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A New Year Means New Opportunities for All of Us to Grow in Our Faith

Anew year is always full of opportunities, offering us a valuable chance to reset and get our priorities back in line. Here at Immaculate Conception, we have several wonderful options to strengthen our prayer and faith lives.

The past two years have brought so much despair, suffering, and interruption. Like all of us, Fr. Michael Troha looks forward to a new year — a time to start fresh and reevaluate our priorities as Catholics.


“The Eucharist Unites Us’’ is our current stewardship theme. Fr. Troha looks forward to building on this and finding ways to celebrate the Eucharist. He asks all parishioners to consider signing up for an hour of Eucharistic Adoration, especially since the Chapel has been beautifully renovated.

“Eucharistic Adoration started in 1988 here,” Fr. Troha says. “We need more people to commit to an hour. It’s really a beautiful chance to spend time with our Lord. The newly renovated chapel is there to aid in your prayer time.”

The parish vestibule is also being renovated in 2022.

Fr. Troha is also excited about the future of our Youth Ministry at Immaculate Conception. Kwami Adoboe will be leading middle school and ninth-grade youth. Other adult volunteers are assisting him. They will begin by discussing prayer and also follow EDGE, a youth ministry program through Life Teen.

“Kwami will be leading kids through how to pray,” Fr. Troha says. “He believes they just need someone there to help with that. This program will not just be social time. It will help the youth focus more on Jesus.”

In May, a group of students will see their preparations come to fruition as they receive the Sacraments of First Holy Communion and Confirmation. This will be another wonderful way to celebrate how “The Eucharist Unites Us.”

In 2022, Fr. Dennis McNeil will continue Movies with McNeil on the third Wednesday of the month at 2 and 7 p.m. Also, Deacon Paul Hlabse will present an eightweek video series called Kingdom of Happiness: Living the Beatitudes in Everyday Life beginning on Jan. 13. The session will be held at 6 p.m. on Thursday evenings.

Fr. Troha asks parishioners to continue considering ways they can more deeply engage at Immaculate Conception. He is particularly hoping to see more altar servers and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion come back to assist at Mass. Every ministry is important and it takes us all to make Immaculate Conception a vibrant parish.

Stay tuned to the bulletin for information on a Chili Cook-off and Spaghetti Dinner, both planned for this spring. There will also be an adult faith formation series this spring. Immaculate Conception will host Dinner with the Easter Bunny. Save the date for Oktoberfest from July 15-17. In April, a newly ordained deacon, who is studying for the priesthood, will be joining us at Immaculate Conception.

Let’s use 2022 to grow in faith and make it our best year yet!

The renovated Adoration Chapel

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