Digital Design portfolio

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Digital Design - Portfolio Semester 1, 2021 DANYU LI

982379 Joel Collins + 07

email: Wix Page link:



Reflection: When I first get to know the design and architecture is in my high


2019 - current Bachelor of Design 2016-2018 Chengdu Tanghu Foreign languages School

M Pavilion-Precedent Study

school from a TV series, which the hero is an architect. Since then, I start to be more and more interested in architecture and realize why I like do art projects since young. In this particular subjects: digital de-


Generating Design Through Digital Processes

Work Experience:

sign, we gain knowledge and experience in vital skills and software on


the design process. and the most important software, using grasshop-

Studio Dali Architects

per to create the parametric design. Through the process of design, I

Awards / Exhibition: XX

Secret Rosedale -Queen Victoria Garden Pavilion

2020.1-7 Supervisor Skills: Rhino Grasshopper Enscape Photoshop Illustrator Indesign Fabrication AutoCAD Sketch up


own house garden design and Project

start to realize the power of digital techniques on the design, they do not just design based on existing things, but also can base on parametric and algorithm, that means we use the mathematic process to generate rule-based products that we do not know what it looks like at the beginning. In module 2, all of the shapes are not designed but calculated. Since I start to know the power of GH, I’m now very interested in learning it, because it’s very hard software so I still have a long way to go. but the effects are stunning.

Precedent Study M1- M Pavilion


Diagramming Design Precedent M Pavalion is a place for people to experience with all their senses, to establish a relationship with nature, but also a space for social activities and connections. Adding significantly to transnational dialogues on community and urban liveability, “where movements and routes intersect and exchange, spaces where people identify as part of a community, but also feel they belong to universality,” The MPavilion itself is a geometric configuration assembled in two distinct halves supported by a central steel portal frame. Two surfaces of timber latticework intersect with each other to form the pavilion’s roof. An altered topography forms three mounds that incorporate seating, allowing a multitude of experiences: dynamic, spontaneous and collective.


Diagram 01

Diagram 02


Primary Circulation Space Secondary circulation space

Roof shelter

Shadow space Whole site

serrounding area

Circulation Paths & gathering space Primary circulation flow Secondary circulation flow gathering space

Open space Semi-open space Semi-private space Private space Access

Circulation Giagram

Thresholds Diagram(permeability)


Generating Ideas Through Process M2


2. Tree Growth 1 geometry testing

Task A - Design Matrix

In the matrix part, I explored through the iterations of basic geometries,scale with series factor, rotates,



CUBE X=Y=Z=25 scale factor=1 move=50

polygon segment=6 R=25 Z=25

scale factor=1 move=50

scale factor=1 move=50

scale factor 1=1 scale factor 2=1.4 move=50

scale factor=0.7 move=43

2 first growth

growth, point attractor.

My main parameters are based on the scale, to adjust to a suitable size. In my point of view, ‘succesful’ iteraion means the geometry has both empty and solid spaces, so that

another box cutting it

3 secend growth

people can use in an architectural point of view. Plus, the geometry need to be enough detail to show the threshhold. Finally,the geometry should have accessible spaces, we can rotate the geometry to test the possibility of spaces. For my succesful geometry, I think growth and line geometry are more helpful.They are more tend to form

4 third growth

scale factor 1=1 scale factor 2=0.5 move=25

scale factor 1=1 scale factor 2=1.4 move=50

scale factor 1=1 scale factor 2=1.4 scale factor 3=0.7 move=16

scale factor 1=0.7 scale factor 2=0.6 move=30

scale factor 1=1 scale factor 2=0.5 scale factor 3=0.6 move=15

scale factor 1=1 scale factor 2=1.4 scale factor 3=0.7 move=32

scale factor 1=1 scale factor 2=1.4 scale factor 3=0.7 scale factor 4=0.4 move=23

scale factor 1=0.7 scale factor 2=0.6 scale factor 3=0.6 move=10

succesful geometry.

1. Basic Geometry 1 geometry testing

3. Curve conditionals 1 geometry testing


CUBE X=11 Y=Z=14



CUBE 0 X=Y=Z=25

CUBE 1 X=30 Y=20 Z=6

CUBE 2 X=35 Y=4 Z=3

ellipsoid 1 X=12 Y=19 Z=24

ellipsoid 2 X=31 Y=8 Z=15

CUBE 0 count=18

CUBE 1 count=39

CUBE 2 count=50

ellipsoid 1 count=18 rotate=Z 35 deg

ellipsoid 2 count=27 rotate=X 30 deg

false true false true true

true false true false false

false true false true true

true false true false false

2 rotation 2 line CUBE X=Y=Z=14 ROTATE=DEFAULT

CUBE X=11 Y=Z=14


3 scale increments 3 test with basic geometries start scale=7 scale increment=2

start scale=7 scale increment=2 Z=14

start scale=6 scale increment=2

start scale=13 scale increment=5

start scale=19 scale increment=3

4 rotates from increments


FInally, is shows like this. I’m very happy with the shape, but the edges are too thin, and when I want to union it, it always fail, that’s why i gave up.



After drag it out, it looks like this. What I did then is Delete the pieces manually.

Iput the box inside the model, what I did here is actually not boolean difference, I used split instead, and then pull it out.

4 test with 2 type of geometries


Growth and Aggregation Iteration 1

the threshholds that shows the interior space with a a rugged and rugged shape

the private unit hole space that people can use. the threshholds that shows the interior space with a a rugged and rugged shape

the private unit hole space that is penetrating to outside. the path way inside of the geometry for people to go through, create a circuation inside the forms.

The first iteration explored through the growth of the same cubic but different scale. It has a pathway inside of the geometry for people to go through, and it has a very rugged and porous feeling as theirs many thresholds. and it is a relatively exposed structure, as well as there are some units for private space.




10 mm scale at 2:1 @A4

Growth and Aggregation Iteration 2

holes for shadow to come through and cast on to the surfaces. spaces with shield overhang on top, people can sit inside the space

hidden inner space, provide private hidden space for people avoiding the crowd and light.

sloped space inside the block, provide more privared space without light.



10 mm scale at 2:1 @A4

open sloping area embeded inside the plock, for for people to lean on, this space allowed light come in. This iterations shows a very interesting and rigid shape, for me it feels more like craggy rocks with high tension. It contains several interior spaces of different size and direction. some are penetrable, so the light and wind will come through them and show some shadow pattern in the threshhold. 9

Growth and Aggregation Iteration 3

are from back, for people to sit and watch the stars. exposed from the left of this page, with hangover on top, so the light won’t come in but still can feel the wind.

hidden area blocked by a low wall, half sheltered, children can play and talk under it.

the smooth fairshaped arc provide provide people lie down and enjoying from the sunshine coming through.

blocked space inside the building, provide enough privacy. ground area, private spaces for people to rest.




10 mm scale at 2:1 @A4

For this geometry, I want to explore through more dynamic and soft shape, so I chose the ellipsoid as the basic geometry to cut it. And I consider it quite successful based on the confortable interior space for people and the overall detailed thresholds on it. This geometry is more permeable and porous than previous 2 geometries, so the light and wind will be more smooth and fluent in this shape, make people feel more relax inside this space.

Computational Process

create grid on surface

grid copied from move

boxes generated on grid point center point for boxes

geometry from center point ascending size geometry from center point

a surface

a box

boxes growth from move

cluster from growth

another cluster from growth


Key iterations and photographys

For the first design eteration, this shape has a path way inside of it , and it has a lot threshholds.As you can see, I used growth in this process.

medium-to-latge scale for this one, I choose medium-to-large size of scale, so the small cubic interior can be occupied by people who need it. and the main circulation can show in this scale. For this scale, the interior can have a sense of volume with ragged plain surfaces with right angle.


The second iteration explored through the line conditionals, with two different kinds of boxes aligned to a curve, I cut it with a rotate cube and it shows a very interesting and rigid shape. It has many rectangular holes from all around and from top as well.

for third one, I used 2 different sphere as basic geomatry alignred to curve, to show the polyporous permeability of my shape. I used the curve conditionals to made this type of geometry.

medium dcale For this one, I choose medium size as well, cause I feel like medium size is more usable for this shape, it shows much fun to climb and use these soaces. There are many small and big rectangular shaped holes with different direction, and there’s some inner private space for people to gather.

medium scale For this space, I choose medium space, so people can actually sit and lie down to rest. If the scale is too large, it won’t have that function. It provide shade under the private space, whether it is place for sit or lie down. There’s more holes inside this sapce, so the volume is lighter, and it is more transparent than the first two iterations.

Task B - Design Matrix

For this part, i tried through the iteration of distance changes between each layer and rotate my geometries. I want to acchieve the middle sparse and the sides dense. I failed doing it by function, so I just do it manually on panel. After I finished the iteration panel, I baked then. but for first two geometry they are not succesful on showing the details. But I tried XY waffle on third one, is turns to be very effective and successful, so i choosed my third one for XY waffle. Moving on to radial waffle, I tried on every geometries, but first and last one are all facing some problems and bugs so I chossed the last one.

This is the geometry I want to use at the bigining, I used boolean split and there are too many pieces that I can’t join them into one geomtry, witch is not good for 3D print, so I gaved it up, but I really like the spaces shown in it.

Third try, failed again.

First picture shows the acute point that pieces cannot join or boolean. Second is my another try, still failed.

first geometry

first geometry

first geometry

first geometry

X=7mm Y=gap iteration

X=7mm Y=gap iteration

X=7mm Y=gap iteration

X=7mm Y=gap iteration

X=7mm Y=gap iteration 45 deg

X=7mm Y=gap iteration 45 deg

third geometry

third geometry

third geometry

contour diffrence=7

contour diffrence=6

contour diffrence=4

third geometry

third geometry

first geometry

X=7mm Y=gap iteration

X=7mm Y=gap iteration 45 deg

third geometry

45 deg X=7mm Y=gap iteration

45 deg X=6mm Y=gap iteration

normal xy waffle without rotation

45 deg X=4mm Y=gap iteration

radial waffle

X=6mm Y=gap iteration


Surface and Waffle

arch space for prople to lie down or sit, with confortable gaps between each layers. blocked some light and wind but still penetrable so people can enjoy softened sun and wind.

ground semi-private space, with light-through hangover structure casting shadow pattern on the ground.

The XY waffle shows layers of the building in both directions which makes it look very sculptural and interesting. Especially dealing with curves, gives a strong sense of dynamic and streamline on aesthetic view, with big contrast between curve and stright line. For this geometry, I tested through different Exponential variations and did it manually on the panel; and I chose a side-dense-middlefew pattern. Then I tried through different gaps in another direction and tried with different angles. Finally, I chose the third geometry for my XY waffle and testing with the proper gap to fit the scale and provide a comfortable place for people to sit or lay down. 01 2



10 mm scale at 1:1 @A4

Surface and Waffle

The radial waffle shows a rotation shape of geometry, with the middle circles to connect every piece of layers. This geometry shows an absolutely different shape compared to its original geometry(second geometry), Which I think is the power of radial waffle. I chose this geometry for radial waffle is because it formed geometry in an esthetic way, and it has many gate and platform in it. It feels like a circus to me, because of the complicated shape with canopy and middle air stage platform, and ground stage as well. Also, there’s another reason why I chose it, is because when I testing other geometries, they all turned into some problems that the form cannot show or bugs like it doesn’t cut the shape.

irregular-shaped overhangs strusture, cast interesting shadow on the ground.

irregular-shaped gate way pass through the geometry, gives a feeling of hide-and-seek play ground.

01 2


10 mm scale at 1:1 @A4


Computation Workflow

two contours intersect

find the intersections and made columns to cut the contour

contour after cutted

regular shape of contour

layout the pieces of contours for laser cut

regular shape of contour

united contour from both X and Y direction manually changed distance iteration of contour

rings to connect contour

made radial line extrude lines to form surfaces

extruded final rings surfaces cutting the geometry

layout the pieces of contours for laser cut


Computation Workflow

In terms of the reason I chose these two geometry, their semse no reason, based on my idea of realization, what I did is just test XY waffle and radial waffle on every geometries and choose the best suitable one, that is the basic principles for choosing iterations.


Computation Workflow

For the scale, I chose the same medium-scale as in task A, cause I think in this scale People can exploring, interact and enjoy it more. The xy structure can change the sunlight and cast patterning shadows to add fun to the entire structure.


For the scale, I chose a large scale, like the circus stage, because this is the feeling that model made to me with the right function and scale. As the bigger scale can provide people with larger venues for events and activities.

3D Printing and Laser Cutting

extimate:11h51min The process of 3D printing is not just print it out, it has much more things to deal with, Command “check” in rhino to check whether the model is a good mesh. use “repairmesh” if there is something wrong with the mesh, we can use this to repair model.

In this process, we are placing the contour pieces into laser cut template, inorder to place it correctly so that it can be print succesfully and economically, we need to put the right objects on the right layer, most need to cut fully but some need to cut incompletly so that the pieces can still attach to the board, avoiding missing out.

In the marketbot, we discovered about the difference betweeen print material and support material.


SECRET ROSEDALE Queen Victoria garden pavilion Secret Rosedale is a pure white pavilion that indicates the holy and pure character of the pavilion. Like the wedding, it evoked the calmness and purity, and romance of the space. The pavilion is sunken, hidden inside the land, it is a secret place, only you came into it and the whole site will reveal in front. The shape is a blooming white rose, all about romantic and secret mystery. It celebrates the shadow created by the hollow frame skin. The sharp skin frame is contrasted with curved linear pavilion shape, to show its graciousness and inviolability. In the skin, the lower part is more closed to provide privacy, while the upper parts are more hollow, utill the dome in the top, to show the shadow as well as connect with the sky. The main pavilion is composed of 3 spheres, the middle one is the pavilion centre for seminar and quartet performance, the other two on both sides is pointing to the direction of pathways, and also they are smaller than the middle one, working as transitional zone and provide supplementary sitting space. The pavilion is made from 4mm thick steel sheets welded together in-site. The landscape sits are made from concrete, they then painted with white matte paints.



skin : sharp edge linear frame

construction details: 4mm thick steel layer with white matte paint on both side. welded joint: steel layer are prefabricated and weld together piece by piece in-site

Danyu Li - 982379

form : shpere form

M3 - Secret Rosedale


two layers of skin on pavilion, provide more spacial effects

landscape : hidden, sunken colour : pure white




materials : steel, concrete with matte paints CE RAN ENT

sitting space inside pavillion for events like concert and seminar

to NGV



to city


lightings : self illuminated pavilion, hidden light strips on the ground and within the two layer of skin. light edge on the landscape to light up the site.

rose pedal landcape sits, provide sitting area and walking space

entrance and open view port for pavilion

entrance and open view port for pavilion

entrance and open view port for pavilion

rose pedal landcape sits, provide sitting area and walking space EN



Exploded Isometric 0


1:50 @ A1 Square






Diagram 01

Diagram 02

M3 - Secret Rosedale

pavilion shape pavilion shape

gathering space the larger the higher density, the thicker color the longther people stay

landscape outer area without shadow public space

circulation path and directions

Danyu Li - 982379

Circulation Diagram

Threshold Diagram

main circulation inside pavilion

pavilion inner area with shadows private space landcape transition area semi-private resting space

Circulation Diagram 0


Threshold Diagram 7500mm


1:125 @ A1 Square



1:125 @ A1 Square

1. geometry tests ladybug sunlight interference weaver birds picture frame

23 geometry 1

distance = 3

1. geometry tests ladybug sunlight interference weaver birds picture frame

Design Iterations

geometry 1

distance = 3

geometry 2

distance = winter 1pm light strenth

2. geometry tests ladybug sunlight interference weaver birds picture frame weaver birds sierpinski

sierpinski triangles subdivition

distance = 2

2. skin tests ladybug sunlight interference weaver birds picture frame jitter

distance = 2 jetter = 0.145 multiplication = 0.12

distance = 2 jetter = 0.188 multiplication = 0.57

distance = 2 jetter = 0.176 multiplication = 0.33

2. final geometry ladybug sunlight interference weaver birds picture frame jitter

geometry 3

Design Matrix


distance = 3

distance = 3 jetter = 0.197 multiplication = 0.41

distance = winter 1pm light strenth jetter = 0.188 multiplication = 0.33

sierpinski triangles subdivition

Computation Workflow

sunken land land mesh

weaver birds frame

sun light imformation in 1pm winter

weaver birds frame

jetter conponent weaver birds frame with jitter

sierpinski triangles subdivition

weaver birds frame with jitter












Animation sequence

0 sec

5 sec

10 sec

15 sec

20 sec

25 sec

30 sec

35 sec

40 sec

45 sec


Digital Design Semester 1, 2021


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