"Cathedral College Wangaratta is a school that inspires a passion for learning and a commitment to excellence. Our College is a safe and nurturing place where every individual is valued for their god given talents. Our students are inspired to be resilient, compassionate and proactive people who go on to contribute to a just, fair and loving world."
Nick Jones - Cathedral College PrincipalPrincipal's Welcome
CathedralCollegeWangarattaistheonly IndependentPreptoYearTwelveschoolinthe regionandtheschoolofchoiceforthoselooking foravalues-basededucationthatfocuseson preparingthewholechildforarapidlychanging world.
ProudlyAnglican,weworkwithourschoolfamilies toensureourstudentsareexposedtoasystemof valuesthattheycandrawonintheirdailylives andintothefuture.Here,studentscanexpectto discover,belongandachieveastheyjoinour learningcommunity.
Itisaprivilegetobeentrustedwiththecareand nurturingofotherpeople’schildren,andtohelp ourcommunity’syoungpeopleapproachfutures markedbyaspiration,excellenceanddoinggood intheworld.AtCathedral,weseektoreveal talent,broadenexperienceanddevelopfuture leaders.
Mr Nick Jones PrincipalAt Cathedral College, students can expect to discover, belong and achieve as they join our learning community.
Discover. Belong. Achieve.
Teaching and Learning
ThereissomethingtrulyspecialaboutaPreptoYearTwelve setting. We have a unique ability to develop a sense of community in our young people across the year levels by collaboration within the breadth of the school. Five-yearolds and eighteen-year-olds come to the same place, with thesamevaluesandculture,toliveandlearneachday.
Thereistheopportunityforthestudentstolearnfromustheir teachers, from each other, and then share their own experience of the world so that we can learn from them. Central to this is the notion that education is not just synonymous with ‘academic schooling’; rather, it is a lifetime process that is provided by the many groups and individualsthatmakeupacommunity.
Our teachers believe in supporting and encouraging each student to recognise and foster their individual strengths, providing opportunities in and out of the classroom to question, explore choices, pursue knowledge and develop a sense of self. From Prep to Year Twelve, our students are nurtured and educated as individuals in all areas of their learning:academically,socially,emotionallyandphysically.
Withhighlyqualifiedanddedicatedteachersandacritical mass of new, technology-rich, highly functional specialist facilities,ourstudentsareencouragedtolearnandgrowas confident individuals. We focus on building character in a nurturing and supportive environment, challenging our students to participate, experience and lead with wisdom andcompassion.
There are various opportunities for students to extend themselves in areas of Leadership and Service, encouraging them to make a difference to their school and the wider community. Our learning environment aims to provide each child with knowledge and an understanding of their capacity to contribute to their own futureaswellasthefutureofothers.
We strive to provide an education that enables each student a chance to flourish in every aspect of their life. At the same time, we encourage students to form respectful relationships that will help establish life-long friendships and an essential foundation for the challenges and achievementsthatlifewillbringastheygrowintotheadults wewishthemtobe.
We strive to provide an education that enables each student a chance to flourish in every aspect of their life. At the same time, we encourage students to form respectful relationships that will help establish life-long friendships and an essential foundation for the challenges and achievements that life will bring as they grow into the adults we wish them to be.
Junior School
The Junior School consists of two classes at each YearLevelfromPreptoYearFive.Basedaroundan integrated curriculum that stimulates creativity and curiosity, our students are offered an enriching, caring and inclusive educational environment. Strategies to promote independence, collaboration, adaptability, resilience, creativity, optimism and responsibility are embedded in everydaylearning.
FromPrep,weestablishastrongsenseofbelonging and cooperation that exists both in the classroom and in the playground; this is of critical importance in creating a harmonious and cohesive environment which translates to a culture of learningthatisessentialintheclassroom.
Literacy and Numeracy are high priority learning areas in the Junior School, founded on the belief that the skills and concepts developed during classroom programs underpin learning across the whole curriculum. The integration of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Design, and Mathematics) is also essential to educatingtoday’sgeneration.
The Junior School also offers a range of specialist programs including Art, Physical Education, Swimming, Music, German and Indonesian across purpose-builtfacilities.
We aim to be an inspirational and enriching learning community which is built upon a sense of belonging.
Middle School
Middle School provides an environment where leadership opportunities and training, careers knowledge and conversations, intellectual risk-taking and optimal academic outcomes can be achieved. Ultimately, we are aiming to produce well-rounded students who feel valued and challenged and who are ready to enter the Senior School by the time they finish their Year Eight program. The middle years recognise and cater for the significant and rapid changes that often occur in adolescents and our comprehensive pastoral system of care establishes respectfulrelationshipsbetweenstaffandstudents.
Our Middle School consists of two classes at Year Six and four classes of Year Sevens and of Year Eights. Academic programs are based on mastering the fundamental skills in each core subject area. In addition, this is a time to allow students to explore possibilities through elective academic programs that offer a broad range of skills and learning before they need to begin thinking about specialising and following a pathway to a chosen course or career. Certainly, Middle School students are challenged to createclearpersonalandacademicgoals.
Students entering Cathedral at Year Seven participate in our Discovery Day program in Year Six, designed to ensure a smooth transition for those who join us from otherschoolsacrosstheregion.
A broad curriculum alongside extra curricular activities in the Middle School enhances and celebrates each students' individual strengths.
Senior School
The Senior School, from Year Nine to Year Twelve, continues to build upon partnerships in education between teachers, parents and students where everyoneisvaluedandrespectedasacontributor.
The focus in Senior School is to ensure that all students are well-prepared for their final years of school, VCE and beyond; this is achieved by working with each student individually and guiding them through the important choices that are made in this phase of schooling. We pride ourselves on the achievement of enhanced academic outcomes and personal best performance through our broad, well balanced and comprehensive curriculum. Opportunities for differentiated learning pathwaysaresupported,withastrongemphasisoncore subjects in conjunction with a wide range of elective subjects to suit individual interests. Engaging and authentic teaching and learning practices help prepare ourstudentsforlifebeyondschool.
Academic integrity and rigour reinforce the College’s philosophy for promoting a culture where learning and scholastic extension are highly regarded. Senior students combine their studies with a diverse Extra-Curricular Program of sport, arts, community and cultural activities that enable them to explore and extend their interests whiledevelopingtalentsthatcomplementtheirstudies.
Senior students are empowered to become self directed learners, critical thinkers, and above all, contributing members of society.
Students and teachers at Cathedral College
Wangaratta all belong to one of six Houses: Buffalo, Cobbler, Feathertop, Hotham, Stirling and Warby.
Each House has members from Prep to Year Twelve, making them the ideal forums for crossage learning, leadership opportunities and collaboration. The House Spirit is engendered throughout the school and across a range of cultural,social,sportingandmusicalevents.
Because of our vertical House system, a greater sense of House identity develops, whereby older students look out for younger ones, underpinning the ‘family concept’ and creating a strong communityculture.
Cross-agelearningisapowerfulwayforouryoung peopletolearnhowtobewiseandtrusted confidants and at the same time develop confidence and character strengths that can be shared with both their peers and those above and below.
All Houses have a Head of House, House Tutors, and Senior, Middle and Junior Captains. The emphasis in their leadership is on care and responsibility, not power and privilege; in serving others,studentsgaintheirownrewards.
House events and activities are ideal forums for cross age learning, leadership opportunities, group working skills, the building of self esteem, and engendering House spirit throughout the school.
The Cathedral Way
AtCCW,weallcontributetoanurturing,safe andconnectedschoolenvironmentandfrom Prep,ourstudentslearn‘TheCathedralWay’.We expectallmembersofourcommunitytouphold ourvaluesandethos.TheCathedralWayis measuredbyactions,notwords.Itis,for example,wearingTheCollegeUniformwith pride.Itisvaluingdiversityandindividualityand beinginclusive.Itisdemonstratingrespect, kindness,andcare.Itishavingagoandtaking opportunities.
Theroleofcharacterandserviceisfundamental toaCathedralCollegeeducation.Ourstudents arechallengedtolookoutsidethemselvesto understandthatcharacterdevelopmentis intrinsicallylinkedtohowtheyviewnotonly themselves,butalsotheirabilitytoform meaningfulconnectionswithotherpeople.This requiresstudentstorecognisethattheyhavea responsibilitytomakemeaningfulcontributionsto thecommunityinwhichtheylive.
Ourstudentsarechallengedtonotonly understandthevalueswespeakaboutbutto alsoliveoutthesevaluestomakeareal differencetothelivesofthecommunityinwhich welive.Someofthesignificantlearningprograms thatallowstudentstomakereal-world connectionsincludingourYearNineSocial Enterpriseprogram,ourinvolvementin EnvironmentandSustainabilityprojectsand fundraisingforcharitiesandimportantlocal causes.Weaimtodevelopastrongsenseof citizenshipbothatthelocalandgloballevel.
High-qualityteachingandlearningand outstandingWellbeingProgramswillalways underpinaCathedraleducation.Wearea forward-thinkingandinnovativeschoolthat preparesstudentstobe21stCenturylearners, leadersandthinkerswholeaveuswithawellrounded,holistic,‘Cathedral’educationthathas preparedthemforlifebeyondtheschoolgates.
Prospectus 2023
Our students are challenged to look outside themselves to understand that character development is intrinsically linked to how they view not only themselves, but also their ability to form meaningful connections with other people..
We look forward to welcoming you to the Cathedral College Wangaratta community. As a highly sought after school, places are limited so please enrol early to avoid disappointment.
CathedralCollegeWangarattaisanopenentry schoolandstudentsareplacedonourapplicant listaccordingtothedateonwhichCathedral CollegeWangarattareceivesacompleted applicationform.
Throughouttheyearweconductschooltours duringnormalschoolhoursinordertoshow exactlyhowourschoolfunctionseveryday.If youwouldlikeatouroftheschool,please pleasecontacttheRegistrar; LouiseTrenkneron or(03) 57222144withthenamesofyourchildren,the currentschoolandtheyearsofentryrequired.
Years of Entry
StudentsmayentertheSchoolatanyYearLevel dependingontheavailabilityofplaces.Toavoid disappointment,particularlyforthemajorentry pointssuchasPrepandYearSeven,weadvise thatallapplicationsaremadewellinadvance. Ifaplaceisunavailable,studentswillbeplaced onaWaitingListandtheschoolwillinformyouas soonasaspacebecomesavailableintheYear LevelCohort.Ifthereisnomovementinour studentnumbers,youhavetheopportunityto remainontheWaitingListeachyear.
Application Process
PleasenoteacceptanceofApplicationfor Enrolmentissubjecttotheapprovalofthe Principalanddoesnotguaranteeaplace. ApplicationFormsaretobesubmittedonline andareavailableviatheenrolmenttabonthe Collegewebsite.