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Over the years, Heidi Collins has understood more and more the importance of the Catholic faith and the solace it provides her and her family.

“The faith gives me hope when I look at the difficulties we are dealing with in society,” Heidi says. “I rely on my faith during difficult times when raising and providing for a family. I am grateful that I have the faith and am passing it on to my son.”


Heidi’s husband, Dave Collins, attended Immaculate Conception Parish essentially all his life, and Heidi and Dave met on a blind date.

“To be honest, it was really and completely a blind date,” Heidi says. “A friend of mine told me that I was going to meet someone for dinner, and afterward we talked for several months and connected from there.”

The youngest in her family, Heidi had been raised Lutheran, but at some point, her family left the church, and she was never confirmed.

“On the other hand, my husband was very dedicated to his Church, and I made the choice to follow along and learn more about Catholicism according to my own desires,” Heidi says. “In 2004 I went through RCIA, was confirmed, and took First Communion with Fr. Troha the year before we began marriage preparation with him.”

Heidi and Dave were married at Immaculate Conception by Fr. Troha, who also baptized their son, Johnathan. They each have been involved in parish life in different ways over the years, from David participating in Oktoberfest to Johnathan attending Mater Dei and being an altar server.

“We’ve always loved this community,” Heidi says. “What helped me get involved was when someone approached me or when someone shares what they need. I began getting more involved with the school with Johnathan, and for Johnathan, being involved helps him create a connection with the clergy and the Mass.”

This year, Johnathan will complete eighth grade at Mater Dei, the school he has attended since kindergarten. Though Heidi and Dave aren’t sure where Johnathan will attend high school yet, they hope to continue his education in Catholic schools as he prepares for his Confirmation next year.

“Catholic education is so important,” Heidi says. “We want a faith-based education and environment for Johnathan. That kind of education reinforces their Catholic community. Hopefully, they will be more likely to raise their own family with these values and stay involved in Church.”

Heidi and Dave are grateful for all that Fr. Troha has done for their family over the years including marrying them, baptizing Johnathan, and saying funeral Masses for multiple different family members. They know that he and that the faith community of Immaculate Conception are always there for them and for their family.

“The more you give, the more you get back yourself,” Heidi says. “There’s a satisfaction in giving back to this faith community and a humility in the act. To get started, I’d suggest looking at the different opportunities the church provides and seeing what you connect with and what speaks to you.”

Heidi and Dave Collins celebrating Johnathan's Baptism on Jan. 11, 2009 — the date was important to them because the Mass was the Baptism of Jesus, and it was also the birthday of Heidi's mother's birthday, who passed away four months before Johnathan was born. It was also Dave's grandmother's birthday.

Johnathan Collins serving at Mass on Dec. 27, 2021

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