w w w . c a s t l e p a r k s c h o o l . i e S e t y o u r g o a l s h i g h , a n d d o n ’ t s t o p t i l l y o u g e t t h e r e . Table of Contents Introduction House Gallery Action Shots Joyful Moments Incredible Team Effort Pupil Hightlights Record Setters 1 3 6 10 12 16 17 Early Years 14
Introduction - Sports Day 2023
Castle Park Sports Day is an eagerly anticipated annual event that unites our entire school community, from our youngest learners in the Early Years Department to our soon-to-be Form VI graduates. Everyone participates in this exciting day of friendly competition and camaraderie The Friends of Castle Park (FCP) play a vital role in organising the event, creating a lively atmosphere with stalls, games, and food & beverage outlets.
The Sports Day begins with the Early Years races, followed by the Prep Department track and field events To promote team spirit, each child proudly represents their ‘House’, Toone, Pringle, Collings, or Edwardes, dressed in vibrant house colours. Parents cheer enthusiastically throughout the day, creating a supportive and uplifting environment At the end of the competition, once all the points have been tallied, The House Cup is awarded to the House that has achieved the highest number of points. Sports Day at Castle Park is a joyful celebration of sportsmanship, teamwork, and friendly competition.
w w w . c a s t l e p a r k s c h o o l . i e
The Early Years Department at Sports Day
The Early Years children had a wonderful time on Sports Day; they eagerly participated in age-appropriate events, including sprinting, egg-and-spoon races, sack races, and crawling races. They cheered each other on and celebrated their achievements with smiles and high-fives Family members and teachers couldn’t contain their delight as they shouted encouragement from the sidelines. After receiving their participation medals, the children were treated to a magic show by Genie Mackers Entertainers, whose performance filled the air at the front of the Castle with the sound of laughter.
After a full morning of activities, the children enjoyed lunch together in the Rose Garden followed by mini-golf and jumbo games on the front pitch It was a delightful day, full of joy, laughter, friendly competition, and unforgettable memories for the Early Years children.
"Play is the Highest Form of Research" - Albert Einstein
"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much."
– Helen Keller
"Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships."
– Michael Jordan
"If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself "
– Henry Ford
TOONE “In union there is strength.” - Aesop
Here we celebrate the remarkable achievements of our talented pupils who have beaten previous sports day records These young athletes have pushed beyond limits and left an indelible mark on our school's sporting history. With determination, skill, and an unyielding spirit, they have triumphed in their respective sports, setting new records for future Castle Park pupils to surpass.
Name/Class Ollie III-C Jan III-P Robbie III-P Tracy IV-C Alecia IV-P Oisin V-P Peter VI-C Matthew VI-P High Jump 1 45m Shot 12.26m 200m 31 02 200m 35.12 Shot 6 01m Discus 15.30m 400m 1 14 89 Event Record 200m 32 35
I felt happy about breaking the record and proud of myself for helping my house win more points Even though we won, all the other houses were amazing It doesn't matter who won It's all about the fun we had cheering each other on
When I heard my name and found out I broke the record for the 200m, I was so happy and proud of myself, I could have done it all again It felt amazing!
Sports days has always been mytfavouritebutthissportsdaywas hebest. Ib he10yearold
Tracy IV-C
Alicia IV-P
Sports Day was an incredible event that left our pupils brimming with excitement! We have received some wonderful feedback about this memorable day from the children who shared their experiences of the event.
Gaspard Lemaire I-P
I enjoyed the relay race. I enjoyed running in the 50m race. It was a great day
Savannah VI-P
Sports day was really exciting, and everyone had an enjoyable time
Grace, VI-P
Every child eagerly chanted for their house as numerous events took place. I smile upon the memory of racing against my classmates as the crowd roared over our ears. This sports day was one I shall never forget
I enjoyed sports day. It was fun doing the races. It was thebestdayever!
Saoirse, VI-P
I liked all the track events and how the houses supported and cheered for their teammates.
Diana I-P
I enjoyed Sports Day, and I liked doing the relay race I like doing Dicus It was the best day.
From Mr McKernan (Principal)
I would like to sincerely thank all involved in making our Sports Day a resounding success. Special recognition goes to our PE teachers, Mr Hillman and Ms Lynch, for the outstanding organisation of the event. Thanks to the FCP, as well as the staff, parents, and volunteers who played an integral role in organising and supporting the event Your efforts and enthusiasm created a memorable day of friendly competition and teamwork. We truly appreciate your commitment to fostering a vibrant and inclusive school community.
From Shola Thomas (FCP Chair)
The FCP Committee would like to extend our utmost gratitude to all parents for their enthusiasm on Sports Day and all the supportive messages that have followed.
A much-deserved thank you to Portia Reynolds and the parents on the Planning Team, who worked tirelessly behind the scenes to bring the day and its activities to the pupils and their families
We thank the parents and local businesses who sponsored our raffle with a fantastic selection of prizes
Thanks to the many incredible volunteers who joined us to help out and without whom, the day would not have been possible
We thank the School and all the staff for working with FCP to make this day possible and bring so much joy to the children, as seen in Claire’s brilliant photos
We appreciate the great athletics program that Mr Hillman and Ms Lynch organised so well We recognise all the work done by Paddy, John, Carlos, Ilaria and the cleaning crew in coordinating logistics and helping us with the heavy lifting.
It’s been great to read the comments We really appreciate the feedback
A big thanks to all once again, and I wish you all a memorable summer.
- Billie Jean King
DAY 2023
“Sport teaches you character, it teaches you to play by the rules, it teaches you to know what it feels like to win and lose - it teaches you about life.”