orpus hristi
Inside This Issue: 2 Just Imagine By JEANNINE WYATT, Stewardship Committee Member 3
Lenten Reflection for A Catholics in Our Time
4 Catholic Community Students Embrace Stewardship Sharing Gifts through Service Projects and Prayer 6
Lenten Practices: Penance and Abstinence
7 Family Faith Formation Cultivating the Rich Soil for God’s Word to Take Root
c at h o l i c pa r i s h
The Liturgical Cycles of the Catholic Church
Living Out Salvation History U
nderstanding the liturgical cycle of the Church enables one to draw more deeply into the story of salvation history, and the life of our Savior. As the seasons of the liturgical year are celebrated, the Church experiences a spiritual renewal based on the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Elements of the Mass, such as the adornments of the Church, the colors used, the omission of certain words or instruments, and, most importantly, the readings, all help to celebrate this cycle, and to draw members of the Church more deeply into this mystery. The Church observes a three-year cycle of readings for Sunday Mass and a two-year cycle for daily Mass. The Church calendar has evolved since its beginning. The early calendar was closely linked to the Jewish calendar — Jesus was a Jew, and major events in His life happened around certain Jewish holidays. However, whereas the holiest day of the Jewish week is on Saturday, the Sabbath, for Christians every Sunday commemorates the life, death, and resurrection of Christ. The most current liturgical calendar was adapted and changes made in 1969 by Pope Paul VI. The sequence of seasons within the liturgical year is Advent, Christmas, Ordinary Time, Lent, the Paschal Triduum, Easter, Ordinary Time. Ordinary Time, whose name stems from the Latin word ordinalis, is so named because it consists of numbered weeks. It is broken up into two parts: Epiphany to Ash Wednesday, and the day after Pentecost until the start of Advent. Advent begins with the fourth Sunday before Christmas and, like Lent, is marked by purple adornments. The use of the same color for both seasons
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