CASSayuran June-October 2011

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CASSayuran Official Newsletter of the Students of the College of Arts & Social Sciences

June - October 2011

Miss IIT is still Miss CASS

For two consecutive years, the Miss IIT crown belonged to Miss CASS. Reigning Miss CASS Marjorie M. Achacoso made her way on top of seven other ladies to this year's crown. She undoubtedly extended the lingering proud spirit of the transcendental arachnids during the search for Mr. & Ms. IIT last August 31, 2011. Marjorie a second-year AB Sociology lass, bagged two minor awards, namely, Ms. Congeniality and Ms. Konika Smile. These were

awarded during the preliminary rounds of the pageant. And after three exposures, the top five pairs were declared, scores went back to zero for the question and answer. When asked by the host how she feels, Marjorie said that she feels nervous but is trying to compose herself. Judge number five asked Miss CASS the question: “If you were to choose, what do you want to be? A person who acquires tons of skills or a person with a high-level of luck and why?” Marjorie confidently answered “Good evening ma'am. Thank you for that question. I will choose a person with skills, because if a person with skills would use the skills in the right way then I believe that he will become successful.” Marjorie together with Mr. CASS Roosebelt Bolano serve as the college's ambassadors. And with Marjorie's recent win of the Miss IIT crown, she is also tasked to be the Institute's Ambassadress. Marjorie is tasked to promote the College and the Institute in order to continually advertise that IIT is one of the best institutions that offers not only quality education but also adheres to the promotion and development of the individual and society. “I will be representing my college and the institute the best way that I can

Eng Major, VMDC's starts. 9th Best Speaker In the master's round,

CASS exhibited its proud spirit once more! An overwhelming feat was brought to CASS by Calvin Penaco for being hailed as the 9th best speaker during the 5th VisayasMindanao Debate Championship (VMDC) hosted by Brent College, Zamboanga City last July 23-25, 2011. Penaco, a fourth year AB English student is a member of the MSU-IIT Debate Varsity (MIDV). In that competition MIDV was divided into two teams, namely, team A and team B. Penaco belonged to team B together with his partner, Gil Dulon, a third year BS Chemical Engineering. The top 16 teams that are determined from the elimination rounds will be qualified for the quarter finals. MIDV team B ranked 3rd while MIDV team A ranked 11th out of the top 16 teams. In the quarter finals there is another round of debate for the top 16 teams. There are four teams in a round. Teams are then ranked from 1st to 4th but only the 1st and 2nd placers will be qualified for the second finals. Team A and Team B of MIDV competed with each other in this round. Team B ranked 1st and Team A ranked 3rd, thus Team A failed to proceed to the second finals. Team B, which is the Team of Penaco and Dulon, was able to join the second finals but did not manage to qualify for the finals round. Despite this, Penaco was still given the privilege to participate in the master's round. This is a round which is for entertainment purposes only and is conducted before the final round .

the motion of the house is to jail heart breakers. The basis for the declaration of the Top Ten Best Speakers of the competition is their performance during the elimination rounds which took two days. The motions are not exclusively from issues regarding Mindanao and Visayas but also encompass issues regarding international communities like US, China, Taiwan. “It was surprising for me, because I wasn't feeling confident at that time. We did not really practice thoroughly,” he said. Penaco stated that the factors that contributed much to his victory are their learning from coaches. Recently they are introduced to a new type of debate which is commonly used in debate competitions. They are oriented by Ateneo de Manila University debaters. In the past years MIDV is using a type of debate which is incompatible thus they do not get the high ranks. Penaco's piece of advice for aspiring debaters is “the key to success is practice. Debaters don't succeed by having the talent alone- this can be enhanced or improved by practice. If you have the necessary information, you must be able to analyze and defend certain stands. In terms of being able to be the 9th Best Speaker, one should just be able to improve on your ability on analyzing certain issues, also, fluency of the English language is a very important factor.” to page 7

through support programs, activities and other events that are for the welfare of the students that can help in the holistic development of IITians,” she proudly stated. She honestly admitted that she felt so pressured upon joining the pageant; it is because she has to meet the expectations of the students from CASS and to defend the title. “I felt so blessed with love, support and guidance from our Almighty Father, family, friends and the CASS family. I have always been praying that hopefully on that night I would have the confidence and peace of mind so that it would be easy for me to manage myself well,” Marjorie added. “I felt so happy of course, because despite having problems we all successfully made it to the top. I am so thankful for having such

mentors that helped me to be motivated and to face my fear. I am so proud of my family, friends, and mentors and especially to God for without you all, I will not make it to the top. You became my inspiration to strive harder and to give my all for that pageant to defend the title and to aim more.” Marjorie's inspiring message to her fellow CASS students is “Whatever opportunities that will come into your life, grab it. If you think you have something to be proud of then, show it. Accept compliments and criticisms for it would help you to become a better person. Put God at the center of everything, and most importantly “success is not a matter of chance but it is a matter of choice.” Marjorie will be flying to Hongkong sometime during the to page 7

GEN-ED: 10 Years of Giving Chance to Others CHANCE. It is like a grace, an unmerited favor. You have it even if you are not worthy to receive it. It is even equated with the words: p o s s i b i l i t y, p r o v i d e n c e , a n d opportunity. When one has this, he/she should accept changes and learn to fit in a world of reality. Looking back, the General Education (GenEd) Program was implemented in the year 2001 through the collaborative ideas and efforts of former Chancellor Marcelo P. Salazar and Prof. Nora Clar along with Dr. Emma Magracia who conceptualized the program proposal together with the Deans of the colleges of Arts and Social Sciences, Business Administration and

A c c o u n t a n c y, S c i e n c e a n d Mathematics, and Education as members. GenEd's first coordinator was Prof. Melecita G. Baena of the Department of History followed by D r. A n g e l i n a S a n t o s o f t h e Department of Filipino and Other Languages, and Prof. Rene Jose Padro of the Department of Political Science, the current coordinator. This program is a 2-year self-liquidating program and is designed for students who did not reach the cut-off score of the MSU System Scholarship and Admission Examinations (SASE) for the different regular courses offered by the Institute. At the same time, to page 4

CASS Lawn Tennis Players Bring Home the Bacon CASS ranked first place in the Lawn Tennis Men and Women Category. CASS's Lawn Tennis team is composed of Ave Eragan, BS Psychology; Felvin Ray Inducal General Education; Shem Tuazon, AB Sociology and Mahatyr Puntud, AB History student for the men category; Jhermevel Jheene Geromo, BS Psychology; Heide Salvedia, General Education; and Kristine Mae Deang, General Education for the women category. In Game 1, the first opponent of the Men Lawn Tennis Players was last year's champion, SET. At the end of Game 1, CASS scored of 2 versus SET's 0. Game 2 was against SCS and again CASS scored of 2 versus SCS' 0. In Game 3, CASS fought against COE, last year's first runner up. They had a tie of 1-1 which led to a decision game for doubles. At the end of the decision game, the scores were 8-2, in favor of CASS. The result of the decision game assured CASS of first place in Lawn Tennis Men's Category. The first game of the Lawn

CASS Lawn Tennis Players at the Awarding Ceremony

Tennis (Women) was so astonishing for they were able to score 2-0 versus CBAA. In Game 2, they were against CED, and had two rounds of tiebreaker for the first set. The second set of Game 2 finally led to the defeat of CED, with the standing score of 20. CASS played against COE during the semi-finals and managed to have a 2-0 standing again. Since they defeated COE, CASS women lawn tennis team was then considered as twice to beat. In the championship game, they had a rematch with CED. In the first set CASS lost against CED with a score of 8-4, while on the second set there was a tie-breaker and CASS succeeded with the score of 7to page 8



CASSiyahan 2011 Jovially Opens

One of the most-awaited and celebrated events in the College of Arts and Social Sciences (CASS) is the CASS days. This is a three-day event that offers the students a time to gather and expose their innate talents in the literary, the sports, and the cultural events. CASS Days 2011 officially opened on the 4th of July. This year's celebration is dubbed as CASSiyahan, with the theme “Working together for a better CASS”. At about 9 o'clock in the morning, the traditional foot parade started and this year's parade was led by the Iligan City National High School Band. It served as one of the highlights of the opening.

The candidates for Mr. and Ms. CASS 2011 graced the paths as they led their respective societies. The faculty members headed by the Dean also joined the parade. The opening ceremonies started as soon as the foot parade concluded. It started with an invocation and the singing of the national anthem. It was followed by the opening remarks given by CASS dean Prof. Nora A. Clar. In general, Prof. Clar proudly talked about recent accomplishments regarding the College's quest for AACCUP Level III accreditation. She also encouraged the students to abide by

June - October 2011

this year's CASS days' theme. E a c h department was recognized and they merrily presented their yells. Each society's yells served as one of the basis for the Best Delegation award. After which the closing remarks was given by the acting CASS governor Ms. Caren Gapol. The PolSci society during the foot parade. When the opening Different departments and societies ceremonies ended, the students shared the merriment of the immediately prepared for the Fiesta celebration as students together with sa Nayon which is still part of the faculty members partake in the food annual tradition of CASS days. and drinks that the students prepared. - Amie Rose M. Lacaya

Arachnids' Numerous Talents Shine

ABEO’s Wanna Be: Last Friday Night

Many unforgettable and memorable moments in our college life have started already which are full of joy and challenges. The College of Arts and Social Sciences (CASS) students commemorated their college days, dubbed as CASSiyahan. One of the most awaited events is the Cultural Night.

During the Cultural Night, students from the seven departments competed with one another in Vocal Duets, Pop Dance, and Wanna Be. In addition to the said competitions, the students also cheered for their respective representative in the search for Mr. and Ms. CASS 2011. The powerful and majestic voices of the participants for the vocal duet competition cranked the crowd. And among the seven pairs, the all-female pair from the Political Science Society (PSS) emerged as the champion with their rendition of the song "Proud Mary." While the pair from the Sociology Society (SS) grabbed the 1st runner-up with

their version of the song "This is the Moment," and the all-male pair from the AB English Organization (ABEO) ranked 2nd with their version of the song "Phantom of the Opera". The gym became more lively and enthusiastic when the emcee announced the start of the Pop Dance category. At the end of the competition, the dancers from the Psychology Society (PS) dominated as the champion with their organized performance and the dancers from Kapilas Bayan (KB) grabbed the 2nd place and the dancers from the History society (HS) ranked 3rd. Spectacular presentation of impersonation commonly known as Wanna Be totally rocked the gymnasium. The impersonation of Miley Cyrus by the PSS bagged the champion while the contender from the HS ranked 2nd with their

CASS EC Holds General Assembly and Acquaintance Party The MSU–IIT Gymnasium was completely occupied by CASS Arachnids last June 14, 2011 during the 1st College of Arts and Social Sciences General Assembly. The event was comprised of two main activities: the general assembly and the acquaintance party. The latter immediately followed after the “gen. ass.” Our ever dynamic dean, Prof. Nora Clar, officially opened the program with her heart-warming remarks addressed to the students. It was then followed by an inspiring

message given by the MSU–IIT's new chancellor Dr. Sukarno D. Tanggol. Dr. Edward Banawa, Acting Director of the Department of Student Affairs; Dr. David Almarez, Adviser of CASS Student Executive Council; and Dr. Darwin Manubag, Assistant Dean of the College also imparted short messages to the students. To complete the program, the student officers from the different committees, spearheaded by the student governor John Carlo Cabalit, presented the CASS–EC Road Map

CASS Steers VMGO Orientation for Students In line with the preparation for the second visit of the Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities of the Philippines (AACUP) accreditors, the studentry of the College of Arts and Social Sciences (CASS) took part in the general orientation and VMGO dissemination. The Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives of the Institute, the college and the departments are important factors that students should know. The said orientation was held at the MSU-IIT gym last July 25. The registration of students and teachers started at 8am. An invocation and a singing of the national anthem were led by the Octava Choral Society. CASS Dean, Prof. Nora A. Clar gave the opening remarks and introduced the college Administrators, Department Chairpersons, and Staff. Each department chairperson introduced the respective faculty members of the department.

The program included short talks given by the different committee heads of the student support services. Each speaker is given five minutes to impart the information regarding the services that their respective committees offer. An intermission number from the Psych pop dancers entertained the crowd right after the talk of the first six speakers. An open forum, moderated b y P r o f . Ve n u s P a r m i s a n a , encouraged the students to raise their queries. Prof. Omar Bataluna presented the organizational structure of the different committees on student support. Dr. Liwayway S. Viloria discussed the the VMGO. Prof. Enrique B. Batara gave the closing remarks. Mr. Rabindranath S. Polito served as the master of ceremony. An open forum, moderated b y P r o f . Ve n u s P a r m i s a n a , encouraged the students to raise their to page 6

for the academic year 2011 – 2012. And the most awaited part, the acquaintance party, started off with an intermission number of the IGroovers. The EC officers also presented an intermission number. But the search for Mr. and Ms. Eye Catcher of the Night brought the house down. It was also during that night that the oath taking ceremony of the new student officers and the recognition of last semester's dean's listers happened. - Donna Gift A. Sarmiento

Empowered CASSayuran In its quest to produce quality student publication, a halfday workshop was conducted exclusively for the CASSayuran staffers. The workshop which was held on the afternoon of July 18, 2011 at CASS Room 112 was participated by nine students. These students who come from different departments compose the editorial board of the publication. The paper adviser, Prof. Sittie Noffaisah B. Pasandalan invited Mr. Rex Ortega of the Department of Research, Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Extension and Prof. Maria Theresa Panzo of the Department of English as the workshop's resource persons. The said workshop focused primarily on campus journalism. The staff was given a series of writing exercises after a mini lecture on the basics of feature, news, and editorial writing. The workshop aimed to to page 6

impersonation of Katty Perry. At the end of the night, the Political Science Society was proclaimed as the Cultural Night's over-all champion. Rommel Limjoco

A Blast of Fun, Fierce and Fearless Sports Fest! July 5, 2011: the moment of truth, the final destination, the day that every arachnid had been waiting for – the championship day for all the major sports events lined up for the CASSiyahan 2011 celebration. It was a day as meaningful as it was unforgettable especially for those who had significant parts to play in the sports fest, for theirs were the glory that was to be recognized, the defeat to be lamented. The road to the championships, of course, was no easy one. The participants' trainings are a testimony to this; they were made to sweat; every fiber of every muscle of the athletes was stretched in order to secure a spot in the championships. But alas, as in every competition, some will have to be eliminated. The process of elimination was undergone twice by the basketball teams. On the other hand, the volleyball teams, table tennis teams as well as the badminton participants went through it only once. Though the elimination process was a tough one, it was still fair. Thus in the championships, all eyes of the spectators were set only for the best of the best. It is through events like this that every student exemplifies school spirit. And that held true during the CASS days celebration for despite weather disturbances that delayed some of the sports competition, the participants were still greatly motivated to win and give pride to their respective department. Their course mates and friends also supported them all the way. The actual games for each major sport were beyond comparison to last year's competition. Clearly, every team member gave their all. The basketball games were so intense that it would not come as a surprise that the arena's ambiance was comparable to a Miami HeatDallas Mavericks game. A good game it was, and upon its conclusion, the History Society garnered the respect of all as they bagged the championship title for the men's category. On the other hand, the men's volleyball team from Political Science Society emerged as the champion. However, in the women's to page 6


June - October 2011

Editorial Assessment fees serve as the life blood of any student government. It is the source of funds for a college executive council (EC). Its important role is to facilitate the best support an EC can give to college representatives in yearly major institute events like the Charter Day and the Palakasan. It is also through the Assessment Fees that studentrelated activities (like General Assemblies and Acquaintance Parties) which are beneficial to students are conducted. For the first semester of school year 2011-2012, the College of Arts and Social Sciences Executive Council (CASS-EC) collected an assessment fee with the amount of P180.00 from each student upon enrolment. The said amount stirred a lot of noisy complaints from CASS students. Aside from the fact that the assessment fee's increase is too high, a P60.00 increase, CASS-EC also collected the largest assessment fee among all the other schools and colleges. The amount is believed to be more than sufficient to cover the expenses of the CASS-EC for major activities like the CASS Days, Charter Day and Palakasan. Thus, one wonders why the CASS Governor is still asking for support aka donations from faculty members of the college. Isn't the Assessment Fees enough? If the increase's purpose is to ensure that the college retains its title as the champion of the Palakasan, money is not the only key. There are a lot of things to consider like the kind of leadership, the time of preparation, the support of the officers to the participants and the consistency of the players' training and practice. The previous administration only collected P120.00 from each student and with that amount the college athletes were provided with free jerseys, and most importantly, CASS has managed to achieve the ch amp io n s h ip tr o p h y o f th e Palakasan 2010. However, this year, the college athletes had to shoulder 40% of the cost of their jerseys. The big question is: what happened? With

such big college fund, why do college athletes have to in a way pay for their jerseys? Why is it not given for free, just like last year? Students expect a lot from their paid assessment fees. Such great amount is sufficient to conduct activities which should not be of mediocre standards. It is apparent nowadays that paying too much for school fees is a burden to students, especially since sometimes they also have to spend much on their school requirements. It is understood that students have to pay the said amount even if they may not be that agreeable to it. But it should also be clear and understood that the students expect that what they paid for will go a very long way; and at the end of the semester, they get to say the assessment fee was worth it. Some concerned students raised the discussion on the reduction of the amount of the assessment fee which is to be collected at the beginning of the semester but CASS-EC has done the opposite. Instead of reducing the amount, they increased the amount. A lot of questions regarding the increase arose. Students wonder why the DSA permitted such very high amount. What may be the possible plan of the CASS-EC that they made the students shoulder such great amount? Who were the people who contributed to the approval of the P180 Assessment Fee? The issue of the governor's trip to Korea has been noted by some students to be the very reason of the increase of the assessment fee. Students found it unfair to spend the amount of P20,000 for that trip. Does this mean that the students' assessment fee is for the governor's travel spree? Is it right to let the students shoulder the expenses of whatever leadership training a certain student leader will participate in? It is never the responsibility of the students to provide the financial aid for their governor's (or any student leader)

CASSayuran Editor-in-Chief Associate Editor News Editor Feature Editor: Literary Editor: Correspondents:

Photographer: Cartoonist: Adviser: Business Manager:

Amie Rose M. Lacaya Steffi Dawn C. Ilagan Marjorie V. Dalugdugan Jann Dainver L. Maravilla Donna Gift A. Sarmiento Beauty C. Serino Cleve C. Ulalo Rommel D. Limjoco Knacky July D. Hermodo April Aisha M. Glimada Angelito G. Nambatac Jr. Danica T. Vallejo Nur Janna B. Barandia Gwyn Michael M. Padilla Sittie Noffaisah B. Pasandalan, M.A. Prof. Omar B. Bataluna

The opinions printed are the writers’ own and do not necessarily reflect the stand of the paper. CASSayuran is open to all the students of the College. Submit your articles and be a contributor. CASSayuran accepts news, opinions, features, poems, short stories, and essays. However, CASSayuran reserves the right to edit all submitted articles. Submit articles to any of the Staff or e-mail it to


participation to such events. If a student would like to provide financial aid, then it must be voluntary. Students should not be coerced in giving financial aid. A certain student leader can yes, impart his l e a r n i n g experiences from attending such events yet there is no assurance that he/she can really put into action what he/she has learned. And students need to see action from their student leaders. Correct, leadership training can teach new strategies but true leadership can only be manifested through one's commitment to one's duties and responsibilities. The budget breakdown made by the CASS-EC for first semester events are: CASS Enrollment and IGP's, P10,000; Strategic Planning and Conference, P10,000; General Assembly and Acquaintance Party, P23,000; CASS Days 2011, P50,000; and PALAKASAN 2011, P85,000. Such budget fuels different forms of verdicts from the students. The students of CASS need

transparency. The liquidation the CASS-EC's expenses should be done professionally and accurately and should not just be simply limited to a mere compiling of receipts. Student officers should realize that when they serve, they have to manage the resources given to them and value the trust given by the students. Student officers should make do with what they have and not rely on the idea that they can simply ask (aka collect) again from the students. Payments are fine, but it is human nature to seek for gratification. Students feel gratified when they see the good outcomes of their great investments. And to date, CASS students are still waiting for that gratification.

KEEP RIGHT One afternoon, while waiting for my next class, I was wondering about what topic to write about for the CASSayuran. I was looking outside the door and it came to my attention the yellow signboards of KEEP RIGHT. Out of curiosity, I paid attention to how students and employees react to it. They had different reactions. So I asked myself, have I ever followed a very simple rule? Have we ever followed a very simple rule? Like using the pedestrian lane and the overpass to cross the roads, throwing garbage in the garbage can, or just merely following the signs SILENCE and KEEP RIGHT. There are about ten pieces of yellow signboards shouting KEEP RIGHT posted around CASS lobbies for everyone to see and follow. Perfect! Everyone sees it, but it seems that only two out of ten students and three out of eight employees who saw the sign and followed it. Is this one of the many things considered to be “FOR YOUR EYES ONLY?” It's like after reading it, you continue walking as if you've seen nothing. Every time I go to school I always experience “lobby traffic” that sometimes causes me to be late. And what is more irritating which

makes my beautiful morning screwed are those students who just came out from their classrooms and bumped into me without even saying sorry. And they would even get angry as if they are in the right lane! Oh come on! Don't they understand the words left and right? There are also students who think they own the whole lobby, that instead of keeping to the right lane they are more comfortable walking in the center! What is more alarming is that it's not only the students who are doing this, also the teachers. Let's remember that rules are not made to make exemptions. Considering the kind of mentality the students have now which is “copy and paste,” when they see their teachers not following very simple rules they will follow their teachers. Isn't it obvious that “KEEP LEFT” is not “KEEP RIGHT?” Why is that people cannot follow simple rules? Why is that we intend to ignore this very simple instruction? When in fact it's only for our own good. Let's remember that these signboards are not posted to be used as decorations but rather to be a reminder to maintain a smooth way in and out of the college. - Danica Vallejo

LETTER TO THE EDITOR Dear Editor, I am just wondering about the seminar that the CASS Executive Council governor had promised in line with the Leadership training that he participated in Korea last June. Many students had anticipated the seminar because it is one of the highlights of this year's activities. I also learned that this leadership seminar is one of the main reasons of the increase in the assessment fee of the college. Correct me if I'm wrong but, does this leadership seminar have something to do with the CASS Accreditation? Why aren't the students informed about this? I mean, there isn't enough information disseminated and the funny thing is it's the students' money that they are using. The fund is intended for the welfare of the students not for people who use this opportunity just to go out-of-town. I hope that this message will serve as a notice that we students are not negligent about the things going-on. We do care, and through this, we are able to speak our opinions towards the issue. MJ, 2ndyr ABEng (Editor’s reply is on page 7)



Deemed as the “heart” of the institute, CASS has never ceased from brandishing its banner of dedication and loyalty in providing a quasi-home to the students of IIT. The College nourishes IITians with the nature of humanity and bridges the gap between knowledge acquisition and character building. And now, working for the Level III AACCUP accreditation, CASS has become more welcoming and conducive for study and learning to IITians, especially with its improvements. Library A library is a world inside our pocket. That means to say that a library gives us the best ever and easiest access through the world anytime we wish to travel. Rather! It's true that we can really travel to places, back in time and elsewhere through a library. Back then, there weren't so many students who visit the library in CASS. Books were insufficient in number, references were incomplete and other reading materials were generally and mostly outdated. Books were worm-eaten and really antiquated! However, CASS library was recently renovated for students' convenience: old air conditioning units were replaced with brand new centralized air conditioners. Moreover, additional computers were rendered and along with it is Wireless Fidelity or wi-fi for easier

My Beloved CASS, My Second Home connection to internet. Lighting condition was also improved by removing used fluorescent lamps and replacing them with new ones, so whoever wants to read or study there won't yield to headaches. The internal setting of the library was also rearranged and this time, the librarians have systematized “logins.” The choices are between the computerized log-in and the manual (or handwritten). Now, the library's main doors and windows are sliding glasses. The library is enclosed with life-size fences, ensuring mainly its security. And of course, the supply of books and references this time is better. To say the least, there are new books that would serve more or less the students (even the faculty members). These are the catalysts that invite CASS students and other students to visit the library more often than not. And it is truly heartwarming to see that what used to be a friendless corner is now a world in our pocket: indeed, a library! That is CASS library. - DG Sarmiento Garden Forgetting that global warming is raging and out of control nowadays, one would still be able to appreciate nature upon, perhaps, finding even just a wee garden in school that usually looks like one found at country homes. To students, after a long, warm and tiring day,

My Story: Sun Sets To Shine Humans are truly not static; we are in the state of flux which eventually leads us to death. And for which most of us are afraid of. Death is defined by Robert Allen, chief editor of Oxfords Student's Dictionary as the end of life and as a process of dying. However, I do not see death that way. For me, it is the starting line to really learn how to habituate one's existence and a process of awakening from naïve realism of life per se. It was my auntie's voyage to eternal hibernation that altered my perception about death and so with my life. Seven years have passed, when my favorite auntie died due to leukemia. A month before she graduated from earth, she was a kind of weird. I mean, she behaved very unlikely from how she used to. Aside from an ill person's demeanors, she seemed to be very exuberant and tranquilized, as if you'd see Ms. Strength and Ms. Serenity in her body. But that did not pacify my family's worries. They had still tried to bring her to the hospital for a hopeful cure. But she had refused few of our attempts. Hence, my family, though they did not want to, presumed that she had known for herself that she was going to die. Loaded with severance in her disease, she was still able to sort things out in her life. She had paid her monetary debts, she had fixed her cold relationships with some of her

fellows surrounding her and she had frequently cooked dinner and had never missed to invite me to join her in cooking delicacies. Once, while we were cooking, she mentioned of a selfdiscovery that I think has never left my mind until now. She shared that finally she found the essence of her life at the end of the rainbow. And that she was experiencing it at that moment. On her third utterance of that discovery, I asked her how she got there, the end of the rainbow. She replied that I would know it pretty soon. And that pretty soon came, when we had finally crossed the bridge of accepting that she was certainly going to die. And instead of weakening, we had preferred to make her remaining days with us a forever scar in our hearts. Everyone became an image of pure love and genuine compassion. We had grown our fervor for one another that extended to other fences. We got closer to GOD. We'd gather at the sala, talking about humorous stuffs until we would find ourselves laughing to death. During also those moments, one's problem became an issue of everybody, thus every perplexity we had those times had gone onto speedy resolutions. It was manifested that somewhat we were newly bloomed flowers out of the consciousness that we were about to lose a precious petal.

maybe a garden is the second best spot where they can take a seat, relax and chat with some friends. And CASS garden is the place. It is located adjacent to the English Department, at the back of the Dean's Office. With two concrete benches, a bunch of plants and a small lawn, the garden provides a comfortable environment that welcomes every student to a quiet and unruffled setting. One can breathe, think, and unwind underneath blue skies. It especially suited for students who want to hang out after or while waiting for classes. It features CASS' beauty and bounty. - DG Sarmiento Gadgets See the digital clock at the CASS Rotunda and the message board at the CASS entrance? And there's another digital clock at the library. These new things are digital. CASS’s new gadgets. CASS didn't just purchase such devices for beautification purposes alone but for more significant reasons. The digital clocks, of course, tell the time. These ensure that students and faculty have the same time. So there are no reasons for being late. The message board attracts attention thus informing every one of big events as well as important announcements. CASS is the only college which has such message board. And the most important gadget of all is the alarm system. Yes. The College has its own alarm system now and it's digitally operated. - B Serino

The graduation arrived—we had lost her. On the gradual process of accepting my auntie's death, I had discerned what she had meant by her discovery of the goodness of life. It was actually her trip to her coffin. She had found herself living only when her death was approaching. The rainbow therefore is her colorful life which was completed by her willingness to let it come to its end—existence precedes living. We are all going to die, but some do not believe in it. If they do, things would have been figured out so differently. Everybody would have been living a harmonious and simple life. We would have been so kind and loving to one another. We could have encompassed the world with serenity and empathy. And we could have made the world a better shelter to dwell in. For what most of us have been doing in our lives ever since is sleepwalking, which caused us to hit big stones along the road and see different things from what really existed—dreams. And they somehow linger in their dreams until such time that they will be awakened by reality—death. Consequently, it is when we learn how to die that we learn how to live not just to exist. - Jann Dainver L. Maravilla,

June - October 2011

Photo credits: Boylie A. Sarcina

Lounge Students need a place to sit and wait for their next class or stay whenever they come in late and aren't allowed to enter the room; students need a place to stay. One of the favorite spots of many students is the CASS lounge. The Lounge has improved. Blackboards were placed as well as more chairs and tables for students to use. It is newly painted making it more inviting. Minor activities can also be held there. The Lounge is a place where bonding and camaraderie among students start. It is the loudest part in the whole college since it is where the action happens. The CASS lounge is the only place where one belongs even if one is alone; a sanctuary less appreciated, a home less valued. - AA Glimada

Gen-Ed: 10 Years ... Gen. Ed. is also a form of community Through the years, the GenEd Program has been very successful. It continues to serve its main objective which is giving chance to others and letting them to be on top of the ladder. In the midst of criticisms, GenEd students have remained stronger and bolder. “Hindi nangangahulugan na ang mga estudyante ng Gen-Ed ay mahihina. Ang problema dito is hindi naiintindihan ng mga tao kung ano ang Gen-Ed.They should be given the chance to redeem themselves,” says Dr.Magracia. The program is equipped with highly intellectual teachers thus encouraging students to do well and get impressive grades. And because of the program's effective mechanism, the Institute continues to uphold Article XIV, Section 1 of the Philippine Constitution which states: “The state shall protect and promote the right of all citizens to quality education at all levels and shall take appropriate steps to make such education accessible to all.” Patient, determined, industrious are just some of the words used by teachers to describe the GenEd students. Just like other students, they strive hard to achieve their dreams. GenEd students can proudly say that the chances given to them are not wasted. They have proven that when one is really eager to succeed in life, great possibilities, opportunities, and chances come along the way. And when these good things come, one must grab every opportunity laid down. And as what Dr. Magracia said, “College work does not require that you are an intelligent person, what you need is normal thinking capacity and you got to have perseverance, patience and determination then you'll succeed.” For years now, the General Education Program remains to be a “portal of chances.” It has served as an instrument of giving quality education for students, thus clinging to the “Tatak-IIT” spirit. - Steffi Dawn Ilagan

June - October 2011


Life beyond Immense Obscurity: This is it! Honoring the Past, Living in the Present, Creating the Future (A child of God, A Woman of Destiny) by Zybel L. Opolentisima I came to a critical point in my life when I needed to find hope in the clarity of goals I was aware I'm willing to organize. November of 2010 was the turning stage I learned to completely allow my spirit to receive directions. A special person in my life, also a student from the Department of Sociology, committed suicide. And at 20, I never knew a sad event would happen in such an early time with me, his family and friends. We were all grieving and weeping at that time when everything seemed so blurry constantly asking ourselves why such things happen. I grieved and isolated myself feeling so hopeless and thought that my life was in turmoil. Nevertheless, it was then that I realized and tapped the spiritual side of my being. It was an overwhelming feeling which I have experienced alone in my aunt's house reading nothing else but the Bible. Cell phones or anything that would remind me about the depression I was facing then has all been kept away from me. Every day, since that happened, my only best friend was the Bible. I fell in love with God. My family and friends' support has always been outstanding but the kind of support I get every time I read His Word is life transforming. I found my Healer. I was completely healed. My whole being was convinced I'm going to make it through. And yes, it has been a wonderful journey between grief and my own destiny. And during my adventure, I decided to choose LIFE. A thought of a new beginning flooded my veins with so much excitement. Since then, my life has never been the same again. I learned to realize the potential inside me and began maximizing it in school. It is where I started to cultivate a spirit of gratefulness within me regardless of any circumstances. I'd like to commend my teachers from the Sociology Department for never refusing to believe in me. I was more encouraged to continue going to school through my healing therapist, Doctor Miriam Cue of the Psychology Department who has a big heart in motivating my essence. I thank them all for bearing with my agitation at that time. December of 2010, I had a very strong feeling that from the day I decided to choose to live onwards, I shall commit myself to be the best student of life as I can possibly be. To support and serve my fellow students in every way I can. Guess what, succeeding days after my affirmation, I break through! We won during the CASS Paskuhan contests. It was very overwhelming for me since it was my first time to really get involved in the activities of the college. I was very excited to provide for our costumes. It was also an opportunity for me to feelhe love of God in which during that time, I met my new set of friends. We enjoyed chorale practices in my house and had fellowship with one another. Pastor Tony Demecillo, whom I consider my spiritual father, I believe, was an instrument for me to really allow Jesus to mend my broken heart. When I first heard from him that I am a woman of destiny, believe it or not, my whole perception about

life changed. It became brighter. I began to sustain myself by replacing any broken thoughts with God's Word. I excavated any harmful memories, replacing them with His promises. And when I began to accept the amazing grace He has offered, I began to see myself in a whole new light. I attended life transforming seminars and began to be with amazing successful yet spiritual people in the corporate world. I joined FusionExcel International, an amazing company offering not only social entrepreneurship but really, have the purpose of making a difference in people's lives. It was then I said to myself, “Thank You Lord!” I already am in a structure in which my awareness is constantly being raised into another level. I began to choose to have an environment of successful people who share the same values, principles and purpose in life, which is to manifest God in this planet we live in with humanity's birthrightABUNDANCE. It's just amazing how a choice to live life and move on can completely turn your world into a place where you can create your own destiny. Where you meet and greet people and sometimes, you can even sense your oneness with them. Then you will begin to realize that everything that happens to you is no accident. You choose to be what you want to be and you choose to have what you want to have in this life. I have had so many mentors over the period of time for whom I am eternally grateful- scores of people who have incredible spirits and attitudes of excellence. When observing these precious people, I would often find myself whispering, “Oh, God, make me like that, too.” It has been a tough journey for me but the environment in school brought me back as well to take a step forward. Instead of recalling the past sad experiences which CASS also has a big part in the picture, I honor it and admire most of the changes among its halls and everything which contribute to the discipline of character and attitude of the students. Very important among all is building relationships. You cannot move on unless you carry some very heavy baggage on your back full of unresolved issues. I'm grateful that throughout my journey, God cause me to forgive myself and I ask everyone whom I hurt knowingly or unknowingly to forgive me as well. My memories are consumed greatly about my mother, who loved unreservedly. She will always be a giant in my heart. A single mom and teacher, a strong woman of essence, she would constantly bolster my spirit with fresh hope through her encouragement and faith. She loves me the best way she knows how. To my uncle Jeffrey and his family- he never complained about driving me from home to school and back during that time when I refused to ride the jeepney because of fear that people might blame me again for what happened. Up until today that I'm a new person full of dreams, I thank him for being a father to me. Thank you to my friends, who even in their busiest days, chose

to spend their time and be with me for awhile. I will always be grateful for all of you. This is it. M a n y would ask me about moving on. Some may have misjudge d m e about how fast m y recovery was and have eventually found a new partner. Well, God sent a counselor for me. Isn't that fantastic! He arrived at just the right time and the fullness of Christ has appeared to be even more clearly seen day by day through him with me. He has been a pillar of support, full of compassion and a gracious spirit. He has taught me so much by being the person God made him to be. And leaving a trail of a genuine love, He said, “You have searched what's within my heart and you have found yourself, and no one else." So everyone, THE GAME IS NOT OVER YET! Failure is not something that happens when you fall down. Failure is when you refuse to get up again! Some people get knocked down, and although they stand up, you can tell they've remained down on the inside where it counts. Pull your spirit up again! There's always a Greater Source for us. CHOOSE to set your sights back on God's purposes for you. The game is not over. You can do so much more! He is able, even when you are not! “Never, never, never give up!” -Winston Churchhill If you want to smile through the tears, if you want to rejoice through times of suffering, just keep reminding yourself that what you're going through isn't the end of the story….it's simply the tough journey that leads to the right destination. Pursue your dreams and make them happen. When that begins to happen, I tell you, you will add the most wondrous background music to your life. Listen very closely. It's the most beautiful symphonic sound track you'll ever experience!

5 Hirap sa Kahirapan by Pio Lumongsod Jr. Walang mahirap sa taong laki sa hirap Wika ng dukhang patuloy na nangangarap Na balang araw umangat ang lebel ng kanilang pamumuhay Makaraos at magkaroon ng desinteng buhay. Nahihirapan man na makahanap ng hanapbuhay Patuloy parin silang lumalaban na mai-angat Ang buhay at ito'y mabigyang kulay. Ang mga dukhang di pinalad na mabiyayaan ng pera Naghigpit ng sinturon, Namumuhay bitbit ang kariton At ang nagsisilbing hapag kainan sa tabi ng daan ay karton. Madalas walang laman ang tiyan, kumakalam. Tira tira ng mga restaurant ang nagsisilbing ulam. Sa basurahan madalas tumambay , kumakalkal Ng mga lata't botelya ng maibenta't magkapera Baka maka tsamba't gutom ay mawala. Nahihirapan mang makaraos sa pang araw-araw Hindi parin nawawala ang ngiti sa kanilang mukha Na tila walang problema't may laman ang sikmura. Sa pait ng kanilang nararanasan di ko maiwasang magmura Sa pamahalaang hindi patas at sarili lamang ang inuuna Ang pag atake sa pamahalaan ay Nagsisilbi kong libangan, ito ang mga tugma't kataga na nangagaling sa isang makatang hibang.

"If Ever You See Him" by MEJ My dear wind, there is something I wanted to ask. Have you seen a dashing man probably wearing a mask? Oh mighty sun, I think you're the one who could help me. Have you seen that someone that I am destined to love eternally? Perhaps you, silent water could give me the right information. Have you seen my prince charming? I believe he is quiet a vision. I have been wandering in the wide surface of this earth

"Unya” by Angelito G. Nambatac Jr Unya... Kanus-a pa man ng unya? Pag-niundang na ug tuyok ang kalibutan? Kung mulugwa na ang kalayo sa kadagatan? Kung dili pa tah mulihok karon, kanus-a pa? Kanus-a pa? Ayaw jud kog igna na UNYA PA.

To find the one betroth for me since birth. He could come from whatever color and race He could even have a square or round face. Do you, dear creatures promise to scream Just in case one day you'll catch a glimpse of him.

And remember, no matter where you go, there you are. ~Confucius


6 C A S S “The earlier we build our dreams, the faster we can reach them.” This is adept in describing the goal of the new occupants of the CASS-EC office which is to systematically and wisely prepare the College for the considerable number of activities that this academic year proposes. Last May 30, at the MSU-IIT Boardroom, the CASS-EC Governor John Carlo Cabalit together with the Board Members and Society Presidents as well as representative of two college organizations the CASSayuran and the Debate Circle had their first strategic planning for the academic year 2011-2012. Dean Clar in her opening remarks reminded the young serving leaders of the College to be credible, responsible and productive for the sustainability of their administration of the college through the students. Dean Clar emphasized that “No matter how much amount of effort we inject to any projects at hand, if

E C H o l d s S t r a t P l a n C o n

there is no clear direction then nothing is going to happen. “ An audio-visual presentation enumerated the accomplishment of the CASS-EC during the previous academic year. The attendees evaluated the accomplishments of the CASS-EC by pointing out the strengths and weaknesses of the previous CASSEC administration. The convening body came up with helpful suggestions and tips for improvement and also highlighted some of the previous administration's commendations. Gov. Cabalit presented his Road Map for this academic year 2011-2012. The body made some adjustments and reparations on the Road Map. The different committees, departments and organizations also reported. The issue about the College Governor's leadership training in Busan, Korea which is believed to have caused the ballooning of the

college assessment fee was brought up and the governor cleared things to the body by saying that legal and official negotiations were already made between him and the institute beforehand. He said that the leadership training is more of a college and a university opportunity rather than a personal interest to him as a student. Cabalit also stressed out the fact that it is not because of his international training which made the CASS assessment fee reach beyond the ceiling of college assessment fees imposed by the incumbent KASAMA administration but due to measures taken to prevent possible shortage of funds during the various student activities of the Institute and the College during this semester. Governor Cabalit said that he would not want the CASS student body, specifically the CASS-EC, to suffer the same embarrassment and flaws of previous administrations.

English Majors Extend Arms to Echavez Dedicated to overturn the country's poor educational status and to improve its alarming situation, the Department of English extends its arms to help the pupils of Echavez Elementary School of Barangay San Roque, Iligan City from the quagmire of low academic performance. The Department, led by former Chairperson Prof. Saturnina Rodil, sent out English Majors and some faculty members to the field to aid the dilapidating foundation of the elementary pupils of Echavez through one-on-one reading and language tutorials. The extension program is called English Enhancement. Prof. Lynnie Ann Deocampo, the Chairperson of the Department's Committee on Extension, in an

interview said that “The Department is doing its share for the community” –to address such problem. She encourages other colleges and institutions in the city to do something for the betterment of the education sector. The English Enhancement program is now on its third phase of implementation. The third phase is carried out by the Fourth Year AB English students. The said students are trained by the faculty of the Department to ensure that, when they go to Echavez, they are equipped with the necessary skills to teach the pupils. The English students' involvement is in line with their

Sir German Launches New Novel Prof. G e r m a n V. Gervacio of the Filipino Department, C A S S published his novel Hari Manawari last July 11 at the Bookyukay Tapat’s book cover

Bookstore in Quezon City. The said novel is published by Publikasyong Tapat and will soon be available in mainstream bookstores. Hari Manawari is a postmodern epic; a short novel which aims to revive novel in a literary form. In a quick interview, Prof. Gervacio shared that he has observed nowadays, that only few are interested in reading novels. Haring Manawari started as his dissertation for his Doctor of Philosophy degree at the University of the Philippines. The novel is about the adventures of a prince named Manawari, with a touch of, as the author puts it, ”Kasaysayan sa Pilipinas;lahat ng makikita mo sa nobela ay makikita mo rin sa bayan natin.” He finished his novel in an estimate of three weeks. Prof. Gervacio envisions of having a series of the said novel, after

June - October 2011

lucratively launching Book 1. One character in the novel that inspired him is Baybayan, an epic character who opted to teach the people of the town how to sing and dance rather to join his siblings in a war. Prof. Gervacio shared his observation of Filipinos excelling in other countries, like Manny Pacquiao and Charice Pempengco. Thus, he believes that Filipinos can excel in different areas. Thus his novel aims to inspire Filipinos to go out of their own shells and show the world what they got. As he said, “Huwag kang matakot magkamali. Ang problema kasi nating mga Pilipino nahihiya tayong ipakita sa iba o gawin ang gusto nating gawin.” Hence, he pointed out that one should not give up when he/she still has something to prove. Gervacio is also a resident panelist of the Iligan National Writers Workshop and the Vice President of the Mindanao Creative Writers Guild. He is also a three-time Palanca winner and has been recognized as a major Filipino poet, fictionist, and playwright. His poems have been widely anthologized in the Cultural Center of the Philippines' Ani, U.P. Likhaan, Relasyon, Ipuipo sa Piging, Mondo Marcos, Subverso, and Mindanao Forum, among many others..- Knacky July D. Hermodo

English majors teach Echavez students

English 120-Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL). The extension program also serves as one of their exposures and practicums to the field of teaching. Further, school supplies are also given to the pupils. Prof. Paula K. Alinsagnan, a member of the Department and of the Committee on Extension donated school bags. Other school supplies were donated by students and faculty members. Pupils received a school bag and school supplies The Department welcomes donations that may help the pupils of Echavez attain the true meaning of quality education.- Angelito G. Nambatac Jr. A Blast of fun... (fromp. 2) the team from Psychology Society reigned supreme over the Kapilas Bayan. The AB English Organization (ABEO) was given a fine chance to raise their banner high as they went home triumphant in the badminton championships. However, the General Education Society emerged victorious against ABEO in the table tennis event. The sports events for this year's celebration did not include the most awaited Laro ng Lahi, to the dismay of the students. - April Aisha M. Glimada Empowered ... (from p. 2) enhance the writing skills of the staff. Further, the workshop also aims to strengthen the official paper of CASS and at the same time promote transparency within the college through campus journalism. - Donna Gift A. Sarmiento

He said in addition that because CASS-EC is still faced with serious liabilities at the DSA, increasing the student assessment fee is the better way to survive this semester without augmenting the pile of complaints against their office. The newly elected MSU-IIT chancellor, Dr. Sukarno D. Tanggol, gave an inspiring message to the young arachnid leaders by discussing the nature of a “Strategic Planning.” The Chancellor shared that the four major principles in governance and leadership are: transparency, participation, accountability and predictability. A team-building activity took place at Timoga Swimming Pool right after the planning. - Jann Dainver L. Maravilla

Philo & Hum Dept. Emerges During the College of Arts and Social Sciences(CASS) Student Orientation last July 25, 2011, CASS Dean Prof. Nora Clar informed students, faculty, and staff of the creation of a new Department of Philosophy and Humanities. The newly created department is headed by Prof. Omar Bataluna, a Philosophy professor. A letter of intent was sent by the Philosophy professors to the Dean. The said letter contained the proposal to separate Philosophy from the Department of Psychology. The letter also contained the proposal to offer Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy (AB Philo). The Mindanao State University System Board of Regents during its meeting last July 14, 2011 approved the separation of Philosophy from Psychology. However, the proposal to offer AB Philo is not yet approved by the Academic Promotion Committee (APC). Prof. Julie Lao explained that the Philosophy professors still have to conduct a feasibility study to ascertain that such degree is viable. Once the results of the feasibility are available, the APC can give its decision. On the other hand, there is no proposal yet to offer a degree in Humanities. Prof. Lao said that the process would be a bit longer for there is no any MSU Campus who offers such degree program. The faculty members of the new department are Prof. Omar Bataluna, Prof. Bernardino Cuino, Prof. Julie Lao, and Prof. Ma. Belen Hinacay are the faculty members of Philosophy. On the other hand, Prof. Franciso Englis and Ms. Lua Burias, who are both from the Department of English, are the faculty members of Humanities. Prof. Lao said that the Department could still hire some lecturers for Humanities coming from the English department. BeautyC. Serino CASS Steered... (from p. 2) queries. Prof. Omar Bataluna presented the organizational structure of the different committees on student support. Dr. Liwayway S. Viloria discussed the the VMGO. Prof. Enrique B. Batara gave t h e c l o s i n g r e m a r k s . M r. Rabindranath S. Polito served as the master of ceremony. - Amie Rose M. Lacaya

June - October 2011


KASAMA VP Attends Thailand's University Scholars' Leadership Symposium Leadership forums and trainings are proven to provide necessary tools that are essential in the foundation of a student leader. KASAMA's Vice-President, Fathma Sonnaya M. Minaga proudly participated in the University Scholars' Leadership Symposium (USLS) held at Pattya, Thailand last August 1 to 7, 2011. Organized by the Humanitarian Affairs, the symposium was intended for students from various nations and institutions, especially for those who would like to widen their understanding towards the issue of global poverty, thus seeing a world of change. USLS brought together 500 of the world's most dynamic student leaders. The Philippine delegates mostly came from schools in Luzon such as Ateneo de Manila University (ADMU), University of Santo Tomas (UST), Far Eastern University (FEU), De La Salle University (DLSU), and Bicol University. The said symposium emphasized the idea that “We can be the CHANGE” but in order to do so, “we” must understand and obtain the right skills. The symposium was designed to provide next generation leaders an understanding of sustainable development challenges. And in some way, motivate young people to realize their capability as agents of change through challenging trainings with diverse international peers and inspiring interactions with experienced humanitarian leaders. USLS offered opportunity for growth and involvement for young scholars. “It was a great opportunity to meet the different outstanding leaders in their own university and share ideas and thoughts with them,” Minaga added. Minaga learned of the symposium through the Department of Student Affairs (DSA). She applied through the Humanitarian affairs online with a recommendation letter from the Administration in order to avail of 50% discount on the registration fee. “The best learning experience that I had was the entire

Minaga and other delegates

symposium, because every speaker of the symposium taught us great lessons and knowledge and inspired us to engage in humanitarian works and services and for us to do our own project when we go back to our respective countries. It is not impossible to dream for a better world,” shared Minaga with all passion in her heart. Some of the speakers of the symposium were Dr. Hakim (Founder of Afghan Youth Peace Volunteers), Sompop Jantraka (Founder and Chief Advisor, DEPD), and Geraldine Cox (Country Director of SCV Cambodia). She is currently working on a proposal for organizing a Humanitarian Affairs Chapter in IIT, an independent organization that will provide the youth the opportunity to engage in humanitarian service, strengthen their awareness of diverse cultures, and develop a lifelong commitment to helping others by participating in relief efforts to benefit impoverished communities throughout the world. This will serve as a great application for what she has learned in USLS. Minaga is inviting interested students to join her. She will be posting for more details aboutthe said organization soon. Cleve C. Ulalo Ed’s Reply Dear MJ, I asked the Governor and he said that he is planning to hold a training/echo for society officers (SO) and students. The schedule for SO is during the semestral break while the schedule for the students

History Week Celebrated In line with the National History Week Celebration, the Department of History initiated a week-long campus-based celebration from Sept. 15-21, 2011 with the theme: “Pag-alala sa Nakaraan, Pagsulong sa Kinabukasan”. The main event of the celebration was the Histolympiad, aquiz show, which was categorized into: Inter-class and Inter-school. The inter-class category was participated by students taking up History 1, 3, and 5 while the inter-school category was participated by seven different secondary schools in the city namely: St.Peter's College, Iligan City East High School, Iligan Capitol College, Integrated Developmental School, Iligan City National High School, Tomas Cabili National High School, and Suarez National High School. Histolympiad was categorized into three levels; Philippine History, Asian History, and World History. In the inter-class division, the first and second places were garnered by the two classes of Ms. Marjorie Joy Almario, and the 3rd place was garnered by the class of Ms. Xandelyn Reyes. In the inter-school division, Teams no. 1, 2, 3 of the Integrated Developmental School made it to the top 3 and Team no. 2 emerged as the champion. The said quiz show was covered and televised by ABS-CBN. Other events included a Photo Exhibit which focused on the different periods of Philippine History; Larong Lahi; History Got Talent; Society Histolympiad; and Kumbira. Prior to the celebration of the History week, a Forum on the Rights of the Indigenous People was also conducted. and the guest speakers were Ms. Beverly Longid from the Cordillera and Higaonon Chieftain Jamorito Guaynon who talked about the Victims of Militarization: a Mother and Son Story. - Steffi Dawn C. Ilagan is still to be determined. Given this, we will have to wait for further announcements. CASSayuran will report about it. EIC

7 Miss IIT ... (from p. 1) semestral break; the said trip is one of the major prizes for the Mr. and Ms. IIT 2011. Mr. CASS, Roosebelt B. Bolaño, a first year AB Political Science student seized most of the minor awards in the preliminary rounds. He was awarded as Mr. Congeniality, Mr. Skin and Body Care, Best in College Shirt (Male), Best in Production Number (Male), Mr. High-Fashion and Best in Barong Attire. He was declared as Mr. IIT 2011 second runner-up. Marjorie followed the legacy of Maria Josefina Sanchez who was Miss CASS 2010, Miss IIT 2010 and Miss ICTSAA 2011 rolled into one. She made her farewell walk towards the end of the pageant along with Mr. IIT 2010 and Mr. ICTSAA 2011 Brian Joseph Jumawid. Together they turned over the crown to the newlyhailed Mr. and Ms. IIT 2011. The Mr. and Ms. IIT pageant which highlighted College Tourism is one of the big events of the annual Palakasan.- Amie Rose M. Lacaya & Rommel M. Limjoco Eng Major .. (from p.1) The Department of English's faculty and one of MIDV's coach and adviser, Ms. Fatimah Joy Almarez, was also declared as the Top 3 best adjudicator of the tournament. Penaco described her to be very knowledgeable of the styles of other adjudicators. She also served as one of the panel of judges for the final round of VMDC. Thirty-six teams from different schools, colleges and universities participated and competed in the debate competition. The Visayas-Mindanao Debate Championship is a no constitutional debate. Anybody can participate and he/she is not necessarily enrolled in an institution. MIDV is regularly preparing for upcoming debates.- Beauty C. Serino & Amie Rose M. Lacaya First five person to complete and solve the crossword puzzle receives a prize. Claim it from the Editor-inChief.

Spell P-E-R-S-O-N-A-L-I-T-Y Excited to know the results? To score your test add up all of the numbers next to your A entries, all the numbers next to the B's, and so on for C and D as well. You'll likely have two fairly close scores, one very low, and one somewhere inbetween. If your highest score is A, you are predominately a Sanguine. Sanguines are average to high energy output and average to extremely high people persons. They are friendly to everyone, love large gatherings, would rather move than sit, and can be flashy and free thinking. Sanguines have the ability to remain optimistic and gullible, wide-eyed innocents, no matter what life throws at them. The draw toward fun and games can help Sanguines liven up a party, but it can also make them a somewhat less than reliable

employee. Tigger from Winnie the Pooh is a classic full Sanguine. If you score highest as a B you are mostly Choleric. Cholerics share the high side of the energy level with Sanguines but focus their efforts on achieving things. Cholerics are the goal setters, the get-it-done-nomatter-if-it-kills-me people. If Sanguines are the cheerleaders in life, Cholerics are the coaches. They work well alone, but they know exactly what everyone else needs to do and they're not afraid to tell them so. Where the Sanguines organizing parties, Cholerics organize projects. Pooh's friend Rabbit is 100% Choleric. If your highest score is in the C's you are a Melancholy. All teams need a manager and a Melancholy is perfect for the job. Found on the lower right of our grid, Melancholics

are great at attending to details. They'll keep the stats, organize the locker room, solve the logistics and rarely get distracted from their task. Melancholies think everything through carefully. They spend so much time thinking and analyzing, all of life seems like serious work to them. Fun is a foreign concept. Of all the folks in the Hundred Acre Woods, Eeyore is the full Melancholy type. If your highest score is in the D's you are mostly Phlegmatic. Sharing this tendency for quiet introspection are the Phlegmatics at the lower left of our model. Here are our team players. Flexible, easy going and agreeable, Phlegmatics have the unique ability to operate in any of the other three quadrants, even stretching to the opposite corner to lead like a Choleric if the need arises. They will rarely start an argument

and are the first to mediate other's conflicts. With their slower pace, Phlegmatics can be counted on to be calm in almost any situation sometimes to the point of inertia. With his charming personality and gentle manner, Pooh Bear is a great example of a Phlegmatic. One note on Phlegmatics, they are the most flexible of all personalities and will sometimes score very close in all four areas. Either you are fooling yourself about your true strengths and weaknesses or you may be a flexible Phlegmatic. Suggestion: Ask a friend to fill the test out for you and find out how others see you. You’ll be surprised and may be, shocked? Taken from Susan Scott, nalit y-types-mini-test by AA Glimada



June - October 2011

Spell P-E-R-S-O-N-A-L-I-T-Y You'll need a piece of lined paper, down the left side write the 4 letters a, b, c, and d, in order, 13 times and number the sets, 1 – 13. From each set of four words or phrases below choose the one that best describes you and write a 4 next to that letter on your paper. Choose the word that is the second best match for you and write a 3 next to that letter on your paper. Now choose the word that is least like you, give that letter a score of 1 on your paper. The remaining letter gets a 2. Do this for all 13 sets of words The test will give you an idea where you fall on the personality grid thus a general idea of your style. Directions for scoring are on page 7. 10. a-distractible 1. a-party 4. a-bubbly 7. a-actress b-bossy b-lead b-controlled b-director c-perfectionist c-organize c-sensible c-stage manager d-lazy d-relax d-calm d-chorus 11. a-creative 2. a-make work into fun 5. a-let’s go 8. a-optimistic b-projects b-tell others what to do b-let’s do b-decisive c-planner c-do it myself c-let’s think about this first c-details d-serve d-help others d-let’s wait d-consistent 12. a-selfish 3. a-fuschia/pink 6. a-laugh 9. a-expressive b-tactless b-red b-change b-collected c-unemotional c-black and white c-research c-private d-stubborn d-beige d-empathize d-gentle S o l v e t h e c r o s s w o r d p u z z l e a n d w i n 13. a-see the people Across a t r e a t ! ( S e e p a g e 7 f o r m e c h a n i c s ) b-see the big picture 1. Belief in the superiority of one's 1 2 3 own ethnic group c-see the details 4 6. Air-breathing arthropods 5 6 7 d-see the needs characterized by simple eyes and 8 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx four pairs of legs 9 10 11 12 Down 7. Coming next after the second 13 2. Small laptop computer which and just before the fourth in weighs less than 3 pounds and has a position 7 to 10 inch screen 10. Person who dresses according 14 15 3. The treatment of mental or to the latest fashion trends 16 17 emotional problems by 13. A new member 18 psychological means 17. A person who continues to work 19 4. drama and comedy after they have reached the age of 20 5. A work designed to ridicule a retirement 21 style, literary form, or subject 18. A woman who is happy to stay 22 matter single and independent so that she 8. Literature, usually featuring can do what she wants when she 23 24 female characters, written by wants 25 26 women on contemporary themes 20. Non-alcoholic drink that looks 27 and issues like a cocktail 9. News collected and reported by 22. Either the methods and 28 ordinary people, especially through principles used in the study of the use of blog software history, or the written result 29 11. situation and comedy 23. nothing 12. The process of assimilating new 24. A state or condition markedly ideas into an existing cognitive different from the norm 30 structure 27. Common features of this 14. The dispersion or spreading of dimension include high levels of something that was originally b U h Ay k O m i k s n i G w y n Pa d i l l a thoughtfulness, with good impulse localized control and goal-directed behaviors. 15. internet and citizen 28. emotion and icon 16. trash and fashion 29. A social structure made up of 19. A shared on-line journal where individuals which are tied by one or people can post daily entries about more specific types of their personal experiences and interdependency, such as hobbies friendship, common interest, etc. 21. The standard system of 30. The substitution of a mild or delivering mail which is very slow less negative word or phrase for a in contrast to electronic mail harsh or blunt one 25. Speech or writing that abuses, denounces, or attacks 26. request, ask CASS Lawn Tennis from p.1 -5. For the doubles round, the Players are dismayed with the fact teamwork of CASS players worked that they are the only team who made well which resulted to a 2-1 score in it to the top and never thought that favor of CASS, an assurance that they CASS would not make it to the Top 3 won the championship. The CASS in this year's Palakasan. But they are Lawn Tennis Players stressed out that still proud of the honor they have the reason why they lost last year is brought to CASS. because they were so nervous with The team also credits their their opponents, that they found their faculty coordinator, Prof. Peter opponents stupendous and difficult to Mendoza for his encouragement and beat; but because they were able to support, which made them confident know their weaknesses, they were during their games. As a whole, able to gain confidence and promised CASS Lawn Tennis Players have to win the said sport event next time; proven that there's nothing and in God's grace, they were able to impossible for those who strive hard prove it astoundingly. and think optimistically. - Knacky July However, the Lawn Tennis Hermodo

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