Cash and Carry Management

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The Government has launched its consultation on plain packaging, which is open until 10th July 2012.

? UK



Example of current Benson & Hedges Gold 20s pack

Example of what ‘plain packaging’ could look like if introduced in the UK

Example of ‘plain packaging’ to be introduced from October 2012

The impact on illicit trade

• Moves to take branding off of packs will make it easier to make fakes – price will become the main drive rather than quality • Organised criminal gangs will profit by taking money out of retailers tills


The impact on legitimate retailers • Increased business costs through longer transaction times, complex store management and higher security risks • Damage competition in the market, by creating an increased focus on price • Fewer legitimate sales as counterfeit and smuggling increase, reducing associated purchases such as confectionery and soft drinks

Layering of legislation And now talk of REDUCING THE BRANDING ON CIGARETTES! Ban on display in small shops


Ban on display in large shops

April 2012

Picture health warnings


Public places smoking ban


Increase age of sale


Advertising ban


Enlarged health warnings


Taxation increases


Tell your MP – visit, call, email or write to your MP to tell them how this would impact your business

“The tobacco industry is at the forefront of legislation at the moment but recent media coverage shows that other categories that convenience store retailers rely on to maintain a profitable business are under pressure. Retailers should engage in the debate to protect their legitimate business interests.” Jeremy Blackburn, JTI

To find out who your MP is visit or telephone 0207 219 3000

Respond to the Government’s consultation

contents Don’t blame the C&Cs! To use an athletics analogy, they’re all in their starting blocks and ready to go. It’s the Olympics Games we’re talking about – just two months away – and everyone who’s anyone will have worked out ways of cashing in on the biggest extravaganza this country has seen since the major sporting event was last held in this country in 1948. Several major suppliers, like Procter & Gamble and Cola-Cola, will have their accountants on standby to work out how much extra revenue they will have generated over the fortnight. Yet there are whispers from some independent retailers in the London area that cash & carries are approaching the Big Day with a less than enthusiastic attitude and that little is being done by certain operators to help their customers benefit from what should be an avalanche of extra business. I’m not sure what these indies expect of their lords and masters: 20% more off promotional prices, free delivery over a 50-mile radius any time day or night, fascias fitted gratis and extra stock if they join the C&C firm’s retail club? They have to realise that if the C&C/wholesalers are not being seduced by the manufacturers then how can they pass on benefits and inducements themselves? A Mars seminar to see what independent retailers – a few close to the main Olympics site – feel about the event elicited negative comments. Perhaps the retailers themselves need to be quicker off the mark and not pass the baton, er sorry, buck.

Who will be the main beneficiaries of the Olympic Games? See Leader this page.


4–7 Just three DBC depots remain ... JJ Food Service hits £180m mark ... Grimes on Landmark board ... FWD conference programme ... Duty fraud discussed in Westminster ... Booker attackers sent to jail ... Gateshead C&C opens ... P&H to buy PepsiCo snacks business ... Bestway IT blitz.





today’s awards


supplier strategy


confex exhibition


employment law


soft drinks




beer & lager


products & promotions



Mervyn Gilbert

Managing Editor

Kirsti Sharratt

Media Sales Manager

Clare Phillips

Business Development Manager David Ford Publishing Director

Mervyn Gilbert editor

Martin Lovell

4,555 July 2010–June 2011

Published by Winlove Publications Ltd PO Box 366 EAST GRINSTEAD RH19 4ZE Tel (01342) 712100 Fax (01342) 712101 Email ISSN 1352-254X

Cash & Carry Management is available on subscription of £46 per year (single copies £5).

Cash & Carry Management

• May 2012 • 3

news IN BRIEF Licence ban A Nisa store (location withheld) has lost an appeal to have its licence removed after being found to have on its premises 860 bottles of wine on which duty had not been paid.

Shopfitting SPAR wholesaler and C&C operator AF Blakemore & Son has relaunched its shopfitting service as Blakemore Design & Shopfitting.

Exhibition Essex Foodservice Group, the Hackney-based delivered wholesaler whose controversial md Michael Spinks is fighting the Olympics authorities over regulations which could affect his business, is staging its annual foodservice exhibition at Alexandra Palace, London, on 16 May.

April growth Costco’s international sales (including the 22 UK branches) for April rose by 7% against 4% growth in the US, where 435 of the 602 global warehouses operate. The latest monthly performance brings the company’s worldwide sales figure for the first 35 weeks to $63.59bn, up 10% compared with the $57.59bn for the previous corresponding period.


DBC: the final throes It is only a matter of time before the final parts of the DBC Foodservice business cease trading. As this issue of Cash & Carry Management went to press, apart from the Dundonald (Ayrshire) and Petersfield depots, which, as reported last month, are now being run by Vestey Foods Group to service the Ministry of Defence contract, just three depots were continuing to trade – Chelmsford, Rotherham and Thatcham – albeit in a partial capacity. Russell Cash, joint administrator for DBC at accountants Baker Tilly, told Cash & Carry Management: “In total, around 90 staff of the original near-1,000 payroll are still with the company. “Some are working at the leasehold Welwyn Garden City headquarters, along with some of the Baker Tilly team. The others are at the three remaining branches where they are continuing to handle the sale of stock, using existing transport and outside hauliers. “This is only a temporary

Servicing former rival’s customers.

measure; we are in winddown mode.” Meanwhile, rival Brakes is carrying out deliveries to some of DBC’s former high street accounts. Because it is only in the early stages of the transfer, Brakes expressed reluctance to name the new concerns with which it is now doing business, although the Loch Fyne fish restaurant chain, owned by Greene King, and the Barracuda pub group are among them. Brakes marketing director James Armitage said: “We have acquired an option to sign a number of DBC’s customer contracts, which include a variety of customer

types across many different sectors. We have not acquired any part of the operating business of DBC. “Our priority is to ensure that they can continue to do business as usual and we are now in the process of transitioning these customers – who have consented to Brakes becoming their supplier of choice – into our network. “Our experienced team has developed detailed contingency plans to ensure a smooth transition for any customers who have been affected and who wish to transfer to Brakes.” Tel: Brakes Group (0845) 606 9090.

Are C&Cs dragging their feet? There are suggestions that cash & carry operators are, at this late stage, doing little to encourage customer interest in the forthcoming major royal and sporting activities. At a seminar held by Mars to gauge what efforts are being made to help the independent retail sector, several panellists from this channel expressed negative views. Kay Patel, whose four east London stores operate just a few miles from the main Olympics site, said: “The C&Cs in River Road, Barking,

• Cash & Carry Management • May 2012

haven’t done much at all. I’m quite surprised.” Patel, a member of Bestway’s Best-one club, but without the fascia, has most of the stock for his three Stratford shops and one in Wanstead delivered. He said: “It’s better to be part of a symbol group than go to a cash & carry.” Another member of the panel, Alkesh Gadher, from west London, said: “I have four or five C&Cs near me. When I asked what they can do for me, they said: ‘Try

someone else’. “I don’t simply want some posters and wobblers – more rubbish in my shops!” However another retailer was full of admiration for Palmer & Harvey for supplying “a whole stream of pallet deals”, while one in Yorkshire said his local Booker branch had co-operated with him in organising a promotional football match at Sheffield Utd’s football ground. Tel: Mars Chocolate (01844) 262517.


Turnover up by 30% JJ Food Service, which next month opens a 37,000 sq ft depot in the Morley district of Leeds – its eighth branch – lifted sales by 30% to £180 million in the year to the end

of March. Chief executive officer Mustafa Kiamil said the company increased the amount of registered customers by almost 17% and internet

Continuing to deliver in foodservice.

sales rose by 63% year on year to £75m, split between online orders for collection at £41m and those for delivery amounting to £34m. Kiamil said that JJ, which is a member of Landmark Wholesale, had benefited from the inclusion of wine on its price list order form. The new Morley site is expected to start with a staff of around 35. Initially, five vehicles are being used, but this is expected to increase to 20 by September. Manager of the depot is Richard Talty, presently heading the Aston branch. Tel: JJ Food Service (0871) 973 0999.

‘Plain nonsense’, says SWA The Scottish Wholesale Association has launched a ‘Plain Nonsense’ campaign against the UK Government’s proposals to introduce plain packaging on cigarettes and tobacco products. In what is described as a first for the C&C/wholesale industry, the association is urging independent retailers to register their opposition to plans to standardise packaging of tobacco products through a postcard, App and online (

The SWA’s campaign is focusing on four key points: No Evidence: ‘There is no credible evidence that plain packaging will have an impact on smoking rates.’ Illicit Trade: ‘Plain packaging would be a boost to smugglers and counterfeiters, taking business away from legitimate shops.’ Confused Retailers: ‘If every product looks the same it will be impossible to serve customers efficiently.’ Confused Customers: ‘Customers should be free to

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• •

choose the products they want without difficulty.’ SWA executive director Kate Salmon said: “If plain packaging on tobacco products is introduced, it will constitute yet another burden on hard-pressed independent retailers who are already drowning in legislation and unnecessary bureaucracy.” Postcard submissions to the ‘Plain Nonsense’ campaign close on 1 July while online registrations can be accepted until 6 July. Tel: SWA 0131-556 8753.

Landmark boardman

David Grimes (above), managing director of AG Parfett & Sons, has been appointed to the board of Landmark Wholesale. This follows the recent announcement that Parfett’s chairman Steve Parfett has taken up the new position on the group board as nonexecutive chairman. Grimes has held several senior positions with the Stockport-based cash & carry operator, initially as company accountant, then deputy general manager of the Sheffield branch, followed by his appointment as finance director in 2006 and md last year. Derek Ramsay has joined Landmark Wholesale as retail development manager in Scotland for Lifestyle Express. He previously worked for SPAR wholesaler CJ Lang & Son and for Costcutter. Tel: Landmark Wholesale (01908) 255300.

Major C&C executives on FWD rostrum Leading cash & carry operators and suppliers will be represented among the speakers at this year’s Federation of Wholesale Distributors’ conference, which takes place at the Hotel Russell, central London, on 12 July.

Booker managing director Guy Farrant and Palmer & Harvey chief executive Chris Etherington will discuss the market and ‘potential for partnership’ with Amal Pramanik, Imperial Tobacco’s UK general manager, and Paul Grimwood, Nestlé UK &

Ireland chairman and chief executive. Another discussion – on ‘working together’ – will see Bill Laird, Today’s Group md, on stage with Craig Clarkson, Heineken trading director, convenience & wholesale. Other speakers include

Andrew Kitching, Booker HR director; Isobel Koppel, criminal intelligence analyst at the FWD; and Brandon Lewis MP. The event will also feature latest information from the him! Wholesale Tracker Programme. Tel: FWD (01323) 724952.

Cash & Carry Management

• May 2012 • 5


MPs discuss duty fraud MPs and peers were told of the dangers of allowing alcohol fraud to continue unchecked at a meeting in Westminster last month of the All Party Parliamentary Wholesale Group. They heard about the scale of alcohol duty fraud and the effect it is having on legitimate wholesale businesses and what recommendations have been put forward to prevent an estimated revenue loss of £500m a year on beer alone. Peter Latham, representing HM Revenue & Customs, told the group that around one in every 10 cans and bottles avoids duty. “While HMRC has taken robust action to tackle the problem, its ability to tackle widespread criminal activity is limited. The Government has recognised that radical change is needed.” Federation of Wholesale Distributors’ chief executive James Bielby said: “Duty fraud has a huge negative impact on legitimate wholesalers. “Wholesale margins are wafer thin and every day this goes on they are being eroded. “We believe fiscal marks are a good step, along with civil penalties, for companies which supply to markets which don’t exist.” David Visick, FWD head

Moving up Bestway Group chairman Sir Anwar Pervez OBE, whose family interests are valued at £750m, is placed at No.101 in the latest Sunday Times Rich List compared with £550m (No.138) last year. Tel: Bestway Group 0208453 1234.


FWD chief executive James Bielby (left) with chairman of the All Parliamentary Wholesale Group, Dan Rogerson MP, and vice-chairman, Lilian Greenward.

of communications, added that members had identified duty fraud as the number one impediment to expanding business and creating jobs. “Criminal gangs are vastly undercutting the prices of legitimate wholesalers, who simply cannot compete with

duty-avoiding operators.” Peter Mullen, general manager of Parfett’s Stockport cash & carry, said that unless action is taken to stamp out criminal activity, ultimately it will have a major impact on jobs in the C&C/wholesale trade. Tel: FWD (01323) 724952.

Export honour Bestway Group has won the Queen’s Award for Enterprise: International Trade for its export achievements, with sales believed to be more than £30m. The presentation will be made to Dawood Pervez, the director responsible for exports, at a ceremony later this year. He commented: “Naturally, we are delighted with this great accolade. “We are proud of our long relationship with customers in the domestic market and this award recognises our work offering the same support to existing and potential customers around the world. “We have achieved overseas earnings growth of 86% over the last three years,

• Cash & Carry Management • May 2012

Raiders get 30 years Three men were jailed for a total of more than 30 years at Nottingham Crown Court after pleading guilty to kidnapping the manager of Booker’s Grantham, Lincs, cash & carry and stealing cigarettes from the branch last November. The manager was threatened with a knife and was forced to hand over his car keys before being bound and bundled into the back of the vehicle. He was unharmed, but the incident had ‘a huge psychological impact’ on him. Nathan Pilsbury, 23, of Kingsheath, Northampton, received a 13 years and six months’ term, Martin McBrien, 26, of Little Billing, 10 years, and Andra Hoyland, 28, of Broughton, Kettering, seven years and six months. Richard Loveridge, 20, of Great Billing, Northampton, was detained for six years in a young offenders’ institution. Tel: Booker Group (01933) 371000.


becoming one of the top food exporters from Britain.” The group exports to more than 50 countries, the range including groceries, soft drinks, confectionery, snacks, toiletries, household products, petfoods and catering packs. Tel: Bestway Group 0208453 1234.

The Royal British Legion has presented AF Blakemore & Son with a certificate for its ongoing support of the Poppy Appeal. Regular donations have been made by Blakemore Wholesale’s Wolverhampton cash & carry and charitable trust, the Blakemore Foundation. Last year £550 worth of goods was donated to the charity to support fundraising events. AF Blakemore & Son (01902) 366066.


All down to Teamwork Bestway Group has opened its newest branch – the 62nd – in Team Valley, Gateshead. Occupying around 80,000 sq ft on a four-acre site, the former print works have been developed at a cost of £6m. Younus Sheikh, Bestway Wholesale group managing director, said: “We have been keen to expand further in the north and this opening has enabled us to reach more customers in this region who are currently having to travel further to visit us.

Sheikh: Expanding in the north-east.

“The Team Valley opening completes a trio of branches that the group has in this part of the north-east and will

Data operation A new data service has been launched covering the C&C/ wholesale, supply and manufacturing channels. Sales Excel represents a partnership between The Whole Sale Company, whose directors are former Landmark md Mike McGee and Tanya Pepin, and outsourced sales agency, Alan Ramsay Sales & Marketing. A statement on behalf of the new operation said: “Initially, we will be offering a fully integrated, data-led field sales service for C&C/wholesalers that promises to improve sales performance as well as increase the efficiency and accuracy of information in the supply chain. “We will be providing

resource to gain insight and identify distribution gaps and growth opportunities, as well as the provision of tactical sales personnel to work with C&C/wholesalers to target those opportunities and deliver incremental sales growth across their estates.” McGee said that while suppliers recognise the value of sales data, “many have found it challenging to imbed its use within the day-to-day function of their business, either due to a lack of focus or available resource.” He said the service could identify which depots were underperforming in a particular product category. Tel: The Whole Sale Co (01296) 711011.

appeal to customers from north of Gateshead, Newcastle, Northumberland and Cumbria.” In addition to serving the independent retail trade, the C&C will concentrate on foodservice. The services include a fresh meat department. The depot, with a staff of 58, is managed by Naveed Anwar, former deputy manager at the group’s Manchester C&C. Tel: Bestway Group 0208453 1234.

Growing van sales Chris Etherington, Palmer & Harvey chief executive, has confirmed the impending purchase of PepsiCo’s van sales business, which distributes Walkers snacks. “With our longstanding van sales heritage, this is an excellent opportunity.” PepsiCo UK’s impulse sales director Jon Kyle said the company would still be expanding in impulse – a sector in which it has invested over £5m in the past three years. It has also recently doubled its national field sales team. Tel: P&H (01273) 222100. Tel: PepsiCo (0118) 930 6666.

‘Double’ burger 3663 and Heinz Foodservice have combined to sponsor the British Burger Week, from 18 June. Caterers are being invited to send in their own recipe and get customers to vote for them for the chance to win a £1,500 hotel voucher with £1,000 spending money. Speaking at the launch of the event, Catherine Hinchcliff, the delivered wholesaler’s head of customer marketing, said: “This is not just about the burger. It’s about the cheese, the bun, the garnish and the chips. “What about a Stilton burger, firecracker burger or lamb & pesto burger? We want to inspire customers to create flair and variety.” Ruth Irving, Heinz head of marketing, foodservice & impulse, said there would be five finalists who would be invited to a cook-off. Tel: 3663 (0370) 3663 000. Tel: Heinz Foodservice (0800) 575755.

Bestway adjusts its sites Following a six-month re-evaluation of its website, Bestway Group now has a new ‘fully transactional’ site for the independent retail, catering, foodservice and export sectors. has

been under secure development, using a select group of traders. It enables web orders to be sent to the customer’s local branch so they can be picked for delivery or collection.

All registered customers are being offered a free hand-held product scanner to facilitate orders. They will be able to view a range of 17,000 skus and check the latest promotional deals.

The group has also launched sites for Bestway Export and Xtra Local retail club. One for Batleys Wholesale will be up and running shortly. Tel: Bestway Group 0208453 1234.

Cash & Carry Management

• May 2012 • 7


Own brand goes British 3663 has extended its range of own-brand products to include a selection of ‘British dishes’. There are five starters, six mains and five desserts. The main dishes include cod with mushy peas, British pork belly with apricot & herb glaze and minted British lamb shank. Among the desserts is British cherry Bakewell cheesecake. Each element of the ownbrand range extension is in response to a key market trend, said 3663 own-brand manager Nicky Dixey. “It is important to have a fresh choice of starters on the menu as 90% of consumers say they either

always, or occasionally, choose a starter. “Choosing British has been a prominent trend within the food industry over the last few years, with 50% of caterers now predicting British cuisine to be the most popular with consumers in the next two to three years.” Dixey added: “In 2012, Britain is benefiting from a packed A main dish: cod with mushy peas. calendar of events that will make consumers feel really proud to quick and easy to prepare.” All data Mintel Eating Out June be British. That is why we’ve 2011. worked hard to develop Tel: 3663 (0370) 3663 000. these new dishes, which are

Sustaining fish stocks M&J Seafood, part of Brakes Group, is reporting record sales of sustainable fish, largely due to its ‘Sustainable Hero’ promotion. Since implementation of the campaign early this year, sales of these species have significantly increased, with coley up 47%, megrim 21% and dab 96%, compared with figures for the previous corresponding quarter. In March alone, sales of dab – an alternative to other flat fish such as plaice and lemon sole – had a record 593% sales uplift.

Brakes food wins it Three catering students from Westminster Kingsway College won the Student Challenge Cook & Serve Team of the Year in the national final of the annual British Culinary Federation competition, sponsored by Brakes Group. The event, held at Stratford upon Avon College, saw students from nine UK colleges demonstrate their cooking, presentation and service skills in front of two

panels of judges, covering the kitchen and front-ofhouse areas. Each team, comprising two chefs and a waiter, was required to create a menu including cod as a starter, pork fillet as a main and a non-chocolate dessert. The three-course meals had to be prepared using ingredients supplied by Brakes. They were then served to two diners. The delivered wholesaler,

a committed supporter of emerging talent in the hospitality sector, has built up a strong working relationship with the BCF over the years. Brakes’ marketing director James Armitage said: “This is one of the UK’s most challenging competitions as it sees catering and front-ofhouse students working together as a team, performing in a real-time, pressurised environment. “This provides valuable insight and training into the exacting standards of cooking and service required by our top restaurants. “We are proud to be an annual supporter of this competition.” Tel: Brakes Group (0845) 606 9090.

‘One of the UK’s most challenging competitions’ – James Armitage.


• Cash & Carry Management • May 2012

Dab hand with sustainable fish.

Clare Twiss, M&J Seafood head of marketing, said: “We seek to support the foodservice industry by offering information and advice regarding sustainable sourcing and alternative fish species. “For several years we have championed underutilised and sustainable fish and seafood, with many chefs embracing alternative species. “The ‘Sustainable Hero’ initiative introduces a different species of sustainable fish each month, with information on how it tastes, how it’s prepared and what its benefits are. We have monthly offers through our Splash publication.” Tel: M&J Seafood (01296) 610600.

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Stock up on limited edition packs from 9th May 2012


Laird o’ Today’s Managing director of Today’s Group Bill Laird tells Mervyn Gilbert how he sees the future. If it had been a harrowing time at his first Stoneleigh show as head of the newly independent Today’s Group, Bill Laird wasn’t showing it. It was the day after the night before when, not only had he watched over the 400 guests crammed into the dining room of the Chesford Grange Hotel, Kenilworth, worried whether the food met their expectations, stood on the rostrum to oversee the awards presentation, made a couple of speeches and then introduced BBC sports correspondent Garry Richardson who handed out the prizes, but he also had to take a back seat when tributes were paid to his predecessor Rodney Hunt, and the pair who started it all, Dudley Ramsden and Peter Garvin. All three received a mounted award with a 25-year emblem to mark the group’s silver anniversary. In an interview conducted in a Today’s meeting room adjacent to the group’s stand at the annual event, where 320 exhibitors were showing their wares, Laird said that his head had hit the pillow well before 1am after the eventful previous day – tantamount to an early night. He could, of course, have been telling the truth, but the thing with the inscrutable Scot is you’re never quite sure whether he’s bluffing. “It’s been an intensive two days, and the signs are that we have had another cracker. We sold one million cases of product last year and we expect it to be at least as good this year.”

Only the previous month, Laird and his team had hosted the annual conference at Nassau in the Bahamas – “a real biggie, with 225 attending”. What was the major outcome at the event? “The conference was not a place where decisions were made, although we did tell suppliers what out strategy was for the year.” That strategy includes a series of 34 trade events, which began in March at two Dhamecha branches (Wembley and Enfield) and runs until mid-September (Soho C&C in Wolverhampton and First Choice, Burton-on-Trent). At the end of it all, one lucky retailer from among 34 on the ‘short’ list (one from each participating outlet) will receive a silver Mini car. “The shows are to promote great deals in a more interactive way, so that C&C operators can engage more with their customers. Of course, they already do a lot of this themselves; we are just enabling them to do that little bit extra.”

‘Our board is now fully, and singularly, focused on business development’ Bill Laird, managing director of Today’s

Today’s Group (officially named Today’s Wholesale Services) earlier this year broke away from the Scunthorpebased Nisa retail side, which was formed in 1977. It is now ensconced in its 12,200 sq ft freehold building – which it shares with a tenant – on the outskirts of Doncaster. Laird describes it as “a multi-million pound investment”. He adds: “The place is fully-equipped with leading-edge technology – the best we could afford.” The group is in the process of recruiting its 30th, and final, employee. Three additional members have been signed over the past 12 months (their names have yet to be released) while one has gone – Kirkcaldy-based JA Glass, which was sold to Forth Wines, of Milnathort, Kinross-shire. So what are the benefits of going it alone? “Our board is now fully, and singularly, focused on business development. When we were part of NisaToday’s, the board comprised both wholesale and retail members. Now we can give the okay to investing in common enterprises.” Laird says that Today’s Group, which has a buying power of more than £5bn, has had seven years of unbroken progress. Last year, faced by the economic crisis, it still managed a 5% increase. “I will be disappointed if we don’t match that in 2012. There’s never been such a year for opportunities, with all the major events taking place.” Foodservice is a growing part of the business, accounting for just under £1bn – 20% of volume. Laird claims: “We are now the third biggest player in this sector in the UK. But how do we maximise that potential?“ At one time C&C accounted for 80% of group sales and delivered wholesale 20%. Now the split is 65:30 – a situation largely influenced by the escalatLaird takes a well-earned break at the Stoneleigh exhibition. ing cost of fuel.


• Cash & Carry Management • May 2012

today’s awards

Stoneleigh winners

2012 awards Grocery Supplier: Nestlé UK Impulse Supplier: Coca-Cola Enterprises Non-Food Supplier: Unilever UK Foodservice Supplier: James Briggs Licensed Supplier: AB InBev Supporting Supplier: Wilkin Chapman Foodservice Wholesaler: Fáilte Food Service Rising Star: Soho Cash and Carry Member Marketing Initiative: First Choice Wholesale Foods Retailer Development Programme: United Wholesale (Scotland) Member of the Year: Elbrook Cash and Carry President’s Award: Derek Rogers (H N Nuttall) Outstanding Contribution to UK Independent Wholesaling: Dudley Ramsden, Peter Garvin and Rodney Hunt

Collecting the foodservice wholesaler award on behalf of Glasgow-based Fáilte Food Service is joint managing director Jim Cummiskey.

With Bill Laird after receiving the award for member of the year is Fukhera Khalid, managing director of Mitcham-based Elbrook Cash & Carry.

With Bill Laird (right) are outstanding contribution award winners Dudley Ramsden, Peter Garvin and Rodney Hunt.

Cash & Carry Management

• May 2012 • 11

supplier strategy

No need for pepping up! Mervyn Gilbert meets the Britvic executive in charge of the C&C/wholesale channel. There’s more than just some ullage between CocaCola Enterprises and Britvic in the soft drinks pot. One is far and away the dominant player, while the other is runner-up with little chance of catching the ‘champ’. Nonetheless, the No.2 remains a powerful opponent in its own right, with 2011 global sales up 14.6% to just under £1.3bn, UK income 2.7% higher, 10 UK locations (including six factories and a distribution centre in Lutterworth, Leics), a UK payroll of 2,300 and a range of products which it claims makes it the most diverse domestic soft drinks supplier. The company has just moved its UK headquarters to a 35,000 sq ft site in Hemel Hempstead, Herts, after trading from Chelmsford, Essex, since it was formed as British Vitamin Products Co in 1938, bottling juices. A major diversification came in 1987 when it gained a big say in cola with the signing of a licensing agreement with Pepsi. Against this backdrop, C&C/wholesale is a major sector for the company, says wholesale director Clare Bocking. After working for Mars for 16 years, latterly as sales director for the soft drinks division at Basingstoke, she moved to Britvic three years ago as business unit controller for the foodservice channel. When James Russell left, she took over the wholesale department, with responsibility for buying groups, leading C&C operators and delivered foodservice wholesalers, retail clubs, plus Makro and Costco. One leading operator she’s not in charge of is Palmer & Harvey, which is under a member of her team dealing with the convenience sector. Pepsi is a major part of the UK business, particularly Pepsi Max (500ml, 600ml and two-litre PET bottles, plus 24 x 300ml cans). The brand is currently being advertised on tv. J2O (largely in 275ml bottles) and the Robertsons range, with sales of more than £200m, are also leading labels. Price marking, too, is becoming more important, with Pepsi, 7Up and Tango cans all coming on stream in this format. That will be of interest to the C&C/wholesale trade, with between 20% and 25% of Britvic’s sales going through the wholesale channel. Bocking heads a national account team of 22, plus an 18strong fields sales force dealing with retail and wholesale foodservice customers. Turning up for an early meeting at Bestway’s headquarters in north-west London, she looks as though she has just stepped out of a salon – smart and well coiffed – making light of a two-hour car journey from her home in Solihull. “We have two regional sales managers (north and south) plus four national account controllers,” says Bocking. “I view my role meeting the top executives of C&C/wholesale businesses as an enabling one for my team – creating


• Cash & Carry Management • May 2012

Heavy responsibility for wholesale director Clare Bocking.

the right atmosphere for them when they call.” She attends trade conferences as often as she can – like the Istanbul event for Landmark Wholesale at the end of this month. But, because of commitments, she was represented by a member of her team at the recent Today’s Group assembly in Nassau, Bahamas, and that will be the same scenario at the forthcoming Sugro conference in Jersey. “I also have close ties with the Federation of Wholesale Distributors and Association of Convenience Stores. Indeed, with the help of the ACS, we are seeking to further improve our understanding of the independent trade by involving our staff in training courses and sending them out to work in stores. It gives them a greater level of insight into how manic this world can be. “We are also ‘dialling up’ with London C&Cs to make the capital really big for our products during the Olympics, and we are presently in discussion with the Scottish Wholesale Association, investigating bespoke opportunities for their members.” While the UK is the largest regional part of the company’s business, the overseas side has been growing significantly. Two years ago Britvic acquired France’s leading independent soft drinks company, Fruité Enterprises. That came three years after it bought the soft drinks operations of C&C Group in the Emerald Isle, creating Britvic Ireland. There are also sales arrangements in place in the US – where its Fruit Shoot brand is being distributed through Pepsi Beverages – and in Australia. Reflecting her corporate focus, Bocking says: “We aspire to be a FTSE 100 company. That can be seen by our move to the Hemel Hempstead site and the appointment of Simon Litherland, former managing director of Diageo GB, as our new md.” See Soft Drinks feature pp.16–28

THE OLYMPICS The June 2012 issue of Cash & Carry Management will include a feature on The Olympics

To advertise in this issue, contact David Ford on (01342) 712100

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confex exhibition

Keeping it in the family Cash & Carry Management attends Confex’s annual trade show.

Award for green wholesaler

Co-founder Julien Loffet (left), daughter and md Nicky White, and Cash & Carry Management editor Mervyn Gilbert.

At the third annual trade exhibition and dinner organised by the Confex buying group, supported by 78 suppliers, one distinguished guest stood out in the crowd of 175 – Julien Loffet, aged 85, the former confectionery manufacturer who jointly founded the group 40 years ago with Birmingham wholesaler Sidney Lumley. Standing proudly alongside him was wife Gill, 82, and, completing the family line-up were daughter Nicky White, the present managing director; son James, logistics director, central distribution; and grandson Tom Gittins, business development manager. Other members of the 18-strong central office team in attendance were Barry Parish, business development director; David Lunt, senior business development manager; Chris Wootton, business development manager; and Gilly Hunt, marketing manager. Reinforcing ‘the ties that bind’ mentality, Gittins told guests at the pre-exhibition dinner: “We are very much a family business that values each employee. “Following our start in 1972, with 55 wholesalers, Barry Parish joined us in 1983 to develop business and (mum) Nicky White started in 1996 as a director. She is the definition of calm efficiency when it comes to payments! “We now have 307 members dealing with 190 suppliers. Last year we turned over £15m from central distribution.” As reported last month, total group sales were up 8% to £1.65bn.

Winner of the group’s inaugural green wholesaler of the year award (sponsored by PepsiCo) was Southall-based Woods Foodservice, which received a £250 fuel voucher and trophy. The same company was presented with another £250 fuel voucher for winning the small foodservice wholesaler category (Nestlé UK). Three other wholesalers won £250 fuel vouchers: Ahmed Bros, of Manchester (large foodservice wholesaler category – Kraft Foods); JL Brooks, of Leeds (small retail wholesaler – Wrigley); and Rippleglen, of Birmingham (large retail wholesaler – Coca-Cola Enterprises). Supplier awards went to Mars Chocolate and Westmill Foods, part of Associated British Foods. Executives from each company collected a trophy and bottle of champagne.

Gittins told guests that, because of delays, the group will not be transferring from its Chipping Norton, Oxon, site to new purpose-built headquarters in nearby Moreton-inMarsh, Glos, until summer next year. “Grocery and foodservice have been developing well, while our frozen and chilled food offering will be introduced in the near future.” Own-label developments include the introduction of meat, cheese, oil and potato products. Another ‘first’ is the Confex retail club, which so far has the support of 150 stores, serviced by 10 members. The target is for another 15 wholesalers to embrace the scheme. Gittins added that Confex is aiming to achieve 10% growth in the retail sector each year until 2020.

Business development manager Tom Gittins announces the group’s latest innovation.


• Cash & Carry Management • May 2012

employment law

Train staff to give top service Human resources expert Cate Ritchie (below) highlights the need for customer service training. In today’s very competitive market, a key differentiator for business lies in the customer service that is delivered by the people who are perceived as the ‘face’ of the business. As an employer, you have a responsibility to grow and sustain your business. You also have an opportunity not only to get ahead of the competition but also to stay ahead. “People need to spend their money wisely. In good times, they want a good deal, from a trustworthy supplier; in tough times, they really need one. That’s why now, more than ever, customer service is so important. Woe betide the business that doesn’t listen to its customers, respond to their needs, react to their complaints, resolve their issues.” (Paul Clark, CEO of Charter UK, 2011) What would happen if you only monitored the quality of your products once every couple of years or so? Yet, do you allow the quality of service being given to your customers to go unchecked and possibly untrained? If you treat customer service in the same way as you would the quality of your products or services – not only with high expectations but also by demanding nothing less from your Henry employees – consistently you will experience a return in terms of customer loyalty, which in turn impacts on business sustainability. It has long been known that customers will leave a business and go over to the competition if they are not treated in a manner that they feel they should be. When they leave, they almost never tell the business why they left so the same practices continue over and over as more people leave and go over to the competition. The result

is not only lack of growth, but also a slow drain of customers over long periods of time. This drain of customers also carries a huge financial burden for the business. It has been estimated that it can cost up to 10 times MORE to get a single new customer than it does to keep an existing one. So the financial costs of constantly rebuilding your customer base can be staggering. The cost of customer service training is not high and many an argument could be made that this training actually SAVES you money in increased sales, customer satisfaction and business growth. For the employee, the focus on skills increases their motivation, performance and productivity. People who have good customer service and communication skills typically have less stress in their business day and also experience a high level of productivity. In short, they accomplish more in a shorter amount of time and have fewer problems and miscommunications. Make today the day where you decide to get your people the training they need in order to be and do their best and see your business flourish in the face of the competition. Ford

‘It is not the employer who pays the wages. Employers only handle the money. It is the customer who pays the wages.’

EMPLOYMENT LAW UPDATE 1st October 2012 – National Minimum Wage increase The rates that will apply are as follows: Over 21s – £6.19 an hour (from £6.08) 18-20 year olds – £3.98 an hour (no change) 16-17 year olds – £3.68 an hour (no change) Apprentices under the age of 19 or in first year of training – £2.65 (from £2.60)

• • • •

If you wish to discuss customer service training further in relation to a bespoke solution for your business, you can contact Cate at or phone (0792) 121 3890.

1st October 2012 – Automatic Enrolment comes into force The Pensions Act 2008 provides that employers must auto-enrol all eligible employees not already participating in a workplace pension scheme into a qualifying pension scheme. Employers with fewer than 250 employees need not implement the changes until at least April 2014, and employers with fewer than 50 employees need not do so until at least August 2015.

Cash & Carry Management

• May 2012 • 15

soft drinks

Summer’s bright opportunity With a raft of major summer activities, the trade is presented with the chance to increase sales of larger sharing packs, says Darren Goldney, sales & customer development director at Coca-Cola Enterprises. Citing Nielsen data for 2011, he says that total soft drinks value in impulse is worth £1.8bn (up 6.8% year on year) and his company’s total in this channel is £622.7m (6.3% higher), giving CCE a 34.9% share in impulse. Flavoured waters is the fastest-growing segment in these outlets, valued at £49m (up 23.6%), with CCE’s glaceau vitaminwater growing by 58.9% in this channel. Cola is the biggest sector in impulse at £446.3m (plus 2.6%) with CCE’s cola portfolio accounting for nearly 80%. Says Goldney: “The current economic climate continues to be a key driver behind some of the recent trends (increase in fuel prices, VAT, smaller packs, etc) that we have seen in the category, such as consumers increasingly looking for even more affordable pleasures in their everyday lives. “In times when disposable income is under threat, consumers tend to continue buying brands they know and trust such as Coca-Cola. We have also continued to see an increased demand for ‘wellness’ products, along with the need for products that are convenient for time-poor shoppers.” This year, CCE has been extending its range of pricemarked packs for independent retailers, with Coke, diet Coke, Coke Zero and Cherry Coke 330ml cans appearing with a 59p price mark (offering a 40% profit in return) and Powerade Sports 500ml in a 99p can (32% POR). “We believe that price-marked packs offer a strong sales proposition for retailers, and we are making a significant investment in 2012 behind them across our soft drinks

Market worth almost £10bn Data published in the latest Britvic Soft Drinks Report shows that total market value last year grew by 4% to £9.7bn, with take-home up by 7% to £7bn and the ontrade down 1% to £2.7bn. Volume sales rose by 1% to 7.5bn litres. According to Symphony IRI Group, Coca-Cola remains dominant in carbonates with £557m, followed by diet Coke on £444m, own-label £223m, Pepsi Max £151m, Pepsi £119m, Fanta £117m and Schweppes £115m.

portfolio, including the addition of a number of new skus to the range.” CCE recently launched a new project aiming at transforming the chilled soft drinks space in independent retail outlets. ‘Chilled+’, described as ‘cutting edge software’, reviews a retailer’s existing range against the best-sellers according to Nielsen data. The manufacturer then uses this individual data for each store to recommend a tailored range and planogram based on its size and layout. It also offers re-merchandising support. Goldney says: “With ‘Chilled+’, our target is initially to reach up to 5,000 independent stores by July. This bespoke approach helps them ensure they have the best offering. “By consolidating their range and making the fixture easier to shop, they can make a huge difference to their sales and reduce time needed for restocking.” CCE makes over 600,000 sales calls to independents every year, with stores divided into ‘gold, silver and bronze’. Those who are looking for an in-depth soft drinks consultancy are categorised as ‘gold’ so the company can dedicate more instore time to ensure they receive its expertise. “As a result of this, we are now working with over 10,000 additional outlets, so it is a great success so far,” says Goldney.

Squash on tv

CCE team members gear up for the Olympic Games.


• Cash & Carry Management • May 2012

Britvic Soft Drinks is running a tv advertising campaign for Robinsons. On air until August, the commercial consists of three creatives communicating the fun element of squash, drawing attention to the free gifts on offer with special

Calories per bottle

With the new style J2O in your chiller, the summer’s looking better than ever… • Sleek new bottle and label • Optimal range of four: Three core flavours Plus one seasonal limited edition

n As see on


Get full details at: Voting closes: 31/10/12


Calories per bottle


Calories per bottle


Calories per bottle

J2O is a registered trademark of Britvic Soft Drinks Ltd.


soft drinks packs of Double Concentrate, closing with the strapline, ‘Make Robinsons, Make Fun’. Available now until the end of the year, the Robinsons Fun Freebies promotional bottles will offer consumers one of four gifts: ‘connect-a-straws’, a ‘fun fridge‘ drinks cooler, ‘fun cups’ and squash pumps to attach to bottles. Brand controller Debbie Eddy says: “The ‘Make Robinsons, Make Fun’ tv campaign is all about showing families how to have more fun with water and the nation’s favourite squash brand. “It uses footage and music from one of our most memoPromotional collars. rable tv adverts, appealing to the whole family, and it will no doubt get them ‘boogying’ in their front rooms.” Eddy adds: “Robinsons Squash is among the top 10 performing soft drink brands within take-home, worth over £209m (Nielsen Scantrack MAT 24/12/11). We’re confident the promotion, combined with the tv ad campaign, will engage consumers in a lighthearted way and drive sales further throughout 2012.” To celebrate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, Robinsons is also launching a limited-edition Strawberries & Cream No Added Sugar variant (rsp £1.39) until September.

Aiding impulse growth C&C/wholesale is playing a key role in maintaining the sustained growth of soft drinks sales in the impulse sector at a time when many other FMCG categories are struggling due to declining consumer confidence and economic uncertainty, according to soft drinks specialist AG Barr. “The soft drinks category is a great place to be,” says head of marketing Adrian Troy. “It is growing at 7% year-on-year within impulse.” He adds that the ‘other flavoured’ carbonates category is making an impact, particularly in ‘drink now’ formats. “The lead-up to summer is the ideal time for the C&C/wholesale trade to stock up on top performers such as IRN-BRU. Consumers drink 15% more soft drinks in summer than in winter, with ‘other flavoured’ carbonates, along with energy drinks and water, benefiting the most.“ Troy also describes Barr’s Rubicon as a must-stock for summer. The manufacturer is this year spending £6m to advertise the brand, which is growing by 57% year on year. New variants are Still Mango and


• Cash & Carry Management • May 2012

Guava in a 500ml PET bottle. The Barr Flavours range has been revitalised with a fresh new look. The design is said to ‘represent the fun individuality’ of the 14 flavours. “The Barr brand is experiencing impressive growth of 33% year on year,” says Troy. “This growth will be boosted by the refresh of the pack design.” Another Barr brand, Rockstar, is playing a role in driving sales in the ‘big can’ sector. Troy comments: “In the energy category, NPD has been a key driver for growth as the category develops. This trend is set to continue. In 2011 we launched Xdurance and Pink Sugar Free under the Rockstar name. Both of these products have played a key role in the brand’s performance. “In 2012 we have already launched a new flavour, Fruit Punch, under the successful Rockstar Punched brand, and in April we launched Xdurance Berry and Xdurance Orange in 500ml PET in plain and 99p price-marked packs.” Barr is also seeing increasing levels of demand for its children’s drinks range Simply Fruity, with 30 million servings being achieved each year (based on 250ml size; Barr and Nielsen data). The drinks, which come in 330ml bottles with sports caps, are available in four flavours: Orange, Blackcurrant & Apple, Strawberry and Apple. All data Nielsen Scantrack unless shown.

Barr has also launched two new flavours within its KA range – Sparkling Kream Soda and Still Strawberry. “KA has seen another record year, growing at 75%,” says Troy. “We added incremental sales of more than £15m through new product development in 2011 alone.” KA Kream Soda is available in 330ml cans (49p) and 500ml (89p) and two-litre PET bottles (£1.49) while Still Strawberry comes in 288ml cartons (49p) and 500ml (89p) and one-litre (£1.19) sizes. All are price-marked. Since being launched last year, the KA stills range has recorded sales of more than £7m (Barr data). The twin launch is being supported by an outdoor media campaign, plus sampling to around 200,000 consumers at key events regionally throughout the summer.

Long-established range now in price-marked cans.

soft drinks Cola additions Following the UK launch last year of its RC Cola brand, Cott Beverages has introduced two new flavours to its American Cola range: RC Cherry Cola and RC Cola with zero sugar. As one of the US’s oldest brands, RC Cola was first brought to the UK by Cott in March last year with a Regular and Diet Cola variety. Since then, it has achieved value sales of £1.8m in under a year (Symphony IRI total market year to 21/1/12 and Kantar Worldpanel 22/1/12). Using a Royal Crown (RC) recipe from one of America’s first cherry colas, RC Cherry Cola is aiming at consumers with a sweeter tooth. The zero sugar variant meets the increasing consumer demands for healthier alternatives, says assistant brand manager Sundeep Gill. “The new flavours will support the brand’s aim to shake up the UK cola market as well as challenge customer perceptions by offering high quality products at a reasonable price.” Both new flavours are available in packs of 8 x 330ml cans, as well as two-litre bottles with an rsp from 98p.

Real fruit pieces Sunmagic, a range of 100% pure fruit juices, 100% pure fruit smoothies and juice drinks from Multiple Marketing of south-east London, is launching fruit2day, a new drinkable snack which, it is claimed, ‘marks a completely new soft drink category in the UK’. It uses a ‘world-exclusive manufacturing process, developed on advanced research and development’ to suspend fruit in the drink, ensuring a piece of fruit in every mouthful. According to the company, the fruit2day brand has already captured a sizeable proportion of the market in Germany and the Netherlands and is listed in outlets including Arkay Chilled, Central Supplies, JJ’s and Simple Simon in the UK. With an rsp of £1.29, fruit2day is available chilled in 200ml bottles and is positioned as a ‘healthy drinkable snack’ for consumers on the go, at their workplace and for lunchboxes. The flavours include a mix of mangoes, peaches & apples and a combination of raspberries, grapes & pears. Brand manager Razin Ali says: “fruit2day is an entirely new product offering. It is different from fruit juices and smoothies as it contains high quality, real fruit pieces, fruit juice and fruit puree. “This is a new, healthy way to encourage more people to enjoy fruit. It is a unique Something different for the sector.


• Cash & Carry Management • May 2012

opportunity for retailers to offer their customers an innovative product that brings an exciting new way of consuming fruit as part of a healthy diet.” The fruit2day launch comes soon after the successful rebranding of Sunmagic’s range of 100% pure fruit juices, 100% pure fruit smoothies and a selection of juice drinks last year. Bottle sales are claimed to have risen by 11% year-onyear, a major driving force being the record number of national and independent account wins. Sunmagic has also made a breakthrough in branches of Bestway, Batley’s, Dhamecha and in Afro-Caribbean specialist Wanis. Its selection of 500ml packs includes three flavours carrying the Fairtrade label.

In first place The Zenith International 2012 UK Bottled Water Report puts Highland Spring in top spot among domestic water producers for the first time. The company produced year-on-year volume growth of 10.8%, reaching 374.6 million litres (excluding exports). It claims a 20.6% volume share of the packaged water market, supplying 44.9 million litres more than its nearest competitor. And, for the first time since 2008, it says it has moved into No.2 position for branded still water in the UK – up from 8.8% in 2010 to 9.4% last year. It also claims a volume share of 13.2% in sparkling water. Last year, the brand moved into the value sector with the launch of Hydr8, now said to be the 11th largest bottled water brand by volume in the take-home channel (Nielsen MAT 12/3/12). Chief executive Lee Montgomery says that Hydr8 represents the “fastest selling bottled water launch in the UK over the past six years”. Three flavoured variants have since been introduced. He adds that the bottled water market is in growth, with value up 6% and volume 3.1% higher year on year. Montgomery comments: “For the first time, we have been supplying more bottled water to the UK market than any other bottled water producer. “This will contribute considerably towards fulfilling our vision of becoming a £100m turnover and 500 million litre business over the next few years. “We now have a solid, sustainable platform to enable us to continue investing in the development of the group, and I am extremely confident for the future.”





great profit on return with our range of price-marked cans*

of your customers are more likely to buy a price-marked pack**

available now, so make sure you’ve got big stocks Sources: *The percentage of Profit on Return (POR) figures on the Price Marked Packs (PMPs) are based on the Manufacturer’s Suggested Selling Price (MSSP) and the Manufacturer’s Recommended Selling Price Per Case (MRSPPC)(ex VAT). For example when purchased 12x335ml of Fanta Orange at MRSPPC of £6.59 and sold at the MSSP of 55p each, POR (ex VAT) = 40% (In any case retailers are free to set the retail price and plain versions are also available). **HIM PMP Study 2011. Fanta and Sprite are registered trade marks of The Coca-Cola Company. Dr Pepper is a registered trade mark of DP Beverages Limited.

soft drinks Sparkling rise According to Nestlé Waters, a key consumer trend in the water category is convenience, which is driving smaller packs. m o sp c ekn :ap n y aA S sy a company spokesman adds: “Last year, sparkling growth was fuelled by the run-up to the festive season; the final quarter is typically when we see sparkling sales peak. “Consumers traditionally associate sparkling water with meal times and special occasions, so Christmas is an important season,” he expains. “Even consumers who regularly drink sparkling water feel that it is a drink that warrants a special occasion, as the bubbles give them a cheerful, uplifting feeling.” He points out that last year was a good one for plain sparkling water, which grew faster than total bottled water, both in volume (up 4.4%) and value (plus 9.7%). And buying on impulse is growing, with water from the chiller on a 7.7% upward trend. “There has been growing strength of British brands, such as Buxton with 11% growth in the year to date. Nestlé Waters is committed to providing consumers and retailers with good value, so we’ll continue to engage with them through the use of promotional activity.” Buxton, which has renewed its sponsorship of the

Two of the leading labels in the Nestlé Waters range.


• Cash & Carry Management • May 2012

England cricket team, will be ensuring availability, preferably chilled in convenient locations. “Nestlé Waters will be rolling out dump bins and other merchandising solutions to help with this strategy,” says the spokesman. “A key announcement that we made last year was our investment of over £35m in a new state-of-the-art bottling and warehousing facility in Buxton, Derbyshire, which will produce the lightest weight bottled water bottles produced in the UK.” The factory will make lightweight bottles of Buxton Natural mineral water and Nestlé Pure Life, using an average 25% less PET plastic across all still formats.

‘Last year, plain sparkling water grew faster than total bottled water, both in volume and value’ Nestlé Waters The spokesman continues: “We are seeing a 6.6% rise in value for the category within convenience store formats, so it is important that retailers tap in to the opportunity to increase their sales by stocking the core brands and ensuring the category is visible and easy to shop.” He claims that Nestlé Pure Life is the fastest growing UK bottled water. Since its UK launch in 2008, it has achieved a 7.3% share of the plain still market and it is now the fifth biggest branded bottled water in the trade. “The brand has been the most successful launch in the UK bottled water market within the last three years, contributing to two-thirds of all NPD volume sales during that time. It was the official water sponsor of the Virgin London Marathon last year.” Another claim is that Nestlé Pure Life is the world’s largest bottled water brand, with 60 million glassfuls being consumed worldwide every day. Another of the company’s brands, Perrier, will continue to build its association with mixology and its role as the premium mixer, while another, S. Pellegrino, last year announced the introduction of a limited-edition bottle. Also in 2011, it sponsored the London Restaurant Festival for the second year. S. Pellegrino, which has a 21% value share of the sparkling UK bottled water market (Zenith), also produces sparkling fruit beverages, using Sicilian oranges and lemons. The company spokesman comments: “S. Pellegrino drinks are performing well in terms of value sales in both grocery multiples, up 200%, and independents, 126% higher (Mintel).” Nestlé Waters’ Buxton brand has a long association with British sports, and England cricketer Alastair Cook is brand ambassador for what is the official water of the England cricket team. Last year its value sales grew by 11%. Buxton is available in a variety of formats: from 25cl bottles – ‘perfect for children’s lunchboxes – to on-the-go impulse bottles in 50cl, 75cl and one-litre formats, plus onelitre and 1.5-litre bottles. All data Symphony IRI unless shown.

soft drinks Exclusive impulse launch Juice drink brand Ribena, from GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare, this month launches, through the C&C/wholesaler and independent channels, an exclusive – Ribena Apple 500ml ready-to-drink. NPD has been critical in generating growth in the juice drinks sector in the past year, says senior brand manager Michael Walford. He comments: “This summer, people in Britain will be out and about enjoying a whole host of patriotic celebrations, special events and festivals. “Demand for soft drinks in impulse will be extremely high and the exclusive launch of Ribena Apple 500ml provides a huge opportunity for the impulse trade to capitalise on sales.” He adds that the drink will not be just for summer; it will be a permanent addition to the Ribena RTD family. The new drink, only available in a 99p pricemarked pack, will be channelled through C&C/wholesale in a 12 x 500ml format. GSK has also begun a new tv campaign to support the launch of Ribena Plus, a range of no added sugar drinks with added vitamins and minerals. Focusing on ‘Ribena’s biggest launch in 20 years’, the new commercial runs for eight weeks until the latter part of June. Says Walford: “Ribena Plus has been specifically developed for young women and mums looking for extra ways to get ‘goodness’ into them and their families. “It is the first juice drinks product to be developed to satisfy these additional nutritional needs. The tv campaign communicates these important messages in a fun, engaging and creative manner – qualities that have become synonymous with the brand.” The campaign is part of an £8m marketing drive for the brand, including press, digital, outdoor and in-store activity. Ribena Plus variants are: Blackcurrant (in 850ml squash format and tetra pack 10 x 200ml and 4 x 200ml); Apple & Peach (850ml squash, 500ml RTD and tetra pack 10 x 200ml); Mixed Berries (850ml squash, 500ml RTD and tetra pack 10 x 200ml and 4 x 200ml); and Raspberry & Apple (850ml squash and 10 x Channelled through the C&C/wholesale channel. 200ml tetra pack).


• Cash & Carry Management • May 2012

Close links with the England football team.

Sporting theme A new tv drive has been launched for GSK’s Lucozade Sport. Starring England footballer Ashley Young, the ad communicates the power and inspiration behind the sports & energy drinks brand. The campaign, which runs during key UEFA European football championship matches, continues until the end of June across tv and digital channels. The latest instalment of the ‘Lucozade Yes’ package includes the scientifically proven ‘Faster. Stronger. For Longer’ endurance claim, which appears across all marketing activity in 2012. Alex Saunders, senior brand manager, says: “The Lucozade brand has a proven track record of increasing sales during major football events. The European championships offer retailers a huge opportunity to unlock sales potential, and we are supporting this by advertising to drive awareness.” Throughout the year, the Lucozade Sport team is activating a series of targeted campaigns to support its array of sponsorships. Events being backed include: the Premier League (since 1992), the England and Republic of Ireland football teams, Liverpool Football Club, Chelsea FC, Arsenal FC, a total of 25 running events (including the Virgin London Marathon), UK Athletics, the McLaren F1 team, GB Boxing and Rugby Football Union. The brand has also partnered with the England football team for its latest on-pack offer, giving football fans the opportunity to win one of 50,000 official England footballs from now until 30 June.




w e Np r odu

What customers will be picking this summer. Ribena is the No1 Juice Drink in the UK* Apple is the third most popular flavour within the Soft Drinks category behind only Cola and Orange** New products in the past have been critical in generating growth in the Soft Drinks Category*** Exclusively in 99p Price Marked Packs

Sources: *ÂŁ Value, AC Nielsen, MAT to 24.12.11. **Kantar Worldpanel Usage, Soft Drinks excl Alcohol and Tap Water, 12m/e Nov 2011, Total Consumption. ***Soft Drinks, Impulse, 52 weeks 31.03.12. RIBENA is a registered trade mark of the GlaxoSmithKline group of companies.

soft drinks Energetic It’s a big year for leading energy drinks brand Boost, with new products and packaging, as well as its biggest promotional campaign to date. All of this, the company claims, “will help bolster sales and profit for C&C/wholesalers and retailers.” New lines include a Tropical Berry flavour in the isotonic sports range and a new Citrus style in the core energy portfolio. Additionally, packaging has been redesigned for the ‘active’ range “to create even greater standout on shelf”. The promotional drive, which is entitled ‘Boost Champions’, includes online games and on-pack activity featured on four million packs. Managing director of the £23 million turnover business (formed 11 years ago) is Simon Gray, who told Cash & Carry Management: “We do sampling, online activity and we exhibit at trade shows, including those organised by Nisa, Sugro and Confex. “We are also joining the FWD, where we There’s plenty happening for the growing energy drinks brand. were awarded third place last pattern, the company has invested in a major consumer maryear in terms of service to keting campaign for 2012. retailers.” This month, the drink is undertaking a tour of 10 UK Boost, which uses the servuniversity campuses to showcase the new flavour, as well as ices of three manufacturers, Emerge’s other Juiced, Stimulation and Glucose lines. markets product only under its Students are one of the key target audiences. own name and almost 80% of Goode comments: “Today’s sports and energy consumer the range is price-marked – but is looking for a product that provides real value for money, not for foodservice customers. without forsaking quality. This is exactly what the Emerge brand can offer.” He adds: “This year promises to be a really exciting one Emerge, the energy sport drink for us with a number of new product developments under marketed by Cott Beverages, way. now comes in a Tropical Berry flavour. The 500ml PET sports bottle “Our marketing strategy is concise, fun and in keeping with has an rsp of 50p. our target audience. We also have many sampling events The new style joins the throughout the summer!” existing Orange and Mixed Emerge has also launched a prize draw, giving independBerry flavours. ent retailers the chance to win their own two-week billboard Brand manager Barry Goode advertisement. says that, by helping regular They can enter the competition, which runs until the end exercisers and serious athletes, of June, at the still soft drink has been The lucky winner’s billboard will feature the name and developed to quickly hydrate location of his shop, helping to raise awareness in the local the body before, during and community. after exercise. Says Goode: “We’re always looking for new ways to He adds that Emerge is strengthen our relationships with independent retailers and enjoying 56% year-on-year we hope to see a great response to this initiative.” growth. And to continue this

Additional flavour

Targeted marketing


• Cash & Carry Management • May 2012

ing retailers with Boost has established itself as a trusted brand known for provid and profit margins energy taste, in-demand sports and energy drinks that provide great retailers with to tment commi this to help Boost sales and profits. We’re continuing the latest new additions to our range.

1 • 250ml can for a hit of mental stimulation. • Also available in regular, sugar free and cola flavour.

• Citrus growth outperforming all other flavours at 130%**.


• Great energy, taste & margins • No.2 functional energy brand within Impulse* • No.12 soft drinks brand in the UK*

• 500ml isotonic drink to replace lost fluids during exercise. • Also available in orange and mixed berry flavour.

• Tropical outperforming the leading flavour (orange) in growth***.

3 • New 500ml packaging design and 1 litre format. • Available in original and orange flavour.

• 1 litre showing fastest growth***. * SOURCE: SalesOut for year to August 31st 2011 (based on wholesale sales to more than 30,000 independent stores) ** SOURCE: Symphony IRI, Grocery Impulse excl WW incl SD, 52 we 18.02.12 *** SOURCE: Symphony IRI, Grocery Impulse excl WW incl SD, 52 we 26.11.11

soft drinks

Two-year growth The Vimto brand value has reached the £60m mark, gaining £13.6m in under two years. It is also expanding at 13% year on year. Neil Gibson, head of marketing, claims that the upward spiral is across all UK regions, with eight achieving doubledigit growth. He adds that Vimto RTDs continue to show significant growth at 73.7%. “We have also invested in a multi-million pound campaign

aimed at getting mums to buy Vimto cordial. The activity includes press advertising across the nation’s best-selling women’s and celebrity magazines, national consumer sampling and a £7.5m coupon giveaway.” Also within the company’s portfolio, the Weight Watchers new soft drinks range has entered the impulse market and is set for a roll-out across the UK. Stockists include Nisa, forecourts serviced by cash & carry/wholesalers and Makro. The Levi Roots selection, which currently has a brand value of £3.9m, has achieved 35% distribution in carbonates alone. Sunkist, worth £803,000, is growing at 99% year on year. It is also claimed to be the fastest growing carbonate in impulse, rising by 160% year on year. Both Levi Roots and Sunkist are launching campaigns this summer by sponsoring some of the biggest UK festivals. Gibson comments: “By ramping up our digital spend and driving our strategic and creative marketing campaigns, we strongly believe there are significantly more distribution opportunities available.” Data: Nielsen total coverage MAT (31/3/12).

Top 10 trade tips (according to Colin Seymour, long-term strategy director, GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Ensure you are stocking the right range Allow more space for the best-sellers Support NPD Take advantage of price-marked packs Put premium brands in prime locations Maximise promotional events Location – position chillers and FSDUs in key positions like the front of the store 8. Create an ambient secondary display to direct customers to the chiller 9. Stock a range of sizes 10. Allocate space to growing sectors

For further information:

Discussing how to get it right for independent retailers. The Stoneleigh show ground in Warwickshire, which stages the annual Nisa and Today’s exhibition, is a focal point not only for a host of suppliers in various categories, but also for the twin groups to offer visitors valuable advice – such as at this soft drinks demonstration area – including how to merchandise specialist sections to their best advantage.


• Cash & Carry Management • May 2012

AG Barr (01204) 664295 Boost Drinks (0113) 240 3666 Britvic (0845) 758 1781 Coca-Cola Enterprises (08457) 227222 Cott Beverages (01509) 674915 GlaxoSmithKline 020-8047 5000 Highland Spring (01764) 660500 Nestlé Waters (01923) 897700 Vimto (01925) 220122


Seven-day stimulus The 16th National BBQ Week takes place between 28 May and 3 June. It will encourage further growth in a food and drink segment which is valued at around £7bn, based on more than 120 million BBQ occasions (Kantar Worldpanel December 2011). An essential on every barbecue grill is the beefburger, perhaps with cheese accompaniments. Kerrymaid Original Slices, from Kerry Foodservice, “have been developed with professional craft and Irish charm, delivering a creamy taste while also being extremely functional for chefs and caterers,” says Adrian Coulter, the company’s business development chef. He adds: “Designed with easypeel qualities to speed up service, Kerrymaid Original Slices, when melted, will help to give structure to a burger, improving the appearance and convenience of the snack for the consumer while also providing a creamy taste and smooth texture that will complement any beefburger.” As well as offering cheese solutions, cream, ice cream mixes, custard and sauces, Kerrymaid markets chefdeveloped dairy-based spreads. Spreads, an integral part of the chef’s kitchen, can be used for a variety of BBQ catering requirements, including burger buns and sausage baps. Says Coulter: “Customers are looking for all the taste of a traditional butter, but with the convenience of a spread. The retail market picked up on this trend 20 years ago and now less than 20% of the retail market buys standard block butter. This trend is starting to emerge in foodservice.” With convenient 10g blister packs, Kerrymaid Mini Portions contain all the taste of butter, being made with Irish buttermilk. Also within the Kerry Foodservice portfolio are: Kerrymaid Original in 10g portions; Buttery Spreads, available in 500g, 1kg and 2kg sizes; Sunflower and Sunflower Light – ‘healthier alternatives to butter’; Premium Baking Spread, for pies, pastries and puddings (250g and 2kg); and Lard (250g).

Sauce variant Enco Products is underlining its ‘Taste Explorers’ credentials with the introduction of a new Peri Peri variant in its Encona sauces range. Featuring a blend of African birds eye chillies, garlic, zesty lemon and spices, the sauce is the first African inspired flavour in the selection. Brand manager Giuseppe Vullo says the Peri Peri variant will not only appeal to current Encona Sauces users, but will also introduce new shoppers to the brand. “Peri Peri complements the existing sauces range


• Cash & Carry Management • May 2012

perfectly and has performed extremely well in consumer taste tests. “It’s a typically fiery sauce, yet full of flavour and incredibly versatile.” The new variant is being supported by a marketing programme that includes nationwide sampling in store and at food festivals, poster advertising, social media and PR activity, plus appearances at leading food shows. Consumers can claim a free bottle of the new Encona African Peri Peri Sauce through coupons in national newspapers. The 142ml (150g) sauce has an rsp of £1.39 and is available in outers of six. Encona Sauces claims to be the UK’s No.1 hot pepper sauces brand, with annual sales of £6.5m (IRI UK chilli sauces, value sales MAT year to 17/03/12).

Flavoured mayos Marketing manager for Hellmann’s at Unilever Haseebur Rahman says: “At barbecues, we see a lot of consumers purchasing a repertoire of eating enhancers to offer a choice for themselves and their guests. “Sales of Hellmann’s mayonnaise, ketchup and salad cream rise during the summer period. Our latest range of flavoured mayos include a hint of lime, mustard, garlic, chilli, caramelised onion, pepper or wasabi.” Rahman adds that the supplier continues to make its products relevant to barbecues through communication, promotion and distribution.

Spread the w ord As well as offering cheese solutions, creams, ice cream mixes and custards, Kerrymaid also offers a selection of chefdeveloped dairy based spreads offering unrivalled product benefits, developed with 40 years of true professional craft and Irish charm. Spreads are an integral part of the chefs kitchen and can be used for a variety of catering requirements, including pastry making, baking, cooking or as a stand-alone spread for breads and rolls.

Kerrymaid Original; Original’s great creamy dairy taste makes it a chef’s favourite, suitable for cooking, baking and spreading. The new 10g portions now allow chefs to offer a front of house option which meets the consumer demand of taste and convenience. Also available in 250g Kerrymaid Buttery; delicious buttery taste ideal for spreading straight from the fridge, available in 500g, 1kg and 2kg Kerrymaid Sunflower and Sunflower Light; a spread appealing to

✔✔ Kerrymaid Original - 68% less saturated fat than butter

health conscious customers delivering excellent value and performance

✔✔ Suitable for coeliacs

Kerrymaid Premium Baking; developed for perfect pastries, pies and

✔✔ Suitable for vegetarians

puddings every time, available in 250g and 2kg Kerrymaid Lard; ideal for savoury pastry and basting to give that special homemade flavour, available in 250g

(except for lard)

✔✔ Free from GMO

And it’s all delivered with Kerrymaid craft and Irish Charm! For information on how you can maximise your dairy ingredients category, speak to Kerrymaid – she’ll be delighted to help! or call 01784 430777.

barbecue sectors of the retail trade. The range includes: charcoal barbecues, instant barbecues (in party size 32cm x 52cm or standard size 25cm x 30cm), gas barbecues, multi-fuel inset stoves, charcoal, winter fuel and barbecue accessories.

Near £600m market

Four of Hellmann’s food enhancer variants.

“We plan for the extended time between March and September when we know that consumers will be looking for BBQ products. “This year there are numerous planned celebration occasions, such as the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee and the Olympics, so we expect a bumper year for BBQs as people are in a mood of celebration.” Rahman says that Hellmann’s, which includes ketchup and salad cream for BBQ occasions, communicates usage and pairings in recipes and with different foods. “BBQ is, indeed, a fertile market for eating enhancers, and there is an opportunity to expand the category within this market as the consumer desire for new products with innovative flavours continues.”

Limited edition Bar-Be-Quick has launched a limited-edition Union Jack party size ‘instant barbecue’ specially to commemorate the Diamond Jubilee celebrations, the Olympic Games and the European football championship. The pack front is said to offer maximum shelf standout, “ensuring customers will not be able to either miss or resist it in the aisles”, says national account manager Caroline Hoare. She adds: “We’ve created this instant barbecue for shops to stock in the spring and summer as it has perfect assimilation with street parties and all things British. “Nationwide, the celebrations will undoubtedly involve alfresco dining, so the trade should stock up on instant barbecues if they are to maximise sales.” The instant barbecue is made from recyclable aluminium and FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) charcoal. It is available in regular and party sizes and is produced and warehoused in the UK. Bar-Be-Quick, which is owned by Rectella International – manufacturer of barbecues, wood burning stoves and cooking fuels – was formed to offer consumers ‘the utmost in convenience’. Based in Burnley, Lancs, it supplies cash & carries and all


• Cash & Carry Management • May 2012

The table dressings & condiments market is worth £596m and is growing at 2.7% (IRI 24/12/11). “Squeezy formats have been driving value growth, particularly in mayonnaise and ketchup, as shoppers seek more convenient pack formats,” says Tom Hazelden, retail execution manager, c-sector, Partners for Growth. “Hellmann’s Mayonnaise and Heinz Tomato Ketchup and Heinz Salad Cream are the key signpost brands.” He adds that lighter products are also increasingly popular with people becoming more health conscious. The convenience market is outperforming the total market – particularly in salad dressings. “Summer is a very important season for the table sauces, dressings and condiments category because of BBQs and summer parties. With 99% of households buying these products, they are key top-up items in convenience stores.” Hazelden says that within the category, shoppers are very brand loyal, “so it’s essential that the top selling brands are stocked. Shoppers don’t spend long at the table sauces fixture, so they need to find what they want quickly.” He adds that, in the summer, retailers should capitalise on the BBQ season by having a special fixture, including mayonnaise, salad cream and dressings. “In autumn and winter, eating enhancers are important as people eat more hot food, so the trade should ensure they change their range to suit the season.” Hazelden offers this advice: “Retailers should put table sauces where customers will see them. As this is a key distress purchase, it is important that shoppers can find it quickly. “Divide the fixture into product groups. Retailers can make it easier for shoppers to find what they want by separating the display into the three sub-categories: table sauces, dressings, and condiments.” Hazelden continues: “If space allows, include light variants as more than 40% of consumers use these products and are not prepared to purchase standard variants as an alternative.”

For further information: Bar-Be-Quick (01282) 478211 Enco Products (01707) 326555 Kerry Foodservice (01784) 430777 Unilever UK (Partners for Growth) (0800) 731 1597

Cash & Carry Management’s Top 25 Suppliers awards for 2012 begin soon

Not your usual awards lunch Comments on last year’s event...

“I really did enjoy the awards at Dorney Lake and found the day very worthwhile. The awards themselves were swift and the Dhamecha presentation highlighted information that we will pass on to our members. It was a great venue and good to learn about the planning going into hosting an Olympic venue. I gained the most benefit from listening to the speaker from the Olympics organising committee who was very interesting from both a personal and business perspective.� Tom Gittins, business development manager, Confex

was really “The event welcomed good and I e we had the free tim holesalers with the w rs to and supplie ns and discuss pla sight. The market fore ere also speakers w cha.� dip Dhame ra P y rl la u c good, par ti gbin, o r, Richard H ent manage m p lo e v e d r custome Drinks Britvic Soft

“Your awards are genuinely one of the best around and I think this is down to the intimate nature of a relatively small gathering, the informal but professional tone, and the special location – certainly not the norm. Also, the ambience is friendly and approachable, it is a good networking opportunity, the speakers are really excellent, and the time of day (lunch) makes it much more manageable than another evening gig.� Stephen Moodie, customer director convenience, Unilever

“Great ven ue, great speakers, w ith a passion an d message .I thoroughly enjoyed the balance be tween awards and speakers. Good news stor y in hard times .� Nigel Milwa rd, C&C – im pulse mana ger, PLB Group

! " # # ! $ % & '

beer & lager

Multi-million ad spend Brands like Heineken are pumping heavy sums into marketing support. Heineken has unveiled the seventh execution in its Foster’s ‘Good Call’ advertising campaign, which shows No Worries agony uncles Brad and Dan dispensing advice to their first female caller. The new 40-second commercial, which began airing nationally on 7 May, shows the duo from Down Under being surprised by a plea for help from ‘Lucy from Manchester’. Brand manager Nic Casby says: “Our latest execution brings a new and amusing slant to the campaign and taps into a universal insight to which most men and women will relate.” The advertising is part of a multi-million pound marketing drive for the brand, including – in addition to tv – digital and social media, outdoor advertising and sponsorship of the Edinburgh Comedy Awards. Television coverage features appearances on more than 100 hours of Channel 4’s Original Comedy. Heineken has also announced the launch of a new UEFA Champions League promotion. Running on point-of-sale items only, it offers shoppers the chance to win ‘VIP access’ to group stage games held in England in the 2012/13 tournament and it is being supported by a programme to drive sales through the off-trade. Together with Heineken UEFA Champions League branding, each piece of PoS material features a code that can be scanned via a smartphone to allow shoppers to access the competition online. Branded barkers, wobblers, freestanding display units, aisle fins, depot fins, branded pallet shrouds and floor media

European football theme for new promotion.


• Cash & Carry Management • May 2012

are all available for stores and depots. The brewer is also running a promotion giving away a limited-edition Munich final 2012 glass with every pack bought. Doug Walker, head of off-trade customer marketing, says: “There is a great sales opportunity around the final of the tournament and last year’s 84% growth over the UEFA Champions League period came not just from shoppers switching to Heineken, but also from sales generated by bringing new shoppers into the category. “Nearly 10 million people watched the climax of last year’s tournament and we expect there to be a similar buzz around this year’s final.” Heineken’s sister beer brands include Foster’s, Kronenbourg 1664 and John Smith’s.

Bottled version Wells & Young’s, which claims to be the UK’s largest independent family-owned brewer, is using the power of its biggest brand McEwan’s to boost the premium ale category with an off-trade innovation. A 500ml bottled version of McEwan’s Export contains the same 4.5% abv premium ale as in the can, and the label features the red colours and iconic ‘Laughing Cavalier’ symbol. McEwan’s is Scotland’s biggest ale and the UK’s No.3 premium ale brand in the offtrade, and this initiative is expected to drive more value in the £97m ale market. The 500ml bottles are available through C&C/wholesale depots in outer packs of eight to be sold as singles with an rsp of £1.99. Wells & Young’s marketing director Chris Lewis says: “This is another significant investment in McEwan’s since we acquired the brand in 2011; we are hugely excited about its potential. It continues to perform well in the overall premium ale market, despite the challenging economic times.” He adds: “McEwan’s Export was the only brand in the top 10 premium canned ale brands that didn’t offer a bottled option and, given its popularity, we knew that this presented an excellent opportunity to grow the brand, encourage more sales to benefit retailers and drive additional value into the premium bottled ale category.” All data: IRI MAT value January 2012.

Cash & Carry Management’s Top 25 Suppliers awards begin soon. Are you ready?

Last year’s winners are pictured with Martin Lovell (second on left), publishing director of Cash & Carry Management, at Dorney Lake, the setting for the 2011 Top 25 Suppliers awards lunch and the rowing venue for the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

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beer & lager

£6m media drive San Miguel Fresca, the first UK product extension for the leading Spanish beer brand, marketed by Carlsberg UK, is launching a £6m marketing campaign to include posters, Underground digital sites, Facebook and YouTube, as well as sampling. With two creative straplines ‘Hola Fresca, Adios Thirst’ and ‘Hola Sunshine, Hola Fresca’, the six and 48-sheet posters feature wall art which was painted on location in Spain. They conjure up images of long, sunny days through the use of sunlight, shadows and Spanish colours. Director of marketing David Scott, who developed Fresca with brand owners Mahou-San Miguel, says: “There are many cues that herald the arrival of summer and, through this creative, we have picked out some of these which will conjure up feelings of longer days, warmer nights and BBQs with friends. “Fresca is about seizing the moment and making the most of everything the summer has to offer.” He adds that parent brand San Miguel is enjoying big growth in the UK – up by 42% in the past year – making it the fastest growing world lager. “With this momentum, we are launching Fresca, clearly branded as part of the San Miguel family, with one of the biggest marketing investments in the beer category this year. “Whilst rival brands are reducing their spend, we continue to support our customers, and the beer category, with highprofile campaigns.” Posters will appear on 10,000 outdoor sites. Also from Carlsberg, Tuborg is launching a limited-edition can in support of its summer festival sponsorship. The new look – rooted in music – was designed by Facebook fan Chris Weston, of Leeds. Says Scott: “Tuborg consumers spend a significant amount of time in the digital space. Therefore it makes sense for us to invest in social media and reach out to the creativity our consumers have. The winning design will feature on


• Cash & Carry Management • May 2012

all our cans at festivals, including Bestival, Lovebox and Latitude.” He adds that Tuborg has enjoyed 60% growth over the last two years equating to an extra 5.3 million pints. Data: CGA Brand Index MAT to December 2011.

Zara Dampney and Shauna Mullin (above), who are bidding to be members of Britain’s women’s beach volleyball team competing in the Olympics, are being sponsored by US craft beer brand Fordham, the UK importer of which is Heathwick. The deal is part of the importer’s £225,000 investment in the brand over the next 18 months, featuring the ‘Try Something New’ marketing campaign. It is rebranding the sport as ‘FO-lleyball’, with the FO logo appearing on Fordham bottles.

For further information: Carlsberg UK (01604) 668866 Heathwick (01264) 854152 Heineken UK 0131-528 1000 Wells & Young’s (01234) 272766

products & promotions Licensing deal

Patriotic approach

Waving the flag DIAGEO/COCA-COLA ENTERPRISES – The leading alcoholic drinks supplier and the major soft drinks manufacturer have embarked on their third ‘partnership’ year. Both expect that by extolling the merits of mixing Gordon’s gin, Smirnoff vodka, Captain Morgan rum, as well as Pimm’s, with Schweppes or Coca-Cola during the heavy period of events, headed by the Olympics and Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, there will be a major upsurge in sales. Displaying products featuring the Union Jack will be a major marketing tool. Diageo’s customer marketing director Stephen Hamilton said: “What a fantastic combination these drinks make! “Last year our brands accounted for 61% of UK spirits growth while Schweppes represented 68.5% of total mixers growth.” Colin O’Dwyer, out-of-home director for Coca-Cola Enterprises, commented: “This will be the biggest summer of celebration ever. “We got a taster at last year’s Royal Wedding when Coke sales rose by 11% over this period.” A £3.5 million budget will target ads in the press, on radio and on poster sites. The campaign will run until August. Tel: Diageo GB 020-8978 6000. Tel: Coca-Cola Enterprises (08457) 227222.

TANGERINE CONFECTIONERY – The sugar confectionery and popcorn manufacturer has signed a licensing venture with Vimto to produce and market Vimto Bon Bon sweets. The chewy bon bons, which contain fruit juice, come in a 165g bag or jar format and are available in shelf-ready cases with a £1 flash price. Helen Hartley, Tangerine marketing manager, said: “The Vimto flavour appeals to all and the brand is a firm household name. With Britain’s best loved sweets, we have a winning combination.” James Nichols, brand licensing manager at Vimto, added: “Vimto Bon Bons appeal to children and adults of all ages.” Tel: Tangerine Confectionery (01253) 761201. Tel: Vimto (01925) 220122.

Double whammy FRIESLANDCAMPINA – The Yazoo flavoured milk brand has introduced a 99p price-marked bottle exclusively for the convenience sector, until the end of August. It also recently launched the ‘Shake Squad’, a multi-media campaign to focus on young adults. The tv ad is being supported on Facebook, with respondents able to enter a competition to win one of eight weekly cash giveaways of £250, plus a grand prize of £10,000. Helen Cridge, trade marketing manager, said: “The dairy drink category is growing and Yazoo can build on this with its new price-marked pack and with the new ‘Shake Squad’ tv and social media campaign.” Tel: FrieslandCampina (01403) 273273.

Summer biscuits BURTON’S BISCUIT CO – The supplier has unveiled a seasonal first in the UK’s £2bn biscuit category with the launch of a Maryland summer range. The variants are: strawberry & white choc standard (200g, rsp £1.39) and summer fruit big & chunky (200g, £1.79). They will be available throughout the summer. They are being joined this month, for a three-month period, by great British summer big & chunky (200g, £1). Hailed by Burton’s as ‘the Great British Cookie’, the packaging features the Union Jack, with the cookies containing red, white and blue chocolate beans. Category & activation controller David Costello said: “Seasonality is set to play a much bigger part in the biscuit category, generating incremental profit opportunities in the process. “The Maryland summer range enables retailers to capitalise on the rise in consumer demand for seasonal lines and also for products that can be used to celebrate major events, such as the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, this summer. “This innovative touch meets growing retailer demand for seasonal variants of category-leading products that can be tied in with major events.” Maryland is claimed to be the UK’s No.1 cookie brand, with annual sales of £42m (IRI year to 17/3/12). Tel: Burton’s Biscuit Co (01727) 899700.

Cash & Carry Management

• May 2012 • 37

products & promotions Agency ended

RTS wine range ACCOLADE WINES – The company has launched a ready-to-serve selection, with new drinks under the Hardys, Banrock Station and Stone’s labels. Two Echo Falls lines are already available. The products, which have secured listings in leading convenience stores and supermarket chains, will be the focus of an off-trade push this month. The ‘Sparkling Collection’ range includes: Hardys Peach Bellini and Strawberry Bellini, Banrock Station Infusions Summer Berries and Stone’s Ginger Punch (all in 250ml cans, rsp £1.85), with Echo Falls Spritz Pinot Grigio and Echo Falls Spritz White Zinfandel Rosé both with a £1.49 rsp. The Stone’s Ginger Punch limitededition Union Jack-themed can will lead the way into the off-trade sector. The pre-mix drink category (within RTDs) is worth £59m in the off-trade and is one of the fastest growing sectors – up 37% last year (AC Nielsen and CGA). Tel: Accolade Wines (01483) 690000.

Aiming to score UNITED BISCUITS – The snacks and biscuits manufacturer has launched an on-pack McCoy’s promotion for football supporters. It has also introduced a new 150g sharing format. The brand is encouraging fans to visit to enter into the banter on football and have a chance to win a 3D tv set each day, as well as pick up a year’s subscription to sports channel ESPN. The promotion covers 50g handy packs (rsp 69p), 6 x multipacks (£2.09) and 100g size (£1). The first-time McCoy’s sharing bags come in three styles: Flame Grilled Steak, Cheddar & Onion and Salt & Malt Vinegar (£1.99). Tel: UBUK 020-8324 5000.


GLOBAL BRANDS – As part of its strategy to focus on brands with significant growth potential, the drinks business has ended its agency agreement with St Germain elderflower liqueur. Having worked with St Germain since 2010, Global Brands claims to have delivered three consecutive years of growth for the brand. Marketing director Simon Green, said: “We have reached the right point to conclude our brand work with St Germain and have surpassed our growth and distribution targets in premium on and off-trade accounts.” As reported last month, Global Brands has also ended its agreement with Berry Bros & Rudd to handle Pink Pigeon rum and King’s Ginger liqueur. Tel: Global Brands (01246) 216000.

‘Great British’ R CRAWFORD (NORTHERN) – The Hadfield, Derbys, maker of Posh Lollies and Vimto Lollies has launched Brit Pops to coincide with this year’s Great British events. The red, white and blue sweets are available in both a traditional jar of about 200 lollies and in 165g share bags (rsp £1.29). Brit Pops, which carry a retail price of 6p each when sold individually from jars, are available from most leading C&Cs and selected multiple retailers. Sales director Darren Butterworth said: ”This is a fun new line, with a great British look, great British taste, made by a great British company.“ Tel: R Crawford (Northern) (01204) 309111.

• Cash & Carry Management • May 2012

At Ally Pally RED BULL – The Red Bull Empire of Dirt BMX contest is taking place from 19-20 May in the grounds of London’s Alexandra Palace. The event, expected to be watched by around 10,000 people, has been supported by tv advertising as part of the ‘World of Red Bull’ campaign. Tel: Red Bull Co 020-7434 5670.

Better for clothes UNILEVER UK – Clothes enhancer Comfort is re-invigorating its range of fragranced fabric conditioners with a ‘refresh’ of Comfort Exhilarations. It includes a packaging redesign and the introduction of two new variants: Blushing Poppy & Peach and Vanilla & Gold Iris. The initiative will benefit from a £2m marketing drive, including a tv ad which airs from this month. Mairead Greensmith, marketing manager, commented: “The Comfort Exhilarations range has become a huge success since its launch, and it is the fastest growing range within the premium rinse conditioner sector (IRI MAT 18/2/12). “As a whole, the rinse conditioner market is worth £307m. It is the premium offering which is driving growth, at 4.2% year-on year.” Each pack comes with a dosing cap, allowing consumers to measure the required dose effectively. Both the Blushing Poppy & Peach and Vanilla & Gold Iris variants come in 750ml containers (rsp £2.15) and 1.2litre packs (£3.30). Tel: Unilever UK (0800) 776647.

products & promotions Nine weeks only

Flag bearer

FERRERO – The chocolate supplier is introducing a 50p price-marked pack across the Kinder Bueno singles range for nine weeks starting on 21 May. Customer development director Levi Boorer told Cash & Carry Management that the brand has grown by 26% as a result of the recent ‘Indulgence Lightly Done’ campaign, which included television advertising and a ‘try me free’ opportunity (Nielsen total impulse four weeks to 23/4/12). He added: “We have made a substantial investment in the price-marked pack activity across our classic and white variants. During the activity, retailers will receive excellent value, benefiting from promotional cases in-depot of ‘30 Kinder Bueno for the price of 24’.” The Ferrero portfolio also includes Ferrero Rocher, nutella, Kinder Surprise and tic tac. Tel: Ferrero UK (01923) 690300.

MARS CHOCOLATE – A limited-edition M&M’s Union Jack pack has been launched with the events-packed summer in mind. Carrying the flag’s branding, it will be available in store from 20 May for an eight-week period. Trade communications manager Bep Dhaliwal said: “The Union Jack packs will appeal to consumers looking forward to a summer of British celebrations. “They also highlight Mars’ 80-year heritage of manufacturing chocolate in the UK.” M&M’s is being supported by a £6m ad campaign this year. Tel: Mars Chocolate (01844) 262517.

For c-stores E&J BRANDY – What is claimed to be the world’s best-selling premium brandy has launched an exclusive scratch card promotion for convenience retailers, who have the chance to win instant cash prizes from £10 to £5,000. The scheme will run on cases of 35cl (rsp £8.99), the mid-sized format introduced last year. Promotional stock includes bottles with neck collars, bringing consumers’ attention to the new format. Activity is being supported in cash & carries with eye-catching point-of-sale material. Tel: E&J Gallo (01895) 813444.

Brand relaunch WRIGLEY – Starburst is unveiling a multi-million pound brand relaunch, which challenges consumers to ‘let their Starburst out’. The activity includes a range redesign, introduction of a new sharing format and a limited-edition pack tapping into the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee. The relaunch represents the biggest investment for the brand in over five years. It is being supported by a through-the-line marketing drive, including a £2m tv ad campaign and sampling at music festivals. Matt Austin, confections business unit director, said: “Starburst is a big player in fruit confections. Worth £20m (Nielsen total coverage fruit confectionery MAT 28/1/12) and with Starburst Original outperforming the category as one of the leaders in fruit, it is also a brand that mustn’t be underestimated by the retail trade.” Limited-edition variety ‘The British Collection’, with Union Jack themed packaging, is being launched this month. Packs contain strawberry, blackcurrant, raspberry and apple flavour sweets. The product comes in a 170g pouch and 45g stick pack format. Tel: Wrigley (01752) 752094.

Touch of honey BACARDI BROWN FORMAN – Jack Daniel’s is launching a Tennessee Honey variant in the UK – available to the on-trade this month and the offtrade in August. It has already ‘taken the United States by storm’. The whiskey is mingled with a honey liqueur resulting in a taste that is said to be ‘authentically Jack and naturally smooth’. The bottle has an rsp of £23.95. The launch is being supported by a campaign including social media, digital, and cinema and out-of-home ads. Tel: Bacardi Brown Forman (01962) 762450.

Good choice! ADAMS FOODS – ‘Good Choice Pilgrim’ is the title of a new television campaign for Pilgrims Choice Cheddar. Instore point-of-sale material will be available and the drive will include a comprehensive digital and public relations programme. Tel: Adams Foods (01538) 399111.

Cash & Carry Management

• May 2012 • 39

The McVitie’s Medley range has been joined by new Hobnob & Double Chocolate Medley. This news, coupled with the fact that the brand has won Snack Product of the Year, means that sales of Medley are set to soar in 2012!

Stock the full range or miss out!

Winner Snack Category. Survey of 9,063 people by TNS.

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