Discipleship through Stewardship


Christ the King, St. Jude Thaddeus & St. Paul

In common language, “stewardship” simply means taking good care of one’s belongings. But at Christ the King, St. Jude Thaddeus, and St. Paul, when we talk about stewardship, we mean something more than that. As Christians, we believe that we don’t really own anything, per se. God has created all things — everything we “own” is really “on loan” from God. From this perspective, then, stewardship means taking care of God’s gifts — and using them for His purposes. Stewardship is using our time, talent, and treasure to build God’s Kingdom.
Stewardship isn’t a “program” or a fundraising effort. It’s not a one-year experiment. It’s a commitment to a lifestyle of Christian discipleship. The Catechism of the Catholic Church tells us that discipleship is, “the common vocation of all Christ’s disciples, a vocation to holiness and to the mission of evangelizing the world” (CCC, 1533). When we commit to lives of stewardship, we are saying that we are going to take the gifts that God has given us in our lives, our time, our talents and our treasure, and use them to grow in holiness and to share the love of God with everyone we meet. God asks us to be His hands and feet to those we encounter. Will you follow where He leads?
Many of us know that it is important to pray, but what is prayer and how do we do it? According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, prayer is “the raising of one’s mind and heart to God or the requesting of good things from God.” As Christians, each of us is encouraged to make time for this every day. It is through prayer that we receive the peace that can only be found in doing God’s will. There are many ways to practice prayer, and each one connects us to God in a unique way.
• Set aside 15 minutes every morning to spend in quiet prayer. A helpful place to start is the readings for each day, found at usccb.org/bible/ readings or on Catholic phone and tablet apps, such as iBreviary, Magnificat, Divine Office or Hallow.
• Thank God for the good things He has given you that you might take for granted throughout the day.
• Examine your conscience before going to sleep and say an act of contrition like we do at Mass.
• Pray with your children each night before bed, giving each family member an opportunity to pray for something and concluding with an Our Father, Hail Mary and the Glory Be.
Every week, our parishes are buzzing with activity. There are groups that pray together, groups that minister to other parishioners, and groups that reach out to the community. Christ Himself taught us that “whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me” (Matthew 25:40). When we lay down our wants and desires to serve each other, God blesses our efforts! Will you consider where God is calling you to serve Him?
• Pray about how the gifts God has given you can best be used to serve others.
• Use your Commitment Card to find a parish ministry that will help you grow personally in living out your faith.
• Commit to being faithful to God through those you serve in word and deed.
“Jesus said to them, ‘Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men.’ Then they abandoned their nets and followed him.”
Mark 1:17-18
Our deepest reason for giving is not because our parish has needs, but because we have a spiritual need to give. We are called to give to God from our first fruits, and to recognize that everything comes from Him. Our gifts to God should be out of faith and gratitude for what God has done for us. Just like the apostles who laid down their nets the moment that Jesus called them, we too should lay down everything, even something as important to us as our finances, to follow Christ. God’s promise to us is a promise of life and security when we place all of our trust in Him. “The Lord will be with you and will never fail you or forsake you. So do not fear or be dismayed” (Deuteronomy 31:8).
At our parishes we honor the scriptural tithe. We invite parishioners to give 5% of their gross income to God through the offertory, 1% to the diocese and 4% to other charities.
Using the included chart, find your current percentage of giving. Consider increasing your gift by 1% or 2% increments until you reach the scriptural tithe and be faithful to your commitment, whatever it may be.
• Pray about the best use of your financial resources and ask God to show you where you need to give Him priority in them.
• Evaluate your regular offertory gift and increase it based on what you think God is calling you to give until you reach the full scriptural tithe.
• Make a commitment to give regularly to God through the parish offertory, and be faithful to your tithing commitment, even when you attend Mass elsewhere.
Enjoy some quiet time with our Lord in Eucharistic Adoration. You can come as a visitor or commit to a regular hour. Adoration is available on Tuesdays from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at St. Jude Thaddeus.
Debi Smith and Marie King
This group is for adults who desire to grow in their Catholic faith and spirituality. Each gathering includes a video on a particular aspect of Catholicism followed by discussion and reflection. The group meets Sunday afternoons at 4 p.m. in the parish hall for learning, fellowship, and a pot-luck-style meal (bring your favorite dish to share).
Marilyn PuthoffThe primary duty of an altar server is to assist the deacon and priest at Holy Mass as a representative of the people of the parish. Young men, ages 8 to 21, who have made their first Holy Communion may become altar servers. Service in this ministry requires that parents support their children by ensuring they arrive at least 15 minutes before the start of Mass. Servers will vest (dress) in the cassock and cotta each time they serve and be able to carry the thurible and candles in the procession.
Christ the King: Ray Schultz St. Jude Thaddeus: OPEN St. Paul: OPEN
The altar society is a women’s service organization with several responsibilities: care, cleaning, and maintenance of the altar and all its appointments; maintenance of server vestments; hosting of bereavement luncheons following funerals; coordinating and conducting community-building and fundraising events. All women in the parish community are encouraged to join this ministry.
Christ the King: OPEN St. Jude Thaddeus: Helen Lung St. Paul: Sharon Fletcher
The Blessing Box is an outreach ministry that strives to provide food and necessities for those in need in the community. Individuals can drop off or take food and necessities from the outdoor box near the St. Jude Thaddeus Church parish hall, no questions asked. Ministry participants stock the box as necessary and replenish the food storage pantry in the parish hall from donations received.
Suzan TugmanThe duty of Care Ministers is to keep the sick and homebound of the parish connected to the Mass and the community. Care Ministers make visits, pray with, and bring Holy Communion to Catholics who are homebound and residents of nearby nursing homes and assisted living communities.
Christ the King: Mary Wilson St. Jude Thaddeus: Bill Trice St. Paul: Sandy Thomas
The Choirs (once formed) will assist the congregation in singing the parts of the Holy Mass and the hymns proper to the Mass to elevate our worship of God. The choirs will not “perform”; rather they will sing in the choral style developed by the Catholic Church during the Renaissance period. All music selections will come from the Roman Missal and from the current hymnal in use in the parishes, under the guidance of Musicam Sacram. Cantors will be selected from within the choir to chant the Psalm and lead the response. The youth Masses on Wednesday evenings will be assisted by a youth choir. Experience singing in school choirs (choral style) and knowledge of solfege, chant notation, and/or modern music notation will be helpful but are not required. The choirs will likely practice with the organist one night a week.
Keith RickardIn obedience to the pleas of Our Lady of Fatima, parishioners are invited to participate in the First Saturday Devotions in reparation for the sins of humanity at Christ the King. On the first Saturday of each month, confessions begin at 8 a.m., Rosary at 8:45 a.m., Holy Mass at 9 a.m., followed by Eucharistic Exposition and meditation on one of the mysteries of the rosary until 10 a.m. These four things satisfy the requirements of the First Saturday Devotion given by Our Lady. Those who participate in the Communal First Saturdays for five successive months receive a plenary indulgence under the usual conditions.
Christ the King: Marilyn Puthoff & Mary Wilson
The goal of the Fall Festival is twofold: to foster community building within the parish and in the surrounding community, and to raise funds to supplement parish ministries and outreach. It occurs annually in October on the weekend nearest the Feast of St. Jude Thaddeus (Oct. 28). The Committee begins meeting in August to collaborate on festival events and to form subcommittees to advance the various activities.
Typical events include sausage and turkey feast, silent auction, bounce houses and games for the kids, bingo, etc.
Michael Richter, Robert & Helen Lung, Debi Smith
The Finance Council helps the bookkeeper create the budget annually in March-May, develops fundraising ideas, and guides capital and building campaigns. Council members need some background in accounting, finance, fundraising, contracting, grant writing, project management, or building maintenance. We meet once a quarter.
Fr. Joseph Moreno
The Gabriel Project supports pregnant mothers and their unborn children and families throughout their pregnancies and beyond. Volunteer “angels” accompany the women in need with spiritual encouragement, Christian friendship, and emotional support. They also connect the mothers in need with local resources to help them achieve financial, educational, and employment goals.
Christ the King: OPEN St. Jude Thaddeus: Dawn Heaney
The Guardian Ministers are members of a team of responders who provide a safe and welcoming environment for Mass attendees and visitors. The team consists of ushers/greeters, trained medical and first response personnel, and armed responders who will be called to act in a worstcase scenario.
Christ the King: Ray Schultz St. Jude Thaddeus: Paul Gerstner
The Holy Mowers care for the parish grounds, keeping them welcoming and presentable for Mass attendees and visitors. Responsibilities include mowing and trimming grassy areas; trimming hedges, shrubbery, and trees; and removing dead vegetation. Christ the King: Ron Morath St. Jude Thaddeus: Greg Leonard
“Strong right arm of the Church” – St. Pope John Paul the Great The Knights of Columbus is the largest men’s fraternal service organization in the world and works to support the pastor in his vision and initiatives. The Knights conduct and coordinate parish communitybuilding and fund-raising events such as Lenten fish fries and Taco Tuesdays. Monthly meetings are held at the William Trice Knights Hall at St. Jude Thaddeus. Membership is open to all men 18 and up from all three parishes.
Grand Knight Lawrence Cutrone and Deputy GK John Danks
This group meets at St. Jude Thaddeus after the 11 a.m. Mass to count and deposit the collections for all three parishes. Background check required.
Fr. Joseph Moreno
We are a varied group of parishioners of all ages and backgrounds who help develop the vision and mission for each parish as well as the parish calendar of events for the year to foster community building. This council also helps advise the pastor on what is needed in the parish community. We meet once a month. Fr. Joseph Moreno
The Parish Cleaning Team cleans the church, parish hall, and education center (SJT only) weekly. They are responsible for keeping the church in a condition for worthy worship of our Lord. Additionally, they strive to make the parish hall a welcoming environment for visitors, social events, and religious education classes.
Christ the King: Rosa Maxwell St. Jude Thaddeus: OPEN St. Paul: Amanda Quillen
The primary duty of a lay reader is to proclaim the first and second readings at Holy Mass during the Liturgy of the Word. Youth are highly encouraged to participate in this ministry. Youth ages 10 and older who have made their first Holy Communion may volunteer. Service in this ministry requires that parents support their children by ensuring they arrive at least 15 minutes before the start of Mass. At least 1/3 of readers should be youth.
Christ the King: Amie Schultz St. Jude Thaddeus: OPEN St. Paul: OPEN
Religious Education classes are provided by the parish as an opportunity for the children of the parish to become educated in the Catholic Faith. Classes are offered for students in grades K -12. Classes meet Wednesday evenings following Mass and preceding youth group, from 5:30 to 7 p.m. Volunteers are needed as teachers and teacher’s aides in the classrooms.
Christ the King: Marilyn Puthoff St. Jude Thaddeus: Sue Ruschenberg
RCIA is the formation process for those who are considering becoming Catholic and those who want to learn more about the Catholic faith. This process culminates with the completion of the sacraments of initiation (Baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation) for Catholics 7 years of age and older.
Volunteers on the RCIA Team assist the instructor in the classroom by facilitating instruction and by providing examples and illustrations from their own faith journeys. Classes meet Wednesday nights from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m., concurrent with Religious Education classes. Youth group for Middle and High School follows immediately after classes.
Christ the King: Rosa Maxwell St. Jude Thaddeus: Fabian Heaney
The Rosary Group meets Monday mornings in the chapel to pray the Rosary, followed by fellowship and coffee. They also organize and lead the Communal First Saturday Marian Devotion.
Marilyn Puthoff
The primary duty of a sacristan is to prepare and maintain the sacred vessels and other instruments used in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Young ladies, ages 8 to 21, who have made their first Holy Communion may become sacristans. Service in this ministry requires that parents support their children by ensuring they arrive at least 30 minutes before the start of Mass. Young ladies will vest (dress) in alb, cincture, and scapular and carry the cross in the procession.
Christ the King: Amie Schultz St. Jude Thaddeus: Suzan Tugman St. Paul: Sharon Fletcher
The primary duties of the ushers/ greeters are: to greet all those who attend Holy Mass, especially welcoming any visitors, to assist Mass attendees to find seats, and to take up the collection. Any youth, ages 8 and up, who have made their first Holy Communion may become an usher/greeter. Service in this ministry requires that parents support their children by ensuring they arrive at least 15 minutes before the start of Mass. Adult ushers/greeters are part of the Guardian Ministry, as well. At least 1/3 of ushers should be youth.
Christ the King: Amie Schultz
St. Jude Thaddeus: OPEN St. Paul: Ryan Quillen
VBS is offered annually in June at St. Jude Thaddeus. This is an excellent opportunity to share your love of Christ with the youth of our parish in a week of fun, formation, and fellowship. Youth and adult volunteers are needed for setup and preparation, crafts, songs, games, and cooking, as well as cleanup after the week of festivities.
Julie RichardWomen from Christ the King and St. Paul gather for prayer, meditation, faith sharing, and fellowship in the parish hall. The location alternates between Christ the King and St. Paul. Christ the King: Marilyn Puthoff St. Paul: Sharon Fletcher
The goal of the Youth Group program is to form our youth into faithful, lifelong disciples of Jesus through nights of fun activities, fellowship, small group faith sharing, and prayer. Core Team volunteers lead small group and assist the youth minister in mentoring middle and high school youth and chaperoning on retreats and service projects. Youth Group meets on Wednesday nights from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. (following Mass and Religious Education classes). Food is provided. Fr. Joseph Moreno (until we hire a Youth Minister)
The Maintenance Teams will care for the physical plant of the parishes, keeping them welcoming and presentable for Mass attendees and visitors. Responsibilities include performing repairs as needed and performing preventive maintenance as scheduled. General handymen and women, plumbers, electricians, painters, and carpenters are encouraged to volunteer for this ministry.
We need to build a krew of youth and young adult disciples who are skilled in the use of multiple social media platforms and wellgrounded in their faith to do online evangelization for our parishes. If you are lit for Jesus and want to flex your mad online skills to work for the Kingdom of God, this is the ministry for you! We need your help to build a dynamic and engaging online presence on TikTok, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, YouTube, and put our parish website on fleek! Canva use is a plus. Fr. Joseph Moreno
It’s difficult to give God any percentage of our time, talent, or treasure if we do not first give Him 100 percent of our hearts. For this reason, our Stewardship Renewal is a time for growing closer to God above all else. It is a time to make God our top priority, and then express this growth through written commitments. How will you turn more readily to Him with your whole heart?
Several suggestions for regular prayer are listed on your Commitment Card. Will you set aside time each day to spend with God?
Your Commitment Card lists numerous parish ministries available for your
you offer yourself in service to God through others?
This year,