Corpus Christi Catholic Parish Newsletter — Jan/Feb/Mar 2022

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a l e tt e r f r o m o u r p a s t o r


A Lenten Reflection for Catholics in Our Time

t seems like the phrase “in the midst” is everywhere. In the midst of a pandemic… In the midst of a global crisis… In the midst of these uncertain times. I write this on Dec. 30, knowing very well that by the time you read this things could be very different, but I also know we will still be dealing with what kinds of precautions to take, how to help those who have lost jobs, and how to help those who don’t have enough food to eat. And the list goes on — it’s extremely difficult “in the midst.” Yet, there is good news: we are never alone. At Christmas, we are reminded that God understands us, and at Easter and Pentecost, He reminds us that He is always present. God’s purpose from the very beginning was to be with His people — to be in the midst. That is why we might need this Lenten season even more greatly — because in the midst of life, we need to be reminded that it will all end physically for us, but not spiritually. Lent reminds us to practice three disciplines that will help us to know that God is present in the midst. The first discipline is prayer, and I would encourage you to try something new. Go to from our website to look at some new possibilities, or try a new ritual like the Rosary or

Divine Mercy or a 30-day consecration. Spending more time with the Lord in prayer obviously reminds us of His presence. Fasting is another important discipline, and it might have nothing to do with food. Simplify or get rid of something tangible in your daily life such as your closet or your schedule. Fast from social media: if not totally, then fast on certain days or certain times every day. Finally, being more attentive to those in need and supporting more charitable needs close to you. There are many who struggle and need to know by your words and actions that God is present through you in the midst. Stewardship reminds us to be thankful — to give to the One who gave everything for us and not to count the cost. Above all, no matter what the situation is in your life right now and in our world, know that God is in the midst. Sincerely Yours in Christ, Fr. Jerry Pastor

Eucharistic Adoration during Lent: Tuesdays with Jesus — 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. March 4 and April 1 — 6-8 p.m. 3

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