c at h o l i c pa r i s h
Just Imagine
By JEANNINE WYATT, Stewardship Committee Member
an you imagine the last time you wanted something? What did you do about it? If the answer is that you satisfied yourself and purchased it, then imagine a child wanting a bike for Christmas… REALLY wanting one and dreaming of it, but it was out of reach for the child. The girl living in a safe shelter wishing to find the gift of a new pair of shoes for Christmas; a young mother in a disruptive family situation with a toddler and baby needing diapers for her two children; the man who is about to have his family separated due to behavioral issues of two of his children, needed something as simple as new underwear and a new shirt to wear because his shirt had worn so thin you could almost see through it. These are all things we would have simply gone downtown and purchased for ourselves without thinking much about it. When I saw the beautiful red bike at the Gifts From the Heart ministry table, I could not help but wonder who the recipient would be. What joy and excitement would fill that child! As a member of the parish’s new Stewardship Committee, I had the opportunity to get closer to that situation and experience it from afar. The child who received the beautiful red bike had no bike and had dreamed and hoped for a bike. There was fear of disappointment, but a generous-hearted parishioner made that dream come true! The child now sees the red bike as their most prized possession and enjoys riding it. That child takes excellent care of that bright red bike! Thanks to all Corpus Christi parishioners who so generously participated in the Gifts From the Heart effort in 2021. You may have thought it was simply a gesture of goodwill during the Christmas season; however, you have no idea how your faithful stewardship touched a life and made a difference. During the upcoming year, I will bring you information about Gifts From the Heart, which began in 1997 by Pat Shultz who, at that time, was the church secretary. Since 2014, Angela Loch has faithfully led Gifts From the Heart. We are grateful for Angela’s devotion to this ministry. There are many stories to be told from the
recipients, both individuals and families, who have benefited from the generosity and love of Corpus Christi parishioners. As you read each article during the year and learn about their stories and if you have never participated, you may want to pick up your first heart this year. If you are a regular participant, perhaps it will let your mind wonder about the impact of your gift to another. Jesus tells us if we love and follow Him as His disciples, we will follow in His ways of love and give of ourselves to others. “We love because He first loved us.” — 1 John 4:19 “Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and He will reward them for what they have done.” — Proverbs 19:17