Journal 10

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Journal week 10 Catherine Demetriou 641497

Our primary task for this weeks tutorial was once again seeing the progress of the Oval Pavillion in Melbourne University. The aim of this activity was to further understand in more depth the structural components of the overall development.

Timber framing, however only acting as infill

Connection between new and pre-existing building

Exterior: timber feature wall Interior: Area for fire place

Steel Frame (primary structure)

Below the picture are concrete stairs that enable access into the building

Journal week 10 Catherine Demetriou 641497

Although this section of the roof is also aesthetically pleasing, it acts as both a sky light and a ventilation structure. The reasoning behind this structure being utilized for ventilation purposes is due to the fact that at its base there will be double sided fire place.

The timber feature wall on the exterior of the building is an aesthetic design. Each section of timber is held together using “Lap� joints where each piece practically slides on to one another (as shown in the picture on the left. This method strengthens the joint as it carries the combined thickness of the two timber members (Essential, 2013) (Essential, 2013)


Journal week 10 Catherine Demetriou 641497

Within this development, steel is the primary structure and load bearing carrier. The steel frames are held together via bolting. The benefits of steel is that it has high strength to weight ratio which inevitably means that the beams are resistant to high stress without fractures or other distortions like wood or stone (James T, 2013) The timber infill, although it is not the primary load bearing structure, it is resistant to heavy winds and its own weight (Roy R, 2004) The picture on the left, however is an exception of where the laminated timber beam has been utilized as a load bearing product. Like the steel it has been bolted to the horizontal steel beam and rests on the concrete slab that lies below it. After asking why this was the case, the builder said it was merely for aesthetic purposes and the thick timber beam is equally as tensile as the steel beam that it is connected to.

The picture above illustrates the pre-existing building connected to the new building. While the main bulk of the pre-existing building is being left, small things like old timber and the old ceramic tiles are being replaced. The reasoning behind this decision is not only that these aspects are not only wearing on the old building but it is also for aesthetic purposes where the tiles will be suited more to the new and modern pavilion.

Journal week 10 Catherine Demetriou 641497

The other half of our class was dedicated to further understanding everyone else’s sections that were at a 1:10 scale. This enabled the class to further understand other aspects of each building. This task was useful for me as I was able to understand the advantages and disadvantages of varying materials as well as understanding aspects such as flashing.

Journal week 10 Catherine Demetriou 641497 Referencing Essential, E (2013) How to Select an Appropriate Residential Dec Flooring Material, Essential Extras Inc, accessed on the 13/10/2013, James T (2013), Advantages of Steel Beams, eHOW, accessed on the 13/10/2013, Roy R (2004), Advantages of Timber-frame Building, Mother Earth News, accessed on the 13/10/2013

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