A job journal by students’ services Center, Nizwa CAS. Ministry of Higher Education Sunday, December 15, 2013
Leading Article
Saleh Al-Rahbi Lecturer, Department of English Language, CAS Nizwa
Our students need to strain every nerve to cultivate their English language skills. At college level, where English is the medium of instruction, students frequently tend to use their mother tongue. English is barely used after leaving the classroom premises and in some cases the mother tongue is even used in classroom discussions. For instance, in many English lessons, I have come across various occasions where students discuss an activity in Arabic. Much research, with the aim of tackling this problem has been conducted, yet we still encounter it on a daily basis. Some students perceive using English outside of
the classroom as no more than showing off while others claim that using English outside of the classroom is boring since they need a bit of a change from the lecture atmosphere. In addition, some students feel shy in speaking because of the mistakes they make. These students need to be reminded that building any house requires a good foundation. Thus, for these students to graduate and get good jobs, speaking and using English in their daily routines is a must. They need to practise speaking and using English from the beginning stages. I remember when I was a freshman at university, I used to practise speaking English with my classmates after lectures. Some students from other class-
es laughed at us as we spoke in English. I remember them saying “you are crazy. Don’t you get tired of speaking English?” In fact, speaking English after classes finish helps students kill two birds with one stone. They come to make speaking in English a habit, while at the same time using some of the vocabulary or paradigm structures that they have learned in their lectures. Despite the fact that some students find it difficult to speak in English, I urge students to try their best to practise using English after class until it becomes a habit. Practise, practise, and practise so as to be able to fulfil your dreams. And remember, practice makes perfect!
Samia Al-Ghafri
Nizwa College of Applied Sciences represented by the Media Society concluded the Fourth Media Summit with the closing ceremony under the patronage of Engineer Sultan bin Saif Al-Shaibani, Director General of Agriculture of AlDakhiliya Governorate. The two-day event discussed various issues and topics related to contemporary media issues. On the first day, many practical sessions were conducted, such as the workshop on “Managing digital studios,” presented by Zahid Wahed, a lecturer in the Department of Communication Studies. This workshop aimed to introduce students to the ways of managing digital studios and directing
live programmes. Another session was conducted on the title “Basics of Montague” presented by Mr. Khamis Ambusaidi, an assistant lecturer in the Department of Communication Studies. He explained the most prominent software and tools used for editing. The workshop included a practical implementation of the software “Adobe Premiere” which is one of the most common programmes used in visual production. The last session was about “Layout and Design”, presented by Mr. Mohammed Al Riyami, an assistant Lecturer in the Department of Design. Mr. Al-Riyami highlighted the basics involved in the design of newspapers and magazines. On the second day, the activities of the summit concluded with a speech presented
by Marwa Al-Jahwari the president of the Media Society. In the speech she represented the objectives and the role of the Media Society and the aims behind organising such activities. Then, a short film about the Media Society was shown. This was followed by the final stage of the Media Challenge Competition for the Colleges of Applied Sciences. After that, the students of the Media Society presented a short theatre play entitled “Our Media”, where they discussed a number of contemporary media issues. Finally, the results of the TV reporting workshop competition were announced. At the end, the patron of the event distributed the certificates and awards to the winners and participants.
Annually the number of graduates is increasing. Some of them join the work environment directly, while others continue studying for higher certificates. However, in both cases, we cannot notice any kind of the expected achievements. Is there any kind of laziness that is restricting our mind from achievement and innovation? Or is there a shortage in finance and moral support that are needed to start the innovation? What are the exact obstacles for achieving our goals?? Why are we still being claimed as the third generation or the late generation? Why some of us set their life goal to be their job without trying to achieve higher targets? Is it rational that the new generation becomes shallow and materialist to this extent? Why do our dreams and ideas stay on our heads while in the west they make them real? Why do students who study abroad do better than those who study inside the country? Is this real? Have the Arab students become empty-minded and unable to produce and achieve good results? Or is there a problem in their study? What is the real cause for all of this? Eman Sulaiman Al-Shaqsi
Yusuf Al-Hassani (etiquette expert and international protocol) commented: Reasons of scientific tardiness Staying outside the circle of scientific development is something unacceptable. As everyone knows that in the Arab World the focus and financial support in the scientific area is modest compared with developed countries. Now, our countries are importing the ready techniques from
abroad and play the role of the consumer. Therefore, we have to work as a group with high confidence with each other with the support of stakeholders. By that, we will prove to the world that we are able to repeat the glories of those who preceded us in science such as, Al-Razi and Al-Farabi and others in the various fields of science value.
The present generation thinking about the achievement and developments
The present generation is aware about its problems and always thinks about the achievements and development. However, it is still hard to make the most of all opportunities and available sources to help realize our dreams. We
always see many thoughts and useful inventions from the Omani people and others, but they lack support from stakeholders. So, we see their creations for fantastic ideas, but this doesn’t see the light due to the absence of support.
Engineer Amur Sulaiman Al-Shaqsi (Quantity Surveyor Engineer) commented: The reasons for the shallowness of ideas and materialist future plan of this generation
The scholarships’ stu dents are more creative than the students who are inside the country We have seen that the students who are studying abroad are more creative than those who study here. That is because they have a strong motivation from dealing with people from different nationalities. That itself is challenging them to have a high level of science knowledge. And the other thing, the system of study abroad is
The main reason is their parents. They are providing them with everything they wish for; however, they do not make an effort in the search for a particular thing. Also, we can say
that, the education system has made this future plan for the new generation. Their teachers should all work together so as to affect their creative thinking skills.
more advanced. That is through universities which attract qualified instructors. However, we have seen here a lower-level of science education, and our system of study depends on the capabilities of the students memorizing without understanding, and they are being taught by inappropriate teachers. Simply, we have theoretical exams which measure the ability to memorise without understanding or practical aspects. This is in itself is an intellectual freeze. Here I wish to say to the stakeholders that there is no future for the country if there
isn’t any moral and financial support for education and research. In fact, we have creative people who are in need of support so they can achieve their goals. Also, the education system needs to be improved. We need qualified teachers who are fully aware of the specific majors and the subjects. And we need to improve the examination system. In short, memorizing without understanding or application is as drawing on the water surface. In other words, there is no benefit from it.
Ne’ma Said Al-Shkili
For those people who can’t keep their money. For those who spend their money in less than a month here is the solution. A designer called Jone Kistnar from Masochosts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Cambridge, USA, has tried to solve this problem in more than one creative idea, and succeeded in the design of what could be named the first purse saving “Money Keeper” in the world. There are three different designs of ‘’Bear’’ smart wallets. Each design of these wallets serves one concept for saving money. All of them are aimed to make the owners think before they want to
spend their money on something. And all the designs include a chip connected via Bluetooth with a mobile phone of the owner to notify him when any money is being withdrawn from his bank account. The first Design is “Mother Bear”, which is designed to make it difficult to open if there is money inside the wallet. That is because of the wallet’s joint which can be programmed to make it harder to open the wallet whenever there is lack of money. Also, this one can be programmed to work according to a monthly budget specifically. The second is the design of wallet “Peacock” that can expand or shrink according to the state of bank ac-
count of the individual, and that is done by a mechanical arm inside the wallet. The third design is the wallet “Bumblebee” that contains a small –sized rocking engine. This engine vibrates when the owner spends the money. We can know the amount of paid money by the length of the vibration. Kistnar is currently trying to distribute the wonderful wallets round the world with the purpose of reducing the amount of money we waste. But, he admitted at the same time the need to work to make it very cheap to buy, because it is not logical to buy wallets that aim to save us money when they are expensive.
Zahra Al-Adawi Masia Zaher
Friend.. Do you know what ? you are silly every time and with everything ) you are not think about your friend I will not send to you anything) I will get a good friend and new she will tell me everything true by truth our sky will be blue it rains gold we will sell gold for friendship but in this time you are not my friend
Arwa Al-Shaqsi
Amna Al-Kindi
Where is the hope let me tell you nobody care about you [nobody cares about you] Do you know what is this?? this is a star chine in the sky [star shine/shining] I want to fly It gives me hope] I know It is so far to go to this star if I don’t go I will go to a bar to drink some of fanger] and eat some of tobacco ?] [I am not cheerful] [I am not an optimist I am not.....I am not please don;t tell me about my life I know about it [These words were said by someone who lost their hope in life] Always beside you when you be worried and feel sad who will keep you happy ?? when you are worried and feeling sad ??? who will give you advice ?) who is always beside you ??? smile when you smile cry when you cry it is a friend the best thing in friendship are respecting look after and love. the best things in friendship are respect, protection and love (you need nouns here. Friendship is a treasure without end, and it’s a garden of paradise it’s clean love no hypocrisy no envy . Friendship is a symbol of love.
General supervision Mr. Moosa Al-Lawati
Sultan Al-Saraai
Since I have joined this society, I have been taught many skills at the media filed. Media Society, there is no doubt that all students and staff members at the college know it well and know its important role at improving the students’ talents and skills. Most of the society members admitted and acknowledged this and felt proud about it. Media Society is not a normal activity, it is the icon of team work, hard work, creativity, struggling, sacrificing, and appreciating. Every creature at our college witnesses the creativity and worth productivity of the media society which influences them positively. It is the mirror of the college which delivers any movement inside the college for the internal and external public in the right way. In return to its priceless job, we have no words, comments, or expressions that can describe our thanks and gratitude for it. All what can we do is to work in the way it like to maintain its position. At this point, I would like to advice all the students to seek the Media Society and to identify its amazing nature. Believe me there is no chance for failure among those champions who worked night by night to raise it up and make it the main gain for the college. Just you have to balance your priorities and to manage your time to success in both, the study and the activity. Also, there is one more advice for anyone haven’t get the chance to know it that to be brave enough and be close to the Media Society and to stop listening for any rumors that harm its reputation before trying it by yourself.
Sultan Al-Saraai Marwa Al-Jahwari Fatima Al-Shirqi
Linguistic Revision Mr. Saleh Al-Rahbi
Design Arwa AL-Shaqsi
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