2 myselfJesus,IgivemywholelifetoYou.IthankYouforcreatingme,dyingforme,andrisingforme.Ingratitude,IoffertoYou,askingforthegracetokeepYoufirstinmyheart.PleasegivemeaspiritofserviceandlovesoIcanpouroutmyselfforothersasYoudidforme.Helpmetouseeverythingyouhavegivenmeforthegoodofmyfamily,myparish,andallaroundme.AMEN

All we have comes from God! Think about it — the very beat of your heart is an unconscious act that is only continued each day because God has sustained you with the gift of life. The beautiful things we experience in life — a beautiful sunset, a harmonious song or a baby’s smile — are gifts meant to lead us to the source of all beauty, God Himself. When we experience these things, it is important for us to take a moment to stop and thank Him for the blessings He has given us. We can express our gratitude by giving our time, our talent, and our treasure to Him Who is most
Gratitude is at the heart of stewardship. As we continue living the stewardship way of life, we look to grow in our practice of thanking God for His blessings and then sharing them with others. During this time, every parish household is asked to make commitments — to pray regularly, to use our talents and to give our finances to God through the offertory. But before we offer these gifts to God, we must first cultivate a profound “attitude of gratitude.”

Have you ever noticed that couples that have recently fallen in love spend every possible minute together? Among the simplest ways to show love is to simply be with a person; to spend time with him or her.

Pray with your children each night before bed, giving each family member an opportunity to pray for something and concluding with an Our Father, Hail Mary and the Glory Be.

Think about how you prioritize your time. If God and family are not at the top of the list, resolve to make prayer the most important part of your own daily life and the life of your family.
Consider reading the daily readings of the Catholic Church (found at usccb. org/bible/readings), asking Him what He wants you to learn from His Word each day and then thanking God for His blessings.
Being a good steward of our time means making time for the most important Person — God. “Love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind... [and] your neighbor as yourself” (Mt 22: 37-39). If we truly love the Lord and place Him first in our lives, we will make time to be with Him in prayer.
Download and utilize Catholic phone and tablet apps, such as iBreviary, Magnificat, Hallow or Divine Office.
While every Catholic needs to receive their weekly spiritual nourishment by attending Mass on Sunday, intuitively, we know that the Gospel preached on Sunday should not be restrained to one day a week, and should be put into action Monday through Saturday, as well.

Everyone has different schedules, abilities and interests, but we all share a common responsibility to be active members of the Body of Christ. A good steward is one who takes this responsibility seriously and finds ways to put his or her talent to work. In the accompanying Ministry Catalog, you’ll find a variety of ministries available to join — from Bible studies to outreach programs. You don’t need to be an artist or musician to have “talent.” You don’t even need a special hobby or skill. All you need is the conviction that you do, in fact, have a role to play, and the willingness to seek it
TALENTout. Servingothersmeansputtingtheirneedsbeforeyourown. Pray and ask God to show you how your talents can be used to help others. Get involved in a ministry that pushes you to be more selfless, putting others’ needs first. Talk to others about how you’ve grown through service and encourage them to join you! 5
The truth is that our finances are a gift from God that we’ve been given. Think about it — God gave you the talents you have which enabled you to raise or earn your income, so why should our finances be something we disregard when we speak about giving all of our gifts to Him? Money plays a very large role in our lives, and precisely because of this, it needs to be aligned with our most deeply held beliefs.
We learn in Romans and Acts that when St. Paul established the first Christian communities, he collected money from some communities to bring to others. While we sometimes still do this today, for the most part, our modern parishes are self-sufficient. What hasn’t changed since St. Paul’s times is the responsibility for believers to give to God through their local church.
“Where your treasure is, there also lies your heart” (Luke 12:34). Why should we determine the amount of our gift based on a percentage of income?
At our parish, we are encouraging each other to be better stewards of our money, setting aside a generous gift to God each week through the parish offertory.

If the goal of giving the tithe seems difficult to attain, consider increasing your annual offertory gift incrementally by 1% or 2% each year until you reach it. It may take some time, but eventually you can reach the point where it is clear both in your finances and in your daily life What and Who is most important. In the meantime, the most important thing is to choose a percentage of your income to give each week or month, and be faithful to it, even when you attend Mass elsewhere.
The tithe (which literally means 10% of one’s harvest or income) is a scriptural benchmark that the Church has honored for centuries (see Malachi 3:10). As a parish, St. Michael breaks down the tithe as follows: 5% to the parish offertory, 1% to the archdiocese, and 4% to other charities for a total of 10%
Schola: The St. Michael Schola is an auditioned group which specializes in chant and polyphony. The schola sings at various liturgies throughout the year. This group requires learning difficult music by oneself; ability to read music is highly recommended.
Altar servers assist the priest at Mass and help to make the liturgy more beautiful. Parish children who have received First Communion and are in fifth through 12th grade may serve at Mass. Altar servers are scheduled for weekend Masses, but they are welcome to ask to serve at any Mass including weekday Masses. They also help on Holy Days of Obligation and serve at funerals, weddings and Benediction. Server training is available annually, usually in the fall on a Saturday morning. However, Fr. Aaron is willing to train anyone who would like to serve if they are not able to attend the annual training.
Contact: Jonathan Higgins, 317-462-4240,

Contact: Jonathan Higgins, 317-462-4240,
Cantors: Cantors feel comfortable singing before a congregation by him/herself with an accompanist. Cantors are scheduled on a rotating basis.
Accompanists/Instrumentalists: Accompanists are important in leading and sustaining the music for the voices. Instrumentalists add to the music and elevate the worship. Instrumentalists, pianists and organists who would like to serve are encouraged to contact us.
Contact: Jonathan Higgins, 317-462-4240,
This sacred and rewarding ministry provides the opportunity to share the Body and Blood of Christ at Mass, as well as with those who are unable to attend Mass (homebound, hospital, nursing home). This is a commissioned ministry that lasts for three years. Requirements include that you must be confirmed and, if married, it must be by the laws of the Church. There is an established schedule for each weekend Mass, and sign-ups occur throughout the year for extra Mass schedules (Easter, Christmas and Feast Days). Training for new Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion is held as needed. You must be trained and commissioned to participate in this ministry.
Music ministers are called to lead and enter into song with the congregation, glorifying God through music. There are several ways one can join the Music Ministry:
Contact: Fr. Aaron Jenkins, fraaronjenkins@stmichaelsgrfld.org317-462-4240,
Contact: Jonathan Higgins, 317-462-4240,
READER Readers have the privilege and responsibility of proclaiming the Word of God in Sacred Scripture during Mass. Effective proclamation involves the delivery of the message with clarity, conviction and appropriate pace. This ministry is treated seriously and with great dignity, demonstrated in how the reader dresses, prepares and proclaims. This special ministry has a workbook that provides commentaries, phonetics and helpful information to assist in this preparation. There is an established schedule for each weekend Mass and sign-ups occur throughout the year for extra Mass schedules (Easter and Christmas). Those interested must be practicing Catholics in full communion with the Catholic Church and willing to commit on a regular basis.

Contact: Jonathan Higgins, 317-462-4240,
USHER Ushers assist at Mass by helping parishioners find a pew to sit in, circulating the collection baskets during the Offertory, guiding the gift bearers who bring up the gifts, and assisting in the flow of traffic during Communion. This ministry is open to anyone in high school or older. There is an established schedule for each weekend Mass, and sign-ups occur throughout the year for extra Mass schedules (Easter, Christmas, and Feast Days).
This opportunity requires early arrival to allow time for Mass preparation, and to provide an example of reverence by respectfully approaching the tabernacle and/or altar, bowing reverently, and by actively participating in the Mass. Some of the duties of the sacristan include prepare the credence table with the Communion bowls, cruet, and the chalice; ensure Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, lectors, servers and ushers are present; locate substitutes, if needed; identify the gift bearers and provide their names to be announced after the Prayers of the Faithful; welcome visiting priests, deacons and seminarians, and show them where vestments are located in the vestry.
Contact: Jonathan Higgins, 317-462-4240,
Baptism is the sacrament that marks a person as a Christian. For Catholics, it is a longstanding tradition that a person is normally baptized as an infant because they will be brought up in the Christian community. Their “choice” to live as a Christian comes in their daily choices and actions in life. Parents or interested parties should fill out a Baptism Information Form and schedule an appointment with Fr. Aaron Jenkins. Baptisms are scheduled for the first and third Sundays of the month following the 11 a.m. Mass.
Marriage is the sacrament in which a man and woman are joined together before God in a special relationship meant to deepen their faith. Couples who are interested in getting married should contact Fr. Aaron Jenkins at least six months prior to the anticipated wedding date to schedule an appointment. Contact: Fr. Aaron Jenkins, fraaronjenkins@stmichaelsgrfld.org317-462-4240,
Contact: Jennifer Beyer, 317-462-4240,
Confirmation is the sacrament that completes a person’s initiation into the Catholic Church. The recommended age to begin the preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation in the Archdiocese of Indianapolis is age 13. The normal year of preparation to receive the sacrament is the eighth grade. Preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation will occur during our Wednesday Evening Religious Education (WNRE). Any student enrolled in St. Michael Catholic School will still need to be enrolled in WNRE to be confirmed in the spring. Older youth and adults can receive the sacrament after proper catechesis and preparation. If you are older than eighth grade and wish to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation, please contact Fr. Aaron Jenkins. Contact: Jennifer Beyer, 317-462-4240,

Contact: Jennifer Beyer, 317-462-4240,
The Sacrament of Reconciliation is the sacrament in which we are reconciled with God and our neighbor through God in the sacrifice of Christ and the Grace of the Holy Spirit. See the bulletin or website for current reconciliation times. Preparation to receive the Sacrament of First Reconciliation is available to all baptized children age 7 or in second grade. This sacramental formation is offered in both our parish school and the Wednesday Evening Religious Education (WNRE) classes.
The Sacrament of Holy Orders is the sacrament in which deacons, priests and bishops are ordained for the service of the Church. Any man interested in this sacrament should speak with Fr. Aaron Jenkins who will help them through the process of discerning God’s call. Additionally, our Catholic tradition also has religious life that is not part of the Sacrament of Holy Orders. This life is a special calling to live in a community with special emphasis. These communities or religious orders are endless in number and vary widely in their call to serve God. Anyone who is discerning this vocation should speak with Fr. Aaron Jenkins. Contact: Fr. Aaron Jenkins, fraaronjenkins@stmichaelsgrfld.org317-462-4240,
First Communion preparation is available to all baptized children, age 7 and above. Sacramental preparation is offered in both our parish school and Wednesday Evening Religious Education (WNRE) programs and is done alongside catechesis on the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Our parish children will receive their first Holy Communion in late April or early May.
The parish offers two adult Bible studies on a regular basis — Beginner’s Bible Study and Thursday Bible Study. Beginner’s Bible Study meets Sunday mornings 9:30-10:45 a.m. They are both taught by graduates of the Guadalupe Bible College. They do not meet in December.
No meetings, no fees, just prayer! This group prays the Chaplet of Divine Mercy daily for people with addictions. To join, simply commit to praying the Chaplet any time of day for one or more persons struggling with addiction.
Led by the Holy Spirit, St. Michael Catholic School encourages our students to grow in their Catholic faith, achieve academic excellence and become responsible citizens. The school serves students from pre-K through eighth grade, providing excellent academics including Spanish, art, music, and computers; religious
Contact: Bryan and Terri Korff, 770-371-7596,
RCIA provides an opportunity for adults who are interested in entering into full communion with the Catholic Church to learn more about the Catholic faith and make an informed decision about their faith lives. Once that decision is made, preparation for the reception of the Sacraments of Initiation and Reconciliation will take place.
Returning Catholics invites anyone who has been away from the Church and wants to come home. Each six-week session allows time to ask questions and learn about Church teaching on a variety of topics such as hurts of the past, forgiveness, spiritual growth, discussions about the Sacraments and the Mass, marriage, divorce, and annulments. Sessions meet on Sunday mornings, 9:30-10:30 a.m. in Parish Office Meeting Room 2 and are advertised in the bulletin, weekly email, and website.
Contact: Fr. Aaron Jenkins, fraaronjenkins@stmichaelsgrfld.org317-462-4240,
Contact: Darlene Davis, 317-498-2242,
Contact: Darlene Davis, 317-498-2242,
Anointing of the Sick is one of two sacraments of healing which can be given multiple times over the course of a person’s life but is mainly intended to aid those in danger of death either by illness or medical procedure. The person does not have to be “dying” to receive this sacrament. In fact, it is highly encouraged that the person or family of the sick person contacts the parish so that Fr. Aaron and the parish can be made aware of the illness. Fr. Aaron can then contact the family for a visit and the parish can pray for the sick person. This sacrament is also available as an aid to the elderly, whether they are sick or not. “Last Rites” references three sacraments — Anointing of the Sick, Reconciliation, and the Eucharist. These “Last Rites” are given with the understanding that a person is approaching death. They can be given many days before their actual death. The family is encouraged to contact the parish to make arrangements for a visit by Fr. Aaron.
Contact: Fr. Aaron Jenkins, fraaronjenkins@stmichaelsgrfld.org317-462-4240,
Coffee and donuts are served Sunday mornings in PLC Rm. 2 after 8:30 a.m. Mass. This hospitality ministry enables parishioners to socialize after Mass, to share in friendship, and to build community. Volunteers help serve coffee and clean up.
Wednesday Night Religious Education (WNRE) is for first through eighth grades. It begins with Mass at 6 p.m., giving families a chance to slow down and spend some time in prayer outside of Sunday Mass. Dinner is served to all WNRE families in the Parish Life Center immediately after Mass. All are welcome! After dinner, classes will break out to their respective rooms with their teachers from 7-8 p.m. We encourage parents to be as involved as possible and to consider volunteering on a regular basis to assist with dinner and/or in the classroom. We do ask that parents volunteer at least once a semester.
Contact: Mary Beth Sifferlen, 317-408-5476,
Contact: Jennifer Beyer, 317-462-4240,
The Bereavement Ministry’s main mission is to provide meals to the surviving members of deceased parish members’ family in the Fr. Severin Parish Life Center. We aim to provide a pleasant atmosphere with “comfort food.” We are always looking for volunteers (men and women) to assist with organizing, preparing, providing, and serving the food. Items needed range from home-cooked foods to bags of chips and drink mix.
There are two different regularly scheduled opportunities to come adore our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament — each Friday that school is in session, and on every first Friday throughout the year. Volunteers are needed to fill half-hour time slots on Fridays during the school year to make sure the Blessed Sacrament is never alone. School children will also come at various times throughout the day for adoration. On First Fridays, two volunteers are needed for every hour for 24-hours to ensure the Blessed Sacrament is always accompanied.
Contacts: Carol Houston, 317-410-9613, Gailchouston120@gmail.comProbst,317-508-2338,
Contact: Mrs. Ruth Hittel, 317-462-6380,
11 education and sacramental preparation; competitive athletics, a robust offering of extracurriculars. Please contact the St. Michael School principal for more information, tours, and enrollment.
Contact: Christie Murphy, 317-462-4240,
Embrace Grace is a pro-life ministry that provides emotional, practical, and spiritual support for single, young pregnant women who find themselves in unexpected pregnancies. It is a 12-week program that seeks to create a safe, non-judgmental group setting for the women where they can focus God’s love and grace at work in their lives. The sessions conclude with a baby shower to honor the women for choosing life and to help provide for their babies’ needs. We are looking for volunteers to serve at the weekly group meetings and/or to serve at the events that are a part of this program.
Contact: Jonathan Higgins, 317-462-4240,
Contact: Howard Green, 317-498-3494,
Donations of non-perishable foods are collected on the first Sunday of every month in the bins in Narthex. This collection supports the Hancock Food Pantry in their efforts to combat hunger in our community.
The Kenneth Butler Soup Kitchen serves two meals a day, five days a week, to any resident of Greenfield in need of food regardless of their race, religion, gender, orientation, medical diagnosis, mental capacity or criminal history. The soup kitchen has only one full-time employee!
Contact: Christie Murphy, 317-462-4240,
The Rosary Makers Guild is a group of volunteers who offer their time, talent and treasure to provide rosaries for the many missionaries asking for rosaries, and to encourage others to live the message of Our Lady of Fatima. Over time, knotting has been learned, beads have been strung, and thousands of rosaries have been made and donated to answer the requests of the many missionaries around the world, as well as to prison chaplains on behalf of the prisoners, and to veterans at the Richard L. Roudebush VA Medical Center. We buy our own materials and gather twice a month on the second and fourth Wednesday from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. at the Parish Office Meeting Room to make the rosaries.
Contact: Howard Green, 317-498-3494,
Volunteers provide the majority of the labor. Additionally, most of the food that is served is also donated. Please join in feeding those in need either by donating food or volunteering your time to prepare and/or serve the meals.
The K of C is a Catholic men’s fraternal society founded under the principles of charity, unity, fraternity, and patriotism. Our activities are designed to volunteer our time, serve our parish, and raise money for charitable organizations in our community. Meetings are held on the first Wednesday of the month at 7 p.m. in the Parish Office meeting room.
Contact: Parish Office, 317-462-4240
Volunteers help clean the church each Monday morning or another day and time of their choosing. Responsibilities include dusting, sweeping the Narthex, cleaning the pews, washing the windows, cleaning the bathrooms, etc. Many hands make light work!
The Respect Life Committee seeks to educate parishioners about pro-life issues including right to life, suicide prevention, addiction recovery, mental health, etc. Community resources are provided and updated on the parish website ( Events are planned for the months of October and January each year. The Respect Life Committee is also looking for input and new members, especially the youth, to help grow this ministry. Meetings are on the second Tuesday of the month in the Narthex of the church.
Contact: Jill Ebbert, 317-462-9900,
Contact: Jody Smith, 317-374-7083,
The Women’s Club seeks to promote the spiritual and personal growth of the women of the parish through faith, service, and fellowship, while adhering to the mission, vision, and goals of St. Michael Catholic Church. We meet occasionally for either a purely social event or a social event that also supports a community service ministry, such as our February Baby Shower in support of Birthline. We also provide dinners every other month for participants at The Landing. Interested women are encouraged to sign up to receive emails from the Women’s Club to keep updated about activities and events.
Contact: Marilyn Killila, 317-200-8938
Contact: Marilyn Killila, 317-200-8938
Contact: Mary Beth Sifferlen, 317-408-5476,
SEASON OF HOPE Season of Hope is a six-week bereavement process centered on Jesus Christ and grounded in the healing wisdom, tradition, and practices of the Catholic Church. It is open to anyone who is grieving the death of a loved one. Sessions are held once per year and will be advertised in the bulletin, on the parish website, and in the weekly email. Each session focuses on a specific topic and includes prayer, reading and reflecting upon a passage of Scripture, an opportunity to share common experiences, and a spiritual exercise to be completed during the week in the privacy of your home. Communal praying of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy for our departed loved ones concludes each session. There is no charge for these sessions, but registration is required so that materials can be ordered.

The Season of Hope Social Group meets monthly at a local restaurant for dinner and companionship. Anyone who has experienced the death of a loved one and is seeking support from others who understand is invited to come. Check the weekly bulletin for dates, times and dinner locations. No registration is necessary.
THAT MAN IS YOU That Man Is You (TMIY) is a men’s group focused on a personal encounter with Jesus Christ so Jesus can transform your life. The 90-minute meetings focus on fellowship and issues facing men today. Weekly meetings are divided into three equal parts: a meal, video presentation, and small group discussion. Meetings are held on Sunday mornings from 9:30-11:00 a.m.
Contact: John Stutz, 317-526-0723

Contact: Jonathan Higgins,
St. Michael has a vibrant group of Young Adults who worship, pray, and socialize together on a regular basis. Events are always open to all young adults between the ages of 18 and 30.
Contact: Laura Lake,
Little Flowers Girls’ Club is a Catholic club for girls that teaches virtues through scripture, saints’ biographies, and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. The club will usually meet monthly on Friday afternoons for fun and friends Aug-May (no meeting in December). This group is open to all parish girls in grades K-5 regardless of school affiliation.
Contact: 317-462-6380,
This group’s mission is to unite the teens of St. Michael Catholic Church in fellowship, spiritual growth, and prayer for one another. On First Fridays, teens meet in the youth group room in the mezzanine of the gym (Parish Life Center) at 5:30 p.m. to visit and hang out. The group then moves to the church for adoration and to offer up their prayers to Our Lord. Those who are interested are also invited to drive for pizza to continue the fun. The same format is followed on the third Sundays, except we will not go out for pizza. Teens meet in the youth group room in the mezzanine of the gym (Parish Life Center) at 9:30 a.m., move to the church for Adoration and prayer, and finish before the 11 a.m. Mass. All teens in seventh through 12th grades are invited to come to Teen Prayer.
Join the fun on Wednesday night from 7-8 p.m. in the Youth Room (mezzanine of the gym). Play games, puzzles, work on homework or just hang out! Youth Group is open to all teens in ninth through 12th grades.
The CYO is part of the youth ministry programs for the Archdiocese of Indianapolis. CYO sports are for all youth in the Catholic Church and students at our Catholic schools. In CYO sports, Christian values such as respect, honesty, fair play, sportsmanship and humility are the model in words and actions. The responsibility for the success of CYO programs rest with the administrator, coaches, parents and other volunteers at each parish. The adults play an important role in fostering the Christian growth of the young people participating in CYO sports. Additionally, the program relies on adult volunteers to coach teams, assist at games and practices, work at the concession stand, etc. Adults who volunteer need to complete Safe and Sacred training prior to involvement in CYO activities.
Contact: Jennifer Beyer, 317-462-4240,
Contact: Meg Bauer,
Contact: Mark Sullivan, Chair, 317-462-4240
Contact: Ruth Hittel, 317-462-6380,
The School Commission assists and advises the school principal and the pastor in their focus on the school’s Catholic identity, strategic planning, facilities and technology, academic excellence, and with enrollment and retention. Members are appointed by the principal, in consultation with the pastor, and serve as advisors to the principal and pastor. Members are appointed for specified terms.
The various parish councils and commissions serve to advise and assist the pastor with the business, financial, spiritual, educational, and stewardship matters of the parish. The various councils and commissions are as follows:
Contact: Christie Murphy, 317-462-4240, 15

The Finance Council advises and assists the pastor with all aspects of the parish’s finances, including the assessment of the parish’s financial needs, financial responsibility, and the stability of the parish funds. Members are appointed by the pastor for specified terms.
The Youth Commission focuses on activities and events for parish youth including the Labor Day Canoe Trip, St. Nicholas Celebration, drive-in movie nights, Confirmation retreat, etc. Members volunteer at their discretion.
The Stewardship Commission advises and assists the pastor in his efforts to promote stewardship of time, talent and treasure within the parish and the community. Members are appointed for specified terms. Contact: Howard Green, 317-498-3494,
. Complete
PleasekeepuntilFall2023 519 Jefferson Boulevard | Greenfield, IN 46140 317-462-4240 | Spending Time with God in Prayer Using My Talents in Parish Ministries Attend Mass every Sunday and on Holy Days Attend weekday Mass at least once a week Attend a Holy Hour once a week Spend at least 15 minutes a day in personal prayer Pray together with my loved ones Read the Bible for at least one hour a week Pray the Rosary at least weekly Pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet every day Go to Reconciliation every other month Schedule time for a spiritual retreat Invite a friend or acquaintance to Mass Pray for the sick of our parish Pray for my country daily Work to overcome a sinful habit Pray for an increase in vocations Pray for our priests Pray for persecuted Christians Pray for life from conception to natural death Pray for those serving in the military Pray for Fallen-Away Catholics Prayer is the beginning of stewardship. Only when we spend time with God in prayer are we spiritually prepared to offer ourselves in service to others. Please check the circle next to your commitments to prayer: You can read about each of the ministries listed below in the Ministry Catalog. Write the first name of the family member who wishes to join or is active in each ministry on the lines. You may write multiple names for the same ministry. LITURGICAL MINISTRIES Altar Server Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion Music Ministry Cantors Accompanists/Instrumentalists Schola Reader Sacristan Usher FORMATION Adult Bible Studies Divine Mercy for Addicts Returning Catholics Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) St. Michael Catholic School Wednesday Evening Faith Formation Please clearly write the first name(s) of interested family member(s) on the line. continued on back panels %Percentage of household income: Weekly giving based on proportion of income Weekly Giving Chart 10% 5% 4% 1% Amount of Weekly Gift $58 $29 $23 $6 $96 $48 $38 $10 $134 $67 $54 $14 $192 $96 $76 $19 $384 $192 $153 $38 % of Hshld Income: Household Income5%$200,000$100,000$70,000$50,000$30,000to the Offertory to St. Michael, My Offertory pledge to St. Michael: Weekly gift x52 = annually Monthly gift x12 = annually$$ $$or Please complete either a weekly or monthly offertory gift: TIME TALENT = Currently Involved = Interested in Joining ST. MICHAEL CATHOLIC CHURCH2022 Commitment Card = Currently Involved = Interested in JoiningClearly write the first name of family member on the line. Please bring this card to Mass or mail using theenvelope provided or fill it out online at you and God bless you! PARISH LIFE Bereavement Ministry Coffee and Donuts Embrace Grace Eucharistic Adoration Hancock Food Pantry Kenneth Butler Soup Kitchen Knights of Columbus Monday Church Cleaners Respect Life Committee Rosary Makers Guild - Our Ladyof Fatima Season of Hope Season of Hope Social Group That Man Is You Women’s Club Young Adult Ministry Youth Ministries Catholic Youth Organization(CYO) Little Flowers Girls' Club Teen Prayer Group Wednesday Night Youth GroupPARISH COUNCILS AND COMMISSIONS Finance Council School Commission Stewardship Commission Youth TALENTCommission (continued) CityAddress State ZIP First & Last Name Spouse:EmailPhone First & Last Name Spouse: Phone Spouse: Email 519 Jefferson Boulevard | Greenfield, IN 46140317-462-4240 | STEWARDSGRATEFUL meforIme,andrisingforme.Ingratitude,offermyselftoYou,askingforthegracetokeepYoufirstinmyheart.PleasegivemeaspiritofserviceandlovesoIcanpouroutmyselfothersasYoudidforme.HelptouseeverythingYouhavegivenmeforthegoodofmyfamily,myparish,andallaroundme.AMEN

The Commitment Card helps each of us to become better stewards, and when that happens, we become a faith-filled people, ready to live our lives in gratitude for all He has given us! to complete your Commitment Card: it at home and bring it to Mass on Commitment Weekend, September 24/25 it at home and mail it back to the parish. one at Mass on Commitment Weekend. a card online at:


In today’s culture, it is easy to “say” one thing and “do” another. By filling out a Commitment Card, you are committing to a certain course of action. When God calls us, He doesn’t want us to say “yes” and then never do it. He desires that we be faithful to Him, faithful to His commands, and faithful to our word. When we fill out a Commitment Card, we are saying, “God, I choose to commit myself to You and to a life lived for You. With Your grace, may I do as You desire.”
