Clare Blois, Fiona Matheson, Katherine Sutherland & Dot Walker
6 th
2 8 th
These four Highland artists do not merely ‘copy’ their native landscape and its weather, but have the courage to express themselves as artists. Each artist is individual, tackling their chosen subject matter from a different perspective.
The entire exhibition can be viewed on the Castle Gallery’s website: www.castlegallery.co.uk info@castlegallery.co.uk 01463 729512
Cover: Glen Affric, acrylic on canvas, 61 x 91cm
Fi on a M at h es o n , D o t Wa l ker, Kat h er ine S uthe rl and & Cl are B l ois
Clare Blois
Sudden Cloud near Kishorn, oil on canvas, 40 x 102cm Opposite: Autumn Plein Air, Black Isle, oil on canvas, 50 x 76cm
C l a r e B l o i s is a ‘gestural colourist’ who enjoys moving oil paint around the canvas. Her larger studio paintings may use smaller en
plein air oil sketches as their starting point but as she works on the imagery they move away from replicating an actual scene towards a finished painting that is more concerned with colour, movement and composition. She is searching for an honest, painterly response to the landscape that encapsulates her feelings, emotions and a sense of enjoyment through all the seasons.
Late Sunflowers, Ariege, oil on canvas, 40 x 50cm
Sunlight, Beauly River, oil on canvas, 100 x 100cm
Fiona Matheson
In the Clearing, acrylic on canvas, 10 x 15cm
Through the Bracken, acrylic on canvas, 10 x 15cm
F i o n a M a t h e s o n is interested in texture, masking, pattern-making and design - a result of her previous career as a textile
designer. This new body of work, especially for this exhibition, draws elements from the striking features of the forgotten communities along the Caithness and Sutherland coastlines. The resulting paintings capture the essence of the landscape without being too literal.
Shore Cottages, Berriedale, acrylic on canvas, 51 x 74cm
Opposite: Tombolo Beach, St Ninians, acrylic on canvas, 122 x 150cm
Two Chimneys, acrylic on canvas, 40 x 40cm
Katherine Sutherland
K a t h e r i n e S u t h e r l a n d took up painting, in a serious fashion, only a few years ago but is already creating exciting and confident paintings. Inspired by the example of the Scottish Colourists, 1900-1930, her oil paintings have strong compositions and brushwork and capture harmonious balances of colour. For this exhibition she will be showing mostly oil and watercolour paintings of Inverewe Gardens and the surrounding landscape, suggesting a ‘sense of place’ from the delicate gardens to the dramatic landscape.
Opposite: Beinn Airigh Charr, watercolour, 23 x 27cm
Water Lily Study, oil on board, 34 x 39cm
Opposite: Walled Garden, Inverewe, mixed media and pastel, 81 x 100cm
Eucalyptus Tree, Inverewe Gardens, oil on canvas, 53 x 53cm
Dot Walker
Morning Light Lemons, oil on canvas, 20 x 50cm
D o t W a l k e r is always looking to the next project, new subject matter or inspiration, resulting in quite a diverse range of techniques
and imagery. She walks most days in the countryside with a sketchbook, sometimes working in oil en plein air but more often working in her studio. For this exhibition she will present some new still lifes and evocative, spiritual imagery from the coast demonstrating her mastery of the traditional use of oil paint on canvas.
Chestnut Still Life, oil on canvas, 40 x 40cm
Opposite: Nisabost Blues, oil on canvas, 76 x 122cm
Mangersta Spray, oil on canvas, 60 x 60cm
Castle Gallery, 43 Castle St, Inverness, IV2 3DU 01463 729512 info@castlegallery.co.uk