Catholic East Texas: Vol. 31 Issue 2

Page 8


n this issue of the Catholic East Texas

People are used to hearing words like “invite”

magazine, our primary focus is on the

and “encourage” from their priests and bishops,

Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the

and certainly we do always invite and encourage

Holy Eucharist. As I write this, we are

everyone to come and see the goodness of God. However, I think the word demand also has a place

journeying through Lent, anticipating the passion,

in our discourse in the Church. As Bishop, I demand

death, and resurrection of the Lord at the Triduum.

that we take the Real Presence more seriously

You will read it after Easter, when life has returned

than we ever have. This is vital for every one of us.

to “normal,” and for most Catholics things will not be very dramatic again until Christmas. Within

In this special section of the Catholic East Texas

a month of this issue being published, ordinary

are several excellent resources to teach us and

time begins again in the liturgical calendar,

strengthen us to know exactly what the Church

and we can all slip back into our routines.

teaches about the Real Presence, what we mean by

transubstantiation, how this teaching comes to us in Sacred Scripture, and how this teaching has been consistently proclaimed in the entire history of the Church. Please read each of these pieces. Together, they form a Handbook on the Real Presence that I want every Catholic in the Diocese to read.

Right? No. Absolutely not. We must wake up to the TRUTH that Jesus Christ comes to us, in His Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity, at every single Mass. I am very concerned by what I see in the Catholic Church today. I have written before, in the Constitution


on Teaching, that I feel that a lack of belief in the


Real Presence is a primary problem we face in the

owever, it is not enough to read. We also must live in such a way as to strengthen

Church. We must ALL work to combat unbelief in our own lives, and to help others to come to

out faith in the Real Presence. When Pope

understanding of and belief in this great truth.

Saint John Paul II wrote his great letter on


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