2 Stewardship Keeping Our Commitments in the Summertime 3
Embrace the Holy Spirit
4 First Communion: Children and Families Share in Joyous Celebration 5 The Feast of Corpus Christi Understanding How Much Jesus Loves Us 6 A Catholic’s Guide to Good Summer Reading 7 Meet New Musical Director Brian Bogdanowitz: Blessed to Share Talents with God and Parish
JUNE 2022
Catholic Church
Pat Reidy Celebrates Her
100th Birthday
“If I’ve Got God, I’ve Got Everything”
at Reidy has been a parishioner at Immaculate Conception since 1969. In March, she celebrated her 100th birthday. “God has blessed me and has been good to me,” Pat says. Over the years, Pat has been an active member of our parish community. She has been a longtime member and past president of the Altar Society, a leader of the Renew faith formation group, and a member of the Prayer Network as well as the Sunday Coffee Group. She also volunteered for many years in our local community, notably with the Red Cross blood donor program and Our parish community St. Joseph’s Home for Children. has meant very much Pat’s faith has always been at the center of her life. to Pat Reidy. “If I’ve got God, I’ve got everything,” she says. Pat and her husband, Lt. Colonel Rudy Reidy, were married for 63 years. Rudy was also a parishioner at Immaculate Conception before his passing in 2007. They lived in various posts in the United States and overseas, including in Japan and Germany. While they were in Germany, they adopted their son, continued on back cover
Keeping Our Commitments in the Summertime
he kids are out of school and our fast-paced lives centered on school and youth sports activities have slowed down. Our own internal clocks are now on summer time. We’re ready for a break from our hectic lives. And while we take vacations and enjoy the leisurely pace of the season, we need to remember that summer is not the time to take a vacation from God. In fact, summer can serve as the perfect opportunity to grow in our relationship with God, especially since most of us have considerably more free time. So, instead of neglecting our faith due to busy days and late nights, try these simple steps to embrace God during the quieter summer months and during your vacation.
Get More Active in a Parish Ministry
The summer is actually a perfect time to get more involved in a parish ministry. Because we no longer have to get the kids to and from school, or get them to sporting events or other activities that normally occur during the school year, our schedules are a bit less cluttered. Summer is indeed a perfect time to fill some downtime with service to God through ministry and giving of your talents. Take a look through the parish ministries to find something that suits your particular interest or talent.
Vacation Bible School, for Kids and Adults
Vacation Bible School is a great way for younger children to learn about God through songs, activities and fellowship. The fun-filled lessons build upon Gospel teachings while keeping kids’ attention. For older children, it is a great opportunity to offer service by being a team leader or assistant. Adults can also help plan, decorate, organize and teach during the week. It’s a wonderful activity for the entire family!
Give Thanks for the Sun
Praise God for the sun, time off from school and easygoing days by visiting the adoration chapel to say a quick prayer. Bring a journal or rosary along to help stay focused. Little children can even bring a religious coloring book to give thanks to God on their terms. Or, before heading to the pool, why not attend daily Mass with the kids? It’s a perfect way to start the day and set the tone that — vacation or not — God is still an important part of your family life.
Don’t Take a Vacation from Mass
Often while on a vacation away from our parish family, we are not familiar with where to attend Mass. Don’t let that be an obstacle for you. Check out in order to find out where and when to go to Mass. In addition, if you are lodging at a hotel, the concierge will assist you with directions to the nearest Catholic Church.
Summertime Stewardship of Treasure
The prime reason for keeping up our pledge all summer is that God doesn’t go on vacation. He continues to sustain us throughout the summer months. He persists in pouring out blessings on us, even during the hottest weather. He keeps on meeting us in His sacramental presence when we go to Mass wherever we travel. As God remains faithful to us during the summer, we are called to be faithful in our commitments to Him and our parish family, even during our vacation time. So, enjoy the warmer temperatures and the relaxed atmosphere. Just don’t forget Who provides the sun and the sand! And most importantly, remember to take God with you wherever you go on vacation!
A Letter From Our Pastor
Embrace the Holy Spirit Dear Parishioners, ou’ve all heard homilies about Pentecost, which comes on June 5 this year. Pentecost was the day when the Holy Spirit came upon the apostles while they were gathered for prayer in Jerusalem. Coming 10 days after Jesus’ Ascension into heaven, the descent of the Holy Spirit turned the apostles from a collection of fearful followers looking for some direction into a band of courageous witnesses ready to declare their faith in Christ to the whole world. You’ve heard that Pentecost is the birthday of the Church because that was the day when newly filled with the Holy Spirit, St. Peter preached the first Christian sermon, inviting his hearers to turn to Jesus as their Savior and their Lord. Those who accepted the invitation were baptized and “were added” to the Church (Acts 2:41). That day marked the beginning of the Church’s public mission, which continues to the present. But the Holy Spirit’s actions in the Church were not limited to the apostles in an ancient time. He remains active down to the present, guiding the pope and the bishops as they go about their work of sanctifying, teaching and ruling in the Church. The Holy Spirit acts in the sacraments to make them effective signs of grace. We see the Holy Spirit’s work in the witness of the saints through whom He continues the work of salvation. The Spirit, moreover, acts not only in the Church as a corporate body, but also in the lives of individual Christians. We become temples of the Holy Spirit at our Baptism. Then at Confirmation, which is our own personal Pentecost, we receive the seal of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit unites us more closely to Christ, increases the spiritual gifts we have been given, and strengthens us to spread and defend the faith. Ultimately, Pentecost is more than simply a feast celebrating something that happened a long time ago. Of course, the coming of the Spirit we read about in Acts 2 took place just once. But the Holy Spirit remains active today, guiding the Church as a whole, but also working in the life of
each individual Christian to make us holy. Maybe you don’t feel as if the Holy Spirit is working in your life. Well, God the Father gave us free will, so we can choose whether or not we’ll obey Him. And God the Holy Spirit, being united in the one Godhead with the Father and the Son, honors that freedom. He’ll never force us to turn away from sin or compel us to obey God’s commandments. The Spirit offers us grace. He will beckon us toward heaven, and occasionally we may feel Him nudging us along, but we always have the freedom to choose God or to reject Him. Perhaps you’ve made a commitment to worship at Mass at least weekly and spend some time each day in prayer. Maybe you have promised to use some of your talents in parish ministries and service to the community. You may even have turned in a card at our last renewal to indicate your pledge of a portion of your treasure to be used in God’s service. I hope you’ve done all of these. If so, both the Holy Spirit’s grace and your response were involved in your decision. And the Holy Spirit will give you the strength to fulfill your commitments. This Pentecost, make the Gradual verse we’ll sing just before the Gospel your personal prayer: Alleluia. Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful; and kindle in them the fire of your love. Alleluia. If you do, you’ll find the Holy Spirit working even more strongly in your life. You’ll be happier, and the world, at least your little corner of it, will be a better place. Sincerely yours in Christ,
Rev. John Wakube Pastor 3
First Communion:
Children and Families Share in Joyous Celebration We offer our heartfelt congratulations to our young parishioners who celebrated their First Communion, receiving the Sacrament of the Eucharist for the first time!
The Feast of Corpus Christi
Understanding How Much Jesus Loves Us
f you were to make a list of “famous people from history” to invite for dinner, there’s a good chance Jesus Christ would make the cut. As a historical figure alone, the meal conversation would no doubt prove interesting. Yet, the thought of spending personal time with Christ ushers in additional considerations that far exceed a mere “getting to know you” routine. Jesus Christ is the only human being in history who is also your Creator — He already knows you intimately! You might then imagine that if Christ revealed Himself to you personally, then you would immediately love Him deeply and believe without doubt. You might think to yourself, “If I could just meet Him once, it would be easy to believe.” There is a bit of truth in this thought. As human beings, we are affected by personal presence, and the most intense communication transpires through physical contact. Just ask the apostle, Doubting Thomas. The sight of Christ alone was not enough – Thomas required physical touch to be satisfied. The beauty of the Gospel message is that it is universal. Just as the resurrected Christ invited Thomas to touch Him in the flesh, so too does Christ invite us — His disciples in 2022 — to meet Him physically in the Sacrament of the Eucharist. So, if you would like to share a meal with Christ, the time is here! You have already been given a perpetual, openended invitation to dine with Him, in
His Father’s house. Through the gift of the Eucharist, we are invited to share in the eternal banquet of heaven. This belief is the incomprehensible glory of our Catholic faith. We celebrate with great joy, therefore, the night in which Christ instituted the Sacrament of the Eucharist at the Last Supper. Although “re-presented” at every Mass, we commemorate this event on two special feast days of the liturgical calendar — Holy Thursday and the Feast of Corpus Christi. The joy of this “holy gift” cannot be adequately expressed on Holy Thursday, due to its nearness to Good Friday. Therefore, the Feast of Corpus Christi — also known as the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ — is given its own day on the liturgical calendar. Throughout the rest of the world, the Feast of Corpus Christi is normally celebrated on the Thursday following Trinity Sunday, thereby mirroring Holy Thursday. However, the U.S. does not maintain this feast as a Holy Day of Obligation. It is considered a “moveable feast” — this year, the Feast of Corpus Christi occurs on June 16, but the celebration is transferred to the following Sunday, June 19. On this glorious feast, take the time to thank Our Heavenly Father for the gift He bestows on us through the Sacrament of the Eucharist. In the words of St. Teresa of Calcutta: “When you look at the Crucifix, you understand how much Jesus loved you then. When you look at the Sacred Host, you understand how much Jesus loves you now.” Happy feast day!
A Catholic’s Guide to
Good Summer Reading
ave you been wondering what to read during vacation this year? Why not give spiritual reading a try? There are thousands of titles out there — too many for any one person — just waiting to make a positive impact on your faith life. Reading is a fantastic opportunity for general spiritual direction and good practice for every searching soul. Choose a title from “you can’t go wrong” authors such as Louis de Wohl, G.K. Chesterton, Peter Kreeft, Francis de Sales, C.S. Lewis, and Scott Hahn. Their works alone should take you well into the summer, and possibly through to the next decade. Or, choose from this list of great Christian books, in no particular order: The Story of a Soul by St. Therese of Lisieux In this autobiography and all-time favorite Catholic book, St. Therese teaches her “little way” of spiritual childhood. Millions of copies have been sold worldwide. Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis One of the most popular introductions to the Christian faith ever published, this series of broadcast talks has been collected into book fashion. Mere Christianity sets out to “explain and defend the belief that has been common to nearly all Christians at all times.” Rome Sweet Home: Our Journey to Catholicism by Scott and Kimberly Hahn This offers a conversion story of a brilliant, 6
anti-Catholic Scripture scholar and his wife to the Catholic faith. Now well-known speakers and Catholic apologists, Scott and Kimberly recount their story with simplicity and love. The Good News about Sex & Marriage: Answers to Your Honest Questions about Catholic Teaching by Christopher West This down-to-earth application of Pope St. John Paul II’s Theology of the Body is an easyto-read, yet insightful account of the Church’s teaching on sex and marriage. What Catholics Really Believe by Karl Keating Addressing 52 of the greatest misconceptions of the Catholic faith, Keating draws upon Scripture and Tradition to dispel errors and explain the rationale behind Church teaching. No Greater Love by Mother Teresa This anthology collects the teachings and sayings of St. Teresa of Calcutta. Founder of the Missionaries of Charity and recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize, St. Teresa of Calcutta speaks joyfully about her work with the poor and God’s call in our lives. Surprised by Truth edited by Patrick Madrid Eleven converts give their Biblical and historical reasons for becoming Catholic. These unique personal testimonies continue to transform hearts throughout the world in an insightful read for Catholics and non-Catholics alike. Happy summer! Happy reading!
Meet New Musical Director Brian Bogdanowitz: Blessed to Share Talents with God and Parish
rian Bogdanowitz stepped into the role of Music Director for the parish at the beginning of March. Since beginning this position, he musically guided the church through the Lenten season and prepared for Holy Week. He has also gathered volunteers to sing in the choir and to cantor for Masses. Raised in a Polish Catholic family along with his brother, Brian understood that the Church was a very important part of his life from a young age. “Being Polish, our faith was a big part of our family,” Brian says. “We went to Mass all the time, whether you felt good or not — you went. The church was an essential part of my life.” He began playing music when he was 12 and taught himself how to play the piano. In college, he studied piano, organ, and voice as his major. “I would go to church and hear the pipe organ being played, and the music was so intense and so beautiful,” Brian says. “I asked my parents if I could learn the piano because at the time I didn’t know anything about the organ. When we went to the music store, I saw the beautiful organs with two keyboards and all the buttons and I told my parents that was what I wanted to play. I had no idea what I was getting myself into.” As the Music Director, Brian will be responsible for everything related to music in the parish — from Masses to funerals and everything in between. Brian says that he is most excited to minister to his fellow parishioners with his music. “The priest gives the people the spoken words of God and I give them the music,” Brian says. “The spoken word touches people’s intellect. But my music touches their emotions. Musically, it can move you to tears and happiness, so it is a
Brian Bogdanowitz stepped into the role of Music Director for the parish at the beginning of March.
very important ministry for me. And I pick out the music to go along with the holy days or spoken word specifically.” Brian is very excited to take on this role in the parish and is thrilled to have the opportunity to bring the parish to life with his music. He hopes that as Music Director, he can help touch parishioners’ lives and bring them to a whole new level of the faith.
“The priest gives the people the spoken words of God and I give them the music. The spoken word touches people’s intellect. But my music touches their emotions. Musically, it can move you to tears and happiness, so it is a very important ministry for me.” — Brian Bogdanowitz 7
Immaculate CONCEPTION 7000 John F. Kennedy Blvd. North Little Rock, AR 72116 Church Office: (501) 835-4323
Pat Reidy Celebrates Her 100th Birthday Bill, who was the light of their lives, until his unexpected death at 27 years of age. Friends of Pat describe her as witty, funloving, and young at heart. Having made many loyal and supportive friends throughout the years, she encourages other parishioners to get to know one another and enjoy each other’s company. Her parish community has meant very much to her. “Faith has been my life,” Pat says. “It has helped me keep going.”
continued from front cover
Pat has many wonderful memories of her time at Immaculate Conception. Among her fondest memories at our parish, she remembers enjoying outdoor Mass with our pastor at the time, the late Msgr. John O’Donnell. After the Mass, there was a potluck meal and jazz music at the parish. She also enjoyed the Altar Society trips to horse races at Oaklawn. When asked for the secret to a long, fulfilling life, Pat offers her perspective. “Eat well,” she says. “Let go of yesterday.”
Saturday Vigil: 4:00 p.m. | Sunday Masses: 8:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Daily Mass: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and First Saturday of the Month at 8:15 a.m. Confessions: Tuesday: 6:00 - 7:00 p.m., Thursday: 6:00 - 7:00 p.m., Saturday: 9:00 - 10:00 a.m.
Adoration is now being held in the Adoration Chapel. If you are interested in spending time with the Blessed Sacrament, please contact Ramona Bourdo at 501-831-5040, for an available time slot. **Schedule subject to change due to COVID-19 guidelines**