Bus Information Booklet JAN 2025 FINAL

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Bus Handbook 2025

Welcome to 2025

We are delighted to welcome your family to be a part of the Cathedral College Wangaratta community for 2025. The following is a summary of general bus information that you may find useful The College has over 700 students travel to and from school via bus and appreciates the commitment that families from regional areas make to attending Cathedral College Wangaratta.

Please do not hesitate to contact us at the College if you have any questions or concerns:

CCW Bus Coordinator: Ms Heather Hope E: hhope@cathedralcollege.vic.edu.au

T: (03) 5722 2144


Regional Bus Coordinator:

CCW Bus Coordinator: Fallons Bus Service: Dysons Bus Group: Wangaratta Coachlines

Amy Waide

Heather Hope

Kate Dousset

Brooke Bradshaw

Brenda Joyce






Students at Cathedral College Wangaratta are able to access the Government Regional Bus System to get to school The majority of students will have free travel whilst some may have to pay a fare

Fare payers are:

Students who live closer to another Independent School, but attend Cathedral College. These families are invoiced via the Regional Bus Coordinator at Wangaratta High School and must fill out: Form 1: Application for Permission to Travel – School Students

Students who catch the two Town buses and live within a 4 8 km radius of Cathedral College Students can pay the bus driver when they get on the bus or alternatively, organise a travel pass with Fallons.

Students who travel on the Fallons Wangaratta Private Charter from Benalla and Bright. These families are invoiced each term by Cathedral College Wangaratta as part of a student's fees.

All students must fill out:

Application for Permission to Travel – School Students and a Public or Private Conveyance Form.

The Conveyance Form assists with conveyance payments for the Shuttle buses between the WHS bus interchange to and from Cathedral College Wangaratta.

Students and parents are to read the Conditions of Travel and sign that they will comply with those conditions.

Safe and Respectful Bus Travel

Cathedral College Wangaratta is committed to Child Safety. We have strict guidelines in place to ensure your child’s safety while traveling to and from school

The College uses the RollCall network on our Private Shuttles and Private School Buses as a Duty of Care This network allows parents and staff to see if a student is on/off their allocated bus, which stop they have used and where the bus is on its allocated Route.

Messages are able to be sent via SMS to parents of students on each bus should an emergency arise. Emergency services can also be given a list of students travelling on a particular bus Therefore, the correct use of this network is vital to the safety of students, and it is critical that every student uses their bus fob to scan on/off RollCall each day and that only students that are allocated a seat are to travel on that bus.

As the driver needs to maintain their focus at all times, students are expected to behave in a safe, responsible and respectful manner. The Cathedral College Student Code of Conduct extends to travel to and from school. Senior students are expected to assist younger students and lead by example and all Cathedral College Wangaratta students are expected to model the values of the College

A breach of the conditions of travel may incur disciplinary action as set out below:

First offence - verbal warning to the student. Second offence - written warning to parent/carer.

Third offence - one-week suspension of the student from school bus travel

Fourth offence: the student will not be allowed to travel on the school bus for the remainder of the year

A serious offence that endangers other students, bus staff or property will result in immediate suspension.

Student expectations:

When you get on the bus, please sit down on your seat quietly and quickly. If there are no seats, move to where there are handgrips on the side of the seats and hold on. Please do not place your bag on the seat.

There is to be no food consumed on the bus Water is acceptable

Never cross the road in front of the bus

Always wait until the bus moves well away and you can see clearly in both directions, before crossing the road.

Leave home with plenty of time to get to the bus stop 10 minutes prior to the scheduled departure time.

Always walk as far away from the road edge as possible.

Do not push or jostle with others when the bus is approaching the stop

If you are using headphones these must be removed before leaving the bus as they distract you from being fully aware of your surroundings

Make sure you always treat the driver with respect. They have the important job of getting you and others to school and home safely.

Students are NOT to put anything in the storage bins under the bus, always ask the driver to do this for you.

Parents and Carers:

Please do not park in the Bus/Staff car park, if you are collecting you students this must be done from Homeline carpark. Parking or waiting opposite the bus stop is dangerous as most children, especially little ones, are excited to see you after a day at school and are likely to run across the road to meet you. If you have to park across the road, please get out and wait for your child at the Bus stop. All stops are checked for safety and buses are required to use their allocated stops Do not park where the bus has to stop


The Roll Call bus tracking software program creates a safer, more secure way for student travel Parents will be sent a ‘Welcome ’Letter from RollCall inviting them to install the app onto their mobile devices

Using the latest in technology, RollCall captures student movements in real-time. Students check on and off the bus by touching their Roll Call bus fob to a device located on the bus. This information can then be viewed by parents on their computer or mobile device, providing them with the current location of the bus, and the time their child boards and exits the bus

Students will be required to swipe these fobs when boarding buses at the College. Students must only travel on the School/Shuttle Bus service allocated to them, to and from their approved bus stop only.

The following will apply to the use of Roll Call Bus Fobs on all Private Shuttles and Private School Buses.

1 Students are allocated a seat on their relevant bus that travels to and from their residential address As a Duty of Care, if a student needs to change buses, all changes must be made in writing via email to the Bus Coordinator at least 2 days prior to travel. This allows time to confirm if a seat is available. All bus travel forms can be obtained from Reception at the College or from the CCW Bus Coordinator.

2 If a student is not allocated a seat on a Private Bus/Shuttle and the Bus Coordinator and bus driver have not been made aware of the student’s casual travel arrangements; they will not be permitted to travel on that bus.

Casual Travel

As a Duty of Care, we cannot allow students ‘casual’ travel on buses without an ADHOC travel form (non-travellers) or email (current travellers) being completed 2 days prior to travel. This allows time to confirm if a seat is available and to complete the necessary administration.

It also enables the Bus Company and Bus Coordinator to be aware of student numbers allocated to each Bus.

Casual Travel on a Private Bus/Shuttle: has a current fee of $5 per trip payable to the Bus Coordinator at Reception during recess or lunch The bus coordinator is not available immediately after school A travel pass will be provided at the time of payment

Casual Travel on Morning Town Service, Town Bus ONE and Town Bus TWO: has a current fee of $1.50 per trip payable to the bus driver. Town Bus 1A is NOT available for casual travel.

3 Due to safety reasons, Bus Drivers are unable to pick up/drop off at non-allocated stops

4 Roll Call Bus Fobs are a requirement of travel

If you receive an e-mail regarding an error relating to your child’s RollCall Bus Fob, it is important to follow up immediately, failure to do so may result in refusal of travel.

Replacement Bus Fobs: are available at Reception at a cost of $12 per Bus Fob.

Replacement Lanyards: are available at Reception at a cost of $12 per lanyard

If there is a change in address or situation, you must let the school know in writing to the Bus Coordinator: Ms Heather Hope at hhope@cathedralcollege.vic.edu.au.

Further information regarding Roll Call can be found on their website.

Various Bus Lines

Fallons Wangaratta Bus Services:

Beechworth Eldorado

Greta South Hamilton Park

Reith's Estate

Springhurst St James Yarrawonga/Bundalong

Fallons Wangaratta Private Charter Bus Service:

Benalla Bright

Wangaratta Coachlines:

Bungeet Carboor Ovens Milawa Moyhu Peechleba

Warby Range Whorouly

Dysons Bus Company:

Cheshunt South Edi Upper Greta West Hansonville Meadow Creek Myrrhee

S Sacco


G & D Lowe


Of a morning, students will be shuttled from their connecting buses coming into Wangaratta High School Bus Interchange to Cathedral College, Wangaratta on one of two Shuttles (in some cases, this will be their travel bus also). Students must go directly to the shuttles which depart at 8.38am sharp.

Of an afternoon, there will be shuttle buses taking students from Cathedral College to the Wangaratta High School Bus Interchange (in some cases, this will be their travel bus also) to meet connecting services.

Students travelling on the following buses will be dropped off directly at Cathedral College, Wangaratta of a morning, and in the afternoon will be picked up by these buses on the way out of town at approximately 3.50 pm:


Cheshunt South

Meadow Creek/Oxley

Edi Upper Whorouly Myrrhee

These students will not be required to go to the Wangaratta High School Bus Interchange

Regional Government Bus Services

All bus travel forms can be obtained from Reception atReception at the College or from the CCW Bus Coordinator.

Please forward your bus travel form/s to the CCW Bus Coordinator via email to hhope@cathedralcollege vic edu au for processing, we will then forward it to the Regional Bus Coordinator as required The following bus services are run from outlying towns to Wangaratta:

Beechworth, Boorhaman, MarkwoodTarrawingee, Bungeet, Carboor, Chiltern, Cheshunt South, Eldorado, Reith's Estate, Edi Upper, Glenrowan-Warby Range, Greta South, Greta West/Glenrowan, Hansonville, Hamilton Park, Myrrhee/Boggy Creek, Milawa, Meadow Creek/Oxley, Ovens/Myrtleford, Peechelba, St. James, Whorouly and Yarrawonga.

There are also V-Line and Public Transport Victoria (PTV) services available between Cathedral College, Wangaratta and Beechworth, Rutherglen - Chiltern, Corowa/Wahgunyah and Yarrawonga.

As the system is susceptible to change, we request patience from families and understanding that not all requests can be met

Town Buses

Students living in Wangaratta do not have access to the shuttle buses from the Wangaratta High School Interchange to the College, as these buses are for the use of out-of-town bus travellers only.

There is one town bus in the morning and three town buses in the afternoon that students are able to access. Students are allocated a bus and are requested to remain on the bus allocated to them

As a duty of care, any travel changes need to be directed to our Bus Coordinator two days prior to the change in order to receive relevant paperwork for casual travel and allocate seating if available All bus travel forms can be obtained from Reception at the College or from the CCW Bus Coordinator:

If you live more than 4.8 km from Cathedral, you will be entitled to a Conveyance Allowance and free travel, otherwise, you will be required to pay a fee of:

Daily One Way - $1 50

Daily Return - $3.00

Term Pass: Price available from Fallons.

Morning - Town Bus Service (401

CCW Run)

Phillipson Street (near Matheson Street)

93 Phillipson Street

Phillipson Street (opposite Wangaratta High School)

Logan Drive (opposite Oxford Drive)

16 Trotman Drive

Wangandary Road (at Bus Stops) (Arlington Park Avenue)

Christensens Lane (at Bus Stops)

Williams Road (at 101 & 76 Williams Road at Bus Stops)

Appin Street (at Bus Stops)

Sisely Avenue (at Bus Stops)

Swan Street (at Bus Stops)

Green Street (at 26 & 65 Green Street at Bus Stops)

Rowan Street (King George Gardens)

St Patricks Primary School (opposite Anglicare)

Perry Street Bus Stop (opposite Coles)

Perry Street (at Vincent Road)

Burke Street

Thompson Street

Burke Street (opposite shops)

Burke Street (near Lamont Street)

Lamont Street

Mitchell Avenue

Hallett Crescent

Brash Avenue

Murdoch Road Service Road (near Raymond Street)

Murdoch Road (before Billabong Drive)

Cathedral College Murdoch Road

Afternoon - Town Bus One Service

Fare Payers and Fobs

Cathedral College

Corner Roger and Crisp Streets

Swan Street (corner of Mepunga Avenue)

Phillipson Street (corner O'Leary Street)

Appin Street (at Athletics Track)

Milford Grove

173 Phillipson Street (opposite Wangaratta High School)

Afternoon - Town Bus One A Service

Fobs Only

Cathedral College

Evans Street Bus Stop (opposite Rovers Football Club)

Logan Drive (corner Oxford Drive)

Corner Green Street/Templeton Street 16 Trotman Drive

Wangandary Road/Arlington Park Ave

Christensens Lane (at Bus Stops)

St. Johns, Williams Road (133 Williams Road)

101 Williams Road

Corner Trevor Drive & Collyn-Dale Drive 34 Williams Road

Afternoon - Town Bus Two Service

402 Yarrunga Via Murdoch - Fare Payers and Conveyance Card Only, No Fobs

Cathedral College

Donovan Drive

Wenhams Lane

Cribbes Road (at Bus Stops)

Mitchell Avenue (opposite Hoad Street)

Hallett Crescent

Brash Avenue (opposite Hunt Street)

Murdoch Road Service Road (near Raymond Street)

Vincent Road (at Smiths Crescent)

Perry Street (at Vincent Road)

Perry Street (at Coles)

Reid Street (Curtis Adams Pharmacy)

Ford Street (opposite Big W)

Stay on to become the 401 West End Town Service

Ford Street (opposite Big W)

Rowan Street

Wangaratta Town Library

Wangaratta Railway Station

Green Street Northeast Health (West-side)

Green Street (Rowan Street end)

Evans Street (near Rovers Football Club)

Swan Street (opposite Olive Street)

Swan Street (near Rowan Street)

Swan Street (near Docker Street)

Swan Steet (opposite Larkings Street)

Swan Street (opposite Mepunga Avenue)

Medowra Avenue (Swan Street end)

Nolan Street

Phillipson Street (near Matheson Street)

Phillipson Street (opposite Mepunga Avenue)

Phillipson Street (at West End Primary School)

Phillipson Street (opposite Sadler Street)

Williams Road (Phillipson Street end)

Williams Road (near Appin Street)

Esmond Street

Cavanagh Street

Langlands Street

Appin Street (near Irwin Street)

Appin Street (near Wellington Street)

Appin Street (opposite Teague Street)

Appin Street (opposite Kanana Crescent)

Appin Street (opposite Rangeview Avenue)

Sisely Avenue (at Dodsworth Street)

Benalla - Bus One

AM Departure Times

Evan James Drive, 262 Mansfield Road

124 Midland Highway

Cecil and Arundel, 80 Arundel Street

201 Bridge Street (Goodyear Auto Care)

Cathedral College

PM Arrival Times

Cathedral College

202 Bridge Street (Landmark Benalla)

43 Church Street (Coles)

Cecil and Arundel, 80 Arundel Street

124 Midland Highway

Evan James Drive, 262 Mansfield Road

Benalla - Bus Two

AM Departure Times

129 Gillies Street (near Racecourse Road)

26 Roe Street (at Shed near Cnr Midland Highway)

43 Church Street (Coles)

26 Mackellar Street (AM ONLY)

Winton Bus Stop

Winton & Eleven Mile Creek Road

Glenrowan Hotel

Cathedral College

PM Arrival Times

Cathedral College

Glenrowan Hotel

Winton & Eleven Mile Creek Road

Winton Bus Stop

43 Church Street (Coles)

10 Nunn Street (PM ONLY)

26 Roe Street (at Shed near Cnr Midland Highway)

129 Gillies Street (near Racecourse Road)


AM Departure Times

Highett Street Mansfield (Village Plaza)

Mansfield Rural - 4745 Midland Hwy, Barjarg

PM Arrival Times

Mansfield Rural - 4745 Midland Hwy, Barjarg

Highett Street Mansfield (Village Plaza)

All students should arrive at the designated bus stop at least ten minutes prior to their departure time.

Bright Bus One

AM Departure Times

V-Line Bus Stop (Alpine Hotel)

414 Back Porepunkah Road, Porepunkah

Martley and Station Streets, Porepunkah

Wood and Station Streets, Porepunkah

Jones Road and Great Alpine Road

Wobonga Lane, Eurobin

5487 Great Alpine Road

Happy Valley Hotel, Ovens

Cathedral College

PM Arrival Times

Cathedral College

Jubilee Park, Myrtleford (V-line Bus Stop)

Cnr Happy Valley and Great Alpine Roads, Ovens

5487 Great Alpine Road

Wobonga Lane, Eurobin

Jones Road & Great Alpine Road

Wood and Station Streets, Porepunkah

Martley and Station Streets, Porepunkah

414 Back Porepunkah Road, Porepunkah

V-Line Bus Stop (Alpine Hotel)

Bright Bus Two

AM Departure Times

V-Line Bus Stop (Alpine Hotel)

Jubilee Park, Myrtleford (V-line Bus Stop)

Whorouly Hotel

Cathedral College

PM Arrival Times

Cathedral College

Whorouly Hotel (opposite side)

Jubilee Park, Myrtleford (V-line Bus Stop)

V-Line Bus Stop (Alpine Hotel)

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