12 Chatsworth Road Greenslopes QLD 4120 Phone: 07 3394 3661
The Eating Disorders Association of Queensland presents
An Informa on Day for family members, friends and signiďŹ cant others suppor ng someone with an ED. To be held at MIFQ– 298 Gilchrist Ave, Herston Brisbane
Saturday 30th July 2016 9.30am-3.00pm Cost: $30 p/p lunch included Morning tea and tea/coffee is provided. Please notify any dietary needs. Parking on site is limited to approx. 20 car spots doubled parked. Please notify us if you plan on leaving early Direct Debit Payments to: Eating Disorders Association BSB: 484 799 A/C: 1638 10445 Please leave your surname as a reference
Having someone you care about suffer from an eating disorder can be a worrying, frustrating, and confusing experience. The Information Day is for family and friends of people with eating disorders. The event aims to provide participants with information, practical strategies and support . The day is facilitated by staff at the Eating Disorders Association and features a range of guest speakers including a GP, Dietician and Therapists working in the field of eating disorders as well as individuals and family members talking about their own personal experiences of recovery. Numbers are limited so please register ASAP
To register or obtain further informa!on, please contact us 07 3394 3661 or admin@eda.org.au