Rahnuma Brand Manual

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In carrying out its responsibilities, Rahnuma is guided by the desire to use all the possible and available resources of its members, supporters and its mentors to facilitate a change of mindset within the Indus Valley School community initially and then reaching out to a more diverse student population. This change would be a revolution of conscience. In reaching decisions the organization will make sure in every case to act in the accordance of its values. Rahnuma performs andd facilitates five basic tasks under its banner: Awareness Organization's primary and basic goal is to create awareness among the Indus Valley School community primarily and then reach out to more people as a secondary objective. The organization will also act as a pressure group and see that the rights of students and people are not hacked upon and if such an incident is notified or taken notice of, Rahnuma will follow up on it and make sure it taken care of in the right way.

In carrying out its responsibilities, Rahnuma is guided by the desire to use all the possible and available resources of its members, supporters and its mentors to facilitate a change of mindset within the Indus Valley School community initially and then reaching out to a more diverse student population. This change would be a revolution of conscience. In reaching decisions the organization will make sure in every case to act in the accordance of its values. Rahnuma performs andd facilitates five basic tasks under its banner: Awareness Organization's primary and basic goal is to create awareness among the Indus Valley School community primarily and then reach out to more people as a secondary objective. The organization will also act as a pressure group and see that the rights of students and people are not hacked upon and if such an incident is notified or taken notice of, Rahnuma will follow up on it and make sure it taken care of in the right way.

The team Rahnuma is guided by the desire to use all their resources to support the cause and to facilitate a change of mindset within IVS and then reaching out to a more diverse student population. Each member perform his/her part for the organisation in the most fulfilling manner. What Rahnuma is today is mainly because of the dedication of its members.

Rahnuma was founded in 2009, by a group of three students at the Indus Valley School of Art & Architecture, Karachi. Namely: Dabeer Hemani, Adnan Adil and Mahwish Jalal Khan.

Our identity known as ‘Rahnuma’ means a leader or the one who guides you. This name was established by the core founding members of the organisation, Dabeer Hemani, Adnan Adil and Mahwish J. Khan. It is defined as: (a) Orange/Deep Red Lettering on a flat colored background. (b) In upper case of Helvetica Neue LT std 75 Bold (no underlines, i italics or bolds) (c) Name is the defining element of the organisation, one should use i it in favor of that.


ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

‘Helvetica Neue LT sTD 75 Bold’ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890!@#$%^&*()_+|}{”:?><~/.,’;][\ ‘Gill Sans MT’ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890!@#$%^&*()_+|}{”:?><~/.,’;][\

‘Helvetica’ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890!@#$%^&*()_+|}{”:?><~/.,’;][\

This logo is to be used for all printed collateral including all printed publications, advertising, posters, tickets, banners, flyers, etc.

This logo is to be used for all screen work, including website, slide show presentations and banners.

The logo is made up of three design elements:

A candle blaze illustration done in an iconic style.

The organisation’s name, RAHNUMA, is in sans serifHelvetica Neue LT sTD 75 Bold.

The urdu calligraphy done in a cut-pen style. The name of the organisation is repeated but here it is in the main focus.

To ensure the legibility of the logo, it must be surrounded with a minimum amount of clearspace.This isolates the logo from competing elements such as photography, text or back ground, patterns that may distract attention and lessen the overall impact. Using the logo in a consistent manner across all applications helps to both establish and reinforce immediate recognition of the RAHNUMA organisation. Unit ‘X� is signified as a space required to be left around the logo wherever it is placed. In the case of using just the type from the logo, following dimensions/spacings should be kept:

A specific color palette has to be used while puuting in the logo. Variations may occur due to the mode of printing and paper that has been used. The CMYK, RGB and Pantone codes are provided to ensure accurate color usage. The color palette consists of mainly warm colors (Red, orange and black).

These are the acceptable options in which the logo can be used: 1. Solid Flat Colors. This option is best for all printing options. 2. Linear Gradient. Use of gradients is fine for this logo, provided that the same color palette is used. 3. Flat Black Background. This option can also be used. Specifically on the event backdrops, banners, etc. 4. Icon and Logotype. Just the icon and logotype can also be used, provided that the same color palette is used. This option can also be used with a flat colored background. 5. Logotype. The logo can also be as simple as just type. But this option is only acceptable in case of a very valid reason of is usage.


6. Single Colored. This option can be used for letterheads and envelopes. 7. Single Colored (2). This option can be used for the same ends as of the option 6. 8. Color-Inverse. This option is a color-reverse of the main full-color logo option. It can be used as per the requirements. 9. Black and White. This optionis best for stamp printing, letterheads and seal stick-ons. 10. Black and White Reverse. This option can also be used, containing the same usage as of the black & white version.

These are the non-acceptable options in which the logo can not be used: 1. Gradient Backgrounds. The gradients which clash with the logo itself, should not be used. 2. Vignette. Vignettes around the logo are not acceptable. 3. Gradient in the Logo. The gradient in the form of the logo is not acceptable. 4. Change in the Logotype. The font of the logo can not be changed. It should always be “Helvetica Neue LT sTD 75 Bold�. 5. Change in Color. There can not be any changes in the color of the logo except for the subsidiary ones, where the change in color depicts the theme.

To ensure a consistent and appropriate brand identity,a general set of guidelines for logo usage is outlined as follows.

7. Logo artwork may only be reproduced directly from a digital file. Itshould never be reproduced from previously printed materials.

1. No elements of the logo artwork may be recreated, deleted, cropped,or reconfigured. All logo artwork is provided as Adobe Illustrator,based EPS.

8. Do not put a white box around the logo when placed on a darkbackground and do not reproduce the logo in colors other than thosespecified in these guidelines.

2. A minimum clearspace must be maintained on the perimetersurrounding logo artwork as outlined on Logo Clearspace page. Mustuse the artwork provided. 3. Logo artwork must be uniformly scaled. Non-uniform scaling distortsthe proportions of artwork and the relationship between the icons andletterforms. 4. Logo artwork should always appear upright. 5.EPS files are vector artwork and are infinitely scalable, thuseliminating the need to ensure proper resolution for the purpose ofreproduction. (Reference taken from ‘I Love New York BrandGuidelines 2008

6. Logo artwork should appear against a solid background to ensuremaximum and proper contrast.


The logo should appear exactly as shown here. The Center-aligned in the bottom. The card should be in a portrait format. The same dimensions and color palette should be followed by the designer in the future.

The logo has to be in the bottom right corner, with the standard spaces around it. Though, a black & white or a one color option can be designed, but the dimensions and value division will remain the same.

The let t er head s h a l l b e ma d e o n th e d i m e nsi ons of an a 4 s heet , i. e. ; 8 .2 7 i n c h e s b y 1 1 .6 9 i n c h es. The l ogo should be align e d to th e c e n e tr a n d p l a c ed on the top. Ther e m us t be a b a n d o n th e b o tto m to wri te the cont ac t inf or ma ti o n o n . T h e c o l o r p a l e tte i s mi ni mal , a par t f r om t he l o g o , th e re w i l l j u s t b e a c ol ored band a nd no f ur t her e l a b o ra ti o n s .

The certificate will be made on a center aligned grid. The dimensions of the certificate are 9 inches by 7.5 inches. Logos is placed on the top with central alignment. Color Palette is very minimal with grey body text and yellow header, along with the logo in full-color.



on _______________ for __________________________________ . A fund-raiser project at the Indus Valley School of Art & Architecture.

on _______________ for __________________________________ . A fund-raiser project at the Indus Valley School of Art & Architecture.

The card for the team members of Rahnuma should be in black color with the logo placed in the center on one side and the picture of the member with his/her contact information on the other. The same dimensions and color palette should be followed by the designer.

For maintaining a consistency in the poster styles of the organisation, all of them should follow the same grid pattern. The typeface for the body text, i.e. Helvetica (regular) with a point size of 14, should remain constant always. The logo should always be placed at the bottom right of the poster. The posters would always be in a portrait format. Tagline for the required field should be placed adjacent to the logo at the bottom. It should be left aligned with a point size of 16. The header should be bold enough and placed on the top left of the layout. the band in the bottom should be complimenting to the colors used in the image/design of the poster.

-Body Text Font: Helvetica (Regular) -Point size (Body Text): 14 points. -Point size for the tagline: 16 points. -Image/design should be the background. -Poster sizes: A4, A3, A2 & A1.

A charitable donation receipt contains the logo of Rahnuma on the top center of the page. The whole composition should be center aligned as a whole. The dimensions of the receipt are 6 inches by 8 inches. The receipt can even be in black and white print.

Charitable Donation Receipt Date

Received by

Charitable Donation Receipt Date

Received by

Donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. www.rahnuma.com.pk

Donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. www.rahnuma.com.pk

On the C.D. cover and on the C.D. itself, the logo shall appear in full color option. On the cd, the logo would appear on the top center and the contact details at the bottom. On the cover, logo would appear on the front side, in full color. the clearspace should be there. The color palette is the same as for the CD itself.

The icon for Rahnuma in an Ipad or Iphone Applications should appear like the below given icon. The blaze, which is the icon for Rahnuma should be aligned through the centre. The Background should be black always. On the home page, icon should be at the top, centre aligned. Whereas, the logo (if required) can be placed anywhere on the page, provided that it does not loose its legibility.

THE RED WALL Featured Story The First-Aid Box should have a logo, right in the middle of its front elevation. The color of the box should be red with all the text including the logo, should be in white. The typeface shoulb be Helvetica (regular) in 12 points. The color of the box should remain constant in all places, in order to maintain a cohesion in the branding.

R.S.P. news R.C.O.P. news

tes on Rahnuma

Size Variations:







Rahnuma Schooling Project’s Identity Cards for the students should have the logo (in full color) on one side, right in the center. And the picture of the student, along with his name on the other. The same color palette should be followed for all the student identity cards in RSP.



The student’s report card should contain the RSP’s logo on the front with a defined clearspace. The color palette should be constant through out. The size of the report card is 8 inches by 10 inches.





Rahnuma, in collaboration with Fire Fly, produces keychains for charity fund raiser. Each keychain is for Rs. 150/-. On one side, is the flag of Pakistan, and on the other side there is the logo of Rahnuma in full colro on white background.

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