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Catholic Junior College ANNUAL ,-.
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ln Veritate Et Caritate ln Truth and Love The college crest shows the Hory spirit symborised by a dove and by fire. rn cJC, we are inspired and guided by this spirit of knowing and roving.The star,dkin; stylised cross, is our symbol of faith. As the siar guided,ihe rvrugi we, in CJC, are guided by faith in our daily lives.
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our college rqptto'ln veritate Et caritate'or'ln Truth and Love'implies taking the truth about the universe, about ourselves, about God. But the truth alone is not suhicient. There must be love. A love based on understanding and reason.
Principal's Report 2003 tI
s our year comes to a close it is important to lrecord the events,the personalities and the
special moments of Catholic Junior College during this past year. And what a year it has been for the College, and for the nation. CJC has striven this year
build an institution that is both more confident about itself and keen to improve the quality of all that it is offering to young people. Toward improvement - 2OO3 Results ln March 2003,the release of the GCEAlevel results were to bring specialjoy to the CJC community.We were recognized by the Ministry of Education as the"most significantly improved Junior College"in 2002. lmmediately the fruit of the previous year's hard work had been recognized.The College experienced a large increase in appeals to JCl as people responded to the fitting testimony of the quality of the College and to which the results were testimony. Actions speak louder than wordsl We had 1000/o passes in Literature, History, Further Maths and Computing. History had 600/o Distinctions
above the national average. Literature too
Distinction for German. She was hotly pursued,with equally fine results, by Angela Lee Ker-Wei (2T34). Anindita is now studying Medicine at NUS and hopes
to progress to Johns Hopkins for her post graduate studies.Angela has gone to lmperial College, London, to pursue a degree in BiomedicalTechnology. This year we presented Special Achievement Awards to two students who had performed remarkably well in their A levels. Melvin Tan Kwong Yong (2T1 8) is profoundly deaf and yet managed to obtain an A, B,and c with a 83 for GP. He was also the CJC Lawn Bowls
Champion.The second award went to Lee Peng Huai (2T06). She began
her academic career in Normal
(Tech),ended her Chen hands out auards. secondary schooling in Normal (Academic), with an E8 for English. lt was good enough to gain conditional entry to a JC. ln her final exams she obtained an A, B, and D for her A level subjects, and a C5 for Gp Such determination and commitment is commendable.She has opted to study Mr Bernard
Pasing uith flying colours
enjoyed a 40olo Distinction level - 5olo above the national average. All subjects showed considerable improvement. Of particular note was General paper which saw an overall 1 1olo improvement and which contributed to our overall pass rate's significant improvement.These results did not come without hard work from both teachers and students.All are to be commended for their contributions to this success.
--._\ '\\
Subsequently the College improved its ranking and sent out a message that we are now keen to keep the improvements rolling in 2004.
Presentation of Awards
Anindita Santosa (2T34) was the top student this year with straight Distinctions, including a CJ(
Co-Curricular Activities The College has not sought to improve only academic results.A good school is one which has good results and enables its students to achieve to the best of their ability in their chosen course of study. It is also one which allows each student to become
involved in some activity or team where our young people can test their leadership, their creativity, their passion, and their dedication and commitment to their physical and intellectual pursuits, in company
CJC dancers are ndmed champions
in a cowPetition
robotics too. Right: The CJC choir
are challenged
in harmony.
to ponder their baptism commitment
and what that means as they grow toward adulthood. Adherents of other faiths must reflect on the meaning of their faith commitment; and, those who have no faith association can learn to appreciate what faith means to those who have.To tolerate and accept difference.
to understand
Students in a Catholic school, whatever their religious background, must graduate from that school
firmly committed persons. Otherwise the school has failed them. A Catholic school must make a Muslim a better Muslim,and a Buddhist a better Buddhist,and so on! A Catholic school must always be inclusive, not exclusive, in lts approach to religious practice, and non-apologetic aboyt the importance of spirituality in our lives.A Catholic school must challenge Catholic students to examine how they live out their gospel commitment as student and son, sibling and friend, mentor to others, and within the guidelines of their Church. All must respect religious diversity and appreciate that in that diversity there is a richness that enhances our true appreciation of each
as more
\ \\ \\
5ense. To
work towards this goal, we have
structured and enriching program to suit every student. I am gratefulto all the teachers who help to deliver our personal and religious programs. Every student follows a compulsory program that addresses their personal development and the need to strengthen national identity. Each student is also part of an Ethics program, or a Catholic program, which challenges them to think about the implications of moral decision-making in life and what constitutes a good moral life'- a term often used but frequently not understood. ln particulari our Catholic students are challenged either through special sessions that are specifically Catholic in nature, or through a retreat program which enables them to ponder, in depth, some of the issues that critically affect them as they grow as a person and a committed Christian in the Catholic tradition. We trust that all people in our community benefit in some way from our particular emphasis. To aid us,we had the presence of Fr Leslie Raj 5J, parish priest of 5t lgnatius and the Chaplain to Catholic Junior College. Fr Raj celebrated Mass for us three times each week and was always present for our key ceremonies, reflections and events.We express
our gratitude to the lgnatian community for allowing
students to prepare their ProjectWor(and their Oral presentations in particular,with allthe latest lT hardware and software available to them.
Whilst lT has become part and parcel of our daily lives,we now have to explore how to use what we have more effectively. Equipment is only part of the requirement.Once you have it you must use it effectively.The challenge is on-9oing and the commitment and competency of our teachers is paramount. For this reason, CJC has been invited to become part of a pilot project being managed by MOE to work with outside agencies to develop a special program to enhance the coordination and management of
projectwork. The College has also seen a significant change in Departmental Heads this year.We welcomed 4 new Heads of Department (Student Development, English, Maths and Economics) and are currently awaiting the appointment of one more.We also welcomed four new Subject Heads to our ranks and can appreciate already the quality of their contributions to the middle management team.
wITS All teachers were part of our 2003 WITS effort. Organised by Department, teachers identifi ed and worked on problems peculiar to their particular
subject area. For many,the timespan (shortened because of SARS in Term 2) meant that many initiatives will continue into 2004. However, it does mean that teachers are significantly involved in
improving elements of their work which will enhance what is delivered to students. We can always improve
Something unique in 2OO3 The Joint Admissions Exercise had
just been
concluded when the nation was saddled with SARSI The outbreak of this mysterious virus created a degree oftension and nervousness in the school,and in the nation - a tension very new for many young people. Here was a virus which took lives and had no known antidote. Here was a virus which changed our social and shopping habits, our travel practices and schedules, even our church practices, and yet we knew so little about it. But it drew out some fine qualities in people. Our Student Council organised a day of response to assist financially tfrose people, especially the medical fraternity,who had been affected.ln May,a cheque for 52,208.00 was presented to the CEQ National Healthcare Group, MrTan Tee How (CJC76/ 77). ln his short address to the assembly MrTan recounted some short anecdotes of heroism in his own organization and introduced students to a new appreciation of the significance of their small effort. lndeed it gave special meaning to the term'national consciousnessi
Improving the infrastructure The quality of buildings does not make a good school. What happens within each of the four walls is what contributes to the culture and success of a
school. However, a friendly, clean and pleasant environment can assist all that people do. And so a number of improvements were carried out during the course of the year. Lecture Theatres were re-furbished, the Assembly yard and upper quadrangle were landscaped and the Assembly area was re-surfaced to make the whole area more user friendly. The school foyer and
surrounding corridors were tiled and re-painted to improve the ambience. The Co-Op is now planning improvement works for the Student Council room, Catholic Activities Council room,and their bookshop and these will be completed in early 2004.
CJC stufunts
did their part
to help Singapore luercome the SARS crisis
students to prepare their ProjectWor(and their Oral presentations in particular,with allthe latest lT hardware and software available to them.
Whilst lT has become part and parcel of our daily lives, we now have to explore how to use what we have more effectively. Equipment is only part of the requirement.Once you have it you must use it effectively.The challenge is on-going and the commitment and competency of our teachers is paramount. Forthis reason,CJC has been invited to become part of a pilot project being managed by MOE to work with outside agencies to develop a special program to enhance the coordination and management of
projectwork. The College has also seen a significant change in Departmental Heads this year.We welcomed 4 new Heads of Department (Student Development, English, Maths and Economics) and are currently awaiting the appointment of one more.We also welcomed four new Subject Heads to our ranks and can appreciate already the quality of their contributions to the middle management team.
WITS All teachers were part of our 2003 WITS effort. Organised by Department, teachers identifi ed and worked on problems peculiar to their particular
subject area. For many,the timespan (shortened because of SARS in Term 2) meant that many initiatives will continue into 2004. However, it does mean that teachers are significantly involved in improving elements of their work which will enhance what is delivered to students. We can always improve and we are coming to see that element as fundamental to our on-going development'
Something unique in 2OO3 The Joint Admissions Exercise had
just been
concluded when the nation was saddled with SARS! The outbreak of this mysterious virus created a degree oftension and nervousness in the school,and in the nation - a tension very new for many young people. Here was a virus which took lives and had no known antidote. Here was a virus which changed our social and shopping habits,ourtravel practices and schedules, even our church practices, and yet we knew so little about it. But it drew out some fine qualities in people. Our Student Council organised a day of response to assist financially tlrose people, especially the medical fraternity,who had been affected.ln May,a cheque for 52,208.00 was presented to the CEO National Healthcare Group, MrTan Tee How (CJC76/ 77). ln his short address to the assembly MrTan recounted some short anecdotes of heroism in his own organization and introduced students to a new appreciation of the significance of their small effort. lndeed it gave special meaning to the term'national consciousness'.
Improving the infrastructure The quality of buildings does not make a good school. What happens within each of the four walls is what contributes to the culture and success of a
school. However, a friendly, clean and pleasant environment can assist all that people do. And so a number of improvements were carried out during the course of the year. LectureTheatres were re-furbished,the Assembly yard and upper quadrangle were landscaped and the Assembly area was re-surfaced to make the whole area more user friendly. The school foyer and surrounding corridors were tiled and re-painted to improve the ambience. The Co-Op is now planning
improvement works for the Student Council room, Catholic Activities Council room,and their bookshop and these will be completed in early 2004.
There is a weabh oftalent and diuersity
Ve celebrate togethex
in CJC
Ve /earn together and from each
wonderful group of people who ensure that every aspect of support from cleanliness to management to executive assistance is delivered with pride and efficiency and they contribute enormously to the delivery of College services.
lam profoundly grateful to all who have done so much to help CJC improve in 2003. I pray that we will continue our drive for excellence in the year ahead of us and, with God's help, continue to do our best for the many students who will choose to be part of our
-\ O
learning community. We wish our graduands Godt richest blessings as they continue with the next phase of their lives and pray that they will continue to grow and mature as responsible adults with so much potential and talent. May our God always shine on you and bring you His peace.
Brother Paul Rogers fsc, BA, MEd (Lead), Principal
National Youth Achievemenr Award Jhe NYAA Singapore is a signatory of I the Duke of Edinburgh's Award lnternational ::undation Declaration,signed by 111 member
:3untries worldwide.The NYAA concept is one of -c,vidual offers young people a :a anced, non-competitive programme of voluntary ::l',,,ities, which encourage personal discovery and :'c,,,,th, self-reliance, perseverance, responsibility to :-e^-rselves and service to their community and the
improvement through persistence and achievement, taking into account the participant's initial capabilities, and without any element of competition between participants. Participation is completely voluntary and without consideration for race, religion, gender, physical handicap or socio-economic background.The age range is 14 to 25 years old.The basic structure of the NYAA programme involves the following four compulsory sections; Community Service,
-he criteria for an Award are individual
Physical Fitness.
Skills Development, and
left to right) Neo Chan Yuan (2T23), LekWee Keat (2T1 9), Thong Gui Hong Benjamin (2T1 8), Soh Ze Bin (2T1 8); Leow Jun
;- -
Cheng (2T1 9). -ian
HweeTing(2T17),NilaWinartaTan Qf2O,TanHuiTing (eshia (2T27),Tan Kiat Lu Teresa (2T05),Tan Toon Cheng
Tee Can Shou.loseph (2T26), Lee Chang Chuan Melvin (2T35),Tan Swee Thiam Timothy (2T34).
Elizabeth Tan Pei Ming (2T01), Chee Yinlin Eileen (2T01),Gomathi D/O Pakirisamy (2T20),Chong Yi
2T26),Zhang Yu (2T1 9), Lee Moling Mauricette (2T19). ;
:'3nYunYi(2T30),ChuaYanRu(2T20),LeeYaHui(2T03),SohYong Quan (2T35),Wee Lee Meng Joyce (2T31 ), Lin Shufei (2T31 ).
Teacher-in-charge: Mr Tan Hoe Teck.
Kaiyin(2T04),Yong Hong KitClement(2T07).
G--.i.', :."
NYAA students inuolued in qualifl,ing *ip for Exp e d i t i o ns /E xp I o ra t i o n s.
/,, 1
/* /*s I ctc lnnuat vot. za 1'
Our Stars
,.j S
Michelle Pereira
aith Brother Pau/
Santosa, Mrs Low Sieu Nghee , Try Ning and Angela Lee.
college made headlines this year /-\ur \r-.rfor
being the most improved junior college in Singapore in the GCE A level results with marked improvements in General Paper and MotherTongue.History had an outstanding performance with 100 per cent passes and almost 60 per cent scoring distinctions.
Top students top A level student, Anindita Santosa picked up two awards: the Ee This year's
Peng Liang Award,the college's highest honour, and the Bapu Subramaniam
Memorial Award for Physics. Anindita, who \Yilf
Our gymnasts.
Lre Peng Huai with Brother Paul and her home turor, Mclm Sh6ljni p2pe/aynr.
Bernard Chen Award.Angela Lee Ker-Wi received two awards:the Lee Foundation Merit Award for her achievements in her studies and her co-curricular activities and the Professor LeoTan Award for Biology. Lee Peng Huai and Melvin Tan Kwang Yong received the Special Commendation Award for outstanding performances in the face of many difficulties.
National Colours Julia Hee won the National Colours Award for her achievements in judo. Eight students received South Zone Colours: Julia Hee, Gerard Christian Ng, Soh Ze Bin,
was the President of the Library Society,
Leow Jun Cheng,Chen Guan You, Li Kai Yin
scored six A's In the A level examinations.
and Leonard Lim Wei Jie.
Top Arts student, Michelle Pereira won the Academic Excellence Award for scoring five A's and Evien Tan obtained the
Sporting Excellence AnthonyTsang and Soh Ze Bin received the NTUC Sports Award for sports
Academic Award Winners JC2 Award Winners Geneial Paper
acad'rin:it:r€*€liittgt3g n!!iii:iiiit:ir::rila::riri:r:::i:r:,ii
Jonathan Wong Rui Ming
Michelle Pereira
General Mathematics Hong Heng Jiong
Bernard Chen Award
Tan Evien
Com puti ng
Hong Heng Jiong
Anindita Santosa
'r€jtinligetalli'Asgig.*l::l Zhou Wenrong
JCI Award Winners
:Mi{lc$$gngitA0$L*:i::::l::::li:l::r::llr:::lt:::::r:lar:::ll siti zuuaidar' ein," Jumlani Tamii"tinguage
Mohamed Faliq B Md tsmail
Sumathi d/o Rajendran ,tqg$:i:gliga€&anii:iirit&lFid6tlr,,lertnllti::ttii Guok Jingci Grace
6eneral Paper
Fong Xian Jun Benjamin s6€,fr iiit' y
:lgipiii:Sii9&iti$:0i!i$rfi4ii:i1{!i.ii6liriiitsia,nit}:e1i}it.' Anindita Santosa
Ecohomics Tan Boon Ler Kenny Hi-stof y
Tsang Chi Yin
Lee Ker-Wi Angela
Yang 5hijie
, ,,,
ir:: :i:i:r::i
lrwa n Suta nto
Den ise Lavinia Selvakumar
Xu Ze Da Lau Guan We,n
Computing Chhabra Deepinder Singh
Teo Zi Zhong
Biol"ogy "' Liew Xian Wei Bernard
for Mathii:matics
Phyi ics Lee Shuet Theng
Tan Yi Bao :i:
Lrm >rew Fong
Chemistry Liew Xian Wei
Bernard I
'--':'. '------ '----...
Lee'Peng Huai Tan Kwang Yong Melvin :i:tilta::Faiitd€ii$aiii:i1{i:6iiiri,{ltfAt6:a:::r::::1.::::i::::'lill:iiiii]:i::
Lee Ker-Wi Angela
Lu Ling Chinerd--ta nguag e Lee Shuet Theng
i ....-""'.. r. ""'
Nur Hahna Frida Bte Rupaii Tan Khelg SiOngrMelvyn Chan Xing Zhi Corinna
ia mii' [a nsdise Sangeetha d/o Unbalagan
Mathematics Society
Gymnastics Gold, Trampoline
Li KaiYin Leon'ard Lim Wei Jie
G o
Tran Hai Long
Distinction Austral ian Maths Competition 2003 High Distinction lnt'l Competition for Sihools
lvan Mok
Distinction Australian
po lin e
Gold, Pommel Horse
Raymond Lim 5ie Nam
Silver, Trampoline
Lee Wei Ting
Bronze. Trampoline
Angie Cheong
Bronze, Floor Exercis'e Bronze, Vault Bronze, Balance Beam Overall Bronze
Chen Guan You
Cheung See Chai
Zi Qin
Ow Xian Rui
ngeet ha Sudanraj
Distinction Australian petition 2003
Eric Chua
Silver, Floor Exercise Silver, Vault Gold, Parallel Bars Overall Silver
NTU Vertic'al Challenge
3rd Joint Run Urban Quest Adventure Rdce . 3id. 2nd Nat'ional Vertical Marithon
Bronze, Horizontal Bar
3rd (Men's Open
Soh Ze Bin
lndividual Champion NUS-NTU Joint Run);
B,ronze, Pom mel Horse
2nd (Men's Open lndividual NTU Vertical' Challenge)
Hindu Society)
Gowti Mahendran 2nd {1T Web Design,
Judo I I
Julia Hee
Bronze (National 5chools
Judo ChampionshiP) Bronze {Pesta Sukan Judo ChampionshiP)
Getard C Ng Zhili
Bronze (National Schools
Judo ChampionshiP) Silver (Pesta Sukan Judo ChampionshiP) Fong Zhi Ming Benhy Tan
Teo LaV-'Kuan
1st (Pre-U lndividual Girls Surf and Sweat)
F,ranci's Yeo
3rd (Pre-U lndividual
Hindu Society) I
Team Chir"npion
Silver, Floor Exercise Silver, Parallel Bars Overall Gold
pet.itio n 2003
Distinction Australian Maths Competition 2003
Abdul Halim
lndian Cultural Society Sa
Gold (Kyu Grade Judo Championship)
Boys Surf and Sweat)
Rugby SRU 3
on 2 ToJch
Track and Field 3rd (1 00m, National Schools) Tan Toon Cheng 3rd (100m, National Juniors) 3rd (100m,Wings Meet) Toh Wei
4th (Shot Putt, National Ju
nio rs)
3rd (Discus, National Juniors)
Bronze (Kyu Grade Judo ChampionshiP)
3rd (Shot Putt,Wings Meet) 3rd {Discus, Wing_s Meet) 2nd (5hot Putt, Swift Meet) 2nd (Discus, Swift Meet)
Malay Cultural SocietY lnter-Jc General Knowledqe Quiz Runner-up
4th (5o0om, National Schools)
Soh ze rBin'
Volleyball Tay Men'g Heng, Ariel Jiang,
2nd (Quiksilver OPen
,Ng \&eril Ji'm,r
Beach Volleyball)
Yeo Rong Rong
(left to right) Mdm Yu Meei Jen (Mother Tongue), Brother Paul Rogers (Principal), Ms Priya Rajan (English). Mr Wee Wee Chau (Science), Mr Michael Tan (Physical Education & Student Management), Mdm V lndra (Economics), Mr Lim Khee Siang (Mathematics/lnformation Technology), Ms Narindar Kaur Dhillon (Humanities), Mr Tan Jek Suan (Student Development), Mrs Low Siew Nghee (Vice-Principal).
*-\': 7= EN G LISH Row 1: Row 2:
* Y
(J( Annual
(left to right) Mrs Janice Lok, Ms Flazel Fernandez, Ms V Priya Rajan (Head), Ms Amy
Lee, Ms
Mohana Rani.
Ms Lim Hsiao Yen, Ms Meera Gopal, Mrs Angeline Khoo, Mrs Beji Siva, Ms Chan Choo, Ms Johanna Chua, Ms Lynette Yong, Mr Darrell Tan.
E}iGLISH :,:r, l:
(left to right) Mr Muthu Tamilselvan, Ms Evelyn Nathan, Mr Kwan Fook Seng, Mdm Shalini Damodaran, Mr Rupert Glascow (Subject Head), Mr David Fahy, Ms V Priya Rajan (Head), Ms Pauline Chua (Subject Head), Mrs Jasmine Tan (Subject Head), Mrs Sng Mee Lian, Mr Alfred Pang, Mr Augustine Chan.
r6 @q RS '.. E
*o$rr -' kanur
,eft to right) Ms Lim Hiong Li, Ms Gail Ng, Ms Narindar Kaur Dhillon (Head), Ms Jean Yeow.
Lester Low (Subject Head), Mr Alvin Saw, Mr Stephen Su, Mr Durairajoo
Row 2
: :
(left to right) Mr Vincent Chia, Mdm Mary Goh, Mdm (Subject Head), Ms Cheng Lean Kiow.
lndra (Head), Mrs Kuah Siou Koon, Mr Phay Teik Enq
Mr Renganathan M., Mrs Karen Ho, Ms Linda Giam, Mr Leong Chun Keong, Mr Wee Chong Yeow, Mr Alex Kwee, Sey, Ms Sharon Soong, Ms Ho Moy Lee.
Mr Dennis Ang, Mr Tan Boey
(left to right) Mr Wang Zhiwei, Ms Norhayati Awang, Mr Peter Thia (Senior Teacher), Mdm Yu Meei Jen (Head), Mr Vincent Chong (Subject Head), Mr Thiru Kotti, Mr Yap Koh Khee. Row2: Mdm Lucy Lee, Ms Lim Kim Peng, Mdm Nor Hanisah Saphari, MrTan Kian Hoe, Mr Kock See Hai, Mr Ong Gak San, Mr Tan Lye Huat, Mrs Koh Lay Seng, Mdm Tan Seow Ling, Mdm Wee Siew Ling, Mdm Tan Lee Huang, Mdm Phang
\ROW1: \ \
Swee Eng, Dr Goh Chong Tee.
d\ a n
W ocnnnuatvor.x
zo I
(left to right) Mr Jason Liu, Mr Joseph
Mr MichaelTan (Head)' Mr Adrian Ho (subject Head)' Mr Foo Chee Tuang, Mr lsaac Lim, Ms Caroline smith, MrsTan Siow Leng.
LABORATORY STAFFKhuan, Mdm Hapsah sirat' Mdm saminah Jaspan' Mr Wee wee Chau (Head)' From
:=_z--,-;-\--\\ "
\\z+ J
Mdm wasantha M., Ms Seetoh Yit Ms Lam Lee Mui'
Mdm Wong Kum Teng' (left to righ0 Ms Usha Rani M, Mdm Sa'diah lmbek' Lum Poh Ling' Ms Dawn Liew Ms Liew Nyuk Lan, Mdm Rajambah' Mdm Kim' May Tan Mdm Yee, Cecilia Mdm Siew Meng,
MrThomas QuekTong Heng (oM).
(left to right) Mr Ong Han Ghee (TA), MrWoo Mun Hoa (TSO).
The Religious Dimension of CJC
Lefi: Commencement of the Year Ceremony: Fr Leslie Raj (Sl passing theflame to our Principal, Brother Pirl. Aiort R -ro**rotr-rot Ceremony a/ier SARS: to
Commencement of theYear Prayer Service was I f'"tO ln the first week of school. Our college chaplain, Father Leslie Raj (SJ) passed the flame from the candle of year 2002 to our principal, Brother Paul Rogers who in turn passed it on to representatives of the teaching staff and students.Together they lit the new candle for the year 2003, signifying the presence through this year' The theme for the year -To have knowledge and integrity - was also introduced during this prayer service, urging all of us to respond as people of integrity and to seek knowledge and grow in wisdom'
of God journeying
Likewise at various moments in the year,we came together as a college family to celebrate the life we are blessed with,the achievements of our college
family and to pray for God's continued blessings' These included the Annual Awards Ceremony,the Councils'lnvestiture, National Day and many others' An important and significant occasion which highlighted the importance of God in our lives was
the re-opening of the college and continuation of lessons after the SARS outbreak.The ReCommencement Prayer Service held on Maundy Thursday brought the college back together as one family again and the joy of our unitY was demonstrated throughout this time of prayer.This celebration ended with the warm welcome of our new JC1 students with the pinning on of college pins,which were generously donated by their JC2 seniors' The college then joined in with one.loud and proud voice,the college anthem' A better understanding of what it means to be Catholic was the focus
representatiue Qorrine râ‚Źpresentatiue Lianne
the Jlame
of the Religion programme for the year'To achieve this, Religion sessions were formulated on focus questions such as:what ethical issues are we facing in the present times and in our relationship with God, and how do we respond to these issues as Catholics? Catholics,and those who have opted to join us' journeyed with their teacher facilitators throughout the year, exploring various ethical issues and their relationships wfth God and others' For JCl s,these included selected issues and themes like self,family life,the aged and aging as well as the natural environment. JC2 students explored in greater detail, the wisdom of the Catholic Church in addressing issues within the dimensions of sexuality,scientific developments, the ecumenical movement and
terrorism. Students are encouraged during these sessions to reflect on their understanding and position on various ethical issues in relation to their faith and their God' Very often, handouts on the teachings of our God through bible passages and the stand of
the Catholic Church were provided to help students focus and understand these issues better. Prayer time was also an important feature of these sessions as we acknowledged the need to be in communion with God. Besides these teacher-led sessions,we have been blessed by the involvement and input of others who have freelY offered theirtime,experience and wisdom
to us. Brother Ghislain from Taize conducted Thize
an introductoryTaize session for students
,Vllss: CAC Coundllors and. choir membeys during the "Our Father" prayer
and thereafter a Eucharistic celebration by Father Charles 5im (5J).The Religion teachers got together and played, sang, read and led in the Mass.
:: of'exploration for JC2s.
r - : :.:.hers. Besides Catholics, many students and -: : : -:'s from other faith traditions joined in for a time ', :'. ".' in the college auditorium.
:' :' chn-Pau Tan gave an informative talk to the -- = ; cn students on the stand ofthe Catholic - - :- :' various scientiflc developments.He " : : -:r the ethics behind the issues of cloning, ' * : - :^ c stem-cell researchand euthanasia aswell :: i : - i oehind the church's stand and laws on I
:' ::-:S, -- : ,.:s followed by an exhibition of the Catholic "
' .': 'nteresting and lively musical'Reach '-:
', -
by the NUS Catholic Studerits'Society,
- c m were past
students of the college.
to a better -,-.'c n :-: - r r q of the bible by Father Ambroze Vaz. '' : n, :: -= irformation on the bible, he also : : - :: : - r gave suggestions on how we could : - : - - ::'s:and God's words in a more personal ics were also led
=": : :-
' :,:
latholics, the programme also on'A better understanding of
As a closure to the .JC2 religion programme, an evening of exploration was organised for )C2 students.The focus was to look ahead at their various life options.A significant group of about 30 priests, religious, married and single, lay people as well as NUS undergraduates spent the evening with the JC2 students, sharing deeply their vocation and life choices - how God through the events, moments and people in their lives helped them to arrive at their decisions and to stay happy in their vocations. lncluded in the programme was a vocation talk by Brother Michael Broughton;the panel and small groups sharing and discussion;an interesting question and answer session, a talk on discernment by Friar John PaulTan and a prayer session by Friar
Michael D'Cruz. The theme forthe.JCl retreat was"Hungry'lThe retreat focused on getting to know our loving God betterito come backto Him and to continue to hunger for Him in our lives.While the student leaders from the Catholic Activities Council formulated, organised and made all the necessary arrangements for the retreat, members from the YPM contributed much of the input in the form of meaningfultalks, sharings and songs.A highlight of the retreat was the
reconciliation session led by Father Leslie Raj. He guided the students in a time of reflection of self and the beauty of coming back to God.
a't a"
The religious experience and dimension of would not have been possible and complete
-: - talk
: ,- college chaplain, Father Leslie Raj (SJ)
without the dedication and involvement of the
(J( Annual Vol. l
24 l,
Ash Wednesday Mass: Tbacher Mr Vincent Chong Placing ashes on
Friar Michael D'Cruz during rhe Lenten Vigil Night session and talk
Qorrine\ forehead.
student leaders of the Catholic Activities Council (CAC) as well as the members from the CAC Liturgy and Music Ministries.With on-going duties like the Morning Masses every Monday,Wednesday and Friday and the daily morning prayers during assemblies,they helped the college family to stay close to our loving Father from day to day. The CAC also organised Masses to celebrate the major Feast days of the Catholic faith and those of our nation. During these celebrations, Catholic as well as non-Catholic students and teachers are invited to be involved through their serving at the altar, singing and playing of various musical instruments,the reading of the scriptures,the leading in the community prayers, the offering of gifts of bread and wine as well as their
participation during the Mass. Masses were celebrated by our faithful chaplain Father Leslie Raj (SJ) and Friar Michael D'Cruz was
always ready to stand in for Father Leslie when he was unavailable. An interesting addition to the list of duties and activities that the CAC organised was the Good Friday Service. Due to the renovations
ofthe Church of
lgnatiulthe parish community celebrated their Good Friday Service in CJC.Together with Fr Leslie Raj and various key adult parishioners,the CAC councillors and teachers helped to organise and coordinate the service.Other Catholic students from the college were invited to get involved and together,we erected the altar of repose, prepared the altar and vessels for communion, decorated the auditorium, ushered, played the piano and served as altar boys. Besides catering to the spiritual needs of
college,the CAC also organised the Orientation Camp for new JC1 students.This was a camp opened to all students of different faiths with the intention to help JC1 s get to know the college better and to make more friends.More than 90 students
before Communion.
Studenx prayingduringMas receiuing Holy
students hangingthe purple chth 0nt0 the cross t0 signifit the start ofLent.
participated in the camp.Activities included teamwork games, a treasure hunt and sessions on what it means to be a CJCian. This spirit of service and commitment of the JCl
students was demonstrated in their involvement in the Lenten Project. Several JCl Catholic students came together and organised and carried out the Ash Wednesday morning prayer during assembly. This group of students also organised the Lenten was an overnight vigil.Together with Fr Leslie Raj,the students organised a time of reflection and reconciliation.This\,rras followed by the Stations of the Cross around the college grounds.Those who participated took turns to carry a big wooden cross while the prayer leaders read short reflection passages. Friar Michael D'Cruz conducted the next session which focused on the crucifixion of our Lord Jesus Christ.To help us better understand the attitudes and feelings of the different groups of people towards Jesus during that time, he re-enacted the scene and explained the reasons why these people did not believe in Jesus.We also reflected on
how we ourselves could have played these different roles at various times of our lives.The evening ended with a time of adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. The CAC does not only cater to the college community. Events like the sale of Chiang Rai cards in the parishes ofthe Churches ofSt lgnatius and St. Francis Xavier and various fund-raising projects in college were also organised to raise funds for the lJ Mission Home in Chiang Rai,NorthernThailand.Other CJC students were also invited to help out in these sales. ln addition, students help out in the parish events like the funfairs of the Church of St Mary of the Angels and the Church of St Francis Xavier. The year ended for the JC2 students with the Graduation Day Ceremony which included a prayer service."To act justly,to love tenderly and to walk
\fichael Broughton aith
some ofthe
JC2 Catholic studenx duringJC2 Euening ofExploration
rumbly with your God. (Micah 6:8)"was the theme of
For the JCl students and the staff,the End of the 'eer Closing Ceremony on the last day of the school .:ar was a time set aside for giving thanks to God for
Thanksgiving Mass in the prayer room in the morning. Then after a time of cleaning, all students gathered in the auditorium forthe Prayer Service and Ceremony. Besides the various thanksgiving prayers led by Mr Alfred Pang,the ceremony included Alan Phua, President of the Student Council and Valerie James, Secretary of the Catholic Activities Council leading the council in a short reflection of past events in the year. With the help of a montage, they voiced out their thoughts in a meaningful time of recollection.The ceremony and the year ended with the final singing of the college anthem "ln Veritate et Caritate"
Ms Gail
:ne ceremony. During the ceremony, Fr Leslie Raj led in the prayers and gospel reading while Mrs JasmineTan and the college choir led in the reflection and 'esponse. ln the final prayer and blessing,the college !rayed as a whole for the JC2 students to continue to ,ive lives that respond to God's call to love and to commit themselves to act justly and to care for all around them.
: countless blessings throughout the year and to on all that was learnt and achieved during the :- -rse ofthe year. -he Catholics started the day by having a
Religion Coordinator (oordinator
CAC Teacher
3 December 2003
r "'r"'Annuarvor'24
. i!
'' ;
(left to right) Tang Wen Ai (Head of Publicity), Qorrine Grace Lee Yin Hui (Head of Formation), Marie Goh Rui Ling (Vice-President), Rev. Fr. Leslie Raj (Si) (College Chaplain), Bro. Paul Rogers (Prtncipal), Alexius Yeo Per Guan (President), Nino Arvind Raju (Head of Liturgy), Jean Lau Mei Ying (Legion of Mary Representative).
Sharon Woo Ai Wen (Councillor), Ms Gail Ng, Mr Alphonsus Wong, Ms Caroline Smith, Mrs Angeline Khoo, MrVincent Chong, Michelle Goh Hui Jing (Councillor).
Cynthia Ong Shi Jie (Councillor), Benjamin Chan Lin Han (Councillor), Daryl Tay Wei Jie (Councillor), Nalpon Walter Edgar (Councillor), Loo Zhi .Jian (Councillor), Stacey Huang Rimin (Councillor), Stephanie Leow Yong Yuan (Councillor).
:= -_._+_
:.,'r 2:
(left to right) Mr Alphonsus Wong, Ms Caroline Smith,Wu ZongLun (Vice-President), Rev. Fr. Leslie Raj (SJ) (College Chaplain), Bro. Paul Rogers (Principal), Maryanne Ng Chian Jin (President), Ms Gail Ng,!4rs Angeline Khoo, Audrey Melissa Low Zhen Mei (Asst. Head of Music). Lianne Madeleine Phi Chua (Asst. Head of Liturgy), Nicholas Koh Seow Kwang (Head of Music),Terence Chang Wei Wen (Head of Formation), Shawn Ng You Jie (St.Vincent de Paul Representative), Stephen Khaw Chi Tong (Head of Liturgy), Mr Vincent Chong,Valerie Anne James (Secretary) and Elizabeth Zhou Aihui (Legion of Mary Representative).
Student Council year has certainly been busy for the Council and like everyone else,adaptations had to be made to various plans because of the SARS outbreak.
Early in the year,the planning of the 28th Student
Council reached a peak in the January Orientation programme.The greatest challenge for the group was
to incorporate team-building strategies in
that allowed flexibility. Many thanks must go to the dedicated Orientation Facilitators who made their presence felt throughout the first week ofthe new year.As usual,the new students were made to feel welcome in the great CJ family. Many remember the finale in particular with its opportunity to show how well the orientation families had bonded. For the 28th Council,this was now their examination year and so the difficult task of balancing Council duties and academic studies was an ever present issue. Fortunately,the councillors, being the resourceful folkthey are,were able to establish study groups and a support system.This extended beyond the council so that you could often see tuition sessions taking place in the council room.
Orientation llwas unusual in the sense that it was postponed due to the SARS outbreak. A number of adjustments were made to the original programme in order to take into account the necessary health checks required each day. Remember those declaration formsl Nevertheless,the"Mindblast" concept got under way and this contributed to the gelling process of the new batch of JClt joining us in the second intake. It was not long after Oll that the 28th Council had to begin considering the end oftheir term of office. Breaking away from previous years practice, it was suggested by the Exco that we should run a Council
attachment programme for JC1 students interested in serving with the council.This turned out to be quite a success with many of those who took part in the attachment eventually going on to become members of the 29th Council in June.The concept was slmple, the attachees would shadow a councillor or councillors for the period from'1ate April to the end of May. During this time they would get a taste of the organizational structure of the council and assist in carrying out council duties such as ushering.The idea proved to be effective enough to warrant considering a more extensive programme in 2004.
One of the most demanding duties for councillors at this point of the year was the college sports
carnival.This served as a perfect opportunity for both the outgoing councillors and council nominees to work together and help in the organization and running ofthe events. lt was clear that the school leaders enjoyed the day in spite of the heat and we are very proud of their commitment. The council elections at the end of May saw
twenty-two new councillors being elected.This was
comparatively small group and some reorganization of the executive positions was necessary to make more efficient use of the man (and woman) power at hand.The original Leadership Camp concept was adapted to a Seminar (again largely due to SARS) but this certainly did not dampen the spirits of our young leaders. ln fact,the Seminar attracted a record number with leaders of the two councils and CCA heads being joined bythe HomeTutorial Councillors. The high point for most of those involved was,yet again,Mr lsaac Lim and ODAC's orienteering task.This year the job involved pace and mental agility with teams being expected to collect clues and solve problems on the way.To add to the degree of difficulty,we also had to contend with pouring rain but this certainly did not dampen anyone's s'pirits. Following the Leadership Seminar was the lnvestiture of the two new Councils.This is always something of a sad event as we say goodbye to the outgoing council and welcome the newly elected councillors into their posts.What was most heartening at the lnvestiture was to see the way the members of the 28th Council openly supported their juniors in the newly formed 29th Council. The second half of the year moved very rapidly as examinations approached.The 29th councillors found themselves in the thick of things with the organisation of the Teachers' Day celebrations and numerous other activities.The new council has established itself as an effective group with a particular interest in the feedback given by the student body.Their aim is to be able to provide a useful channel of communication to the administration as well as promoting new activities, events and so on through the use of the council noticeboards.
H STUDENT COUNCIL eft to right) Felicia Erika Atmadja (Honorary Treasu rer), Ms Evelyn Nathan, Ms Linda Giam, Giselle Xu yuxuan rresldent), Brother Paul Rogers, Mr Rupert Glascow, Dennis Loo Wei Liang (Vice Preside6rt), Mr Dennis Ang, ','s Amy Lee, Nur Ardianna (Honorary Secretary). {
r':ltneth Zhang, Edmond Lim, Muhammad Khairi, Sean Soh Chuen Chong, Lin Anhong, Ariel Jiang Ruiming, :ary Tan Han Soon,Tan Yi Han, Jingle Yang,Trina Swee Ping Zhi, Koh Peng Yam.
-:anne Lim Xue
Li, Sharon Charmaine Dickman, Chew Ee Suan, Low Shiying, Cheryl Edna Nott Xueli, Candice Wu ".- Erui, lsaring Tan Shi Ling, Zhang Minsi, Michelle Lim Min Li, Nicole Elizabeth Chee Jing Wen.
nual Vol.24 ltr
An ODAC Expedition "Jhis
is an ODAC leadership training expedition, not an excursion. No tour operators to run for do your research, you plan, you check out the train schedule, go to Malaysia to buy train tickets, arrange for bus support, plan your food, logistics, ggS and you
execute. I am not your tour guide, and I am here to criticize and tear down your plans so that you have to plan again."Those were the words of encouragement
for us by our trainer Mr lsaac Lim who believes that the way to make us stand firm on our feet is to put heavy responsibilities on our shoulders. He never seemed to answer our queries immediately,we had to search the lnternet, check the maps, read about other expeditions and their stories. After seeing our plans torn apart a few times, we finally set offfor the expedltion. lt is called Operation 69, meaning 6 days & 9 would be a very tough trip, not done before by any other ODAC from any other school....and we hope to do it with a budget ofjust 5100 a person. Even our ODAC seniors,whom others called mad, said we were mad.We in a day
would be climbing mountains that normally would take others 2-3 days.
Sometimes even 2 mountains a day at 60km apart, meaning not only must we be physically and mentally ready, our transport arrangement must be meticulous and well thought of in advance. We
thought it
is possible if we start early
every morning, rest less and push more during each climb, and stretch the day into night as long as we are prepared for it.
Since this is a leadership expedition to prepare us to be good seniors next year, we have every reason to allow ourselves to be stretched, for we can only truly improve if we choose to step out of our comfort zone. For a start, we met at Marsiling MRT station, walked to the immigration checkpoint and crossed the Causeway to theJohore train station.We chose to take a train from Johore because it is not wise to travel 25km south toTanjong Pagar,catch the train t hour earlier, pay double the price (in Singapore dollars), and travel north 25km to arrive atWoodlands again. Our first stop was at Kelantan state.There we had to take a boat across the river,then trekked up a huge and spectacular was a breathtaking and humbling scenery. We went on to climb to the summit of Gunung Stong (1400m).We saw something very interesting. There were lots of elephant dung, some even with
mushrooms growing on them. Then we trekked back torchlight of course) and reached then campsite at 9pm. lt was raining but we still had to cook our dinner and wash up later.We pitched our tents at 1 'l pm and slept.We were turned-out at 4.30am."Dismantle your tent. pitch tent again. Slowl in the dark (with a
40 push-ups. Now you eat and l'll see you across the river at 6.30am"Our attitude was positive as we took
that not as punishmen! but
challenge for our
tolerance and resilience for self improvement. The sunrise among the cloud-covered mountains was awesome.To some of us,that was the first time nature showed us such beautiful scenes.We took
photographs and began our long day. This day we climbed Gunung Ayam i1500m).lt was a longer and tougher journey and we had to start earlier.We
managed to reach the foothills just before n ightfall.The'prize' for our good effort was an "evacuation exercise"where we had to carry Danielle all the way from the foothills to the bus stop.We took a night train to Segamat, then boarded a local bus to the
,ilt ophir foothills. Our third mountain was Mt Ophir 276m).lt was a long,tough but '1
nteresting climb.We had to trek past ceautiful waterfalls, go through caves, a rockface and overcome a giant 'cale -cck cliff before reaching the summit.The ;ummit view was rewarding as there were -o trees there to obstruct our view of the surroundings.We felt like we were on top :'the world.Then the rain came and we
.ad to descend.The logistics department - particular,worked very hard that day. --ey had to run ahead, fixed ropes, helped rest,then waited for all to clear the
:rstacles before dismantling the rope, run - nont again etc.On top ofthat,they had :: :ie markers on trees on the way up,to
de us down at night. We had dinner at the waterfall, sat
:*ere till the sky turned dark.The next
lenge was for us to descend the rest of :-e mountain in the dark with torches.We happily,listening to the ",e.,t slowly and - rsic of the forest,led by the cicadas and
:" :xets.We reached the foothills at 1Opm. /Je had two mountains to climb the -,--': day.We had to travel 80km north by :,*s:o Negri Sembilan state.
-re climb to the summit
of Gunung 710m) was interesting as we had to
-*l,iiiate enormous rocks with the ;{. :-iirce of metal ladders.The view from t-â&#x201A;Ź :3p rvas again spectacular
r,i*.: 3nly rocks and no trees.We could see
rnountains below and even as far as
-râ&#x201A;Ź ::-alts of Malacca.
rrr: descended and had to travel 60km :,-'.ext mountain Gunung Angsi
J:5: ,,' as 5pm (due to bus .
::r- --nication problems) by the time we ::{rr: to climb.Only eight of us were trflea:?l as we had to go at a fast pace. lt ru/r,ii -: - 'rg too but we kept on and on.
The eight of us felt like we had a mission to accomplish for the others below who gave us so much moral support.They gave us their chocolates and spare torches, and waited patiently below for 5-6 hours."We
cannot fail them and we should not rest or slow down to make them wait longeriwe
told ourselves. We reached the summit at 7.1Opm,
snapped a picture and descended. During our descent, we saw a giant frog, as big as a child's head.We also saw fireflies when we switched off our torches to feel peace with the forest and nature at night. But we had to move on, and we reached the foothills at 1 l pm.The rest of the members cheered for us and the caring first-aid department attended to some of our wounds, cuts and leech bites. Our 6th mountain was Gunung Belumut (1010m) near Kahang in Johore state.This is a tough and high mountain and there is no way we could go up and down this mountain in half a day with our backpacks.So we went to a cheap motel and rented the cheapest room to put our big bags.The climb was strenuous with slippery steep took us three and a half hours of non stop climbing to reach the was cold up there as the clouds had blocked the sunlight the wind and rain kept coming at us. Some of us were shivering but we just had to bear with it and enjoy the was unfortunate that the clouds blocked allthe view from the summit. But at least it gave us a sense of"we are in the clouds"feeling and together with the cold, we felt that we were really on a very high mountain.
Catchingfish in the riuer
Elephant Pool at Ledang).
The pleasure
Mt Ophir (Gunung
hiking rhrough
After the descent,we had to walk 6km from the foothills to the bus-stop.We waited 2 hours before the local bus arrived, which took another t hour to bring us to Kluang town.We had dinner there and it started to pour heavily. When the rain stopped,we took a taxi
to Gunung Lambak foothills,4km away. We started our climb up Gunung Lambak (51 0m) at was a fun and exciting experience, climbing up in the night all by ourselves.This mountain is short but steep, with lots of ropes to guide us up. Our torch looked like a line of Christmas lightings.The morale was high
when we reached the summit.The night
Je law
ang Waterfa I I (bas
I "I
vor.24 s-
nstu the saeet sunriie
cliffto overcome towards the end.We were happy as we thought we would take much longer. Some of us took out our socks to check for leeches stuck between our bloody toes.We were told not to kill therir but just flick and release them to the forest where they belong.On our way down we came across this giant mountain tortoise.We felt so lucky to be able to see and touch it. Scrub-a-dub-dub we wash ourfeet
scenery of Kluang town seen from Gunung Lambak is quite nice.We sat down for a short sharing session, sang songs and were also entertained by two
tlowns'who acted
as Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker fighting with lightsticks
and speaking in Hokkien.We all had a good laugh before falling asleep on the
mountain top. The days passed so fast and before long we were at day 6,our last day.
Mountdin torto;se on Gunung Panti
We descended Gunung Lambak at 6am, reached Kluang town before taking a local bus to KotaTinggitown 90km away.
There we had to find a cheap motel again to put our bags before we took a taxi to
the Gunung Panti foothills.
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We took one-and-a-half hours to reach the summit of Gunung Panti (530m).lt was a relatively easy climb, with only a small
Our last mountain was Gunung Muntahak (610m).We had to jog 3km towards the Kota Tinggi resort, then sidetrack to the mining area.The journey towards the trailhead along the mining area was beautiful.We felt as if we were in the Grand Canyon area in Arizona.There were also a few lakes in the area.The climb up was gentle and easy. By the time we descended, it was nightfallas usual.
We had a quick debrief at the Kota Tinggi resort.Mr Jason Liu,(who joined us with three of his netball girls) also gave us good feedback.We had a good time with the netballers, enjoyed each other's company and learned from each other. lndeed the journey offered more than the destination. ODAC is like a bed of roses... you have to overcome the thorns below to taste the sweetness above.
Mission Thip to'ilfiang Kaen I
!i '1
ii l:
= . ;tgfo*;b'
of CJCians and the Hmong children
College organised a trip to the Catholic Mission of Wian Kean,Chiang Rai in NorthernThailand,
: :se to the Thai/Laotian border from 7 to
,-:cember 2003.The centre is home to about 60 :r'ldren of needy HmongTribes people who reside in :-= hills surrounding the region.The centre attends to :-: needs and educatlon ofthe children'26 students :.C 4 teachers from Catholic Junior college took part
the Home's own farm.There,we basically cleared weeds and helped to irrigate some of the plants. Our first encounter with tlie Hmong children was during dinner on the first night which saw many of us putting to good use ourThai phrasebook - our main obstacle was still the communication barrier we had with them.The highlight of the trip was when we took
- :his Overseas Community lnvolvement Project' :"'iching the lives of the Hmong children through
the children out to Big C - a local shopping mall in the citY of Chiang took us almost
-:eraction and donations was the main purpose of
two hours by bus to get to Big
.- s trip.
Before the trip even began many of us were :r-ried that we would not be able to adapt to the ':style in Wiang Kaen as we had to leave behind our
bed, computer and of course, our
:: rfortable -
However, on hindsight things turned out from what we had thought'With ftle rest we had, our first task was to I,relp the from -.:a Hmong villagers carry huge sacks of rice
:r"dphone! ce totally different
:-: :-:
ioot of a hill near the harvesting site to their
as -es.Our'adventure'with rice did not end there day saw us thrashing and winnowing " := grains at the Mien village - another tribe at within
i, iang Kaen region.As part of the itinerary,we :-t to a cotton plantation - a first for many of us, as
rad never seen cotton plants before'There,we' experience to harvest the =-: given a hands-on
-: -:n.The
last farming activity we carried out was at
but the wait was wellworth
it as many of the children had never even left the sleepy village of Wiang Kaen.This
could be seen bytheir excitement when the children repeatedly hopped on and off the only escalator in the mall. Later,we also took them to lunch at KFC anotherfirst forthem.We then paired up with ourThai 'buddies'and walked around the shopping mall. By the end of the day, we could see the contentment on each and every one of their faces.
too had their hours of the wee the up in share of fun as we woke Pucheefa rise on -a morning to see the sun Besides the children,the CJCians
mountain that literally means'finger pointing to the sky'lThere,we were shivering in the cold waiting for the sun to rise and when the time
/'i 41
Annual Vol.24
tur fcfft i-lai" b* Yrr
rF n?f,6!
r y,.11 h. 1t:;e tâ&#x201A;ŹtrJi' ''-
Our students playing
a game
the Hmong children.
An English leson
Limbo rocking uith the children in the centre.
On Mount Pu Chi Fa.
that it was all worth it as the view was simply stunning! Following that we took a short ride to the banks of the Mekong River which separates Thailand and Laos.We took many candid shots and then headed backto the home. came, we felt
To conclude our trip a Christmas Party was held for the children and included performances from both the CJCians and Thai children.Then came the farewell, which had its share of tears and laughter.They sang Thai songs for us and then Sister Bernard,the person
in charge of the home, led the children to come to each and everyone of us to bid us farewell and show their utmost gratitude for all the things that we as CJC have done for them. lt was truly a very moving sight as many present broke down into tears including some of the teachers.Thereafter,we gave them presents for
\ \ \\ \\
Christmas and most were reciprocated with
* r.^""'"''"'l
friendship bands and drawings.Although the gifts from them were simple, it meant a lot to us as we carried our heavy hearts back home. We gained a lot from this experience and especially learnt how to appreciate all the thing things we have around us like our friends and parents.This trip cast our lives in perspective as we see how different our lifestyles are and how fortunate we are to
to live in also allowed us to forge new friendships not only with the children but also among us CJCians. Lastly, a word of thanks to Brother Paul Rogers for his continued support in this mission trip through the years as well as the teachers for be able
planning the trip and making it an experience of a lifetime, surely not forgetting Mr Foo Seck Shin for his amusing antics. Khoop Khun Khrap!
Lefi: The child deuelopment centre under construction. Aboue: Huda, Valerie, Ayu and Aaron hard at woyk.
**n:i I
flavours- Som Tum (papaya salad), Phad Thai (the thai version of Char KwayTeow) and Kao Soi (Thai laksa) just to name a few.We experienced the unique
friendliness of our temporary Thai neighbours, who never ceased showing their generosity by happily giving us fruits, bamboo canes and other exotic foodstuffs with wide and toothy smiles. However, most memorable of all,we experienced the full eagerness of the village kids to learn and interact with us,their newly-found Singaporean friends from a vastly different learning culture. Unlike Singapore schools, peppered with modern wonders of technology like computers and air conditioning,the atmosphere was full of a feeling of homeliness. Although their classrooms were still spartan and confined to using only wooden stools and tables,the Thai students were deeply enthusiastic to learn about the English Language from us. However it soon appeared as if we were the ones who were learning more from them than they were learning from us.We,who have never spoken a single word of PasarThai,were able to form full sentences from the daily interaction we had with the children both in and out of the classroom. Even at the construction site, where all of us
Y U(
Annual vol.
also had the chance to work in due to rotation of duties, communication got easier as the days wore on.The human chain that We formed to speed up the passing of mortar, cement, sand and rocks was easily directed through a mixture of gestures and Thai gesticulations. We were after all unskilled labour, and were highly inexperienced in the ways of construction work; trying our hand at laying bricks seemed to slow down the work more than it . helped bring up the school! However,there were the school \ a few features and implements ofproduct which we rightly could call the of \ hard our labour. For one, the two metre deep \ M
and 1 metre wide sewage hole meant to store the products of daily human tasks was wholly dug by a small group of Mittapaap lnitiative expedition members over three full days of backbreaking work. The weather at Ban Mae Tan Noi was also a far cry from the tropical humidity of Singapore.The dry air made many lips and heels crack.The dust that was so dense,turned green leaves reddish brown on the dusty dirt roads.The cold weather made patients out of many expedit'ron members as cold nights were followed by even colder mornings with temperatures dipping to up to 7 degrees Celsius. Most of us had been unprepared for the extreme change in weather and thus faced the full gale of Northern Thailand's cold winter.
The experience was certainly a memorable one, not only because of the pleasant ones with the children ofthe school or the construction ofthe school building, but also because of the living conditions we had faced in Ban MaeTan Noi. lt certainly was not one experience that any of us in the Mittapaap lnitiative would forget.
The Carnival... Certainly one of the more exciting experiences we had.Twenty-five lnteractors from a mish-mash of secondary schools and Junior Colleges joined us on 15 December,just in time to assist us with a brainchild of a few members of our group- a carnival for the kids. Preparations had gone on for a few days prior to the event, but eventually easy-to-play games like zero point, bowling and'2,4,6,8'were made ready for the event.The thirty-two boxes of donations which we had so furiously worked to bring all the way up from Singapore acted as the prizes to be given out to the children. On
that special
day, school was dismissed early
university students.To many, it certainly was not music to the ears, but the strange upbeat and lively noises kept the atmosphere alive with joy and euphoria.
Our farewell... Thirteen days in Ban MaeTan Noi seemed to pass quickly for us. Every one of us in the Mittapaap lnitiative had developed a strong bond towards Ban MaeTan Noi Village and its people.We ended our stay in Ban MaeTan Noi with the final handover ceremony of the new school building in the morning. lt was a tearful, but yet happy event, graced by the mayor of the Hang Chat province.We were treated that day to a
variety of Thai performances put up by the children- a beautiful myriad of colours that day exploded in gracefulThai dance steps performed by a select few of the best dancers in the school.The rest of the children ofthe school bade farewell to us by handing us humble gifts of flowers and garlands stillfresh amidst the dry, dusty weather. Some were even seen asking our participants to remain behind in the village and
\ \ \\ \'\ \ \\ \\ ;\\
#'46 Y Annual Vol.24 (JC
not return backto Singapore. However,time came tor us to leave Ban Mae Tan Noi village, and every member of the Mittapaap lnitiative,togetherwith the members of Chiang Mai University,Far Eastern college and the twenty-five other lnteractors, packed onto Songtiaos donning our blazoning black Mittapaap lnitiative t-shirts and left Ban MaeTan Noi,almost in the same nostaliic fashion in which we had arrived. Ban Mae Tan Noi had left a mark on all of the twentyfive of us. ln literal English translation, Ban Mae Tan Noi means the House of the Mother of Tan Noi. Over the past thirteen days,this house which had encompassed the full warmth,friendliness and serenity of the Mother of Tan Noi had transformed the twenty-five of us in the Mittapaap lnitiative to regard it as more than a house... Ban MaeTan Noi Villagethough it was home for us only for thirteen days, it had left its permanent imprint in our hearts,and in our
minds... for life...
JCl Orientation JanuarY 2-7
ti !.
Lefi to right: Our student fucilitators. 1 for the first intake of JCl students place from January 2-7.The theme "Explosion"was chosen to reflect youthful energy and
challenging hands-on problem solving games that tested the students'ability to think quickly and
vibrance. During the four days our new students attended talks, played games, met seniors and teachers and learned to find their way around the college.They also attended a CCA Fair where the various clubs and societies set up booths to attract new members.Aside from the usual ice-breaker games,this year's programme included a series of
The second Orientation was held from March 2426 and on April 1 1.The programme was originally planned to last for 5 days, but was cut short by the SARS outbreak.The theme"Family of Stars"was picked to reflect how the students will unite and shine as one
--;----\ \ r\\
\\ \\
Chinese New Year Celebrations January
Brother Paul admiring n lantern made
T'= :ci ege celebrated Chinese NewYear with an I , : , of activities.The morning began with a ..-,- .y our Principal, Brother Paulfollowed by ' : : ar'Cing of prizes for the New Year Lantern .: =
- :::
:ion. One of the essential criteria was clearly evident in2f24's winning lantern.
-: :lace went to 1T30 with 1T21 coming in
' : -: concert proper then began with a big , ' . - ::rallyl A lion dance troupe from the Long - - - ^ )ance
by the students.
the duditorium
both staff and students with a traditional lion dance.The concert featured items by the Symphonic Band, the Dance Club and the Chinese Orchestra. But the crowd pleaser was the Malay dance by the Malay Cultural Society which was innovative and lively with a combination of Malay and Chinese influences.The celebrations ended
with the traditional pot-luck sessions in the home
tutorial rooms.
and Wushu Centre entertained
The Malay Cultural Societl tlancers.
The Ddnce Club mnking their
moues. .t
,/ ,/ i |
li,,i +o
riiir Annual
GCE ?t' Level Results March
Ourjubilant studenx on
the da1 ofthe release oftheir
leuel resubl
fhis year CJC made headlines junior I for being the most improved college
in Singapore,with marked improvements shown in key subjects such as General Paper,MotherTongue and
History.At 2.30 pm Brother Paul addressed the nervous group of students in the auditorium. He revealed that he had received a call from the Ministry of Education earlier that morning, congratulating the college for being the junior college that had shown
the most improvement.As a camera crew from the local TV station, Channel I filmed the jubilant students, Brother Paul read out the subjects in which the students had scored well and shown significant improvement. He also introduced our top student, Anindita Santosa from 2T34.The students then went to meet their home tutors to get their result was a day of celebration for both students and their teachers.
Brother Paul addressing the students
\\\\ Our History students with their History
Annual Awards Ceremony May
n right: Lauinia seluakumaL Hong Heng from the class of 2002. From lef Meluin Thn' Tbo Zizhong' Corinna Chan, Michelie Pereira, Lee ieng Huai' Enien Tan'
29th Annual Awards Ceremony started on a I frlgt'r no," as CJC was the most improved junior college based on the 2002 GCE A level results' Chief Operating Officer of Hyflux Ltd and an alumnus, Dr Deidre Murugasu was our guest of honour'The event started with an address by Mr Bernard Chen, Chairman of the College Management Committee' This was followed by a prayer service led by Father
Leslie Raj. Brother Paul then delivered his speech,
congratulating the prize winners and exhorting the current JC2 students to draw inspiration from their forbears and improve upon the results of last year' Dr Murugasu next gave an inspiring speech, encouraging late bloomers.The ceremony then proceeded with the presentation of awards to JC1 and )C2 prize winners'
Meluin Tan Kwang
fdmily and Brother
and Mrs Loke 7lo Zizhong with his mother' Ms Cheng Lean Kiow Lay Hoon.
.:ir\ I '
\\\\ \\ \\,
(.1( (J( Annual uot' Annual vol
Anlnrlita Sartos) *ith Brother Paul.
52 tz
Youth D^y lstudent Councils Investiture July
Our student councillors
fhe college celebrated Youth Day with a concert I performed by our teachers to entertain their students. Some were hilarious and had the audience in stitches.The first item was a skit performed by a group of new teachers;it was entitled'The Ring'and was a spoof the movie'Lord of the Rings:Mr lsaac Lim regaled the audience with a humorous medley of songs that depicted life in college.The final item put up by a large group of teachers led by Mr David Fahy
and Mr Rupert Qlascow was another skit that parodied our students'behaviour and antics. The second half of the day's proceedings was more solemn and comprised the joint investitures of the 29th Students'Council and the new Catholic Activities Council.The college community witnessed the outgoing councillors passing the flame of their responsibilities to the newly elected councillors.
Maryanne Ng, Praident of the CAC
giuing her
(J( Annual
Nicholas Koh receiuing the badge ftom Brother Pnul.
Fatho Raj blesing the badges.
Teachers' D^y Celebrations August 29
The Dance Club
lre students organized several activities to honour I their teachers.When all the students were settled in the auditorium,the Catholic Activities Council did a special skit about God's relationship with us. Brother Paul then addressed the students and staff. He spoke
about the meaning of education and how we should always cherish our teachers.The teachers were then entertained by various musical and dance
performances by their students.At the end of the concert, a large cake, a gift from the student body to the teachers, was wheeled in and brought to the center of the stage for cutting by Brother paul and a few teacher representatives.The day's celebrations concluded with class parties in the home tutorial room5.
The Guitar Club
Malay Cubural Socie4r dancers.
\ , & Y
Ian Tbh bebing out a
Graduation D^y October
Pinning the grddutftioil
Sng Mee
Lidn giuing
folder to Ti'aq, Lary with Loke
Brother Pdul giuing a Zone Colours Award to Leow.Jun Cheng, the canoetng cdPtdln
T- . was a special ceremony to mark the end of our L :2 students'sojourn in our college. lt began with '. ::achers
marching into the auditorium to the loud
students.There was a =='s of their appreciative , - :". crayer service followed by a speech by Brother : -'ie praised the successes and achievements of : -' . l2 students and publicly acknowledged specific :
: . iuals for their academic
success in the rary examinations and for their CCA awards. --=.= itudents included those who won Colours
Awards and NYAA Bronze and Silver Awards.Willy See of 2f 15 was highlighted for winning the President's Scout Award. Antony Tsang of 2T08 and Soh Ze Bin of were called to the stage to receive their NTUC lncome Sports Excellence Award. Elizabeth Tan of 2T01 and Koh Peng Yam of 2T17 were the student valedictorians.The ceremony concluded with the home tutors giving graduation pins and folders to their students. 2T1 8
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Annual Vol.24
Clositg of the Year Ceremony November
Alan Phua andValerie James reflecting on
year\ actiuities
Best Home Class.
annual ceremonv marked the end of the academlc year for the JC1 was held in the auditorium and began with a prayer service.The
Presidents ofthe Student Council and the Catholic Activities Council then reviewed the year they had spent in the college.Their reflections were tied to a montage of various scenes of JCl college life. Brother Paul next addressed the audience and took a retrospective view of what has been said,done and experienced bytheJCl students in 2003.He
Mr Alfred Pang for the ceremony.
Mr Dauid Fa@ during
the prayer
highlighted JC1 students who were the top performers in various subjects such as Benjamin See and Aveline Chong of 1T09. He also praised students with outstanding CCA achievements such as
1T1 5
Leonard Lim and Chung Say Chai who won South Zone Colours Awards for Gymnastics.The JC1 Best Home Class was 1T09 whose home tutor is Ms Lim Hiong Li.The ceremony ended with a rousing rendition of the college anthem.
Christmas Play December
d crew singing
song "The Blessing
main work began in earnest only in early November.
f \J
iv\ng was the focus of this year's Christmas play, f n" Giftlorganised by the Catholic Activities - - -ncil ('CAC') and which involved many other .:-::nts from the college. The play,which was
:="':'med on 12 December 2003 in the College - - : rcrium, revolved around a rich but lonely 9irl, : - ,:-ia, acted by Maryanne Ng who throws a party ,-
Actors, actresses and musicians met about three times
attempt to win friends. Led by a '=: a ''ous angel (Gerard Yip), Eugenia returns to the : : :f Jesus and learns that giving comes from the - - 'uccessful
r' - 9 of oneself and not simply .::- a,things. --= clay,which had a musical
the givlng of scene in Act 3,
students from =: :he talents of about thirty JC1 councillors the CAC and body student ,:^eral : - = ced in script writing, acting, musical ;='"1ent, props and stage management.Work on : :." started in early September when a small
: :' :tudents
worked out the story line, after :- :^: director,Nicholas Koh,and assistant . : , ' S rawn Ng, wrote and refined the script. Emily the music and '-o Tan Tuan Hao composed ' :- e catchy songs for the play. However, the -
week in November and early December to hone their acting and musical skills. The students acted a wide range of characters,from teenagers,to shepherds,Wise Men,singing angels and of course, Mary and Joseph, acted by Geraldine Yap and Shawn Ng. At the same time,those responsible for props worked hard to re-cycle existing garments and transform them into eye-catching and dazzling costumes. The splendid but heavy backdrop,which helped contribute a cold and wintry atmosphere to the Nativity scene, was one of the biggest technical headaches for the stage crew who did an excellent job in raising and lowering it during the performance. a
The play started with a reflection about the meaning of Christmas which was presented by Nicholas Koh and Shawn Ng and concluded with an
appeal by Wu Zong Lun for contributions from the audience to aid refugees in other countries and the singing of the final song - The Blessing, by the cast and crew of the play who were accompanied on the piano by Mr Alfred Pang.
From lefi, Maryanne, Eugenia and Geraldine
wise men. Tonglu't.
Zhifu anJ
::a,glr' --&
Air Rifle Jhe Air Rifle Club has had an I exciting and deeply satisfliing year.The highlight of the year must be the success of our Air Rifle team in causing a stir at this year's National Schools Shooting
Competition by beating many highly fancied teams to enter the finals for the first time in the College's history.Though we eventually flnished fourth, members profited from the experience of competition and
training together. The transformation in the
fortune ofthe Club has been made possible by the unstinting support of our Principal and VicePrincipal. Our morale was boosted when our Principal released funds for the acquisition of 10 sets of shooting apparel and engaged the service ofa professional coach. The Club also participated in the NTU lnvitation Shoot in April to acquire experience and in the 3rd CDANS lnter-Schools Shooting Competition where we finished a creditable 6th.The Club also organized a 2 days camp to
Front row (lefi to right): Mr Thn Lye Huat(Teacher-in-charge), Lai Meini(2724), Ang Kai yee Clare(2724), Wong Su Yi Be linda(2729), Quek Mee Lin(2729), Nuurulhuda Bte Russely(L732), Chan Siang Yun Vanusa(1731), Tay \Yendl,(2714), Mr Phq Tlik Eng(Teacherin-charge). Back roa: Tay ChinWe;(1735), Ho Ping Cheun(L733), MohamadAli(2720), Ang Tze Qn([724) Su Anli(L732), Sudhan Raj(2729), Shimon Poh Chong-Vei(1T17), Tan Yanbin(lTlB), Chong Cheong Heng(1723), Gabriel Thong(1722), Huang Cizhen Daryl( I 705), Chua Jia Jun Desmond(2727).
promote bonding between members from both levels in May. The Club has recently purchased 6 sets of Air Pistols
which should provide our 31 members with an additional option during training and competitions. The Club looks confidently
forward to another successful year in 2004 with the generous funding and firm support given by the College.
Our Medal ainning shooters uith the coach. From lefi: Tan Wei Jin Don, Daryl Huang Cizhen, Mr Vincent Chan Cheow Guan, Chua Jia Jun Desmond, Sudhan Raj.
a ::
(2724, Secretary cum Tieasurer), Lai Meini (2721, Girk'Qam Captain), Sudhan Raj (2729, President), Chua Jia Jun Desmond (2727, Vice President cum Armourer), Mohamad Ali B Sapingi
Team Captain).
7th National Inter Schoo/ Shooting Competition 2003
Executive com m ittee
Mr Tan Lye Huat
Sudhan Raj, Chua Jia Jun Desmond, Ang Kai Yee Clare, Lai Meini, Rajiv Jude lllesinghe, Mohamad Ali B Sapingi
Mr Phay Teik Eng
Astronomy Club fJC Lin
Astroclub was established
tgse.t, started offwith
group of students who are interested in Astronomy.The initial years were a trying period for the club as resources and contacts were limited.Throughout the years,we have slowly built up a small reputation as being the club that operates in the nightas we spend the wee hours trying to track a star or a planet in the sky.
other areatwe have successfully set
before. Besides that, we have also taken the initiative to organise overseas Astronomy Trips ourselves.These trips have brought us to places in Malaysia that offer good sites for Astroobservations. Places that we have been to are concentrated mainly
up a Radiojove Research Facility as a
tele-mentoring program with
Richard Flagg from the University Hawaii Windward Community
b r
College in Radio-astronomy research.
Throughout the year,we got to know more people in the Astrocommunity through participation in various Camps.The ANE Astrocam p, ASTRO-F ESTA Ca m p, and the NTU Astronomy Camp are those that we have participated in
well. Currently, we have established
r !
Tiips and Camps
Research The club now operates a Celestron C5 telescope and a pair of Minolta 5 x 10 Binoculars.As for the a
Quizzes and Competitions We have participated in the NTU Astronomy quiz as well as organised some for our college community.These activities developed the students' knowledge and skills in organisation.
in the eastern coast
Balau and Tioman
lsland.These trips offer an opportunity to allow the students to organise trips as well as conducting lessons to an audience in an outdoor setting.
Outreach Pro-
Radiojoue proiect.
The research uith the
started conducting astronomy lessons for primary school students. ln August 2003,we conducted
mentor, Mr Richard Fkgg from the Uniuersity of
two-hour session for
Hauaii, nith a colleague.
from Townsville
Primary School.The response was a novel experience for
students, as the lesson was conducted at night and they got
to see planet Mars through telescope.
j :
i1 JCI Astronomy CIub
Tioman Island. Asnonoml Trip, 15 March 2003
i! I
Kenneth giuing an astronom! Tbwns u i lle Primary S c h o o I students.
(J( Annual vol.
JC2 Astronoml CIub members.
Executive committee
Mr Tan Hoe Teck
Chua Yanru, Lek Wee Keat, Shirley Ting Liu Ying, Melvin Lee (hang Chuan, Lim Zhi Ji , Chua Boon 5iang, Thio Tse Ann,Yeo 5oi Peng Serena
community,we have
6b school students
gfammes As part ofthe strategy to get in touch with the
Peninsular Malaysia. They include: Batu Layar, Desaru,Tanjung
Badminton Team has f- : :JC Badminton I ,-r another year with much
- :': .'ement. --e year saw the badminton
-:;- :rgaging a new professional . : l:- lnlr Zou Erong from China. ---
,ras proven himself
to be a resourcetotheteam as -acle
::c:oached the National A-
I r
Inter-School Badminton -:icnship.This year also saw
': 'rnation
of a formidable Girls' part take in the Nationals, =. - --';in manyyears.
-- : :eam trained
' -:
hard, having
sessions twice a week
!,'' Zou, even increasing to
three times a week as the Nationals approached.The Nationals,which took place in the month of May at Tampines Sports
the fifth/sixth position obtained by our Girls'Team,a high position reached by a team that was
formed only very recently.
Hall, saw the CJC Team put up a
tough fight against other junior col leges like Temasek.Junior
College & Jurong Junior College for the Boys'Team,Victoria Junior College and St Andrew's Junior College for the Girls'Team. Despite no medals won by both teams,
the invaluable experience gained will prove to be not just an eyeopener for our players, but also to prepare them for next year's competitions. Also noteworthy is
The college also has a
Badminton Club for students,who are interested in the sport, to train and engage with one another in friendly competition. Under our teachers-in-charge, the students have managed to pick up effective badminton skills and other precious life skills, such as sportsmanship and determination, through their frequent practices.
ri::ltrr,r'{lx :tt::rti:'.,
Orgil*i i,,i-.
College team with teacher-in-charge. Row 1 (tef to right): t<rury io,, A1)r. Lin Szu Yu, Teo Kaixin Wranica, Quak Thuia, Leo Zhixia Geneuieue. Row 2: Ms Goh ChongTie, Thn Junuei Jonathan, \Yu Zhongwei Edison, Lim Mong Khai Meluin, Lin Anhang, Sou Jun Ming Lee Wei Zheng
Lionel, Ng Mingxiang Jason, Mr Zou Erong. (Absent: Chua MingZhi Darren, Lee Xuandun Joseph, Ng Hsien Chun Aloysius, Lee Hong Keat Cheu1, Lim Huilin Florenrc, Phua LilingJdne, Ow Peiwen, Leo HuipingVanessa.)
:,'t f, ont shot
Teachers-in-charge ^ ::- ihong Tee ' ::: ie ck Shin
Executive â&#x201A;Źommittee
Darren (hua Ming Zhi
Florence Lim Huilin
foach -:- Erong
tl /
Basketball practising for basketball has
been rathertough the Past
year.Juggling 3 sessions a week and our studies was very demanding and it develoPed our discipline and character. Our coach, Mrs Tan reallY gave us all
College Basketball Tournament 2003.We lost 3 beginning matches due to our inexPerience' However, we achieved one victorY in the
match againstTamPines Junior College through sheer determination.We learnt that
that we could handle bY giving us drills that boosted our team spirit
and our fitness.
Tournament,which was held this year by the basketball members
We particiPated in the lnter-
The lnter-Class Basketball
between 6th of Augustand 25th ofAugust,was a huge success as everything went as Planned and a new champion was crowned. We decided to organize such an event to source out talent within our college's students and to invite them to join our team. Besides that,we wanted to make our sport known to everYbodY and for them to enjoy it as much as we do.
&,. Bols' Finals
1* 6 2nd placing
The present
future ofthe CJC team in action'
Teachers-in-charge Mrs Tan Siow Leng
Executive committee Lim De Neng, Koh Hong Jie, Chok
Mr Loh Kum Leong
Sing Ping, Chiam Toon Ren, Lim Meng Hui, Edwin Chua, Mitchelle
Mrs Tan Siow Leng
bashetball team before selection was made.
Bowling A historical perspective
Following its inclusion as a CoreSport in the National Spex (SPorts -:xcellence) 2000 Programme, cowling was introduced as an extra.urricular activity in 1 994 to Junior Colleges and Centralised lnstitutes. 3ackthen,a small group of
The Bowling Club carries out two programmes - one for its
:rthusiasts came together for :entralized training only a few ,',,eek before the 1st National Schools A DivisionTenpin Bowling
lnampionships 1994 inwhich onlY ieven institutions took Part. The introduction of formal
-ining through the SPEX 2000
-:am-To-Bowl Programmes occelerated the growth of bowling a5 an extra-curricular activity and ;c,ort in schools and today bowling s a,,ailable in allschools in !,-gapore.ln CJC,bowling is a :':ou lar co-curricular activity which -,-s always been able to attract €nted and promising students.
= 1e
Club has 37 members ::,nprising 17 boys and 18 girls. l:-rong them 14 members are in
and 23 arein )C2.
members and another for interested members of the college fraternity. Spex Learn'To-Bowl Pro-
gfamme The CJC Bowling Club organizes
modular SPEX Learn-To-Bowl (Basic Level) annually for the beginner as well as for the casual bowler who intends to develop his/her game to his/her maximum potential.This year,a Spex Learn-To-Bowl
Programme was organized forJCl rst intake students.Thirty students successfully completed this programme conducted by the Cathay Bowling Academy.Eight of them became members of the Club.
Thaining Programme for Club
Members A comprehensive training programme was conducted bythe Cathay Bowling Academy to prepare the Club to compete effectively in the 1Oth National
Obiectives and Programmes The objectives of the Club are :,{,'c-fold: to provide opportunities "cr students of the college to learn :e casics of bowling through the
SchoolsTenpin A Division Bowling Championship 2003.The programme included a 3-Day Residential Camp in the March
camaraderie and bonding amongst the participants.The Camp also helped to prepare the participants
ular Spex Learn-To-Bowl
:*:,gramme with the aim of :-:c ing participants of the ::,-'se to acquire a lifelong :- rl,'ment of the game and to :fltlfy talented bowlers and - -:-re them through its :r:,r"ammes to Prepare them to - - r p€t€ successfully for honours * :-e annual National Schools A
, sonTenpinBowling
Teachers-in-charge ut':t Seng Chye N:,,iliilmr
The Ex-co members with
Mr Ho
Seng Chye.
Schools A Division Tenpin Bowling
Championship in which 14 Junior Colleges and Jurong lnstitute competed. Unfortunately, we did not win any medals and was placed eighth.This was our worst showing, being the first time we ended empty-handed. Nonetheless, our representatives put in their best effort despite the absence of their inspirational VicePresident who was unwell at the start of the Championship.The Club will certainly strive to redeem itself and tp re-establish its status and reputation as a formidable contender, having won the Championship twice.
holidays which fostered closer
mentally for competitions. Members can use their Edusave funds for partial or full payment of the training fees.
Competitions .- Twenty-four members participated in the 1Oth National
Team CJ with Ms Chan Choo
Executive committee Hansel Cheong Dexiang, Hossain
Z/llzr'zZ'zz"2z2z2zz.4zz/z'zz4 Leeroy Io M(n C.hung, Cekste Ciua Chunyi, Gabriel Chua Jin Yan, Deborah Kwek Lan Ling
Bridge Club ridge is a card game requiring l-Dreasoning, good team work and a little bit of luck. Although players' individual skills are important, it is the cooPeration
between partners that makes the difference between victory and defeat. The CJC Bridge Club has come long way since its formation in 1998 and has evolved into its present strong and close unit. After tasting the bitter experiences of previous tournaments, our players learnt valuable lessons' lt
helped strengthen our teams to be able to challenge colleges such as RIC and NJC for top Positions.
to capture the attention of the Singapore Contract Bridge
During the NUSS BridgeTeam Tournament 2003, CJCTeam A did the college proud by clinching the 4th place in the JC category and 7th position overall. This tournament exposure enabled our teams to obtain 2nd place in the
currently training to qualify for the Singapore Youth Team which represents Singapore at international youth tournaments. with the help of an excellent trainer at SCBA and exPert tiPs from national players, our PlaYers' skills would,without a doubt, improve by leaps and bounds.
Association (SCBA) and are
lnter-College Bridge Team Tournament 2003 after a close fight with VJC's more experienced CJC
When not preparing for competitions, our members PlaY the game to relax everY Wednesday after school. What better way to relieve the stress of studying than to sit around a table with friends to play bridge? With jokes and laughter everYwhere, there is rarely a dull moment.
players. A
few of our players managed
Summary of Activities in 2003
8 Jan 2003
NTU Open Pairs 2003
5 Feb 2003
NUS Open Pairs
31 May-1Jun
16 students rePresented CJC
NUSS BridgeTeamTournament
4 students represented CJC
CJC Team A obtained 15 JC teams
On the whole,the Club has succeeded overall in its goals to create a friendly environment for players to relax and enjoY the game. Given its current rate of
8 students represented CJC
4th placing out of
Chee Zheng Lun 2T28, Lee Shing Lam 2T28, HoWeng Luen Stanley 2T28,Ye Jinkun Charls
lntercollege BridgeTeam
CJC Team
Tournament 2003
16 students represented CJC
2 obtained 2nd placing out of 16
teams Chee Zheng Lun 2T28, Lee Shing Lam 2T28, lvan MokFu Guang lTl5,KelvinOngYisheng 1T14
06 Aug
improvements, it should definitelY be something to look at in the years to come.
BridgeTraining Enrichment Module
Our members hard at Play!
Finalisx ofthe CJC Inter-College Bridge Team Tturnament 200'3'
Executive committee
Ms Yoong Lian Teen
Jinkun Charles, Wan 5um Yan,
Huang Yancheng Nicholas, Lee 5hing Lam, Liang Yaosheng, Tan Wei'en Nicholas
Chess Club f
hess is a soort
that has been
in the 2oo3 SouthEast Asian Games. lt advocates the use of the following skills to overcome obstacles : foresight, planning, logical decisions, consistency and anticipation.
Nationl Schools' lndividual Chess Championship (March 2003)
(June 2003)
Cherissa Sng of 2T01 (4th)
Girls'lndivid ua I Tou rnament - Lidya Siauw of 2T1 5 (3rd position) Boys'LightningTournament - Chong Kai Shing of 2f17Qrd position)
National Schools'Team Chess Championship (June 2003) Girls Boys
- 4th position *
9th Raffles lnter-School Chinese Chess Competition 1
1Oth position
Boys'Team Tournament
The Chess Club has done well
this year:
Stephen Su (teacher-in-charge). Standing: Desmond Goh (Secretarl, Yeung Qimin Jonathan (Logistics), Wong Hsien Han (Tieasurer), and Mr Tan Kian Hoe (teacher-in-
2003/2004 Ex-co members. Seated (lefi to right): Thn Kah Kee (VicePresident), Tian Hai Long (President), Mok Fu Guang Iuan (Chinese Ches Captain). Standing: Mr Tan Kian Hoe (teacher-in-charge), Koh Kang Li (Ex-co member), SohJonathan (Seuetar/Tieasurer), Mr Stephen Su (teach
in- charge).
The Battle ofthe Sexes (Kai ShingNational BoTs 3rd place us Lidya -
Members of the College Team at the 19th Rafrles InterSchool Chinese Ches Competition (l 0/6/2003-13/6/
National Girls 3rd place).\Vho will '\uppl,"
uhimate winner?
Teachers-in-charge Mr Stephen
Mr Tan Kian Hoe
Executive committee (hong Kai Shing, Kenneth
Desmond Goh, Yeung Qimin Jonathan, Wong Hsien Han
be tbe
Chinese Orchesrra CiC Chinese Orchestra has fhe I gone a long way since its
inception in 1 981.After 22 years since its founding, the Chinese Orchestra is still going strong and growing in size.The year started
relatively large intake of new JC1 members, signaling a growing interest in Chinese music and Chinese culture within the college community. lt is a good sign, since the Chinese arts have been trying to gain a foothold with the student body. a
The Chinese Orchestra also saw the passing of a very exciting
Our neu
year,filled with performances and outings that helped our members gain a wealth of experience and newfound knowledge of Chinese music and the arts. Members were given the chance to perform during the Chinese New Year Celebrations concert. Our performance,with its loud and joyous music, helped herald a brand NewYearforthe college.The orchestra also
the rehearsals for the Tbacheri Day Performance.
Day Celebrations concert, an excellent opportunity to pay
fellow orchesta mate in the
for the
stronger appreciation of
Chinese music.The orchestra also had several social outings,where
Tbacher| Day performance.
Executiue Committee 2002/03. Front row: (tefi n righ) Ho Hui Wen, Ong Ing Ling, Lim Yorh Mun.'Bach riu: Mdm Tan Seow Ling, Daren Chua, Fu Sze Sze, Gina Gan,
Ning Mdm Luclt
Executive committee
Mdm Lucy Lee
Darren Chua, Yeo 5i Ning, Fu 5ze Sze, Lim York Mun, Gina Gan, 0ng Ing Ling, Ho Hui Wen, Zhu yunyun
Coach Mr Tan Ching Boon
Singapore Chinese Orchestra (SCO).They left the performance
tribute to the teachers who have
Zhong Luan.
Mdm Tan 5eow Ling
Our members had the opportunity, on several occasions, to watch the performances of the
Titn leading the
members got to know each other better and forged many lasting friendships.
performed during the Teachers'
Members practise, with guxo,
given us their strong support throughout the 22 years of our
Co-Operative Society The
Catholic Junior College Cooperative Society operates a store on the college premises. What makes it different from most stores outside of school is that it is run by student members.This provides an opportunity for the students to learn how to operate a business. lt also gives the students insights on housekeeping,
warehousing, stock-taking, the managing ofaccounts and the
interaction with the student consumers.The Society not only helps to promote entrepreneurial spirit and innovative ideas among
the youth group, it also offers the students a feel of running a real life business and prepares the students for the hardships they will have to endure. During the March holidays this two student members Jonathan Ee and Daryl Tan Choon Guan attended a book-keeping course organized by the Singapore National Co-operative Federation.With this new wealth of knowledge,they revamped and improved the system of recording
daily transactions.
Co-operative Federation Cooperative Awareness Road Show and Campus Co-operatives Bazaar Competition held on 16th August 2003, the Catholic Junior College Co-operative Society sold a
whopping $730 worth of second hand goods and several items on consignment form the NTUC show case.The competition has given the students inval uable experience on how to work as a team and at the same time enhanced their communication skills.
During the Singapore National
The 27th Management Committee Row 1(lert to right): Mrs Koh La1 Seng (Tbacher Aduisor), Mrs Chuah Siou Ying (Teacher Aduisor), Brother Paul Rogers (Principal), Ms Ang Hui Hun (Teacher Aduisor), Mr Wee Chong Yeow (Tiacher Arluisor). Row 2: Chee Hui Shan (Head, Consumer Department), Emelind Cai Bihao (Chairman), Li Jiaji (Head, Textboob
Department), ChiaWei Jie Reuben (Vice-Chairman), Ng
Li Chin Pearlene (Head, Seretariat
cilm Accounts
The 26th Management Committee Rou 1(lef to right): Mrs Koh Lay Seng (Teacher Aduisor), Mrs Chuah Siow Ying (Teacher Aduisor), Brother Paul Rogers (Principal), Ms Ang Hui Hun (Tbacher Aduisor),
Wee C h ong Yeou (Teac h er Adu iso r). Row 2: Jonathan Ee (Head, Accounts Department), Tay Jun\Ven (Head, Consumer Department), Daryl Tan Choon Guan (1/ice-Chairman), Chan Yi Hou (Chairman), Ong Ken Jia (Head, Secretariat Department), Phua Mei Yen (Head, Textbooh Department). Rou 3: Lidya Siauw, ChongLi Keow, Yuonne Liew, Phan Stephanie Maria Rachman, Goh Cheng Liang Karolina Dwi Setyowati, Dauina Ng, Haruinder Kaur, Charlotte
Huang Liuen.
Executive committee
Mrs Chuah Siow Ying
(han Yi Hou, Daryl Tan (hoon Guan,0ng Ken Jia, (harlotte
Ms Ang Hui Hun
Mrs Koh Lay Seng Mr Wee Chong Yeow !flb
(J( Annual vol.24
Huang Liwen, Jonathan Ee, Davina Ng, Phua Mei Yen, Goh (heng Liang, Harvinder Kaur, Lidya 5iauw, Tay Jun Wen, Chong Li
Keow, Karolina Dwi Setyowati, Phan 5tephanie Maria Rachman, Yvonne Liew.
I)ebatitg & Public Speaking Socnery The
College debaters took Part in various competitions.These
included the NYJC lnvitationals for JCl students in FebruarY,the ACJC lnter-Collegiate Debates in MaY and the JC Debating Championships in JulY.ln MaY, Levisha Wijayjumar was a finalist in the Speech ComPetition organized by the Gavel Club of Tampines Junior College.The
the team beat the toP-ranking team from HCJC to enter the semifinals.This represented a tremendous improvement for a long time. Sonia Marican was also selected to join the SingaPore team to debate against Brunei in the Bridging Minds Debating Competition held in Brunei in
annual Plain English Speaking Award (PESA) Competition was cancelled this year due to the concerns over the SARS outbreak. ln the JC Debating Championships the CJC Debating team was ranked among the toP 4 junior college teams after three weeks of competition. Although ranked eighth in the quarter-finals
The debaters
in action at
JC Debating Championships.
Frol* lrfi, M, K*an Fook Seng, Mohametl Faliq, Stephanie Thn, Gouri Magandarn, Jinesh Lalwani, Mdm Beji Das
Tbshih Nagund,
i I
l_.:'r-=---\ !.-,':
Teacher advisors
Executive committee
College debaters
Mr Kwan Fook Seng
Gowri Magandarn, StePhanie Tan, Toshih Nagund, Mohamed Faliq, Jinesh Lalwani
Joyce Hooi, Sonia Marican, Winston Foo,
Mdm Beji Dass
Leon Michael RYan,
Levisha Wijaykumar
* Y
(JC Annual
Drama Society The
vear 2003 was vet another year for the CJC "ri.lng Drama Society.The main event of
the year for us was our annual
production'Edeni which took place on 15th and 16th May at the Alliance Francaise Theatre. Based on Shel Silverstein's works and themes such as'The Searchi Eden r,vas about the individuals of a family trying to search for their goals and in the end, realizing that it is the journey that matters.The culmination of four months worth of rehearsals proved to be successful as we sold out both nights'tickets to students and staff.
This year,we also embarked on Community Service project in
the months of February and March. lt aimed to introduce drama as a form of learning, to give our members a chance to interact with special children as well as to help these children be more confident of themselves through the activities.The society planned and organized drama activities that included a small performance, story telling and games for the children in several
rewarding for the members and the children.
schools such as The School for the Visually Handicapped (where we focused on voice and sound games),Chao Yang Special School
his latest boo("Broken By the
and Lee Kong Chian Gardens Special School.This was the first time such a venture had taken place in the society and was
Besides that, some of our members also put up a poetry performance at Kinokuniya on 15th February to promote poetry as a performance art.The students had a chance to work with local writer Felix Cheong,winner of the National Arts CouncilYoung Artist of the Year in Literature Award in 2000, in dramatizing poems from Rain'l
The society also had a novel
orientation program for new members in JCl which was a modified, localized version of 'The Amazing Raceilt included tasks such as acting, improvising speeches and creating sculptures in public to give an idea of what drama is about in a different way. Through that,we managed to achieve our aims of encouraging team spirit and creativity.
- : C.tst and Creu of 'Eden'.
Below: Exco members and teachers. Seated (from lefi): Mr Jude Yeu, Ms Lim Hsiao Yien, Ms Serene Koh. Standing: ChongYi, Chee Yinlin Eileen, Tte Can Shou Joseph, Fu Bojun, Tan Swee Thiam Timothl, Gomathi D/O Pakirisamy, Thsmia Eishita
Khan, Elizabeth Thn Pei Ming. 'Eden'. From lefi: Lily, and Prahash.
l.;:: of
The Drama Society\ uersion of 'The
Race' - Jl s doing a human sculpture at the playgrountl near CJC.
Executive committee
Tan Swee Thiam Timothy, Elizabeth Tan Pei Ming, Gomathi D./0 Pakirisamy, Tee Can 5hou Joseph, Fu Bojun, (hee Yinlin Eileen, Chong Yi,
lul:5erene Koh
tll: Lim Hsiao
Tasmia Eshita Khan
E ntrepreneurship fhis year,two teams comPrising I JC2 members competed in the Hewlett Packard Global Business Challenge that was held from January to April. Under the guidance of our teachers-incharge, one team made it to the second round of the comPetition. All members also ParticiPated
Soci ety
two Central SingaPore
Community Sundays held on the last Sunday of April and May selling handicrafts to the public. A team comPrising 5 JC1
members attended the Youth
Entrepreneurship Programme organised by the Central Singapore CommunitY
Development Council in June and the members are on a follow-uP programme to kick-start their CJC CarWash business. A gift stall was set uP to sell personalised Teachers'Day 9ifts in
late August.
tl,al::.t."' -tufi*ilit
,o*.ing togahe, for
photo afier the lax sab
the day was completed
i {
* right) Chia Charlene Adeline, Vini WatT Jong, Vong RuYi' Ng Mui Hui' ,Quek Mei Yi irif* L7n'Eunice. Rou 2: Ng Cheong Keng Caluin, Edwin Guo Zhihao, Ong Shao Yan' Chua f urt
Bor-Seng Shaun, Soo
Min Loong Marcus.
Teachers-in-charge Mr Lim Chok Peng Mr Tan BoeY
test-tubes Community Sunday.
Executive committee Ng Mui Hui,5haun Chua, Charlene (hia, Vanessa Lee, Fiona Lee
for personalised the
.Fenclng year the CJC Fencing Club welcomed the addition of a girllteam. Although relatively new to the sport the girls bravely :mk part in the inaugural A lMsion Schools Championships. The Fencing Club also fielded 'rencers for a number of national {erel competitions where we -'anaged to collect a number of redals.This year we also have a
qrmber of fencers who were selected to join the Singapore trat:onal team and train under a rumber of foreign coaches.Jay
;oo of
to lepresent Singapore in the was selected
liuiland Open,the Hong Kong
and the Asian Fencing ,Sampionships in Chiang Mai.As :re club engaged the services of a
this yea[ it is hoping that tre club would be able to field
boys and girls in next year,s :aendar of competitions and
wln3 .1rl ,t
Johanna Chua,
most of all establish CJC as a Fencing powerhouse in years to come.
Bangkok Open 14th individual sabre Bronze team sabre
rtq,*lf0s$agttxiX National Fencing Championships individual sabre bronze U-1 7s
Fencing Championships
individual sabre gold team sabre bronze Pesta Sukan team
championships team sabre gold
A Division Schools
Championship 8th individual sabre U-20s Fencing Championship 8th individual sabre
Fencing Singapore
Championships 13th individual sabre
Thailand Open
Fencing Singapore Challenge Foil individual
- bronze
U-20s Fencing Championship Foil individual - bronze Foil team - gold
A Division Schools
Championship Foil individual
- gold
National Fencing Championship Foil individual
- 5th
Pesta Sukan team
championships Foil team
- 4th
U-17s Fencing Championships U20s Fencing Championship team sabre bronze
National Fencing Chanpionship 't7th
27th individual sabre 7th team sabre
Tiophies galore!
Us Johanna Chua
Mohd Nazir, To Ka Yan, Jay Foo, Arun Kumaran, Melvyn yeo
Anthony, Eric and Meluin.
First-Aid Club in I lnsung heroes,like angels \rf disguise have fallen uPon our College compound.TheY answer the callfor help whenever helP is needed.They reassure distressed
Guided by the teacher in charge and a team offirst-aiders, the First-Aid Club grew as an established societY
as?spiring meets lnsPiring" organized by the SingaPore Management UniversitY.
are the members of the First-Aid
the years.We have rendered first aid services in College events such as the Sports Carnival and the
Dance ln Line ComPetition.We
sou ls.They are everYwhere.TheY
have also provided first-aid services for external events such
Tieating a choking casualry'
fainting xudent
Scalp Bandage is used to hold a dlesing in Position on top ofa casuahyi head.
Giuing CPR
Teacher-in-charge Mdm MarY Goh
-\ s W
ctc nnnuat vot
krt tu right) Chua Jun Han Clayton (Prrident), Mdm Mary Goh (teacher-in-charge), Wong
Ex-Co m.embers: Hong Jing
cretarfu, Ngoh Shu Yi (Vice Presifunt)
Executive committee Chua Jun Han ClaYton, Ngoh 5hu Yi, Wong Hong Jing
Fitness Club I r CJC,we are fortunate to have a I state of the art gym as compared :o other junior colleges. Not only . it well equipped and also fully : r'<onditioned, it enables anyone :: perform a wide variety of arercises such as running, cycling, even stair climbing. We also "rd soast a wide range of free weights :'those who are really serious
sculpting and honing their =cout :nysiques. Our main aim for this year was
ncrease the number of active
student use.The gym was often
competition. We
used by various CCAs such as canoeing, netball,track and field and soccer.This allowed them to
achieved the 4th position in the Welter
condition their bodies, and achieve their fitness goals in ease and comfort. We have done research in few areas such as workout
methods, healthy diets and cardiovascular training so as to gain a better understanding of our body functions, and how to best cater to our fitness goals and
-embers,to promote our
needs.With this research,we are
;adents'awareness regarding -ealth and fitness and to decrease :â&#x201A;Ź percentage of overweight ll(lans. Fulfilling these proved to :e a rather uphill task, but our *ernbers were keen and y,thusiastic * they assisted the -lF students during their work:ru3,dnd manned and maintained :-e gym, maintaining it for general
hoping to share this information with the respective CCAs, and perhaps even tailor workout plans especially for them so as to further enhance their training and performance. This year our school sent 2
students (JC1 and JC2) forthe Pesta Sukan (Body Building)
Weight category,far exceeding our modest expectations. This was the first time a CJC student had taken part in a body building competition, and thus this provided invaluable
Tiaining for competition. l3,A
- i{,\*APUXE
experience for all
participants. All in allthis was an eventful and
meaningful year for the Fitness Club. Not only did we achieve many of our goals,
but more importantly, we gained valuable experience through
the process as well.
Daniel impressed
the judges.
Guang Yong snihing
1..,r, ,e./itoright):SamanthaWee,JeremyLim,DanielZhang,MrJasonLiu,LimGuangYong,DarylLee. i.,, -'lfongZhiKai,JacobKoh, IuanLim,JauicsonChan,RagiuJawa,JoshuaNeui1Cheu4Lee,ChenyingJie,
Executive committee
ll'Jason liu
Danlel Zhang, Wilfred Goh, Jeremy Lim
a pose
*r "
Guitar Club read scores,and most difficult of all, how to keep time with everyone else plaYing three
Jhe CJC Guitar Club engaged I the help of instructors from Avant Garde Promotions at the end of 2002 to conduct a PoP guitar enrichment course for
different parts of the same song. During the'ln HarmonY' concert, we proudly contributed a PoPular Latin-American Piece titled'El
students in the college who were interested. One of the instructors, Mr Clarence Chan,was invited to return to CJC to instruct our guitarists in 2003. The first task of the Year was
Bimboi This was comPosed bY C. Morgan and especially arranged
work with our instructor to build a repertoire for the club. That idea was catalysed bY the chance to join the college Band and Choir for a combined performance named
'ln Harmony'on 1 March. New club members with no background in guitar PlaYing had to learn fast! ln onlY a month and a half,we had to learn the
correct method of PlaYing, how to
for the concert byVincente Michael Gaspar. The audience was
disappointed that we Performed only one song that night, but we
annual concert on 7 March. The concert inspired us with a variety of music ranging from Jazz and Blues to popular music. Since then, we have built a repertoire of our own, PlaYing pieces i ke'Lovers' Concertoi'Stand By Me' and'Mission lmPossiblei Timing and co-ordination were crucial to the perfect execution of each piece of music. After taking I
allfelt it was a wonderful
time offto practise, Practise and practise even more,we Performed for the college during the
achievemen! considering we onlY started practising together under Clarence's coaching a few weeks
Teachers'Day Concert. The song chosen wasAmigos Para Siempresithe theme song for the 1992 Barcelona Games. Tan Yan
back! To gain exposure
to different
methods of guitar plaYing,we attended the National University of Singapore Guitar Ensemble's
Xun (2T23) also played an impressive solo piece comPosed by Alex Abisheganaden during
the concert.
GTA q i*;' f\
q..' *%b
The executiue committee
lfi): Ms Angt; Mr Ckrence Chan,
Seand (from
;ds&: -,.ww
'El Bimbo'Playrs before the In Harmony Concrt' Row (leftn l7hil: qiet. Row 2: Jasmine Ling Chia Pei Yee, Geraldine Cottin Ng Lee' Goh, Lu'Su-Ching Terence Chia. Rou 3: TanYan Xun, Kenneth Albirt Satim, Mr?larrnrc Chan, Ms Angek Teh, Jasmine Huang' Teng Yu
Hui, Angeline
Thn Lee Huang.
Smnding Collin Ng Lee SrChing, Geraldine Goh, Tng
Teachers-in'charge Ms Angela Teh Mdm Tan Lee Huang
During practice, fom lefi: Thn Yan Xun, Kenneth Lee, Thng Cui Ping Rachel Zhong, Amanda Thng Diana Khng.
Executive committee Geraldine Goh Mu Hui, Lee 5uChing, Teng Yu Hui, (ollin Ng Cheng Chow, Kenneth Lee Shih Tong
Hui, Kenneth
Gy-nastics The
of 19
Trampoline Championships 2003.
year for us as we won a total
li.t o# it, ,".ond y"u,. "o running with the inclusion of several promising new members, coth with and without previous
The gymnasts trained twice a week at the SJI Gymnasium.They are trained by National Coach Wang Kai Shun.Training was
medals, nearly twice of what we managed lastyear.
gym nastics experience. Once
stepped up three times a week nearing competition.The team went up against gymnasts from other colleges in an intense display of skills, strength and determination. lt was a rewarding
CJC GvmnasticsTeam
again,they did the school proud r',fien they won top awards during *re National lnter-School Gymnastics Championships 2003 and National lnter-School
Training for next year's competition has already begun. We look forward to 2004 to bring in a fresh injection of talent as we
continue to strive towards
winning glory and honor for the college.
Ziqin and Cben Guan
,h"r 3q team.
Cheung See Chai on the parallel bars t:
g,rmu.r-. with Brother Paul and Ms Linda Giam.
Li Kaiyin,
Icacher-in-charge ills Li$da Giam
Executive committee Li Kaiyin, Cheong 5u-Ann Angie, Tan
Ziqin,0w Xian Rui, Lee Wei
ling, 5ee
Lim Wei Jie Leonard, (heung
(hai, Lim 5ie Nam
Lai Huifen Jean, (hen Guan You
Lee \Yei Ting and Angie Cheong.
History Society The
main obiectives of the I Uiraory SocietY are to stimulate enthusiasm, interest and Passion for the studY of the Past; to encourage the acquisition of knowledge and understanding of human activitY and behaviour in the past,linking it with the present;and to enhance students'
understanding ofthe development of social and cultural values overtime. To allow the students to view our historical artifacts and gain a
better understanding ofour local heritage and history, several trips to the local museums and to the Singapore Parliament House were
College to think and reflect on some historical events, the History Society organised a quiz
organised in the Year 2003.1n addition, student members took part in the annual historY seminar
2003 and this received an overwhelming resPonse. 300 students responded and three toP
organised by the National
prizes were given awaY.
University of SingaPore and the quiz competitions organised bY the Nanyang Technological University student bodies in the year 2003.To get the student population of Catholic Junior
ln November 2002 historY students took Part in a joint fiveday history-geograPhY tour to Thailand covering places from the old capital,AyudhYa to modern
competition in the beginning of
day Bangkok.
Members of History Society Front row: Lin Ziqiang Shaun (1710), Tay Jin Tian Eugene (1707)' Wee Xue Mei (1700, S;edah Begum (tT1 t). Back row: Clara Joan Fernandez (1706), Joo Zheng Chuan (1707)' Yip Kai Man Gerard (1707), Mr Durairajoo (Teacher Aduisor)'
Studeilts at the constuction uallq ofthe Siam death railual'
KxF-{e.xtsts]}w Srudcnts on their
wry to
\ 3
]@ 1dâ&#x201A;ŹlF-
i:'3 the top most
A journey on land..
Teacher-in-Ch arge Mr Durairajoo
and. sea tliscouering the
Executive committee Lin Ziqiang Shaun, TaY Jin Tian Eugene, Wee Xue Mei,5aedah Begum, Clara Joan Fernandez, Joo Zheng Chuan, YiP Kai Man Gerard
and faund
F{ock.y l_lockey
is a
approached, more training
sessions were held at the CCAB
requires notjust physical finesse but wits, mental strength and a great deal of cannot be learnt overnight either,and
nnembers of our hockey team are
committed to training at least rwice weekly.The girls train in college on Wednesdays, 3-5pm, and Saturdays 8-1Oam while the boys train from
4-6pm and 9-
am on the respective days. Each :nining session usually consists of a tvvo-hour block of drills, during ,vhich our hockey players work at -1
mproving stickworkwe round off an hour of physical training. As the A Division tournament n'dith
hockey pitch. By April 2003, all of us were fit and tanned golden
brown. The qualifying round consisted of five games with other schools and both the boys and the girls teams performed above expectations. However, neither team qualified for the semi-finals. The boys'team put up a good fight but faced some very strong
competitors such as ACJC and RJC. The girls,despite being the underdogs in the tournament, managed some surprising results. The first game against SAJC (the
first runner-up at last year's tournament) ended in an unforeseen drawwhich left the team in a state of elation.The girls also eliminated NJC from the tournament by drawing with
them.The girls'team failed to enter the semi-finals, but were happy with their performance and the team effort put in at the fu Division. They say that sport is the breeding ground for friendships and this is true ofthe CJC Hockey Team. Besides being teammates, many of us have become great friends through training and playing together.
Ex-Co of the girls'team:
(hfi n right) Natalie Zhi Yun (Senetarfl,
:aaaliLt::l:ii' aillii:.::, !ti:4,,:ri:l iillii:.:: cu{.,Xa*':ii:r:::l!' :t}!â&#x201A;Źe-:iiatt:i l
rou (lefi to righ): Jerome \Vong Ah Cghong, Vincent l,::;. Robbie Lou Shan Ming, Lim Zhiqiang (Captain) t:sian OngYuan Sen, Marh Yan ChongWei. Back row: i:':v", Lim \Yen Jie, Meluin Lim, Daaid Sim Yue Hao, x-:v Singh (Vire Captain)' Harihumar V Yohan Luitama, I ":mt Chew Yong Mun, Caluin Chart, Shanon Wong -". \'eng, Mr M. Renganarhan.
Bach rou (lefi to right): Jacqueline Ai-Lin Anne Laure, Dian Natasha
Hui Chin, Cindy Chua
Cheng Yuen Yeng Mao Rashad, Susan Chua
Shu Juan, Suarna Rajngopalan, Candice Chan Shu Yi, Cheryl Thn Jue Ling Ng Si Tian, Jermaine Queh Jia-Lyn, Loo Huijing, Jaskiran Kuar Dhami, Coach Gerard Danker. Front rou: Sheny ThnJia Ying Diane Thn SueYing Chen Peihua, Natalie Soh Zhi Yun, Jacqueline Charmaine Chia Xue Mei, Vong Yiling Khng Jiayuan. (Absent: Viuinia Soo Peiyu.)
Jermaine Queh Jia-Lyn (Captain), Sherry Thn Jia Ying (Tice-Captain), Loo
Huiiing (Logistic).
Our players in action
Executive committee
Boys: Lim Zhiqiang, Prem Singh,
M. Renganathan
Coach 6erard Danker
Kohgulan s/o Kalaiarasan Girls: Jermaine Quek Jia-LYn, 5herry Tan Jia Ying, Natalie Katriel 5oh Zhi Yun, Loo Huijing
( I
d Y
Indian Cultural Society was an Jhe year 2002/2003 I eventful year for the lndian
prize and challenge trophy for Adipeuku' organized by Pioneer
Cultural Society. Apart from taking part in various competitions,we
Junior College.
organized the inaugural lndian Cultural Workshop'RUTRA 2003i For this event, we showcased various lndian art forms (music
competition organized by
and classical dance) to our schoolmates.They were also given an
t; i i I
opportunity to apply'Mehendii
. For the
web design
National University of Singapore Hindu Society, Sudanraj (2T29) and Gowri Mahendran (2T36) won the second prize. Sangeetha (2T22) clinched the first prize for the essay writing competition.
wear lndian saris and traditional men's wear and savour lndian sweetmeat. The overwhelming response we received from our
For the National Junior College Debates held in April this year,the college team comprising
schoolmates and teachers made this event a tremendous success.
(2T22), Gomathi (2T30), Meena Devi (2T30) and Gowri Mahendran
Throughout the year,lCS took part in competitions organized by
(2T36) reached the quarterfinals.
other junior colleges and tertiary institutions. Our signifi cant ach ievements for 2002/2003 include the following:
. Shivani of 1T24 won the flrst
and short story writing competition. Madhura (2T36) won the third prize for the singing
competition. . Nanyang Junior College drama festival: Koghulan (2T02), Subashini (2T04), Kumaran (2T29) and Lenera (2T36) received the consolation prize.
.Tamil Book Launching Cum lT Competition: Abdul Latif (2T22), Sangeetha 2T(22) and Gomathi (2T30) won the third prize.
Koghulan (2T02), Abdul Latif
following list includes the
other achievements of the society this year:
. St Andrew's Junior College 'Thai Matha Thendral' 2003: Our college participated in the singing
2002/2003 Ex-co. From lefi: Mr K. Thirumuruganandam (teacher-in-charge), Angela Anthony PM (2732) Ast. Seuetaryt, Anantha Ruby Roben (2703) Ast. Tieasurer, Sanbar Thangaaeloo (2726) President, Sudan Raj (2729) IT Representatiue, Shaminian Balakrishnan (2732) Tieasurer Madhura Sulochenam Naidu (2736) Vice-Presidznt, Malathy Panier Seluam (2705) Secretar!, Mrs Beji Siua (teacher-in-charge).
out more about Tamil Literature with the help of our students.
Casandra Shiuani (1 724)
Sangeetha Unbalagan
receiuing the challenge trophy fom Mr Iswaren
(2723) performing the
the Thiruhural competition held in Pioneer Junior College.
Executive committee
Mr K. Thirumuruganandam
Angela Anthony PM, Anantha Ruby Roben, Sankar Thangaveloo, Sudan Raj, 5haminian Balakrishnan, Madhura Sulorhenam Naidu, Malathy Panier 5elvam
Mrs Beji Siva
B a rat h an at h iy am dur i ng
the workshop.
Interact Club Jhe lnteract Club, sponsored by I the Rotary Club of Singapore, to induct students into social and civic responsibilities and to
involved in numerous projects. lnteractors undertook peer tutoring, organizing enrichment programmes for children in
provide opportunities for students to grow and learn by carrying out
Beyond Social Services.The
service projects.
slides and had games with the children from 6 years old to 12
ln the weekly Club meetings, students plan activities to execute their own programmes in providing service to the less fortunate in the society.This year, the lnteract Club had been
lnteractors presented power point
years old in the Home,teaching them about world events like the lraq War and its effects on the people in lraq, the terrorist attack
repercussion on New York, 5AR5 and preventive measures.The children were also taken on an outing to the Botanical Gardens to discover the wonders of nature and to learn how to work in a team. lnteractors were also involved in the Very Special Arts Camp and the sale of"Bombay Cards"to aid the street kids in Bombay financially.
onSeptll 1999andits
Interactors beaming with joy nfier an enrichment session. From lefi: Stanley Thn, Wee Soon Hui, MatildaWee, Chong Kiah Wee, Loke Wei, OngWei Ling Leonard Ng Keluin Bau and
Chua (Teacher Aduisor).
-:nnlrdblâ&#x201A;Ź ?hoto for the outgoingJC2 Interactors in the 28th Interact Club Inuestiture. Lim En Yin, Loke Vei, Eugenia Ong Pei Ling Jeneuie Thn Jing Ling, ' !- Chua Hung Seng, Sharon Leong Ee Mun, Rtn Ang Choon Kiar (Guest ofHonour), Rn ',v-:..,' Ooi (Rorarian Aduisor), Rtn Clara Thng (Rotarian Aduisor), Miss Eng Chiew Yin, !: .ou Sieu Nghee (Vice-Principal), Lynette LeongJin Han, Deborah \Yilliam' OngWei
::'x bf: Amanda
from Beyond Social Seruices with members oflnteract Club afer an enrichmenr setsion.
Interdcllrs engaging in an outdoor enrichment session with the children
Buhit Ho
Family Centre.
Executive committee
l{r (hua Hung Seng
Sharon Leong Ee Mun,0ng Wei Ling, Loke Wei, Deborah Grace Fajardo William, Eugenia 0ng Pei
Itiss Eng Chiew
Ling, Lynette Leong Jin Han, Kelvin Bau Kin Yan
t; :1,
Judo The
Judo Club is more than
zoy"urrold and
has produced
several remarkable Judokas each year. Being a small club of
approximately twenty-odd members,the club has managed to build up a strong sense of team building and belonging both to the club and the school, including the close concord we share with our coaches.These strong bonds have not only enabled the judokas
learnt many valuable lessons such as treasuring friendships and learning to work as one.
2nd to l st Men's lndividual heavy weight category Tan Cheng Kiat Benny (2T05)
Though the training is often vigorous and taxing, our hard work has paid off as seen in the progress of the majority of our
37th Schools National Judo
new judokas, without any experience and knowledge of this sport.These judokas have improved tremendously, with even two of our Judokas chosen
Hee Yen Julia (2T1 7)
Championships 2003 'A Girls lndividual (Middleweight)
'A'Boys lndividual (Heavyweight) Ng Zhili Gerard-Christian (2124)
Pesta Sukan Judo
to undergo vigorous training each weeh but also to enjoy the
to represent the Singapore Schools'JudoTeam in the Pesta
warmth of each other's company during training, spurring each other with cheers and words of encouragement.This has also proved to be a pillar of support for the members of the Club, everyone always willing to give a helping hand not only during training but also out of the dojo (the area we train).With this kind of support, the CJC Judo Club has
Sukan Judo Championships, bringing back medals.This year,
Women's under 63kg Category
however,was met with several injuries of our key players,and we could progress mostly in the individuals'events.
Men's over 100k9 Category
tch&!$dhtp:iO0l::::l Hee Yen Julia (2T1 7)
Ng Zhili Gerard-Christian (2T24)
- Silver
Achievements for year 2003: Kyu Grade Judo championship 6th to 5th Men's lndividual middle weight category Fong Zhiming (2T26)
Gold lrl &AA
Executiae Committee of 2003/2004. From lefi: Mr Ong Gak San (teacher-in-charge), Poorniua d/o Duraisingam, Joel Ang Zhi Shun, Cai Renjun, Stephanie W Wen, Chen Yingjie, Fiona Lee Pei Xuan, Ms Lorraine Vang (Tbacher-in-charge).
St6a, u '"' t- 's;,
cJC Judo Club. Bacb row (from lef): Michelle Thieu Zong Min, Keh Hui HuL Chin wai Ling, \Yong SLiyi, Fiona Lee Pei Xuan,' Cai Rinjun, Hee Yen Julia, Stephanie W Qian Wen, Lee Shu LingVanessa, Tan
Middle SuinpinKathyline,Xieyanying,rinYuJing.Poornim-ad/oDuraisingam,ChooKaiLinJomine row: Gay Weiting Joel Ang 2hl St"un. WongWn Bin Kenneth. Ng Zhili-Guard Christian,-Fong Zhiming Chongivoon yoig Chen yngjie, Teoh Ek Son. Front rou: Benn, Thn Cheng Kiat, Jordan Seet Wei Wen.
Executive committee
Mr 0ng
Jordan Seet Wei Wen, Benny Tan Cheng Kiat, Michelle Thiew Zong Min, Wong 5hiya, Edwin
Gak 5an
Ms Lorraine Wang
Sandanasamy &
w Y
Annual Vol.24
Executiue Committee of 2002/2003. From lefi: Mr Ong Gak San (Tbacher-in-charge), Jordan Seet \Yei Wen, Benny Thn Cheng Kiat, Michelle Thieu Zong Min, Wong Shiya, Ms Lorraine Wang (Teacher-incharge). Absent: Edwin Sandanasamy.
Lawn Bowls l_l
ave we come of age? Lawn
I bowls can now claim our achieved goal in attracting 34 young players who are purportedly playing what many ignorant people consider an old man's game! Another achieved goal was to run an all the year round calendar which keeps all players on their toes - in internal competitions, national championships and club competitions.Yet a nother were the social activities which fostered all members regardless of academic class, background, play ability, into a close group, caring and enjoying each other's company and friendship.At the end ofall this,the experiences and exposure made the students sfionger in skill, mentally resilient, disciplined and growing into fine young adults. 2003 was full of dramatic highlights.April - to begin with, our publicity and marketing day ficr the'freshies' at Kallang Green r'ras a wet ordeal with rain that seemed determined to wash us s{.It and make a mini pool of the Green. Despite looking like inovyned cats,we managed still to 3Et our bowls to sashay up and donvn the rink and must have
impressed the Year ones for so many signed up to join us. July - Youth Day heralded the new initiative of conducting the enrichment course for interested parties - a point in community service.There were brothers and sisters, former students of CJC
participating and some curious parents who came in to see the goings-on.July also ushered in the new"playground"- our players became junior members of Singapore Cricket Club with full opportunities to experience the one and only grass green in Singapore and to benefit from
playing with seasoned bowlers at - Edmund Lin,a graduand in 2002 was selected to SCC.Again July
represent Singapore in the Under 25 Asia Cup held in Kuala Lumpur.
The game itself - players attended regular practices, both at Kallang and at SCC and we fielded more in the national competitions,
run by Bowls Singapore as these provided the goals for the students to work towards. . .. 7 for the National Singles competition, 5 Pairs for the National Pairs competition,and 2 for the Mixed Pairs.
bowls in a short time.We then could run two levels of
competition inhouse.The Senior tournament was organised and Koh Kang Li emerged the top player with Nicholas Tan as first runnerup. ln the Pairs competition, LeowYu Lung and Wong Hui Kai scaled the heights,with a close second from the unexpected coupling of Loh Hui Shan and lvan Teong.The.Junior Singles did not fail to engage us in suspense as combatively they battled it out in term three against each other.The vice-captain, CaiYue Xuan was champ,the ever determined Linus Chan second.Even in bowls,
feminism has its day when Wan Hin was floored by the ever persistent secretary,Candy Lai, in a tense four sets match. Who will dare to nurse doubts that lawn bowls will not
continue td grow and perhaps be very responsible for
producing the future generations of national players!
With such a keen batch, students were playing better
lnruliqg together. Right: Our *ainees with teacher aduisors
E.xecutive committee
ilrs Mary
Bernard Lee, Leow Yu Lung, Loh Hui Shan, Lim Yixuan. Melvin Tan,
Yap Koh (hee
Legion of MarY
The Legion of MarY was started in t szs when cJC oPened its doors to its first batch of students' and A grouP of students met
SaturdaY in
share'how Jesus lived and walked'
in College through them'Under the spiritual direction of Sister
prayed about how theY could serve God in the new College " ' born' and the Legion of MarY was The 28th batch of legionaries (2002/2003) shared the same ideals of the founder members' The legionaries met every
*o'k at the East coast
the PraYer Room to
Martina Kang, the legionaries grew in faith in the love of God and each other.The legionaries promised a faithful service-a service of PraYer and work'EverY TuesdaY and ThursdaY,the
legionaries led in a morning
prayer service in the PraYer Room' For the rest of the week, the legionaries were mindful of serving the communitY of
students in the College'Once a month, legionaries visited the Gift residents of MotherTheresat their all of Love Home.ln encounters with PeoPle, legionaries left an imPrint of the peace, hoPe and love of God'
illowrhip at th( BotdniMl
- ot'
Kang Spiriruoi Dirrr,ress Sister Manina iirrirl flrnhrd bl' Vite-Presiden Vane''; ior,,o nu la I leh i lefrt a nd Presiden r Je;t Lau (rishi).
Teacher-in-charge Mr StePhen 5u
Executive committee
Jalleh Jean Lau, Vanessa Constance
Lib raty Society fhe Library SocietY continues to I provide efficient service to the community and offers manY learning experiences for its
student-librarians. Members of the society helped to ensure that the library has a conducive atmosphere for studYing and
of suPPort not onlY that materials :he curriculum but also widen the assisted in the preParation
irudents' general knowledge. Throughout the Year .lrembers prepared disPlaYs based
ln themes like'l
//ho in Economicsithe FreeTrade Agreements and the latest Cevelopments in Science and -echnology. Some quizzes were
les containing newspaPer cuttings relating to the General Paper and Economics toPics, are maintained and updated regularlY by members. The collection of'hot topics'to help students in their MotherTongue Oral Examinations proved to be very popular.
ln February, members made a trip to the Library @ EsPlanade to learn more about the tYPes of resources, facilities and services that are available to students. ln June, they ventured
to major
bookstores to purchase book to help enhance and uPdate the Fiction section of the librarY.
were conducted to stimulate interest in the library - an lnter-
tutorial Crossword Puzzle Competition based on things related to the library, a Book
Wrapping Competition and a Book Stack Competition. ln
addition there were displays of new resources that were added to the Library collection. The library newsletter,the Library Sentinel offers updates on CD-ROMS and book arrivals, reviews of some of the latest books as well as pages featuring crossword puzzles and fun facts. This newsletter is uploaded on the lntegrated Virtual Learning
month of July and
:rganised to encourage students
Library Week was held in the a varietY of events were organised for the
Environment (CJC curriculum online) to reach every student in the
:o view these displays. lnformation
students. Several comPetitions
@ Student-librarian Ng
Khng (1729)
showing Sou Jun Ming of 1721 the new books purchased b1 the library.
Socie4t Executiue Committee members
fom the InterTutorial Crosaord Punle
2002/200i. Standing (fom
Hw'ee Ting (2T17), Neubronner Nicholas Gerald (2707), Goh Hong Ming (2730) President, Chen Yingren Lionel (2730) nni Boty Yio Yee Gera/dene (2717) Secretar\. Teacher ::-Jresident, ' -.;::::r (seatedfrom lefi): Mr Kwan Fook Seng Mr Ong Kian Beng, i-uh Siou Koon, Mdm Tan Lee Huang and Mr Chan Kam Man' "
Three student- li brarians (from lefi), Chen Yingren Lionel (2730), Choo Siew Ling (271 1) and Teo Shi Ping (2736) asesing the
.- in
t vtnd
Reuiewing the neu books on display are Goh Shu Qing (1730)' Najua Alattas (2723) Razinal Begum (272j) and Mr Chin Siew WaL a Biologlt teacher.
Teacher advisors
Executive committee
Urs Kuah 5iou Koon hf r 0ng Kian Beng
Yingren Lionel, BoeY Yin
trt, Kwan Fook 5eng trjr Chan Kam Man lidCm
Lee Huang
Desmond Goh Hong Ming, Chen Yee
Geraldene, Tan Hwee Ting, Neubronner Nicholas Gerald 91
Malay Cultural SocietY
I 1i
newspape6 Berita Harian.ln the lnter-College Debate - Bahas 4PM,
appreciation and interest in the various language and cultural based activities;to Provide an avenue for students to enhance their confidence and ProficiencY
in Malay Language and also to develop intellectual and thinking
Apart from ParticiPating in lnter-College comPetitions, the society has also organized three lntra-College comPetitions na mely, Oratorical ComPetition,
Another highlight of this Year's programme was the active involvement of our members in a Community lnvolvement Project. Besides raising funds for the
MalayTraditional Games DaY and Creative Writing ComPetition. These competitions received participation from the various races. lt is hoped that these competitions can better Promote intellectual and thinking skills as well as enhance the understanding of MalaY culture in
various Malay
The year 2003 has been a
memorable and fulfilling Year for started offwith a dance performance entitled'Nirmala' during Chinese NewYear Celebration.The dance which combined Chinese and MalaY dance movements was sPeciallY choreographed bY two former students, Hafizhah Jamel and Siti Rozana Ngaman.
did the school Proud bY winning the 2nd Prize in the lnterCollege FMSA General Knowledge Quiz.Our students did reallY well as this was the first time CJC had qualified for the Finals together with Raffles Junior College, Hwa Chong Junior College and Anglo MCS
Chinese Junior College.The school's achievement was also highlighted in the MalaY local
Paradigma 2003 which saw
fhe Malay Cultural SocietY I (wtcs) aims to foster a deeP
CJC only managed to qualify for the Quarter-Finals, the society was proud that Nurhafeza Hanem was chosen as the Best Speaker during the Preliminaries.
the college. The societY also organized cultural activities, seminars and enrichment outings for its
members as well as the student population.This Year, students took part in activities such as
participation of 15 students from the three races; MalaY, Chinese, lndian. ln addition, 2 drama outings were organized for the students;'HikaYat Hang Tuah' and 'Awang Batili
organizations, the society played host to 20 old folks from
Jamiyah Old Folks Home during the National Day
Celebration.The old folk were invited with the aim of
promoting multiracial and multi-
Our students
the casts of 'Hiha.',;; Hang Tuah' duri,:y one ofthe drant,, outings.
religious harmony and inter-generation :rapport.The success
'Gema Temaseki'Manifestasi 2003i Seminars for MalaYAO'and MalaY
of this project was clearly seen on the faces of the old folk
Al Mendaki Focus GrouP Discussion as well as AJC
and student volunteers. The'NirmaL :,::
dancers and
during Chiw:: New Year Celebration.
"'li r HFS@ F"\Fl*i'ir Y
r Logisrics)' Diyana rc riphr): Mi,, Norhayari brc Awang' Azina bte Oosopc ,Rahay,u,
Firdaus bin Zulharna.i.Y (Pyide,nt t'.',','!'l::oo 'Mrl Suro,ioh (serrerary). Muhammad bte Abdul Rahman (Vice-Presidenr)' Mtlm Nor Haiar (Trra,urer), Nur Siti Daurt
CJC team emerged 2nd in the Inter-College FMSA General Knowledge Quiz.From lefi: Muhd Omar bin Sharif, Halimatus Saadiah bte lbrahim, Nur Hanna Frida bte Rupaii. and Mobd Faliq bin Mohd Ismail accompanied b7 Brother Paul Rogers.
Hanisah bte SaPhari
Teachers-in-charge Miss NorhaYati bte Awang Mdm Nor Hanisah bte 5aPhari
Executive committee Azima bte 0osope, DiYana RahaYu bte Suratnoh, Muhammad Firdaus bin Zulkarnain. NurdiYanah bte Md Daud, Siti Nur Hajar bte Abdul Rahman
"'l ''
Our debarr: duringtlre "":-r'
Drn -
College Bahas 4P]! ;ts: uas held ;. -,": Eunos
Commut:: ^wit
Mathematics Society year the society has been fhis I engaging in more hands-on
activities such as making ?actal cardsiwhich look like pop-up cards using a mathematical concept called "recurrence, polyhedra"which are 3dimensional figures and constructing curves by using straight lines.To expose members to new fields of mathematics, modules lasting about 2 to 3 weeks were conducted.These include Graph Theory, Chaos and Fnctals and Cryptography. A new initiative of the society is
Maths Challenger Series. More challenging questions selected from past year competition papers cr magazines were posted on the society's noticeboard. New
questions were posted fortnightly. S;tudents were invited to come ',orward to try solving them.Small :okens were given away as a form C encouragement.The society ropes to uncover talents among
tre students and train them for the Slngapore Mathematical Olympiad Si.{O). 2 students were"discovered"
through this programme and they represented CJC in the SMO Open Section.Tran Hai Long of 1T17 missed the bronze medal by 4
competition, we managed to secure the 5th position, beating the teams from Pioneer JC, Hwa
mark. Hopefully, he can go one step better next year. Hai Long was also the winner of the CJC mathematics competition held on
Chong JC and Tampines JC along
21 May and the Australian Maths
ofthe year is an exhibition put up by
Competition held on 29 )uly. On 11 February20 students
took part in the American Mathematics Competition. Four students obtained certificates of distinction and qualified for the American lnvitational Mathematics Examination.This was the biggest group to qualify for AIME in the last five years. Lee ShuetTheng of 2T33 emerged as the top scorer for this competition. On 14 May,the society and the Chess Club jointly organized the CJC Othello competition for the first time. A total of 80 students took part.The top three players represented the college in the lnter-JC Othello Championship on 26 July. Despite the stiff
theway. The major project
mainly the JC2
members.Titled "The Human Behind the Genius'ithe exhibition showcased ten famous mathematicians of their times.The project aims to reveal the human side of
VincentWong (1732) lding a 3-dimensional
a w^ffi
including their struggles against discrimination and their personalities.A
totaloflTstudents were invohied in the project, including a fewnon-members.
'K,$.. ofAmerican
Mathematics Competition 2003. From lefi: Lee Shuet Theng (2733), Chong Kai Shing (2T17) and Goh Jin
Zhen (2718). Absent: Aaron Tham (2714).
The heroes behind the Maths exhibition
titled "The Human Behind The Genius" put up by the society. Rou 1(lefi to right):
vtbwir: of the Mathematics
Society. Row 1 (leJi to right): Lee Yuan Sheng T(ong, Tsai Fung Yee, Tian Hai Long Chhabra Deepindrr Singh,
ivz: ,;q Chyuan, Lew Cheng Tong Xu Zeda. Row 2: Mr Lim Chye Fooh wt*r-it -charge), Lou Kim Huat, Benjamin Lee,{)iu Xun, Chong Kai
$ao ZiYuan, Wong Hsien Hann. (Absent: Wee Gui Fen.)
tritnu! ioh and Sabrina
Foo Seck Shin,
Vincent Wong, Lee Yuan Sheng Chhabra Deepinder Singh, Tay Jang Chyuan, Xu Ze Da, Leu ChengTbng. Rou 2(Le/i to right): Ho Siong Yew, Qin Xun, Tran Hai Long, Chong Kai Shing Wong Hsien Hann, Gao Zi Yuan, Benjamin Lee, Ang Seng Keat, Goh Jinzhen. (Absent: Bernice Koh and Leon Thn.)
Executive committee
trr Lim
Chhabra Deeplnder 5ingh, Qiu Xun, Iay Jang (hyuan
Chye Fook
r Foo Seck Shin
Top Scorers
Winners of2003 CJC Othello Challenge. From lefi: Benedict
Low (2718) lst mnner-u?, Vang Seng Sing (2734) champion, Benjamin Thong (2TI 8) 2nd runner-up.
i i
i I
Multi-Media Club
PhotograPhY ComPetition'
events to record memorable moments.Their work adorns the
Multi-Media Club Provides I essential services in three and areas: sound, PhotograPhY
PhotograPhers from the club have also been Present at all major
Members have reliablY manned the sound and lighting
AdditionallY,five members represented the college in this year's SingaPore Students'
concerts Chinese New Year and Teachers'
l"otage of
moments as a college' Though not in the limelight' the club has been reliable and
college newsletter and annual'
from svstems for events ranging full to assemblY the dailY college for uP those as Put such
Video montages crafted bY members from hours of footage' have allowed us to collectively reminisce and laugh at our lighter
committed in suPPorting the college in its various endeavours'
January JC1 orientation
All harrt, oi
for the Chinese
Language Li:tening
ComPrehension exam
.:E t
:r ffi Wee
';'tril1iiiV,lt i;, t
Lin Zebin, DeLia"' Chan Lin Joraine Choo Kai Row 2:
Teachers-in-charge Mr TaY Chen Hui Mr Wee Chong Yeow
Mr DarrellTan
$ ,ra^t"t)
h' ro" g c h in c h a i' Pang \Y/ei
Z h t Han. Nichotas
Xiang Ling Lester Ng
Yin' Lauren Chiam Nah' Chan Yi Hou' Laraine Kok Shi
Executive committee
(han Wei Nah' Pang Zhi Han, Delia Kong Chin Nicholas Hou, Yi Ctran Chai
activities in CJC Outdoor Adventure Club are endless and exciting, so much so that we've earned the reputation of being MAD ( it can also stand for Motivated and Disciplined though).
Modules After every physical training session, skills and knowledge will
be imparted to the members by the seniors and the teacher. Over the months we have covered at least 7 modules, namely,
mountain knowledge; astronomy;
taxonomy(biod iversity)
lnteresting Activities Apart from the usual tough physical training in college,some interesting activities were injected into the programme.We had a 20km run from school to the zoo; 21km 2nd link half marathon in Malaysia;20km hike from school to the Central Catchment area & the BukitTimah Reserve; 1 5km hike to the Seletar pipeline;50 rounds track relay; Eco challenge; 'l00km night cycling; jogging from Kranji MRT to the Sungei Buloh Reserve;Toa Payoh hunt; Pulau Ubin orienteering and many many
more. ;
campcraft(knots, gas stove, tents); wilderness ethics; prusikabseil(ropes); basic first aid. Most of the members took up a kayaking 1 -star course in June in preparation for the expedition. Some also signed up for a tree
climbing course.
Achievements in Competitions ODAC took part in quite a few competitions and emerged champion in the inter-JCVertical Challenge held in NTU.We also won 3rd prize in the Open Category of the NUS run as well as the Urban Quest adventure race.
the National Vertical Marathon,we came in 2nd,3rd and 5th positions.As for the Surf & As for
Sweat competition in Sentosa,we
achieved 1st and 3rd positions.
Other Outstanding Achievements Thirteen members achieved the NYAA award,and have clocked more than 80 hours of community service. 4 members achieved grade-A in CCA PEARLS.At least 6 ODAC members are also in the college cross country team with outstanding timing. (Ze Bin clocked below 8 minutes,while Li Juan and Mauricette clocked below 1 1 minutes in their 2.4 km run).
Expeditions The climax of all ODAC
activities is of course the expeditions.There were 3 overseas expeditions in 2003.
Jet4t.jump at Tioman Island.
Our achieuers during competitions.
Executive committee
Mr lsaac Lim
Mauricette Lee, Kenneth Fang, Sophia Lin, Yvonne Yan, Teri Neo, Lek Wee Keat, Soh Ze Bin
Mr Chin Siew Wai
& Y
ttc ln
fhe Publications team Produces I the annual college magazine and four issues of The Flame everY term.The Flame is the official college newsletter which aims at
keeping the college communitY and alumni informed of imPortant school events as well as the achievements of co-curricular activities and individual students. The student writers covered events such as the National DaY celebrations, A-Level results, Annual Awards ceremonY, student council elections and JC 1 orientation.We also covered articles on various CCA grouPs such as ODAC, Dance Club, Drama
Society, Fencing and Judo.We
interviewed individuals such as the President ofthe Student Council Alan Phua and Singaporean Poet Felix Cheong who conducted a writing workshop at CJC. Teachers-in -charge Mrs Sng Mee Lian and Miss LYnette Yong were also activelY engaged in the writing process bY editing our articles. MissYong lent her own
writing skills toThe Flame
covering such articles as the one on Ms Priya Rajan,the new Head of English.We also greatlY benefited from the guidance of our consultant Mrs Hedwig John,
who instructed us on how to improve our skills in journalistic
writing. As it is everY Year, CJC was
packed full of activities, even more so this year because of our enterprising new principal Brother Paul Rogers. Publications was
demanding, often keePing the student writers busY and on the go for most of the Year. However, the deadlines and livelY schedule
taught us disciPline and the virtues of organization, and for students who enjoY writing,the experience was a richlY rewarding and pleasurable one.
Florence and Daniel interuiewing Eileen' a clasmate from 2701.
Fangting interuiewing one of our top the day ofrhe ,elease ofthe
,rrlrn,, o, Our writers (tef to rigbt): Florence, Elizabeth' Fangting
leuel results.
$ F
* E
Mrs 5ng Mee Lian Ms Lynette Yong Mr Wee Chong Yeow
&,t W ,r,
Executive committee Melissa Kim Turner, Zheng Fangting, Yasmeen E Abedeen Tyebally, Elizabeth Tan Pei Ming
Student Writers Cherissa 5ng ChYe LYnn' Daniel Soh Eak Chuanq, Florence Lim Hui Lin
R*gby n the year 2003, the CJC rugby I I management underwent several changes where a new coach was
hired and two new teachers-incharge were in place. Mr Foo Chee Tuang, one of the teachers-in-
charge, immedlately went down to the business oftrainlng the boys with physical sessions and
morning runs. He also went about arranging the hiring of the new coach from the Singapore Rugby Union and we are glad to have the services of David Ho, a Singapore international player.We now have a team medic, Mr Chiam to administer first aid and to ensure our safety. The rugby boys have also shown great determination in promoting the sport in CJC with the current J2 batch led by captain Gabriel Loi, recruiting more than
20 J1 players during the CCA
carnival.We now have two training teams with a strength of 36 players.The team trains at Farrer Park often under unfavorable conditions yet the team morale remained high throughout, often reflected in the positive attitudes of the boys.The CJC team believes in having fun while training hence making training sessions an enjoyable and interesting
all in all matches played, playing against the likes of top seeded teams, RJC,ACJC, UWC and
SAJC.The CJC team
was unseeded in all
tournaments and it was the first time we managed to send in a proper team to participate in the
Match againx SA/C.
Police Cup
This year, the rugby calendar
kicked offwith the NYJC Seven's
invitational and the Singapore Cricket Club Seven's tournament in March,followed by the month
long Police Cup A division tournament and ending the calendar with the recent Singapore Schools 1 O-a-side
tournament.The team gave their
tournament. Throughout the year,the team A training session. registered wins againstTJC and the Northern Knights Rugby Club beating them in style.We also ended the year in winning style with the new J1 team beating PJC in the last match played.
Team 2003 JC 2 members. Row t (lefi to right): Damien Seng (Head ofWelfare), Jese Kim (Secretarl, LeonardYip (Head a: Logistics), Benjamin Fong (Treasurer), Harihuma. Rou 2: Zahid Zameer, Gabrie.Loi (Captain), Gordon and Eluym.
Team CJC Rugbl
JC2 fran 200J.
The coach
&tt ffiill Y (J(
\\ \\ \\ \\
annual vol.2a
tt il
Executive committee
Mr Foo Chee Tuang
Gabriel Loi, Jesse Kim, Benjamin
Mr Chiam Kok Chong
Fong, Darnien 5eng, Leonard Yip
aith the team before
the gamt
Science SocietY the fhe main objective of increase to is I Sci"nce SocietY
knowledge and c --derstanding of scientifi but :nnciples in a different
r:eresting PersPective'Along the .i{ay we also develoP leadershiP
our members.The various r-tivities our members organized md took Part in this Year are the
ils in
rcruitment drive, Science l-allenge, PhYsics Quiz, Science :roject kits, weeklY Practical and Material Engineering -ining luizAll these activities have
fostered qualities like leadership, initiative, responsibility and team spirit in our members.Our members also attended science talks hosted by tertiary institutions to widen their horizons. The comPletion of science project kits Proved to be the most
time consuming but rewarding activity of the Year. lt took two months to comPlete the whole event. Members were Paired uP and given Projects to be completed.The main idea of the event is to benefit the college
science communitY.The Projects were disPlaYed in the lectures to help students understand science
theories more clearlY' More than 10 projects have been comPleted at the end of the two months' To helP our members in improving their Practical skills they were given weeklY Practical training sessions. Members were exposed to the manY different practical questions and given a difficult taskto solve within a time
.':, ;ri&*a$
Scieice Quiz: Clockuisefrorn boxom left: Nelson, Aaron, Ben4r' Edmund and Srunlev cherkinA the stoP warches'
,irualirrr, buzirs and thrquiz
ffi t,;t*qtt':
Aaron Alexander' 6i i),; Min, Ms Eny chiew yin, Ayu Yeo Yong Xiang Benn,' siong Neko)' ch'i'o Ng Y;;Wt'' Cheng Mingvi Edm";i'Z;;;'i;
T ioiut' Edmund and Aaron conducring an rhc . -":r,;i-;; ; *ater roehct' Compress.ed airup'forces it to shoot ,,'tru ,t
17ou out
and this
t&s Eng Chiew Yin
SranleY usinga Perrin
tuLe rc in'uesrigate thc tach ofan eletton
Teachers-in-charge Ur Wee Wee Chau
Ph*ic Er\rrimrnr:
Suruiual oIthe Fitresr Competition: Hui
Yue and lian Linpare makingd pr0t((tiue ,orc fo, ), egg to"be druPPcd from a heighr ofabout a storel htgh.
Executive committee
Ayu Aaron Alexander, Ng thuen Siong Nelson, Koh Hui Min, Yeo Yong Xiang BennY, Cheng MingYi Edmund
6 Annual
Soccer feam
squads,the competitive outfit, and the feeder unit. Pre-season
training commenced as early as June 2002 and the squad took shape through the months as the boys were put through a regime of ball-wor( strength training, peak physical conditioning and
strategic play.Workouts are held every Monday and Thursday in the evening after school.Team commitment was evident in the regular attendance during training,the level of match fitness seen in the improvements made in the Fitness'Bleep'Test and individual NAPFA performances, and the camaraderie manifested
in the community service that the team performs together.
With the knowledge and belief that who ever we wrestle with will strengthen our nerves and sharpen our skills, matches were organized against various teams to expose the team to different plays and opponents, most notably against the exinternational players. As a lead-up to the Nationals'Soccer Tournamen! our college took part in two tournaments.We emerged runners-up in an lnternational Quadrangular where teams from the French School and the lnternational Soccer Academy also participated, and obtained a
credible third placing in an lnterCollege friendly competition. We opened our campaign in
this year's A Division Soccer
competition with a cautious defeat against ACJC and a shock loss to fuC was a bitter pill to swallow considering we were leading at one stage. However, we redeemed ourselves with a strong finish to the round with a hardfought and commendable victory overTJC.We are convinced that with adequate reflection on our performance, an understanding of our strengths, and a lot of hard work and character, our boys will develop into an even stronger team in the coming year.
A training
Tbam CJC.
Soccer squad before the tournament.
Executive committee
Mr Adrian Ho
Kelvin Goh, Benedict Low, Brian Ng, Mark Ng,5haik lrfaan, Kavan Mehta
St Vincent De Paul Soci ety l\ /l embers of StVincent De Paul I
I society try to tive in adherence to the divine will.We attempt to assist the poor and needy in our society whenever and wherever we find them.We care for the underprivileged and are committed to bringing cheer and comfort to the sick and poor. Our members have adopted destitute old folks and we pay them regular monthly visits with provisions donated by the Gtholic Welfare Services. Our adoptees live in the Chinatown and Redhill areas.Through our ,,risits we hope to foster their self respect.
Members of StVincent De Paul Society also render services to l.J. Iducare Centre on their regular ,isits there.The residents are the
orphans adopted by l.J. Educare Centre and they have some learning disabilities.The students interact with the residents, entertain them and read to them whenever possible. The Society also helped financially needy students by raising funds to assist them. During the Catholic Junior College Sports Carnival held on 23 May 2003 the members sold drinks donated by sponsors to raise funds for our financially needy students. ln addition we participated in fund raising projects for a number
Lean Kiow, Shawn NgYouJie, Ang
We try to follow in the footsteps of the Venerable
Frederick Ozanam and we celebrate his Feast Day.There is a spiritual aspect to the society's
activities.At each meeting we say a prayer and our members are
encouraged to attend the Annual Retreat.The Annual General Meeting for this year was held on 28 May 2003 at the Church of the Sacred Heart.The committee
members of the StVincent De paul Society, St Pau l's Conference,
also donate old clothing to the
churches to help them to raise
members and their teacher aduisor Ms Cheng Lean Kiou at the beautful Church Saoed Heart ajler attending mass. From lefi:Cheung Hoi Man, Thy Enhui Chariry,
L lhng
Singapore and abroad.
attended Mass at 6pm prior to the meeting.The Mass was concelebrated by Monsignor Francis Lau and three spiritual
of organizations as well as flag days projects during the year.We
ltyotittee ,i
fundsforthe poorand needy in
Ms Cheng Lean Kiou selling a drink to a stud.ent to raise funds for
needy students.
Executive committee
t{s Cheng Lean Kiow
Cheung Hoi Man, Tay Enhui (harity, Shawn Ng You Jie,
Ang HuiTeng
(J( Annual Vol.2+
Swimming /nur
college swimming team
\rlrtriu", tlr sports
for its swimmers and building strong bonds amongst its members.
Training is held twice under the suPervision and guidance of our new coach, Mr AndyVoo on MondaYs and FridaYs from 5pm to 7Pm at theToa PaYoh a
preparation for it.
produced in recent historY.
result,our swimmers have done very well in their events,with most swimmers achieving their
All this would not be Possible without the dedication of our swimmers and coach, Mr AndY Voo,as well as the suPPort and
As a
personal best times. ln particular, Bernard Liew of class 2T33 finished 8th out of 38 comPetitors in the 50 metres freestYle
Swimming ComPlex.The swimmers underwent a rigorous and comprehensive training regime in preparation for the 44th Milo National lnter-school Swimming ChamPionshiPs. From 8 to 1 5 JulY,our college swimming team was atToa PaYoh Swimming ComPlex to ParticiPate in the 44th National lnterschool Swimming ChamPionshiPs 2003. As this was the most imPortant
competition in the Junior College Swimming Calendar,our swimmers had trained verY hard in
encouragement of our teachersin-charge,Mdm Wee Siew Ling and Mr Gan Sin Yew.All our swimmers have gained valuable experience from this competition.
individual event.This is verY commendable as this is one of the most competitive events. ln the relays,our boys'team did better than last year's - we imProved to 6th position for both the medleY (02:12.58) and freestyle (01 :54.07) relays. Our girls'team maintained finishing 7th their performance
ln addition the swimming team had also organized a swimming enrichment programme on19,23 and 26 MaY 2003 at the Toa PaYoh Swimming Complex to help prePare enthusiastic swimmers for the
for the medley relay (02:59.72) and 6th for the freestyle relaY (02:24.66\. ln the overa
annual Sports Carnival
Swimming Fiesta which was held on 30 May 2003Jhis enrichment programme aims to impart to students the basics of competitive swimming as well as to helP students correct and imProve on their stroke and techniques.
rankings, our boys' team imProved from 1 2th last year to 6th this Year,
while our girls'team maintained their 7th placing.These results have been the best CJC has
Suimnters at the 44th National Inter-School
Suimming C h amP io ns hiPs 2003 with MdmVee. Rou l(tefi to right): Brian Pan,
Zijian, Jiiwei,
Musa Chng' Rou 2: Daryl Marh Tbh, Chun Huat,
Tiacy Lum,
Ian Chan and StePhanie'
i n r ch a,r g,e . l"
I Mr Gan S'in,Yew
Itt (J( Y
i x g g,u,t iv-.e' co,m l
n :l(0o n' Wa h,
Yoke Lin, Lin YingJun
e :
Sy*phonic Band the was also the farewell performance for our members who stayed with us onlY for the first three months.The highlight of the concert was
Jhe Catholic Junior College I Symphonic Band is under the baton of Mr Alvin Seville, a former CJC student and member of the has been in existence since October 1 998 and has been performing the National Anthem and School Song at various functions within the school, such as the National DaY Parade.The band teachers-in-charge for the
year 2003 are Miss Soh Swee Keng, MrsTai Siu Boon,Mr Dennis Ang,
Madam Nor Hanisah and Madam to bid goodbye to our very dedicated
Tam June Chzam.We had
teacher, Miss Soh Swee Keng, who left the college in late June. This year, the band was invited
to play at the Careers
Fair 2003
opening ceremony at the Suntec Exhibition Hall on 6 March. Later that month,the band Performed at "ln Harmony'/a combined concert with the choir and the guitar club.The sold-out concert featured our percussionist,Violet Lim, as the soloist of the night on
Careers Fair 2003 at Suntec Exhibition
Saba' or'Belkis, Queen of Shebai The final function the band held was the lnvestiture 2003, when the Year 2 students stepped down and relinquished their various posts to
theYear 1s.The band will continue
Executive Gommittee
Ms 5oh Swee Keng
Mdm Tam June Chzam
Mdm Nor Hanisah
In Harmony concert: (lefi)
Geneuieue Tan and our
President, Caitlyn Ong.
Otto Resphigi's'Belkis, Regina Di
Caitlyn 0ng, Gerard Jude Lou,
Mrs Tai 5iu Boon
administrative guidance of the new committee.
Arkcomposed by Bert
Appermont, a piece that recounts the biblical story.Then in earlY May, a two-day band camp was held in school in preparation for the SYF.After manY months of hard worhthe band achieved a silver award at the Central Judging for Junior Colleges on 7 May, an achievement that is consistent with the previous two competitions.The set Piece was entitled'Tales Of The Sea'and composed by Mr Soichi KonagaYa, and the choice piece,an orchestral excerpt arranged for band,from
Teachers-in-charge Mr Dennis Ang
to flourish in the following year under the musical and
Erlinda TanuwijaYa, Kevin Goh Shan Wen, 5herlYn Ang, Dawn 0ng' Violet Lim Hui Chun, Pamela Devan
From lefi: Ab Dennis Ang Mrs Thi Siu Boon, Sherlyn Ang, Pamela Deuan, Caitlyn Ong Keuin Goh Shan Wen, Dawn Ong Gerard Jude Lou, Erlinda Thnuwijaya, Mc{m Tzm June Chzam, Violet Lim Hui Chun, Mdm Nor Hanisah.
Tennis The
tennis team started I training with our new coach, MrVictor Koh,from the very start of the year.Training sessions were CJC
held three times a wee( on Mondays and ThursdaYs from 5Pm to 7pm and WednesdaYs from 3pm to 5pm.We had on court training on MondaYs and Thursdays with our coach,who corrected us on our strokes and advised us on strategy PlaY, especially in the doubles game. We also had drills and set-Pieces to execute. These training sessions
have effectively improved our skills.Wednesdays were mainly for physical training at the
gymnasium,although we sometimes tookto the field for stamina training. Apart from the alreadY rather intensive training, our team played friendly matches with severaljunior colleges and the NUSS'C' and'D' division PlaYers during the month of March. All of these provided much match experience for the lnter-College Tennis Competition that was held
from Aprilto May.Some of the matches were played on homeground and we are apPreciative of the support given bY the college' However, the CJC Tennis BoYs' Team narrowly failed to qualify for the final round although we had
the same number of Points as one of the qualifying teams.We are proud of our achievements this year as we played better with each passing game and team sPirit was evident throughout the tournament.
rq .*dt *iW
The team at CCAB, aiier a uictorious 5-0 match' From lef: Su Hong Thn ChongYang,.Kenji See Han Quan, Marcus Soo fuiin Loong Mattheu ihmg, Eric Cheah, Lee SznYiao' Sim Wei Wen Auiel, Eddie Pramono' Ng Yew Fong Andy, Ng Xu Cun Aluin, Chen Yingren Lionel' Mui SongWah' Kwan Jin Hong Kenneth.
Row 1(te/i to right): Sim Wei Wen Auiel, Su Hong Quan, Mattheu Thn ChongYang Aiarcus Soo Min Loong, Eric Cheah, ChenYingren Lionel' Ro*i' Mi; Song\Vah, Kenji See Han Cheng, Kwan Jin Hong Kenneth, Lee Sze- Yian, Ng Yeu Fong Andy Ng Xun Cun Aluin' Eddie Pramono,
Mr Victor Koh.
Executiue Committee: (leJi to right) Sin WeiWen Auiel (captain), Kuan Jing Hong Kenneth (secretary), Mui SongWah (treasurer), Eddie Pramono (uice-captain)'
Tennis Advisors
Mr Chuah Bee Bah Mrs Karen Ho
\ \\ ,,, o"rr., ur, ,-
2003 CIC
Executive committee Sim Wei Wen Aviel, Eddie Pramono, Kwan Jin Hong Kenneth, Mui Sonq Wah
Tbnnis Team at their last
Thack JheTrack and Field team and
the Cross Countryteam had a very good 2003. We had a bumper year with over 30 new members in the team and many stayed on in CJC to be part of the team. Training took off every week with the renowned international coach Rainer Paul of the former East Germany.Although it was tough, the members were delighted with
his guidance and help.
The annual camp at Changi was the first major event of the year and it was enjoyed by all. We began our participation in competitions by entering the cross country events at MacRitchie.This year So Ze Bin of 2T18 came in 4th in the Annual Schools Cross Country Meet at Sentosa.
Annual camp at Changi
Executive committee
Mr Joseph ldison
(heng, lskandar Jumahat, Sundra Gaytri Meriange
Ms Jean Yeow
Mr M Tamilselvan
Tan Toon
& Field
Our participation in the various Track and Field Meets was capped by a brilliant performance by our captain Tan Toon Cheng of 2T26 who took the bronze medal in the Annual Schools Track and Field finals at the National Stadium.We look forward to greater performance from our athletes and more fun in working together to achieve our aims.
Volleyball fJC Vollevball achieved a first Lfo, tt'r".ollege this year when
The CJC Boys'A Division team was spearheaded by its Captain, Chen Guan You (2T20),ViceCaptain, Aeron Lioe (2T1 4), and Secretary, Jason Pan (2T20). Like
Their achievement at this competition is especially commendable when one takes
their sister team,the CJC Boys' volleyball team also began with just two experienced players in
into consideration the fact that 1 0 out of 12 members of the team began with either little or no experience in the game when theY first joined the ccA in2o02.
2002. However, hard
the Girls'ADivision team emerged as one of the Top 8 teams in the 2003 National Schools Volleyball
Led by their Captain Kimberly Ang and Vice-Captain Joanna Soh of 2T05, the Girls'A Division team sacrificed much of their precious
time during the academic year and over the holidays to train and prepare for the National Schools' Competition.
il I T
ill on the first day of competition.
Commendations also go to our Boys'team who put in their best effort at this year's National Schools'Volleyball Championships. The strength and forcefulness of the team however was diminished at the competition when a keY member of the team fell severely
dedication and love for the game resulted in vast improvements in the skill level of the entire team. ln the course of preparing themselves for the major competition, the CJC team convened with teams from RJC, SAJC, SRJC,
and YJC for friendly
matches. ln addition,the team would also take time out from
regular training to'hit the beach' for some Beach Volleyball. Four members of the Volleyball team( Ng Wee Jim 1T21,Yeo Rong Rong Ariel Jiang 2T08 and Tay Meng Heng 2T20), revealed their competence in this arena when 1T1 3,
they bagged the I st runner-up position at this year's Quiksilver
Open BeachVolleyball Championship. ln August this year, both the Boys'and the Girls'teams came together to plan for the 2003
lnterclass Volleyball Championships. Prior to the
competition, enrichment sessions were held over a course of three days to better equip competitors and interested pupils with basic volleyball game skills.These sessions saw up to 50 people honing their skills in setting, serving, digging and spiking. The lnterclass competition was well received with a total of 30 teams comprising eight players from both JCl and JC2 signing up to compete. After three days of intense competition, both teams from 2T20 claimed thel st and 2nd positions while 2T05 and 1T20 emerged 3rd and 4th respectively. Taking over the helm of leadership in 2003/2004 will be Girls' Captain,Yeo Rong Rong (1 T1 3),Vice-Captain Gillian
and Boys'
Captain Ng Wee Jim
T21 ).
CJC Boyi Team. Row I (leji to right): Quek JiaWei, Aeron Lioe (l'ice-Captain)' Ms Caioline Smith, Mr Vang ZhiWei, Chen Guan You (Captain), Jason Pan (Secretary) Row 2:Tan Yi Han, Sean Soh, Jiang Rui Ming' Joseph Lee, Robin Loh, Thy Meng Heng'
Teachers-in-charge Ms
(aroline Smith
Mr Wang ZhiWei
CJC Girls'Tbam. Rou I (lefi to right): MrWang ZhiVei (teacher-in-charge), Angela Wong, Rachel Chia, Joanna Soh (l ic e - Cap tain), Kim b e r ly Ang ( Cap t ai n), Sh ery I Wo ng Rosemarie Koh, Ms Caroline Smith (teacher-in-charge). Row 2: Wnetia Ngin, Crystal Chum, Nur Shazuani
Ashihin, Qorrine Lee, Angie Chong.
Executive committee Kimberly Ang, Chen Guan You, Aeron Lioe, Jason
Youth Flying Club Jhe Singapore Youth Flying I Club awarded six of our finest
experience what it takes to obtain the pilot's wings in the air force.
student pilot trainees with the
For the first time this year,28 lucky students were selected for a Flying Experience Programme and
Basic Flying Certificate. Mah Wei Liang (2T15), Kenneth Chiu (2T17),
Benjamin Thong (2T'18), Benedict Low (2T18), Ho Kwong Kin (2T29) and NicholasYeo (1T28) successfully completed their basic
flying training on the Piper Warrior ll aircraft.As part of their programme, the pilot trainees went through a grueling schedule of air training where they were given the opportunity to savor the thrill of piloting an aircraft and
loops and barrel rolls were part of the excitement and some lucky students were even given the chance to handle thejoystick and
hour's sortie over Singapore and
the controls during take-offand landings.This year also witnessed the opening ofthe spanking new SYFC with a host of new airplanes and state-of-the-art flight training facilities.The highlight of the whole event was the close formation fly past executed by two of the aircrafts at 300 feet before the approach to the Seletar
the South China
taken up for a joy-ride at the Youth Flying Club at Seletar Airbase. Over the course of two days,the students were brought on a tour around the operational hangar at the YFC, given a safety briefing on the flight experience, before being strapped up and taken up for an Sea. Steep
YFC memberg
Srudents posing
uith Captain Dewitt afier a joyride
Mauricette Lee and Lek jil/ee Keat before take-off
B.rother Paul the SYFC.
trainee pilots at the
Ground School lnstructor/TeacherCoordinator Mr Adrian
(J( Annual vol.24
(from left to right) Karen Koh Mei Ying, Lim Hui Lin Florence,Turner Melissa Kim, wong pui Mun Daphne, Mr M Renganathan, sng chye Lynn cherissa, Ngiam Huijun charlene, Elizabeth ran pei Ming, Spykerman Kimberly Faye.
Row 2:
Koh Jun Hao Wilvin, Sim Wei Chun Joshua, Fong Xian Jun Benjamin,yeoh Matthew John Jia yong, Syed Umar Ashraf Shah, Chee yinlin Eileen, Nott Cheryl Edna Xueli, Cynthia Ong Shi Jie.
Class 2T03
Fangting' Mr Ho Seng chye' (from left to right) Natalie soh Zhi Yun, Chum Jing crystal, chia shu Bin Rachel, Zheng
:/-;_=_...\ :\ t\
is) i
i/ t/
cJ{Annualvol 2a
Jingle' Lee Ya Hui' Anantha Ruby D/o chuang Daniel, Kow Jing Ren Sharon, Quek Jia-Lyn Jermaine,Yang Edmond' Kwang Chye : Lim Timothy, Rouben, Ng Zhenyu yuanfeng Daniel Andrew, Ng Xu cun, Lim De Neng, Denq Ziqiang Eugene, Nikhil Hogan Lim Jian Li Jeremy, Zhang Eak
Class 2T05
(from left to right) Tan Kiat Lu Teresa, Chua Kim Ching Charmaine,Woo Shu Fen Vanessa Cheryl,Yeo Puay Yin, Goh Si Ying' Mr Darrell Tan, Zhang Minsi, Lim Xue Li Jeanne,Thiew Zong Min Michelle Magdalene, Ning samantha, Lee,weeYi Hwee Khoo Yu Angela, Hui Li Janet,wong Jin Ang Li Ling candace,Tan Li Leng,Tay row van-l_yn Angele Frances, Ang Tian Ling Kimberly,Tan Xuan wei lvy, soh shu Ping. Zhiwei, Mui Cheok Mun Cedrig Devan pamela Mary, Oh Jinn Ren Aikland,Tan Cheng Kiat Benny, Lim Yau Hui,Teo Cai Keqi Reina.
Malathy D/O Panier Selvem.
4 V
(Jc lnnual
Class 2T06
(from left to right) ong Pei Ling Eugenia,Tan Yan Ni Angelene, Koh Jia ping Melissa, Low Carline, Mrs Felicia Koh, Huang Minghui, Ong ShiWoon Dawn, Chua Su yeng May,yee Zhuoying Karmene.
Gwee Chuan Hup Rayner,Tan Kean Bu, Lim Wei Xiong Melvin,Wong Wen Bin Kenneth, Sandeep Singh Brandal S/o N S,Yeo SiewWoon,Wong Li-Ling Rebecca Elizabeth.
(from left to right) Lim wei Lun,Tay Yi shun Edwin, Sasikumar Yong Hong Kit Clement, Neubronner Nicholas Gerald.
Row 2:
Lee Zhen Ming, Low Beng Hwee Dickson, Kejandran
Ang Yee San
s/o Mariyappan, Mr
M Tamilselvan, Fam Kai Kiet,
s/o Chandara sigran, Boon sokreng Jiilian.
Class 2T04
(from left to right) sng Hui Min Melissa,Tang QiYan Amanda Maria,Yasmeen Low ShiYing,Zhong Weiling Rachel, Ong Ya Yun Joyce.
Chow Xin En Dionne, Li Kaiyin, Zairina Bte Mohamad.
Abedeen Tyebally, Mdm Mary Goh,
I t,t (J( Annual vol.2a V
Class 2T09
(from left to right) Soh Wen Qi Rachel, Lee Wen Zhi Cheryl, Nurshazwani Ashikin Norra, Lim Yingjun, Ms Lynette Yong, Loh Xiu Hui, Sim Wei Wen Aviel, Mohamed Feroz Taherbhai, Pang Chia Heng Nicolas. Tan Eu-Heng Roy, Mark Graham Thomas, Loh Vooi Hon Robin, Lalwani -linesh, Fu Bojun, Lin Junpei Nicholas, Chiam
Toon Ren.
ctc rnnu.t vor. t+
Chua Mei Ling Bernice, Lee Wei Zheng Lionel.
(from left to right) Choo Siew Ling,Yow Min Hui Ena, Siti Nur Hajar Bte Abd Rahman,Teo Pamela, Mr Alvin Saw, Zhong Si Wan,Yo Zhao Sen Tiffany, Char Pei Ling, Chew Huifang. Leow Wen Da, Ng Yew Fong Andy, Narayanan Naresh,Yang Shijie, Chan Yi Hou,Ye Shiyin, Leow Yong Yuan I Stephanie, lvonneYulianty,YangZiyingPamela.
(from left to right) Goh Hui Jing Michelle,Yeo Liying Sylvia, Goh Mu Hui Geraldine, Chun yan Lin, Ms Fernandez Hazel,wu Zhongwei, cheong Mun yi Janice,Tham Bao Ling Karen, Dhanya D/o surendran. Ma Shanshan Daphne, Sew Wei Teng Geraldine, Chiu Mei Ji, Ursula Laura Tan Wei Lin, Xu yuxuan Giselle, Chen Xuena,Yan Yu Jing.
o,o'"""'vor.24 Y
:f,.. .:
(from left to right) caecilia, Ho wen-Ya,Tay wendy, ong yi Xuan charissa, Mrs Angeline Khoo, Hau weiling,Tham Guang Jie Aaron, Chan Si yao Jeffrey,Gao Ziyuan.
QiuXun,LewchengTong,TanEeJin,Yeowei LiangKenneth,XuZeDa,chuaMengKiat,TayJangchyuansam,
Chen Cheng yang, Aeron Lioe Nam pin.
,l 125
Row 2:
_-\-\ \
\\ \
W crt rnnuat vor. zl I
(from left to right) Zhang Yingsi, Lai songyu, ong Ing Ling Diana, Mdm Nor Hanisah saphari, Mr Lim chok peng, Felita Tandra, Erlinda Tanuwijaya, Lidya Siauw, Lim york Mun. soh Pei wen, chia wee siong Alvan, Quek Yixian Timothy, Pang Mingchuan Nicholas, see wei Li willy, Mah wei Liang, Goh Cheng Liang, chin Jingxi stanrey, Rungsapphaiboon peera, Ng Chuen siong Nerson.
left to right) wong wai Lun, wong Kah wai, Lee Joo How, Liao Zhenting Jonathan, Ms Johanna chua, Lin Yuanqin, Huang ShuyiTammy, Lee Jia Woei, Melisa Sriwulandari. Zhang Laifu Joel' chew Hew sheng, Edward soetiono, Liew wei eiang stanley, lrwan sutanto, chhabra Deepinder "ourfi,run sinqh' Goh Kim Lai Dennis, Huang Junwei,Tan Yong Xian,Tay w"iri" wee Ming,Tang chih-chao @ Eric Tang.
(J( Annual Vot.2a
ii l
Row i
(from left to right) Lim Min Li Michelle,Tan Hwee Ting, Hee Yen Julia, Keh Hui Hui, Ms Amy Beverly,Teo Soon Aik, BoeyYin Yee Geraldene,Airine Djayadi.
Lee, sim
wei Shan
Chan Li Lun Clarence, Chong Kai Shing, Chan Koon Wah lan, Wong Hsien Han, Ngoh Chun Rong,Teo Joo Wee, Mui Song Wah, Lim Kun Min Jonathan, Seet Wei Wen Jordan, Koh peng yam.
Lee Yao Zu Gordon Joh n, Ateet A Kudta rka r, Ch iu Weirong Kenneth, Yeo Tan Han Soon Gary,Wong Wei Hao Christopher.
ng Ma rcus, yeu ng
in Jonathan,
(from left to right) Goh Huan Bok Kelvin, Lee Weixian Jessie, Neo phey Fern Jacqueline, Goh Jin Zhen, Ms Eng ChiewYin,ThioTseAnn,Chang Shu Xian,Ho HuiWen,Wu einying Sylvia.
Sugianto Wibawa, Koh Hong Jie, Lim Wee Kiat Daniel,Wong Loo Wah, Chua Kwok ping, Chua Boon Siang, Lin Jinhan, Luke Zhi Cong Edmund,Ang Seng Keat.
Char Weng Kin Calvin,Thong Gui Hong Benjamin, Soh Ze Bin, Low Zhi Wei Benedict,
Lim Shou Hua.
Bholwali Mohir Moti.
(from left to right) Tan su Zen Yvonne, chew Ee Suan, wan sum yan, chan Sher Lin, Mr Tan Hoe Teck, Huang Yanling, Pok Kay Foong Melissa, Lee Moling Mauricette, Zhang yu. Row 2:
z.\_ \ \ $
cJ{ Annuat
Chua Jin Yen Gabriel, Leow Jun Cheng, Ho Jin Yao, Cheong Dexiang Hansel, Kwan Jin Hong Kenneth,ye Jinkun, Lek Wee Keat, Huang Yancheng Nicholas, Lee Sze-yian, Lee Jierui Bernard.
* *
(from left to right) Zhu Yun Yun, Li Qingyi Esther claire,Tan sheila,Tang Sherrie, Mdm Tan Lee Huang, Kim Min Jeong,Trina Swee ping Zhi, Lee Shah Shan, Loh Ci Hui Joyce.
Chua Teng Da, Foo Tiang Chyuan Joshua, yeo euanwei, Lim Zhan ye,Tan yan Guang, Giang Wei Hao Melvyn,
Tan Wei Jian, Yap Wee Leong Alvin, Lim Chun Keng Louis, Kang
yi Liang.
Class 2T23
(from left to right) Tay Wee Yee, Pan Wan Juan, Wong Wenli Sheryl, Mrs Tai Siu Boon, Razinah Begum D/O M Haniffa, Sh Najwa bte S Hassan Alattas,Yeo Siew Ling. ngeetha D/O U n balagan, Ong Wei Ling, Christina Erickinson, Seow Sze-Yin, Wong J ing h ui Brya n, Khalid Abdu Lathif, Zeng Shouzi,Tan Yan Xun. :
Neo Chan Yuan, Sie Yong Chin Dominic, Lee Shih Tong Kenneth, Lee Qi Xian, Choo Choon Kiat Dylan,Yong Zhi Yang, Herry Prabowo Danubrata,Wu Chenghao.
,a-' U
ocr""""rv"r.zr W
i, iil
$r *.t
EI lj.rrl
tf E*
j t
(from left to rig ht) Kwek La n Ling Debora h, wata naprasit Yu Ling Denise, Ta n Ling poh Felicia, Lim yi Xua n, Mr Alphonsus wong chee Leong, Ang Kai Yee clare,Tham Shu Jing Cheryl, Ng Xue ying Tricia,Toh Mei siew Felicia. Lai Meini, Quek Jia wei, Tan Siaw Kian Melvin,Tan Jun wen Nicholas, Lim Fu Long Eric, Ng Zhili Gerard-christian, Damien Seng Wei Pin, Zahid Zameer B Abdulwahid, Ng Xiang You Jonathan, Kok Bing Xr:an orrr"n, Hoo Shu Lern. Goh Guo Zheng.
I 1l l
Row 2:
t I
3: frl#;lll?ljil;1,,,15:T?;"Jll,Yijavan,rhivasanesh
clc rnnuar vor. zr
Muthucanoo s/o
5, Fons
Zhimins, sanker s/o rhansaveroo,
Class 2T2B
(from left to right) Daniel Oeij, Lee Shing Lam, Toh Tze Hern, Han Mingguang .leremy, Mr yap Koh Khee, Wong Jia Wei Wilson, Ho Weng Luen Stanley, Chan Wei Nah Delia, Lin Zebin. Ta n Wei'en N icholas, Lia ng Yaos heng, Chew Ch ia Jong Ken ny, Chee Zh eng Tan Rui Wen Benjamin,Tay Wei Seng, Pei Sai Fong.
KweeYi Zhong.
_sg 'i.
wW a !
Lu n, Kor Xia n
yong, Ong yi Ru
Sa m
Class 2T29
(from left to right) Wong Su Yi Belinda, Quek Mee Lin, Phan Stephanie Maria Rachman, Khng Lin Ting Diana, Ms Angela Teh, Gao Bingzhi Dexter, Guay Weiqin, Ngoh Shu Yi,Tan Vincent.
Shaik Muhammad lrfaan B S H, Muhammad Khairi B Azmi, Chua Jun Han Clayton,Tan Yi Han, Rajiv Jude lllesinghe, Ho Kwong Kin, Prem Singh S/O Harbans Singh, Lim Zhiqiang.
3: Absent: Row
Soh Cheun Chong Sean, Nalpon Walter Edgar, Hoo Kok Long, Sudhan Raj, Han
Chia Swee Lin Gloria, Kumarran S/O Veriyah.
Class 2T30
g::#'i::i:?Tfi::i.l',)ff,'^1;'jli,',-",il1;Tiu1j:i Row 2:
Hui, Lim sue Min, Mr Gan sin yew, Lok
fffiiTfJ:il iilff:y;:"t;.T;[: t"' Pens serena,yan yun yi, sim yan ein Noere,ran shi Lins rsarins, phua ff:"1il:lT?ffif::l;::il::;,";'""0'chenyinsren
Lioner,Khoo KaF Lens paur,chovchengwans,Ho
1,. ,::
\-\\'\ \\\\ -""'^""';))'
(from left to right) Azima Bte oosope, Felicia Erika Atmadja, sophia Lin shufei, Eunice sim Meiping, Mr Lim chye Fook, Yulia Hasan, Emiry Tan, Marie Goh Rui Ling, Arexandra Jane chua Zi En. cindyTeo shun Ru, Meenadevi Ranjani, Lee Zi Yu,wong Pei shan,Toi Miin Huey, Lee wan yui, Koh Ee Mei corinne, Goh Wei Xin, Nurdiyanah Bte Md Daud, Wee Lee Meng ?
Fong Kay siong Jonathan, Mark Ephrem Michael, Lee Junxiong Jeremy David,Tan chu chiang Ken, Ng Theng Koon Brian, Huang Yuan peng,Tay Jun Wen.
(from left to right) Ng Pui Fung Janice, Lye Su Jing Laverne, Chong Li Keow, Maureen Victoria Tarunadjaja, Mr Vincent Chia, Deborah Grace Fajardo William, Leong Yushan, Liew Zhen Rong Yvonne, Nur Hannah Frida Bte Fupaii.
BhindoVelaayudan,Shaminian Balakhrishnan,Angela D/O Anthony P M, Pu Zhenhua, Lo Min Chung Leeroy, Tay Yu-Ning Maximus, Sumithra Nair Venu, Lu Ling, Sundra Gaytri Meriange.
Chia Pei Yee.
'ii ",".1 't,{,r
-\ "
\\ u.or"r.,url ,*
Class 2T33
(from left to right) Khng Jiayuan, Ng SiTian, Michelle Balini D/O Muhun, Mr Foo Seck Shin, Soo peiyu Wivinia, tra Edwina lskandar, Marlini Bte Karim.
Lee Shuet Theng, Woo Ai Wen Sharon, Karolina Dwi Setyowati, Lee Su-Ching, Zhang Wendong Kenrick, Wan Wei Wen Wesley,Tasmia Eshita Khan, Eng Jia Lin Christina. :
Tan Chenxian Ranneth,.lanuar Harianto, Eddi Pramono, Liew Xian Wei Bernard, Loo Wei Liang Dennis.
Class 2735
(from left to right) Nur Ardianna Bte Mohamad Thany, Diyana Rahayu Bte Suratno,Ting Liu Ying Shirley, Soh Yong Quan, Mr Chua Hung Seng, Koh Weilin Rosemarie, Harvinder Kaur, Ng Shu-Ling Cheryl, Huang Liwen Charlotte. Arvinder Singh, Lim Gai Min Neville, Loo Chin Cheng Mark,Wang Shuling,Tan Kia Wen Charmaine, Ng Wei Ming Davina, Loo Zhi Jian, Raju Nino Arvind.
Ng Shen Wen David, Lee Chang Chuan Melvin, Lee Xuan Dun Joseph, Lou Wei Chen Gerard Jude, Phipps Benjamin.
Cheong Su-Ann Angie.
,t/ /t
Annual vol.24
ffi V
Class 2T36
(from left to right) Loh Jing Hao, Lim Siew Hoon Sharon, Xie Enjia Abriena, phua Mei yen, Mrs Helen Lisle, Ong Zeng Ti,Vatsala D/O Sethupathi, Gowri Magandarn, Bau Kin yan.
Seoh Yu Lin Andrea, Rysheila Anne D/O Asseervatham, Ong Ken Jia, Lareina Ann poospanathan, Madhura
Sulochenam Naidu,Teo Shi Ping,Toshih Raheed Nargun d,Zavier Hyacinta Initha, Chong yi. Kong chin chai Nicholas, Kwan Zheng Xin Joseph,yang yuzheng, Edwin s'andanasamy.
(from left to right) Nicola-Anne singh, Quek choon Hua Rebecca,yong yuen Ling Natalie, Ang sulin, Ms Norhayati Bte Awang, Kow wei Man, Koh yifang yvonne, sumitra Gopar, sonia Taj
Marican. Wong Wei Zhi, Baker Andrea Taryn, Liew May Jin Vanessa, Ryan Leon Michael, Ho Zhan Jie Reginald,Tan Tuan Hao, Fernandez Clifton Paul, Karthik S/O Rames,Toh Keng Yang lan, Suresh S/O Chandra
(from left to right) Lim Yinfang Jacinta, Erlina Bte Ramli, Harpreet Kaur Dhandal, Ng Hui Shen Alexis, Mrs Jas.mine Tan, Lee De Cai Michael,Teo lsmay, Ng Xiao yuan, Lianne Madeleine Chua. Row
Ho Peijuan Samantha, Nadia Arianna Bte Ramli,Yee Wing Man, Su peiyi Stacey, pinnavanam Rebecca Alicia
(from left to right) Chua Shu Juan Cindy,Tan Xiu Ping Charine, Fung Lok yin Luyinza, ow yun yi Marissa, Mrs Beji Siva,Tan Hui Rong Nicole, Ho Ailing Kristin Nicole, Soon Xuan Ping Chermaine, Ong Si Hui Fiona.
SimweeTeckVictor,HoeZongHuanTerence,ChuiWenjieDaniel,LanSinRongExodus,HarriesTimothyMingde, Yeo Pei-Ling Phoebe, Koh Rui Zhen Clara, Cai Renjun, Rebecca Lee pui ying.
CLASS ITO4 -----: -
\-\\\\\ \\\\ \
(from left to right) Eng Siew Thong Melissa, Dhanya Nair, Ng Wan Ting Daphne, Eunice Tan Linda, Khoo Zirui Grace, Danielle Kwan shiwei, sunita sivahnanthan, Lim Hui Min.
2: 3:
Tham Hui Zhen, Seah
y \\
..i :i' (J( Annual
vol.24 i r+a i
Kenneth Kow Rong Zhi,Timothy Lim Siew Cheng, Mohammad Hamzah Jonathan Huang Jun Wei, Heng Shiong yin Leon.
\ Absent:
Yi Yan, Felicia Shen, C Hemalata,Tnee Shu Fang,Wong Ray,
Wong Sian
B Samad,
yin, Ms Giam Swee Lee
Ang Fadzlin Nurazuin. primalani Rikesh Chandru,
(from left to right) Lai Qiuyi, seetoh Huimin, Tham Tammy samantha, Mr Thomas Ho, Ms sharon soong yin_yin, Chan yee pui Serena, Lim pick yin Cheryl,Tan Wei Ling
Natalie. Levisha D/o wijaykumar, Dass Angelina Anisha,.Ng Loe sin,yee Zhiyun,Toh yuhan Vanessa,Tan Mei Zhen Geraldine, ye eianwen Stephanie,Wong Shu Ching Michelle, Chan Vi iunOi.e fumutha D/O Kumanan. Huang Cizhen Daryr, Kuan Feng yi, Ho wei-Li Max, Annu Rai, Lee Xue Ting, chan ci,en sharon.
&,& Ir
Ir Row Row
1: 2: 3:
I ,
lsl lf:
,r, {,
\v-\ '. 1
",,ut', J
(from left to right) Zhou Aihui Elizabeth, lris Long Hui ching,yong Lai Ling Melissa, Fernandez clara Joan, Mr David Rmirah ate Rbdui nani, lJw znen Mei Audrey Melis. ong wei Ming Timothy,Tan shi Hua Dora, Tan Yong En Esther, soh wei Fen, Genevieve Ann Jeffrey, Sandhu,TanYinghua Beverly,Chan ^IrrrJerr.ey, Nimrta L Fahy, Lim Glory, Dian Natasha Bte Rashad, Nur
l\lmr Kaur /a /a ./ / / / Pang Zihao Joshua Timothy, rnlvtrrv'lrrurrg yong, chong woon pinli CeCil vvoon Yong,Lhen Chen Pinli ce
Tan Yong Hui Joshua,Tan Lee Yong Wei.
wei'an Dominic,
r+r / crcrnnu.rvor.zl S il/
t\ \\
CLAS S IT 07 Row
Row2: Row
(from left to right) Kristy Nandar, Seah Li Hwa Suzanne,Teo Shu Wan Jillyn,Yan Huihui Sarah, Ms jean Yeow,Joyce HooiYan Yan, Ching Mei Yun, Lin Mingwei Amanda, Ng Tien Hui Jaclyn. Teo Kai XinVeronica,Oh Pei Xian Christina,Lai Xiang Pin,Carolyn Bong Su Ling,Joo Zheng Chuan,Tehe Kai Feng, Leow Wei Yang Nicholas, Pang Cheng Jung, Wong Ya Chong Jerome. Lee Jwee Chuan Benjamin,Yeoh Zheng Sheng Alexandr, Lim Jian Yuan, Koh Ming En Dickson, Chan Shiaw-Yan,Yip Kai Man,Tsui Kwan Yuen,Tay Jin Tian Eugene.
{tK t;T ,:
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fl :* :q6.
CJ( Annual
\"-,' '" -)-)
(from left to right) Kwang Liping Chelsea, Hafizah D/O Osman, Reina Magdalena Tambunan, Koh Mei-Zhen Rebecca Lyne, Ms Ang Hui Hun, Wee Xuemei, Ong Kai Lim Caitlyn,Wu Weilin Adelene, Ong Fang Hui Stephanie. Cheong Jinjie Justin, Tan Yueping Maple, Ong Jia Mei Jessica,Yeo Ai Lian Christina, Chng M ing Li, Ong Jia Ling Josephine, Lee Mei Yan,Tan Mun Shi Maisie, Ng Wee Min Lester. Teong Ren Hao Reuben, Goh TeckTing,Tan Yong Teng, Ng You Jie Shawn,Wong Wai Kit,Tan Tian-Le Caleb, Wu Zonglun, Zakaria Tjugito.
(from left to right)
orrg cuiYun, Kelli-Ann Mendez,-Lee Xiaohui, Nur Rauda Bte Shalini,Ye Xiaowen,Thng Wen Mohamed sai, Mdm Damodaran You, cf'"rf,r siri Hua Emily, Siti Maisurah Bte Rosli. sa'edah Begum Bte syed s' Hamant Manjit singh, Karaivanan s/o pannerchir, Muhamad omar B sharif, Rahul N charres D,uid.Koh i;.-;;o syrvester, chua Bor-sens 'h"r;; ff",f:'-ryi[:11:,i
CLAS nowr:
S IT I2 ff"T[il::,',HffJ?l[:2,.1l?i?#;H:ffili::,i,,':'ffiil:,ix""i::f;I;T.:"Tfeokreckn,ex,
poon yan Tong, Lee Wen Llong, Koh Rong roh Mins w"n surrui L- Mei shan
\ \ *"* " Ranjan Radakrishnan, wan Zhikai, '' #Y cJCAnnuatvot.24 \ \
tl /t // J
serina, seah
s/o Karnasaran, soh Jun
Mohamed Nazir s/o Abdul R,Teow sun Fatt Benjamin.
Hao Jonathan,
CLASS 1T13 Row
(from left to right) Nur Shila Bte Rahmat, Chia Jolene, Nur Farhana Bte Mohamed H,Valerie Constance Hooper, Ms Meera Gopal,Yeo ZhiZhenCheryl,Yeo Rong Rong,Chee Hui Shan,Lyn-AnneYoke Ling Loy.
Wong Ruo Shi Phebe, Cai Bihao Emelind,Vanessa Peters, Chan Meimei Cherie, QuakTavia, Ng Li Chin Pearlene, Chok Sing Ping, Joseph Gerard Pang, Chan Ming Hwee Jaricson'
Tan Li Thong Julian,Vyasa Mahizhnan, Martin Jason Alan,Tham Wen Qing Shawn, Hui Ming Jian Jason, Preman Niven.
(from left to right) Su Huiyan Delvina, Halimatus Saadiah Bte lbr,Teng Mei Lin Richelle, Klyne Rachael Roberta, Low Li Ting Elizabeth. Ms Lim Hsiao yien, chan Kit Yu, Raja -lumira Bte R Azwar, Rasilah Bte Rahmat,
Seah Wan Hin, Sau Tien Hui, Khoo Hong Kah,Teo Ping Ting Grace, Huang Junliang Christian, Ong Yisheng Kelvin,Tan HuiYing Sarah.
'T v'
i$ .r-{i
(from left to right) Yeo Yan Ling, soo Xin-Jie Evelyn, Liew Li Qing, chen Jingjing, Mdm ong siow ying, xiao Lifen, Chan Lin Siong Linus,yee Jun Xian Jeremy, Goh Zhi Xin Moses James.
Justin Lim Dee King, Ho Zhi Jin,Teo Wei Ming Kelvin, Lim Chu Wei, Murug Benjamin, Rakesh Mathew Joseph, Chong Kiah Wee.
Lim chu Pei, cheung wai Keung wicky,yee Da chang Andrew, Albert salim, eian Xin, Mok Fu.
s/o odiathevar,
Lee Jwee Chuan
(fromlefttoright) NgsweeZhi,Chinwai Ling,PoornimaD/oDuraisingam,ChuaRui Na,MsLorraineWangLi Ling,
Tan Peng Hiap Abel, Kim Ji Hoon, Henky
\\ '' \ \"* S!|llilHlt?amin
* (JC
CLASS 1T16 \\
\ \
6 lf
n I
// ////
Tan Guan Kee, Lim Boon Hwee Matthew.
Joseph Halim,Lew Mun ruck, Lai Jianwen Ervin, seah Hons chuan Eusene, sim yue Hao
(from left to right) Khin Khin Htwe, Miyuki Kusuma, Poh Yuan Ting Yolanda, Goh Shu Hui Andrea, Mdm phang Swee Eng,Tan Hui Lan Lucia, Setho Ka Kei Angela, Ngo Jinshen Denys,Tay Siang Hong.
Lee Hong Keat, Leow Wei Xiang, Chia Wei .Jie Reuben, Pan Zhengxiang Daryl, Lee yii Huan Daryl,Tan Hang Khoon Benjamin, Ong Jing Shen.
Chew Henry, Phay Hong Wei Jonathan, Chen Wenyao,yeo Sen yip Francis.
S tT 20 (from left to right) Ow Peiwen Angela, Law Shueh Juan Seraphine, Loh MeiTing, Ng yupei, Mr Wee Chong yeow, Chua Ju n-Yi Celeste, James Valerie Anne, Lee Xue Yi Kenny, Nitin sethi.
\ \\\ \ \ Row2: TanJunYi Benjamin,ChooChinHuaAaron,AndrewChoudrie,TeoZheMing,YongKokWai,WongKinChew Esmond,Cheah Chun Kit Eric. \ \ \ Row 3: Valliappan S/O Chellappan, Harikumar Kunasekaran, Koh Kang Li. \ \
t*iti { (J( Annual
(from left to right) Wu Hongjun, Ho Mui Loon Cheryl,Wong Yu Lian, Lim Pei Ling, Mdm Tam .lune Chzam, Chen Wanling Emily, Chong Jen Wei, Ng Wee Jim, Ng Zhen Han.
Row 2
Pang Tow Han, Guo Zhihao Edwin, Chow Zhiren Clifford, Hu Jiaming, N9 Guan Chee, Lim Sie Nam Raymond, Chan Ying Feng, Sow Jun Ming, Koh Jing How.
w& :::i :ii:]:ll '',i, I
LI t
CLAS S IT 22 Row
(from left to right) Maryanne Ng Chian Jin, Lin Shunnan, Sim Ying Ping Sharon,Wan WaiYee, Dr Goh Chong Tee, Daphne Lim Pei Ling,Tan Ziqin, Owyong Kum Wah Ian, Gabriel Thong' FuSiangPin,TanJunHanEmil,LeowYuLung,KohWeirui Edison,LiangJi FengMalcolm,ShaunAngXingTai,Lee/, Jin Wei.
Cheng Lixing, Peter Khor Shun Wei, Joel Tan Wei Jian, Li Jia
t,,, / t
crcnnnuurvot.:l W
(from left to right) Mui Jing Jing Kristie, Soh Wan Ting Diana, Poh Huixian, Ho Esther, Michelle Loke Bao Bao,Tan Jia Hui, Clarissa Koh Wei Shan.
Ying, Mr Ong Gak San, Goh Kai Jia
Ow Xian Rui, Lim Guang Yong, Kao Jun Yuan, Koh Wei Jian, Leow Yanshen Hansen, Chong Kin Meng Marcus,
Tham Han Yi.
3: Absent: Row
Lee Jia Howe Nicholas,Tan Li Kui Benjamin,Tan Yusheng.
HoeYewChiang,TanJunxiang Daniel.
CLAS S IT 26 (from left to right) N9 Swee Kee,Yuan Shaoqing, Handaja Veronike Massie, Chan Xin
Yi, Mdm Tan Seow Ling,
Lim Ley Hong, Lim Yifei Joshua, Ng Zhi Yeu,Tan Wei Jin Don. Row2:
Wu Chee Kiat Desmond, Ser Chong Ping MichaeL Wee Wenjun Jamin,Tham Qinwen Shaun, Peh Shing Hao Alvin, Chan Weixiang Glenn, Leong Chi Heng Kenneth, Huan Kirk Liang Justin,Tay Wei Ting, Abdul Halim B Rashid, Lim Jiaqi.
(from left to right) Maya Fransisca, Chew Jian Ling, Nurshida Bte Zainal Abidin, Chua Hui Chin Susan, Ms Rani Suppiah,Teoh Ek Son, Kho Geok Khim, Chew Hui Yue, Syazana Bte Mohamed Rashid. Tan Qizhi Eugene,Theepan S/O Rajaram, Lokender Singh, lvan Lim Zhen Xuan, Joel prathiev Vinson, Ho Ning Shan, Ganesh S/O Nithyaseelan,Tan Zhao Feng, Rajiv Jawa,Vikhnesh Tanggarasa.
Joshua Nevis Arianayagam.
CLAS S IT 28 Rowl:
(fromlefttoright) WongJian-Hui,LeeWeiling,NgSuLin,JosephineKokLaiYee,MrLohKumLeong,Ngeianyi, Eng Kin Cher Eleanor,Wong Jia Liang Eugene,Tan Kah Kee.
\ \ \
Row \
Geh SiYuan, Li Weiqing David,Winston Foo,Thomas Chew Yong Mun, Lim Weijie Leonard, Kenji See, Han Zhong -L^..
(from left to right) Karris Chan, Angeline ong Zhi Yi, Joyce Lim Mei yan, Wini Waty Jong, Ms Chan Choo, Lim Baoli, Lee Ulynn, Phyllicia Toh yan Ling, Chan Siang yun Vanessa.
Mark Yan Zhong Wei, Valerie Er Zhen Xiu,Teo Lay Kuan, Yee Siang ping, Valerie phang Xin Hui, Halim viviana, Khoo Shi Qi Geraldine, Rachel Gunn Li ying,Tan Keng yin Stanley.
Khaw Chi Tong Stephen, Edwin Ho Chang Yong, Joakim Koh Yong Jin, Lionel Lee Wei Ming, yeo Rui Hang Benedict.
It l.l
n.l *_;w,
CLASS IT32 -^Row1:(fromlefttoright)AzizahBteSudarman,NaiYiWenGeraldine,TanYouLinAliciaMarie,AngJessie,MsWongMei ---\\ Yee, Mr Chin Siew Wai, Ling Xu Yi, Nuurulhuda Bte Russely,
\\ \\
Fong Yijing.
.. .. Row 2: Swarna Rajagopalan, Lim Denise, Kuan Kwok Ling,Tan Chong Yang MatthewTsai Fung yee, Khoo Joo yee,Wee Gui Fen Sabrina,To Ka yan,yee Karyin. \ \\\ now l: Yeo Wei Yong Andy, Low Kim Huat, Su Anli,Tay Xue Chao Brian Diaz, Ho Siong yew, Chan Thye Thiam. \ \ Aaron Ang,Wong Keng Kirvincent. \ \nbsent:
* , Y (J(Annuarvor.24 I 162
(from left to right) Ong Fong Yan Clara, Chan Suet Ling Adeline, Ong Hui Shan, Khusbir Kaur, Mrs Janice Lok, Chew Shumin Denyse, Kok Shi Yin Laraine, Leong Lai Quin, Noraishah Bte Abdullah
Spiro Adena Sara, Khang Ru Ying, Leow Li Rong Philene, Ling Pei Qi Ann, Chua Chong Yi Mario, Ng Hong Geh, Ho Ping Cheun, Phua Thong Ming, Li Chi Sheng, Chen Yingjie
Liaw Wanting.