Immaculate Conception Catholic Church Newsletter — April 2022

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Immaculate CONCEPTION Catholic Church

Contents: 3 All Things and All People Are Made New 4


Celebrating the Sacrament of Confirmation Sealed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit Steadfast in Faith and Devotion: St. Catherine of Siena

7 Catholic Daughters of the Americas Court #2255 Embracing the Spirit of Our Blessed Mother’s Devotion, Love and Generosity APRIL 2022

Sonfest Event Returns with an Evening of Fun, Food and Fellowship

Join Us on April 23 for Midnight at the Masquerade


he past two years have brought about closures, interruptions, and separations. Socializing moved to a computer or cell phone. Now, it’s time to get back together — and there is no better way to do that than to join us for the 21st annual Sonfest on Saturday, April 23, here at Immaculate Conception. All of the money raised at Sonfest goes toward the capital campaign. In the second phase of the campaign, the goal is to add more space for our many ministries, bride and groom rooms, a choir room, and a kitchen. In past years, about $50,000 has been raised at Sonfest. “After not having this event for the past two years, we are so excited for this year,” says Carmel Hanley, Administrative Assistant and continued on page 2

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