December 2013 Business Voice Newsletter

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"Get Connected to the Region's Best Business Network"


Happy Holidays!

eason... S y da li o H s hi T

Shop Local, Support Our Town! “Shop the Rock” Program, revamped for the new year! Shopping in Castle Rock is important for several reasons. It helps local businesses succeed and strengthens the area economy. It also provides sales tax revenue to the Town, which is needed to provide core services like police and fire protection and road and park maintenance. Because we believe shopping local is so important and we support our local businesses, the Chamber has created the "Shop the Rock" Your program. A very successful part of the "Shop the Rock" program is reaching out to new residents to the Chamber area with our "Welcome to Castle Rock" Building a Strong bags that are filled with promotional Local Economy. items from participating businesses. Exhibit at the Read more on page 10.

Expo. Read more pg. 6

this issue CEO Focus P.2 Cha mber Addi tion to Staff P.4 Heal thy Li vi ng Expo P.6 December Networking Events P.7 Young Professional Events P.8 Thi rd Tech Tuesda y P. 11 eXcelera te Business Program P.12 YEA! Update P.13


CEO Focus What are you th ankful for? Being thankful is s omething I try to practice every day, but this time of year it’s top of mind for most of us. With even just a little reflection, we should realize what’s im portant in our lives. At the top of m y lis t: 1. My family which includes six beautiful g randbabies, my faith and good health. 2. Being an American--taking nothing away from any othe r country, it may not be pe rfect--what place is? We may be a nation divided on many iss ues, but we need to be united in the support of our m ilita ry, police, firefighters and rescue teams. 3. Free enterprise and the entrepreneurial spirit--Individuals Pam Ridler, CCE who take risk and demonstra te innovation deserve the credit for CEO/President dramatically improving our comm unity’s economy. Castle Rock Chamber 4. Businesspeople throughout Douglas County--It’s our pleasure a t the Chambe r to work closely with professiona ls every single day. We see them give as much to the community as they rece ive in return. 5. Chamber and comm unity volunteers--Simila r to the item above, we get to work with the best and brightes t people in our community every day and they exemplify selfless and outstanding leade rship. 6. The Chamber s taff--As I complete my 15th year as the Castle Rock Chambe r’s president, this is the strongest g roup of dedicate d and knowledgeable individuals I’ve had the pleasure of working with. I’m thankful to work with them a ll. 7. Last but not least, I’m thankful for you and your decision to be pa rt of our business community and your investment in your Chambe r. I wish you and your family a most joyous and safe holiday season. Remembe r, Douglas County Gives Day is on Decem ber 10th, give your financial support of our community non-profits that give so much back to us all.

EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD Michael Likens gopixel design studios inc. CHAIR-ELECT Mike Tafoya Estrada Strategies-DTC TREASURER Nino DiMatteo FirstBank - Douglas County TREASURER-ELEC T John Cona ACME Brick IMMEDIATE PAST CHAIRMAN Aaron Barrick Folkestad,Fazekas, Barrick,& Patoile P.C. DIRECTORS Rand Clark Random Productions Erik Erickson WalMart Super Center David Farnan Douglas County Libraries Todd Folkenberg Castle Rock Adventist Health Campus Brooke Fox Colorado Agricultural Leadership Foundation Lisa Frizell Douglas County Assessors Office Brock Goodwin Mutual of Omaha Nadine Kirk RE/MAX Alliance Elyse McNulty Kaiser Permanente Linda Watson Sky Ridge Medical Center EX-OFFICIO Mayor Paul Donahue Town of Castle Rock Frank Gray Castle Rock Economic Development Council Sally Misare Town of Castle Rock Town Clerk Pam Ridler Castle Rock Chamber CHAMBER STAFF Pam Ridler, CCE (President/CEO) Melissa Mares (Director of Communications) Alicia Early (Director of Member Relations) Tammy Cratty (Office Administrator) Wendy Krzeczowski (Event Manager) Susan O’Malley (Membership Account Exec.) Sonia Waugh (Receptionist) 2

President Level Premier Level ANB Ba nk Arapahoe Community College Bonave nture Bub bles Liqu or W orld CoW est Ins uran ce Gr oup

Executive Level

Douglas County Librarie s Folkestad, Fazekas, Barrick & Patoile , P.C. gopixel desig n studi os, i nc. Kaiser Per mane nte

Entrepreneur Level

MedVed Aut ople x Ca stle Rock Mywedding. com Mike Ward In finiti One Clear Ch oice Garage Doors Plumbline Servi ces, I nc. Rand om Produ ction s Renewal By Ander sen

Thank You to Our Generous Sponsors!

Rocky Mou ntain P BS Sam’s Cl ub Wal-mart Wells Fargo Ba nk


Chamber Announces Newest Staff Addition, Alicia Early Alicia Early has joined the chamber staff team as ofDecembe r 2nd as our Membership Relations Director. Alicia was born and raised on the family farm in Tucumcari, NM. While obtaining he r deg ree in Mass Communications at West Texas A&M, she met her husband, Shawn. Since gradua tion she has spe nt her career working with various diffe rent companies both non profit and for profit to publicize their mission and raise funds. In 2003, she m oved to Pueblo and was hired by the Colorado State University-Pueblo Foundation. For the six years she was there, she se rved in m ultiple positions s uch as Special Events Coordinator, Director of Annual Giving, Interim Exe cutive Director and Scholarship Development and she als o worked closely with the Founda tion Boa rd. In 2009 opportunities led her to join the Mosaic team in Nebraska and Kansas as their Comm unity Relations Manager. Most recently she served as the Pres ident/CEO of the De rby Chambe r of Commerce. Alicia, her husband Shawn, and their two children, Dylan (5) and Kennedy (2) are excited to be members of the Castle Rock community and look forward enjoying all Castle Rck has to offer. She can't wait to meet you and learn more about your bus iness. We are thrilled to welcome Alicia to our chamber staff. He r Chamber e xperience a nd wealth of knowledge in relationship building will serve the Chambe r we ll. Please stop by and say “hello” when you get the chance.

Join A Leads Group! Leads Plus!

Leads Referral

The Breakfast Club

2nd & 4th Tuesdays

1st & 3rd Wednesdays

2nd & 4th Tuesdays




11:30 am to 1:00 pm

11:30 am to 1:00 pm

7:30 am to 8:45 am




The Fowl Line

Castle Cafe

Village Inn




Tammy Cratty

Susan O’Malley

Tammy Cratty

The policy for Chambe r Leads is to have one represe ntative pe r business pe r group. Chambe r staff maintains a regularly updated waiting list. Please contact the staff liaison from prefe rred group at 303-688-4597 to check availability. 4

December Calendar of Events Monday 2nd Young Entrepreneurs Academy Class YEA! (Castle View High School) @ 5:00 pm Tuesday 3rd Free Business Consultation (Chamber) Goverment Issues Committee (Chamber) @ 7:30 am Ribbon Cutting (Tropical Paradise) @ 12 pm Wednesday 4th

Wednesday 11th Ambassadors Exec. Committee Meeting (Chamber) @ 10:30 am Ambassadors Meeting (Chamber) @ 12:00 pm Thursday 12th Business over Breakfast (Castle Rock Adventist) @ 7:30 am Ribbon Cutting (TQ Photography) @ 4 pm

Leadership Douglas County (PACE Center) Monday 16th @ 7:30 am Leads Referral (Castle Cafe) @ 11:30 am Castle Rock Economic Gardening Business after Hours (ANB Bank) @ 5 pm Committee Meeting (Chamber) @ 11:30 am Thursday 5th Young Entrepreneurs Academy Class YEA! Ribbon Cutting “Purium” (Chamber) (Castle View High School) @ 5 pm @12 pm Tuesday 17th Ribbon Cutting Home Care Assistance Third Tech Tuesday (Chamber) @ 9 am @ 4 pm Friday 6th

Wednesday 18th

Castle Rock Economic Partners (EDC) @ 8:00 am Ambassador Retreat (Chamber) @ 11:30 am

Leadership Douglas County Steering Meeting (Chamber) 7:30 am Community Leadership (Chamber) @ 11:30 am Leads Referral (Castle Cafe) @ 11:30 am

Monday 9th Young Entrepreneurs Academy Class YEA! (Castle View High School) @ 5:00 pm Tuesday 10th Free Business Consultation (Chamber) The Breakfast Club Leads (Village Inn) @ 7:30 am Leads Plus (The Fowl Line) @ 11:30 am Douglas County Gives Day

Friday 20th Castle Rock Economic Partners (EDC) @ 8 am Tuesday 24th Chamber closes at 12 pm Wednesday 25th Chamber Closed-Merry Christmas! Tuesday 31st

PRESIDENT’S LEVEL Castle Rock Bank Colorado Community Media Sky Ridge Medical Center EXECUTIVE LEVEL Black Hills Energy Castle Rock Adventist Health Campus Douglas County Living Magazine Intermountain Rural Electric Assoc. ENTREPREN EUR LEVEL Castle Rock Development Company FirstBank-Douglas County Northstar Bank Colorado Patriot Enterprises PREMIER LEVEL ANB Bank Arapahoe Community College Bonaventure of Castle Rock Bubbles Liquor World CoWest Insurance Group Douglas County Libraries Folkestad,Fazekas,Barrick & Patoile PC gopixel design studios, inc. Kaiser Permanente Medved Autoplex at Castle Rock Mike Ward Infiniti One Clear Choice Garage Doors Plumbline Services Inc. Random Productions Renewal By Andersen Rocky Mountain PBS Sam’s Club Wal-Mart Wells Fargo Bank

Chamber closes at 12 pm


Saturday, February 8, 2014 8am to 3pm Douglas County Events Center

Colorado's largest Expo focused on Living, Working and Playing in Colorado! The Healthy Living Expo will feature companies, health organizations and nonprofits that specialize in your healthy lifestyle. Enjoy vendor booths, interactive, educational displays & demonstrations, and ongoing entertainment. The day starts off with the Freeze Your Buns off 5k with an estimated 500 runners. Runners Register at Showcase your products and services to residents of Douglas County and surrounding areas... Admission is FREE to the Public.

Get Your Booth! >Single In Line 10'x10' Booth$220 (Chamber Members) $305 (Non Members) > Single In Line Corner 10'x10' Booth$260 (Chamber Members) $355 (Non Members) > Double In Line 10'x10' Booth$415(Chamber Members) $565 (Non Members) > Double In Line Corner 10'x10' Booth$455 (Chamber Members) $605 (Non Members) Register Early for Prime LocationsSpace is Limited & Will Sell Out! www.COLORADOHEALTHYLIVINGEXPO.COM

Be where the customers are... Meet Customers, build confidence with a face to face meeting!

Network - meet and network your business with other Colorado professionals!

Show Customers Your Best Work - The Healthy Living Expo lets potential customers experience your work first hand - appeal to their senses!

Meet more Consumers in ONE day than any other advertising medium!

Be Part of Colorado’s Largest Expo focused on Living, Working & Playing Healthy! www.COLORADOHEALTHYLIVINGEXPO.COM

Sponsorship Opportunities, Now Available! Email or call the Chamber at 303-688-4597. 6

Upcoming Networking Events

Business After Hours

December 4th

ANB Bank

January 15, 2014

Douglas/Elbert Task Force & Castle Rock Bank

One Pass for Networking level, free to Asce nt level and above. $10 for Community Connection. All events are 5-7pm GUESTS MUST PRE REGISTER. Contact Susan at 303-688-4597.

Business Over Breakfast December 12th


Castle Rock Adventist Health Campus 2350 Meadows Blvd

Business After Hours

Wednesday, Dec. 4th 5pm to 7pm

3851 Sol Danza Drive Community Connection: $10 per person. One pass for Networking level, Free for Ascent level & a bove. Guests /Non-members must have an admitta nce pass. Call 303.688.4597 or Contact Susan@cas for info.

Aligning your business with Castle Rock Chamber events through sponsorships puts your company in front of business

Community Connection: $10 pp Free for Networking level and above. Guests/Non-members m ust have an admittance pass. Call 303.688.4597 or email SA VE THE DATE!!!!

VIP Board/Chairman Circle Cocktail Thank You Event

professionals and civic leaders. Regardless of your company’s size or business objectives, there are marketing opportunities to meet your company objectives.

By Invitation Only

January 29, 2014 Gabriel’s 5pm to 7pm More details coming soon.

Thank You for Your Support!

Learn More by contacting: or call 303.688.4597


UPCOMING DCYP EVENTS: December Holiday Party-Possible dates: Dec. 17, 18, 19 (Location T BD) January Social Event: Thursday, January 16, 2014 @ 6pm. (Location TBD)

Douglas County Young Professionals..."where young professionals go to network." DCYP events provide a networking platform for young professionals in the Douglas County area and beyond, ages 21 to 40, who support each other and serve as a voice for young business leaders with an emphasis on social activities, community involvement as well as professional growth and development. Whether you're an intern just starting your professional life, a teacher, entrepreneur, an investment banker or climbing the corporate ladder, Douglas County Young Professionals has something for you. Are you exploring your options, contemplating a career change, or even a young professional looking to share your knowledge with others? You will meet others like you at our events.

This group is a grea t wa y to meet i nteresting new people, advance your ca reer, and gi ve ba ck to the communi ty and your peers . We a re Young Douglas County!

Join Today, Visit DCYP Website at Email Come network and grow as young professionals in a rela xed and fun envi ronment.

Chamber Members Celebrating Anniversaries Business

Years with the Chamber

Fi rs tBank of Douglas County Steele Ti res, Inc. Bla ck Hills Energy Acme Bri ck Double D Auto Repai r, Inc. Arapahoe/Douglas Mental Health Network Pa rty Time Rental, Inc. Wells Fa rgo Bank NAPA Auto Pa rts Seeley, Da rold Thea tre of Dreams Arts and Event Center Sta te Fa rm Insurance - Da vid Topolnicki Alexandra Entertainment Connection Ba rnes Plumbing and Hea ting, Inc Red Stag Producti ons Business Communi ca tion Support, LLC Cas tle Springs La nd Co., LLC Cas tle Rock Mi ddle School CVHS ABC go Social Castle Rock

46 Yea rs 37 Yea rs 27 Yea rs 27 Yea rs 27 Yea rs 27 Yea rs 20 Yea rs 17 Yea rs 16 Yea rs 16 Yea rs 11 Yea rs 9 Yea rs 6 Yea rs 5 Yea rs 5 Yea rs 4 Yea rs 4 Yea rs 1 Yea r 1 Yea r 1 Yea r 8

Ambassador of the Month-Brett Turner Brett Turner is a Colorado native, and he has lived in Castle Rock for 18 yrs along with his wife Sue and son Steve, who are also activ e in their marketing and branding business, Proforma Image Branding. The family moved to Castle Rock just before the town exploded with record growth. Brett and Sue had one of their first steak dinners out in downtown Castle Rock at a once popular “Hungry Heifer” steakhouse in downtown Castle Rock. During their meal, Brett fondly recalls his wife saying, “I can’t believe you’re moving me to Hick town and we probably stick out with our blue jeans and tennis shoes.” He responded that you don’t see many people in real western wear often except for maybe out on the ranches and the stockyards. Otherwise, these days they all wear tennis shoes just like us. It wasn’t but just a few brief minutes after that when a group of people walk ed into the restaurant wearing all the western gear including cowboy hats, chaps and boots with spurs attached! Sue smiled and then said, “I rest my case”. It was pretty exhilarating really. What a friendly bunch too. I’ve loved this town ever since. At the time, the town was starting to grow at an accelerated rate. Brett believes that after 18 years, he is sure that the move to Castle Rock has been one of the “best decisions” of their lives. The family cherishes the sense of community that Castle Rock has along with its “small town feel”. Brett and his wife joined the Castle Rock Chamber shortly after starting their promotional products and apparel business back in 2008 and now they’re a full marketing and branding agency without agency fees. By not charging upfront fees is part of what sets their business apart from other marketing agencies. Brett joined the Ambassador program with the chamber at the beginning of this last summer and he was recently awarded “Ambassador of the Month” in October. After watching how his wife Sue was connecting with other business owners and mentoring new members, Brett realized a sense of fulfilling his desire to help others grow their business and is satisfying the need to be involved. Brett said that being a member of the Castle Rock Chamber has resulted in many strong new relationships with other like minded business owners. Many of these people are leaders who make a positive impact in our community. It wasn’t long ago that Brett would only get to read about these people in the news and now he feels fortunate to interact with them during community functions, volunteering for events or networking after hours. Many of these people have become our dear friends. Besides creating their own path to success and retirement, both Brett and his wife agree that having clients become friends is a huge benefit of being in business. “We are truly blessed and fortunate to have recognized the opportunities along the way that are giv ing us the freedom and ability to make our own path to success”. ~Thank You Brett for all you do for the Chamber!

Starlighting Decorating Contest Winners Announced Thank You to all who participated in the Store Front Decorating Contest this year. Together, we made the 78th STARLIGHTING the m ost festive event of the season for all of Castle Rock! Congratulations to our Winners!

1st place – Gene’s Auto Repair 2nd place – The Emporium 3rd place – Augustine Grill Honora ble Mention was gi ven to Siena’s Courtyard Siena Courtyard

Gene’s Auto Repair

The Emporium

Augustine Grill


The Castle Rock Chamber of Commerce’s Mission is to

Support, Encourage and Promote Member Businesses in our Community To be a “Voice” for Businesses to Local and Regional Government And to Foster a Livable, Vital Community where Quality of Life and Positive Growth are both possible. Please support our local businesses this holiday season and throughout the year. Together we can maintain the Chamber’s Vision:

Igniting Passion for Business Success and Community Prosperity. Member to Member Discount Program As part of your inves tment wi th the Castle Rock Chamber of Commerce, you are eligible to pa rti cipate in this program! You may offer savings or i tems of value that represent your business and take advantage of those offers from fellow members. This is part of the Chamber’s ongoing efforts to help our members save. By parti cipating in this program, you a re furthering the goal of s trengthening our local economy . View all the member to me mbe r d i s co u n ts at in the Mem be rs Onl y s ecti on . Contact Susan by ca lli ng 303- 688- 4597 to participate.


How Does Your Business Thrive?

RSVP: Receptionis t@castle (Free To Chamber Members;$10 for Future Members)

Through the partnership of the Chamber, Town of Castle Rock, PS Miller Library and the Senior Core of Retired Executives (SCORE), we can help you keep your business on course or successfully help you launch a new venture by providing consultations with industry experts. Schedule appointments for a business consulta tion with an expert regarding the following: •

Business start-ups

Developing a business plan

Marketing and sales activities

Accounting and tax issues

Securing financing

Business organization

Managing business growth

Leadership Douglas County recently sponsored a non-profit board training:

Business Boot Camp

Access to Local Expertise

Developing Your Non-Profit Board: Ingredients for an Extraordinary Leadership Team

Database & GIS Research

Rave Reviews Received at LDC Board Training

Call 303-688-4597 or sign up at:

Held at the Library, facilitator, Dave Kilby, WACE President/CEO presented to a full house. Stay tuned , more exciting events like this to come in the future. Thank you to all who attended.


EBDP Registration, Now Open!

RECOMMEND JOINING THE CHAMBER ! EARN CHAMBER CASH! The Cas tle Rock Economi c eXcelera te Business Development Program (EBDP) is designed to lead and inspi re businesses to grow and prosper to thei r hi ghes t potential . Every business whether they a re in the ea rl y s tages of development or a re deepl y rooted and es tablished enterprises will benefi t from the concepts and s ys tems taught in the progra m. Our goal is to help pa rti cipa ting businesses a ccelera te growth and promote excellence through proven business development a nd business planning stra tegies and ta cti cs . Key elements of growth can be measured in many ways: • Increased Revenues and Profits • Added staff and Workforce • Acquisition of Investment Capital • Community Impact Ul ti ma tel y, these growth pa tterns depend on helping indi vidual business leaders grow in the knowledge and ability to i mpa ct thei r own company.


Business Development Program will provide business owners with: Business training • Peer group accountabili ty and • Leader mentors The goal for all participants is to establish and define their future growth strategies, and create an implementation plan for the immediate future. •

WHAT: Stewardship Program WHY: Re duce Your Membe rship Investment Cost WHO: This program acknowledges and awards Chamber members for Stewardship of the Chamber in the Castle Rock Community. HOW: Steward Recognition: Your name and the refe rred new Chamber membe r will be spotlighte d in the Business Voice in STEWARDSHIP RECOGNITION section.

To complete your referral go to http://www.castlerock./org/pdf/ MemberReferralCard2012.pdf.



During the final session, the pa rtici pating members will present thei r s tra tegic plan to a group of thei r peers a nd communi ty leaders. They will recei ve feedba ck and confirma tion for ea ch business to complete thei r future business stra tegy. Pa rti cipants and past yea rs ’ gradua tes of the (EBDP) will be recogni zed i ndi viduall y a t the Cas tle Rock Cha mber of Commerce a nnual Banquet. View more informa tion about this new exci ting program a t www.Cas Regis ter Now, Space is Li mited: www.castlerockcha trati ons


Local Business Mentors & Sponsors Needed for Young Entrepreneurs Volunteers will help YEA! students in business planning process The Young Entrepreneurs Academy (YEA!), an innovative program that guides students through the process of starting their own real business, is inviting local businesses to be involved in this exciting program as business mentors and sponsors for this year’s YEA! class, which meets at Castle View High School. Once the students get the ball rolling on their ideas, YEA! pairs up each business with an appropriate business mentor. This person helps the students to better understand their concept, write a business plan, identify their target audience and provide all around support. Business mentors begin on January 6, 2014, and assist students for approximately eight sessions (contact us for exact dates). Students work in close cooperation with local leaders of industry, community members, and educators to develop ideas and objectives, write business plans, pitch potential investors, obtain funding, register with governmental agencies, develop their brand identity and much more! By the end of the class, students own and operate fully functioning businesses that can be carried on after graduation. Students learn to make a job--not just take a job! As a non-profit corporation, YEA! Inc. relies on the generosity of the community and of sponsors; people who identify with entrepreneurship and want to help pave the way for our future entrepreneurs. Some help the enterprises get off the ground, while others provide in-kind support or volunteer their time and services. During the course of the nine-month program, more than 30 local businesses and over 55 individuals will become involved with YEA! at various levels. From helping teach the basics of

business to inviting students to tour their companies, our volunteers participate in a variety of capacities. Gold Sponsors of the Castle Rock YEA! program currently include and Castle Rock Adventist Health Campus. YEA! is currently working to partner with additional companies who would like to make an investment in the future of entrepreneurship in our community Find out how you can become involved as a mentor or sponsor by contacting Carrie Buchan at 720.440.3726 or emailing Please don’t wait—contact us today!

Begin as a student and finish as a CEO!© About the Young Ent repreneurs Academy: The direct mission of YEA! is to help students embrace their passion, energy, creativity and talents, launch a venture, and view entrepreneurship as synonymous with success and freedom. In 2008, YEA! “spun-off” from the University of Rochester, where it was formed in 2004 with support from the Kauffman Foundation, to create its own not-forprofit corporation, YEA! Inc., which is currently launching sites in colleges, universities and high schools across the country to provide comprehensive, exciting entrepreneurship education, leadership development and innovation training to youth, providing them with skills they need to succeed in the 21st Century. For more information about the Young Entrepreneurs Academy, please visit or


Silver Spons ors:

Gold S pons ors:


Ribbon Cuttings, Celebrate Your Success Let us help you celebra te! Ha ve you opened a new business, expa nded a t your current loca tion, reloca ted, or celebra ting a miles tone anni versa ry? Let the Cas tle Rock Chamber and the Ambassadors help you sha re the good news ! A Ribbon Cutting ceremony is an important pa rt of your overall ma rketing and advertising plan and is a grea t wa y to ki ck off a grand opening or reloca tion of a business .

Cobbra Closets 862 Happy Canyon Rd.Suite 110 Castle Rock, CO 80109 (720) 635-0117 Closet Organizers

DCF Guns 1155 Park St. Castle Rock, CO 80104 (720) 515-2006 Firearms

Fastsigns 18921 E. Plaza Dr.Suite 102 Parker, CO 80134 (720) 854-5755 Signs

Contact the Chamber to schedule your Ribbon Cutting/Grand Opening Celebration. 14

New Members Azura Memory Care of Castle Rock Conta ct: Natalie Gra ce (720) 708-4475 864 Ba rra nca Dr. Cas tle Rock, CO 80104 Category: Assisted Living, Memory Care

Cobbra Closets Conta ct: Ba rry Borges (720) 625-0117 862 Happy Canyon Rd. Suite 110 Cas tle Rock, CO 80109 Category: Closet - Organizers, Home Improvements www.cobbra

Crown Asset Development Conta ct: Christine Feyler (303) 858-8209 7336 S. Al ton Wa y Centennial , CO 80112 Category: Business Services, Investments

Restaurant of the Month

210 3rd Street 303.68 8.90 00 www.oscr estaura

Purium Weight Loss Coaching Conta ct: Rodger Ruge (707) 975-0899 Category: Health & Wellness, Nutrition www.mypuri

QRstorytelling Gallery Conta ct: Lucia McConnell (720) 282-9521 505 2nd St. Cas tle Rock, CO 80104 Category: Digital Storytelling www.qrs Sozo Chiropractic Conta ct: Dr. Joseph Schmi tt, DC (810) 730-0088 102 S. Wilcox St. Cas tle Rock, CO 80104 Category: Chiropractors

Tsys Merchant Solutions Conta ct: Chris Meints (720) 415-3647 Category: Merchant Services www. merchantsolutions .com

Tropical Paradise Conta ct: Glen Dopp (720) 733-7764 703 N. Wil cox St. Sui te H Cas tle Rock, CO 80104 Category: Health & Wellness, Nutrition

Spruce Up Construction Conta ct: Joseph Todor (303) 805-8958 Category: Buildings - Metal, Contractors - Remodeling, Contractors - Roofing, Contractors - Siding, General Contractors, Windows www.

Beverage Sponsor

The Pepsi Bott ling Company 3801 Brighton B oulevard Denver, CO 8021 6

Storage Sponsor

Park Street /Jerry Stre et Storage 1500 N. Pa rk St reet Ca stle Roc k, CO 303.688.22 42


Developing Leaders-Leadership Douglas County November’s Class Topic: Health Care and Senior Living Steering Committee Planners: Marcus Cordova, Lori Kania, Ann Speers, Class of 2013. The purpose of the Leadership Douglas County November’s class was to learn about healthcare issues impacting Douglas County citizens (both young and old), and gain a better understanding of healthcare reform and the Affordable Care Act, and to learn how identification and timing of strategic changes in a business model enhance the viability and profitability of the business. The day was graciously hosted by Wind Crest Retirement Center in Highland Ranch, one of the premier senior living communities in Douglas County. The class met for a very full day, which included a leadership skill session on “Strategic Change for Viability and Success,” presented by Kathy Dilger of Wind Crest. The day kicked off with children’s healthcare issues by panelists Joan Bothner, Chief Medical Officer at Children’s Hospital, and Jeff Harrington, Chief Financial Officer. Children’s Hospital South Campus in Highlands Ranch is the fourth hospital to open in a decade in Douglas County. The status of healthcare options in Douglas County was discussed by Morre Dean, CEO at Parker Adventist Hospital and Linda Watson, Director of Marketing and Public Affairs for Sky Ridge Medical Center. Healthcare reform and Colorado’s response to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act was discussed by presenters Lorez Meinhold, Deputy Executive Director of Community Partnership Office and Marcia Benshoof, Health Investment Strategist, whose company is implementing the Colorado Connect for Health marketplace for the State.

“Douglas County has excellent health care facilities that I now can speak more effectively about.” Diane Leavesley, Class Participant.

Alzheimer’s detection and care was presented by volunteer Maureen Shule, and a tour of Wind Crest conducted by Craig Erickson and Jeff Richardson further detailed the special needs of this growing segment of our community. The Epilepsy Foundation was represented by Marcee Peterson who discussed the dangers of this prevalent disease and the need for recognition of its symptoms and the appropriate response of bystanders and law enforcement when seizures occur.

BE OUR GUEST! The topic for December’s Leadership Class is Government. If you would like to a ttend pa rt or all of an upcoming class as a gues t, or you would like more i nforma tion on the Leadership Douglas County program, please call Ca rrie Buchan a t 7 2 0 . 4 4 0 . 3 7 2 6 o r e m a i l info@leadershipdouglas

Leadership Douglas County would like to acknowledge its generous Sponsors for the day: Thanks to Location Sponsor Wi nd Cres t Reti rement Center; Pa tron Sponsors : Ci ty of Lone Tree, Douglas County Government and BreakThroughs , Inc.; Program Sponsors : Black Hills Energy, Cherokee Ranch and Cas tle Founda tion, Douglas County Li bra ries, Fi rs tBank of Douglas County, Hi ghlands Ranch Metro Dis tri cts, South Metro Fi re and Rescue Authori ty, Town of Cas tle Rock, Wells Fa rgo Bank, and the Cha mbers of Commerce of Cas tle Rock, Castle Pines , Highlands Ra nch, Lone Tree and Pa rker.

Thank you all for your generous support! 16

Customized, Confidential Consultations to Help Your Business Grow Business resources to keep you moving forward M ARK E T RE S E ARC H - C O M P E T I T I VE A N A LY S I S - BU S I N E S S T O O LS - L O C AL E X P E RT S

Chamber Offers Free Business Consultations H ow d oe s you r b us ine s s g row ? Is your business ready for that ne xt ste p? Not s ure about the next step? Not sure how to take it? WE ARE HERE TO HELP! Castle Rock Economic Ga rdene rs (CREG) is a group of de dicate d and expe rienced business lea ders whose miss ion is to provide small businesses with A C C ESS TO LOC A L EXPER TISE

the resources used by best-in-class firms, the reby enhancing the ir com petitiveness in the local, s tate and global marketplaces. Our purpose is to help

It is not possible to be an expert about every aspect of running a business. The Chamber

Douglas County businesses flouris h in today’s marketplace. W hethe r you’re

can provide participants with referrals to

just s tarting out and need help turning an

experts in such areas as financing, legal and


idea into reality, or you’ve been es tab-


lished for years and want to take your

D A TA B A S E & G I S R E S E A R C H

business to the next level, we ca n show

The program has access to industry leading

you how to gain the knowle dge, dire c-

research databases and GIS information to develop a custom growth plan. Databases


tion, and connections you need to culti-

include Reference USA, Dodge Report, JJ

vate a successful business.


The concept of e conom ic gardening fosters entrepreneurial activity by providing the essential information, infra-

WA N T MOR E IN FOR MA TION ? Economic Gardening information and a program application may be found at the Castle Rock Economic Gardening website.

structure, and resources required for www.C ast leRo ckEG.o rg

successful business development and growth. A ll se rvices a nd information are at little or no cost to both s tart-ups and established businesses in Douglas County, Colorado. Please take a few moments to explore our we bsite and learn how the Cas tle Rock Econom ic Gardene rs can he lp your bus iness grow.



Members in the News LaRue to retire from Douglas County LibrariesDouglas County Libraries announces that longterm library director Jamie LaRue will retire in January 2014 to pursue a second career as a writer, speaker and consultant. During LaRue’s tenure as director of Douglas County Libraries (DCL), the district rose from being among the worst library systems in the state to being counted regularly among the topWe Will Miss You Jamie! performing public libraries in the United States serving a mid-sized population. LaRue began working as the library director in 1990. Under his direction, Douglas County Libraries has transformed into an innovative, technologically advanced, dynamic organization with more than 300 employees, 1,500 volunteers and seven locations. Read more SAVE THE DATE: February 16, 2014 for 30 Years of Love Benefit Concert featuring Firefall. Come join them for a black T-shirt event and celebration!! The Douglas/Elbert Task Force will be marking their 30 years of service to the community on February 16, 2014 with a benefit concert featuring Colorado platinum recording artist, Firefall. Come join them as they recognize three donors by presenting the first annual Mela Rudolph Awards at this event. The recipients are New Hope Presbyterian Church, FirstBank & Lee and Nani Lindig. Sign up for pre-sale tickets now! Sponsorship and Tickets can be purchased at

Chamber Members, TSYS Merchant Solutions, a wholly owned subsidiary of TSYS (NYSE: TSS), is providing their customers with TSYS Merchant Insights, a unique dashboard that monitors social media activity, competition and revenue. The dashboard is powered by Womply, a leading provider of merchant-focused analytics, loyalty and customer engagement tools. Read more at chamber_news7.htm Join Elements Massage on December 7th from 10 am to 6 pm for our annual HOLIDAY OPEN HOUSE AND GIFT CARD SALE!!! Members BOGO (Buy One Get One FREE limit 4) and non-members Buy 2 55 minute massage gift cards for $99!! Stop by for Free chair massages, enter to win a Gift Basket, yummy snacks and more! Add Magic to Your Event or Meeting! Are you looking for fun and interactive entertainers that will be the perfect icebreaker to compliment that cocktail or private party you've been planning? If so, Theatre of Dreams can help. Visit or call 303-6602357. From now until Dec. 14, Toys for Tots will have collection bins at both Medved locations in Wheat Ridge, CO and Castle Rock, CO. Toys for Tots helps less fortunate children throughout the United States experience the joy of Christmas. For ideas what to donate, the Toys for Tots FAQ page suggests using existing gift giving ideas. If someone has a small niece or nephew that they will be already, they are encouraged to pick up a second gift for a less fortunate child. The Castle Rock Chamber also has a drop bin location as well. Read more here:

Support a great cause with a wonderful Christmas gift idea or recognize your employees for a job well done this year! Proceeds to benefit the expansion of our facility to meet the needs of our clients, donors and customers.


Town & County News and Events CDOT plans improvements to Founders/Meadows parkways, including at Allen WayThe Founders/Meadows Parkway corridor is an important thoroughfare for Castle Rock motorists, and the Town and Colorado Department of Transportation have worked together on improvements for the parkways.

Council considers new master planned developmentThe Town of Castle Rock knows it’s important for residents to have access to a variety of shopping, dining and entertainment within Town. That’s why the Town is working with Alberta Development Partners on a potential new master planned development. Alberta Development Partners, LLC – a Colorado-based real estate, development and investment firm CDOT owns and operates the corridor and has been planning – has proposed a commercial and residential development on improvements from Factory Shops Boulevard to Woodlands the north end of Town, between Interstate 25 and U.S. HighBoulevard. The work will occur as two separate projects, startway 85. At 200 acres and with the potential to bring 900,000 ing with the east side as early as next year. Crews will extend square-feet of commercial space and 350 multi-family units, the outside, eastbound through-lane of Meadows Parkway this proposed project would be the largest ever master from Factory Shops Boulevard to Interstate 25. Work could planned commercial development in Castle Rock. Still, there begin on Meadows Parkway as early as 2014. are many steps that must be completed before any construcRead more tion could begin. Council postpones railroad quiet zone issueRead more: After researching a couple opDouglas County Christmas for Kids 2013tions to quiet train horns in The Douglas County Sheriff’s Office has coordinated the Castle Rock, Town Council Christmas for Kids Program for the past 14 years and provided voted 6-1 to defer a decision on gifts to approximately 650 families in need. The Sheriff’s Ofthose options to 2015. Federal fice is continuing this tradition in 2013 by providing gift cards rules require locomotive engito families to help ease the burden of the holiday season and neers to sound train horns in to help ensure all Douglas County families have a joyous holiadvance of all public at-grade day season. The Douglas County Sheriff’s Office is asking for railroad crossings. Some in Casyour help to make our program a success. Read more at: tle Rock think of the trains as part of Downtown’s charm. Oth ers find them a nuisance and want to take steps to quiet the train horns. Council has been considering options to quiet the trains since 2007. The possibility of the project was raised in 2008 and 2009 but was deferred due to the recession. The Town’s proposed 2014 budget had included $800,000 for train noise mitigation, but Council voted 6-1 to remove the item from next year’s budget but include it in the Town’s threeDouglas County Sheriff’s Office Employee Receives Lifetime year financial plan for 2015. Read more at:http:// Achievement Long time Douglas County Sheriff’s Office employee receives “Exemplary Leadership Award” which recognizes outstanding Castle Rock Town Clerk named 2013 Colorado Municipal service to the Victim Assistance movement presented to her Clerk of the Yearby Undersheriff Tony Spurlock at the 2013 annual Colorado If you’ve voted in Town elections, have a “No Knock” sticker Organization for Victims Assistance (COVA) Conference on on your door to deter solicitors, attended a special event, or October 30th. Patty Moschner has worked at the Douglas enjoyed any of Castle Rock’s public art, tip your hat to Town County Sheriff’s Office since 1986 and started the Sheriff’s Clerk Sally Misare. Misare, who has been with the Town for Office Victim Assistance Unit. Read more: http:// 25 years, was recently honored for this service and tion. She was named the Colorado Municipal Clerks Association’s 2013 Municipal Clerk of the Year. Read more at: http:// 19

Did You Know?

Upcoming Signature Events

The Healthy Living Expo-February 8, 2014—

As part of your membership with the Castle Rock Chamber, all members are eligible to contribute to our Business Voice Newsletter in the “Members in the News” section. Submit all press releases or company announcements to newsletter Editor, Melissa Mares at by the 15th of the month to be included in the f o l lo wi ng m o n th’ s is s ue . Take advantage of this opportunity to reach fellow chamber members. *Some Restrictions apply. Are you taking advantage of the Member to Member Discount Program? Visit the Members Only section to sign up a nd vie w dis counts at

Col orado’s larges t Expo focused on Li vi ng, Working and Pla ying in Colorado! The Heal thy Li vi ng Expo offers intera cti ve educa tional exhibi ts, demonstra tions and presenta tions . Exhibi t in The Healthy Li ving Expo! Meet THOUSANDS of consumers in ONE Da y!!! www.COLORADOHEALTHYLIVINGEXPO.COM GIVE WHERE YOU LIVE-Dec. 10, 2013





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