Burghard Baltrusch (ed.)
Lupe Gómez: libre e estranxeira
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Estudos e traducións
Burghard Baltrusch (ed.)
(iBroLiT – Ibero-Romance Studies in Literature and Translatology/Studies in Contemporary Literature, vol. I) 334 pages, EUR 49.80, hardcover, ISBN 978-3-86596-464-9
Estudos e traducións
No contexto da variada poesía galega contemporánea e do boom das escritoras no período posfranquista, Lupe Gómez ocupa unha posición destacada. Inicialmente controvertida por ser provocadora e refutar o canon estético, converteuse en autora de culto, que construíu desde Pornografía (autoeditado en 1995) unha obra anticulturalista, feminista, libertaria, mais tamén con matices surrealistas e existencialistas. Na súa estética innovadora aparecen liberdade, outredade, transición ou repetición como topoi fundamentais. Este volume reúne practicamente todas as análises da obra até o momento, unha entrevista coa autora, un glosario de conceptos centrais da súa escrita, xunto con catro traducións de dous poemarios (inglés, francés, portugués e alemán). Within the varied context of Galician contemporary poetry and its boom of women writers Lupe Gómez holds a privileged position. Initially controversial because of her provocative themes and her refutation of the established aesthetic norms, she has turned into a cult author who managed to build, since the self-edition of Pornography in 1995, an œuvre that is anticulturalist, feminist, libertarian, but also characterized by surrealist and existentialist overtones. Some of the principal literary topoi within her innovative aesthetics are freedom, otherness, transition or repetition. This volume combines most of the studies of the œuvre up to now, an interview with the author, a glossary of her poetry’s key concepts together with four translations of two volumes of poems (English, French, Portuguese and German).
Lupe Gómez: libre e estranxeira (iBroLiT – Ibero-Romance Studies in Literature and Translatology/Studies in Contemporary Literature, vol. I) 334 pages, EUR 49.80, hardcover, ISBN 978-3-86596-464-9 Please order through: LKG, Ms. Christine Falk, phone +49(0)34206-65 129, fax +49(0)34206-65 1736, e-mail cfalk@lkg-service.de Or order directly from publisher: e-mail: buchbestellung@frank-timme.de fax: +49(0)30-86 39 87 31; phone: +49(0)30-88 66 79 11 mail address: Frank & Timme GmbH, Wittelsbacherstraße 27a, D-10707 Berlin Herewith I order ____ copies of the above mentioned book (p&p will be added to the bill). Address: Name: Street: City: Country:
Burghard Baltrusch (ed.)
Lupe Gómez: libre e estranxeira
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Estudos e traducións
Burghard Baltrusch (ed.)
(iBroLiT – Ibero-Romance Studies in Literature and Translatology/Studies in Contemporary Literature, vol. I) 334 pages, EUR 49.80, hardcover, ISBN 978-3-86596-464-9
Estudos e traducións
No contexto da variada poesía galega contemporánea e do boom das escritoras no período posfranquista, Lupe Gómez ocupa unha posición destacada. Inicialmente controvertida por ser provocadora e refutar o canon estético, converteuse en autora de culto, que construíu desde Pornografía (autoeditado en 1995) unha obra anticulturalista, feminista, libertaria, mais tamén con matices surrealistas e existencialistas. Na súa estética innovadora aparecen liberdade, outredade, transición ou repetición como topoi fundamentais. Este volume reúne practicamente todas as análises da obra até o momento, unha entrevista coa autora, un glosario de conceptos centrais da súa escrita, xunto con catro traducións de dous poemarios (inglés, francés, portugués e alemán). Within the varied context of Galician contemporary poetry and its boom of women writers Lupe Gómez holds a privileged position. Initially controversial because of her provocative themes and her refutation of the established aesthetic norms, she has turned into a cult author who managed to build, since the self-edition of Pornography in 1995, an œuvre that is anticulturalist, feminist, libertarian, but also characterized by surrealist and existentialist overtones. Some of the principal literary topoi within her innovative aesthetics are freedom, otherness, transition or repetition. This volume combines most of the studies of the œuvre up to now, an interview with the author, a glossary of her poetry’s key concepts together with four translations of two volumes of poems (English, French, Portuguese and German).
Lupe Gómez: libre e estranxeira (iBroLiT – Ibero-Romance Studies in Literature and Translatology/Studies in Contemporary Literature, vol. I) 334 pages, EUR 49.80, hardcover, ISBN 978-3-86596-464-9 Please order through: LKG, Ms. Christine Falk, phone +49(0)34206-65 129, fax +49(0)34206-65 1736, e-mail cfalk@lkg-service.de Or order directly from publisher: e-mail: buchbestellung@frank-timme.de fax: +49(0)30-86 39 87 31; phone: +49(0)30-88 66 79 11 mail address: Frank & Timme GmbH, Wittelsbacherstraße 27a, D-10707 Berlin Herewith I order ____ copies of the above mentioned book (p&p will be added to the bill). Address: Name: Street: City: Country:
Manuel Forcadela
Dama Saudade e o Cabaleiro Sombra
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As relacións entre o imaxinario literario e o imaxinario nacional na literatura galega contemporánea
Manuel Forcadela
(iBroLiT – Ibero-Romance Studies in Literature and Translatology/ Studies in Contemporary Literature, vol. II) 384 pages, EUR 59.80, hardcover, ISBN 978-3-86596-493-9
As relacións entre o imaxinario literario e o imaxinario nacional na literatura galega contemporánea
O presente volume formula a hipótese de que o imaxinario literario vive en estreita relación co imaxinario nacional. Mentres o imaxinario literario é transnacional, resultado das constantes flutuacións e fluencias que se producen entre as tradicións varias, non sempre de carácter local senón tamén diacrónicas, xenéricas, etc., o imaxinario nacional tende xustamente á delimitación, á singularización, elaborando constructos, produtos culturais que, case sempre, precisan botar man, con maior ou menor intensidade, da literatura. Este estudo condúcenos ao longo da tradición literaria galega contemporánea para dilucidar en que medida a nación galega moderna brota e é debedora das fabulacións dos seus literatos e literatas e, tamén, pola contra, en que medida estes e estas se alimentan e beben das fontes nacionais. The present volume illustrates how literary imagery is closely connected to national imagery. While literary imagery is transnational, as a result of the constant fluctuations between the different traditions, not only locally, but also in a diachronic or generic way, etc., national imagery tends to be limited, individualized and to elaborate constructs and cultural products that often rely on literature. This study takes us through the contemporary Galician literary tradition to show what impact its literary fiction has had in modern-day Galicia and how it is reflected and, also, how much Galician literature draws on these national sources. Die vorliegende Studie geht von einer engen Beziehung zwischen literarischen und nationalen Vorstellungswelten aus. Während die literarische einen eher transnationalen Charakter aufweist – der aus den fließenden Beziehungen zwischen verschiedenen literarischen Traditionen hervorgeht und nicht nur territorialen, sondern auch diachronischen, gattungsspezifischen u.a. Einflüssen unterworfen ist –, ist die nationale Vorstellungswelt eher von Begrenzung, Singularität, Konstruktion und Kulturproduktion gekennzeichnet, Vorgänge die fast immer auf die Literatur zurückgreifen müssen. Die Untersuchung der zeitgenössischen literarischen Tradition Galiciens zeigt, in welchem Maß der moderne Begriff einer galicischen Nation zwangsläufig aus den literarischen Fiktionen hervorgeht und wie diese im Gegenzug auf die nationalen Aspekte zurückgehen und durch diese bedingt sind.
Dama Saudade e o Cabaleiro Sombra (iBroLiT – Ibero-Romance Studies in Literature and Translatology/ Studies in Contemporary Literature, vol. II) 384 pages, EUR 59.80, hardcover, ISBN 978-3-86596-493-9 Please order through: LKG, Ms. Christine Falk, phone +49(0)34206-65 129, fax +49(0)34206-65 1736, e-mail cfalk@lkg-service.de Or order directly from publisher: e-mail: buchbestellung@frank-timme.de fax: +49(0)30-86 39 87 31; phone: +49(0)30-88 66 79 11 mail address: Frank & Timme GmbH, Wittelsbacherstraße 27a, D-10707 Berlin Herewith I order ____ copies of the above mentioned book (p&p will be added to the bill). Address: Name: Street: City: Country:
Manuel Forcadela
Dama Saudade e o Cabaleiro Sombra
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As relacións entre o imaxinario literario e o imaxinario nacional na literatura galega contemporánea
Manuel Forcadela
(iBroLiT – Ibero-Romance Studies in Literature and Translatology/ Studies in Contemporary Literature, vol. II) 384 pages, EUR 59.80, hardcover, ISBN 978-3-86596-493-9
As relacións entre o imaxinario literario e o imaxinario nacional na literatura galega contemporánea
O presente volume formula a hipótese de que o imaxinario literario vive en estreita relación co imaxinario nacional. Mentres o imaxinario literario é transnacional, resultado das constantes flutuacións e fluencias que se producen entre as tradicións varias, non sempre de carácter local senón tamén diacrónicas, xenéricas, etc., o imaxinario nacional tende xustamente á delimitación, á singularización, elaborando constructos, produtos culturais que, case sempre, precisan botar man, con maior ou menor intensidade, da literatura. Este estudo condúcenos ao longo da tradición literaria galega contemporánea para dilucidar en que medida a nación galega moderna brota e é debedora das fabulacións dos seus literatos e literatas e, tamén, pola contra, en que medida estes e estas se alimentan e beben das fontes nacionais. The present volume illustrates how literary imagery is closely connected to national imagery. While literary imagery is transnational, as a result of the constant fluctuations between the different traditions, not only locally, but also in a diachronic or generic way, etc., national imagery tends to be limited, individualized and to elaborate constructs and cultural products that often rely on literature. This study takes us through the contemporary Galician literary tradition to show what impact its literary fiction has had in modern-day Galicia and how it is reflected and, also, how much Galician literature draws on these national sources. Die vorliegende Studie geht von einer engen Beziehung zwischen literarischen und nationalen Vorstellungswelten aus. Während die literarische einen eher transnationalen Charakter aufweist – der aus den fließenden Beziehungen zwischen verschiedenen literarischen Traditionen hervorgeht und nicht nur territorialen, sondern auch diachronischen, gattungsspezifischen u.a. Einflüssen unterworfen ist –, ist die nationale Vorstellungswelt eher von Begrenzung, Singularität, Konstruktion und Kulturproduktion gekennzeichnet, Vorgänge die fast immer auf die Literatur zurückgreifen müssen. Die Untersuchung der zeitgenössischen literarischen Tradition Galiciens zeigt, in welchem Maß der moderne Begriff einer galicischen Nation zwangsläufig aus den literarischen Fiktionen hervorgeht und wie diese im Gegenzug auf die nationalen Aspekte zurückgehen und durch diese bedingt sind.
Dama Saudade e o Cabaleiro Sombra (iBroLiT – Ibero-Romance Studies in Literature and Translatology/ Studies in Contemporary Literature, vol. II) 384 pages, EUR 59.80, hardcover, ISBN 978-3-86596-493-9 Please order through: LKG, Ms. Christine Falk, phone +49(0)34206-65 129, fax +49(0)34206-65 1736, e-mail cfalk@lkg-service.de Or order directly from publisher: e-mail: buchbestellung@frank-timme.de fax: +49(0)30-86 39 87 31; phone: +49(0)30-88 66 79 11 mail address: Frank & Timme GmbH, Wittelsbacherstraße 27a, D-10707 Berlin Herewith I order ____ copies of the above mentioned book (p&p will be added to the bill). Address: Name: Street: City: Country:
Anxo Angueira
Das copras de Sarmiento ós cantares de Rosalía de Castro
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Cara a unha nova periodización do Rexurdimento (iBroLiT – Ibero-Romance Studies in Literature and Translatology/Studies in Contemporary Literature, vol. III) 208 pages, EUR 39.80, hardcover, ISBN 978-3-86596-494-6
Anxo Angueira
Este estudo sobre o Coloquio de 24 galegos rústicos (1746) de Martín Sarmiento (16951772) cuestiona dobremente a historiografía literaria galega vixente. Por un lado, reclama para o texto unha envergadura literaria ata o de agora negada. Para isto, pártese da análise tanto das estratexias críticas e galeguizadoras como dunha radicación estética do popular, empregadas por un Sarmiento moi avanzado ao seu tempo. E, por outro lado, revísase o impacto do texto e do autor no Rexurdimento, para concluír que o Coloquio se comporta como unha matriz de repertorio para a literatura galega contemporánea.
Cara a unha nova periodización do Rexurdimento
This study of Coloquio de 24 galegos rústicos (1746) by Martín Sarmiento (1695–1772) doubly questions the current Galician literary historiography. On the one hand, it claims a literary scope for the text, which has been refused up to now. The starting point is an enquiry of the author’s critical and pro-Galician strategies as well as his aesthetic establishment of what is popular, employed by Sarmiento much ahead of his time. On the other hand, the study reviews the impact the text and the author had in the Galician Rexurdimento (19th century), with the conclusion that the Coloquio behaves as a matrix of repertoire for contemporary Galician literature.
Or order directly from publisher: e-mail: buchbestellung@frank-timme.de fax: +49(0)30-86 39 87 31; phone: +49(0)30-88 66 79 11 mail address: Frank & Timme GmbH, Wittelsbacherstraße 27a, D-10707 Berlin
Die vorliegende Studie zum Coloquio de 24 galegos rústicos (1746) von Martín Sarmiento (1695–1772) hinterfragt in zweifacher Hinsicht die galicische Literaturgeschichtsschreibung der Gegenwart. Einerseits wird die bisher negierte literarische Bedeutung dieses Werkes eingefordert: Dies geschieht ausgehend von Analysen sowohl der kritischen und pro-galicischen Standpunkte, wie auch der ästhetischen Wertschätzung der Volkskultur durch Sarmiento, der darin seiner Zeit weit voraus war. Andererseits wird die Rezeption des Autors während des Rexurdimento (im 19. Jahrhundert) neu bewertet, mit dem Ergebnis, dass das Coloquio wie eine Matrix des Repertoires der galicischen Literatur der Gegenwart fungiert.
Das copras de Sarmiento ós cantares de Rosalía de Castro (iBroLiT – Ibero-Romance Studies in Literature and Translatology/Studies in Contemporary Literature, vol. III) 208 pages, EUR 39.80, hardcover, ISBN 978-3-86596-494-6 Please order through: LKG, Ms. Christine Falk, phone +49(0)34206-65 129, fax +49(0)34206-65 1736, e-mail cfalk@lkg-service.de
Herewith I order ____ copies of the above mentioned book (p&p will be added to the bill).
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Anxo Angueira
Das copras de Sarmiento ós cantares de Rosalía de Castro
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Cara a unha nova periodización do Rexurdimento (iBroLiT – Ibero-Romance Studies in Literature and Translatology/Studies in Contemporary Literature, vol. III) 208 pages, EUR 39.80, hardcover, ISBN 978-3-86596-494-6
Anxo Angueira
Este estudo sobre o Coloquio de 24 galegos rústicos (1746) de Martín Sarmiento (16951772) cuestiona dobremente a historiografía literaria galega vixente. Por un lado, reclama para o texto unha envergadura literaria ata o de agora negada. Para isto, pártese da análise tanto das estratexias críticas e galeguizadoras como dunha radicación estética do popular, empregadas por un Sarmiento moi avanzado ao seu tempo. E, por outro lado, revísase o impacto do texto e do autor no Rexurdimento, para concluír que o Coloquio se comporta como unha matriz de repertorio para a literatura galega contemporánea.
Cara a unha nova periodización do Rexurdimento
This study of Coloquio de 24 galegos rústicos (1746) by Martín Sarmiento (1695–1772) doubly questions the current Galician literary historiography. On the one hand, it claims a literary scope for the text, which has been refused up to now. The starting point is an enquiry of the author’s critical and pro-Galician strategies as well as his aesthetic establishment of what is popular, employed by Sarmiento much ahead of his time. On the other hand, the study reviews the impact the text and the author had in the Galician Rexurdimento (19th century), with the conclusion that the Coloquio behaves as a matrix of repertoire for contemporary Galician literature.
Or order directly from publisher: e-mail: buchbestellung@frank-timme.de fax: +49(0)30-86 39 87 31; phone: +49(0)30-88 66 79 11 mail address: Frank & Timme GmbH, Wittelsbacherstraße 27a, D-10707 Berlin
Die vorliegende Studie zum Coloquio de 24 galegos rústicos (1746) von Martín Sarmiento (1695–1772) hinterfragt in zweifacher Hinsicht die galicische Literaturgeschichtsschreibung der Gegenwart. Einerseits wird die bisher negierte literarische Bedeutung dieses Werkes eingefordert: Dies geschieht ausgehend von Analysen sowohl der kritischen und pro-galicischen Standpunkte, wie auch der ästhetischen Wertschätzung der Volkskultur durch Sarmiento, der darin seiner Zeit weit voraus war. Andererseits wird die Rezeption des Autors während des Rexurdimento (im 19. Jahrhundert) neu bewertet, mit dem Ergebnis, dass das Coloquio wie eine Matrix des Repertoires der galicischen Literatur der Gegenwart fungiert.
Das copras de Sarmiento ós cantares de Rosalía de Castro (iBroLiT – Ibero-Romance Studies in Literature and Translatology/Studies in Contemporary Literature, vol. III) 208 pages, EUR 39.80, hardcover, ISBN 978-3-86596-494-6 Please order through: LKG, Ms. Christine Falk, phone +49(0)34206-65 129, fax +49(0)34206-65 1736, e-mail cfalk@lkg-service.de
Herewith I order ____ copies of the above mentioned book (p&p will be added to the bill).
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Burghard Baltrusch (ed.)
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“O que transforma o mundo é a necessidade e não a utopia”
Burghard Baltrusch (ed.)
(iBroLiT – Ibero-Romance Studies in Literature and Translatology/Studies in Contemporary Literature, vol. IV) 322 pages, EUR 49.80, hardcover, ISBN 978-3-86596-496-0
Estudos sobre utopia e ficção em José Saramago
Estudos sobre utopia e ficção em José Saramago
Apesar de José Saramago se ter mostrado crítico em relação ao significado tradicional do conceito de utopia, a sua obra oferece muitas vias de análise de temáticas relacionadas. Os trabalhos aqui reunidos centrar-se-ão em temas que abrangem a (re)aprendizagem de humanidade, o pós-colonial, o iberismo, a imagologia, a tradução, a língua, o estilo, a representação da mulher, o imaginário, a identidade e as representações de cultura e história. Entre outros aspectos, trata-se de ilustrar o facto de Saramago nunca ter entendido a utopia como uma via paralela à realidade. Antes, considerou-a como extensão do presente histórico no amanhã, na sua possível transformação em “acção contínua” por convicção, o que também chegou a definir como “a minha utopia”. Although seen as critical of the traditional concept of utopia, José Saramago’s oeuvre enables many approaches to analysing related themes. The works gathered here will focus on a range of topics, spanning the (re)learning of humanity, postcolonialism, iberianism, imagology, translation, language, style, the portrayal of women, imagination, identity, and cultural and historical representations. Amongst other things, this volume aims to illustrate that rather than understanding utopia as disconnected from reality, Saramago saw it as an extension of the historic present in the immediate future, as a ‘continuous act of conviction’, which he also came to define as ‘my utopia’.
“O que transforma o mundo é a necessidade e não a utopia”
(iBroLiT – Ibero-Romance Studies in Literature and Translatology/Studies in Contemporary Literature, vol. IV) 322 pages, EUR 49.80, hardcover, ISBN 978-3-86596-496-0 Please order through: LKG, Ms. Christine Falk, phone +49(0)34206-65 129, fax +49(0)34206-65 1736, e-mail cfalk@lkg-service.de Or order directly from publisher: e-mail: buchbestellung@frank-timme.de fax: +49(0)30-86 39 87 31; phone: +49(0)30-88 66 79 11 mail address: Frank & Timme GmbH, Wittelsbacherstraße 27a, D-10707 Berlin Herewith I order ____ copies of the above mentioned book (p&p will be added to the bill). Address: Name: Street: City: Country:
Burghard Baltrusch (ed.)
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“O que transforma o mundo é a necessidade e não a utopia”
Burghard Baltrusch (ed.)
(iBroLiT – Ibero-Romance Studies in Literature and Translatology/Studies in Contemporary Literature, vol. IV) 322 pages, EUR 49.80, hardcover, ISBN 978-3-86596-496-0
Estudos sobre utopia e ficção em José Saramago
Estudos sobre utopia e ficção em José Saramago
Apesar de José Saramago se ter mostrado crítico em relação ao significado tradicional do conceito de utopia, a sua obra oferece muitas vias de análise de temáticas relacionadas. Os trabalhos aqui reunidos centrar-se-ão em temas que abrangem a (re)aprendizagem de humanidade, o pós-colonial, o iberismo, a imagologia, a tradução, a língua, o estilo, a representação da mulher, o imaginário, a identidade e as representações de cultura e história. Entre outros aspectos, trata-se de ilustrar o facto de Saramago nunca ter entendido a utopia como uma via paralela à realidade. Antes, considerou-a como extensão do presente histórico no amanhã, na sua possível transformação em “acção contínua” por convicção, o que também chegou a definir como “a minha utopia”. Although seen as critical of the traditional concept of utopia, José Saramago’s oeuvre enables many approaches to analysing related themes. The works gathered here will focus on a range of topics, spanning the (re)learning of humanity, postcolonialism, iberianism, imagology, translation, language, style, the portrayal of women, imagination, identity, and cultural and historical representations. Amongst other things, this volume aims to illustrate that rather than understanding utopia as disconnected from reality, Saramago saw it as an extension of the historic present in the immediate future, as a ‘continuous act of conviction’, which he also came to define as ‘my utopia’.
“O que transforma o mundo é a necessidade e não a utopia”
(iBroLiT – Ibero-Romance Studies in Literature and Translatology/Studies in Contemporary Literature, vol. IV) 322 pages, EUR 49.80, hardcover, ISBN 978-3-86596-496-0 Please order through: LKG, Ms. Christine Falk, phone +49(0)34206-65 129, fax +49(0)34206-65 1736, e-mail cfalk@lkg-service.de Or order directly from publisher: e-mail: buchbestellung@frank-timme.de fax: +49(0)30-86 39 87 31; phone: +49(0)30-88 66 79 11 mail address: Frank & Timme GmbH, Wittelsbacherstraße 27a, D-10707 Berlin Herewith I order ____ copies of the above mentioned book (p&p will be added to the bill). Address: Name: Street: City: Country: