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Summer: Avoid Sun Damage

said A oard o i rector resident ic atcher t’s a testament to the hard wor and dedication o o r sta ol nteers and comm nity partners e are commit ted to pro iding high ality programs and acilities that enhance the ality o li e or o r residents and these awards are a alidation o that commitment he ayward Area ecre ation and ar istrict is an independent special se district created to pro ide par and recreation ser ices or o er residents r o nd aries encompass a s are mile area which incl des the ity o ayward and the nincorporated comm nities o astro alley an oren o Ashland herryland and air iew or more in ormation please isit ayward ec org continued from page 2 e and aiser s ggest a oiding the s n entirely etween the pea ho rs o am to pm or see ing shade i yo m st e o tside wearing a hat and sing s n loc plenty o it e s ggests sing a o t an o nce to co er all exposed ody parts or a teaspoon per ody part m ch more than most people se he eyword to loo or on the s n loc ’s la el is road spectr m adhera said indicating protection against and A which ca ses s in cancer ometimes he said protection against A is mentioned specifcally i there is any adhera s ggests sing s n loc with an o at least t ca tions that research hasn’t confrmed additional protection rom higher s he sees three to o r million cases o s in cancer diagnosed in a year with melanoma ma ing p aro nd o those t melano ma ills eight to nine tho sand people a year a o t one a min te he other two inds are more easily treated elanoma is highly c ra le i ca ght early adhera said with a percent or higher f e year s r i al rate en i it’s metastasi ed new dr gs are m ch more e ecti e at stopping it than were treat ments e en a decade ago he said ne sho ld loo o t or an irreg lar shape with sometimes irreg lar orders m ltiple colors a diameter greater than millimeters a o t the si e o a pencil eraser changes in shape si e or color and a rand new lesion

A rays don’t e en get slowed down y clo ds e en i s n rn chances decrease so that one can e lly exposed to s in cancer on a clo dy day adhera said ar windows similarly loc t not A so they protect against s n rn t not s in cancer

This Morning, Wednesday, June 14

Coffee with a Cop Event he Alameda o nty heri s fce will e a co host or a ree comm nity engagement e ent this morning rom to am at the annery itchen ap located astro alley l d he e ent is a chance or comm nity mem ers to meet their local heri s ep ties o er a ree c p o co ee e hope to see yo there

Thursday, June 15 & Saturday, June 17

Celebrate Juneteenth in Hayward he city is hosting two cele rations with lac endors entertainment and the history o neteenth displayed thro gho t the e ents omorrow ne is a street party on and ain treet starting at pm here will e li e m sic a eer and wine garden a classic car show and n or ids hen on at rday ne ayward is sponsoring its ann al ssell ity neteenth ele ration he e ent starts at am and r ns till pm ehind ayward ity all on treet hec o t a l es and ospel m sic in honor o ayward’s ssell ity m sic heritage ore details at www neteenthhayward com

Thursday, June 15

Support Soroptomist, Order from Canyons BBQ pport oroptomist ast ay y ordering l nch or dinner dine in or o t or deli ered at anyons on ne th and se the romo ode All proceeds go to programs s pporting women and girls o training and ed cation reat ads and h s ands sons and neigh ors to an early ad’s ay meal or more in o contact onnie ert at onniemert gmail com or call

Saturday, June 17

Ken Martin Memorial Bocce Tournament he astro alley occe ro p will host its ann al en artin emorial occe o rnament at Ado e ar in astro alley this at rday ne he e ent will e sponsored y the eterans o oreign ars roceeds rom the to rnament will eneft the eorge ar hildren’s o se https georgemar org which oc ses on ality o li e and contin ity o care or children with illnesses that modern healthcare cannot yet c re or or those who ha e complex chronic medical conditions yo are interested in participating or ma ing a donation to this worthy organi ation email ara eterson at y ma an gmail com

Saturday, June 17

15th Annual Downtown Castro Valley Car Show on’t miss the th ann al downtown astro alley ar how presented y the otary l o astro alley this at rday ne rom noon to pm lease note the o le ard will e closed this day rom am to pm

Thursday, June 22

Castro Valley Chamber of Commerce June Mixer he astro alley ham er o ommerce will e hold ing their ixer on h rsday ne rom to pm at e eria olima ce ream and ro en og rt located at esperian l d an oren o ring a ra e pri e to promote yo r siness e hope to see yo there

Sunday, June 25

Jenny Lin Foundation Beneft Concert astro alley ased enny in o ndation is honored to e selected enefciary o the th iolin eneft on cert presented y er i iolin t dio remont he per ormance is sched led or nday ne at pm at the ate chi all omm nity chool o sic Arts at inn enter an Antonio ircle o ntain iew to s pport the o ndation’s decades o ser ices in promoting child sa ety and yo th m sic ed cation in the ay Area

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