SELECTED WORK I architecture I 2013

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Catarina Mendonรงa โ ข portfolio

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catarina mendonça |

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❝Do not cover your ideas, give away everything you know, and more will come back to you ❞ Paul Arden

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catarina mendonรงa |

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selected projects & about me


Hochosterwitz as a place for contemporaneity_ memory and contemporaneity, Carinthia, Austria


Sur de la Plage, an opportunity for transformation, Le Touquet, France


Emergency Prototype, Lisbon, Portugal


Living in a Garden, Lisbon, Portugal

o4O Profile

| 06 |

museum & hotel |

Hochosterwitz as a place for the contemporaneity |

site |

Project selected to Secil University Award 2012

catarina mendonça |

| 07 |

CarĂ­ntia, Austria

HOCHOSTERWITZ AS A PLACE FOR CONTEMPORANEITY Memory and Contemporanity design studio class | architect Ana Marta Feliciano, architect AntĂłnio Leite site | Hochosterwitz, Carinthia, Austria type | museum and hotel year | 2012

conceptual diagram |

Hochosterwitz, is a castle which construction has gone through several centuries. The wall that surrounds it adapts to the rock and is characterised by its gates to the castle. The gates act as a filter until the visitor reach the castle. The gates invite the visitor to go on the path until the top of the castle. Along the way, the visitor is constantly surprised by the wealth of Hochosterwitz, both for its architecture, the richness of its construction, the surrounding landscape, by its magnitude. The proposal seeks to establish a balance between old and new, in which the new is not intended to replace or remove the old. Rather it is a symbiosis where both have their role, in which the new

enhances highlights the old. The castle stands out as the protagonist. Generally the projectis materialized according to three assumptions, including, analysis and knowledge of the site, which defines it as a place, the restoration and conservation to safeguard the main pre-existing and ultimately intervene to enhance the set of Hochosterwitz, adapting appropriately to the new programs and features. Thus, in the proposed rehabilitation of the Castle Hochosterwitz, the old and new are distinguished in full harmony and distinction, either by its materiality, morphology or character. The spaces are allocated according to the program they host.

conceptual sketches |

Project selected to Secil University Award 2012

| 08 |

museum & hotel |

Hochosterwitz as a place for the contemporaneity |

| model

| site plan

site plan over the centuries |

Project selected to Secil University Award 2012

catarina mendonรงa |

| 09 |

1.Parking 2. Public funicular acess 3. Information 4. Castel's Courtyard 5. Museum 6. Acess 7. Hotel 8. Restaurant 9. Chapel 10. Church 11. Service Funicular


5 10




9 6

8 7 2 3



| 010 |

museum & hotel |

| groundfloor plan


| -1 floor plan


Hochosterwitz as a place for the contemporaneity |

catarina mendonรงa |

Project selected to Secil University Award 2012

| 011 |

axonometry |

3rd floor

2nd floor

mu s e u m e n tra n c e

re s ta u ra n t e n tra n c e

1st floor


h ote l e n tra n c e

-1 floor

-2 floor

-3 floor

| 012 |

museum & hotel |

| longitudinal section

| longitudinal section

Hochosterwitz as a place for the contemporaneity |

catarina mendonรงa |

Project selected to Secil University Award 2012

| 013 |

lobby view |

| 014 |

| cross section

| spa view

museum & hotel |

Hochosterwitz as a place for the contemporaneity |

catarina mendonรงa |

Project selected to Secil University Award 2012

| 015 |

cross section |

spa view |

| 016 |

museum & hotel |

| bedroom view | hotel's corridor view

Hochosterwitz as a place for the contemporaneity |

catarina mendonรงa |

Project selected to Secil University Award 2012

| 017 |

cross section


| 018 |

museum & hotel |

| hotel exterior view

Hochosterwitz as a place for the contemporaneity |

catarina mendonรงa |

Project selected to Secil University Award 2012

| 019 |

| 020 | masterplan & leisure |

| site

sur de la plage, an opportunity for transformation |

catarina mendonça |

| 021 |

Le Touquet, France

SUR DE LA PLAGE An opportunity for transformation design studio | William Alsop site | Le Touquet, France type | master plan and leisure year | 2010

In the 1800’s, De Villemessant, owner and manager of the newspaper "Le Figaro", turned Le Touquet’s dunes and forest into a hunting estate. Helping LeTouquet to became known as Paris-Plage. Throughout its history, the city grew and developed becaming one of the most welcoming and atractive seaside resorts in Europe, mostly among english and french people. Althought, despite the preserving heritage of the past, Le Touquet seems to be again under the shadow, and an image renewal of the city is necessary. This project seeks, by creating new functions and places of interest, a new way of interpret and live the beach and the city as a common place and give to Le Touquet an image of a water front experience city.

Thus, the project proposes a net of beach infraestructures, providing beach shelters, toillets, cafés and restaurants, some cultural equipments a cultural center and artist studios along the promenade, and some leisure equipments as a nautic center and natural pools. Conceptualy, the project seeks to recreate the dunes topography and create some ground elevations, in order to create and chanel different views, allowing at the same to overcome the different hight between the beach and the promenade.

author's drawing |

| 022 | masterplan & leisure |

sur de la plage, an opportunity for transformation |

| author's drawing

Despite the heritage, the promenade in Le Touquet is disqualified and quite undervalued. Therefore, the project aims to eliminate the circulation of dense traffic and parking along the beach promenade and redesign the entire promenade that were the weakest point of the city. So the new promenade want to relate with the city and be part of it. In this new

city. In this sense, the project involves the removal of the traffic in some streets that provide access to the city center, as the street market, for example. Thus the creation of pedestrian streets, the citizens can toggle between the city center and the entire waterfront promenade. Another important point of the project was to keep

area, Le Touquet inhabitants can enjoy cycling paths along a dense green corridor, where vegetation are the elements that define the field of project and design spaces. The connectivity with the city center were other weaknesses in Le Touquet, since the waterfront promenade was disconnected from the rest of the

the views of the city perpendicular streets to the beach, and establish new points of view, mainly from the warter promenade to the city. Thus the project creates a gesture of dunes, that provides new equipments and beach supplies, in which by its terraces new points of view towards the city are established,

catarina mendonรงa |

| 023 |




- increase public acess to the

- public natural baths

- rental bike points


- infinity pools

- cycling path

- link view corridors to physical

- pedestrian connection from south


nautic port to north nautic port

- streets contiguous to the beach

- public transportation along the

- entries to create view corridors


increasing physical and visual acess to the water - green corridor along the waterfront existant

plan of the existing and proposed conditions



1. parc de l'estuaire 2. beach 3. parking along the beach placed with beach supplies and cultural and leisure equipments. 4. road along the beach, complemented with green corridors and cycling paths to reduce the trafic, and create a qualified promenade 5. town centre 6. market 7. church 8. nautic port & club + environmental research centre 9. beach country club 10. culture & art space 11. public natural baths + south nautic port

| 024 | masterplan & leisure |

sur de la plage, an opportunity for transformation |

catarina mendonรงa |

| 025 |

plan |

cross section dd |

cross section cc |

| 026 | masterplan & leisure |

sur de la plage, an opportunity for transformation |

catarina mendonรงa |

| 027 |

view along the promendade |

| 028 |

housing |

emergency prototype_machine for living |

| conceptual collage based on works by Alison & Peter Smithson for "THIS IS TOMORROW"

catarina mendonça |

| 029 |

Lisbon, Portugal

EMERGENCY PROTOTYPE Machine for living design studio | architect Pedro Belo Ravara site | Ajuda, Lisboa, Portugal type | Housing year | 2009

Prototype housing is designed to accommodate people in a temporary situation, the prototypes would be used by the population living nearby, whose habitation is found unavailable for works, fire, or if the city needs extra accomodation. Thus the project had as assumptions such contingency conditions and changeable with respect to time and use of the prototypes. Each prototype should accommodate at least three people, without being deprived of the basic needs: hygiene, accessibility, meals, rest (...) Moreover fot the project should also be taken into account the possible aggregation. Furthermore, the prototype should have maximum area of 30m2 and 120m3 maximum of volume. To develop the project, were taken into consideration the concepts of comfort, flexibility and adaptability; server space and space served, public space and private space, function space and visual space, equipment and furniture; structure and distribution; facade and surroundings.

Initially the project sought to define a structure for organizing and generating spaces. The principle of the project was the placement of the "motor" (made ​​ up of the areas of water: sinks, toilets), which define the space immediately told private (zone of personal hygiene and sleep) and public space (living area / dining ).Since that the motor serves both public space prototype as private space, for reasons of accessibility it is placed between these spaces, thereby establishing the boundary simultaneously between public / private. During the project, for better optimization of space, structural axis were established. The prototype resumed as ideal model, prototypu < Gr. protótypos, model; f. m.,first type; model; standard; the most perfect model. Thus, after an exhaustive and meticulous space articulation, it was possible to reach a generating metrics that organizes the spaces; the space is organized in a grid grating (1.40mx 2m). The concept is expressed as modules within a module.

❝Representa una forma de arquitectura autosuficiente contenida en otra mayor❞. Casa Collage, Un ensayo sobre la arquitectura de la casa

| 030 |

housing |

emergency prototype_machine for living |

| prototype drawings



elevation |

elevation |

catarina mendonça |

| 031 |

❝mas que su exterior o el diseño del interior presenta la nueva forma arquitectónica de la célula❞ in excertos de Casa Collage, Un ensayo sobre la arquitectura de la casa. Xavier Monteyes e Pere Fuertes

Small modules of 1.4mx 2m were designed for different uses: sleep, living, cooking, studying, and the motor occupies two modules.Thus it is possible to ensure flexibility in the prototype, since people can use up to 10 small modules, each occupant can set the modules that best suits each one and each lifestyle. The drawings that are shown, represents the prototype of four small modules sleeping, the "motor" cooking a module, a module living and two free. motor drawings |



| eat

plan |

| living

| storage

elevation |

| sleep

| 032 |

| exterior view

housing |

living in a garden |

catarina mendonรงa |

| 033 |

Lisbon, Portugal

LIVING IN A GARDEN Housing in Ajuda design studio | architect Pedro Belo Ravara site | Ajuda, Lisboa, Portugal type | Housing year | 2009

site | program's diagram |

Living in a garden project is situated in an old and typical neighbourhood in Lisbon (Ajuda). It is placed in betwwen Calรงada da Ajuda in the east side and for General Massano Amorim Street in the west side. The site, INTRA-MUROS, marks a strong presence in the urban context of Ajuda's neighbourhood, due the presence of an old ruin of a mansion and its terrific garden. As project assumption, it should be kept 50% of the existing green area, due its presence in the urban Ajuda's area, also characterized by several green spaces. Moreover, the proposal should free the groundfloor and ocuppy only 50% of it. The principle for the project, was to redefine the idea of block. The block was defined by several axes (Largo da Memรณria, Calรงada da Ajuda). Furthermore, the project sought to establish some neighbourhood relations like proximity and complementary, thus the bloc enclouses to Calรงada da Ajuda and reveals to the General Massano Amorim Street. This allows a natural integration between the buildings and the neighbourhood. The proposal its constituted by two blocks, organized around the magnificent garden, in the highter level of the site.

The main block organizes the area around the garden, establishing two courtyards, one in the centre and the other in the north area, allowing the approximation to the neightbouhood's North part. The smaller block, paralel to Massano Amorim Street, throught its groundfloor permeability aloows a natural relationship between the proposal and the old neighbourhood Recarding the proposal's program, it provides housing (two typologies: three or one bedroom) a student dorm in the upper floor, that seeks to dynamise and revitalize this old area of the city. In the ground floor there are spaces also for several cultural, working and leisure activities, such as art galleries, artist studios, cafes and shops. The project is characterized by a strong dynamism awarded by its relations and spaces. The proposal constitutes itself as an excellence space not only for those who live there but also for all the citizens, by the new ambiences it proposes, the views to the Tagus river, and by the corelation between the proposal and the urban context where it is located.

housing type I housing type II students residence leisure & cultural spaces

| 034 |

| ground floor plan | cross section

housing |

living in a garden |

catarina mendonรงa |

| 035 |

ground floor plan | east elevation |

| 036 |

| exterior view

housing |

living in a garden |

catarina mendonรงa |

| 037 |

apartment's view | exterior view


| 038 |

profile |

catarina mendonça |

I was born in the South Portugal, in 4th January 1989. Six years ago, I moved to Lisbon to follow my dream and study architecture in Faculdade de Arquitectura - Lisbon's Technical University. As student I always sought for knoledge and to learn more everytime and in every new chalenge. This relish, addiction and curiosity to learn allowed me a successful academic career and challenges me to never stop. After the degree I studied one year in Technische Universität Wien under the Erasmus Program, which was a very enrichtest experience, that allowed me to grow as an individual and professionaly by the contact with other realities and people. In 2012 I finished my Master Degree in Faculdade de Arquitectura _ Lisbon's Technical University with the final project and theorical dissertation "Hochosterwitz as place for the contemporaneity_ memory and contemporaneity". After finishing the Master degree I attended a Phd in "Architecture. Public. City - The Public Realm" at Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa (UAL). Since three years ago, I also found time to do some projects in the field of interior design and graphic design. In between I practice contemporany dance and swimming. I also like to cook for family and friends, to read, to watch a good movie and to travel to earn new experiences. At the moment I am looking for a rewarding and motivating professional internship to commit and give my best, looking at the same time to learn more and grow as an architect, as a professional and personally.

| 039 |

| 040 |

curriculum vitae |

contacts & personal name

Catarina Mendonça


+351 96 77 57 45 7


Rua Gomes Freire nº207 3ºandar 1150- 178 Lisboa Portugal

email nacionality birthdate

catarina.i.s.c.mendonca@gmail com Portuguese 4th january 1989

academic education date School / Organization Qualification's title grade city /country

date School / Organization Qualification's title

2012 Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa Phd "Architecture Public and city" 17 ( 0-20 scale) Lisbon, Portugal

2006 | 2012 Faculdade de Arquitectura_ Universidade Técnica de Lisboa Master degree in Architecture Final Project and Theorical Thesis "Hochosterwitz as a place for the contemporaneity_ memory and contemporaneity

grade city /country date School / Organization Qualification's title city /country

18 ( 0-20 scale) Lisbon, Portugal 2009 | 2010 Technische Universität Wien, TU Erasmus Exchange Program Vienna, Austria

complementary education date School / Organization Course grade

2011 Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa 3d Studio Max excellent

catarina mendonça |

| 041 |

date School / Organization Course

2010 Sociedade Portuguesa de Estudos e informática Artlantis Studio





School / Organization Course grade

skills & competences


Technische Universität Wien, TU Graphic Design excellent

portuguese | native english | very good in understanding, written and spoken german | enough in understanding, read and spoke spanish |good in understanding, written and spoken


Adobe InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop, Autocad, 3d Studio Max, Artlantis, Sketchup Pro

publications 2011

Colecção in situ, Cadernos de Viagem | Viagem de estudo Le Corbusier, França e Suiça 2009, CECFA edition FA-UTL

other works

date field of work area city / country date field of work area city / country date field of work area city / country date field of work area city / country

interests & hobbies

2012 Interior design / Consulting / Conceptual project Sushi Fashion Restaurant Praia da Bafureira, Carcavelos, Portugal 2012 Interior design Apartment Lisbon, Portugal 2012 Interior design Apartment Algarve, Portugal 2011 Interior design Apartment Lisbon, Portugal

Architecture, cinema, photography, design, art, fashion, gastronomy and dance. In my free time I enjoy to swim, to dance, to travel, to read a good book or to go to the cinema.


At work efficiency, productivity, organization, pragmatism and dynamism are what define best my way of working. Thus in all the works I am in, I put an enormous commitment and interest. Moreover I enjoy working in a team, to take responsabilities or leadership tasks. Personally sympathy, kindness, honesty, are characteristics that define me.

| 042 |

catarina mendonรงa |

| 043 |

| 044 |

profile |

catarina mendonça |

| 045 |

❝perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to remove❞ Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

catarina mendonรงa โ ข portfolio

+351 96 77 57 45 7 catarina.i.s.c.mendonca@gmail com

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