Immaculate Conception Catholic Church Newsletter — June 2022

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2 Stewardship Keeping Our Commitments in the Summertime 3

Embrace the Holy Spirit

4 First Communion: Children and Families Share in Joyous Celebration 5 The Feast of Corpus Christi Understanding How Much Jesus Loves Us 6 A Catholic’s Guide to Good Summer Reading 7 Meet New Musical Director Brian Bogdanowitz: Blessed to Share Talents with God and Parish

JUNE 2022

Catholic Church


Pat Reidy Celebrates Her

100th Birthday

“If I’ve Got God, I’ve Got Everything”


at Reidy has been a parishioner at Immaculate Conception since 1969. In March, she celebrated her 100th birthday. “God has blessed me and has been good to me,” Pat says. Over the years, Pat has been an active member of our parish community. She has been a longtime member and past president of the Altar Society, a leader of the Renew faith formation group, and a member of the Prayer Network as well as the Sunday Coffee Group. She also volunteered for many years in our local community, notably with the Red Cross blood donor program and Our parish community St. Joseph’s Home for Children. has meant very much Pat’s faith has always been at the center of her life. to Pat Reidy. “If I’ve got God, I’ve got everything,” she says. Pat and her husband, Lt. Colonel Rudy Reidy, were married for 63 years. Rudy was also a parishioner at Immaculate Conception before his passing in 2007. They lived in various posts in the United States and overseas, including in Japan and Germany. While they were in Germany, they adopted their son, continued on back cover

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