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The Rotary Club of Castro Valley Celebrating 70 Years of Service to Castro Valley 1953-2023

The Rotary Club of Castro Valley was chartered y otary nternational on ne otary is a glo al networ o million neigh ors friends, leaders, and problem-solvers in over local l s who see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change – across the globe, in our communities, and in o rsel es or years astro alley otarians ha e supported the community with their commitment to er ice A o e el

Since 1983, Rotary has sponsored the Rowell Ranch Rodeo Parade, which features many community organizations, schools, local businesses, oats classic cars and marching ands otary also sponsors the Student Art & Essay Contest and honors the winners with a wagon in the arade

This outstanding community event draws participants and spectators from throughout the community with outstanding support from our sponsors and volunteers from Rotary and many community agencies and organi ations

Staring in 1993, Rotary hosted the Chili Cook-off to support the Parade, but this year, replaced the Cook-off with a BBQ, Axe & Beer event featuring axe throwing and corn hole competitions, booths for community organizations, a id’s play area and great

Annually, Rotary hosts a Christmas Party & Dinner for children served by social agencies and participates in the HARD and CV Outreach Adopt-a-Family programs and sponsors the annual Thanksgiving Lunch at the HARD Senior Center and participates in holiday themed gi eaways thro gho t the year

Other community events sponsored by Rotary include the Castro Valley Car Show, the Castro Valley Restaurant Walk, Texas Hold ‘em Poker Tournament ocials ixers incl ding eer astings or more in ormation go to www castro alleyrotary org

Spearheaded by Castro Valley Rotarian Obse Lubo (third from the left) in partnership with other Rotary l s otary raised o er to ild an oxygen generator at Nejo Hospital in Ethiopia (Breathing for Life Project) ensuring that all patients have access to oxygen which we ta e or granted ince mem ers ha e donated to he otary o ndation incl ding to the olio Plus campaign to eradicate polio worldwide, which the ill and elinda ates o ndation matches or Through the Wheelchair Foundation, the Club has s pported the worldwide distri tion o wheelchairs, giving the gift of mobility to thousands o people

During COVID, Rotary responded by providing iPads to seniors in care homes to communicate with loved ones, distributing food and medical supplies, recognizing our heroic First Responders, and hosting nationally nown spea ers on the iss es n otary nded and ilt the ater and Meditation Garden at Eden Medical Center and in donated to help p rchase an exos eleton nit to assist stro e ictims

The Club also has worked on projects at the Abode Center, Castro Valley Center for the Arts, Ruby’s Place, Castro Valley Library, and other community locations he astro alley otary o ndation ann ally nds comm nity grants ince comm nity and siness leaders have served as Club President including

• 1953-54

Jackson B. Hanley

• 1954-55

George W. Phillips

• 1959-60

Frank Selmecczki (Pete’s Hardware)

• 1965-66

Dick Bigelow

• 1968-69

Owen R. Smith

• 1976-77

Jess C. Spenser

• 1978-79

Red LaQuaglia

• 1978-79

Ray C. Lorge

• 1982-83/2021-22

Dwight Perry

• 1987-88

Fire Chief Bob Waberski

• 1989-90

CVUSD Supt. Robert Hagler

• 1990-91

Alan West

• 1995-96

Gayle Tully (1st women President)

• 1996-97

Jerome Blaha

• 1997-98/2008-09

Cliff Sherwood

• 2007-08

Richard Short

• 2010-11

Randy Vanderbilt

• 2014-15

Heidi Hausauer D.D.S

• 2017-18

CVUSD Supt. Jim Negri

• 2019-20

CVEAC Pres Todd Anglin

• 2020-21

CVUSD Trustee

Gary Howard o th er ice is at the heart o otary he l annually supports he distri tion o ac pac s with school s pplies iteracy its or astro alley re chool

• Grants to support schools, student clubs, and community organi ations ocational ed cation s pport or den Area

• ponsorship o oy co t roop and nding and wor ing on agle co t pro ects

• Rotary Youth Speech Contest

• Sponsorship of Interact Clubs and sending students to amp A otary o th eadership Awards

The Rotary Club of Castro Valley meets on esday at pm at edwood anyon ol o rse or l nch and a spea er

For more information about Rotary and how to become a member, please go to www castro alleyrotary org or call resident hris arr at

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