Jounral 8 catherinedemetriou

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Journal week 8 Catherine Demetriou 641497

For this weeks tutorial, half of the class was dedicated to time in the work shop and the other half was once again dedicated working in groups that analyze the case study buildings (MSLE for my group). Unfortunately, due to various misunderstandings with the safety gear, I was unable to complete the work shop with the rest of the class, however, I was given information about it through other students.

The aim of the workshop was to build a structure that could withstand the most amount of weight in the class. However, they were limited in what materials they could use as they were given 3mm x 1200mm x 35mm pine and a 1mm x 5mm x 1000mm ply board. As seen in figure 1, the pine was sectioned and cut into small blocks. These blocks would have load-bearing purposes as they would act as columns that held any weight that was on the ply board. These columns were then screwed on from the top of the ply board which not only connected the two structural features but also ensured that the structure itself was stable and did not wobble. Â

This structure was primarily successful due to the fact that it was very strong in compression. By having a column-like structure running along the entire board, the pressure from the weight was evenly spread out from both the top and the bottom of the structure.

Had the group put only two columns on the edges of the board the weight in the center would have been too great and with the pressure, the board would snap.

Journal week 8 Catherine Demetriou 641497


Farlex (2003), The Free Dic4onary, accessed on the 26/9/2013, hTp://

Throughout the second half of the class we were asked to convert an sec4ons of our building that were illustrates on an A3 piece of paper into an A1 illustra4on. I was given the Sill Detailing at the entrance of the MSLE building. I found the task rather difficult at the beginning of the task as I was not fully aware of what the “Sill Detailing” of a building actually signified. The online dic4onary defined it as “The horizontal member that bears the upright por4on of a frame, especially the horizontal member that forms the base” (Farlex, 2013) By doing this I was able to step outside of the round bubble that I was assigned and recognize where the Sill was actually placed on the building.

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