Weekly Note & Reminders 26th May 2023

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Park School Weekly Note & Reminders 26th May 2023

Dear Parents,

SFI Gold Award

We are delighted to announce that Castle Park has proudly achieved the prestigious SFI Curious Minds Gold Award! This award recognises exceptional pupil engagement in STEM subjects, including science, technology, engineering, maths, and a STEM showcase The feedback received from the Science Foundation highlighted the wide range of STEM activities, the commendable use of Tinkercad, the incorporation of outdoor work, and the impressive integration of mathematics with art and literature undertaken by our pupils The award will be delivered in June, and I congratulate everyone involved with this outstanding achievement. Well done!

Sports Events

This week, Castle Park had a busy and successful week in sports. Our pupils showcased their skills at the AIJS Tennis Tournament in Rathdown, excelled at the Dublin Primary Schools Basketball Tournament, and competed in various track and field events at the AIJS Athletics Meet Congratulations to all the pupils who took part Their dedication and hard work resulted in numerous medal wins

Form VI Trip to Killary

Form VI will embark on their residential end-of-year trip to Killary Adventure Centre next week This is an incredible opportunity for our graduating pupils to challenge themselves, build self-confidence, and explore the great outdoors. No doubt, on Monday morning, the School will buzz with excitement as the pupils prepare to board the bus for their week-long adventure. We wish them all the best and look forward to hearing about their trip when they return on Friday.

Forest School Video

Our Early Years children have really enjoyed their time at Forest School this year, and we have captured some lovely moments on video Watch as they toast marshmallows, run, jump, and play in the leaves, highlighting the camaraderie and delight they experience while learning outdoors CLICK HERE to enjoy the video and let it bring a smile to your face, just as it did to mine

Outdoor Classroom

Our pupils are making great use of the outdoor classroom this summer term, from 'Show and Tell' to 'Storytime' and even SEAL lessons. Not only do they have fun, but studies have shown that outdoor learning enhances creativity, reduces stress, and improves concentration. In addition, connecting with nature fosters a deeper understanding and appreciation of the environment. Check out the Photo Gallery to see Form IV enjoying a lesson in the great outdoors

The Week Ahead

Wednesday 31st May

Form V travelling to Alive Outside Activity Centre in Kilruddery Estate Depart @ 9 am; returning to Castle Park @ approx 3 pm

Friday 2nd June

FCP Coffee Morning & Uniform Sale after Drop-Off

Intermediate Summer Concert (Forms III & IV) @ 2 pm in the Assembly Hall

You can find further details of all fixtures/events/activities on the Parent Portal Calendar

Mon 29th May - Fri 2nd June Form VI Residential Trip


Mr Tindale

AIJS Tennis Tournament


House Points

The House Points competition is in full swing, with approximately 100 certificates to be awarded before the end of the term The points awarded at the upcoming Swimming Gala and Sports Day will contribute to determining the winning house for the term and the overall winning house for the year. Although thousands of house points have already been awarded, a narrow gap remains between the fourth and first-place houses, making the outcome very difficult to predict.

Le gach dea-ghuí

Artist of the Week

Elise, Form I-C – ‘Bug Box’

FormIhasbeenexploringtheworldofinsectsaspartoftheirFloraand Fauna project Inspired by artists Eric Carle and Michaël Cailloux, the pupils crafted paper bugs They loved making their display boxes and evengavetheirbugsnames!

"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it." Aristotle

Irish Phrase of the Week
- Critical Thinking
Theme of the Week Inspirational
the Week
The Summer Term Student Council had a highly productive meeting this week, with pupils from all year groups contributing some terrific ideas. They will share what was discussed and agreed upon with their classes in the upcoming week. The final meeting in June will feature the presentation of their ideas for the next academic year. (Deputy Principal, Whole School)
The Student Council
Stephen McKernan Principal
Castle Park had a very successful afternoon at the AIJS Tennis Tournament hosted by Rathdown School on Monday Congratulations to the tennis players for their impressive performances – winning the Girls’ and Mixed Doubles Tournaments and two out of three matches in the Boys’ Doubles Peter, Alecia, and Freddie did an excellent job in the Singles Flights We are proud of the great sportsmanship and teamwork displayed by all the participating children Thank you to the parents and staff for making this event possible.

News from the Music Department

Summer Concerts

LastFriday,ourFormIandIIpupilsdelightedparentswiththeirfabulous,energeticperformancesin thefirstofourSummerConcerts.FormIpresentedalivelymedleyfromthebelovedclassic–Chitty ChittyBangBang,whileFormIIcaptivated theaudiencewithSeaandPirate-themedsongscomplete withenthusiastic“arrgh’s!”Thechildren,whohavebeendiligentlypractisingthisterm,alsotreatedthe audiencetoamixofgroupandsolonumbers CLICKHEREtowatchavideocollageoftheConcert

Remember to mark your calendars for the Intermediate Concert (Forms III & IV), scheduled for Friday,2ndJune,followedbytheSeniorConcert(FormsV&VI)onFriday,9thJune ThefinalConcert oftheyearwillbeheldonWednesday14thJune.ItwillfeatureourEarlyYearspupils(K2,JI&SI) performingtwosummermusicals,‘CaterpillarBoogie’and‘There’saSunflowerinMySupper’.Parents andfriendsarewarmlyinvitedtoattendallthesummerconcertperformances

Music Lessons - End of Year

Extra-curricular music lessons for this academic year will end soon (some will finish next week, depending upon the day the lesson takes place) Music teachers will inform pupils individually when theirfinallessontakesplace.Ifyourequirefurtherclarification,pleasedonothesitatetocontactme orthemusicteachers.

Music Lesson Booking 2023/24

Ouronlinebookingsystemfornextyear’smusiclessonswillopensoon.Tosecuremusiclessonsforthe 2023/24academicyear,allpupils,includingexistingmusicpupils,mustregistertheirinterestthrough thebookingform Pleasewatchschoolemailsoverthecomingweeksforinstructionsonhowtobook Ifyouhaveanyquestionsinthemeantime,pleaseemailmusic@castleparkschool.ie

Junior Summer Concert - 19th May '23 - CLICK HERE to watch a video
Photos from the Music Department Photos from the Music Department Photos from the Music Department Photos from the Music Department Photos from the Music Department Photos from the Music Department
at the Outdoor Classroom with Form IV
at the Outdoor Classroom with Form IV

Art with Senior Infants

Art with Senior Infants

Forest Schoo

Forest School with

UCD Athletics Meet (Seniors)

Athletics & Basketball Group Photo

Y i th R G d

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