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Catholic Schools Week at Mater Dei Academy: Students to Celebrate Gifts of Catholic Education

Catholicism and community are cornerstones to the education that is provided to students at Mater Dei Academy. This year’s Catholic Schools Week is a unique opportunity for the whole school community to celebrate and enjoy the gifts and blessings of Catholic education at Mater Dei Academy.

As the parochial school for Immaculate Conception and Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, Mater Dei Academy enrollment mostly consists of students from these two parishes.


Jan. 30 is the official kick-off of Catholic Schools Week, and Mater Dei Academy is excited to open the school to all in the community from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m., following the 11:30 a.m. Mass at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel. In addition, there will be a second Catholic Schools Week Open House on Wednesday, Feb. 2 from 6 to 8 p.m. All are invited to join us to learn more about Mater Dei Academy, especially our interest in STEM.

“Mater Dei Academy is recognized as an Ohio Department of Education STEM School,” Mrs. Klemens says. “In fact, we are becoming known for over-the-top STEM projects for our students.”

What started as a way for the teachers to see students before the holidays in 2020, the Christmas light displays quickly turned into an incredible project for our students in 2021. The children were assigned different portions of campus to design a weather-appropriate light display. They had to consider Cleveland winters with snow, rain, cold, and, especially, wind. They learned that cardboard is not suitable and stronger materials hold up better in these conditions.

“We opened the students’ light project up to the greater community and asked for a donation to our food pantry as the admission fee,” Mrs. Klemens says. “We stocked the pantry and our students got an incredible learning experience out of the project and can’t wait to improve for next year.”

Finally, the focus on community is one of the most exciting things about Catholic Schools Week. We recognize local leaders — emergency responders, service members, and veterans — as well as priests and sisters in the community. Thursday features our student appreciation activities, sometimes celebrated with a guest speaker or games. Finally, we recognize our incredible teaching staff on Friday.

“Our emphasis on community during Catholic Schools Week gives our students the opportunity to meet and look up to role models in the community — especially the service members and veterans,” Mrs. Klemens says. “Our students can thank them for their service that allows us to be free to express our religion in a school environment.”

Join Mrs. Klemens to learn more about Mater Dei Academy at Immaculate Conception on Sunday, Jan. 23, and at the Open Houses on Jan. 30 and Feb. 2.

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