PRAYER: Strengthening Our Stewardship Homes

Each household that belongs to The Cathedral of Christ the King is a small part of our larger, extended parish family. And as our parish family is strengthened in prayer and how we spend our time, so too are our domestic churches. Prayer is an essential component in the life of a Christian steward, and it begins within our homes. Stewardship has become a way of life for The Cathedral of Christ the King. And this year we are placing special importance on how we spend our time within our “domestic churches.” As we enter into this time of renewal, let us strive to grow in our prayer lives individually and within our families. 2
— Pope Francis
“All families need God. Every single one. We need His help, His strength, His blessing. His mercy and His forgiveness. It takes simplicity. To pray as a family simplicity is needed.”

If you are new to prayer, consider these ideas to help you begin:

• Commit to saying a decade of the Rosary as a family in the evenings.

Remember that your home can be a dwelling place for God — make sure that what you allow in your home (TV, Internet use, music) honors Him.
Our homes can become a dwelling place for God. In order to encounter God’s presence, we must first invite Him into our lives. Committing to daily time with Him in prayer will transform our lives and those who enter our homes. How will you commit to using your time in the year ahead so that your home becomes a dwelling place for God?
• Find a quiet place in your home. Spend five or 10 minutes alone with the Lord. Read the daily Gospel reading, thank Him for the blessings you have in your life and spend time listening to Him.
Cultivating Time for Prayer
• If you are married, pray together each day as a couple. It will strengthen your relationship with God and will deepen your love for each other. Start by saying a Morning Offering each day.
Reflect on these possibilities:
• Commit to serving in a liturgical ministry this year — the Mass is our greatest form of prayer!

The beauty of prayer is that we can do it anywhere and anytime. When we carry God in our hearts all day long then our everyday moments become a prayer. All that we do becomes an offering to the Lord — cooking dinner, folding laundry, driving in the car. Let us ask God to reveal how He is calling us to serve Him within our homes, families, and the wider community this year. May we strive to make those commitments prayerful acts of service by praying throughout our day.
• Practice hospitality by inviting others into your home or cook a meal for someone in need. Pray for whomever you are cooking the meal for (invite the kids to pray too!).
Prayer in Daily Life
If you are homebound, consider ways you can serve right from home — helping with phone calls or emails for a ministry or calling to check in on parishioners. Offering your time to personally connect with someone can transform their day.
• Commit to joining a parish ministry or attend a parish event as a
TREASURE Prayerful Giving

• Commit to giving a percentage of your income to God through the parish offertory. Make it a prayerful act by praying for good effects of each gift.
• Give at the next parish food drive. Invite the kids to pick out items to help those in need.

We should approach everything in life — even our finances and material possessions — with Christ in mind. When we view these material goods as gifts from the Lord we surrender them to His care. He will guide us in the proper use of them better than we could have imagined. Then our homes, everything we own, and our finances become instruments of Considerprayer. challenging yourself in the following ways this year:
• Take a look at your current budget and spending habits, and assess what expenses are preventing you from giving more selflessly.
• Choose a charity that you and your family are passionate about and set a goal of giving a certain amount.
As disciples and good stewards, we desire to be fed; desire to fill the hunger and longings of the human heart that only Jesus can satisfy. The following ministries are particular opportunities to be fed; opportunities for parishioners to draw closer to Jesus and allow Him to lead us into a deeper realization of who we are, and the path God has in mind for our lives as disciples and good stewards. All parishioners are encouraged to participate in at least one of the following faith formation opportunities as ways to help discern in which ministries we are called to serve and participate.
(ParishHospitalityLife & Stewardship)
Volunteers: American Heritage Girls is a character development program for girls ages 5-18. In this program, we strive to build women of integrity and self-confidence through service to God, family, community and country. Support the AHG as they seek to build integrity through service.
Highlighted Opportunities to Encounter and Draw Closer to Jesus and His Church

Team Leader: Carlye Thacker, 859-619-1690,
Commitment: Meet once per week in the O’Neill Center Archives room.
Hospitality ministries shall be responsible for creating a welcoming environment and other elements of parish life not covered by other teams. This shall include, but not be limited to, social functions, welcoming programs, senior ministry programs, Parish Newsletter, Parish Directory, providing weekday and weekend O’Neill Center receptionist support, Boy Scouts, American Heritage Girls, bridge groups, Archives/History of the Parish, Coffee & Donuts Sundays, Knights of Columbus, Parish Picnic, Oktoberfest, and Website/Social AMERICANMedia.
PPC Contact: Sharon McCartt, Staffslmccartt@gmail.comContact:Micah Johnson,
Team Leader: Micah Johnson, 859-335-3684,
Team Leader: Deacon Tim Weinmann, PleaseofopportunitiesCounciltheopportunitiespatriotism.ofispracticalwhoseMichaelorderisTheKNIGHTStweinmann@cdlex.org859-266-9314,OFCOLUMBUSKnightsofColumbusCouncilaCatholicfraternalserviceestablishedbyBlessedJMcGivneyin1882membershipislimitedtoCatholicmen.Theorderdedicatedtotheprinciplescharity,unity,fraternityandInadditiontoprovidingforsocialactivities,KnightsOfColumbusatCTK#14130provideservicewithinthefourtenetsfaith,family,
CTK ministries to assist in online marketing initiatives.
Volunteers: To facilitate studies that teach an authentically Catholic approach to personal finances, allowing individuals to be fully engaged in their faith journey and become free from financial obligations so they may fulfill the unique purpose God has for them.
Commitment: Volunteers can contribute to our social media presence anywhere and anytime. The ministry will meet to plan a marketing calendar and strategy at least quarterly. Join us to help grow our Cathedral, faith and community through this new and vital ministry.
Team Leader: Grand KnightDamon Sexton, bkeenon@outlook.comBruceDeputydsexton@cdlex.org859-285-8456,;GrandKnight-Keenon,859-797-8594,
Studies include Set Your House in Order and Faith & Money Matters. For more information, www.compasscatholic.orgvisit.
Commitment: Participants will meet in small groups once a week or approximately five to six weeks, depending on the study. Participants will need to prepare at least 15 minutes each night before the class. We are in need of study facilitators.
Volunteers: Promoting the various ministries and events at the Cathedral by engaging parishioners and the community through a strong online presence. We utilize several social media platforms — such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, as well as the Cathedral of Christ the King (CTK) website — to keep everyone informed of the happenings at the Cathedral and to share our beautiful faith. In addition, we are a resource to the 8
Commitment: One evening (three hours) once a quarter, in addition to a planning meeting prior to the reception. Contact Team Leader for additional information.
Team Leader: Elaine O. Hathaway, 859-264-0304,
Volunteers: Participate in a variety of ways to organize and participate in the annual Oktoberfest event, which raises funds for the church, school and various charities, and to contribute to the building of a strong parish community by hosting a popular fall event for the parish and Lexington community.
Commitment: Assorted volunteer opportunities planning and during the event. We need many hands for the variety of booths, food and game areas for adults and children.
Volunteers: A team of professional and welcoming members who assist parishioners and visitors with inquiries and create a hospitable environment. They cover the parish office on Saturday mornings from 8:30 a.m. -12 p.m. and assist with front desk duties, Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. -1 p.m. Volunteers are scheduled on a rotational basis based on their availability. All training will be provided prior to scheduled assignment.
Team Leaders: Chris and Ashley Lilly, Lindseybec.bernotas@gmail.comRebeccaaclilly10@yahoo.com859-321-3039,;Bernotas,484-620-1426,;Ball,
Duties: Answering the office phones, sorting mail, greeting visitors, copying materials, directing communications, assisting parish staff and other miscellaneous tasks.
Team Leaders: Jillian Kyde, OKTOBERFESTannejcampbell@gmail.comAnne702-308-6404;Durnil,859-492-5657,
Commitment: Typically four-tosix hour shifts on an as-needed basis. Volunteers can specify their availability
Volunteers: Plan and facilitate new member reception events currently held on a quarterly basis. Volunteers assist with event planning to help new members meet one another and introduce them to the parish.

Team Leader: Kathleen Montgomery,
Team Leaders: Amy Brin 859-551-9279,; Crista Hollingsworth, Orcristadittert@gmail.com859-619-3526,;search“CKSPTO”onFacebook.
Provide and maintain a library unique in its focus on Catholic religious materials for loan to parishioners, in order to deepen one’s understanding of the Catholic faith, Church history and lives of the saints. The library has recently moved to the Parish Life Center in conference room.
Volunteers: Staff the Troop/Pack and the individual Patrols/Dens with qualified and trained leaders to support the programs of Boy Scout Troop 93 and Cub Scout Pack 93 of CTK.

Volunteers: Help organize and/ or maintain the parish library. Examples include receiving/ re-shelving returned books or processing donated books into the library and maintaining library records. Commitment: Few hours per month and scheduling is very flexible.
Team Leader: Michael Strother, SCOUTSeagles3strother@gmail.com859-533-8004,(BOYS/CUBS)
Volunteers: The The Christ the King School (CKS) PTO is an organization established to facilitate the educational efforts of our teachers and staff through a continuum of volunteer and fundraising opportunities. This parent and teacher partnership fosters growth for our students both at home and in the classroom.
Commitment: Assist Scout leaders with the planning and organizing of group meetings and activities.
Commitment: Flexible. You can sign up for specific events throughout the year.
Commitment: Volunteers can contribute to whatever extent they feel comfortable, both in what they can contribute, as well as frequency.
SPECIAL EVENTS TEAM Newcomers Receptions, Parish Events, Senior Seminar, Diocesan Events, etc.

Volunteers: Event planners to help plan and execute dinners and receptions, as called for by the rector and staff. Volunteers can contribute in varying ways to include planning, providing for food, drinks, setup, serving, and/or cleanup for these events.
Commitment: Can be one time or ongoing. We can always use help serving as a guide leader for different age-based patrols. Meetings for Woodlands (K-5) are biweekly and include activities, lessons, and games which you can help plan and lead. Meetings for Navigators and Adventurers (6-12) are weekly, and have similar structure, but rely more on boy-led activities. Do you have special skills or interest and want to share with the boys, but don’t want the long-term commitment of patrol leadership? We’d love to hear about your hobby, devotion or skill!
Volunteers: Help us raise Godly men through this ministry.
11 challenged to grow in character, understand their purpose, serve their community, and develop practical leadership skills to carry out the mission for which they were created.
TRAIL LIFE Trail Life USA is a Church-based, Christ-centered and boy-focused mentoring and discipleship journey that speaks to the heart of a boy. Established on timeless values derived from the Bible and set in the context of outdoor adventure, boys from kindergarten through 12th grade are engaged in a Troop setting by mentors where they are
Team Leaders: Bryan Blair, nbillings@blfky.comNathanbblair_1999@yahoo.com859-317-3056,;Billings,859-619-0068,
Team Leader: Catherine Nalli, 859-263-3556,
Volunteers: Parishioners gather monthly to be a source of fellowship, support and strength for one another. The loss of a loved one is life’s most stressful event. There is no right or wrong way to feel. WOW was formed to provide a caring and nurturing environment of support.

Volunteers: Welcome new members to our parish community with a kind note or phone call and determine how our parish can serve their family’s needs. Act as a liaison between our ministries and our newest parishioners to help them get connected. Help plan and organize Newcomer’s Receptions each year.
Team Leader: Micah Johnson, mjohnson@cdlex.org859-335-3684,
Commitment: Flexible commitment. Once-a-month meetings and social activities.
Commitment: Flexible. Outreach can be done from home as time permits. One hour a week can build bridges and strengthen our parish community. We have between 3-10 families join our parish each month.
The Liturgy/Worship Team sets goals, direction and standards for the overall liturgical life and activities of the parish. It is responsible for leading and coordinating all aspects of liturgical worship within the parish. This includes all ministries that are engaged in direct support of the liturgical life of the parish.
Volunteers: To clean purificators, corporals and hand towels used at Mass and replace them as necessary.
PPC Contact: Deacon Al and Grace Wiemann, 859-335-3693,Staffawiemann@cdlex.org859-338-1968,;Contact:RobertWhitaker,
Commitment: Periodic assistance in onlytherein”wasyousomething“FortoourspiritualintimidatingATEAMWELCOME/HOSPITALITYparishofoursizecanbetothoseseekingahome.Helpensurethatparishiswarmandinvitingourfellowbrothersandsisters.Iwashungryandyougavemetoeat,Iwasthirstyandgavemesomethingtodrink,Iastrangerandyouinvitedme(Matthew25:35).Let’smakesurearenostrangersamongus,family.
Team Leader: Janice Mitchell, jannmomm@hotmail.com859-575-0809, (LiturgyPrayer & Worship)
Visitation at the hospitals can vary in the number of patients each week and can take 45 minutes to one and a half hours. To attend a short training session to learn and prepare oneself to bring the Eucharist to the Tsick/homebound.
eam Leaders: Rosemary Miller, COMMUNIONMINISTERSEXTRAORDINARYmimi8292@msn.comDianneroseandlew@roadrunner.com859-321-3684,;Lovell,859-321-2100,OFHOLY
laundering/cleaning items used for weekday and Sunday Masses. Can work with individuals with varying abilities to contribute. The need for ministry volunteers will be posted periodically in the bulletin.
Volunteers: To visit and take Communion to the sick/homebound parishioners in nursing homes, retirement villages and private homes. To visit and distribute Communion to hospitals as assigned by the Diocesan Officer or as requested by the Chaplain’s office at a specific hospital.
Volunteers: An altar server is a lay assistant to a member of the clergy during a Mass. An altar server attends to supporting tasks at the altar such as presenting the bread, wine and water to the priest during the preparation of the gifts and carrying the incense and censer, among other things. Sign up for the Mass you usually attend. Fifth grade and above. Adults welcome.
Volunteers: Be trained and commissioned to supplement the priests and deacons in distributing the Precious Body and Blood of our Lord at Sunday and Holy Day Masses. Also assist in cleaning sacred vessels following Mass.
Commitment: Two hours for initial training. Extraordinary Ministers are scheduled on a rotating basis based on the number of ministers and preferences for various Masses. Team Leader: Nancy Gere, 859-312-0992,
Commitment: Scheduling done on a rotating basis based on the number of servers and preferences for various Masses.
Team Leader: Deacon John Hinkel, 859-806-3672, HOMEBOUNDCOMMUNIONjhinkel@cdlex.orgTOTHESICK/
Team Leader: Rachel Stablein, ALTAR859-277-5847SERVERS
13 to an assigned Communion recipient once a week. The day to which you bring Communion is decided on between the recipient and the Communion Minister. Depending on each person, it can be a short or a long-term period of ministering.
Commitment: To bring Communion
weekly sign-up system by soliciting responses from lectors to a mid-week request email.
Team Leaders: Lisa Contreras, ENVIRONMENTLITURGICALjlamb1611@gmail.comJimlcontreras189@gmail.com859-361-0423,;Lambert,859-229-1611,
Commitment: About an hour per month and four to five hours during Easter and Christmas. There are currently eight members.
Team Leader: Elizabeth Johnson, 317-408-2794,
Volunteers: Help water the flowers throughout the church. Help set up and take down the trees and poinsettias at Christmas and set up and take down the Easter lilies at Easter. Additionally, help can be used to oversee the purchasing of altar flowers and Ambo flowers.
Team Leader: LEADER NEEDED - Contact Deacon Al and Grace Wiemann, awiemann@cdlex.orgwiefam@icloud.com859-245-2626,or
Volunteers: Proclaim the readings from Sacred Scripture during the Liturgy of the Word at Mass and at times at other special parish worship services. Must be a registered parishioner of Christ the King, 16 years or older and a fully initiated Catholic (Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation) to participate.

Commitment: After candidates have reviewed the training document which will be emailed to them, there is a brief hands-on training segment in the sanctuary to familiarize the new lectors with the “mechanics” of lectoring as well as with the required appropriate physical movements in the sanctuary space. Lectors are scheduled on a rotating basis based on the number of ministers available and their preferences for various Masses. At present, because of COVID-19, we are using a 14
Volunteers: Help create the appropriate design and décor that will enhance the worship experience during all liturgical seasons and church services. Commitment: This is primarily a seasonal ministry and is concentrated around the transition period between one season and the next. Commitment level is up to the individual.
Volunteers: To encourage the community to express and share the gift of faith through music and singing. The Music Ministry includes several sub-ministries. We can always use volunteers in the various groups: Cathedral Choir (9 a.m. Sunday), Folk Choir (11:30 a.m. Sunday), Boys Choir, Girls’ Choir, Resurrection Choir (Funerals), Cantors, Instrumentalists.
USHERS Volunteers: To greet and welcome all entering the house of the Lord, to take up the collection, ask for volunteers to bring gifts of bread and wine to the Celebrant, and to straighten up the Church after each Mass. If you have a heart for making people feel welcome as they come to worship, then this is the ministry for you. Families can do this together and it’s a great way to develop the young people’s gift of generosity.
Commitment: Varying opportunities, so commitment will depend on what options the volunteer is interested in pursuing. Contact the Team Leader for additional information.
Volunteers: Write Prayers of the Faithful to be used for parish weekend, Holy Day and occasional secular holiday Masses. Volunteers are part of a team that rotates the responsibility on a monthly basis.
Commitment: Team rotates monthly assignments, so frequency will be based on the size of the team.
Volunteers: The sacristan facilitates the proper celebration of the Eucharistic Liturgy by preparing the altar area and setting up the credence table with the vessels, bread
Team Leader: Robert Whitaker, 859-335-3693,
Team Leader: Sharon McCartt, 859-948-7852,
Commitment: We need friendly people who help people feel welcomed. We need people who can help others in emergencies to provide a safe environment. We need them to take the collection. We help the handicap moving around in church. Scheduling is done on a rotating basis based on numbers of ministers and preferences for various Masses. Can work with individuals with varying abilities to contribute.
15 and wine for daily, weekend, holy day and funeral Masses. After Mass, the sacristan will clean up and store the vessels properly.
Commitment: Rotation assignments dependent on the number of volunteers.
Team Leader: Matthew Whelan, Matt.e.whelan@gmail.com859-684-2581,
Team Leader: Deacon John Hinkel, 859-806-3672,
PPC Contact: Whitney Allen, 859-421-5214,; Staff Contact: Deacon Tim Weinmann, 859-266-9314,
Team Leader: Deacon Tim Weinmann, tweinmann@cdlex.org859-266-9314,
Commitment: Will vary based on the activity in question. Typically, spending a number of hours helping plan, coordinate and/or facilitate a particular program, event or series.
an 11-week, interactive series that introduces participants to the joy of the Gospel in an informal setting that involves a simple meal, video and interactive discussions. For the non-believer, the intent is to extend a warm invitation to a personal encounter with Jesus Christ. For the believer, it is a call to deeper conversion and encounter with Him.
Commitment: A couple hours each week to attend the series and help plan and facilitate the sessions.
Team Leader: Casey Phillips,,aworkoflove that only you can do. Discern your charisms (spiritual gifts) and begin to discern God’s call. You have received gifts in Baptism and Confirmation through which God intends His love to reach others. Come and discover these charisms in you! The Called & Gifted discernment process begins with a workshop presentation that includes Church teaching on the laity and lay apostleship, the nature of charisms, call and vocation, and Formation (Spiritual)
The Formation Team plans and provides for the spiritual development and faith formation of the parish community through meaningful evangelical, liturgical and catechetical programs that form and equip the entire parish to be missionary disciples in our families, in our parish and in our community.

Volunteers: After participating in ALPHA in a Catholic Context series, participants have the opportunity to become part of a team that facilitates subsequent ALPHA series.
Volunteers: Support and/or facilitate various activities geared to catechize adults as they are formed to become missionary disciples of Jesus Christ.
Volunteers: Staff bookstore before or after weekend Masses or special events on a rotating basis with other team members. Commitment: Hours will vary, typically 15-20 minutes after a Mass. Team Leaders: Elizabeth Johnson, 317-408-2794,; Mary Stratman, ChurchparticipationandWeHOMECATHOLICSfloatingweft@icloud.com425-466-3136,RETURNINGstrivetohelpourbrotherssisterscomebacktoafullinthelifeoftheandencountertheLord
Team Leader: Deacon Tim Weinmann, parishionersandreligiousTheCATHEDRALtweinmann@cdlex.org859-266-9314,GIFTSHOPCathedralGiftShopoffersmaterial,suchasbookssacramentals,availabletoandthegeneralpublic.
in His Word and His Sacraments. We create a welcoming, non- threatening environment for inactive Catholics
Commitment: The Called & Gifted Workshop consists of a one-day workshop held on Saturday and typically during Lent. The ministry is facilitated by past participants of the Called & Gifted Workshop who discern and are willing to support the ministry here at the Cathedral of Christ the King.
17 to spend six weeks of focused discernment about returning to the life of the Catholic Church. Three six-week sessions are held each year either here at Christ the King or at Mary, Queen of the Holy Rosary.
Volunteers: If you have a heart and compassion for those separated from the Catholic Church, consider participating as a team member in a future six-week series.
Commitment: Serve on team once or twice per year for the six-week series. Team Leader: Whitney Allen, 859-967-3189, how to undertake the process of discernment.

ThisGROUPministry provides a joy-filled environment where participants can offer praise and worship to God and receive teachings to equip and enable them to be disciples on fire with the love of God. From this flows the desire and tools to share that love with others. Participants are encouraged and supported in building a dynamic relationship with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Experiences of expectant prayer are provided in prayer gatherings that are typically held on the second and fourth Friday evenings of the month. All are welcome to come and be encouraged in faith within our loving, supportive community.
Commitment: A few hours each week to participate in and/or support the ministry in various ways.
In-depthSTUDYstudy of Scripture through weekly meetings with a lecture and small-group discussion. Participants prepare by daily Bible reading, study and answering questions. Catholic Way Bible Study is a Catholic ministry that explores the Scriptures through the loving heart of the Church. The fullness of our Christian faith is investigated through the tradition and teaching magisterium of the church. The four goals of this ministry are evangelization, catechesis, formation, and discipleship. All seekers are welcome. Participants take part in weekly Bible study sessions with one to two hours of study done at home between sessions. Those engaged over a period of time may be asked to become group leaders and/or to support the ministry in various other ways.
Volunteers: Those who participate on a regular basis will discern their role within the ministry and respond to that call as they and the community discern together; examples include hospitality, worship band, prayer ministry, and technical support.

Commitment: Varies but would typically be two-to-four hours per month — but emerges as the person discerns their role along with the ministry team.
Team Leader: Karen Schwetschenau, 859-333-4799,
Team Leaders: Emma Joy Bachman-Johnson, Robinebachmanjohnson@gmail.com859-361-9942,;Beard,
Team Leader: Anne Whelan, mattannwhelan@gmail.com859-684-2799,
Volunteers: Volunteers assist in facilitating the Children’s Liturgy during Mass from a pre-composed lesson. Volunteers are given a speaking assignment and assist shepherding the children from and back to Mass.
CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF THE WORD (CLOW) This ministry organizes and presents the Scriptures in a relevant, easily understood manner during the 9 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. Masses. The program is geared towards ages 3 through 7 (but open to children of all ages as parents see fit). The goal is to help the children understand what it means to worship in a liturgical setting as they grow in their faith.
Team Leaders: Stephanie Larkin, opportunityourtheRosaryTheCHILDREN’Slaurencpham@gmail.comLaurenstephanie.v.larkin@gmail.com270-779-4986,;Pham,859-333-2202,ROSARYmissionoftheChildren’sistoteachchildrentoprayRosaryandpromotetheloveofBlessedMother.Itisawonderfulforchildrentodevelop
19 friendships. They learn the power of the Rosary as they see the fruit of their prayers. The Rosary is led by the children, but all ages are welcome to join us. We meet the first Saturday of the month following the morning Mass.

Commitment: There are opportunities for volunteers to help set up for prayer and set up for donuts and coffee.
Commitment: Volunteers typically serve for one hour per month during an assigned Mass. Volunteers do not need to prepare the liturgical lessons — they are provided for you. We are always looking for parents and/or older siblings to help during CLOW. We would love to have teenagers help as well — service hours!
To(CCD)provide Catholic religious education for students aged 4 through 12th grade who attend public and private schools. To introduce the student to habits of prayer, worship and liturgical celebrations; to help the student become aware of personal responsibility in performing acts of good or evil; to show the student his/her unique value to him/ herself, to others and to God; to help the student develop a personal relationship with Jesus; to support the catechist in the teacher training programs of the diocese; to keep parents informed of their student’s progress; to assist parents in the home religious education and sacramental preparation of their student; to assist and cooperate with the other educational programs in the parish; to teach the student Christian life as a social and personal experience. Volunteers: Work in planning and/ or facilitating the catechesis and faith formation of our young people in CCD. There are many ways to support either the 3-year-olds to fifth-grade program, or the sixth through 12th-grade programs, including teaching, facilitating or helping with special programs that take place during the year. If you have a desire and passion to disciple
Team Leader: Patsy Bunnell, 859-338-6732,
Commitment: After initial training, prayer ministers serve on an asneeded basis to respond to different prayer needs as they surface.
young people as they come to know Jesus and His Church, there is a place for you in this ministry.
Team Leaders: Karen Kirkland (3-year-olds to fifth grade), 859-266-0302,; Rebecca Whitney (sixth-12th grades), 859-268-1268, MINISTRYFIVE-MINUTEctkyouth@cdlex.orgPRAYER
Commitment: Flexible. We can work with those who have just a few hours per month. Contact the team leader for additional details and information.
Volunteers: Be trained as a prayer minister to listen, love, and pray — not judge, criticize, advise or counsel individuals who desire to receive focused, face-to-face, intercessory prayer for their needs. The ministry team will make themselves available to pray for those in need after Mass and at other times that arise throughout the year. This team desires to bring the love of God to life in powerful ways as they call upon the power of the Holy Spirit to answer the needs of God’s people here at Christ the King.
Typically, the Lenten Mission is held over three evenings sometime during Lent. The intent is to provide an environment of deep reflection and exhortation that supports the purpose of Lent as a preparation for celebrating the Paschal Triduum leading to Easter. The specific content varies from year to year but is always intended to allow participants to draw closer to Jesus as they make the journey from Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday.
Commitment: Participate in a few meetings and give a few hours of time to help assure the Lenten Mission accomplishes its goals. This activity typically takes place over the month or so preceding the mission itself. The need for ministry volunteers will be posted periodically in the bulletin.
Team Leader: Deacon Tim Weinmann, tweinmann@cdlex.org859-266-9314,
Team Leader: Whitney Allen, buildfaithothertheoneandliveThisKING’Shealinghopefulhearts@gmail.com859-967-3189,MENisagroupofmenseekingtofullyouttheirfaithasdisciplesofJesusbeaccountableandsupportivetoanotherastheydoso.Thistakesformofweeklymeetingsandspecialeventswhereprayerandsharingtakeplaceasthemenupandsupporteachother.
Team Leader: LEADER NEEDED Deacon Tim 859-266-9314,Weinmann,

Commitment: Two to three, fiveweek sessions a year (volunteers would only need to be present for one or two nights per session) plus additional prayer events, i.e. special intention Rosary. Also being available for people to reach out to talk as needed. The need for ministry volunteers will be posted periodically in the bulletin.
Volunteers: Support the organization and facilitation of the annual parish Lenten Mission that is intended to draw participants closer to Jesus and His Church during the Lenten Season.
Volunteers: Assist with prayer and sharing your own stories for those struggling with the stress and grief of infertility, miscarriage and childlessness.
Volunteers: This is not a “volunteer”type ministry. It’s a gathering of men who take their faith seriously and want to live that faith out fully for themselves, their families, and for all the people God places into their lives each and every day.
Commitment: Weekly meeting whenever possible.
ARETREATparish-based weekend retreat intended to provide a personal encounter with Jesus Christ through the power and inspiration of the Holy Spirit. The weekend invites participants to “retreat” so that they may delve deeper into where Jesus wants to lead them as disciples within His Church. The retreat is open to both men and women parishioners (18 or older). Free childcare (ages 0-7) offered on the first (Friday) and last (Monday) evenings of the retreat. The goal of Light of the World (LOTW) is to invite (or renew) each retreatant into a personal, intimate relationship with Jesus Christ, and then provide them the tools and community to maintain and build on that relationship as a lifelong disciple. The retreats are held at the parish in the Fall each year. Participants get to go home at night and sleep in their own beds.
Commitment: Team members meet bimonthly to pray together, plan activities, and then assist in their implementation and cleanup or follow-up as needed.
Team Leaders: John and Carrie Carlson, youteachingandwhatlaughbutpracticinghowChrist’saforgivenessofdealingcommunication,challengesamidvocationengagedclassesTheTEAMMARRIAGECTKmmt@gmail.com859-351-0135,PREPARATIONparish-basedMarriedLifeinvolveinstructionforcouplesonlivingtheandSacramentofMarriagethepracticalblessingsandofdailylife.Issueslikeconflictresolution,within-laws,stewardshipfinances,romance,andareapproachedthroughsacramentallensofmarriageaschosenschoolforustolearntoloveasHedoes.IfyouareaCatholiccouple,imperfectgrowinginyourfaith,abletoatyourself,behonestaboutyou’velearnedinmarriage,affirmthefullnessofCatholiconmarriageandsexuality,areneededinthisministry!
Commitment: The community of those who have made a LOTW retreat in the past provide the volunteer pool for future LOTW retreats. Retreatants commit to one weekend (Friday evening, all day Saturday, all day Sunday, and Monday evening) for the retreat. The retreat is held at the parish and retreatants go home each evening (Friday, Saturday and Sunday) and return the next day to continue the retreat.
Team Leader: Deacon Tim Weinmann, tweinmann@cdlex.org859-266-9314, 22
Ministry seeks to support and enrich the Sacrament of Marriage through the planning and implementation of marriage-edifying talks, studies and activities. We also desire to serve others and share our faith through various outreach efforts, which foster community and spiritual growth.
Commitment: Varies with the 24
particular volunteer roles. Typically, one to two hours per week.
RITE OF areconversionThe(RCIA)INITIATIONCHRISTIANOFADULTSprocessofdiscernmentandfornon-CatholicswhoconsideringbecomingCatholic.
Team Leader: Deacon Tim Weinmann, schooltheVolunteers:withInitiation/entryreceptionthePrepares(RCIC)ADAPTEDINITIATIONRITEtweinmann@cdlex.org859-266-9314,OFCHRISTIANOFADULTSFORCHILDRENnon-Catholicchildrenofageofreason(7andabove)foroftheSacramentsofintofullcommuniontheChurch.Supportand/orfacilitateprocess,whichrunsduringtheyear.
Commitment: Varies with the particular volunteer roles, but would vary from an hour to no more than three on a given week.
Team Leader: Deacon Tim Weinmann, here:Hopesupportsupport.needfromotherwhoseinJourneyDIVORCEDJOURNEYSURVIVINGtweinmann@cdlex.org859-266-9314,DIVORCE:OFHOPEFORCATHOLICSofHopeisapeerministrytheDioceseofLexingtonmissionistoreachouttoCatholicswhoarehurtingseparationordivorceandhealing,encouragement,andVolunteersparticipatein,ortheworkof,
Commitment: Flexible and can work with anyone with just a few hours per month (or more) to support this ministry. The need for
Volunteers: Support or help coordinate various activities that are held for the Pulse members.
Commitment: Varies. The need for ministry volunteers will be posted periodically in the bulletin. Contact: Mike Allen, Director of Family Life and Evangelization, 859-619-8440,
Volunteers: Support and/or facilitate the process, which runs most of the year. Examples include facilitation of group discussions during the weekly sessions or serving as a sponsor/godparent to come alongside and accompany inquirers as they make their way through the process. A great way to support those seeking to understand and grow in their faith as they discern becoming a disciple of Jesus in the Catholic Church.
THE PULSE — LEXINGTON YOUNG prayer,relationships20sACATHOLICSPROFESSIONALgroupforyoungadultsintheirand30sdesiringtodeepentheirwithChristthroughstudy,serviceandcommunity.
Team Leader:
VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL AND TOTUS TUUS Provides summertime evangelization and catechesis opportunities for our young people.
Volunteers: Various roles to support and/or facilitate both of these weeklong summertime programs.
Commitment: A few hours per month to participate in the classes as scheduled and/or assist with administration. Scheduling is very flexible. Team Leader: Michele Ferguson, 859-270-1420,
Volunteers: Serve on the core team, which is the community of young adults, and adults who have a passion for young people and who desire to pass on their faith, in Jesus and His Church, to them. We are looking for volunteers of all ages who feel called to share their gifts with the church in youth ministry. We hope to attract people who have a personal relationship with Jesus and have a desire to share that, people who are open to serve, share their life with and disciple to young people, and who are open to learning how to do this effectively. Volunteer commitment varies, so if you are interested at all please approach us — there is a place for everyone.
Commitment: Flexible and can work with anyone with just a few hours per month to support this ministry. Team Leader: Rebecca Whitney, 859-268-1268, ministry volunteers will be posted periodically in the bulletin.
Team Leaders: Karen Kirkland (3-year-olds to fifth grade), 859-266-0302,; Rebecca Whitney (sixth through 12th grades), (MIDDLEYOUTHctkyouth@cdlex.org859-268-1268,MINISTRYSCHOOL)
An adult faith formation class that meets weekly. Participants complete various four to eight-week programs designed to nurture their faith and strengthen their relationship with Jesus Christ. The programs often include viewing a DVD series featuring prominent Catholic leaders, completing a study guide, and discussing the material in small groups. Volunteers: Support or help facilitate the various series that are presented for the group.
Commitment: Flexible from a few hours (on up) of time in the weeks leading up to and through each of the programs.
in our community and those in the world. Parish Social Ministry begins with Baptism and the call each of us receives to actively participate in bringing about the Reign of God. The parish provides an organized outlet for the community to respond to that baptismal call. This team strives to help parishioners understand and act on Catholic social ABLEteaching.YOUTH hungryaroundgardeningChristmas,NeedypartneredChristmasGod’sprojectsinternationalvolunteerism,aroundlivingorganizationEverywhere,ABLE,ORGANIZATIONSERVICEorAssistingBetterLivingisacommunitydedicatedtoimprovingandlearningconditionstheworldvialocalregionalefforts,andmissiontrips.Pastincludevariousdrives—Pantry,St.VincentMissionStore,SockDrivewithHeavenlyBlessings,familysponsorshipforSeedleafcommunityprojectsinneighborhoodsLexington,feedingtheviaServe.
Volunteers: Our Youth division is geared toward middle-schoolers in sixth through eighth grades, but if younger children want to get involved, we can find ways they can help! Youth projects are age and ability appropriate.
The Social Outreach Ministry Teams guide the parish in strategically reaching out to fulfill the greatest commandment, loving God by loving our neighbors (Luke 10:2537; Matt. 25:31-46). God calls us to become the eyes, ears and hands of Jesus to those in our parish, those 26
PPC Contact: Stephanie Larkin, 859-269-3771,Staffstephanie.v.larkin@gmai.com270-779-4986,Contact:DamonSexton,
Commitment: We aim to have one event about every two to three months, but there is no long-term
Commitment: Flexible and can work with anyone with just a few hours per month on up to support this ministry. Contact the Team Leader to discuss the options. Team Leader: Rebecca Whitney, 859-268-1268, (CommunityService Outreach)
Volunteers: We are looking for people of all ages who have a personal relationship with Jesus and desire to share that, who feel a call to youth ministry — people who have a desire to serve, share their life and disciple to young people, and are open to learn how to do that effectively. Serve on the core team, which is the community of young adults, and adults who have a passion for young people and who desire to pass on their faith, in Jesus and His Church, to them.
27 disenfranchised. In the past, BUILD has worked on problems of education, affordable housing, drugs and crime, healthcare, public transportation, code enforcement, drug treatment, recidivism reduction, and mental health.
Team Leader: Jane Meadows, 859-367-0152 or jane@thedartcenter.org615-457-7115, commitment requirement. Parents of the youth volunteers will be notified about upcoming projects; youth participate as their schedules allow. The $15 annual registration fee covers supplies. Team Leader: Daphne Hosinski, BEREAVEMENTdaphnehosinski@hotmail.com859-533-3613,MINISTRIES
Volunteers: To help with funeral Mass preparation and provide postfuneral reception at the church. Can participate in person or by helping provide food, drinks for post-funeral reception.

Volunteers: Option 1 — Justice Ministry Network Members who participate in assessing, analyzing, and adopting a plan of action to propose to local officials at the annual Nehemiah Action in April Option 2 — Supporters who stand in solidarity by attending the Nehemiah Action Commitment: Option 1 — Bring at least three people to the Nehemiah Action, attend three organizationwide meetings each year, and consider investing in the work of BUILD. Option 2 — Commit to attend one event, the Nehemiah Action Assembly, date TBD in April.
Commitment: Variable and can use help at whatever level the volunteer can contribute, either helping families plan funeral liturgy or contributing to post-funeral reception preparation and hosting. Call Team Leader for additional information. Team Leaders: Linda Harvey, thoseimpactandworkandBUILD(BUILD)THROUGHINTERFAITHBUILDINGDeaconcommunity.harvey@gmail.com859-333-8593,;PaulRoot,proot@cdlex.orgAUNITEDLEXINGTONDIRECTACTIONisacoalitionofchurchesfaith-basedorganizationsthatstrategicallytoidentify,assessaddresssocialjusticeissuesthatourcommunity,particularlywhoaremarginalizedand
Volunteers: Parishioners assist team leaders by helping to prepare and post Giving Tree slips, which enable parish members to select one need they can supply during Advent. Needs range from Kroger grocery cards to individual Christmas gifts, designated according to age and gender.
A Lenten faith formation activity that calls for individuals to pray, fast and sacrifice personally for the sake of feeding the hungry and helping the needy through Catholic Relief Services.
Commitment: Pray, fast and give alms through CRS Rice Bowl. Assist in collecting and counting CRS Rice Bowl contributions. The need for ministry volunteers will be posted periodically in the bulletin.
Team Leader: Celina Magana, COMMUNITYCHRISTIANScmmagazl@gmail.comINSERVICE (CCS)
Commitment: Annual, seasonal — Christmas/Advent, mid-November to mid-December. Option 1 — Copy, cut, and post Giving Tree slips in time for the first Mass of Advent. Option 2 — Pick up gifts and gift cards delivered by parishioners during Mass in mid-December. The need for ministry volunteers will be posted periodically in the bulletin.
Volunteers: Retrieve messages from the CCS referral line one half day per week. You can retrieve messages from your home or office and at the end of your shift if you prefer. You call the social workers and determine if we can assist their clients. You complete an intake form and email it to our treasurer who writes and sends the checks to the landlord or utility companies. You are often playing telephone tag with the social workers, so some flexibility with your time is needed.
Team Leader: Damon Sexton, 859-269-3771,
Team Leader: Vida Laureano, 859-492-9999,
ThisMINISTRYministry provides dinner to the Catholic Action Center (CAC) the first and third Fridays of each month. Prepare and cook a casserole, of your choice, in an aluminum nonreturnable pan. The casserole should be able to feed 10 people. Deliver the casserole to the handicapped area of the Hehman Hall parking lot, off Providence Lane, between 10 and 10:30 a.m.
CCS is a lay ministry established by Christ the King parishioners to serve our brothers and sisters who need immediate help with rent, utilities or food. It’s about embracing Christ’s mission and helping our neighbors in need.
2. Serve as a disciple in this ministry by preparing sandwiches on a specified day TBD every
CTK asks Ministry Disciples to be free from illness. The ministry will also collect travel and full-size personal care items in Hehman Hall the last weekend of the month. Bins will be provided with an announcement in the bulletin.
Volunteers: Parishioners who work with other volunteers to build a home for a local family in need of simple, decent, affordable housing. Ability can vary from novice to skilled.
HOPE ParishionersCENTERwillhave the opportunity to serve this ministry in two different ways:

Requirements for Serving: • Minimum 12 years of age • Vaccinated and free from COVID symptoms • Volunteer form completed.
29 month in Hehman Hall. The ministry will need at least 10 people to prepare sandwiches.
Team Leader: Tracie Woodard, 859-608-8005,
Team Leader: Jennifer O’Bryan, 859-582-5593,
Commitment: Seasonal, June and July for organizers/fundraisers, August through October, Fridays and Saturdays as available for construction.
Option 1 — Commit to assisting in construction on one or more specific days, according to your availability. Option 2 — Commit to facilitating annual 2x4 fundraisers after one Mass, one or two weekends.
1. Serve a meal on the Third Friday of every month from 4:40-6:30 p.m. at the Jacob House Cafeteria. Ministry disciples are asked to bring a dessert to share with the residents.
Team Leaders: Marissa Bray, familiesenvironmentworkingwithencouragementwideareParents,INITIATIVERAISINGlaurenmbroadbent@gmail.comLaurenEveningmarissaebray@gmail.com859-533-8804,;TeamLeader—Broadbent,OURCHILDRENTEAMgrandparents,andteachersinvitedtoco-createaparish-communityofsupportandforthosewhoworkandlovechildren.Learningandtogether,wewillcreateanforourchildrenandtothrive.•Helpcreatesocialmediacontentforschool,CCDandparish•Recommendbooksandwebsitesandresources•Hostmeet-and-greetsinyourhomeoratthechurchwithparents•Nurturerelationshipswithexistingcommitteesandgroupsthatsupportthefamily•Collaboratewithchurchandschooltoschedulespeakers,discussions,andworkshopsonrelevanttopics•Contributetomonthlybulletinarticles•Createcontentforweekly“RaisingOurChildrenCorner”inthebulletin•Sharetalentsinotherways
Commitment: Varies from one time up to weekly.
ForSHARINGmanyof us, our domestic church will be where we leave our greatest impact and legacy. In a current culture that places very little value on children and the family, we, as Catholic women, are poised to bring back the Christ-centered village that so many desire. MOMS is a community of faith-driven women, offering fellowship and support to moms of all ages, stages, and situations. Working mothers, stayat-home mothers, single mothers, mothers of adult children, teens, toddlers, and infants come together to deepen and explore our faith, share tips and tricks for motherhood and family life, and offer opportunities for evangelization within our homes and the greater parish community. There are both morning and evening groups: morning group meets twice a month on alternating Wednesdays; evening group meets once a month on a Wednesday. Childcare is provided during meeting times through the CTK Nursery. Our group Patron, St. Gianna, tells us, “One earns Paradise with one’s daily task” — join us as we journey through our “daily task” of motherhood together, with Christ as our goal and our guide.
Commitment: Annual, August through May Facebook Group: groups/ 30
Option 4 — Assist with inventory or shopping to replenish store stock. Option 5 — Provide holiday food baskets to families in need through donations and/or service.
Volunteers: St. Vincent de Paul (SVdP) members (also known as Vincentians) make home visits every Monday to deliver food and clothing vouchers to those in need in the Lexington community. SVdP also works at a grocery store in a downtown Lexington affordable living facility. This mission is shared with three other SVdP Conferences in Lexington, and so volunteer work occurs every fourth week.
Ministry Leader: Lesley Iwinski & Lauren
Commitment: Option 1 — Conduct two home visits to deliver vouchers one Monday afternoon monthly. Option 2 — Answer the SVdP phone line Monday morning one or two times a month. Option 3 — Serve customers at the Griffith-Ballard store every fourth week on Wednesdays or Saturdays.
Volunteers: Parishioners committed to solidarity in supporting life from conception to natural death by educating our parish and by participating in prayer vigils, community ministries (such as Birthright, Opportunities for Life, and Project Rachel) and other related activities/events.

Commitment: Annual. Meet once monthly, to strategize in guiding our parish. Team Leader: Bridget Fay, SANDWICHsexton2022@outlook.comSamanthaekeenon@cdlex.orgBethbridget.fay@gmail.com617-538-4472,;Keenon,859-797-8595,;Sexton,859-230-0140,MINISTRY
Team Leader: Matt Callahan, 859-523-5643,
Volunteers: Parishioners who work as a team to make 120 brown bag lunches for distribution to those in need through the services of the Catholic Action Center.
Commitment: Volunteers needed to sign up to bring food items through a Meal Train on the second Friday of each month to the parking lot of the O’Neill Center. Team Leader: Gloria O’Connell, 929-461-6172,
Please keep until Fall 2023 299 Colony Blvd. • Lexington, KY 40502 • (859) 268-2861 DEEPENING

PRAYERHOMESSTEWARDSHIPOURTHROUGH Our journey as Christian stewards is strengthened through prayer and it begins right within our homes. Prayer transforms every aspect of our lives as it deepens our relationship with Christ, unites our domestic churches, and affects those we love. us pray about how God is calling us to use our time, and treasure, and as a family, the year your completed Commitment Card to Mass on October mail it to the parish in the envelope provided or fill out the card online at our parish website member
ahead. Please bring

on the line.prayer (continued) Extraordinary Ministers of HolyCommunion Lectors of the Word Liturgical Environment Music Ministries Prayers of the Faithful Sacristans Ushersformation (Spiritual) Adult Faith Formation Alpha Called & Gifted Workshop Retreat Catholic Way Bible Study Charismatic Prayer Group Children’s Liturgy of the Word(CLOW) Volunteer Children’s Rosary Confraternity of Christian Doctrine(CCD) Volunteer King’s Men Lenten Mission Light of the World Retreat Ora Pro Nobis/Prayer Network Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults(RCIA) Rite of Christian Initiation of AdultsAdapted for Children (RCIC) The Well formation (continued) Vacation Bible School and Totus TuusVolunteer Youth Ministry (Middle School) Youth Ministry (High School)service (Community Outreach) Able Youth Service Organization Bereavement Ministries BUILD Catholic Action Center Dinner (CAC) Christians in Community Service (CCS) Giving Tree Hope Center MOMS Ministry — Ministry ofMothers Sharing Raising Our Children Initiative Team Respect Life Sandwich Ministry St. Vincent de Paul (SVdP) Volunteers continued on next panel Talent (continued) = Currently Involved = Interested in JoiningClearly write the first name of family member on the line. CityAddress State ZIP First & Last Name Spouse:EmailPhoneFirst & Last Name Spouse: Phone Spouse: Email PRAYER Strengthening Our Stewardship Homes Talent (continued) 299 Colony Blvd. | Lexington, KY | (859) 268-2861 The Cathedral of Christ the King STEWARDSHIP2022RENEWAL Please bring this card to Mass, mailusing the envelope provided, or fill it out online Thank you and God bless you!
= Currently Involved = Interested in JoiningClearly write the first name of family