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Mini Vinnies inspired to share with those in need
As part of the National Young Vincentian initiative this spring, Mini Vinnies at St Wilfrid’s Catholic Primary School in York took the theme of “What we have we share” and turned their concern into action.
Each child was asked to decorate a fish using the Bible quotation: “And God can give you more blessings than you need. Then you will always have plenty of everything. You will have enough to give to every good work” (2 Corinthians 9:8).
Children expressed their hopes for the future of the world on the fish, which formed part of a colourful display mounted in the school hall.
At a series of assemblies during Lent, they encouraged their fellow pupils to contribute small items of toiletries and disposable nappies for the food bank outlet opened in St Joseph’s Church Hall. Half the volunteers there are members of St Wilfrid’s SVP.

Pupils looked at the Feeding of the Five Thousand, which shows how Jesus can take the little we offer and transform it into much more. Mini Vinnies' co-ordinator Kath Campbell brought two car-loads of gifts from the school, with more to follow.
The children’s generosity was overwhelming and the choice for clients at the food bank’s toiletries table now has to be seen to be believed.
Angela Breffit