Weekly Note & Reminders 19th May 2023

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School Weekly Note & Reminders 19th May 2023
Castle Park

From Mr McKernan (Principal, Whole School)

Dear Parents,

Castle Park has had yet another busy week filled with summer events.


In our Commendation Assemblies on Monday and Wednesday, teachers acknowledged pupils for their consistent effort and hard work and for demonstrating a positive attitude towards their learning. Strong leadership qualities, collaboration skills, and perseverance were also rewarded. Both assemblies were filled with excitement and genuine delight as each pupil’s name was announced. Photos of the recipients with their certificates can be found in the Picture Gallery

STEAM Academy Robotics Workshops

On Tuesday morning, The STEAM Academy delivered a captivating and educational presentation to our Prep pupils. This special workshop focused on introducing the world of robotics to the children. The pupils had the opportunity to explore the fundamental concepts and principles of robotics and understand their real-life applications We look forward to The STEAM Academy returning to the School in the Autumn Term as a new addition to our extra-curricular programme You can learn more about the STEAM Academy by CLICKING HERE

Junior Summer Concert

Forms I & II kicked off our series of Summer Concerts this afternoon when they performed a repertoire of ensemble and instrumental pieces for their families. While such events highlight the musical abilities of our pupils, they also showcase their growth as performers. Well done to all who took part, and a special word of thanks to Ms McKiernan for preparing the children for this event

First Holy Communion

Congratulations to those pupils who made their First Holy Communion in the Church of the Assumption, Dalkey, on Sunday morning We hope you all enjoyed your special day We captured some pictures of the celebration, which you can view in the Picture Gallery.

Sporting Events

We have some exciting sports events taking place next week with the AIJS Tennis Tournament at Rathdown, the AIJS Athletics Meet in UCD, and the Dublin Primary Schools Basketball League Finals at the NBA in Tallaght best of luck to all those taking part

The Week Ahead

Monday 22nd May

AIJS Tennis Tournament at Rathdown School. Starts at 2 pm; Finishes at approx. 5 pm.

Wednesday 24th May

Form VI travel to the Dublin Primary Schools Basketball League Finals at the NBA in Tallaght Depart at 10 am; Return at approx. 3 pm.

Thursday 25th May

AIJS Athletics Meet at UCD. Team departs at 8:45 am; Returns at approx 2:30 pm

Confirmation Preparation Class at 3:30 pm

You can find further details of all fixtures/events/activities on the Parent Portal Calendar

Staff Meeting - AI in Education

Next week, I am hosting a staff meeting on the topic of ‘AI in Education’ I recently attended a conference on this topic and am eager to share a summary of the key learnings during the meeting.

Thank You

Thank you to all who contribute to these special events and continue to support Castle Park School.

From Mr Tindale (Deputy Principal, Whole School)

Information Evening

Thank you to all the Form VI parents who attended the Killary information evening on Wednesday An email with detailed information about the trip was sent to parents yesterday morning via Mailchimp, and I would kindly ask you to contact the School Office if you have yet to receive it We look forward to meeting you all again on the morning of departure

Sailing Hobby

Our Form V sailing hobby is now in full swing. We had the rare combination of sunshine and light winds yesterday, which made for a great afternoon of sailing All the pupils are making steady progress and having a great time


Congratulations to all of the pupils who received a Commendation Award at Assembly this week

Le gach dea-ghuí

Stephen McKernan

Artist of the Week

Célestine, IV-P 'Big Ben'

In their Built Environment project, Form IV have been learning about the artist Stephen Wiltshire. Stephen has Autism and can draw large cities from memory Inspired by his work, the children made detailed line drawings of famous buildings from around the world. Next, they will select a portion of their drawing to enlarge and then use it to createapaperbatik

Irish Phrase of the Week
of the Week Inspirational Quote Composer of the Week - Well done
successdoessowithout acknowledgingthehelpof
others.Thewiseand confidentacknowledgethis helpwithgratitude." -AlfredNorthWhitehead Sean O' Riada
An mhaith

Our First Holy Communion

Sunday,14th May 2023

Church of the Assumption, Dalkey

News from Form II-C & II-P

Trip to Butlers Chocolate Factory


Lastweek,weenjoyedawonderfultriptoButler'sChocolate Factory The children learnt all about the history of chocolate, observed the chocolate-making process,touredthefactoryfloorandevenhadthechancetodecorateachocolatenoveltyelephant! Itwasatrulyenjoyableday.

Grandparents and Special Person Day

There was more excitement to come as we welcomed grandparents and special guests to our classroomonGrandparents&SpecialPersonDay Thechildrenweredelightedtosharetheirprojects, artworkandachievementswiththeirvisitors EverycorneroftheSchoolwasexploredasthechildren gavetheirguestsaguidedtour.


Backintheclassroom,thechildrenhavebeenwriting'AlienPlanet'stories Theyhaveworkedhardto includedescriptivedetailandtimeconnectivestomaketheirstoriesmoreinteresting.Wehavealso beenreading'Tom'sSausageLion'byMichaelMorpurgo.

InourMathslessons,wehavebeenexploringtheconceptof'Money',focusingonaddingtoandgiving changefrom€2 Thechildrenhavealsobeenlearninghowtomeasure Weplantedsunflowerseeds andhavebeeneagerlyobservingthemgrow Thisweek,itwasfinallytimetomeasurethem-thetallest sunflowermeasuredanimpressive82cm!

InSocialStudies,thechildrenhavebeenresearching‘WomenWhoMadeASignificantImpact’and learningaboutnotablefigureslikeMarieCurieandCocoChanel MeanwhileinourSEAL classes,we haveused‘WeavingWellbeing’todiscoverourstrengths

Trip to Butlers Chocolate Factory

Junior & Senior Commendations, and Kindness Award

Robotics Workshops

Robotics Workshops

Form III Personal Development Day


Forest School - Form VI

Athletics - Form IV

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