hooptam 4.2

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2. Paya poem and Sora-phanya Singing

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Background Sim is an Isan word which means çUbosot (Buddhist Sanctuary)é. Itûs considered a holy religious and historical arts place. It would become more valuable with mural paintings made by famous local artisans in old time, for example, Sim at Wat Pho Tharam and Wat Pa-Rerai which were heritages from previous generations are worth being conserved by the communities. Without conservation, there would be lost linked to next generations. The Hoop-Tam on both Sims tell the histories of the villages and knowledge of previous generations through drawings on the walls of the Sims. If there is no conservation, the next generation will lack the pride of their ancestry. To jai Paya poem and Sora-phanya singing (to jai means to respond or reply with a poem between man and woman) requires verbal and singing folk arts talents. Stories in old period time, such as, history of the villages, establishment of Ban Nong Phok Ban Dong Bang, and history of the Wats and Sims construction, as well as mural paintings, are told through rhymed Paya poem and Sora-phanya singing. They are means to tell stories of the communities in the old time and be recorded as a historical evidence of the communities.

°“√Õπÿ√—°…忓殑µ√°√√¡Ω“ºπ—ß (ŒŸª·µâ¡) „π®—ßÀ«—¥¡À“ “√§“¡ The Conservation of Mural Paintings (Hoop - Tam) in Maha Sarakham Province (Northeast Thailand)

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√Ÿª∑’Ë 1 °“√ª√–™ÿ¡°≈ÿà¡®à“¬º≠“ ·≈–¢—∫√âÕß √¿—≠≠– Picture 1 The meeting of Paya and Sora-phanya singers group.

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°“√Õπÿ√—°…忓殑µ√°√√¡Ω“ºπ—ß (ŒŸª·µâ¡) „π®—ßÀ«—¥¡À“ “√§“¡ The Conservation of Mural Paintings (Hoop - Tam) in Maha Sarakham Province (Northeast Thailand)

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Procedures Examples of Paya Poem : Ban Nok Pokûs History (Mae Ying) Ai eri dan nok tang nue nan Hoop-Tam pen ruang dai (Woman) (Brother, what are the paintings which are northerly outside about?) Kho hai khai waja Bok ma por hai hoo nae ai (Please answer me, I would like to know.) (Por Shai) Tang dan nok Jak tid nue therng ta wen ok (Man) (Outside from north to east.)

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°“√Õπÿ√—°…忓殑µ√°√√¡Ω“ºπ—ß (ŒŸª·µâ¡) „π®—ßÀ«—¥¡À“ “√§“¡ The Conservation of Mural Paintings (Hoop - Tam) in Maha Sarakham Province (Northeast Thailand)

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Ai si bok hai jao Jam wai ya sa long (I will tell and you must not forget) Pen Hoop-Tam Pra lak Pra lam (It is a painting about the story of Ramayana : Pra Lak and Pra Rama.) Tam ha Nang Sida Tosakan Lak pai lee (These two princes looked for Nang Sida who was abducted by Tosakan.) Kien jon hord Torn la Luang sang kan (It is also about when Buddha passed away.) Soo parinippan Klap pai sawan poon lah ori (He enlightened and returned to the heaven.) Saun tawen tok tai Pen ruang wedsandorn (In the west and South, it is a story of Vessantara Jataka.) Yok ma pen torn torn Por hai khon hen hoo (They are shown as episodes for people to see.) Nok jak nan Yang mee ruang Pra Malai (There is also a story of Pra Malai.) Pern dai sadej pai Berng narok pen ta yaan (He went to the fearful hell.)

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: 85

Mee ton mai Sim plee ngiw nga (There are trees and a forest of thorny prickles) Ton ngiw pah khao ka earn Mee nam sun pong yaw (There is another kind of thorny prickles which called Ngiw Pa.) Khao ob khuen Luad lai yoi yang (Whoever climbs up will be stabbed and bleeds.) Tang hok laem thaeng korn Pen na loo torn (It looks pathetic for people who got stabbed by spears) Terng mee mor Tom kra ta tong daeng (There are also copper pans.) Hang sob lek sob thong Tok ka mong ka parn nan (Vultures with iron and golden mouth peck at their heads and brains) Pai phoo tam kam hai Pa pang pen bap (Whoever commits bad thing, it will become sin.) Yam mua lod chua mean Kam hai jong wen (Although reducing bad behavior, the sin still remains.) Sat na rok foong nan Fag bok ma mueang khon (Devils wanted to remind those human beings)

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Ya hai phee nong hao Ko kam tam chau (Donût like your family commit bad things.) Pai phoo pid pau jao Mea khao kern luang (Whoever takes other spouses,) Pen bap tae Boo nee phon nae non (It is such a severe sin which they canût avoid.) (Mae Ying) Ai oei wao terng rueang prawat ban Khong hao ek nae (Woman) (Brother, please tell me more about our village history.) Ban ka hork tae tae Diew nee yoo sai (Where is our village originally located?) (Man) Lai pee lam Lai duan kham luang (Many months and years passed.) Tok khao khed Heman na maan luem (It was in one winner.) Khao ka dang fai fing Pad lau luem dap mean (The villagers made a fire and forgot to put it out.) Pa kan pai kiew khao Nai na si hak khop (They went to rice field to har vest overripe rice.) Loei lao fai mai ban Kwan kum look lam (Then it was fire in the village; lots of smoke appeared.)

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: 87

Merd iang siang Dai yin siang hong ham (Everything was burn downnothing left-, but only sound of crying.) Nam ta lai yad yoi Soka shum oa ka ning (Everyone was in tear and sorrow.) Saun wa bod lang nee Mee laung por khampha (There was only Monk Khampha in this temple.) Pern phoo yoo nong hi Amphoe lam sonthi phoon (He was from Nong Hee Village, Lum Sonti District.) Ao sang ka si ma moong wai Tan din kor tee phoo kron (He renovated this temple.) Laew ni mon pra khun jao Laung poo loon ma sueb tor (He then invited Abbot Loon to continue the temple.) Burana sueb sang Sim noi hoop ngam (Abbot Loon looked after Hoop-Tam Mural Paintings.) Kan phoo dai yak hoo Nang sue tua tam (Whoever wants to learn Dharma alphabets,) Hai tam laung poo loon Phoo pern hean sueb san wai (He must ask Abbot Look who is knowledgeable.)

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Jan kam lai pen khon tam Nam pak ka khean khid (Teacher Kamlai was a painter who made Hoop-Tam.) Hak man phid phlad phlang Apai hai nae der (If there is any mistake, please forgive me.) Yon wela mee noi Jaranai bo merd ruang (Because of the limit of time, I cannot tell the whole story.) Kraw bo merd thong ruang Apai wai dae soo khon (I have already finished telling my story, please forgive me everyone.) Mr. Khamlai Sriwiset Writer Maha Wirat Kokraboon Editor August 2008

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