3 minute read
by CathCom
The month of June this year will present our country with many challenges, Whilst our own lives may not have changed much since Easter those who are leading our nation will know that much is expected of them. In the first few days of May the Coronation of King Charles III was a spectacular and colourful display of what the British do best. We all know that our country and the world cannot just live by ritual and pageantry no matter how much money is made from foreign tourism. That said the Coronation weekend was concluded by some 52,084 registered events of the ‘Big Help Out’ extra Bank Holiday. Will this unexpected festival of volunteers give the much needed extra boost that our charities need and will our own communities which may well incorporate a foodbank gain a long term benefit?
Many areas of England will have elected a considerable number of different councillors on May 4th They will bring new blood to represent our areas but like our MPs at Westminster they too must take appropriate responsibility for their actions and not be overwhelmed by the nature of any new office. So if we want our Royal and political leaders to face up to the challenges of 2023 we surely should make time to consider what we can do ourselves.
Our young people will always need guidance and today we should not only listen to their views on society but do our very best to advise them on how to handle social media. If we want to participate in this clearly we have to start at a very early age. Do we really want our children to have more friends online than in real life? One prominent regional newspaper has featured loneliness for many years. Sadly it appears to be on the increase and not just with young people.
The Coronation was a deeply religious ceremony with some 2,300 guests including many world leaders. I will conclude this article by examining just how busy Pope Francis was during that week. At the celebration of Mass in Budapest the congregation was around 50,000. The Pope being fully aware of the new tragedy in Sudan gave special emphasis to safe corridors in Europe for all refugees fleeing war, poverty and climate change. Whilst in Hungary and then back at the Vatican Pope Francis was pursuing all diplomatic avenues to bring about peace in Ukraine. We must hope and pray that the mission will succeed.
FrankGoulding HolyTrinityParish. Newark
confidence to think in a world-changing way and this relationship with the divine which allowed it to succeed. It is important to grasp today that this work needs to continue and year on year the SVP is reaching more corners of the globe and we are still today proving a vital avenue for God’s love to the Poor.
6. You can expect to hear the following question asked often “where will we be in 2033?” 190 years is a great landmark but 200 is a little more rounded. As we have considered so many facets of this anniversary, it is perhaps a reminder that our founder did not wish to be our first President. There will be many people living in the world today who will need the SVP in 10 years, some may find themselves beneficiaries while others may find that the SVP satisfies a spiritual need and purpose for them. For all of them we pray for a Society which continues to seek partnership with Providence, that is confident to commit, and fosters the inner Saint in each of us.
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Seven gardens are open, and £5 gets you into them all. You can visit just a few, or go round all of them, getting a feel for the different types of gardens in Melton. We have all sizes, types and shapes, from a small terraced house garden to those with unusual and extensive grounds. A local nursery has offered to support us by donating plants for sale, and we are sure the event will have something to interest everyone.
All the money raised will go to help build a badly-needed church hall next to St John’s. At present, we have nowhere even to offer people a cup of tea after Mass, but we aim to change that in the near future! So please do support us. The beautiful Victorian church will be open, with its lovely garden, and the Convent garden will also be open. Last year, the Sisters offered their visitors very popular, if unseasonal, Christmas cake, but so far, they have not disclosed what they intend to do this time! There are one or two changes to last year’s itinerary, and every garden offers a unique experience.
More details can be seen at https://www.opengardensco.uk/open_garde ns.php?id=2433. Tickets available to buy online or at any garden on the day. For a list, map and tickets contact Frances on 07790 631635 or franceslevett@gmail.com.