Highlights for Cathedral Music in 2022

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the difference you make to our choral tradition every day
Image © Portsmouth Choir
Highlights Report 2022


With your generous support, our work in 2022 made a lasting impact on the lives of thousands of individuals involved in the UK’s vibrant choral tradition.

Your kind donations ensure that we are here to support choirs and musicians at every stage in their journey, from education and engagement programmes through to early career training and scholarship opportunities.

Your contributions go beyond financial aid; they breathe life into the music

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that fills our magnificent cathedrals and churches, inspiring congregations, connecting communities, and uplifting hearts and minds.

Thank you for believing in the power of choral music to change lives.

With gratitude,

Image © Peterborough Cathedral


Your generosity provides vital support to ensure a bright and sustainable future for choral music.

You made a big impact on cathedral music across the UK in 2022!


You helped over 1,000 young choristers across the UK benefit from a worldclass music education through their choir in 2022. Through the funding of singing and music theory lessons, as

well as providing essential support for travel and bursaries, you ensured that children from all backgrounds can get involved.

Through the provision of organ and choral scholarships in nine choral foundations, you helped nurture the next generation of cathedral musicians.

Individual time with an experienced vocal trainer gives our choristers and probationers the very best opportunity to realise their vocal potential as well as building confidence with repertoire and performance challenges and ultimately enables them to sing at their best.

It is an investment in each child in return for the commitment they and their families make to music at the Cathedral. We could never have considered this provision without your support, and we are so grateful.

Image © Finnbarr Webster


Thanks to your generosity, well over 5,000 children and young people from all backgrounds engaged with singing sacred choral music in their cathedrals, churches and local communities, benefitting personally, socially and musically.

St Wulfram’s offers a thriving weekround programme of choral activity. We are particularly proud to give teenage boys and girls opportunities to continue singing with us having ‘graduated’ as choristers. Your support will help us fund additional members of the music department, including a voice coach, who will help train young musicians at our afterschool singing clubs.

I loved the focus and professionalism of everyone involved. It really inspired me to take my own singing up a notch… This will definitely be near the top of my life-long achievements.

Gabrieli Roar Participant
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Image © Frances Marshall


Music brings our worship and heritage to life, connecting us to our history, our communities and our spiritual selves.

We welcomed nearly 1,500 people to our events and gatherings in 2022. The participation of so many of you has uplifted choir communities and shone a light on the brilliant music being made every day throughout the UK.

We launched the Church Choir Award in partnership with the RSCM to recognise and develop excellence in music-making by church choirs through the funding of imaginative new projects and initiatives.

In 2021 we became the first place of worship in Wales to hold regular choral services in the Welsh language. Our new choral scholars will help us to put Welsh on an equal footing with English in our music and better serve our community, where 80% are Welsh speakers. We are incredibly grateful to you for making this a reality.

The launch of the Church Choir Award with the RSCM in 2022 has been a fantastic opportunity to recognise and develop excellence in choral music-making by church choirs. Through this partnership, we’ve been able to help transform more lives through the choral tradition and enrich workship in local communities.

Image © Finnbarr Webster Joe Cooper, Director of Music at St Deiniol’s Cathedral, Bangor Jonathan Macdonald, Chair of Cathedral Music Trust


Your donations have helped ensure cathedral choirs retain their worldrenowned reputation for excellence by supporting 27 professional roles, from lay clerks to Assistant Directors of Music, and by funding vital music department costs.

Salford Cathedral has undergone a musical renaissance since July 2020 and is now home to five choirs, offering a larger number of choral services. It is our ambition to establish a music department that becomes a centre of excellence for cathedral music in the North West.

Your support will fund our choral scholars and enable an organ associate to join the team, as well as help us to buy much-needed sheet music. Thanks to this generosity, music at Salford will go from strength to strength.

The performance of music to this exceptional standard, not only in the divine service but also in concert, TV, radio and CD, is an extraordinary cultural and artistic achievement. This is the result not only of ability but also sustained hard work by thousands of people each day and week. The infrastructure, skills, and knowledge behind its production would be almost impossible to replicate if lost.

Alex Patterson, Director of Music at Salford Cathedral Harry Christophers CBE, founder and conductor of The Sixteen President of Cathedral Music Trust
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Image © Nick Rutter


Our inaugural Cathedral Music Education Conference ‘Joining the Dots’ – held online in early 2022 – welcomed over 100 musicians and clergy.

The focus across the two days was on education in the broadest possible sense: from creating a successful learning environment for choristers, to providing equality of access and building sustainable partnerships with schools and music hubs. There were opportunities throughout for discussion and exploration of best practice, in sessions with leading musicians, educators and cultural leaders.

I’m still buzzing from this session. Brilliant & thought-provoking discussion on how to support cathedral musicians of the future.

What a fascinating insight into ‘The Whole Chorister’ as part of Cathedral Music Trust’s conference - covering latest pedagogical frameworks, changing voices, culture, and more. Thank you.

It was very encouraging to see Cathedral Music Trust grabbing the bull by the horns and making diversity a central topic in this conference.

Attendee feedback, Joining the Dots, January 2022

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Image © Christ Church Cathedral Oxford


In Spring 2022, we launched our Future Leaders Group, a forum for young people with connections to, or an interest in, the world of cathedral music, giving the next generation a seat at the table.

As well as receiving mentoring and training in leadership, each member plays a crucial role in shaping our long-term strategy, participating in key committees and leading on projects and events.

It has been great to get involved with the work of the Trust and the world of cathedral music. I feel like I’ve been recognised for bringing valuable skills and a different perspective to discussions, and it’s clear that the organisation really cares about our own professional development too.

Through the scheme, the Trust has proved that it genuinely cares about what the younger generation thinks, and I’ve been encouraged by how we have been able to influence decisions and strategy: the scheme hasn’t just been a token gesture.

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Image © Peter Backhouse


We work in partnership with other charities to research and present an evidence-based case for cathedral music and musicians with senior policy makers, church leaders and funders.

In 2022 this included a visit to the House of Commons with the RSCM to meet the Minister for Schools and an opportunity to lead a workshop at the National Cathedrals Conference in Newcastle on the role of music in cathedrals and its future.

The Future for Cathedral Music

We commissioned More Partnership to undertake a landmark report into the future of cathedral music, involving a comprehensive review of literature and practice, and interviews with more than fifty senior leaders in cathedrals, churches, government, education and the arts.

The report highlights how important cathedral music is to the cultural and religious life of our country, but also outlines the significant investment needed so that it can thrive and develop for future generations. The recommendations will inform our future strategy so that we can effectively respond to the needs of all involved and ensure a vibrant future for cathedral music.

This report should serve as a rallying cry; for cathedral music to survive, we all must work to make this world and its traditions accessible to everyone and appealing to the young people of today. Elite sport is a point of pride for our nation, steeped in history with roots running deep in schools across the country. Elite music should be just the same; not something to be feared, but something to celebrate, enhancing the lives of all involved.

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How your donations have been used in 2022

£458,000 awarded in grants to 30 organisations

Choral Foundation Sum Purpose

Arundel Cathedral ** £2,500

Bradford Cathedral ** £17,000

Carlisle Cathedral £4,300

Chapel Royal, Hampton Court Palace £22,100

Church of St Mary le Tower, Ipswich * £7,000

Church of St Mary Magdalene, Newark * £5,000

Collegiate Church of St Mary, Warwick £7,500

Coventry Cathedral £3,200

Croydon Minster £18,900

Supporting training for choristers

Supporting vocal coaching and increased hours for the choir matron

Supporting an organ scholarship for one year

Supporting the children’s singing programme

Partnering with state schools in Ipswich to deliver choral singing activities

Widening access to singing lessons

Supporting an organ scholarship for one year

Supporting an organ scholarship for one year

Appointing a Singing Development Leader

Gabrieli Roar £10,000

Supporting the Gabrieli Roar Christmas performances involving 3,700 primary and secondary school students performing Michael Praetorius and Heinrich Schütz’s choral music in Portsmouth, Canterbury, Peterborough, Ely, Coventry and Westminster Cathedrals, York and Hull Minster

Hull Minster * £7,000

Increasing bursary provision for choristers and increasing the offer of choral scholarships for university-age students

Leeds Cathedral £28,450

Improving choristers’ core vocal skills, developing choral leadership through enhanced choral scholarships and developing pathways and opportunities for organ scholars

Leicester Cathedral ** £29,700

Supporting vocal tuition for Senior Girls and Young Songmen, transport for choristers, sheet music and robes, the DioSing outreach programme and associated overheads

Portsmouth Cathedral ** £20,400

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Supporting the Cathedral Sing Programme, vocal training for choristers and core costs for the sub-organist and Choir Matron

Image © Finnbarr Webster

*Denotes a Church Choir Award

** Denotes a grant made wholly or partially with thanks to the Diamond Fund for Choristers

Choral Foundation Sum Purpose

Salford Cathedral Church of St John the Evangelist £16,000

Southwark Cathedral, London £15,000

St Davids Cathedral | Eglwys Gadeiriol Tyddewi ** £18,000

St Deiniol’s Cathedral, Bangor | Cadeirlan Deiniol Sant £22,000

St Edmundsbury Cathedral £15,000

St Mary the Virgin, West Malling * £2,500

St Mary’s in the Lace Market, Nottingham * £6,000

St Paul’s Cathedral, London £30,000

St Peter’s Collegiate Church, Wolverhampton £15,000

St Wulfram’s Church, Grantham ** £22,300

Tewkesbury Abbey £4,200

The Parish of Chingford SS Peter and Paul with All Saints’, London * £2,500

Truro Cathedral ** £30,000

Wakefield Cathedral £16,400

Westminster Abbey, London £30,000

Westminster Cathedral, London £30,000

Supporting choral scholarships, sheet music and an organ associate

Supporting salaries of the Assistant Organist, Music Administrator, additional lay clerks and choir chaperone

Supporting travel costs for choristers

Appointing three Welsh-language choral scholars

Supporting three new lay clerk posts

Increasing support for its choral and organ scholarship programme

Establishing three children’s choirs and working with local schools

Supporting lay clerk salaries

Supporting an organ scholarship and choral scholarships and the Edington Festival Award to support choristers’ vocal training

Supporting a new Assistant Master of Music post and a vocal coach for choristers

Supporting junior choral and organ scholarships for the Abbey Choir

Establishing a chorister bursary scheme for its summer residential singing course

Supporting scholarships and bursaries for choristers

Supporting the salary of the Assistant Director of Music

Supporting the salary of the Assistant Organist

Supporting the salary of the Lay Clerk/Administrator

www.cathedralmusictrust.org.uk 11


DEVELOP a new strategic plan informed by research, evaluation and consultation to ensure we are investing our resources effectively to help sustain cathedral music in the long term.

WORK closely with our partners to design programmes and initiatives that support and develop young talent, including early years children, teenage singers, organists and early career professional musicians.

UNDERTAKE further research, including a nationwide survey of the current chorister experience and recruitment issues to inform future support programmes.

INCREASE support for cathedral music through the expansion of our Friends and Patrons scheme, our legacy programme, and the launch of new Future Leaders’ initiatives to involve the next generation of supporters in our work.


Image © Duncan Lomax

We receive no government or church funding, and raise funds from individuals as well as trusts and foundations. Thanks go to our Friends and Patrons who loyally support our work through their regular donations.

We continue to carefully manage our reserves to allow for fluctuations in income and expenditure in unpredictable times. Despite lower income, the Trustees chose to increase financial support to beneficiaries in 2022 in view of the challenging economic environment.

Charitable activities £627,000 (including grants, educational events and publications) Raising funds . . . . . . . . £144,000 81% 19% Total Spending £770,000
Donations . . . . . . . . . . . £279,000 Legacies . . . . . . . . . . . . . £74,000 Investment income . . . . . £207,000 Trading income . . . . . . . . £44,000 (Events, Christmas Cards and Publications) 46% 34% 12% 8% Total income £604,000
www.cathedralmusictrust.org.uk 13


The Atlas Fund

Bertarelli Foundation

Digital Lift

Essex Community Foundation

Genesis Foundation

Marsh Charitable Trust

Mosawi Foundation

MuchLoved Charitable Trust

Pettit Charity


Banks Music Publications

Birmingham Cathedral

Braintree Choral Society

Bristol Cathedral

Chichester Cathedral Choristers Association

Ely Cathedral


Fulham All Saints

Gloucester Cathedral

Hereford Cathedral Library

Leeds Cathedral

Leicester Cathedral Old Choristers


New College School

Norwich Cathedral Ex Choristers Association

Oriana Singers

Southwell Minster

St Davids Cathedral | Eglwys

Gadeiriol Tyddewi

St John’s Church Choir, Harrogate

St John’s College Cambridge

St Mary’s Church, Rickmansworth

St Mary’s Episcopal Cathedral

The Edington Festival

The Family History Society of Cheshire Sale Group

Uppermill Methodist Church

Worshipful Company of Parish Clerks


The Sibthorp Circle recognises those who have notified us of their intention to honour Cathedral Music Trust with a gift in their Will. The Circle is named after our Founder, the Revd Ronald Sibthorp, in honour of the longstanding impact of gifts in Wills.

We are very grateful to all those who have recognised the Trust in this way.

Michael Antcliff

Marcia Babington

Sarah Bourne

David Bridges

Michael Cooke

Eric Cox

Stephen Crookes

Robert Frier

Rodney Gritten

Clarendon Gritten

Edward Hart

Rosemary Hart

Sheila Kemp

James Lancelot

Robin Lee

Terence Locke

Jonathan Macdonald

Kate MacLean

Roddie MacLean

Iain Nisbet

Martin Owen

John Pettifer

Denis Roberts

David Williamson

Margaret Williamson and 26 anonymous donors


We are incredibly grateful to the many brilliant volunteers across the UK who do so much to support cathedral music every week. Thank you.


Peter Allwood

(Chair until Feb 2023)

Jonathan McDonald (Chair from Feb 2023)

Sooty Asquith (Trustee until May 2023; Editor Cathedral Music until Dec 2022)

Ann Parsons (Trustee until May 2023)

Giverny McAndry (Honorary Secretary)

Jason Groves

Sue Hind Woodward (Vice Chair, Development Committee)

Stuart Laing (Chair, Development Committee)

James Lancelot (Chair, Grants Panel until December 2022)

14 www.cathedralmusictrust.org.uk
We gratefully acknowledge all the individuals and organisations who generously supported our work in 2022.

Heather Morgan

James Mustard

Isobel Pinder (Chair, Impact & Delivery Committee)

Gavin Ralston (Chair, Finance & Audit Committee; Lead Safeguarding Trustee)

Peter Smith (until December 2022)


Henrietta Fraser (Chair of Events Working Group; Development)

Robert Horton (Development)

Jonathan Manners (Development)

Olivia Sparkhall (Development)

David Flood (Impact & Delivery)

Jane Hedges (Impact & Delivery)

Diana Johnson (Chair of Grants Panel from 2023)

Max Kramer (Impact & Delivery from 2023)

Mark Bellis (Regional Coordinator, Development & Events)

Rosemary Downey (Regional Coordinator & Events)

Christopher Barnard (Regional Coordinator & Events until March 2023)

Jean Duerden (Events)

Neil Medland (Events)

Penelope Brown (Grants)

Carl Jackson (Grants)

Laura Worsford (Grants from 2023)


Stewart Aylward (Gloucester)

Christopher Barnard (Salisbury)

Mark Bellis (Chelmsford)

Judy Chisman (St Edmundsbury until Aug 2022)

Rosemary Clemence (Rochester)

Simon Crookall (Lincoln)

Graham Curtis (Manchester)

Susan Dawson (Southwell & Nottingham from 2023)

Jeremy Duerden (Blackburn)

Peter Gould (Portsmouth)

Jonathan Hunt (St Paul’s until Easter)

Sarah Hunt (Winchester until Aug 2023)

Donald Kerr (Down, Connor & Dromore until Aug 2023)

Catherine Lamb (Lichfield)

Tim Layton (London Greenwich)

Sarah & Richard Malins (London Southwark)

Anne McDonald (Peterborough)

John Paton (Oxford)

Heather Ross (St Albans)

Graham Shelton (Norwich until Mar 2023)

Paul Stockbridge (Chester)

Ian Thompson (Canterbury)

Graham Thorpe (Bradford)

Alistair Timmis (York)

Adam Tunnicliffe (St Paul’s from 2023)

Simon Webb (Westminster Abbey)

Arnold Wills (Bath & Wells)

Diana Wills (Chichester until Jan 2022)


Thomas Allery

Ophelia Appleby

Victoria Eyre

Alexander Hamilton

Arianwen Harris

Guy James

Lizzie Leather

Libby Marsland

Daniel Maw

Imogen Morgan

Eilidh Owen

Benjamin Phillips

Elizabeth Preece

Rupert Scarratt

Graham Thorpe


Peter Allwood

Christopher Gower

Terry Duffy


Cathryn Dew (Director of Impact & Delivery)

Olivia Sparkhall (Impact & Delivery Manager)

Natasha Morris (Director of Development)

Anna Kent (Digital & Communications Manager)

Katy Ashman (Development Officer)

Jessica Lock (Director of Finance)

Amanda Welsh (Finance Officer)

Image © Nick Rutter
www.cathedralmusictrust.org.uk 15

Royal Patron

HRH The Duchess of Gloucester


Harry Christophers CBE


Alexander Armstrong

Anna Lapwood

Honorary Patrons

The Archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Revd and Rt Hon.

Dr Justin Welby

Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster, His Eminence

Vincent Nichols


Cathedral Music Trust

27 Old Gloucester Street



+44 20 3151 6096


Registered in England as a charitable incorporated organisation

Registered charity number 1187769

Registered company number CE020570





Image © Frances Marshall

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