2022 Stewardship Renewal

Jesus, I give my whole life to You. I thank You for creating me, dying for me, and rising for me. In gratitude, I offer myself to You, asking for the grace to keep You first in my heart.
Please give me a spirit of service and love so I can pour out myself for others as You did for me. Help me to use everything You have given me for the good of my family, my parish, and all around me.
“As I have done, so you must also do.” These were Christ’s words after He washed His apostles’ feet at the last supper. In this dramatic moment, Jesus called His followers to a life of humility and service. Helping others, especially the poor, is how we follow Christ’s command “to love your neighbor as yourself.”
During our Stewardship Renewal, we are focusing on the importance of service and having the heart of a servant. A servant goes where his master leads and responds without hesitation, ready and willing to do the will of the Master. With the right disposition, we can be ready for action when opportunity arises.
As many of us have discovered, service to others leads to peace and joy; we find that we are truly blessed when we give of ourselves. During this year’s Stewardship Renewal, let us turn to Christ for the grace to serve as He served and to love as He loved.
“For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me.”
MATTHEW 25:35-36
Prayer is the lifeblood of a true disciple of Christ. Without a healthy relationship with our Savior, we can’t hope to know His perfect will or the depths of His love. Take time in daily prayer with God, asking Him how you can best serve others. As you discern how God is calling you to give of your time this year, ask Him to transform your heart into that of a servant.
Set aside time to read the daily readings of the Catholic Church found at http://www.usccb.org/bible/readings, asking God how He would have you apply them to your life.
Spend five minutes each morning and evening, thanking Him for the ways He has graciously blessed you and then asking Him for help with your struggles.
Pray with your children each night before bed, giving each family member an opportunity to pray for something and concluding with an Our Father, Hail Mary and the Glory Be.
Download and utilize Catholic phone or tablet apps such as iBreviary, Magnificat, Divine Office and Hallow; or podcasts such as Fr. Joel Sember's Pilgrim Priest or Fr. Mike Schmitz's The Bible in a Year.
Talents are the gifts God has given us that enable us to serve Him. All talents or skills that we have can be used to give God glory and are equally important in His eyes. During this year’s Stewardship Renewal, consider your own talents and ask God how you can best use them to serve Him through His people.
P ray about how the gifts God has given you can best be used to serve others.
U se your Commitment Card to find a ministry that will help you grow personally in understanding the faith as well as serving others.
C ommit to being faithful to God through those you serve in word and deed.
In just the same way that we have received the gifts of time and talent from God, so have we received our treasure. While many of us have worked hard to earn the money in our pockets, His gifts to us are what have enabled us to do so. In grateful appreciation for His gifts to us, we are called to give our best, our “first fruits”, back to Him.
At our parishes, we give to God in accordance with the scriptural tithe, and ask parishioners to give 5 percent of their income to God through the offertory, 4 percent to other charities, and 1 percent to the diocese. In this way, we entrust our plans and ourselves in a unique way to God and His providence in our lives. By placing Him first in our finances, we show Him that He is more important than any of the material goods we have in this world, and give Him power over all in our lives.
Take a look at your current budget and spending habits and assess what expenses are preventing you from giving more selflessly.
Commit to giving a percentage of your income to God through the parish offertory and be faithful to your tithing commitment, even when you attend Mass elsewhere.
Why give a percentage of income?
We give because the tithe (which means 10% of one’s harvest or income) is a scriptural benchmark that the Church has honored for centuries (see Malachi 3:10).
“In this is love: not that we have loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as expiation for our sins.” — 1 JOHN 4:10
We are a committee of volunteers who help to coordinate social activities within the church family of SS. Mary & Hyacinth Parish.
Contacts: SSMH: Paula Pregler, paula_pregler@yahoo.com or John Kerner, juniper05@hotmail.com
Volunteers help prepare and clean bags filled with items for young children to keep them engaged during Mass. The current program is running at St. John’s but looking for volunteers interested to take the lead at the other parishes. Contact: Margie Kirk-Schuh, smkirk5@frontier.com
Men, women, and families are needed to make coffee before Mass and serve coffee, donuts, and cookies after Mass. This would take approximately one hour. Schedule and training provided.
SJ: Phyllis Zabransky, phyllisz195@gmail.com
SSMH: Joanne Chrudimsky, jojo3187@msn.com
Welcome all who come to weekend liturgies. A cheerful smile and friendly demeanor are all that is required.
Contact: Jan Nowinsky, sidjan@charter.net
The welcome committee works to create a friendly, welcoming atmosphere in each of our three parish communities. This committee helps plan events, improve signage, and improve every aspect of our contact with people. Volunteers are also needed to welcome new members to the parish, help them meet new people, and discover their gifts.
Contact: Jeanne Tatro, jeannetatro@gmail.com
Ushers help with collections, seating, and handing out bulletins. Perform ushering duties at the Mass of your choice on weekends and Holy Days.
SJ: Greg Rusch, kgrusch@yahoo.com
SSMH: F. Baginski or Ken Fleischman, kfleisc@yahoo.com
SW: Mike Geib, geibms16@gmail.com
Spend time in silent prayer with Jesus in the Emmaus Adoration Chapel at SS. Mary and Hyacinth. Volunteers are welcome to sign up for an hour timeslot each week as an adorer of the Blessed Sacrament. Contacts: Cathy Strobel, catshus13@gmail.com or Pete Schlegel, pschlegel@antigoareacatholicchurches.com
The Cenacle Prayer Group has been meeting since 1989. Their purpose is to walk with others through prayer with an emphasis on love for the Blessed Mother. All are invited to come pray Tuesdays 10:00-11:45 a.m. at SS. Mary and Hyacinth room 2.
Contact: Janet Waterhouse, waterhom55@gmail.com
It aims to have every woman in our community be in the best physical and spiritual shape of her life. Ladies 13 yrs. old and older meet Saturday mornings at 8 a.m. to come together in prayer, workouts, meditations on quotes from Sr. Faustina and end with prayer intentions.
Contact: Jen Oelke, oelkejen@gmail.com
It aims to have every man in our community be in the best physical and spiritual shape of his life. To be in better shape; to be a better son; a better husband; a better father; a better brother; a better neighbor. Any man 14 yrs. old and older who wants to be better can meet Saturday mornings at 7 a.m.
Contact: John Gagnon, 4est.manager@gmail.com
Jesus says in John 14:12, “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I go to the Father.” Participants will be trained and equipped to pray with others for spiritual and physical healing.
Contact: Fr. Joel Sember, jsember@antigoareacatholicchurches.com
Participants discuss the homily from the previous Sunday and then read and discuss the scripture readings for the upcoming Sunday. Meets on Tuesdays at noon in SS. Mary and Hyacinth room 2.
Contact: Fr. Joel Sember, jsember@antigoareacatholicchurches.com
Meetings are once a month for approximately 1½ hours, to compose petitions that are used at each weekend Mass. Materials provided.
Contact: Mary Brennecke, dmbrennecke@charter.net
Join other parish members in praying for special intentions. This is an opportunity for individuals who are homebound or with restricted activity to assist other parishioners in their time of need.
SJ: Shirley Harder, 715-623-5633 or Midge Tatro, 715-627-7668
SSMH and SW: Allie Brehm, 715-623-4818
Share your faith by praying for a First Eucharist, First Reconciliation, and/or a Confirmation candidate.
Names of candidates will be provided to you when the preparation for each sacrament begins. A great way to help our youth is by praying for them.
Contact: Kristen Rolling, krolling@antigoareacatholicchurches.com
Prayer shawls and lap robes are knitted or crocheted for those in need of comfort, encouragement, hope, and prayers. Baby shawls are also
made and given at baptism. Shawls can be made at home and brought to the church office. Patterns and yarn are available. Members meet once a month to share patterns, bring finished shawls, and socialize. Knitting and crocheting lessons are available.
Contact: Barb Borkovec, bhborkovec1@gmail.com
In the military, a rosary is often a troop’s only tangible piece of their Catholic faith and a symbol of God’s peace and a reminder of His presence. Individuals are needed to make rosaries with the group (or they can be made at home), and training is provided. The rosaries are blessed at Mass before being sent to Chaplains. The group meets twice a month.
Contact: Cathy Levis, 715-623-7731
During May and October, the Rosary is prayed 20 minutes before each weekend Mass. Parishioners are needed to lead the Rosary. An instruction sheet along with the mysteries of the Rosary will be provided to the leader.
SJ: Kay Sollitto, sollittok@yahoo.com
SSMH: Karen Prunty, kbprunty@gmail.com
SW: Judy Boyle, 715-623-6523
Serve at weekend Masses, Holy Days of Obligation, and funeral liturgies. This service is open to adults and students in fourth grade and up. Training is provided.
Contact: Fr. Joel Sember, jsember@antigoareacatholicchurches.com
Assist the priest in offering to the faithful the greatest gift that God can give us, namely, His Son in the Eucharist. Those interested must be registered parishioners, have received the sacrament of Confirmation, and be in a regularized marriage situation. Training is provided.
SJ: Kathy Schultz, kathy.schultz@adrc-cw.org
SSMH: Cathy Strobel, catshus13@gmail.com
SW: Vicky Stickney, vickystickney3@gmail.com
Readers proclaim God’s Word at weekend and Holy Day Masses. A workbook is provided to help prepare for the effective delivery of the scriptures.
SJ: Kay Sollito, sollittok@yahoo.com
SSMH: Dan Bauknecht, lgso@hotmail.com
SW: Pete Schlegel, pschlegel@antigoareacatholicchurches.com
Distributors serve on a rotating monthly schedule bringing the Body of Christ to those who are not able to get to Sunday Mass. Training is provided. Contacts: Mary Brennecke, dmbrennecke@charter.net or Cathy Strobel, catshus13@gmail.com or Deacon Andy Bures, buresorganicfarm@yahoo.com
There are ample opportunities for song leaders, organists, pianists, vocalists, or instrumentalists. Share your talents from God with your parish community. All voices are welcome. Contacts: Wendy Tucker, wendytucker20@hotmail.com or Alison Quinlan, addisonquinlan@yahoo.com
Sacristans are trained to ensure that all liturgical ministers are present and that the altar is properly arranged before and after Mass.
SJ and SW: Vicky Stickney, vickystickney3@gmail.com
SSMH: Cathy Strobel, catshus13@gmail.com
Guide attendees through provided materials. Leader guides will be provided.
Contact: Joan Burmeister, joanburm60@gmail.com
Assist group leader with class set-up and preparation.
Contact: Joan Burmeister, joanburm60@gmail.com
Catechists not only teach about God and the Roman Catholic Church, but they also help the students to come to form a relationship with God and His son Jesus Christ rooted in prayer,
scripture, and the Sacraments. Materials are provided.
Contact: Kristen Rolling, krolling@antigoareacatholicchurches.com
Assist the Catechist with classroom activities/hall monitoring, class setup, or other volunteer opportunities.
Contact: Kristen Rolling, krolling@antigoareacatholicchurches.com
The Liturgy of the Word for Children takes place during the weekend Masses. Children ages 4K to second grade are invited to a special ageappropriate lesson during reading and homily time at Mass. Lessons and materials are provided.
Contact: Kristen Rolling, krolling@antigoareacatholicchurches.com
Meetings are held on the first Tuesday in September and the first Monday of each following month. Mary is honored by praying the Rosary for those in need. Speakers are featured at several of the meetings. Women from any parish are welcome to attend.
SJ: Mary Brennecke, dmbrennecke@charter.net
In the spring and fall, volunteers are needed to help pick up sticks, litter, etc. in preparation for the next season. A great family activity.
Queen of Peace: Rosemary Barnes, rosemary@rosemarybarnescfp.com
SW: Tom Koss, tkosscfp@yahoo.com
Clean the carport entrance doors and the doors entering Hoffman Hall in the office at Saint John. Training and schedule will be provided.
SJ: Eileen Hartl, eileen.hartl59@gmail.com
Cards are sent on behalf of the parish to those who have lost a loved one.
SJ: Jeanne Jensen, jed3@frontier.com
SSMH: Rosella Spencer, rbspencer2000@yahoo.com
SW: Judy Boyle, 715-623-6523
Groups using the various parish spaces often need help starting a DVD, connecting a projector to
show a slideshow, or starting a live stream for an event or a funeral.
Contact: Joanna Hilger, stjohn@antigoareacatholicchurches.com
Assist with inside and outside decorating. This includes change/ care for flower selections for the Sanctuary. Church decorating is given a special emphasis during the Christmas and Easter seasons. This is an opportunity to be creative to make our worship space beautiful. Sign up for a monthly term.
SJ: Kathy Schultz, Kathy.Schultz@adrc-cw.org
SSMH: Cathy Strobel, catshus13@gmail.com
SW: Cinda Theilman, theilmanrick@gmail.com
Volunteers will help with food preparation, dining room setup, serving, and cleanup at funerals for those who have lost loved ones.
SJ: Midge Tatro, 715-627-7668
SSMH: Janet Heckert (even months), 715-627-4234 or Monica Baginski (odd months), 715-623-2491
SW: Ann Meyer, 715-627-7489 or Terri Devore, tmdevore@yahoo.com, 715-623-7921
This fraternal order of Catholic men provides support to the parish and Catholic families. Meetings take place on the first and third Monday of each month, from October to May.
John Steger, 715-350-9610, jjsteger@hotmail.com or Tom McGrath, 715-219-0214, Tommcg3911@gmail.com
Volunteers beautify the parish grounds by tending the landscaping. Does not involve mowing or string trimming.
SJ: Sharon Gibson, sharon.gibson13@gmail.com
SSMH: Paula Loepfe, ploepfe@gmail.com
SW: Tom Koss, 715-216-2316 tkosscfp@yahoo.com
Volunteers will prepare parish mailings or stuff inserts in bulletins for the weekend. There is also a need for greeting parishioners, answering the telephone, and routing calls on days the parish secretary is not in the parish office.
SJ: Joanna Hilger, stjohn@antigoareacatholicchurches.com
SSMH and SW: Karen Braatz, ssmh@antigoareacatholicchurches.com
Photographers are needed to take pictures of various ministries and parish events throughout the year.
Contact: Joanna Hilger, stjohn@antigoareacatholicchurches.com
SCRIP is a major fundraiser for ASCS and our parish. Profits are generated through the sale of gift certificates with local or national vendors. Volunteers are needed to help sell SCRIP, collect money, and fill orders. Training is provided.
Contact: Deanna Olson, scrip@ascscrusaders.org
Share your gifts as a tutor or assist with an arts and crafts activity at All Saints Catholic School. Teach an elective course for 8th Grade or serve as a chaperone on trips. VIRTUS training is required for all volunteers.
Contact: Paul Galuska, pgaluska@antigoareacatholicchurches.com
This committee oversees the maintenance of present properties and plans for future needs. Particularly needed are people with handyman skills and/or knowledge of trades.
SJ: Joe Filbrandt, joefilbrandt@gmail.com
SSMH: Steve Rolling, srkjrolling@gmail.com
SW: Pete Schlegel, pschlegel@antigoareacatholicchurches.com
The Finance Council reviews monthly revenue and expenditure reports along with monitoring the parish budget. The Council also implements controls to protect the assets of the parish.
SJ: Brian Blink, brian.blink@nm.com
SSMH: Steve Brettingen, steve.brettingen@kerberrose.com
SW: Charlene Fleischman, cm0722fleischman@gmail.com
Plans church year celebrations that include but are not limited to
decorating the church, choosing music, and training lectors. Emphasis is on Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter, and Thanksgiving. Meetings take place once a month (St. John only at this time).
SJ: Kathy Schultz, Kathy.Schultz@adrc-cw.org
A consultative group works with the pastor to address the spiritual and physical concerns and needs of the parish, which may include parish policies, goals, concerns, and priorities. Six members serve for a three-year term.
SJ: Greg Oelke, greg.oelke@volmcompanies.com
SSMH: Kevin Brodziski, kevjbro@me.com
SW: Jennifer Rogatzki, jennifer_ann2010@hotmail.com
This is done two times per year taking place in late summer. Usually, two-hour shifts are scheduled. Donations of baked goods are also needed.
Contact: Shaughn Novy, SLNovy20@gmail.com
Baked goods and pies are needed for Parish Bake Sales, Fall Festival, Harvest Fair, Brat Fry, Music in the Park, and other parish events. (Names will be given to event leaders).
Contact: Joan Burmeister, joanburm60@gmail.com
Help with the Fall Festival (SW) or Harvest Fair (SSMH). Volunteers can help coordinate certain aspects of the event, setup, decorate, assist with hospitality, etc. Many, many volunteers are needed.
SSMH: Paula Pregler, paula_pregler@yahoo.com or John Kerner, juniper05@hotmail.com SW: Mike Geib, geibms16@gmail.com
Music in the Park is held at the City Park on Monday and Thursday evenings during the summer. Volunteers are needed to help serve the ice cream, pie, and sandwiches. Contacts: Char Meyer, charmeyer@frontier.com or Karen Prunty, kbprunty@gmail.com or Missy Schlegel, pfmfschlegel@frontier.com
This group affirms the Church’s teaching that life begins at conception and ends at natural death, that all life is sacred and every life matters. Members meet at 6 p.m. on the first Thursday of each month at St. John’s. Volunteers help through fundraising and informational events.
Contact: Melissa Schlegel, pfmfschlegel@frontier.com
All parishioners are encouraged to participate in our annual Stewardship Renewal. Please take the time to review the materials in this packet, and prayerfully consider how you can offer Christ a portion of your time, talent, and treasure this year. Then, take a few moments to fill out the enclosed Commitment Card. The Commitment Card enables you to make a written commitment to God of how and where you desire to place Him first.
Ministries (continued)
Flowers/Church Decorating (SW)
Funeral Dinner Volunteers (SJ)
Funeral Dinner Volunteers (SSMH)
Funeral Dinner Volunteers (SW)
Knights of Columbus Landscape Garden Club (SJ)
Landscape Garden Club (SSMH)
Landscape Garden Club (SW)
Office Volunteer (SJ)
Office Volunteer (SSMH) (SW)
Prayer is the beginning of stewardship. Only when we spend time with God in prayer are we spiritually prepared to offer ourselves in service to others.
Please check the circles next to your commitments to prayer:
Begin and end each day with prayer
Spend 15 minutes of quality time with God each day
Create a dedicated “prayer space” in my home
Make family prayer time a priority each day
Attend Mass every Sunday and on Holy Days
Ministry Catalog. When you sign up, the ministry leader will call to explain how to get involved.
Hospitality Ministries
Activities Committee (SSMH)
Busy Bags
Coffee and Donuts (SJ)
Coffee and Donuts (SSMH)
5% to my parish
My Offertory pledge to my parish:
SCRIP Volunteers
Volunteer at All Saints Catholic School
Planning & Communication
Buildings & Grounds Committee (SJ)
Buildings & Grounds Committee (SSMH)
Buildings & Grounds Committee (SW)
Finance Council (SJ)
Finance Council (SSMH)
Finance Council (SW)
Liturgy/Worship Committee
Parish Pastoral Council (SJ)
Parish Pastoral Council (SSMH)
Parish Pastoral Council (SW)
Have sit-down meals as a family 3-5 times per week
Go to Reconciliation once, or once a month
Visit the Adoration chapel once a month or more
Pray the Rosary weekly and/or daily
Read the Bible for a half-hour or more each week
Pray for our active duty military and our veterans
Pray for our priests and/or for vocations
Invite a friend or co-worker to Mass
Keep Sunday holy by refraining from unnecessary servile labor
Sacrifice meat every Friday, not just on the Fridays of Lent
Make a pilgrimage and/or retreat this year
Prayer Ministries
Please complete either
Please return the completed card during Mass on the weekend of October 22/23. Thank you for your participation in the life of our parish community!
Please keep until Fall 2023
Spending Time with God in Prayer Using My Talents in Parish Ministries Making a Gift through the Offertory