1 minute read

James and The Giant Peach Jr.

tagecra t lay rod ction camp presents oald ahl’s ames and the iant each r ’ campers in grades ha e een wor ing on their acting singing and dancing or these m sical per ormances t on y lethos rod ctions a non proft theater prod ction company ased in astro alley this wee per or mance arts co rse o ers ids rom all o er the comm nity the chance to learn play and per orm together ith a wic edly t ne l score and a witty and charming oo this ad ent ro s m sical a o t co rage and sel dis co ery is per ect or ids ages he whole comm nity is in ited this riday thro gh nday ne and at pm to watch these yo ng per ormers show o their acting chops in this ho r rendition o a classic at eirloom ast ay astro alley et yo r tic ets today at plethos org

N R D a in alloran a sa o onist orn and raised in astro alle as wor ed across t e a rea s

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