The Catholic Diocese of Broken Bay is a portion of the people of God, a community of Christ's faithful in communion of faith and sacraments with its bishop. It exists to evangelise, to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ, gathered as one body and sent out to be missionary disciples.
Bishop Anthony Randazzo articulates six pastoral priorities to be placed at the centre of mission for the Diocese.
The person of Jesus Christ, and his message of Good News. (1 John 1:1-4) The Holy Spirit leads us in the way of discipleship. (Matthew 28:18-20)
2 Commission Evangelisation & Mission
Building together a culture of vocation for all the baptised. (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1877) A united message reflecting the voice of the bishop at the service of his people.
Authentic Catholic education for the flourishing of human and faith development.
(Evangelii nuntiandi, n. 22)
(Colossians 2:2-3)
4 Community Ecclesial Gathering
Justice and mercy place the poor at the heart of the Church.
(Matthew 25:40)
6 Common Good Justice & Peace
Three pillars form a foundation for mission for the Diocese. We stand on these pillars as we go about our work to achieve the six mission priorities
Council of Priests, College of Consultors, Deans, Chancery & Services
Supporting the Fields of Mission in the areas of Evangelisation, Stewardship, Safeguarding & Communications.
The community of the Church of Broken Bay is made up of 215,000 Catholics that live within
Parishes & Communities of Faith
The community of communities that comprises the Church in Broken Bay proclaims the Good News of Jesus Christ with a focus on parish renewal and discipleship.
Catholic Schools
Broken Bay
Authentic, professional Catholic education, delivered with care and compassion.
Broken Bay
Social care services and works of mercy offered to all, in the spirit of our gospel values, serving in justice and love.
Faith Joy Witness Compassion Courage
12 August 2021
LUKE 1:39-56
When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the child leaped in her womb. And Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit
Verse 41
Towards 2025, we at CSBB draw on the inspiration of Our Lady, Mary the Mother of Jesus. Mary ‘set out and went with haste’ (verse 39) to visit her cousin Elizabeth. We have a similar enthusiasm as we strive to be the best we can be and serve the students and parents of our Broken Bay community. We continue to live the values of Faith, Joy, Witness, Compassion and Courage.
As we continue our journey of transformation
Verse 46-47
Mary proclaimed the greatness of the Lord in her Magnificat. We strive to strengthen our Catholic culture with the same faith in Jesus.
Verse 32
This is the theme chosen by Pope Francis for World Youth Day 2023. As a community of communities in Broken Bay, we celebrate in unity with the young people from all over the world.
Mary set out and went with haste
My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour
Authentic, professional Catholic education, delivered with care and compassion.
Inspiring hearts and minds to know Christ, to love learning, to use their talents to be the very best they can be.
Under the leadership of the Bishop we are committed to maintaining focus on our purpose; to collaborating in the mission; to applying evidence based practice in all our endeavours and to delivering the vision as we strive to be at least as good as the very best.
• Mission Formation
• Quality Religious Education
• Communication and Engagement with Parish School Communities
• Assessment of effectiveness/opportunity for improvement
• Academic growth and achievement
• Success for our students in all aspects of learning
• Innovative and evidence-informed practice to improve outcomes for all.
An aligned and balanced business model will inform policy and practice
• Our decision-making processes will support our strategic priorities
• Our staff will be supported to know understand and practise good governance
• Capable, faith filled leaders
• Student centred leadership Attract, develop and retain high performing personnel
Performance growth and coaching culture
Enablement of othersunleashing potential (staff, students, parents)
• Fees/Pricing
• Budgets and Resourcing
• Short and Long Term Financial Planning
• Grow Enrolments
• ICT Infrastructure to support learning
• Capital WorksMajor and Minor
• Repairs and Maintenance
• Whole of System Budgeting
Measures of effectiveness indicating continuous improvement
2. STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT 3. GOVERNANCE 4. CAPABILITY & ENABLEMENT OF OUR PEOPLE 5. FINANCIAL VIABILITY“ Our staff have become closer in a professional, collaborative community - we were always very collegial and friendly but now the conversations are more professional, data driven and genuinely collaborative. ”
CSBB Classroom Teacher
By 2025 there will be a strong culture of improvement focused on teaching and learning. This will be supported by a continuous improvement system where school improvement is aligned to curriculum and assessment planning approaches. The work of leaders and teachers will be supported by performance and development processes. Leaders and teachers will be clear about what they need to do to lift performance.
By 2025 our students, families and staff will be encouraged and supported as they discover the meaning of Christ in their lives. Family, school and parish relationships will thrive helping to form our young people in Christ’s vision of life, as it has been interpreted by the Catholic community of faith over many centuries.
By 2025 the moral imperative and the importance of delivering student achievement will be clearly communicated. There will be a common understanding that success for students in all aspects of schooling goes beyond academic achievement. Our work has and will always be about human flourishing; for the individual and for the common good. Our practices and approaches in wellbeing for learning will be such that each child will be known, challenged and supported, and have opportunities to be the very best they can be. The ambitions we hold for our students will compel us to strive collaboratively for continuous improvement.
By 2025 we will be attracting and retaining a high performing workforce. Staff across the system will be supported in their professional growth and development whether they are working directly with students or working to support those who work with students. Career pathways will be identified so that staff have access to relevant and contemporary professional learning.
By 2025 a customer service mindset will strengthen the culture of welcome and mutual accountability to stimulate enrolment growth and financial viability. Effective systems and processes will inform communication and timely responsiveness so that innovation and efficient learning and teaching will be the norm.
engaged in the new curriculum
159 teachers engaged in collaborative professional learning
high quality resources created on own site to support teachers
“A lot of research, time and passion has been put into the new RE curriculum.”
to Wellbeing Wendy with almost 1,000 unique visitors in 3 months (Sept-Dec 22)
50+ TEACHERS, LEADERS & CCC STAFF involved in developing the Curriculum Planning and Assessment Guide and the CPAG App
“I don’t think we’ve ever had a syllabus introduced with such support before.”
CSBB Principal
“I can see how all this work is connecting now - Collaborative Coaching, CPAG, and the Continuous Improvement Cycle.”
By teachers and leaders for teachers and leaders
across primary and secondary schools formed Expertise in Teaching Groups
In 2022
av. increase in HSC results in 3 years within key courses involved in phase 1 of the Literacy in Subject Areas Collaborative Professional Learning
7,200 HOURS OF
Collaborative Coaching
240 teachers 7,000 students impacted across 18 Primary Schools
$18.4m Legacy Repairs & Maintenance across 44 schools
“Collaborative Coaching has been a game changer in terms of teacher engagement and authentic professional learning.”
Teacher17 major industries includingaerospace, agriculture, arts, technology, construction, defence, energy and more
Compliance & Assurance
a new model implemented across 35 schools and recognised by NESA and CSNSW as “Gold Standard”
PECs Recruited
Religious Creative Arts Competition
with work submitted from K-10
Catholic Charter
“The charter will allow a springboard for conversations with staff to renew our commitment to our mission.”
Leader& Compliance Secondary Initiatives
The Learning Improvement Program brings cohesion and focus to our core work aimed at strengthening leadership, formation, teaching and learning across all our schools.
There are three main drivers for this work, with specific focuses in 2023.
Catholic Formation
Implementation of CSBB Formation and Development framework.
World Youth Day 2023
New CSBB Religious Education Curriculum
Continued development and implementation of new CSBB Religious Education Curriculum.
Strengthening Parish School Relationships
Parent Engagement Coordinators in our schools - strengthening connections between parish, school and community.
Curriculum Reform
Supporting schools in implementing new primary and secondary syllabuses aligned to NSW Curriculum Reform.
Curriculum Planning and Assessment Guide
Implementation of the CSBB Curriculum Planning and Assessment Guide and App to support reflective practice, self-assessment, and prioritising actions to improve curriculum planning and assessment practices.
Secondary Literacy Program
Continued support for teachers and leaders to embed research-based, evidence-informed literacy strategies.
HSC Towards Excellence
Using data for improvement, and high-quality professional learning for HSC teachers in targeted areas.
Exploring the potential of digital devices to enhance contemporary and highly effective pedagogical practices in primary schools.
Leading School Improvement
Ongoing professional learning program to support school leadership teams to strategically lead improvement and change.
Leadership Coaching
Coaching for all Principals to support them in their role, individual growth and development.
Collaborative Coaching
Collaborative Coaching to drive student improvement through a sharp focus on teaching and learning practices.
Professional Learning
Implementation of CSBB Professional Learning Strategic Directions to create high quality opportunities for staff to grow and develop in their roles.
Strengthening Middle Leadership
The development of a program focused on leadership and formation for Middle Leaders.
Developing directions for improved practices and processes in Counselling, Aboriginal Education, Gifted and High Potential and Learner Diversity and Wellbeing.
Continuing the development of Pathways and Partnership initiatives that will support primary and secondary students.
Develop updated version of Unified Data Platform to include greater range of assessment data with increased functionality.
Develop functionality for users including HR Analytics and e-Performance module.
Develop a thorough understanding of current state of workforce and determine skills, capabilities and competencies required for future workforce.
Develop an integrated and secure platform as the single source of truth for all CSBBrelated content.
Continued support of migration to MS Teams and finalise governance requirements for data management.
Roll out multi-factor authentication for staff and further develop security and incident management protocols.
Expanding functionality of the Enterprise Service Desk.
Continue to develop and embed risk management practices into strategic and operational processes.
Centralise financial, information and administrative systems and roll-out Teams phones.
“ NESA has recognised CSBB compliance process as best practice. ”
“ The Cycle of Continuous Improvement provides our team with a way of working together as we move forward Towards 2025. ”
CSBB Caroline Chisholm Centre Staff Member
in the way
• keep students at the centre
• believe everyone can learn and grow
• use evidence to inform decisions
• understand our starting point
• are future focused
• allocate and use resources effectively
• have high expectations
• set goals; quick wins and long term gains
• give and receive feedback
• challenge, support and empower
• are accountable
• work collaboratively
• have a growth mindset
• celebrate success and learn from mistakes
• trust in each other
• own our performance
additional resources