. In the period under review, 10 C&Cs were opened in nine countries. Echoing why the Dusseldorf-based group

decided to sell out to Booker in the UK, the board says of the Egyptian closures: “We saw no sustainable wholesale expansion opportunities there due to current affairs and the limited market position.” Like-for-like growth was reported for the Eastern European and Asian regions, with Russia, Poland and Turkey highlighted. In Germany and other parts of Western Europe,

however, like-for-like sales declined, although there was ‘slight sales growth’ in Spain and Italy. Two positive aspects of the overall C&C business were ‘distinctly positive’ food sales and a ‘double-digit’ increase in delivered takings.

Irish foodservice deal Irish cash & carry/wholesaler Musgrave MarketPlace has acquired the foodservice division of Dublin-based Allied Foods, which distributes ambient, chilled and frozen food to restaurants and fast-food outlets across the Irish Republic. “The acquisition will continue our long-term sustainable growth and strengthen our offer in foodservice, where we already supply over 45,000 pubs, hotels, restaurants and hospitality points,” Musgrave MarketPlace managing director Noel Keeley told Cash & Carry Management. “Our new customers will be able to access more than 16,000 chilled, frozen and dry food, alcohol and nonfood lines, as well as our own-brand range. They can also use our all-day online store.” The acquisition comes a year after Musgrave closed its Belfast and Ballymena

C&Cs, leaving its four remaining MarketPlace branches in Northern Ireland to concentrate on foodservice. There are also seven cash & carries in the Republic. Tel: Musgrave Group (003531) 452 2100.

Switch in emphasis.

Good vibes at Booker Sales of Booker Group in the 16 weeks to 3 January, including Makro branches, rose by 19.1%, with nontobacco business up by 29.3% and tobacco ahead by 1.6%. Like-for-like figures showed 2% improvement (4.1% for non-tobacco and minus 1.7% for tobacco). Chief executive Charles Wilson said that the Makro turnaround is progressing well. But with certain consumer products – notably TV sets – being withdrawn from the chain, non-tobacco sales were down by 5.9% in the period under review. However, cash and profit were “in line with expectations”. There were also positive signs for Booker’s six Indian branches, the C&C side, Booker Direct, Ritter, Classic, Chef Direct (supplying over 250,000 meals a day to its clients) and the Premier, retail club and Shop Local 2 Go divisions. Tel: Booker Group (01933) 371000.

Energy and isotonic additions Best-in energy drink FULL ON has been launched by Bestway Group. In a black, red and silver can, the product contains a range of vitamins, including Niacin, B6 and B12. Trading manager Nick Brown said: “For some adult consumers, there is still a stigmatism towards ownlabel, and they want a brand ‘badge’ that will reflect their lifestyle choices. “FULL ON, with its highly distinctive and premium


packaging, satisfies need for a modern, premium yet valuefor-money stimulation drink.” The drink is price-marked at 35p and is available at a launch price of £3.79 for 24 x 250ml cans, giving a profit on return of 45.8%. The own label has also added a lemon flavour to its


isotonic sports drinks portfolio, which already includes orange, berry, raspberry and tropical. Best-in isotonic sports drinks are available in a 500ml sports-cap PET, 12 to an outer, and have a dual branded price point of 49p or ‘2 for 90p’. Tel: Bestway Group 020-8453 1234.

Cash & Carry Management

• February 2014 • 7


Licensed deal for Filshill Glasgow-based wholesaler JW Filshill has acquired Lawrence McQueen Wines & Spirits Merchants, of Largs, Ayrshire, for an undisclosed sum. The second-generation business is a longstanding customer of Filshill, which services 172 KeyStore outlets across Scotland and six in the north of England. The drinks specialist’s owner Lawrence McQueen is retiring but he will work with Filshill for a short time to ensure a smooth transition. The wholesaler’s managing director Simon Hannah

said: “This acquisition will provide us with a platform to further enhance our positioning within the on-trade. “We are keen to diversify our business into complementary areas and see this as an opportunity to utilise our expertise and logistics network to expand our existing on-trade business. “There is considerable consolidation in Scotland among the big on-trade operators and this presents opportunities for companies like us.” He added that his business would benefit from

Hannah: platform for growth.

McQueen’s loyal customer base of bars, pubs and hotels across mainland Scotland. Tel: JW Filshill 0141-883 7071.

Independent own brand Following the partnership agreement announced by Palmer & Harvey and Costcutter last year (Cash & Carry Management: March 2013), a new own-brand range has been introduced. The products – expected to number around 750 – will be sold through Costcutter’s 1,700 stores, 800 Mace, Supershop and Your Store outlets and through P&H’s unbranded independent customers.

There are three styles: Independent Trader (‘basic products at accessible price

points’), Independent (‘a mid-range core offering for everyday shopping’) and Independent Specialist (‘a more premium range for treats and special occasions’). The new own-brand selection is being promoted as ‘Stay Local, Shop Independent’. Tel: Palmer & Harvey (01273) 222100. Tel: Costcutter (01904) 488663.

Meat range extended Under the direction of head of fresh meat Damian Storie (pictured), Bidvest 3663 is doubling its fresh meat offering. The range now includes featherblade and minute steak cuts, pork rib and belly, as well as a choice of smaller joints suited to a


wider spectrum of customers. Since last March the company has sold over 550 tonnes of fresh beef, pork, lamb and poultry by focusing on 15 core lines. The additional 15 items include several Red

• Cash & Carry Management • February 2014

Tractor and Quality Meat Scotland accredited lines. The delivered wholesaler is also celebrating its recognition at the BPEX (British Pork Executive) Sausage of the Year Awards, where its Lincolnshire sausage claimed the gold prize, repeating its performance in 2012. Tel: Bidvest 3663 (0370) 3663 000.

Sweet news Hancocks has reported a 5% year-on-year sales rise over the festive trading period and a 16% increase for the full year. Turnover of the confectionery specialist now stands at £114m compared to £109m in 2012. And gross profit has also moved up – by 7%. CEO Mark Watson said that the 20 cash & carries have collectively registered 6,000 new customers. The ecommerce website has grown throughout the year, to the benefit of existing and new customers. The range available online includes more than 1,500 branded and own-label confectionery products, “appealing to all manner of businesses that prefer their supplies to be delivered”. Watson added that further investment in the website is in progress. “We anticipate up to two new depots opening, and we have completely refreshed our C&C promotional calendar so that there are many more offer periods for retailers to enjoy some harderhitting deals. “We are also reviewing our own-label ranges so that we can strengthen our offering in terms of selection, presentation and branding.” Additionally, the company is making more than 120 branded and own-label Easter items available online for the first time. They include products made by Cadbury, Ferrero and Lindt. Hancocks stocks more than 5,000 branded and own-label confectionery products in its C&Cs. Tel: Hancocks C&C (01509) 216644.



Wide-ranging council deal CRG meat Further details have been released by Bestway Batleys Foodservice of its new contract to supply Midlothian Council with all ambient, chilled, soft drink and catering products from the middle of this month (Cash & Carry Management: January). The deal comprises deliveries to all kitchen and home economic departments in schools, as well as care homes, parks and other council-managed establishments. Steve Irons, BBF senior contracts manager, said: “The awarding of the Midlothian contract reinforces the credentials of Bestway Batleys Foodservice as a credible player in the local authority foodservice sector. “This latest win, taking over from 3663, will see us managing the foodservice requirements of 50 accounts and demonstrates that we can deliver sector-leading service, within specified budgets, across a wide range


Schools, care home and parks included in the contract.

of product categories.” Midlothian Council’s Norman Catto said: “Bestway Batleys Foodservice fully understood both the tender and our needs as a local authority. “Pricing is always a key

Training package SPAR has launched a new training package for member retailers under the SPARkling Service name. It includes guidance on service and ‘Train the Trainer’ advice that enables store owners/managers to deliver training themselves.

P&H veteran Peter Falconar has become operations manager he the longest-servhelped install ing employee new IT systems at Palmer & at various locaHarvey’s Hove tions and headed head office, havon-site training. ing worked for He has also been the company for involved in the 40 years. licensed side of He started the business. 40 years – and still as a trainee Group direcgoing. accountant at tor of HR, Brian Plymouth-based Hurley said: “We WC Griffiths & Sons, which are fortunate to have nearly the delivered wholesaler 100 staff on the payroll bought in 1984. Falconar across our UK network then moved to the Sussex who’ve worked for us for headquarters, becoming over 25 years.” field administration manager. Tel: Palmer & Harvey (01273) When he was appointed 222100.


consideration in the process; however, as a council we were impressed by BBF’s professionalism and willingness to work as a partner – rather than just a supplier.” Tel: Bestway Batleys Foodservice (01738) 646666.

• Cash & Carry Management • February 2014

The revised standards are said to be easier for learners to remember and are focused on behaviour which will encourage continuous improvement. There is also more emphasis on the stores’ community involvement. Tel: SPAR UK 020-8426 3690.

A new selection of boneless, cooked sliced meats has been introduced by Country Range Group. It includes cooked ham, gammon ham, traditional Wiltshire gammon, cooked turkey breast and silverside of beef. Brand manager Martin Ward said: “British consumers manage to munch their way through more than 11.5 billion sandwiches each year, with ham and beef both holding a position in the top 10 fillings. “Our new range enables caterers to tap into this demand, as well as offer meat-based salads for the health conscious and the hungry.” The meats, which have a minimum 18 days’ shelf life, are packed in black trays with clear cellophane lids, 15 trays to a case. Tel: Country Range Group (0845) 209 3777.

Just 52 left! Competition judges Mark Irish (left) and Christopher Basten.

Brakes has arrived at a ‘shortlist’ of 52 teams, from a record 87 college entries, who will compete in the regional heats of its annual Student Chef Team Challenge.

The event is sponsored by BD Foods and ABP Food Group, and is supported by the Craft Guild of Chefs. The judges include Mark Irish, head of food development at Brakes, and Christopher Basten, national chairman of the Craft Guild of Chefs. Tel: Brakes (01233) 206000.



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in focus

Appetite for foodservice Hyperama has bought Derby wholesaler Sohal Foods and linked up with confectionery specialist Hancocks. Managing director Marcus Singh tells Mervyn Gilbert why. While it was never the intention of West Midlands C&C/wholesaler Hyperama to add to its tally of three depots, when the Derby site of Sohal Foods recently became available, it was an opportunity too good to let slip. Managing director Marcus Singh (below) explains: “It wasn’t just the fact that the business gave us the chance to expand in the Midlands area. The main attraction was that Sohal was strong in the foodservice sector – an area in which we ourselves are developing. “The deal (only two concerns were real contenders to acquire the wholesaler) was done so fast – within a fortnight!” Officially, the Derby concern, with a turnover of around £6m from its near20,000 sq ft dual-purpose site, was doing okay. It was a cash flow problem and reduced margins that led to accountants Smith Cooper being called in as administrators. Says Singh: “We are taking on all 28 people at Sohal, whose main thrust is delivered foodservice, along with a small cash & carry. There are seven vehicles making deliveries around the West Midlands. “There are very decent margins to be made in foodservice. It’s not like selling tins of beans to retailers. “The good thing is that fewer than 5% of its customers overlap with ours. It’s so fortunate. “We have no plans to change the name because the company is so wellknown. In any case, it’s not big enough to became a fully-fledged Hyperama.” Singh, who joined the company in 2002 after graduating from law school, took over as md four years ago from his father Mark Johal, 62, who now runs sister company JK Foods. The three C&Cs are in West Bromwich (150,000 sq ft), Nottingham (100,000 sq ft) and Peterborough (55,000 sq ft). All are engaged in foodservice distribution, with three vehicles at each site. Singh explains: “We first

started in foodservice at Nottingham and we then rolled it out at West Bromwich. Peterborough is the latest C&C to diversify. “Although West Bromwich is far bigger than Nottingham, a lot of the space at the larger depot is for storage. Sales at the two are running neck and neck, with our total corporate turnover at £130m, which includes JK Foods. We don’t split the two. Sales were around £10m up last year.” Hyperama is a leading member of Landmark Wholesale. And while Sohal’s affiliation with Today’s Group appears to present a conflict, Singh says: “Technically, because Sohal was in administration, it was in limbo, so, strictly speaking, was no longer in Today’s Group.”

• Cash & Carry Management • February 2014



Confectionery arrangement Apart from the Sohal deal, Hyperama has entered into an arrangement with Hancocks, whereby the specialist confectionery operator is responsible for a dedicated aisle at each of the three cash & carries. “We stock hundreds of Hancocks’ Kingsway label sweets,” says Singh. “We were always looking to enhance our confectionery margins and, because none of the Hancocks cash & carries were operating in areas where we were, we approached them with the idea of them supplying us. “C&C/wholesalers don’t normally do this sort of thing. It’s certainly been a success. We’ve already replenished all the stock – a really good sign.” On alcohol, Singh is relaxed when asked for his views on non-duty fraud. “It’s as prevalent now as it was when I joined Hyperama! I just try to get on with life as best I can. It bothers me, yes, but I don’t lose any sleep about it.” And what about all the tobacco problems? “It’s an industry-wide phenomenon,” he says. “So it doesn’t just disadvantage us.” Finally, Hyperama, where one of the big names of the drinks industry, John Mills, took over as chairman last year, is a major stockist of Landmark own-label products. Singh points out proudly: “We won the group’s ownlabel award last year and we are its fifth biggest own-label member.”

swa in parliament

Illicit trade: ‘enough is enough’ The illicit trade in counterfeit goods was the focus of a recent parliamentary reception held by the Scottish Wholesale Association in conjunction with the Scottish Grocers’ Federation and the Scottish Anti-Illicit Trade Group. The event, which was hosted by Jenny Marra, the MSP for north-east Scotland, highlighted the escalating financial and community costs of criminals selling illicit products to consumers. The audience included MSPs such as Kenny MacAskill, the Cabinet Secretary for Justice, as well as wholesalers, independent retailers and key individuals from enforcement organisations. Presentations were made by SWA president Asim Sarwar, SGF chief executive John Drummond, and police inspector Alan Dron, chair of the Scottish Anti-Illicit Trade Group. Marra opened the event by emphasising that for every £1 spent on illicit goods, £1 is taken away from the businesses that “play by the rules”. She also pointed out the potential danger to health of these products: “You don’t know where they have come from and what is in them.” Speaking about the financial cost to businesses that operate within the law, Sarwar said: “The illicit trade of goods that have been imported illegally, or are counterfeit products, is already hurting Scottish wholesalers, leading to lost profit for our members and their retail customers. “With the support of our law enforcement and business partners, we need to say enough is enough. Collectively, we can help tackle this problem by raising awareness and changing perceptions. We must influence the public not to buy illicit or counterfeit products while supporting legitimate businesses.” However, Sarwar added, almost 90% of Scots do not consider trade in counterfeit goods to be associated with organised crime. “So we do have a very long way to go in changing those perceptions.” Police inspector Alan Dron told the audience that the Scottish Anti-Illicit Trade Group meets every quarter and has three key objectives: prevention, intelligence gathering and enforcement.

Sarwar: ‘Collectively we can help tackle this problem.’

He spoke about the group’s ‘Real Deal’ campaign, which brings together Trading Standards, other law enforcement agencies, market owners and traders to help create markets that are free of fake goods and illicit traders. In June 2013, Glasgow City Council became the first local authority in Scotland to introduce the ’Real Deal’ and this has generated enquiries from other local authorities. “Criminals have no scruples – all they care about is making money and it would be naive of anyone to think they are bothered about the consequences of selling dangerous products to unwitting consumers,” said Dron. “Our goal is to make sure that Scotland is a hostile environment for those involved in illicit trade, counterfeiting and piracy.” Last autumn, almost 35,000 litres of illicit beer, wine and spirits were seized by HM Revenue & Customs in Scotland. Sarwar praised the work being done by the alcohol taskforce officers, and then turned his attention to the problem of illicit tobacco. He appealed to MSPs to consider the effect that plain packaging will have on the black market. “We are urging the Scottish Government to look closely at the findings of a KPMG report from Australia which shows that the market there in illicit tobacco has risen significantly following the introduction of plain packaging in December 2012. The report also reveals that consumption of tobacco has not decreased during that period.” Thanking Marra for hosting the reception, Sarwar said that the SWA was delighted to have been given the opportunity to shine a spotlight on the illicit trade – “a very worrying issue for wholesalers and independent retailers at a time when the recession is still biting and The reception was well attended by MSPs, wholesalers, retailers and enforcement officers. trade is extremely challenging”.


Cash & Carry Management

• February 2014 • 13


sponsored by

More strategic approach This month’s article features Julie Dunn, operations director of Dunns Food & Drinks. What has been the major milestone or turning point of your career? My children arriving made me radically rethink my working life. Previously what I lacked in ‘thinking’ I made up for in action and I put in some very long hours. I micro managed to an obsessive degree. For the short time they are so dependent on me then the children obviously have first dibs on my time and attention. So I’ve had to change my action-versusthinking ratio. I think I have become more strategic in my approach.

Turnstiles, Tuscany, trainee Julie Dunn was awarded an honours degree in French and Italian by the University of Strathclyde. She then spent a year at a school in Tuscany as an English language assistant which reassured her that she was right not to want to be a teacher! During her time at university, Dunn worked part-time in bars. Her favourite job was being on the club door and the turnstiles at Shawfield Dog Track. Dunn always spent holidays working in the family business, Blantyre-based wholesaler and drinks manufacturer Dunns Food & Drinks, and she was fairly definite from quite a young age that that was what she wanted to do. She started in the Stirling depot as a management trainee under the guidance of Jim Rowan, the present managing director, and was appointed to her current post of operations director in 2001.

Who has been the biggest inspiration to you? My dad, Christopher, has always been a very big influence on me at work in terms of combining profit with compassion. He also taught me there’s no such thing as a stupid question. How do you maintain a work/life balance and how have developments in technology affected this? I’ve never really understood this term. Work – as much as any other thing I do – is part of my life. Technology allows me to do what I can when I can. What most frustrates you in business (and in life generally)? I hate fear of failure leading to apathy or failure to try. If you were able to retire tomorrow, would you, and if so, how would you spend your time? Nope, housework exhausts me and ironing actually depresses me to the point of only doing it under the influence of wine. At this stage that’s pretty much what retirement holds! What advice would you give someone starting his/her first job? Turn up, on time, every day and smile no matter what’s happening in your life outside of work. What type of business would you have gone into if it wasn’t C&C/wholesale? Forensic medicine or the police.

Julie Dunn with her young son and daughter, whose arrival influenced the way she works.


• Cash & Carry Management • February 2014

If you had a million pounds to invest in business, how would you spend the money? I’d like to buy the world a Currie’s Red Kola!


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Winner Chocolate Category. Survey 11,941 people by TNS.

commonwealth games

A golden opportunity The Commonwealth Games offers C&C/wholesalers the potential for extra sales. The Commonwealth Games will be the biggest event ever held in Scotland. The Glasgow-based Games, which open on 23 July and run until 3 August, will generate similar excitement and national pride as the Olympics last year, but wholesale businesses in the Scottish city should not suffer from the level of traffic congestion that was seen in London. As the only food & drink company linked with the sporting occasion, ‘Proud Supporter’ AG Barr is investing £12 million in its sponsorship, which focuses on its four core brands: IRN-BRU, Barr, Rubicon and Strathmore. The company’s commercial director Jonathan Kemp comments: “This will be a momentous year for Scotland, with the Ryder Cup and the referendum. But at the heart of it will be the Commonwealth Games, and we are incredibly proud to be a sponsor. I think people coming to the Games will get the warmest welcome ever.” He explains that the sponsorship is a natural fit for AG Barr, whose links with Glasgow date back more than 100 years. He adds that the company is determined to unlock the potential of the Games for wholesalers and retailers through a comprehensive support package.

“During the Olympics last year, soft drinks showed 10% sales growth, outperforming every other category,” he points out, “and while the Commonwealth Games is a different event, it will recreate that feel-good factor and we will make it work for our customers. We are targeting double-digit growth for each of the four brands.” AG Barr spent 18 months devising the support programme, which actually began several months ago with special designs for cans of regular and Sugar Free IRN-BRU. However, most of the activity will run over a six-month period, starting in March with ‘Cheer We Go’, IRN-BRU’s biggest ever on-pack promotion. Consumers throughout the UK will have the chance to win tickets to the Games on 330ml, 500ml and two-litre packs of regular and Sugar Free IRN-BRU. In total there will be 11,000 prizes, including T-shirts and ‘lucky socks’, as well as ticket-and-hotel packages. The promotion will be backed by a digital media campaign, radio advertising in Scotland, and PoS material. Strathmore will be the only drinks brand featured in the field of play during the Games, says AG Barr’s head of marketing Adrian Troy. The company will provide the 22,000

AG Barr’s senior management team and retired chairman Robin Barr (third on right) promote the company’s sponsorship.


• Cash & Carry Management • February 2014


commonwealth games athletes, officials and volunteers with bottles of the water, which sport the strapline ‘Do More with Strathmore’ and the official Glasgow 2014 logo. The Commonwealth Games, or Glasgow 2014 as it is Specific details of activity on Strathmore water, Barr cola being branded, will involve: and flavoured carbonates, and Rubicon juice drinks – as well 70 nations and territories, representing one-third of the as additional promotions for IRN-BRU – will be announced world’s population closer to the Games. Digital support, TV advertising, PoS 4,500 athletes material and sampling will form part of the activity. 15,000 volunteers Says Troy: “Our investment in each of the four participat14 competition venues ing brands will provide a strong platform for retailers to forge 17 sports even closer links with their shoppers across the soft drinks 11 days of competition fixture. Retailers will be able to generate excellent visibility one million tickets, 43% of which have been bought by in-store with the PoS we are providing and capitalise on the people outside of Scotland unrivalled opportunity to drive soft drinks sales before, a global audience of 1.5 billion during and after Glasgow a UK audience of 42 million 2014.” Glasgow-based wholesaler JW Filshill intends to capitalise on the “goodwill an important component to recognise during this period feeling of having a major to cater for the reactive needs of our customers,” Hannah event in our city”, says maintains. managing director Simon “Traffic will be well organised,” he adds. “We are already Hannah. being briefed on road closures and delivery restrictions – this “Coupled with a spell of is about being flexible and is where independent businesses good weather (fingers will perform well.” crossed, of course), it could Nabeel Ramzan, managreally bring friends and faming director of United ily together,” he predicts. Wholesale Grocers, which Filshill’s Simon Hannah: ‘It could really bring family and “BBQ activity will also be a has two cash & carry/delivfriends together.’ focus for us to try and capiered depots in Glasgow, talise on this opportunity. says he is willing to offer “We are not hearing of huge enthusiasm outside Scotland special delivery times to for visiting the Games so I guess this will be about targeting overcome any traffic disruplocal consumers as opposed to just focusing on visitors. We tion during the Games. all know that Glasgow will have a lot to smile about during He believes that the the Games. It will definitely be something that the city should event will bring an influx of take advantage of and translate into the service and experipeople to the city, even ence that Glasgow can give to anyone visiting – it’s what though it falls over the sumUWG’s Nabeel Ramzan: ‘Glasgow will be the central makes us great!” mer when consumers are focus for a global audience.’ Hannah continues: “With AG Barr being the only major normally away on holiday. FMCG company currently involved in official sponsorship, it “With our stores being does produce challenges around creating themed activity Glasgow based, we will be able to take advantage,” says in-store. This is different to the Olympics where there were a Ramzan. “Glasgow will also be the central focus for a global large amount of our suppliers involved in sponsorship. audience, and many global suppliers will want to be seen “The key to this activity will be availability and piggy backand heard with brand activity during the lead-up and the two ing onto the very upbeat feeling that the Games will bring to weeks of the Games. Glasgow and the wider area. As the “We will have giveaways and free Games are on our doorstep there is a stock over the two weeks, and we are feeling that lots of consumers will be currently agreeing with our major out and about – whether or not they suppliers special packs, promotions, have tickets – so a promotional stratpoint-of-sale and instore activity to egy that involves more transient prodcapitalise on this period.” Cash & carries and delivered ucts will be in our plans.” wholesalers are warned not to To drive footfall in its customers’ feature any of the Glasgow 2014 or stores, Filshill will utilise its mobile digCommonwealth Games logos in their ital voucher system to offer consumers promotional activity without express bespoke promotions via their phones. permission from the organisers. AG The wholesaler is prepared to Barr can offer wholesalers advice on respond quickly to its customers’ requirements. “Reactive supply will be Consumers will have a chance to win tickets. this matter.

Glasgow 2014: the numbers

• • • • • • • • •


Cash & Carry Management

• February 2014 • 17

products & promotions

Snack bar WEETABIX – The company has introduced Alpen Trail Bars, a new range of cereal bars that offer a convenient and nutritious snacking option at any time of the day. Available in three variants – Fruits & Nuts, Big Berries and Chunky Nuts, the bars contain real fruit and nut pieces, providing a good source of fibre. At a bigger-than-average 48g per serving, the trail bars aim to keep consumers satisfied until lunch. Supported by a significant marketing investment, Alpen Trail Bars feature in a new TV advert that builds on the entire Alpen campaign and are also being promoted through PR, social media and consumer sampling. The rsp for individual bars is 79p and for a pack of three is £1.99. Tel: Weetabix (01536) 722181.

Regional wines INTERNATIONAL BRANDS – The wine distribution company has launched a range of nine varietals under the Broadleaf banner. The selection includes wines from Australia, Chile and California and includes the grape varieties for which each of these regions is most famous. Retail sales director Paul Hinks says: “We know that grape variety and region of origin are increasingly important buying cues for consumers. The Broadleaf range is about delivering quality wines in each instance, wrapped in standout, contemporary packaging, at an accessible, attractive price relative to market leading brands. “We want to enable consumers to explore and discover grapes and regions with confidence.” Broadleaf wines are packaged in cases of 6 x 75cl and have an abv range of 11-13.5%. Tel: International Brands 020-8683 4565.


More popcorn

Tea-V ad

TANGERINE CONFECTIONERY – Butterkist has two new microwave popcorn flavours: Smokey Bacon and Sweet & Salted. This is the first Sweet & Salted microwave popcorn variant available in the UK. It has been developed based on its popularity within the ready-to-eat market, which has seen a year-on-year increase of 186%. Sales of the Butterkist microwave range are growing at 13% year on year. The Smokey Bacon and Sweet & Salted microwave popcorn variants are available in a 270g pack with an rsp of £1.99. The brand has also debuted a new Thai Sweet Chilli flavour popcorn, which is available in a sharing 80g bag (rsp £1.49), as well as an 18g singleserve bag (rsp 59p). Thai Sweet Chilli flavour has been identified as a key emerging flavour within the snacking fixture.

TATA GLOBAL BEVERAGES – The company is increasing its marketing activity in 2014, starting with a £1.8m television campaign for Tetley tea. The advert returns The Tea Folk to centre stage and uses modern animation to communicate the power of Tetley to bring people together, a sentiment reinforced by the return of its strapline ‘That’s Better. That’s Tetley’. Facing alien invasion, the Tea Folk avert disaster with the timely arrival of a cup of Tetley. The voices of Gaffer and Sydney are played by David Schofield and Stephen Tomkinson. Tetley has extended its range of teas from everyday blacks to green, herbals and Redbush. Tetley Green Pure and Tetley Green Lemon are both top performing lines, with Tetley Green Pure the number two sku in the market (AC Nielsen year to 7 December 2013). Tel: Tata Global Beverages 020-8338 4000.

All data Nielsen MAT value sales 9 Nov 2013.

Tel: Tangerine Confectionery (01977) 692500.

A definite plus LUCOZADE RIBENA SUNTORY – Ribena, the UK’s number one selling juice drink brand (Nielsen Scantrack, drink now juice drinks data w/e 4 January 2014), has introduced a new Orange & Mandarin flavour to its Ribena Plus range – supported by a £5m national media campaign. With 22% of consumers citing health as a key influence in their shopping decisions (Kantar Worldpanel September 2013), Ribena Plus promises additional vitamins and no added sugar. Ribena Plus Orange & Mandarin is available in an 850ml bottle and a 10 x 200ml multipack. Tel: Lucozade Ribena Suntory (0800) 085 5229.

• Cash & Carry Management • February 2014

Shakin’ flavour PREMIER FOODS – Oxo Shake & Flavour Seasoning Granules now come in three new flavours: Chinese, Southern Fried and Tikka. The handy shaker pack is filled with fine seasoning granules that can either be sprinkled onto food before or during the cooking process or added as a finishing touch before serving. The Oxo Shake & Flavour range has delivered over £750,000 in sales (IRI weekly data, w/e 7.12.13) since its launch in September 2013 and has successfully attracted a younger, more urban consumer to the category (Kantar Worldpanel, total flavour and seasonings, 52 w/e 10 November 2013). The launch is being reinforced with TV advertising and in-store support. Tel: Premier Foods (01727) 815850.


The Evidence is Plain An open letter from Colin Wragg, Imperial Tobacco’s Head of UK Corporate and Legal Affairs.

After the recent House of Lords debate on proposed amendments to the Children & Families Bill on standardised packaging, it is our strongly held view that no public health benefits will be realised through the introduction of standardised packaging. With reference to the government-commissioned review currently being progressed by Sir Cyril Chantler, we are concerned that the narrow remit focuses only on the effect of standardised packaging on public health. Early indications from Australia, where standardised packaging for tobacco was introduced just over a year ago, show that no public health benefit has materialised, while illicit trade has risen. The German tobacco control strategy has embedded education at its core; youth smoking levels have been in significant decline in Germany from 27.5% in 2001 to 11.7% in 2012*. This reduction has been driven by best practice examples, regarding education on tobacco for German minors, provided by the German Ministry for Health. We believe that the government should focus on increasing long-term educational programmes and Germany’s success in this area should provide a template for the UK to follow in reducing youth smoking. This approach, coupled with the welcome government announcement to ban the proxy purchasing of tobacco in England and Wales, will enable our law enforcement partners to reduce youth access to tobacco and strengthen their cause against both retailers and those attempting to purchase tobacco for others. These are the most effective

methods of preventing children purchasing or accessing tobacco, therefore achieving the public health objectives that have long been desired by successive governments. Recent EU Tobacco Products Directive proposals stated a desire to increase health warnings to cover 65% of the front and back of packs, with text warnings added to the sides. If passed, this combination of onerous regulation will have a further detrimental effect on retailers and the wholesale channel. It’s important that the tobacco supply chain seize the moment and for retailers to make their voices heard to their local MPs (www.writetothem.com) in the period between the House of Lords discussions and the plain packaging review being debated back in the House of Commons during February.

Colin Wragg, Head of UK Corporate & Legal Affairs, Imperial Tobacco UK.

German Federal Centre e for Health Education, 2012



For Tobacco Trade rs O nly

products & promotions Fine style

Bigger and better COCA-COLA ENTERPRISES (CCE) – Nine years after launching in the UK, Coke Zero has a new marketing campaign and limited-edition pack design. Just Add Zero is an integrated campaign with an action-packed TV commercial. Featuring on primetime TV, it shows that things get bigger, better, faster and greater when you add zero: a visit to one country becomes an epic journey to 10, a group of 10 mates becomes 100, while a party of 100 transforms into a festival of 1,000. The campaign centres on the new visual identity of a distinctive red circle, which appears across all touch points including limited-edition pack designs, outdoor advertising and PoS material, supported by PR and digital activity. Coke Zero sales have increased by nearly 20% over the last year (MAT Nielsen w/e 28 September 2013). Tel: Coca-Cola Enterprises (01895) 231313.

New look HEINZ – Reduced Sugar & Salt Heinz Beanz has a new label design to highlight better the nutritional benefits of the product and the fact that each can contains 30% less sugar and 25% less salt than the standard Heinz Beanz recipe. On-pack credentials remind shoppers that the product has no artificial sweeteners and is one of your five-aday. The new packaging also creates greater stand-out on-shelf, providing easier navigation for consumers. The label refresh has been rolled out across the entire Heinz Reduced Sugar & Salt Beanz range, including 200g cans, four-can multipacks and the Snap Pots range, and is being backed by instore activation and marketing activity. Tel: Heinz (0800) 528 5757.


PERNOD RICARD – Brancott Estate is the first producer in Marlborough, New Zealand, to plant commercial Sauvignon Gris vineyards and the only commercial New Zealand winery now bringing Sauvignon Gris to the UK market. Brancott Estate Sauvignon Gris carries an rsp of £10.49. Brancott Estate has also launched a new wine range, Brancott Estate Terroir Series, developed to showcase the potential and diversity of styles from this famous wine region. The range includes a Sauvignon Blanc 2013 (rsp £12.49) and Pinot Noir 2013 (rsp £14.49), which is deep garnet red in colour. Tel: Pernod Ricard 020-8538 4484.

‘Spot on’ ad KEPAK CONVENIENCE FOODS – The company has invested £1.5m in a new national TV campaign for Rustlers, the UK’s number one micro-snacking brand (IRI 52 w/e 7 December 2013). The 30-second commercial is headlined ‘Satisfy Your Hunger Monkey’ and is being supported by a social media campaign. John Armstrong, marketing director, says: “In the past we’ve used TV adverts to show how Rustlers can help people to refuel effortlessly; this time we’re showing how, when people are hungry, Rustlers hits the spot, delivering true satisfaction. “In line with the brand’s maturing profile, the commercial targets 16 to 34year-old men and women rather than the previous 16 to 24-year-old lads.” The commercial will be screened during peak time on traditional TV, catch-up TV, video on demand (YouTube) and mobile (in-app adverts). Tel: Kepak Convenience Foods (01772) 688300.

• Cash & Carry Management • February 2014

Good relations KETTLE FOODS – A new communications programme called the Independent Retailer Community has been launched to enable Kettle Foods to talk to independents and end-user retailers. The aim is to build stronger relationships with those retailers who buy Kettle Chips through a third party such as a distributor, cash & carry or wholesaler. Retailers are encouraged to sign up at the new micro-site www.tradewithkettlechips/register to receive regular updates from Kettle Foods, either by post or email. By engaging directly with the independent channel, Kettle is aiming to provide the tools and tips to help retailers drive consumer trade up and increase sales of its snacking products. Kettle Chips is the UK’s number one premium crisp brand and it continues to outperform the market (Nielsen data to 9 November 2013). Tel: Kettle Foods (01603) 744788.

Time for tea UNILEVER – PG tips, the UK’s number one tea brand, has unveiled a new range of fruit & herbal and green teas, supported by a £5 million marketing investment. Using PG tips pyramid bags, the new selection taps into the growing fruit & herbal and green tea categories, offering taste at an accessible price point, as well as launching a new flavour to market – Vibrant Mandarin Orange Green Tea. The range comes in bright, bold packaging that highlights the fruity flavours and pyramid technology, giving it on-shelf standout and drawing consumers to the fixture. Tel: Unilever (01372) 945000.




The business magazine for cash & carry/delivered wholesalers

SNACKS & BISCUITS The March issue of Cash & Carry Management will include a feature on Snacks & Biscuits

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For further information:

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category management contents

Category Management: wholesalers’ views


Baby Toiletries sponsored by Johnson & Johnson


Biscuits sponsored by Burton’s Biscuit Co


Caribbean Foods sponsored by Grace Kennedy


Cheese sponsored by Bel UK


Coffee sponsored by Nestlé Professional


Confectionery sponsored by Mondelez


Dairy sponsored by Kerry Foodservice


Flavoured Milk sponsored by FrieslandCampina


Hot Snacking sponsored by Kepak


Laundry sponsored by Unilever


OTC sponsored by Johnson & Johnson


RTDs sponsored by SHS Drinks


Soft Drinks sponsored by Coca-Cola Enterprises


Spirits sponsored by Diageo


Spreads sponsored by Unilever


Tobacco sponsored by Imperial Tobacco


Tea sponsored by Tata Global Beverages


Toiletries sponsored by Unilever


For more information on our Category Partners: www.cashandcarrymanagement.co.uk


Cash & Carry Management

• February 2014 • 23

category management

Meeting shoppers’ needs A leading wholesaler, a major buying group and the top delivered wholesaler to retailers air their views on a matter of vital importance to independents.

Filshill’s KeyStore members, including its new joint venture with Clydebank Co-op, can access planograms through its website.

Stuart Harrison, senior grocery buyer at Glasgow-based wholesaler JW Filshill, which services 172 KeyStore outlets in Scotland and six in north-east England, believes that category management has become “more important than ever before”. He adds: “This is because the major mults are coming into our sector in big numbers. Independents must have the right range in place in order to keep their customers. “A ‘true’ planogram is quite difficult to come by as most leading manufacturers show bias towards their own products, and this seems to be more the case in grocery.” In Harrison’s opinion, a lot of core range planograms that are available are designed to help suppliers hit their KPIs. “So to counteract this, we ask the two main suppliers from each category to send us their ideas. We then add our sales-out data into the equation and produce a planogram that is ‘true’. “We then allow our retailers to access these through our website and regularly feature them within our promotion books. “Recently, category management has been particularly important in the pet food and household categories. There have been so many changes in these sectors in recent times. Retailers have to be made aware of this, otherwise they will fall behind.” Harrison says that any changes to the core range planograms have to be justified. “NPD cannot go straight on; everything has to earn the right through consistent rate of sale, otherwise we risk losing out to a potentially better seller.”

options, “the customer has huge choice of where to shop for his/her food requirements. Retailers need to remember this. “Excellent category management is even more critical in small format stores, where space is at a premium. As a result, retailers need to be more selective with their ranging while minimising risk of lost sales. “In privately-owned businesses, this information can either be hard to come by or there is a deluge of data from suppliers, which can often be contradictory as they push their brands at the expense of those of their competitors. At times it can be very confusing for store owners.” Kinney advises: “Give an indication of what you, as a company/group, carry out on a regular basis in this respect.” He says that Today’s Group provides detailed and unbiased category advice to the whole of the independent convenience sector through its ‘industry leading’ Plan For Profit initiative. This has been in place for over eight years and is available in a free hard pocket-sized copy as well as online at www.Todaysplanforprofit.com “We ensure that no specific supplier is allowed to dominate any category purely by volume of lines but, much more importantly, each is included on merit by individual level of sales,” says Kinney. “The information within Plan For Profit is unbiased and informative in both its format and rationale. It is very highly regarded and supported by suppliers for this genuine category approach. We distribute in excess of 60,000 copies of the book to convenience retailers every year.” Kinney adds that the group also provides regional planograms for all store sizes and formats. “When supporting our wholesalers and their retailers during refurbishments, we will implement the category-based planograms featured within Plan For Profit. “Our work in this critical area was recognised at the him! wholesale awards 2013 where Today’s Group was recognised by retailers as Best in Class for category advice and

Exceeding expectations “Meeting and, where possible, exceeding customers’ expectations is critical in any business sector, and food retailing is no different,” says John Kinney, retail director of Today’s Group. He adds that, with around 55,000 independent outlets in the UK, as well as the multiples, discounters and online


• Cash & Carry Management • February 2014

Today’s provides regional planograms for all store formats.


category management information within the wholesale channel.” The group’s Plan For Profit category advice is regularly updated, says Kinney, who adds that it has “cascaded out to our symbol retailers via visits by our wholesalers’ business development managers and our field marketing teams, who call on all of our symbol stores every promotional period to review ranging and to identify any sales opportunities missed in store”. Asked for his opinion of the food & drink sectors that are most important when it comes to category management, he says it largely depends on the role the store is playing within its local catchment. “If it is able to include a full convenience offer and is being used by customers for regular top-up shopping, the priority categories most important to that store will differ to one that is being shopped as an impulse/CTN outlet.” Looking outside the box of soft drinks, confectionery and tobacco, he comments that fresh food, chilled ranges, bakery, fruit & veg, frozen products and hot food on the go are the categories which have become more important for local communities. “With the change in habits of the last few years, resulting in consumers shopping more locally and more frequently, top-up shopping in small format retailers must be more than about simply being ‘convenient’. Shopkeepers increasingly need to offer immediate meal solutions for families as well as ideas for inclusion in recipes.” Kinney adds that planograms provided by the leading suppliers can vary considerably. “Some suppliers take an objective category view while others are not so balanced! However, the issue is not solely about planograms, it is also about information provided to retailers, wholesalers and the sector as a whole from manufacturers and brand owners. Small format retailing is not subject to the same rules as ‘big box’ multiples formats.”

P&H says it is vital that retailers make the right choice about range.

Ian Daniels, business development controller at Palmer and Harvey, believes that category management is integral to the convenience sector as most stores have limited space to display product. “It is therefore vital that retailers ensure they are making the right choice regarding product range, by focusing more on breadth rather than depth. “By using a simple eight-step cycle of category management, which is well established within the retail sector, shopkeepers can ensure they maximise the efficiency of all the categories they have on offer and, if needs be, adapt or shorten the process to suit their business and the retail environment they trade in.“ These are the eight steps: 1. Define the category. Decide how many products you want to stock within the category and the space you have available within your store. 2. Assess the role of the category. Do you want the category to be prominent within your shop? For example, if you have just acquired a licence to sell alcohol, you will need to ‘make a statement’ by giving it a key location within your shop. Initially, you may require more space than the category

deserves, but this will help bring it to the attention of your customers. Once established, the space can be reduced to reflect actual sales. 3. Assess performance. For each category, look at sales and profit versus the space it occupies to help decide if the space is warranted. 4. Set targets and objectives. Decide what turnover level and target margins you hope to achieve now and in the future, and ensure they are balanced against any wastage (which will include pilferage). 5. Devise strategies. These should take into account pricing, promotions, use of point-of-sale, location (near a school or railway station) and/or competition. 6. Set category tactics. These should be short-term initiatives that may be in reaction to the activity of competition or other local activities (eg support of a charity or football club). 7. Implementation. Once steps 1-6 have been set up, and agreed, decide on when and how to implement them, ensuring all members of staff are engaged and supported. 8. Review. Measure the success of the previous steps and adjust accordingly. Which brings you full circle to step 1. Daniels comments: “At Palmer and Harvey, we have a large and varied number of customer types – from small kiosks and CTNs to the major supermarkets and specialist retailers – so it is vital we subscribe to various industry bodies which offer category insight identifying range and consumer trends. “Measuring historic sales is useful, but predicting future trends is also important. By doing so, we can be ready to satisfy customer demands, whether it is a new product range or a change in consumer shopping habits.” Daniels places confectionery and soft drinks as the major areas in category management, although he puts alcohol and chilled foods close behind, with fresh food also becoming more important. “And next year, tobacco will become increasingly critical, as stores under 3,000ft sq ‘go dark’.”


Cash & Carry Management

Integral to convenience

• February 2014 • 25







The numbers above show why getting their Baby category right is so important for retailers to make sure they don’t miss out on a key profit opportunity. Johnson & Johnson are one of the leading suppliers across the baby and toddler category and by following their tried and tested advice you can make sure your depot helps retailers to maximise the opportunity, meaning more cash through your tills.

Babycare is broken down into the following core sub-sectors: Nappies, Wipes, Food and Toiletries.







The critical elements for a depot to get right to maximise their sales to retailers are range and layout.

WHAT TO STOCK – THE RIGHT RANGE Busy mums shopping in the baby category will be specifically looking for the brands they know and trust to care for their children and therefore depot shelves need to reflect this. Equally a growing number of young adult females are choosing baby care brands to incorporate into their own beauty regime and retailers can appeal to these shoppers by stocking the leading national brands.



The leading three baby wipes brands account for over 45% of total sales with Johnson’s Baby Wipes holding a 13.5% share of the sector delivering 26% annual growth4. Johnson’s Baby Toiletries are the leading products within the sub-sector worth over £1.2m annually and securing over 73% value share4.

HOW TO STOCK IT – THE RIGHT LAYOUT Shoppers in a retail store are likely to shop across a range of baby products and want to do so quickly and easily. Therefore, depots can help retailers to understand how to maximise their fixtures in store by showing them best practice on depot fixtures.



BUT DON’T JUST TAKE OUR WORD FOR IT… Johnson & Johnson recently worked with Bestway to help grow their babycare sales through employing a combination of market data and local intelligence. Depot fixtures in Bestway branches were re-laid in line with the advice given above and sales within the category increased by over 40% following the changes. Commenting on the initiative Haleem Sadiq of Bestway stated:

“It was great to involve Johnson & Johnson in what we know is an important category for retailers and one which had real potential for growth. We were so impressed with the +40% growth in sales we saw in the three trial depots we were delighted to roll it out to another 15 branches!” Haleem Sadiq Category Manager Grocery, Household, Health & Beauty Bestway Group

Babycare is both a distress and planned purchase for shoppers in the growing convenience channel but shoppers are more likely to buy products they know well and can find easily. Depots can help retailers to attract and retain these valuable shoppers by ensuring they stock the products that convenience shoppers are looking for and merchandise them on fixture in a way that retailers can replicate in store. For more information on stocking Johnson & Johnson’s Baby range contact SHS Sales & Marketing. T: 01452 378500 E: info@shs-sales.co.uk W: shs-sales.co.uk

Sources: 1. J&J Internal Research 2012 | 2. Kantar Worldpanel to Dec 2011 | 3. IRI Value Total Market 52 weeks to 24.11.13 | 4. IRI Value Convenience 52 weeks to 24.11.13

The £2.4bn Top Tips to


Right Display Special Treat

Are your retailers stocking the correct range? • Allocate the right space by category to reflect market sales

Chocolate Biscuit Bars CBB

See diagram for guidelines

• Merchandise by reason to shop: Everyday Treat


Right Range

Stock the most popular brands and treat your customers! • Over 40% of spend is on Treatier biscuits:1 Make sure range reflects this

Top Up: Everyday, Chocolate Biscuit Bars Family Treat: Everyday Treat Special Occasion: Special Treat

Best Sellers 1. McVitie’s Jaffa Cakes - Treat 2. McVitie’s Choc Digestives - Treat 3. Kit Kat - CBBs 4. McVitie’s Digestives - Everyday 5. Cadbury Fingers - Special 6. McVitie’s Rich Tea - Everyday 7. McVitie’s Penguin - CBBs 8. Maryland Cookies - Treat 9. Cadbury Fabulous Fingers - Special 10. Jammie Dodgers - Treat

Over 75 years of Biscuit Excellence

Biscuit Opportunity! Boost Sales


Right Promotion

Drive impulse purchase • Back the best PMPs - 41% of shoppers want clearer pricing2 - Use PMPs to give reassurance of value • 86% of biscuits are eaten with a drink:3 - Promote near these categories! - Tempt customers with cross category promotions


A Big and Important Category • Biscuits - a massive £2.4bn market and growing4 • Bought by 99% of households 37 times a year4 • Branded growing 2.5x faster than 5 private label

Did you know…


of customers are influenced by promotions6

33 Did you know…


of customers buy on impulse7

burtonsbiscuits.com Sources: 1. IRI Impulse MAT 19 Jan 2013. 2. Independent Research Dec 2012. 3. Kantar 18 Sept 2012. 4. Total Biscuits £2.4bn +1%, 70% Snacking occasions headroom. Source: Kantar 23 Dec 2012. 5. Nielsen 52 WE MAT 4 Jan 2014. 6. IRI Impulse Outlets MAT to 27th Oct 2013. 7. HIM! 2013. All Cadbury trade marks and copyright owned by Cadbury UK Ltd and used under licence.

The Caribbean food and drink category on is worth £89.1 milli at g in ow gr and 8.9% YoY* •

Grace Foods UK is e the UK’s number on d an od fo an be Carib th drink supplier, wi of les annual retail sa * £31.8 million •

Grace Foods UK accounts for 36% of and all Caribbean food * UK e drink sold in th

ribbean Food * Source: IRI UK Afro-Ca il Sales and Drink Category, Reta ember 2013 Period MAT 52 w/e 7th Dec

NURISHMENT is the UK’s number one nutritionally enriched milk drink*, available in the iconic can and PET formats.

Grace Aloe Vera meets fast-growing consumer demand for more choice in functional drinks. Available in 500ml PET, rsp 99p.

For more details on how Caribbean food can boost sales in your store, call

01707 326 555 or visit our website


Encona Sauces is the UK’s best-selling hot pepper sauce*. A 4 month TV campaign starts on Channel 4 from February. Stock up now!

This year’s Caribbean Food Week runs from August 18 – 25. There’s never been a better time to stock up on the Caribbean food and drink that your customers will be looking for.

The planogram below sets out how you can merchandise the Caribbean fixture in-store, using market-leading brands to signpost the category, attracting both ethnic and mainstream shoppers. Block similar brands and products together and remember to make effective use of shelf ready packaging and POS.

MEETING THE NEEDS OF OUR SHARED FOODSERVICE CUSTOMER WHY PARTNER WITH BEL FOODSERVICE. Bel has been developing innovative ways to satisfy consumers’ appetites for new tastes, textures and flavours for over 150 years. As the third largest cheese manufacturer worldwide and producing



more cheese portions than any other supplier, Bel Foodservice has unrivalled insight into operators and their customers alike. Offering many of the UK’s most popular mass-market cheese brands, such as, Mini Babybel, The Laughing Cow, Leerdammer, Boursin and Port Salut, Bel Foodservice can drive your foodservice category growth.

A BIGGER SLICE OF THE CHEESE CATEGORY THE POPULARITY OF OUR BRANDS EXTENDS BEYOND THE LOYAL CONSUMER, with chefs, caterers and sandwich-makers across the foodservice sector choosing them as an essential staple in their operations. Through innovation in flavour and formats, Bel can pave the way to a better category solution, meeting the operational needstakes of a diverse range of foodservice outlets. Bel Foodservice’s range of recognised brands can help drive incremental profitability through increased margins and greater market share.



in terms of Value*

in terms of Value*




SPREADABLE AND SPECIALITY CHEESE in terms of Value for both segments*


2014 cheese retail value is expected to grow by 20%**


partly fuelled by premiumisation, convenience, flavour and healthier variants – operators are responding to their trends but their usage is broadening into cooking and snacking applications.

It’s a win win on health with Bel


Cheese is a great option at a time when health remains a topical consideration, 47% of consumers report that its health benefits outweigh the high fat content, the remaining consumers opting for lighter variant. Bel’s product offer responds to these growing consumer needs by offering lighter varieties across its core brands.

19,000 estimated tonnes of cheese

SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE IT IS CRITICAL TO TARGET YOUR CUSTOMERS INDIVIDUAL NEEDS whilst remaining relevant to all. Bel’s approach to the diverse foodservice market is founded on remaining operator-centric, ensuring only the right products, in the most convenient formats are available across core brands. All products are developed with operational constraints in mind, delivering peace of mind to the busy caterer on shelf life, storage and ease of serving as well as significantly reducing wastage through individual portions.


The third most important factor for consumers choosing a cheese is a brand they can trust Mintel 2013

*MAT 2014 04.01.14: NIELSEN **Mintel †Kantar World Panel ‡Allegra Strategies, June 2013

in sandwiches per annum, over 3b sandwiches sold out of home per annum Leerdammer Light contains 50% less fat than cheddar Around 70% of Mini Babybel meal occasions involve children† Cheese is the 2nd most popular filling for sandwiches at lunch in the UK‡

GROWING THE CATEGORY BROADENING THE OPERATOR’S RANGE THROUGH APPLICATION. Bel understands how the foodservice operator shops and offers the complete range to enable wholesalers to meet their needs. From offering chefs a choice of ingredients to give sauces a delicious creamy texture, to adding a touch of individuality to


the nation’s favourite cheese sandwich, whilst enabling caterers of all kinds to capitalise on the growing snacking opportunity with a range of portions and lunchbox solutions, Bel has the ultimate category solution.
















OUR BRANDS ENJOY UNIVERSAL APPEAL, demonstrated in the growth of Bel cheese by 17% in volume in the past three years in the UK. Reaching kids and adults alike, our brands are a

dependable choice for the operator front of house, and through a breadth of interesting flavours and textures they also make the perfect ingredient in sandwiches as well as classic dishes.

THE SHOPPER EXPERIENCE ENGAGING THE OPERATOR AT POINT OF PURCHASE. Encourage your customers to buy the products that will grow your category and don’t discount items that will sell anyway. The Bel Foodservice range is requested for by brand, each of

our products has its own special place on the operator’s menu. Bel works in partnership with many of the foodservice industry leading associations, driving interest and sales through targeted marketing campaigns throughout the year.


Steps to sweet success... The UK confectionery market is worth over £4.8bn* so make sure your depot gets its share.

Confectionery Top Tips Availability is key - always have a core range in stock Highlight the best sellers Encourage retailers to focus on a strong core range covering countlines, gifting and sharing products Make the most of each seasonal opportunity Ensure NPD and promotional products are stocked in advance of consumer media

Cadbury top ten recommended must stock countlines: in nes: nes: 1 Cadbury Twirl 2 Cadbury Wispa 3 Cadbury Double Decker 4 Cadbury Crunchie 5 Cadbury Freddo 6 Cadbury Dairy Milk 7 Cadbury Fudge 8 Cadbury Wispa Gold Cr 9 Cadbury Dairy Milk Marvellous Creations 10 Cadbury Boost For the full Mondelez International core range recommended list go to www.deliciousdisplay.co.uk/tools

Offer choice by stocking both price-marked and non-price-marked packs Advise retailers about spending strategy: some retailers go for products with the highest profit margins, but that’s not always the best approach - a great margin on a product that doesn’t sell isn’t helpful

For great retailer category advice go to www.deliciousdisplay.co.uk Supporting convenience retailers online 24/7 Confectionery • Cheese • Biscuits • Hot Beverages

0870 600 0699

Speak to suppliers for support and information Offer educational material to retailers in depot

*The Nielsen Company, Total Coverage Value MAT to w/e 28.12.13


TV Introducing Cadbury’s biggest launch of the year!

Heavyweight TV, Outdoor media and sampling From the nation’s No.1 Chocolate brand**

Cadbury Dairy Milk combined with LU sweet biscuits or Ritz moreish crackers *based on spend and support **Nielsen Total Chocolate, Uk total coverage MAT 2.11.13

For information and great category advice go to

www.deliciousdisplay.co.uk OV8990

Created by you. Made with Kerrymaid The complete dairy range for chefs. Kerrymaid is the professional range of dairy ingredients developed by chefs, for chefs. Created specifically for foodservice, Kerrymaid is a trusted brand that operators can rely on to deliver consistent, quality ingredients every time. In a recent survey, caterers confirmed the most important factors when buying dairy were consistency, taste profile and value for money, and almost a third of respondents used foodservice-specific products.

Whipping the competition Kerrymaid’s range of cream alternatives include Single, Double and Whipping, to cater for all chefs’ needs. The portfolio of products is driving incremental growth within the category. During a six-month period, Kerrymaid has developed a 15% market share in a UK cash and carry, demonstrating the quality and uptake of products by caterers.

Kerrymaid Custard also boasts a creamy taste and texture and is ready-to-serve, hot or cold.

Key cream cr alternative benefits:

ü Does not split with acidic or alcoholic ingredients*

ü All the taste of fresh fr cream

ü Consumer preferred - voted best looking and best tasting creams**

ü Excellent carrier of flavours ü Bain-marie and microwave stable micr ü Freeze/thaw stable F

ü Whips to three times its volume* ü No hydrogenated fats

The number one melt Kerrymaid Original Slices are the market leader in branded slices. They provide the perfect melt for burgers, adding great taste and structure, and are easily peelable for quick service.


*Whipping and Double **Single and Whipping, in research by Cambridge Direction 2012 † Spreads, in research by Cambridge Direction 2013

Kerrymaid Grated is more heat stable than a standard cheddar so do not oil out. Kerrymaid Grated Red and White boast a smooth and creamy melt, ideal for lasagne, pasta bakes or jacket potato fillings. Kerrymaid Pizza Grate has great stretch and melt qualities, and its great taste complements a range of pizza toppings.

Spread the word Kerrymaid has redefined the spreads category based on what matters to caterers, and has conducted independent research† in order to fully understand their needs. Chefs choose a spread based on its usage occasion, incorporating spreading, baking, cooking and front of house exposure. Secondary decision-making tends to focus on cost, taste and performance.

Half of caterers were single spread a ead users so required r product oduct for spreading, eading, baking and cooking. They need a quality,, multi purpose spread ead that is convenient, time-effective and saves space in the fridge.

Kerrymaid Buttery Spreads, bakes and cooks A multipurpose spread with the great taste of Irish butter: Spreads – straight from the fridge with the creamy eamy taste of Irish butter Bakes – for the best-tasting, baked products across a breadth of recipes ecipes Cooks – melt and heat stable, does not burn and no residue From our insight with chefs, we know that half of caterers need specialist products for specific applications, so have developed a spreads range to meet the demands of every professional kitchen.

Kerrymaid Soft & Spreadable

Kerrymaid Premium Baking

Kerrymaid Mini Portions

Lower in saturated fat

For the serious baker

Front of house

The lighter option, ideal for spreading straight from the fridge, with a delicious buttery taste and only 30% fat

Made specifically for cakes, pastries and pies with 75% vegetable fat spread. Includes an easy-to-measure guide on pack

The great creamy taste of Irish butter in convenient 10g portion sizes that spread straight from the fridge, with less mess than foils

Spread the Word @KerrymaidUK

The range of Kerrymaid spreads offers cash and carries the complete portfolio to meet the demands of all foodservice customers, whatever their needs. Irish Dairy Craft


Deliciously Good With more and more young adults now buying into the category, now is the time to reap the rewards from flavoured milk. Predominantly a product bought on impulse in the convenience channel whilst on the go, flavoured milks are growing +15.2%* YOY and at a faster rate than total soft drinks (in decline -0.9%) offers a clear opportunity for retailers to drive growth. With 9 out of 10** independent convenience retailers purchasing their flavoured milk from cash & carry wholesalers, ensure there is clear, dedicated space in depot and offer promotional deals that will help drive value through the category by avoiding too deep penetrations. Be sure to keep up with the growth of online; with 1 in 4** retailers now using this channel to shop, make sure you’re not missing out by making the category easy to shop and the deals easy to find.

leader within the convenience channel’

Milking the Rewards

Make yours a YAZOO

By siting flavoured milks in both front of store and in the dairy chiller (to meet different shopper missions) convenience retailers should expect to see sales more than double. Boost visibility for star performers, grabbing the attention of impulse buyers at fixture to grow sales through conversion rates. Make sure the 1 in 10*** shoppers visiting a convenience store for a grab-and-go purchase can quickly find what they want to guarantee they don’t leave empty handed by increasing visibility on shelf through the use of branded POS. And make sure you stock up on their favourites! 35% of shoppers stated they would leave the store if what they wanted is not on shelf.

YAZOO is the clear brand leader for the independent convenience retailer and commands a majority volume share of 64.3%1 , enjoying double digit value and volume growth year on year. In a recent U&A study young adults said they would prefer to have a YAZOO with food, because of its thinner more refreshing consistency and that it also provided a refreshing hit on its own. With a rate of sale nearly 3 times more than its closest competitor make sure you are stocking YAZOO.

Flavoured milks are the popular choice for many consumption occasions; in the morning, as a mid-morning snack, with lunch and as an afternoon snack. Take this opportunity to increase volume through offering different sizes to meet these varying needs of the convenience shopper. YAZOO is available in a great range of formats; the 475ml size bottles hit the spot with the on-the-go drinking moment or throughout day pick me up, and for those with a slightly bigger appetite and a great pour and share option, there is the 1 litre bottle.

‘YAZOO is the clear brand

Mintel predicts the flavoured milk category will continue to grow, reaching an expected £300 million by 2015. YAZOO will continue to provide retailers with category leading advice based on consumer and shopper insights, driving innovation in 2014 with a new shopper marketing campaign and introducing a new addition to the YAZOO family. For further information please call 01403 273273 or email yazoo@FrieslandCampina.com

* Kantar Worldpanel, Food on the Go, 52 weeks 05.01.14 ** Independent Retailer Research, Friesland Campina Nov 2013 ***HIM! Convenience Shopper Profiles


IRI Convenience 52 w/c



The refreshingly tasty milk drink which hits the spot. With over 1 in 4 flavoured milk shoppers buying YAZOO**, no wonder it is the number 1 choice with retailers!

STOCK UP NOW TO MILK THE REWARDS *Based on WRSP of ÂŁ5.99 for 10x475ml **Kantar World Panel 07.07.13



WHy HQT IS SO RELEVANT The growth in any-time-of-day snacking provides a major opportunity to boost chilled food sales. Lifestyle changes have led to: Major growth in consumer demand for new product types and formats New shopping missions heavily influenced by the new products that are available The emergence of the new category (Hot, Quick & Tasty) which needs to be clearly defined and effectively merchandised


“HQT is one of the most significant developments in convenience chilled food retailing for decades.” John Armstrong, Marketing Director, Kepak Convenience Foods

know... Did you

the fridge umers go to s n co k e e w Every twice as rink almost d d n a d o fo for upboard y go to the c e h t s a n e ft o upboard sits vs. 24 c (42 fridge vi uld d fixture sho *4 ), so the chille s visit tore. cus in your s fo r jo a m a e b






Source: Source: *1 – IRI 52 w/e December 8 2013; *2 – IRI 52 w/e November 10 vs 52 w/e November 15 2009; *3 Kantar world panel 52 w/e October 13, 2013 *4 Kantar Worldpanel Spring 2012/13.


Focus on availability


• Make sure there is good availability of the core range products on and off promotions.

• Kepak is working closely with depots to offer retailers the optimum choice of micro snacking products.

• Educate retailers on the importance of driving availability.

• The focus is on presenting market-leading products such as Rustlers at their very best, drawing retailers’ attention to core range best-sellers such as the Rustlers Quarter Pounder, BBQ Rib and Chicken Sandwich.

Enhance visibility • Use POS at the main fixture all year round and pallet displays off the main fixture for key promotions. • Use standees outside the chilled room to drive footfall into the chiller. • Work with suppliers to provide retailers with POS to help drive category visibility.

• Ensure that retailers know what the must stock lines are.

Clearly communicate retailer POR • Ensure SELs are in place as they clearly communicate price and assist in reordering.






For further details or FREE POS please get in touch: 01772 688 300



spend a few min laundry fixture an what is Partners for Growth? It is estimated that retailers miss out on ÂŁ1.2 billion every year in lost sales as a result of consumers not being able to find the products they want. 1

Unilever Partners for Growth aims to benefit both the trade and the consumer by offering advice to address this issue. It is based on data which is gathered independently, providing unbiased advice which has been proven to increase sales, time after time. Partners for Growth has been voted winner of the Best Merchandising Advice Award by Cash & Carry Management readers from 2007 - 2012. To find out what it can do for you visit partnersforgrowth.unilever.com

laundry our category expert advice

advice from the retailer advisory panel Customers only have a limited amount of available space and welcome advice on how to make the best use of this to maximise profitability. Help your customers to select a core range which has a number of format choices in main wash products plus fabric conditioners, stain remover, and hand wash powder. If they are looking for help on shelf layouts, Partners for Growth has different sizes available on the website.


Most convenience stores stock products for main wash, in particular powder products, but are losing out on potential sales of other formats, such as liquids and capsules, as well as products like stain removers and fabric softeners. Convenience retailers would benefit from advice, in depot, on how to broaden their range to suit a changing range of needs.

Powders are still the largest sector of the market, 2 accounting for 37% of value sales . However, shoppers have been quick to adopt the new formats of concentrated liquids which now account for 18% of the category. Liquids and Gels combined now have a 37% 2 value share of the total market . Their growth in popularity justifies their inclusion on shelf, but retailers can be conservative and need support for from their cash & carry to change their own buying habits to match that of their shoppers.


Whilst consumers accept that they often pay more for the convenience of shopping locally, they are less inclined to do this on large items such as laundry. Offering price marked packs gives retailers an opportunity to reassure their customers that they are still getting great value too.

recommended 2 b Stain removers & special wash Liquid

Gel Capsules

Tablets Powders

partnersforgrowth.unilever.com 1. HIM Data 2. IRI 52 w/e 21st Dec 2013

nutes on your nd you’ll clean up!

laundry best sellers


powder Persil Non Bio 10 wash Surf Tropical 10 wash Daz 680g

liquid Persil Small & Mighty Non Bio 525ml Surf Small & Mighty Tropical 560ml Surf Lavender & Spring Jasmine 560ml

gel Ariel Bio 16 wash

tablet Persil Non Bio 9 wash

capsule Persil Non Bio 10 wash Ariel Bio 12 wash

key facts and tips Offer a product for each wash stage, ie prewash treatment, main wash and conditioning Stock a choice of different formats – powder, gel, capsules etc – as some shoppers will swap fragrance but not format Fragrance is an important factor to shoppers so ensure your range features some products which meet this need It can be difficult for shoppers to see which product does what, so keep detergents together, fabric conditioners together etc

fabric conditioner Comfort Blue Skies 750ml Comfort Pure 750ml Lenor Summer Breeze 750ml

wash treatment Vanish Oxi Action Multi Stain Remover 500g

recommended one-shelf retail layout Powder




Fabric Conditioner

Include a non-bio product to ensure that someone looking for a product for sensitive skin can make a purchase

recommended two-shelf retail layout

ay wholesale layout

Wash Aid

Fabric Conditioner



Fabric Conditioner Powder





for more planograms visit our website

THE REMEDY FOR SUCCESSFUL SALES As the UK population grows millions of consumers every week are choosing to treat symptoms at home rather than visit the doctor and that’s across a wide range of ailments, not just the traditional winter coughs and colds. Sales of over-the-counter remedies grew by almost 4%¹ in 2013 as consumers bought products throughout the year to treat symptoms related to allergies, upset tummies, infant pain and congestion. Johnson & Johnson are a leading supplier of over-the-counter remedies supplying brands such as Benylin, Benadryl, Imodium, Calpol and Sudafed to depots and independent retailers across the country.

THE SIZE OF THE PRIZE – MARKET NUMBERS Some of the key sectors that make up the Over The Counter (OTC) category are:

Pain Relief, Cough & Cold, Gastro-Intestinal, First-Aid and Allergy Relief

£2.4bn £10m+ £2m+














WHAT TO STOCK – THE RIGHT RANGE Convenience is becoming increasingly important to shoppers, not just in choosing where to shop, but also what to buy. 55% of shoppers will select a brand because it has previously helped ease their symptoms and increasingly consumers are looking for products which treat a range of symptoms in one dose, especially in the case of coughs and colds³. Therefore, it is very likely that shoppers will be looking for well-known brands such as Sudafed, Imodium, Calpol and Benylin when selecting medicines to treat their symptoms and they expect to find them in their local store.

Therefore to enable retailers to stock the products that their shoppers will be looking for depots should have a range of the leading brands available across the key sub-sectors.


HOW TO STOCK IT – THE RIGHT LAYOUT Although there are some seasonal fluctuations within the OTC category, consumers suffer from allergies in winter as well as spring and shoppers still need cold and flu remedies in the summer. So ensuring that depots have an easy to shop fixture all year round is critical in helping retailers to provide the best range for their shoppers.


OTC Remedies are increasingly important for shoppers wanting fast relief from a range a symptoms without visiting a doctor. Equally shoppers expect to find the brands they know and trust to treat those symptoms in their local store. Depots can help retailers to attract and retain these valuable shoppers by ensuring they stock the leading, national brands and merchandise them on fixture in a way that retailers can replicate in store.

For more information on stocking Johnson & Johnson’s OTC range contact SHS Sales & Marketing. Sources: 1. IRI OTC £ MAT to June 2013 2. IRI OTC £ MAT Impulse to 23 Nov 2013 3. J&J Internal Research 2013

T: 01452 378500 E: info@shs-sales.co.uk W: shs-sales.co.uk

want to open more stock the right range business? and think about good space and layout top tips for space and layout in depot Sector block by need state (see flow below) and give more space to best sellers Brand block within sector, with best sellers first in flow Help customers find what they want quickly by sign-posting sectors and using bay branding Use great POS to maximise promotions, highlight the best sellers and new products Offer customers category advice on maximising Soft Drinks sales

Energy & Sports


Flavoured Carbonates & Lemonade


Water & Squashes


Mixers & Licensed Products

Flow Coca-Cola, Coke, Coke Zero and Diet Coke the design of the Coca-Cola Contour Bottle and the Dynamic Ribbon device are registered trade marks of The Coca-Cola Company.


The Top 30 immediate consumption products deliver 48% of retailers sales.* So make sure you stock the bestsellers.

top tips for range in depot Maintain 100% availability of best sellers The right range should include plain and Price Marked Packs

Top 30 Immediate Consumption Soft Drinks*

Top 5 Take Home Soft Drinks* Soft Drinks is a key category within Wholesale and Cash & Carry. It is the most common category in shoppers’ baskets as well as the most common category bought on impulse Our Open More Business Soft Drinks MOT Checklist is a ďŹ ve minute self-assessment scorecard and is available to all retailers across GB. It gives them the opportunity to see if they can maximise sales mileage from their existing Soft Drinks range The scorecard includes the Top 30 IC and Top 5 FC Soft Drinks. Retailers will be looking for these brands so open more business for yourself and your customers and stock the bestsellers

For more information call Customer Services on 08705 33 66 99

Sources: *AC Nielsen MAT w/e 28.12.13, independents immediate consumption packs excluding own labels.

with category advice from Cash & Carry customer needs1:

Ways to meet these needs

1. Shopping to a list of must-have SKUs.

1. Stock the top-selling brands.

2. Looking out for the best offers and a way to provide value for money for their shoppers.

2. Stock a range of price marked packs and provide clear pricing communication on shelf

3. Keeping in touch with the marketplace and seeking what’s new.

3. Draw attention to new, different and growing products.

Follow these 3 steps to meet your cash & carry customer’s needs

Stock the best-sellers2.

1. Smirnoff Red Label 70cl 2. Glen’s 70cl

1. Bell’s Original 70cl 2. The Famous Grouse 70cl

1. Courvoisier VS 70cl 2. Three Barrels 70cl

1. Gordon’s 70cl 2. Gordon’s 1l

1. Jack Daniel’s 70cl 2. Jack Daniel’s 35cl

1. Bacardi 70cl 2. Bacardi 35cl

1. Captain Morgan Original Spiced Gold Rum 70cl 2. Captain Morgan’s Dark Rum 70cl

1. Southern Comfort 70cl 2. Malibu 70cl

1. Jagermeister 70cl 2. Disaronno 50cl

1. Baileys 70cl 2. Irish Meadow 70cl

The BELL’S, CapTain Morgan originaL SpiCEd goLd, SMirnoff, gordon’S, BaiLEYS, piMM’S and JoHnniE WaLKEr rEd LaBEL words and associated logos are trade marks. © diagEo 2014

(35cl and 20cl) account for 31% of total spirits sales2. is the fastest-growing segment within Beers, Wines & Spirits2.

Shoppers increasingly expect value for money3. • PMPs offer a way for retailers to demonstrate value for money for their customers (57% of shoppers agree)4. • PMPs also improve shopper’s price perception and trust in convenience stores. all prIce marKed pacKs are recommended retaIl prIces and are also aVaIlaBle In standard non prIce marKed pacKs.

Visible pricing is a key factor in the decision to purchase1.

top tIp!

Wholesalers should highlight products that are new, different and growing to help their customers keep in touch with the marketplace.

Retailers can be tempted to go ‘off-list’ by new or growing products1.

Real gold in every bottle

Real Belgian chocolate

top tIp! Sources: 1. Diageo Cash & Carry Shopper Understanding Project with ShopperCentric, Dec 2012; 2. Based on Nielsen ScanTrack Convenience value sales, 52 w/e 07.12.13; 3. IGD Convenience Retailing, 2013; 4. HIM! Price Marked Pack Study, 2013.

World’s No. 1 spirit brand

get a 40% bigge from your sprea what is Partners for Growth? 1

It is estimated that retailers miss out on £1.2 billion every year in lost sales as a result of consumers not being able to find the products they want. Unilever Partners for Growth aims to benefit both the trade and the consumer by offering advice to address this issue. It is based on data which is gathered independently, providing unbiased advice which has been proven to increase sales, time after time. Partners for Growth has been voted winner of the Best Merchandising Advice Award by Cash & Carry Management readers from 2007 - 2012. To find out what it can do for you visit partnersforgrowth.unilever.com

spreads our category expert advice

advice from the retailer advisory panel With limited available space in a chiller, each product needs to ensure that it earns its place through fast sales and decent profits. Help your customers to see which are the best selling products in the market and offer guidance on keeping chillers clean and tidy as shoppers can be put off buying chilled goods if they are kept in a grubby fridge. If they are looking for help on shelf layouts, Partners for Growth has different sizes available on the website.

Butters and spreads are bought by nearly every household in the UK, making this category extremely valuable. As a kitchen essential, a high proportion of purchases are ‘need it now’, with consumers having to stock up quickly for packed lunches or baking. An amazing 90% of shoppers already know what brand they want before they set foot inside the store.

Over recent years, more food is being consumed out of home. However concerns over family finances have prompted many to make a return to the lunchbox. The economic downturn has also driven a return to home baking, with strong growth in baking cupcakes, birthday cakes and brownies. Depots should ensure they can capitalize on this by stocking baking spreads, and encouraging retailers to stock them too.

Shoppers’ choice of which spreads to buy depends on their attitudes to taste and health. So it is vital that the brands you offer reflect the breadth of their tastes. Sticking to a tight range of popular brands and formats in all four product groups, and presenting them in a logical way, will bring success to this category.

recommended 2 b Block Butter

Spreadable Butter

partnersforgrowth.unilever.com 1. HIM Data 2. IRI 52 w/e 21st Dec 2013

r slice of profit ds fixture

spreads best sellers2 butter Lurpak Spreadable 250g Lurpak Lighter Slightly Salted Spreadable 250g Lurpak Slightly Salted 250g Anchor Butter 250g

buttery spreads Clover 500g Utterly Butterly 500g I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter 500g

health Flora Original 500g Flora Light 500g Flora Buttery 500g Bertolli 500g

key facts and tips Stock the most popular brands and formats Make it easy for customers to find the products they want by grouping relevant products together, ie butter, buttery spreads, spreadable butter, healthy spreads, baking

baking Stork Tub 500g

recommended one-shelf retail layout Butter

Buttery Spreads

Keep chillers full and clean at all times



Butters and margarines are often purchased when browsing for other items so use visual reminders like point of sale or promotions to encourage purchase

recommended two-shelf retail layout

ay wholesale layout

Retailer Baking Choice



Buttery Spreads


Buttery Spreads


for more planograms visit our website

Work ing toge ther to help grow your tobacco sales Greg Fuller, Head of Route to Market at Imperial Tobacco comments;

Delivered wholesalers and cash & carry depots play a vital part within the tobacco supply chain, from tobacco manufacturers such as Imperial Tobacco to the independent retailers in our communities, as more than half of total UK cigarette sales go through the distributive sector.

At Imperial Tobacco, helping our wholesalers’ customers is more important to us than ever before, especially in respect of potential legislative changes which could affect the distributive channel, such as the European Union Tobacco Products Directive (EUTPD).

Gr o w y our t ob a c c o s a l e s Greg continues:

Tobacco is a major footfall generator for retailers. The distributive channel is an essential component in ensuring retailers can cater for adult smokers’ demands. Try activating these initiatives to maximise tobacco sales.

VISIBILITY AND AVAILABILITY in the tobacco category are incredibly important. Stock needs to be on shelf, organised and tidy in your tobacco room. Implementing an efficient stock replenishment process and recognising peak periods will help improve your on shelf availability. STAFF TRAINING is essential. In a competitive market place delivering best service through well informed, friendly staff is vital to customer retention.

Make use of the POINT-OF-SALE materials (POS) provided by suppliers. Posters, floor mats, free standing display units, counter units, shelf strips, shelf wobblers and leave behind leaflets are just some examples of how you can engage with your customers within the tobacco display area.

TALK TO YOUR CUSTOMERS By taking the time to speak to your retail customers you are showing them that you value their business. It will also help you find out ways in which you can better meet their needs.

P l ay e r’s – Inno vat ion a nd e x c e l l e nc e “Economy priced cigarette brands account for over 43% of all cigarette sales,* driven by increasing numbers of value-seeking consumers. This trend looks set to continue in 2014 with Player’s leading the way. The Player’s range has seen some major innovations this past year starting with Player’s Smooth being made available in King Size and Super King Size 19s, reflecting the growing popularity of adult smokers who seek a quality blend cigarette, at a competitive price.”

Greg concludes: “The entire Player’s range is now available to purchase in a new modern pack design to appeal to modern tobacco shoppers. Currently, 85%** of independent retailers are already stocking Player’s; Player’s Smooth and Full Flavour offer valuable profit opportunities for wholesalers and retailers alike.” *Source: ITUK September 2013 Estimates **Source: ITUK visit data January 2014

For Tobacco Traders Only

PMP/RRP: For the avoidance of doubt, customers are free at all times to determine the selling price of their products.


Working together to fight illicit trade

GROW YOUR TEA SALES Tea is an important stock item and a top three top-up buy for shoppers. A simple review of what you are selling could be good ne news for your business.

GOOD TO KNOW • Nearly 95% of tea sold in impulse is everyday black tea, choose the right brand. • Green teas are becoming popular, sales in impulse have grown 10.7%. • Sales of speciality teas like Earl Grey are growing too, sales are up 5.1% in impulse.

Top 1 T 10 0 Impulse SKUs - Volume V

Supplier Performance

Latest % MAT Change


912 t



603 t



377 t



376 t



370 t



170 t



123 t



119 t


9 TYPHOO 80s

96 t



90 t



% Share*


1,767 t

39.0 %


1,454 t



552 t



332 t



118 t

2.6% *Latest MAT

OFFER VALUE Your customers are looking for value, so look for product promotions that will appeal to your customers and give them a good deal with price marked packs, extra free and strike through prices.


1 Shelf

3 Shelf 2 Shelf

Stock the best sellers of each type of tea you sell and block brands together. This way your customers can find what they want easily and you will increase ease the chance of them buying what you stock.

Source: AC Nielsen EPOS Data to January 4 2014 *tonnage

Driving standards in foodservice Tetley is the nation’s favourite tea brand and is found in more than a third* of all kitchen cupboards. As such, Tetley provides valuable recognition for operators who serve the blend out of home.

The tea market out of home me Black Tea remains the top seller, with Tetley 1100 and 440 pack sizes proving the most popular SKUs in catering. As the number one brand for decaffeinated tea – with a 28% value share of a growing £37 million market – Tetley has recently launched its Decaf blend in larger 440 0 packs for foodservice, to meet growing demand. Consumers expect to see a choice of blends and Tetley also offers a wide range including Earl Grey, English Breakfast, Redbush and Green, alongside a selection of Fruit and Herbals.

the number one brand for decaffeinated tea

We’re Stronger Together - Make Time, Make Tetley

Enjoy Tetley Enjoy Tetley Sweet CranberryOriginal tea here tea here

y Tetle Enjoy reen G e Pur ere te a h


and Ruby red blend that’s light, refreshing bursting with luscious red fruit flavours.

Enjoy Te Peppe tley rmint tea he re

TETLEY ORIGINAL That great, traditional Tetley taste that’s been the nation’s favourite for 175 years.

A refr esh only



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Tea Strut


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08/10/2013 16:48


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Support to operators Tetley is dedicated to championing the quality of tea in foodservice through educating and sharing industry expertise. The Tetley Tea Academy provides an online resource for operators and has become a valuable tool, emphasising the importance of a good cup of tea served just the way the customer likes. Tetley also offers a range of free POS and loyalty cards to support operators.

Tea and food trends 64% of all cups of tea sold are with a snack***. Afternoon teas have experienced huge growth, now popular across various outlets including cafes, pubs and restaurants. Visit the Tetley Tea Academy for tea and food pairing suggestions.

Key drivers in foodservice


Health by stealth

The rise of breakfast


Tetley research shows that asking, ‘How do you take your tea?’ ensures customer satisfaction and repeat purchases from a brand they know and love.

Decaf taps into this trend, where operators promote ‘healthier’ options without compromising on flavour. Redbush and Green Tea are also popular alternatives.

A third of tea is consumed at breakfast, a growing occasion, up by 4.4% in 2012.** Everyday black tea, including English Breakfast Tea, remains popular.

Tetley is a member of the Rainforest Alliance and Ethical Tea Partnership and proudly displays the Follow the Frog logo on its packaging.

* Nielson November 2013 ** Horizons 2012 *** Kantar 2012

www.tetleyteaacademy.co.uk | @TetleyTeaOOH

freshen-up your and you could c what is Partners for Growth? 1

It is estimated that retailers miss out on £1.2 billion every year in lost sales as a result of consumers not being able to find the products they want. Unilever Partners for Growth aims to benefit both the trade and the consumer by offering advice to address this issue. It is based on data which is gathered independently, providing unbiased advice which has been proven to increase sales, time after time. Partners for Growth has been voted winner of the Best Merchandising Advice Award by Cash & Carry Management readers from 2007 - 2012. To find out what it can do for you visit partnersforgrowth.unilever.com


advice from the retailer advisory panel Shoppers buy the majority of their toiletries as part of their main shop or at specialist high street retailers but still use their local convenience store when they run out or to top up. With toiletries in particular, shoppers are looking to buy the brands that they normally use and that they trust to perform well. Therefore it is important for retailers get their range selection right to optimise cash flow and satisfy shoppers. If they are looking for help on range and shelf layouts, Partners for Growth has different sizes available on the website.

our category expert advice

Top-up purchases form a large part of convenience sales, so it’s important to stock products which meet this need. The best range for convenience is one which features the top two or three products in each of the main subsections of toiletries, i.e. deodorants, haircare, skincare, shower, bath etc. As a wholesaler, you should encourage your customers to stock a range like this, which will meet the needs of the maximum number of shoppers.

Stocking male toiletries is an important opportunity too, as men tend to be more brand loyal and spend more per product. It also opens up two avenues of spend because they’re not sharing their partners’ products. The biggest part of the washing and bathing category is shower products, but bath products still have a role to play as people look to find affordable ways to indulge themselves.

recommended 2 b Male Grooming Male Deos

Keep an eye out for promotional opportunities such as Fathers’ Day, Mothers’ Day, Movember etc and use displays or point of sale to prompt the purchase of appropriate toiletries.



Bath & Shower Bath & Shower

partnersforgrowth.unilever.com 1. HIM Data 2. IRI 52 w/e 21st Dec 2013

toiletries fixture lean-up

toiletries best sellers2 deos & bodysprays Lynx Africa 150ml (anti-perspirant) Sure Compressed Invisible Ice 125ml Lynx Africa 150ml (bodyspray) Sure Compressed Crystal Aqua 125ml Sure Compressed Cotton Fresh 125ml Dove Compressed Original 125ml Dove Compressed Invisible 125ml Impulse Tease 75ml Impulse Hint of Musk 75ml shampoo & conditioner Head & Shoulders Classic Clean 2 In 1 250ml Alberto Balsam Sunkissed Raspberry (shampoo) Alberto Balsam Sunkissed Raspberry (conditioner) hair styling Silvikrin Maximum Hold Hairspray soap, bath & shower Lynx Africa 250ml (shower) Radox Shower Refresh 250ml Radox Shower Moisturise 250ml Dove Beauty Bar 100g

key facts and tips

Carex Original Liquid Handwash 250ml skin, hands & lips

Keep men’s products together so that they are easy to find, if they can’t find what they are looking for they will leave empty handed

ay wholesale layout

Vaseline Essential Moisture 200ml Nivea Soft 75ml Vaseline Lip Therapy Original Neutrogena Hand Cream 75ml

recommended one-shelf retail layout Men’s toiletries

Female deos

Soap, bath & shower

Skin care


Use the best seller list to identify fast selling products so you don’t tie up cash on-shelf for too long

E45 Cream 50g


Stick to well known brands as these will attract shoppers

Simple Cleansing Face Wipes


Make sure that shoppers know you sell toiletries by putting them in a highly visible area of the stores or by using PoS to attract attention


Skin Care Female Deos


recommended two-shelf retail layout Men’s toiletries

Female deos & bodyspray


Shampoo & Conditioner

Feminine Care

Hair Wash

Hair Styling

Bath & shower

Skin Care


Hair Wash

Fem Care

for more planograms visit our website

• In 2014 Maltesers® – the No.1 best-selling Bitesize brand* – is partnering with Britain’s Got Talent – the UK’s biggest** TV show of 2013 • On-pack promotion to WIN VIP Tickets to the LIVE shows + 1,000s of other prizes • Supported by a £2m media campaign, including TV, press & in-store

*IRI SIG Extended Snack Outlets 52 w/e 03/13. **% Share of viewers watching. BRITAIN’S GOT TALENT ®FremantleMedia Ltd and Simco Ltd. ®Maltesers is a registered trademark ©Mars 2014.

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