Digital Skills Newsletter 2016

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inverness college uhi DIGITAL SKILLS NEWSLETTER 2016 Welcome This year has been an exciting one for new Digital Skills training at Inverness College UHI. This newsletter provides a flavour of some of our programmes: • • • • • • •

SDS Digital World ICT Modern Apprenticeship Family Digital Xtra Digital Skills for High Schools Apps for Good SDS Employability Fund/Cap Gemini Project Employer Led Higher Education Courses


We have added two new ICT apprenticeships for 2016-17: Foundation Apprenticeships

SDS Digital World

In March we hosted the SDS Discovering Digital World event in the campus with over 250 school pupils who had their eyes open to the vast and diverse careers available for them in the Digital Skills sector. The QR code below links to a short video of the day or please follow this link:

This is a new and exciting opportunity for senior phase pupils to get hands-on experience within ICT sector. 13 senior phase pupils from schools across the Highland region will be enrolling onto the Foundation Apprenticeship: Hardware/System Support. The programme is delivered in partnership with local IT businesses enabling young people to gain industry recognised qualifications, practical experience and a unique insight into the sector. It will showcase to employers the pool of young talent eager to step into this innovative and growing sector, whilst helping young people make the transition from school to the world of work or further study. modern apprenticeships

The apprenticeship programme is a great route into a career in IT & Telecommunications, providing students with valuable work experience, whilst they learn new skills, gain qualifications and get paid a wage from day one. We now offer Modern Apprenticeships in IT and Telecommunications (IT&T) for students already in employment Registration and certification of the qualification is through the awarding body e.Skills UK.

High School pupils enjoying the Digital World event at Inverness College UHI.

Apps for Good

DIGItal xtra project bid success!

Inverness College UHI has been successful in securing funding for an innovative project designed to promote a passion for programming and computing, among primary school pupils in economically challenged and rural locations across the Highlands. The project will engage with P4-7 pupils in programming activities in a practical format using Lego Mindstorms® and develop teaching packs for primary teachers, with which computing lecturers will train them to deliver programing skills. Clubs will be set up at lunchtime or after school and participants will be offered the chance to compete in the First Lego League to be held at the College’s state-of-the-art Campus in Inverness. The project is supported by local ICT sector employers to strengthen engagement between industry, education and youth organisations to promote the growth of computing science related activities with primary aged children. Competition for the funding was fierce and Inverness College UHI was one of only two Colleges out of the twelve successful providers.

The college is a partner with the Apps for Good programme that develops the programming skills of people through creating mobile apps to support the local community. The programme has been delivered to students and also to NHS staff who have developed apps to support patients in the Highlands. A dental app was created to help children clean their teeth effectively and another to help people quickly locate appropriate health services. Another app supported care workers to access clinical information whilst another provides readily accessible information on dietary choices for people with renal disease. sds employability fund and cap gemini project

In collaboration with Cap Gemini and Job Centre Plus (JCP) we designed a bespoke 12 week course in Information Communication Technology (ICT). Combining classroom-based learning with on-the-job work experience to increase confidence and employability skills, building communication while learning new ICT technical skills, team working and interview skills. Candidates were recruited via the local job centre. On completion, each was guaranteed a job interview with Capgemini. 6 out of the 10 candidates on the first programme were offered positions and gained employment with Cap Gemini, exceeding the 46% national average benchmark with 60% gaining employment. A further two courses have been successfully delivered since the 2014 pilot, with the individuals going on to gain employment with Cap Gemini, or in some cases other local employers. We have secured sixteen Employability Funded places to deliver two further courses in 2016/17.


The college is supporting local secondary schools by delivering technical computing skills courses at Tain and Nairn Academies. The pupils are undertaking a NC5 NPA in Networking Systems over the next academic year. The pupils will build computer systems and networks which involves the creation of networking cables and the configuration of networks and computer systems. The pupils will also be upgrading and fault-finding computers and networks. Last year Tain Academy pupils also successfully completed the NC5 NPA Web Design Fundamentals. The course was also delivered at the college to pupils from many of the schools in and around Inverness. The college has also hosted a number of hardware workshops for Dingwall Academy to allow pupils to gain valuable handson technical skills with PC’s and networks.

employer led higher education courses

Inverness College UHI has formed a partnership with Capgemini to deliver a customised HNC, HND and Degree programme to suit the needs of their business. The students will focus on hardware and software skills as well as forensic and cyber security skills

These are just some of the exciting digital projects that we are working on at the moment. For further information or to discuss any training options, please contact our Business Solutions team on: Telephone: 01463 273666 Email:

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